Volume One A Translation of popularly known as Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Copyright © 2004 Madrasah In’āmiyyah All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Madrasah In’āmiyyah, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Typeset on Palatino 13 and Traditional Arabic 18 by Academy for Islamic Research, Madrasah In’āmiyyah, Camperdown, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. Page 2 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Title Arabic Tutor - Volume One Author Moulānā Àbdus Sattār Khān ( ) Translated by Moulānā Ebrāhīm Muhammad First Edition R Awwal 1428 A.H. April 2007 Published by Madrasah In’aamiyyah P.O. Box 39 Camperdown 3720 South Africa Tel +27 31 785 1519 Fax +27 31 785 1091 email al_inaam@yahoo.com Page 3 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One !" # # $% & ' () *%+ ,- ./0 120 3 4/5 !6)- "0 78 9: 2) ;0 Àbdullāh Ibn Àbbās narrates that Rasūlullāh said, “Love the Arabs for three things: • because I am an Arab, • the Qur’ān is in Arabic and • the language of the people of Jannah is Arabic.” Page 4 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Contents of Each Volume Volume One: Lesson 1 to Lesson 15 Volume Two: Lesson 16 to Lesson 25 Volume Three: Lesson 26 to Lesson 43 Volume Four: Lesson 44 to Lesson 75 Page 5 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Contents Transliteration........................................................................10 Introduction............................................................................13 Reviews of this Book .............................................................17 Indications ..............................................................................25 Notes........................................................................................25 Request....................................................................................26 Translator's Note ...................................................................26 Terminology ...........................................................................28 Terminology ...........................................................................28 Lesson 1.......................................................................................31 Words and the Types of Words...........................................31 The Types of Nouns ..........................................................32 The Types of Definite Nouns...........................................33 Lesson 2.......................................................................................35 The Particles of (<=) and (>?%).......................................35 Vocabulary List No. 1 .......................................................38 Exercise No. 1.....................................................................40 Test No. 1 ............................................................................42 Lesson 3.......................................................................................44 Compounds ............................................................................44 The Adjectival Phrase .......................................................45 Vocabulary List No. 2 .......................................................47 Exercise No. 2.....................................................................49 Page 6 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 4.......................................................................................50 Gender.....................................................................................50 Vocabulary List No. 3 .......................................................52 Exercise No. 3.....................................................................53 Lesson 5.......................................................................................55 Singular and Plural ...............................................................55 Vocabulary List No. 4 .......................................................59 Exercise No. 4.....................................................................61 Test No. 2 ............................................................................62 Lesson 6.......................................................................................64 Sentences with a Noun -*@A *$+ ....................................64 Vocabulary List No. 5 .......................................................69 The Nominative Detached Pronouns .............................71 Exercise No. 5.....................................................................73 Lesson 7.......................................................................................77 The Genitive of Possession...................................................77 Vocabulary List No. 6 .......................................................80 Exercise No. 6.....................................................................84 Test No. 3 ............................................................................86 Lesson 8.......................................................................................88 The Scales of Words ..............................................................88 Exercise No. 7.....................................................................93 Lesson 9.......................................................................................94 The Broken Plural..................................................................94 Vocabulary List No. 7 .....................................................101 Exercise No. 8...................................................................103 Page 7 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Test No. 4 ..........................................................................106 Lesson 10...................................................................................108 The Cases of Nouns.............................................................108 The Signs of Declension of Different Nouns ...............109 Vocabulary List No. 8 .....................................................118 Exercise No. 9...................................................................119 Lesson 11...................................................................................123 The Genitive of Possession.................................................123 Vocabulary List No. 9 .....................................................133 Exercise No. 10.................................................................135 Test No. 5 ..........................................................................140 Lesson 12...................................................................................142 Indicative Pronouns ............................................................142 Vocabulary List No. 10 ...................................................147 Exercise No. 11.................................................................148 Test No. 6 ..........................................................................151 Lesson 13...................................................................................152 Interrogative Pronouns.......................................................152 Vocabulary List No. 11 ...................................................156 Exercise No. 12.................................................................157 Test No. 7 ..........................................................................164 Lesson 14...................................................................................166 The Verb................................................................................166 Vocabulary List No. 12 ...................................................173 Exercise No. 13.................................................................176 Lesson 15...................................................................................181 The Imperfect .......................................................................181 Page 8 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Vocabulary List No. 13 ...................................................189 