Name: __________________________ Period: ____ OFOL – Chpt 1 HW #2

Name: __________________________
Period: ____
OFOL – Chpt 1 HW #2
1. What is faith?
2. How is the word “divine” used to describe God?
3. List 2 of the things that the Israelites came to know and believe about God.
4. How did the Israelites originally pass on their stories of faith?
5. How many books are contained in the Bible? How are they divided?
6. What are the different styles and forms of writing found in the Bible?
7. God reveals himself
8. Explain why the Bible cannot be read as a “science” or “history” book.
9. Prayer is defined
10. Explain why Faith must be “lived” and not just spoken of.
BONUS: Catholics read the Bible ________________________, which means