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Bible Questions & Answers: Faith, Love, and Obedience

bible questions
Introduction :
Q 1. Why should we walk by faith
and not by law?
Q2. Why should we love our
neighbour just as ourselves?
Q 3. what does it mean " carry no
sandals, no bag and greet no one on
the way?
Q 4. Why are promises of God not
getting fulfilled in our lives?
Q 5. Is it right to call a man of God
Bible facts - five
nice questions
Is a book written for the many aim
and purpose of helping each other in
understanding the Bible as
Christians. To write a book is not
knowing everything but it is to share
and build each other in knowledge.
I therefore saw it to be a wonderful
thing to share this piece of writing
as my second book ever.
Every written scripture is extracted
from the Holy Bible New King James
For any different
vision , its
unless or otherwise indicated.
Church: Pentecostal Holiness Church
(PHC) open heaven city center
Zambezi, Zambia
Facebook: @chrispinmuluwa
+260 965884005 - WhatsApp
+260 975753608
For anything like ,joining me in
writing or supporting me financially
please contact the above contacts.
For choosing this book
Stay blessed and enjoy reading.
Why should we live
by faith and not by
Law in the Bible is referred to us the
ten commandments given through
Galatians 3:1 - 14
7 Therefore know that only those
who are of faith are sons of Abraham.
What is the work of the law in
Christian. The law tells or guards
Christians in the way of living. Eg,
thou shall not sin, thou shall not
murder, thou shall not steal.
The above three commandments
teaches Christians not to still ,not to
murder , not to steal and not to
commit adultery etc.
Now that you have known the all ten
commandments, have you known
God ? No , Do law guide you? Yes,
Are you sure God exist? Not sure,
Where is God? Not sure.
But now is law useless? No it is very
useful as it is the guard in our life.
Let's take a look at faith,
Hebrews 11:6
6 But without faith it is impossible to
please Him ,
for He who comes to God
must believe that He is , and that He is
a rewarder of those who diligently
seek Him.
Faith is believing that God is in
existence. Has faith directed you?
No, Has faith made God real to you?
Yes, Has faith told you where God is?
When Galatians is telling us to live
by faith and not by law, it does not
mean that we stay away from the
law no, but we should not depend on
the law.
When Galatians say live by faith, it
means that we should be faithful
every time because it faith which
can make God real in our lives.
Therefore, we should live by faith in
oder for God to be real, but do not
forsake the law , be obedience to it
and follow God.
Why should we love
our neighbour just as
When Jesus said that Love your
neighbour as yourselves, He means
look at your neighbour as you look
at yourself. If you like sitting on a
high position in government , then
that same high position give it to
Do to others what you want them to
do yo you.
Mark 12:31
31 And the second , like
it , is
'You shall love your neighbor as
There is no other
commandment greater than
We should love others as ourselves,
because love does every good thing
for us. The Bible is telling us to go in
evangelism, to be humble etc.
But we don't go in evangelism
because we don't love those who are
still in sin. You maybe be a pastor or
any kind of a leader, you preach
about love but if you don't go in
evangelism ,you don't love those still
in sin.
Be humble but you do the
opposite ,why because you don't love
those on low levels but you only love
yourself. if you want to be famous ,
why can't you give it on your
when you love someone you can not
do anything harmful, because you
will consider them as yourselve .
you can be delivering ,preaching ,
healing and the likes but if you don't
but if you don't love others, you're
as good as the one who is doing
nothing and you don't even know
1John 4:8
8 He who does not love does not
know God , for God is love.
Therefore I encourage you to try by
all means to love others as yourselve
for God is love.
What does it mean
Carry no sandals,
bag and greet no
one on the way?
this came about when Jesus was
sending the seventy two disciples.
Luke 10:4
(read 10:1-4)
4 Carry neither money bag ,
knapsack , nor sandals; and
greet no
one along the road.