Exercise No. 14.................................................................191 An Arabic Letter ..............................................................195 Test No. 8 ..........................................................................196 Page 9 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Transliteration The following method of transliteration of the Arabic letters has been used in this book: ā b B t 4 th C j D h E kh d F dh r G z ( s H sh I s Page 10 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One J d K t L z N M á N O í N P ú Q gh R f S q T k l . m n 0 ū ; h U ī, y Page 11 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Some Arabic phrases used in this book are as follows: ( ) (Sallallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) May Allâh send blessings and salutations upon him - used for Nabî (Àlaihis salām) Salutations upon him – used for all prophets (Radiallāhu ‘anhu) May Allâh be pleased with him – used for the Sahâbah (Jalla Jalāluhū) The Sublime – used for Allâh (Àzza wa jall) Allāh is full of glory and sublimity (Rahimahullāh) May Allâh have mercy on him – used for deceased saints and scholars Page 12 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One VW =X ;) ./"0 V0 Y$Z Introduction From the multitudes of letters which this humble writer has received from every corner of India, there still seems to be a fervent desire in this age to learn Arabic and to understand the final message of Allāh , namely the Qur’ān. However, no primary syllabus that conformed to the times was presented to the seekers of Arabic – such a syllabus that could increase the enthusiasm of the learners. The ancient method of teaching Arabic and its syllabus from the very outset made one lose courage. Even the modern books have been deficient in creating an urge in the student. Experience shows that only a syllabus which has easy rules coupled with teaching the language can increase the enthusiasm of the student. The rules must assist the learner in mastering the language. While learning the language, the rules are refreshed. Page 13 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One In reality, choosing such lessons and providing a sequence for them is no ordinary task. This is merely the grace of the Almighty Allāh who made this writer accomplish such an enormous task. ^_= `= [\ ]F “That is the grace of Allāh. He grants it to whoever He desires.” All thanks are due to Allāh that this book was found to be extremely beneficial wherever it was read or taught. Many seekers of Arabic have written that they had lost hope after several attempts. If they had not obtained this book, they would not have learnt Arabic. This is the fourth edition of this book. Initially, this book was written in two parts. Now it has been divided into four parts so that it can serve as a proper syllabus for high schools from the fourth class till matric. This is the first part of the book. The lessons have been decreased when compared to the previous editions. However, the exercises have been increased to an extent that they can serve the place of an Arabic reader. Page 14 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One This part contains only fifteen lessons. But you will be surprised to note how much Arabic is taught with such a few lessons. The method of analysing sentences and recognition has been so well explained, that one cannot achieve this by learning several other prevalent Arabic Grammar books. The key to each part has also been published. Due to this, many learners have learnt Arabic on their own. A student doing self-study can complete this part in about six weeks. However, due to the presence of several other subjects in high schools, it will be appropriate to make it a one year course in the fourth class. In Arabic seminaries and Dārul Úlūms, where only Arabic is taught, all four parts of this book can be easily taught in one year. Nevertheless, this book is such that every text book committee and those in charge of the syllabi in the madrasahs should include it in their syllabus in order to remove the difficulties of the students. They will be rewarded by Allāh and thanked by the people. The summary of the opinions of the Ulamā of every province of India and the reviews of magazines and newspapers is that this has been the most successful attempt to simplify Arabic. This book is worth being Page 15 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One introduced in government and non-govermental schools so that the teaching of Arabic can be simplified. This humble servant is grateful to all those who rendered beneficial opinions. May Allāh reward them with the best of rewards. The following pages contain the valuable opinions of some scholars. This should serve as a means of encouraging the seekers of Arabic. Others will not have to waste their time in looking for the merits of this book. The servant of the students (Moulānā) Àbdus Sattār Khān ( ) Bindi Bazaar, Bombay, India Muharram 1361 A.H. Page 16 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Reviews of this Book by the Úlamā, professors of Arabic, authentic journals and the lovers of Arabic Àllāmah Shabbir Ahmad Úthmānī ( ) This book is worth including in the syllabi of the madāris. It is perhaps the best book written in this subject. The author has done a tremendous favour to the seekers of Arabic. Moulānā Manāzir Ahsan Gilānī ( ), teacher at Jāmiah Uthmāniah, Hyderabad May Allāh reward you. This is a tremendous task. You have favoured the Muslims greatly. You have decreased a burden from my shoulders. Moulānā Khājah Àbdul Hayy ( ), professor at Jāmi’ah Millīyah, Delhi I taught the first part to the students as an experiment. I have found this book to be the easiest from all the books written on this subject. Abul A’lā Maududi, editor of Tarjumanul Qur’ān, Lahore Page 17 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One This is the most successful effort at explaining the language of Arabic and its rules. Moulānā Muhammad Nāzim Nadwī ( ), teacher at Nadwatul Ulamā, Lucknow Many books have been written in India to learn the Arabic language in the shortest period possible. However, I have not seen any book till now that concisely meets the needs of the time. Moulānā Àbdus Sattār Khān is entitled to the gratitude and thanks of the Indian students and teachers for having written a very beneficial, easy and concise textbook to fulfil this need… From my personal experience I know that this book is very valuable in providing benefit. It is worthy of being included in Arabic madrasahs and English schools so that the students can learn the language in a short period. Page 18 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Moulānā Àbdul Qadīr Siddīqī ( ), teacher at Jāmi’ah Uthmāniah, Hyderabad If this book is included in the syllabus, it will be very suitable. It is better than other books. Moulānā Àbdul Wāsi’ ( ), teacher at Jāmi’ah Uthmāniah, Hyderabad I completely agree with the opinion of Moulānā Àbdul Qadīr Sāhib. Àllāmah Sheikh Àbdul Qādir ( ), professor at Elphinstone College, Bombay This is a successful endeavour. If this book is included in the initial Arabic syllabus, it would be more beneficial than other books. Moulānā Ghulām Ahmad ( ), head teacher at Madrasah Àrabīyah, Jāmi’ Musjid Bombay Page 19 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One We have included this textbook in the syllabus of our madrasah. Experience shows that it is very beneficial. Moulānā Habībur Rahmān Sherwānī ( ), Hyderabad I have studied the book, ‘Àrabī kā Mu’allim’. It seems to be better than the previous books. Moulānā Lutfur Rahmān ( ), Hyderabad The success you have achieved in simplifying Arabic has not been achieved by anyone, not even by the European Orientalists. This book is not merely ‘dry’ Grammar but is an excellent textbook of Grammar and an interesting collection of literature. Janāb Ghulām Àlī, advocate of the High Court, Bombay Such an interesting and easy book of Arabic Grammar has not been seen before. My children study it with great interest. Page 20 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Moulānā Sayyid