Asdasda Asfa Shawsn sda Asda Asda Qweq 2 12 (1 2m/r)dt2 [A(p)]2[dp2 + p2{d92 + sin20d<£2)]. (14.52) We could consider how (14.47) transforms under fi the transformation (14.51), but it is easier to proceed as follows. Comparing (14.52) with (14.47), coef cients of d82 + sin20d</>2 must be equal, which requires r2 = k2p2. Equating the two radial elements produces (l-2m/r)-1dr2 = /l2dp2. fi Eliminating A and taking square roots, we nd dr (r2 - 2mr) *-± dp (14.53) (14.54) (14.55) This is an ordinary differential equation in fi fi which the variables are separated. Since we require p ->■ oo as r ->■ oo, we take the positive sign, and by integration we nd (exercise) r = p(l+im/p)2 (1456) and so, from (14.53), A2 = (1 + WP)4 (14.57) Using (14.56) to eliminate r, we nd that the Schwarzschild solution can written in the following isotropic form: