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Coexistence & Wildlife Responsibility: Answers

Question 2: Being a human, how could you coexist by maintaining tolerance when you
are among the people of diverse nature and attitude?
The art of coexisting
To answer this question, we all need to go back to the basic living fundamentals we carry with
us, no matter where we come from or what our background is, we all have been taught to
coexist with other people right from our birth. There’s a really known business model used for
the analysis of a market, and its various components, namely SWOT ANALYSIS (strength,
weakness, opportunities and threats). I think when we move into a new society with unknown
set of people, the first thing we can do is run some analysis like the mentioned. This way it will
be easier for us to understand the things we should do and the things we should never, it can
clear out the potential threats as well as the opportunities for us.
Question 3: What best you can contribute towards the wildlife and nature as a tolerant
and responsible human being?
Our responsibility to ensure the coexistence of human beings and the wildlife:
As a responsible adult and a human being, I think we are obligated to do a number of
tasks/activities to ensure the smooth coexistence of humans and wildlife. We hold a set of tasks
for different types of wildlife.
Towards the aquatic nature, we should stop consuming plastic products that are eventually
dumped in the ocean.
Towards the terrestrial animals, we should stop invading their home and start to respect the
boundaries. We should stop playing tricks in the forest that can lead to large forest fires.
Lastly, what we all can do from the comfort of our home as a responsible youth of this world is
to spread awareness. We should help educate the other people around us. That’s the least one
can do.