Muhammad Yahyāpūr ( ), Ilāhabād There is no doubt that the author will long be remembered for this book and in the hereafter it will be a means of great reward for him. Moulānā Muhammad Sa’īd ( ), Sultānpūr The books of Punjab and U.P. and the book ‘Kalāme Àrabī’ of Meerut are non-entities in front of your book. Moulānā Muhammad Siddīq Kīrānwī ( ) This humble servant has several books of this type e.g. Raudatul Adab, Kalāme Àrabī etc. However, the excellent manner in which you have presented the summary from Mīzān till Kāfiyah cannot be found in the above-mentioned books. Moulānā Sa’īduddīn Khān ( ), Indor Indeed Arabic has been simplified. Your effort is worth congratulating. Page 21 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Zamīndār, a newspaper of Lahore Without exaggeration, we can say that the learned author has achieved extraordinary success. In our opinion this book is worth including in the syllabi of all government and non-government schools where Arabic is taught. We specifically request the Punjab Text Book Committee to grant the students the opportunity to benefit from it. Al-Jam’īat, a newspaper of Delhi “Arabī Kā Mu’allim” in reality conveys the meaning of its name – that is, it is an Arabic tutor. My desire is that the principals of Arabic institutes include it in their syllabi. The Journal “Adabī Dunyā” of Delhī Many books have been written till now in the modern trend in order to simplify Arabic. I have seen practically all of them. However, the manner in which Moulanā Àbdus Sattār Khān has simplified a complex language such as Arabic cannot be found anywhere. Page 22 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One The newspaper “Zamzam” of Lahore The manner of teaching and understanding adopted in this book does not create any burden on the mind. Every fact is thoroughly learnt like a known fact. In our opinion there is no better series to promote Arabic. The Journal “Balāgh” of Amritsar Moulanā Àbdus Sattār Khān is entitled to congratulations for having converted this stone (Arabic Grammar) into water. He has explained all the rules from Mīzān till Kāfiyah in an easy-to-understand manner. Ilāhī Bakhsh, Malaya I have ordered many books of Arabic Grammar and Morphology written in Urdu and English and have spent much money on them. But by Allāh, these books have no value in front of your book. I do not have sufficient powerful words to describe the assistance I have received from your book in learning Arabic. Even now, if a Muslim finds Arabic to be difficult, he is unfortunate and lacks courage. Page 23 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Janāb Muhammad Hazārībāgh Hanīf, Upper Primary School, I had a desire to study Arabic for a long time. I used many books but it was futile. When I studied your book, I mastered Arabic in a very short while. The surprising thing was that I received no assistance from any teacher. Your book in reality is a mirror of the Arabic language. Muhammad Sharafud-dīn, Hyderabad I thought that Arabic was so difficult that I could not even imagine learning it. However, as soon as I saw your book, my courage increased and I began studying it. I completed the first part in a few days. Now send me the second part. I do not think there is any book easier than this one. Dr. Muhammad Àbdul Quddūs, Madras I read the first part of your book. It helped me tremendously to the extent that now I am able to write a few sentences in Arabic. Undoubtedly your book will create a great revolution. Page 24 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One This amount of recommendation is sufficient for the one who understands; otherwise so many reviews were received that a separate book could be compiled for this purpose. Indications 1) The inverted comma (a) is used to indicate the plural of a noun. 2) In order to refer to a particular lesson, the lesson number and fact number will be mentioned in brackets thus: (5-2) meaning lesson number 5, fact no. 2. 3) The ( ) of the verb is mentioned in brackets after it. Notes 1) Do not start a new lesson until you have mastered the previous one. 2) Translate each exercise with particular care. 3) Sometimes you may not understand a point. Remain steadfast and seek the assistance of someone. Perhaps later on you will understand the point yourself. Page 25 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Request A request is made to the teachers to study the book thoroughly before teaching it. During your teaching stint, you will be able to refer your students to previous lessons easily. There is no need to memorize the rules parrotfashion. As you continuously repeat the examples, the rules will become ingrained in your mind. You will also learn the Arabic terms at the same time. It is appropriate to teach the book twice. First teach it superfluously and then in detail the second time. Translator's Note Translating is indeed a difficult task and I therefore do not claim to have fulfilled the right of translating this book. I ask the reader to overlook all shortcomings. Those attempting to translate any work of this calibre, will realize the great hurdles one has to overcome, especially where there are many technical terms involved. I have made an attempt to clarify the text as much as possible and simplify the rules so that the beginner can grasp them quickly. Where there was a need, I have added explanatory footnotes. Page 26 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One The original Urdu text of the book contains many errors, especially in the Qur'ānic verses. I have corrected these in the English version. In many cases, I have used tables to enlist sentences or examples. This was done for the sake of greater clarity although the original text does not have such tables. Many new Arabic words used in the exercises have not been mentioned in the vocabulary. I have enlisted these as well. Many singular words did not have their plurals listed. I have included these also for the benefit of the students. I have used the arrow sign ( ) to indicate the direction of the text. In some cases, the text has to be read from left to right as in English, while in other instances, it has to be read from right to left as in Arabic. I have provided the English equivalents of the Arabic grammatical terminology for the sake of information. The student need not learn the English terms. If one learns the Arabic terms and understands them well, it is sufficient. May Allāh accept this humble effort from me and make it a means for my salvation, Āmīn. Page 27 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Terminology Terms *b M M Meanings the diacritical points namely fathah (cd), kasrah (Od) and dammah (ed). Th g M fMP a letter with a harakah !j ?i "P the diacritical point (kd) also known as jazm *g M fj\b fathah (cd) lM j b kasrah (Od) *$m ' M dammah (ed) j=!O %jM two fathahs (nd), two kasrahs (d o ) or p ) two dammas (d j=!O %jM !j qP the sound of the nūn created when reading the tanwīn D!j fPVr M a letter having a fathah, eg. (M ) !j P ?r M a letter having a kasrah, eg. (B O ) .!j $P [ j M a letter having a dammah, eg. (4 i ) O "M a letter having a sukūn, eg. (C j) Page 28 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Ym _ M P a letter having a tashdīd (sd) <j=O j M to make a noun definite j?O %jM to make a noun indefinite .P Ab <j=O j fm the ( ) attached to a noun R t m M P ./ u O the noun having ( ) YO 0M singular *M%O5rM dual w$j vM plural wj$vM "j O a collective plural, e.g. (.t !j #b) - nation jO Xr M masculine – also known as (xX) zjqOyr M feminine – also known as (zq`) R0j P P j { h M dM the letters of the alphabet Rj0P P *uO r (), (0) and (U) Page 29 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One R P 0j P g P rb *i g M jg O| m l}M $j ,M the letters besides the (* R0) One hamzah is that of the ( R0 {d). Another hamzah is an alif that is mutaharrik (i~O~b) or an alif having jazm like the alif of (( t -rM ) li }M $j ,M O j !M r The initial hamzah of a word which is not pronounced when joined to the preceding word, e.g. (O Mf?O r S P M 0M ) Page 30 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 1 Words and the Types