Did Jesus really mean sandals , bags
and not to greet anyone? No
Sandals are kind of worldly things
we put on to cover our legs, bags are
like a sawed cloth where we put our
things for safe carrying and greeting
is a practical activity we do and say
to know each other's health/status.
So when Jesus Christ said bags/
sandals he meant worldly things like
cameras, phones, radio (robot) etc,
which changes ones mode.
When he said greeting he meant
worldly activities/actions.
so in the first place he told them do
not carry any worldly things with
you. Because instead of people
remembering and concentrating on
the word of God, they will remember
and concentrate on the the worldly
things you will carry.
In the second place; Do not great
anyone on the road, He meant do
not engage in any worldly activities.
It has ever happened a person has
gone in evangelism, but busy taking
pics and other worldly activities.
Without sandals will you look
normal? No, without greeting will
you manage to talk (preach) to
people? No.
Therefore Jesus Christ is telling us
not to carry worldly things and not
to involve in any worldly activities,
because things of the world does not
help us to do the works of God.
Why are promises
of God not fulfilled
in our lives?
As Christians we know and believe
for sure that our God is a promise
keeper, he is not like a man or like a
son of man that he can not fulfill
what he has promised. Yet we don't
see fulfilment of God's promises in
our lives. promises like;
Deuteronomy 28:13
13 And the Lord will make you the
head and not the tail; you shall be
above only , and not be beneath , if
you heed the commandments of the
Lord your God , which I command you
today , and are careful to observe
Deuteronomy 28:12
12 The Lord will open to you His good
treasure , the heavens , to give the rain
to your land in its season , and to bless
all the work of your hand. You shall
lend to many nations , but you shall
not borrow.
We have known and believed all
these and other many promises , but
they don't come to fulfillment . They
just happen the opposite. Why?
Its because we don't fully obey and
serve God. Mind you in the same
book Deuteronomy 28:1
1 "Now it shall come to pass , if you
diligently obey the voice of the Lord
your God , to observe carefully all His
commandments which I command
you today , that the Lord your God
will set you high above all nations of
the earth.
Time to serve God, we serve him with
our physical bodies but God does
not delight in our physical bodies, he
is delighted in his spirit which is in
us (1Corinthians 3:16) and he is also
delighted in our hearts. You can
attend a church service at 07:30
hours , but if you leave your heart
and spirit at home, you're as good as
the one who has remained at home.
This is why we are making God to
become a liar. To tell you my fellow
Christian, its not God but it's you
yourself who is shortening the hand
of God (Isaiah 59:2). Preacher have
preached, teachers have told but
you have not taken it seriously.
Therefore in order for God to fulfill
his promises on your life , you need
to obey and serve him diligently.
Is it right to call a
man of God father?
Matthew 23:9 (read 28:7-10)
9 Do not call anyone on earth your
for One is your Father , He
who is in heaven.
Mainly as Christians we usually call
our church leaders ( pastor, elders,
deacon , etc ) as Papa.
The word papa is a Swahili term
which means father, so as we call
our leaders papa in other ways we
call them father.
As we have heard the Bible is telling
us not to call our leaders fathers
(papa), because we have one father
who is in heaven. So now, Is it right
to call a man of God father?
definitely Yes, because when we call
our leaders papa/father we don't
mean it, but we just use it as form
of respecting them.
As we are fully aware the Bible tells
us to respect our leaders in every
way. In the way we address them , in
the way we treat them , in the way
we react to them and in other many
Therefore calling a man of God
father/papa is not a crime , because
its a form of respecting them.
If you desire to understand the Bible,
you need to read the Bible not only
one part ,like some people who read
only that which supports there
doctrine, that won't help you to
understand , but reading the whole
bible from the old(BC) to the new(AC)
testament is what will help you to
understand and have insight over the
word of God (Bible). The Bible is quite
a trick book but with the holy spirit it
is very open and easy to understand.
Read the Bible several times and you
will indeed understand it.
Thanks a lot!!