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Art as Activism: Digital Media Assignment

Gr. 11 Digital Media: Art as activism
This particular assignment concentrates on the arts function as a social commentator. Art has always been
used to reflect society and discuss the way society is. This project concentrates on communicating a message,
particularly a message of awareness or activism. Political messages can reflect our attitudes towards race,
gender, culture and the way our society is being run. Art that has an activist connotation often reflects a
particular point of view and tried to voice an injustice. This kind of art focuses on relaying messages by a
variety of techniques that are intended to create shock value. Activist work has the focus of bettering the state
of society. It is an opportunity to discuss, communicate and express how you feel about a social issue of your
This project should be completed by using Adobe Photoshop. It should be accompanied by an artist
statement which explains what issue you are tackling, what you learned and how you communicated it in
your piece. As well this Artist statement should refer to which artists inspired you and how.
You should also include an MLA style bibliography upon completion of project.
You need present a proposal and research on your chosen topic to Mr. St. Pierre. Your proposal should
explain what issue you are tackling, what you learned and how you communicated it in your piece. As
well this proposal should refer to which artists inspired you or you are using as your model.
Activist Artist to Consider:
Georgio O’keefe
Judy Chicago
Cindy Sherman
Guerrilla Girls
Diego Rivera
Sheppard Ferrie
Judith Baca
Keith Haring
Collective General Idea
Gran Fury
Antonio Berni
Environmental Awareness:
Helen and Newton Harrison
St. Pierre’s Tips
Things to answer with your piece:
What is the topic you are trying to express? Is my opinion and feelings clearly being communicated?
Things to consider:
Remember to think carefully about how you are implementing your message. Think about how you can use
comparison, juxtaposition, humor or satire and shock value to your advantage to discuss issues that affect our
Level 1
-shows knowledge about
an activist issue with
limited effectiveness
-project shows a limited
understanding of the
activist issue being
Student is uses limited
photoshop in a limited
manner for the
Level 2
-shows knowledge
about an activist issue
with some effectiveness
-project shows some
understanding of the
activist issue being
Student is able to use
some photoshop
techniques in a
somewhat appropriate
manner for the
Thinking /Inquiry:
(25 marks)
Does your project show
an insightful opinion and
critical analysis on the
Did you choose to
creatively use humor or
satire, juxtaposition,
shock value and other
techniques to relay a
Proposal, MLA Style
Bibliography and
research included
(15 and 10 for critique)
How well does your art
piece express your
message or opinion?
Is the cause or activist
issue you are discussing
clear to an audience?
Critique: Student can
discuss their own work
and those of peers.
- communicates a limited
insight to the activist
issue being dealt with.
Little presence of critical
-Little evidence of
juxtaposition, shock
value, humour or satire
and other communicative
techniques to express
intended message.
Proposal, MLA Style
Bibliography and
research included in
limited manner
- communicates some
insight to the activist
issue being dealt with.
Some presence of
critical analysis.
-Some evidence of
juxtaposition, shock
value, humour or satire
and other
techniques to express
intended message.
Proposal, MLA Style
Bibliography and
research somewhat
-there is some evidence
of the message and the
opinion is vague.
-Activist issue being
dealt with is somewhat
-Some use of artistic
symbols to
communicate ideas.
Critique: Student
discusses their own
(25 marks)
How did you use Adobe
Photoshop techniques in
this art piece?
Were the techniques
used appropriate to the
message? Did it make
your work’s message
Did you apply the
elements of design and
principles of arts to
enhance you art work?
- Adobe Photoshop
techniques used for the
artistic piece creates
limited aid for art piece’s
-The techniques used
were not appropriate to
the message being
-The elements of design
and principles of art were
poorly used.
Knowledge and
(25 marks)
Did you demonstrate a
thorough understanding
of your issue? Is there
evidence that you
researched your issue?
Student is able to use
photoshop techniques
appropriate for the
-message is not clear and
opinion is ambiguous.
-Activist issue being
dealt with is not clear.
-Use of artistic symbols
to communicate ideas is
Critique: Student
discusses their own work
and those of peers.
- Adobe Photoshop
techniques used for the
artistic piece creates
some aid for art piece’s
-The techniques used
were somewhat
appropriate to the
conveying of the
-The elements of design
and principles of art
were moderately used.
Level 3
-shows knowledge about
an activist issue with
-project shows
understanding of the
activist issue being
Student is able to use
good photoshop
techniques in a
appropriate manner for
the assignment.
- communicates an
effective/ accurate insight
to the activist issue being
dealt with. Good presence
of critical analysis.
-Effective evidence of
juxtaposition, shock
value, humour or satire
and other communicative
techniques to express
intended message.
Proposal, MLA Style
Bibliography and
research included but
mistakes are present
-there is good evidence of
the message and the
opinion is somewhat
-Activist issue being dealt
with is fairly evident.
-Good use of artistic
symbols to communicate
Critique: Student
discusses their own work
and those of peers.
- Adobe Photoshop
techniques used for the
artistic piece creates
effective aid for art
piece’s success
-The techniques used
were appropriate to the
conveying of the
-The elements of design
and principles of art were
used well and effectively.
Level 4
-shows knowledge about
an activist issue with a
high degree of
-project shows
understanding of the
activist issue being
Student is able to use
excellent photoshop
techniques in an
exceptional manner for
the assignment.
- communicates an
effective/ accurate
insight to the activist
issue being dealt with.
Good presence of critical
-Effective evidence of
juxtaposition, shock
value, humour or satire
and other communicative
techniques to express
intended message.
Proposal, MLA Style
Bibliography and
research included and no
mistakes are present
-there is a high degree of
evidence of the message.
The opinion being
expressed is clear and
-Activist issue being
dealt with is discussed to
a high degree of
- Excellent use of artistic
symbols to communicate
Critique: Student
discusses their own work
and those of peers.
- Adobe Photoshop
techniques used for the
artistic piece creates was
an excellent choice for
art piece’s success
-The techniques used
were appropriate and
highly effective to the
conveying of the
-The elements of design
and principles of art were
used in an excellent and
highly effective manner.