of Words 1. A word having a meaning is called (* $ M Ob ). It is of three t "j O) – noun, ( j \O) - verb and (R t j M ) - particle. types: ( An (") is independent of other words in indicating its meaning. It also does not have any tense, e.g. ( vP M ) – man, (Y t O M) – specific name, (t j ' M ) – to hit, (9 t hb ) – good, (!M ,P ) – he, (Mq-b) – I. A (\) is a word that indicates some action together with one of the three tenses, e.g. (M M ' M ) – he hit, (9 M ,M Fb ) – he went, (9 P ,M Xr M=) – he is going or he will go. A (R) is a word whose meaning cannot be understood without an (") or (\), e.g. ( j O ) – from, (bM ) – on, (j \O) – in, (bO) – till, (Y O{ Oj $M r bO i vP m 9 M ,M Fb ) – The man went to the Page 31 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One musjid. The Types of Nouns 2. Nouns are of two types: (1) (*\) – definite and (2) (l?q) – indefinite. An indefinite noun is a word which refers to a general thing. The word ( vP M ) – a man, does not refer to any specific person. It can refer to any person. The word (9 t hb ) does not refer to any particular good thing. Every good thing can be called (9 t hb ). A definite noun refers to a specific thing. Zaid (Y=G) is the name of a particular person. Makkah (*?) is the name of a specific city. ( i vP m ) – the man - refers to a specific person. Page 32 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One The Types of Definite Nouns Definite Nouns are of seven categories: 1. (bM r 2. 3. 4. 5. P "j O) – proper nouns, e.g. (Y=G), (Yt O M). (j $ O[ m P "j O) - pronouns, e.g. (!M ,P ) – he, ( M qjb) – you, (Mqb) - I. (lO M M:A O r P "j O) - the demonstrative pronoun, e.g. (bX,) – this, (T M Fb ) – that. (i !j P !j $M r P "j AO b) - the relative pronoun, e.g. ( j XO ub) – who, ( j fOub) – who (feminine). (M M%$ P rb ) – vocative case, e.g. (i vP M M=) – O man, (YP b0M M=) – O boy. 6. (.O / u O 7. R P m M $P rb) - the noun having (r b), e.g. (( P M Vb r) the horse, ( i vP m b) – the man. (*o \b O j M bO R P M[$P rb) – a noun which is related to any of the above-mentioned definite nouns, e.g. (Y o j=GM P MfO ) – Zaid’s book, (bX, P Mf O ) – this person’s book, ( P MfO O vP m ) – the book of the man. Page 33 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Note: In these examples, the word (P MfO ) has become definite. Besides the above-mentioned definite nouns, all other nouns are indefinite. They are also of several types, two of the main categories being: (1) (B O uX P "j O) – a word that denotes the being of something, living or non-living, e.g. ( M qjO) – man, (( t M \b) – horse, (t { M M ) – stone. (2) (*O Vb | h P "j O) - something, e.g. ( tM a word that indicates the quality of M ) – beautiful, (t j)O#b) – ugly. Page 34 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 2 The Particles of () and () 1. The tanwīn1 is generally attached to a word that is indefinite. In this case, it is regarded as a particle that renders a noun indefinite (>?% R).2 It is translated as ‘a’ or ‘an’ in English, e.g. ( vP M ) – a man, (D t uVP) – an apple, (^p M) – water. There is no need to translate it everywhere as in the example of (^p M) – water. Note 1: Sometimes a proper noun also has tanwīn, e.g. t $m g M P ), (0t$j M ), (Yt j=GM ). In such a case, the tanwīn is not (Y regarded as a (>?% R). 2. The definite article of Arabic is (r b).3 It is also called ( <=f). .A When (r b) is prefixed to any indefinite word, it becomes definite. Now the word is termed as (./ R6) – See Terminology on page 22. This is similar to the letter ‘a’ in English. 3 It is similar to the word ‘the’ in English. 1 2 Page 35 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One a word made definite by (r b). Consequently, (( t M \b) – a horse, is indefinite while (( P M Vb rb) – the horse, is definite. 3. When (r b) is prefixed to a word having tanwīn, the tanwīn falls off. Note the above example. 4. When any word precedes a word having (r b), the first word is joined to the lām of the second word and pronounced (by joining). The hamzah of the (r b) is known O j)Mr as hamzatul wasl.4 It is not pronounced, e.g. ( door of the house. To read ( O j)Mrb P P M) – the M) here is incorrect. Note 2: If there is a sākin letter before the (r b), the sākin letter is normally read with a kasrah. However the word ( j O ) is read with a fathah. Therefore, ( O j)Mrb j M ) is read as ( O M O j)Mrb j O ) is read as ( O j)Mr M O ). O j)Mr) and ( 5. When a word having tanwīn precedes the definite article, the nūn of the tanwīn5 is rendered a kasrah and joined to 4 5 See under terminology. See under terminology. Page 36 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One the lām. If after the word ( r YP j=GM = Yt j=GM ), appears, it will be read as ( P OMr O YP j=GM ). the word ( P OMrb) Note 3: The alif of ( t jO), (* %MjO) and (t "j O) is also hamzatul wasl. It is not pronounced when joined to the preceding word. Examples: ( t jO !M ,P ) is read as (t j !M ,P ) – He is a son; ( t "j O bX,) is read as (t "j bX,) – This is a name; ( t jO Yt j=GM ) is read as (t j O YP j=GM ) – Zaid is a son; ( t "j O Yt O M) is read as (t "j O YP O M) – Hāmid is a name. When (r b) is prefixed to ( t jO) and (t "j O), the lām of the (r b) is rendered a kasrah and joined to the ( ) and ((). Therefore ( P jOrb) is read as (P )jOb = P jOb) and (P "j Orb) is read as ( = P "j Ob P j Ob). This rule is overlooked in general conversation. 6. When (r b) is prefixed to a word having one of the letters of (* $_ R0Z), the lām of the (r b) is assimilated into the harf shamsī, that is, at the time of pronunciation, instead of reading the lām, the harf shamsī is pronounced. No jazm is Page 37 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One written on the lām in such a case but a tashdīd is written on P $j _ m b) – the sun, (i vP m b) – the man, the harf shamsī, e.g. ( etc. The (* $_ R0Z) are: LKJIH(GF4B Besides these letters, the other letters are called ( R0Z *=$2), e.g. (P $M 2b rb) – the moon, (i $M { M rb) – camel. Vocabulary List No. 1 Note 4: After prefixing the definite article to these words, pronounce them. Word Meaning man M qjO t jM house t $j M dates t $M b fruit ,O Mv ignorant Page 38 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One t OM learned t M M good, beautiful }t )jP bread ( t j M lesson 9 t qjFb sin !j "P M messenger l bGM zakāh j "M easy j:M thing lb M prayer ^p !j ' M light 9 t hb good, clean t Ob oppressor O M just t !j Vi b one who forgives t "O b\ transgressor t j)O#b ugly Page 39 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One t j=b noble, generous t )Mb milk ^p M water t MqM day Yt b0M boy ,O cat .t !j M= day 0M and 0j -b or Exercise No. 1 Note 5: When speaking, pause on the last letter, that is, do not read any harakah on the final letter. Read the word ( P j)Mr) as ( j j)Mr) and (li b}m b) as (;j b}m b). If you are reading one word, pause on its last letter and if you are reading several words, pause on the last word, e.g. ( j )Mb 0M }t )jP ). (A) Read these words and translate them: Page 40 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One 0j -b t OM (5) t )Mb 0M }t )jP (4) li b}m 0M li b| m b (3) P $M 5ub (2) P j)Mr (1) (9) P )Mu 0M P $M fm (8) }P )j P rM0 ^e M$rb (7) P j)O2b r 0O b P M g M rb (6) t "O b\ i O Mrb (12) t MfO 0M ( t j M (11) ( P M Vb r 0M i M qjOrb (10) t OM 0M ,O Mv ( t M \b0M $M vM (13) P Ou 0O -b (B) Translate the following words or phrases into Arabic. Use the definite article (r b) wherever the words are definite. (1) a horse (2) a man (3) a man and a horse (4) bread and water (5) a man and a fruit and a house (6) the salāh and the learned man (7) the pious one and the transgressor (8) the man or the horse (9) the milk and the bread (10) a man and a horse (11) the ugly one and the beautiful one (12) a cat and a boy (13) the moon and the sun (14) the camel or the horse. Page 41 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Test No. 1 1. What is the definition of (*$)? 2. How many types of words are there? Define each one with examples. 3. What is the major difference between a noun and a verb? 4. How many tenses are there? 5. From the following words, state whether the words are ("), (\) or (R). wt $j "M a bO a ( P M Vb r a Yt bM a 9 P ,M Xr M= a M M ' M a j O a !M ,P 6. Define what is (*\) and (l?q) with examples. 7. How many types of (*\ ") are there? 8. Say whether the following words are definite or indefinite. bX, a t j)O#b a t M M a ( P M Vb rb a P g j qM a 9 P hWu b a vP M a Yt bM a *i ?u M a Yt j=GM 9. In the above-mentioned words, what type of (*\) and (l?q) are they? 10. What is the hamzah of (r b) called? 11. Join the word (!M , P ) to the words (YP b!M rb), (t "j O) and (t jO) and read them. Page 42 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One 12. When (r b) is added to the words ( t "j O) and (t jO), how are they read? 13. What is (=!%f !q)? 14. How is a word having tanwīn joined to a word having (r b)? 15. What are the (* $_ R0Z) and the (*=$2 R0Z)? Page 43 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 3 Compounds 1. A combination of two or more words is called (9uM P ). The relationship between them is called (9j O j M). t #OqM) incomplete and (. M) 2. Compounds are of two types: ( complete. (a) An incomplete compound (#q 9) is a combination of words from which no information, order or desire is understood. It is an incomplete statement, e.g. ( tM o vP M a good man; ( (b) A complete P MfO ) a man’s book. compound (. 9) M vP M ) – is a combination of words from which some information, command or wish is understood, e.g. ( tM M i vP m b) - The man is good. This statement provides us with the information that the man is good. (M Mf?O r XO P ) – Take the book. The order of taking the book is understood from this sentence. ( j %O#r GP j h M ) – O my Sustainer, grant me sustenance. A request is understood from this statement. Page 44 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One A complete sentence is also called (* b$ j vP ) or (.t / b b ). 3. Incomplete compounds are of several kinds, e.g. ( 9 VO j O !j M), ( \O' M O 9), (U O YM M 9), etc. Here we will discuss (V! 9). The other types will be discussed later on, as will complete sentences. The Adjectival Phrase (V! 9) 4. A (V! 9) is a compound in which the second word describes the first word, e.g. ( t OM man. The word ( t OM) describes the vP M ) – a pious word ( vP M ) with the quality of piety. 5. The first part of a (V! 9) is (BX "),6 while the second part is (*V| "). In the above example, the word ( vP M ) is (BX ") while the word (t OM) is (*V| "). 6 See Lesson 1, fact no.4 Page 45 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One 6. The first part of (V! 9) is called (R t !j P !j M )7 while the second part is called the (* Vb O )8. In the above example, the word ( vP M ) is a (R!!) while the word (t OM) is a (*V). 7. If the (R!!) is indefinite (l?q), the (*V) will also be (l?q), otherwise it will be (*\). In the compound ( vP M t OM), both parts are (l?q) - indefinite. In the phrase ( i vP m P Om|), both parts are (*\) - definite. 8. The same declension (t M j O)9 that applies to the (R!!) will apply to the (*V). 9. A (V! 9) and all other incomplete compounds form part of a sentence. a word that is being described. adjective. 9 This will be discussed in detail in Lesson 10. 7 8 Page 46 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Vocabulary List No. 2 Word Meaning garden Mfj P t g jM sea t jW O melon t j)Ob big, large t j$O M deep j=O M bad D t uVP apple mP pomegranate N t O M: street t | j #b palace g M M place Yt { O j M mosque ] t OM king t )jvP cheese t b#b pen Page 47 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One t j 0M rose Yt hvM good !t r P sweet t j=O M broad Yt j_ O M strong < t jO qM clean wt j"O 0M wide t jO M great t jOM 0- t OM salty t jO M small P $M j - red The above list contains many (BX ") and (*V| "). By combining them, you can form many compounds of ( 9 V!) – adjectival phrases. Page 48 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Exercise No. 2 (A) Translate the following phrases into English: P jO | m P j)Mrb (4) t jO M t | j #b (3) P j=O ?b r i !j "P m (2) P jO M r e b (1) (9) t OM ] t OM (8) !P r g P r P $j fmb (7) !t r P t $j M (6) < t jO qM Mfj P (5) P $m g M P (12) 9 P hWu i vP m b (11) 9 t hb j:M (10) P OM$r P g j )Mrb O Y (16) t j)O#b vP M (15) t jO M 9 t qjFb (14) t !j Vi b M (13) i !j "P m ] P O$M r 0M P Om| i vP m (18) !t r P t $j M 0M Yt hvM }t )jP (17) i j=O m P )j{ P rb P $M j ybr P j !M rb (21) !P r g P r P jW )Orb (20) P $M j - D t uVP (19) P j=O ?b r (B) Translate these phrases into Arabic: (1) the strong place (2) the small house (3) a beautiful flower (4) the ugly man (5) the broad street (6) a pious man (7) the sweet milk (8) the just king (9) the great palace (10) the easy lesson (11) a beautiful horse (12) a sweet fruit (13) the small place (14) the good horse (15) the wide house (16) the good bread or the good milk (17) a pious boy and a transgressing boy (18) the large musjid and the small garden. Page 49 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 4 Gender 1. Arabic words are of two types with regards to gender: (1) (t u Xb P ) – masculine and (2) (z qm`M P ) – feminine, e.g. (t jO) – son is masculine and (* %MjO) – daughter is feminine. l 2. When a tā ta’nīth10 ( ) is appended to the end of a masculine noun, it becomes feminine, e.g. ( t jO) changes to (* %Mj O). Similarly ( tM M ) changes to (* %MM M ) and (] t OM - king) changes to (* ? b OM - queen) etc. This rule applies more to adjectives (*V| ") and sometimes to (BX "). 3. In some words, the alif maqsūrah (U) or the alif mamdūdah (^ cd) is a sign of the word being feminine, e.g. P ) – a beautiful lady; (^e M,j GM ) – radiant. (%j 10 The round tā which is a sign of feminine words. Page 50 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One 4. Some nouns are feminine without any sign of being O $M "O feminine. They are known as ( z qm`M P ) – as heard from the Arabs. The details are as follows: (a) any word referring to a woman, e.g. (. -i) – mother; (( t 0j P M ) – bride; (Yt %j,O ) – a woman’s name, or India. (b) the names of countries, e.g. (P | j O ) – Egypt, (.P m_b) – Syria, (.P 0j b) – The Roman Empire. (c) parts of the body in pairs, e.g. (Y t M=) – hand, ( vj O ) – foot, ( Fi -i) – ear, (t jM ) – eye. (d) Besides the above-mentioned nouns, there are other nouns which are used as feminine by the Arabs. Some of them are: J t j -b earth t j M war t $j M wine t M house t j=O wind Page 51 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One S t !j "P market t $j :M sun t Mq fire t Vr qM soul Although some words have a (l) at the end, they are masculine in usage because they refer to males, e.g. (*i \bM b ) – name of a poet, (* Vb jOM ) – the leader of the Muslims, (* M / u M ) – a very learned scholar.11 6. Just as an adjective corresponds to its noun in being definite or indefinite, so does it correspond in gender. Vocabulary List No. 3 Word Meaning city l YM r M 11 P j?O g M rb wise Yt j=YO :M severe This word is used for females as well. Page 52 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One S t O M truthful wt Ob rising j=!O b tall, long t O b setting * [ M j=O \b obligatory *i $M O b\ name of a woman i 1j2i rb the Qur’ān t j| O #b short 9 t r #b heart O$M Wr P peaceful l YM #b`j P ignited t j qM river Exercise No. 3 (A) Translate these phrases into English lYM j=YO :M t j=O (4) P j?O g M rb i 1j2i rb (3) * bj=!O b * bjb (2) *i %mO$M Wr $P r P Vr %mb (1) Page 53 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One t Mq (8) * $M jO M t M (7) t !j Vi b M 0M * )Mhb l YM r M (6) i O Mr *i Vb jO M rb (5) (12) *i %MM g M r ( P 0j P M rb (11) *i #bO m| O YP %j,O (10) * g M OM * %MjO (9) l YM #b!j P *i $M O b\ (14) *i [ M j=O Vb r li b| m b (13) 9 P OMr P $M 2b r 0M *i M OuW P $j _ m b P O m_ *i \bM b (17) * bj=!O b t j M (16) %j g P r *i %MjOrb (15) ^e M ,j }m *i M uM r O YP j:O M (18) (B) Translate these phrases into Arabic: (1) a beautiful girl (2) the pious caliph (3) the wise man (4) the obligatory zakāh (5) an obligatory salāh (6) a short night (7) the big day (8) the good thing (9) the ugly bride (10) the setting sun and the rising moon (11) the severe wind (12) the long river (13) the long war (14) the short hand (15) the peaceful heart (16) Muhammad, the pious (17) the very learned Fātimah. Page 54 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 5 Singular and Plural 1. In Arabic, words are of three categories with regards to number: singular (t M Vr P 0j -b Yt O 0M ), indicating one, e.g. ( vP M ) – one man. O/ b vP M ) – two men. dual (* M%O5r M), indicating two, e.g. ( plural (w t $j vM ), indicating more than two, e.g. ( MvO ) – more than two men. O 2. The dual12 is formed by adding ( nominative case13 or ( O j= cd) to cd) to (w\ *) - the (+0 9|% *) - the accusative or genitive cases14. Examples: (] t OM ) – one king, (O b?OM ) or (O j?b OM ) – two kings Although the author has referred the student to a future lesson, at this point, it will be sufficient for him to remember that there are two forms of the dual: one is with alif and nūn and the second with yā and nūn. Lesson 10 will explain where to use which one. 13 w\ * – This will be discussed in Lesson 10.2. 12 14 +0 9|% * – This will be discussed in Lesson 10.2. Page 55 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (* ? b OM ) – one queen, (O Mf?b OM ) or (O jfM?b OM ) – two queens. Note 1: In the prevalent books of Arabic Grammar and Morphology, the terms ( O c_) and ( O j= c_) are not written. M b)j#b M < t O-b lM !j P ?r M !j qP0M * M !j fPVr M ) and (lM !j P ?r M !j qP0M * M !j fPVr M M b)j#b M ^p M=). We Instead, these terms are expressed in detail as ( have chosen the former method for the sake of brevity. Note 2: To pronounce ( O c_) and (O j= c_), one can read the O 1) and (O j=b). Such fathah with the sound of an alif and say ( signs will come frequently later on. Pronounce them in this manner wherever one comes across them. 3. Plurals are of two types: P Om (a) ( wP $j { M rb) – the sound plural (b) (P m ? b $P r wP $j { M rb) – the broken plural The sound plural is one in which the singular form of the word remains intact (sound) with some addition at the end. It is of two types: (i) Masculine (t u Xb P ) – in which (b !j d e ) in (w\ *) - the Page 56 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One nominative case15 or ( M jd O ) in the accusative and genitive cases are appended, e.g. ( t Oj P ) – one Muslim, (b !j $P Oj P ) or ( M j$O Oj P ) – many Muslims. (ii) Feminine (z qm`M P ) – in which (B t o case or (B cd) cd) in the nominative in the accusative and genitive cases are appended, e.g. (* $ M Oj P ) – one (female) Muslim, (B t M$Oj P ) or (B o M$Oj P ) – many (female) Muslims. The broken plural is one in which the form of the singular word is broken, that is, changed. It has no fixed rule for making it. Sometimes alphabets are added or deleted and sometimes there is merely a change in the harakāt16. Examples: (t j qM) (t P qj -b), ( vP M ) (9 t _ M M ) ( MvO ), (t j=GO 0M ) (^e MGM 0P ), (t MfO ) (9 t fPi ), (9 t _ P P ). The broken plural will be discussed in detail in Lesson 12. P Om Note 3: The ( 15 16 wP $j { M rb) - sound plural of some feminine This will be discussed in Lesson 10.2. Fathah, dammah, kasrah, etc. Page 57 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One words is like the masculine plurals, e.g. the plural of (* %M" M )– year, is ( b !j %P"O ) or (M j%O"O ) and sometimes (B t M!%M"M ). Note 4: The (!q) that appears at the end of the (* M%O5r M) - dual form and the ( P Om P u Xb $P r wP $j { M rb) - sound masculine plural is j O !j qP)17. See Lesson 10. called (* mOM 4. Some nouns are singular in form but refer to a whole group. There is no singular for them as well because they are not plurals in reality. Such nouns are called (w O $j { M r P "j O). Examples: ,j M ) – a group. (.t !j #b) – a nation, ( These words are generally used like plurals in sentences, e.g. ( b !j g P OM .t !j #b) – a pious nation. 5. You have learnt in lessons 3 and 4 that the adjective corresponds with its noun in ( ), being definite or indefinite and in gender. Now remember that the adjective has to correspond with its noun in number as well. 17 Since the word ( !j qP) is feminine in Arabic, the adjective also has to be feminine, namely (* mOM j O). Page 58 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One However, when the noun being described is ( o #OM O jb wP $j vM ) – the plural of an unintelligent being18, whether masculine or feminine, the adjective is generally singular feminine ( zq`), although it is sometimes l j0YP j M ) as well as (B t M0j YP j M .t m=-b). plural. One can say Y0 ( .t m=-b Vocabulary List No. 4 Word Meaning future j Orb * M=1 sign, verse of the Qur’ān * %MhM clear, manifest U j O M{rb current (present) j ' O M$rb past lM M quarter, section of a city .t O M servant Gt m)M baker Intelligent beings are humans, angels and jinn. All other creations fall in the category of unintelligent beings (o #OM P jb ). 18 Page 59 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One K mM tailor, seamstress M)j M tired, exhausted / b j GM displeased t j :M month / b j b lazy 9 t O Ab playing wt O Ab shining K !j P )jM cheerful Yt O fM{ j P diligent Yt %mM P supported !j P _ j M busy, preoccupied t Or P dark t M P teacher t j%OP bright t m{qM carpenter Page 60 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Exercise No. 4 (A) Translate these phrases into English b !j g P Om| b !j $P M $P rb (3) O Mfg M Om| O Mf$M M $P rb (2) P Om| P M $P rb (1) P $j _ m (7) t j%OP t $M #b (6) *i $M Or $P r *i bjub (5) B t MYO fM{ j P B t M$M P (4) U j O M{r P j _ m (10) *i M' O M$r *i %Mm (9) O MfM O / x O M%jM b (8) li M j%O$P r (14) * qM/ b j b * b mM (13) * Vb jO qM B t MM (12) *i M=O M{r P P qjybrb (11) (17) O Mq/ b j GM O / b vP M (16) O MfqMM)j M O Mf%MjO (15) O Mf)MO / u O Mf%MjOrb 0M b !j qP/ b j ?b r b 0j P m{%mb (19) li M jO | m B P MqM!Mg M r (18) *i MOr b !j %Ph K i !j P )j$M r 19O 0P$j M (21) i / b j }m O YP j=GM (20) b 0j YP O fM{ j $P r b !j P O Mr l YM %mM P 9 t _ P P (23) B t M%hM B t M=1 (22) (B) Translate these phrases into Arabic (1) a shining eye (2) the two diligent men (3) the preoccupied baker (4) the two tired carpenters (5) the bright day (6) the beautiful seamstresses (7) the tired servants (8) the lazy tailor (9) the flowing rivers (10) the large animals (11) the current year (12) the past month (13) the past years 19 This is the name Àmr. The (0) differentiates it from (P $j P ). Page 61 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (14) the cheerful servant Test No. 2 (1) What is a (9x)? (2) How many types of compounds are there? Define each one and provide examples. (3) What is (V! 9x)? What is each part of it called? (4) In which aspects does the adjective have to correspond with the noun? What are the exceptions? Explain with examples. (5) What are the signs of feminine words? (6) Which words are regarded as feminine without any signs? (7) In spite of having the signs of being feminine, which words are masculine? (8) What is the rule for making the dual and sound masculine plural forms? (9) What is ( ?¢ w$+) and what is the rule for forming it? (10) What are the broken plurals of (t j qM), ( vP M ) and (9 t _ M M )? (11) What is the plural of (* %M" M )? (12) What is the difference between (w£) and (w£ ")? Page 62 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (13) Form as many (V! 9x) as possible from the following nouns and adjectives: 20 M M 21 t )Mb 22 9 t %MO t $j :M t $M #b b !j %P"O MvO O Mf%jO J t j -b t j M wt \OMq t OM !t r P .t m=-b 9 t fPi * M=O Mv * M' O M 23 t 0m YM P t j%OP honey milk 22 grapes 23 round 20 21 Page 63 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 6 Sentences with a Noun - ا ا 1. You have read that a complete statement is called a sentence (*£). See 3.2. Remember that sentences are of two types: (*@ *£) and (*\ *£). A (*@ *£) is one in which the first part is a noun ("), e.g. ( t M M Yt j=GM ) – Zaid is handsome. A (*\ *£) is one in which the first part is a verb (\), e.g. t j=GM M P M ) – Zaid became handsome. (Y Hereunder follow some rules of (*@ *£) while the ( *£ *\) will be discussed in Lesson 14. The first part of a (*@ *£) is generally definite (*\) while the second part is indefinite (l?q). In the above example, the word (Y t j=GM ) is definite while (t M M ) is indefinite. Page 64 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Note 1: The difference between (*@ *£) and ( 9x V!) is that in the latter, both the parts are the same in being definite or indefinite while in the former, the first part is definite and the second part is indefinite. Consequently, in the above-mentioned example, if an indefinite noun takes the place of the word (Y t j=GM ) and you say (t M M vP M ), or you render the second word ( t M M ) definite by adding (r b) to it, and say ( PMg M r O YP j=GM ), both these will become adjectival phrases (V! 9x). However, when the second part of a (*@ *£) is not a word that can become an adjective of a noun24, it is permissible for the second part also to be definite, e.g. (< P "P !j P= Mq-b) – I am Yūsuf. It is also permissible to insert a separating pronoun (j $ O' M) between the subject (Yf)) and the predicate (§). Examples: ( P Om| !M ,P i vP m b) – The man is pious. ( b !j g P O| m P ,P i Mvh b) – The men are pious. 24 For example, it is ( "), (>$') or (l: "). Page 65 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One If the pronoun is removed from here, these sentences will become adjectival phrases (V! 9x). Note 2: In Arabic, there is no word for ‘is’ as in English. This word is understood from the sentence. Therefore ( t OM Yt j=GM ) means ‘Zaid is learned’ although the word ‘is’ is not there.25 3. The first part of a (*@ *£) is called (Yf)) - the subject26, while the second part is called the (§) - the predicate27. 4. Generally the (Yf)) and the (§) are in (w\ *)28 - the nominative case. 5. The predicate conforms to the subject in number and gender, as in the case of the adjective. However when the o #OM subject is ( O jb wP $j vM ) - the plural of a non-intelligent being, the predicate is generally singular feminine. 25 However, the verb (i!j ?i M=) can provide the meaning of ‘is’. In English, the subject of a sentence is a word or phrase that refers to the person or thing that performs an action. 27 In English, the predicate refers to the word or words that say something about the subject but are not part of it. 28 A detailed discussion on cases follows in Lesson 10. 26 Page 66 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Examples: Sentence S t O M i vP m b O b#O M O bvP m b b !j #iO M i Mvh b Meaning The man is truthful. The two men are truthful. The men are truthful. * #bO M li -bj $M rb The woman is truthful. O Mf#bO M O M-bj $M rb The two women are truthful. The women are truthful. The wind is severe. B t b#O M ^e M %hb lYM j=YO :M P j=h b O MYM j=YO :M O Mgj=h b l YM j=YO :M D P M=h b The two winds are severe. The winds are severe. Type of Subject singular, masculine, intelligent dual, masculine, intelligent plural, masculine, intelligent singular, feminine, intelligent dual, feminine, intelligent plural, feminine, intelligent singular, feminine, nonintelligent dual, feminine, non-intelligent plural, feminine, non-intelligent Note 3: In these examples, if the definite article (r b) is added Page 67 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One to the second part, or it is removed from the first part, all these examples will become (V! 9x) - adjectival phrases. 6. If there are two subjects and they are of different types, that is, one is masculine and one feminine, the predicate will be masculine, e.g. ( O M%M M *i %MjOrM0 P jOrb) – The son and the daughter are beautiful. 7. The subject and predicate are sometimes singular and sometimes they are compounds (9). The examples of singular have passed. Hereunder follow the examples of (9): Sentence t ' O M 9 P hWu i vP m b Meaning The good man is present. 9 t hb vP M Yt j=GM Zaid is a good man. 8. By adding (M) or ( M jb) to a (*@ Analysis The subject is (V! 9x). The predicate is (V! *£), 9x). it changes from positive to negative. Most often a (O ) is added to the Page 68 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One predicate which changes the case to the genitive (+ *), e.g. ( o OMO Yt j=GM M) – Zaid is not learned; (o j)O#b o vP M O Yt j=GM M jb) – Zaid is not a bad person. u O) is prefixed to a (*@ 9. Very often the word ( result, the subject changes to (9|% *) *£). As a - the accusative case while the predicate remains unchanged, e.g. (l M 0m Y M P J M j ybr u O) – Undoubtedly the earth is round. Note 4: To create the meaning of interrogation in a sentence, ( r ,M ) or (-b) is added to the beginning, e.g. t OM ( Yt j=GM -b) – Is Zaid learned?; ( t OM i vP m O ,M ) – Is the man learned? Vocabulary List No. 5 Word Meaning or (in a question) .j -b t 2b M cow bM certainly, why not Page 69 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Yt j=YO vM new ŸOv very Yt O b# a t OMv sitting ( t O M guard, sentry lM: sheep j\O elephant t ©Ob# standing t j=YO #b old 9 t r b dog R t 0j P j M a t !j P _ j M famous t O `j P believer j M qM yes t j' M thick Page 70 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One The Nominative Detached Pronouns O Vb %j$P r (*i b| *i M !j \ij $M r P ©O$M [ m b) Third Person 9 t ©Ob Masculine Feminine singular !M ,P he , it dual M$,P they plural j ,P they singular M ,O she, it dual M$,P they plural m ,P they Page 71 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Second Person t ' O M Masculine Feminine singular M qjb you dual M$fPqjb you plural j fPqjb you singular O qjb you dual M$fPqjb you plural m fPqjb you First Person (Speaker) t ?b fMP bqb I P g j qM We Note 5: These pronouns are most often the subject of a sentence. Hence they are regarded as (N!\) – in the nominative case. See 6.4. They are called (O|Vb %j P ) because they are pronounced independently. Page 72 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Note 6: Also remember that (bq-b) is always pronounced ( b b) without the alif. Exercise No. 5 Note 7: When speaking, pause (waqf) at the end of sentences as mentioned in Exercise No. 1. However, initially, continue writing all the harakāt. (A) Translate the following into English (4) t ©Ob# !M ,P j M qM a t ©Ob# YP b!M r O ,M (3) * M OMv *i %MjOrb (2) t ©Ob# YP b!M rb (1) Gt m)M !M ,P a Gt m)M .j -b t m{qM i vP m bX,-b (5) * M OMv M ,O Ab a * $M ©Ob# *i %MjOr O ,M j fPqjb r ,M (7) R t 0j P j M t O M: !M ,P j M qM a t O M: *i \bM b b- (6) o m{%MO !M ,P M j M qM ª B t M$M P m ,P r ,M (8) b !j $P M P P g j qM r M M jO sM M O P g j qM M ª b !j i mM Mq-b M j ?O b < P "P !j P= Mq-b ª *i M / u M r < P "P !j P= M qj-b-b (9) B t MgOM B t M$M P m ,P O ,M (11) lYM O fM{ j P * $M M P M ,O Ab ª * qM/ b j b * $M M P 9 P %Mj=GM r ,M (10) *o M / u M O ª wo \bMq o M!Mg M O P 2b )Mr M jb-b (12) * Vb jO qM B t MM M ,O j M qM ª * Vb jO qM B P MMgr u O (14) 4 O M M!MM 9 M r ?b r u O (13) ŸOv wt \bMq M!MM P 2b )Mr bM Page 73 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One u O (16) O MfM OMv 29O jfMg M Om| O jM-bj $M r u O (15) * M OMv *b g M Om| lb -bj $M r b 0j YP O fM{ j P 30B O $M M $P rM0 M j$O M $P r (B) Fill in the blanks which represent a subject or predicate with suitable words that you have studied. P mYb O MgOm| O MYb!M rb O M jb P j)Mrb * qM/ b j b P m{%m O ,M Mq-b !M ,P j M qM M$,P / b j b O ,M .j -b *i %M Or O ,M O 9 P r ?b r M jb-b 29 30 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) See 5.2. See 5.2. Page 74 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One 9 P r ?b r 0M ( t O M *i b m M rM0 t j' M .j -b li M_b bM K i m M rb i jVO rb YP b!M r bX,-b *i #bcO m| li -bj $M rb Yt O fM{ j P u O O Mf%MjOrb O MfqM/ b j b u O B t MYO fM{ j P u O (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) Page 75 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (C) Translate into Arabic (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) Is the boy standing? No, he is sitting. Is the girl sitting? No, she is standing. Are the two boys present? Yes, they are present. Are the two girls honest? Yes, they are honest. Are the women truthful? Yes, they are truthful. Is the teacher absent? No, the teacher is present. Are they carpenters? No, they are tailors. Is that Yūsuf? Yes, that is Yūsuf. Are you Mahmūd? No, I am Hāmid. Is the house old? No, the house is new. Are they (plural feminine) seamstresses? No, they are teachers. Are you (pl. m.) learned or ignorant? We are not ignorant. Is not the elephant a great animal? Why not, the elephant is a great animal. Is the dog standing or sitting? The dog is not standing but it is sitting. Page 76 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 7 The Genitive of Possession ( ) 1. The compound in which both parts are nouns and the first noun is related to the second noun is called ( 9 t u M P \OM'O). Examples: (Y o j=GM P MfO ) – the book of Zaid or Zaid’s book m \O P MM) – the ring of silver (*o [ (O j %m ^e M) – the water of the river. 2. Such a relationship between the two nouns is known as (*i \bM'Orb). 3. The first part of (' 9) is called (R t M[P ) while the second part is called (O j bO R t M[P ). 4. Neither does the definite article (r -b) precede the (R t M[P ) nor is the tanwīn appended to it. Look at the above examples. Page 77 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One 5. The (O j bO R t M[P ) is always (t 0j P { j M ) - in the genitive case. 6. The (R t M[P ) always precedes the (O jbO R t M[P ). 7. The (' 9), like (V! 9)31, is not a complete sentence but is part of a sentence, e.g. (t X r M O j %m ^e M) – The water of the river is sweet. In this sentence, (O j %m ^e M) is the subject while (t X r M ) is the predicate. 8. Sometimes there are several (O jbO R t M[P ) in one construction, e.g. (O j O ybr O jM P M) – the door of the house of the leader; (O j=GO !M r O j O jM P M) - the door of the house of the minister’s son. The middle (O j bO R t M[P ) becomes the (R t M[P ) of the succeeding words. Therefore (r -b) cannot precede it nor can the tanwīn be appended to it. 9. You have learnt in the first lesson that when an indefinite 31 See 3.8. Page 78 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One noun is related to a definite noun, it also becomes definite, o j=GM e.g. (Y .P / b i ) – the slave of Zaid; ( O vP m .P / b i ) the slave of the man. The word (.P / b i ) – slave – has become definite in these sentences. 10. In Arabic, because the (R t M[P ) precedes the (O jbO R t M[P ) and no word can interpose between them, the adjective of the (R t M[P ) has to succeed the (O jbO R t M[P ), e.g. ( P Om| lO -bj $M r .P / b i ) – the pious slave of the lady. In this P Om|) is the adjective of the word example, the word ( (.P / b i ). Therefore it is (N!\),32 singular, masculine and definite. Hereunder are more examples. Understand the differences properly. P Om| O vP m YP b0M The pious son of the man Adjective of the (R t M[P ) 32 in the nominative case. See Lesson 10. Page 79 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Om| O vP m YP b0M The son of the pious man Adjective of the t M[P ) (O j bO R *i g M Om| O vP m P %jO The pious daughter of the man Adjective of the (R t M[P ) *O g M Om| lO -bj $M r P %jO The daughter of the pious woman Adjective of the (O j bO R t M[P ) Note: More rules of (*i \bM'Orb) are discussed in Lesson 11. Vocabulary List No. 6 Word Meaning lion Yt "M -b * M bO obedience Page 80 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Fi !j P -b I seek refuge Ab -b listen, beware * $M ?r O wisdom Yt $j M praise 9 t ,O bF going ( t -rM head i M$j M very beneficent t jO M very merciful t jvO M rejected one C t 0j GM husband * vM 0j GM wife M "M 0- j "P anger bWr "P king, overpowering ^p M$"M sky 9 t bb to seek 9 t jO fragrance O shadow Page 81 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One t j=YO #b very powerful i every, each o j:M « i everything t g j b meat (*!!) M whatever * \bMM fear l 1jO mirror t r O salt, salty Mj qO to forget O MYOM0 parents }t O M a }t j M goat *i \b1 calamity Mj qO forgetfulness O M just S t j :M 0- S t O _ j M east t j b 0- t O j M west Page 82 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Hereunder are some (l m v M R t 0j P P ) which appear before nouns and convert them to (+ *) - the genitive case. Word O j \O Meaning with, in in Example o vP M O o jM j \O Meaning Example with a man in a house O b2b rO j \O O Mfj )Pr Meaning with the pen in the garden bM on o )MvM bM on a mountain bM H O j M r on the throne j O from Yo j=GM j O from Zaid M O YO { O j $M r bO to, till Yo bM bO to a city bO *O \b!j ?i r from the musjid till Kufah O for, to Yo j=}M O for Zaid P r #i Yo j=}M O I said to Zaid TM like, o vP M b like a man YO "M ybrb similar to the lion Yo j=GM j M from Zaid j M similar from Page 83 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Exercise No. 6 (A) Translate the following into English: *i M bO (5) ( O M Vb r i Fi -i (4) lO M_ P g j b (3) O 2b )Mr P )Mb (2) O g j )Mr ^e M (1) (9) O j)Mr 0M S O !j j \O (8) O $j _ m ^e !j ' M ( 7) O P jM (6) O j=YM OM!r (13) ( O 0j P M r O (12) O r $O r 0M ^O M$rO (11) ( O M Vb rb (10) YO { O j $M r bO (16) O M)hb lO M_ P g j b 0M O 2b )Mr P )Mb (15) t r O O g j )Mr ^e M (14) o qM-b j M bO b !j )P,O bF P g j qM (18) ( O 0j P M r O 9 P jW b (17) t !j $P g j M YO b!M r P "j O O Oj $P r li 1jO P Oj $P rb (20) h "O j ?i r bM t OMv P M $P rb (19) *O "M M Yj $M r (23) i Mj %h O r O r *i \b1 (22) O j=YM OM!r O j "P j \O h m i M "M (21) J O j ybr O\ O « O b O Mr b bWr u O (24) O *i \bMM *O $M ?r g O r ( P -rM 9 P r ?b r M jb (26) *o $M Oj P 0M o Oj P i bM * [ M j=O \b O r O r 9 P bb (25) O !j "P M Yo $m g M P P %jO *i $M O b\ (28) Yo j=}M O i M$r M jb (27) YO "M ybrb Fi !j P -b (29) ¬ OM O O M%jO P jM g P rM0 P M g M rM0 a ¬ OM *i vM 0j GM M ,O O O xO YP $j g O rb (31) O jO m O $M j m O O j O (30) O jvO m O bWj_ m M O O O o j:M i bM c u O (33) P O j $M rM0 S P O _ j $M r O xO 0M (32) M j$O bMr h M .J O j ybr O\ M 0M B O M0M$m O\ M O xO u O Ab -b (34) t j=YO #b Page 84 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (B) Translate the following into Arabic (1) the goat’s milk (2) the cow’s head (3) the obedience of the mother (4) Zaid’s wealth (5) the elephant’s ear (6) the light of the moon (7) in the house (8) till the market (9) for Allāh and the Messenger (10) on the head and the eye (11) The boy’s name is Hāmid. (12) They are going home. (13) We are sitting in the musjid. (14) The goat’s milk is for the girl. (15) The obedience of Allāh is in the obedience of the Messenger. (16) Āishah , the daughter of Abū Bakr is the wife of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allāh . (17) He is the son of the leader. (18) The anger of Allāh is on the oppressive king. (19) The ignorant one is not like the learned one. (20) The fragrance is not for the boy. (21) She is the daughter of Hāmid’s son. Page 85 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Test No. 3 (1) What is the difference between (*@ *£) and ( *£ *\)? (2) What is the difference between (*@ *£) and ( 9 V!)? (3) How many parts does a (*@ *£) have? What is each part called? (4) What is the ( )33 of the subject and the predicate? (5) What is the Arabic term for the attaching word? (6) In how many factors does the predicate correspond to the subject? (7) If there are two subjects of different kinds in a sentence, which one is considered for the predicate? (8) What effect does the word ( u O) have on the subject? (9) Attach ( u O) to a dual word and a sound masculine and feminine plural word and read it. (10) How is a negative meaning and one of interrogation created in a (*@ *£)? (11) What is the paradigm34 of the detached nominative 33 desinential inflection – that is, inflection of the final radical. Page 86 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One pronouns? (12) In the paradigm of the pronoun, which words are similar? (13) How do you pronounce the word (Mq-b)? (14) Construct ten different kinds of (*@ *£). (15) Define (' 9) and (*\'). (16) What cannot enter on the (R[)? (17) What is the ( ) at the end of ( R[)? (18) What effect do the (lv R0) have on the noun? In grammar, a set of all the (especially inflected) forms of a word (e.g. write, writes, wrote, writing, written), especially when used as a model for all other words of the same type. 34 Page 87 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 8 The Scales of Words 1. In Arabic, the original letters of nouns and verbs are not less than three. The maximum number of letters in a noun is five, and four in a verb. Together with the original letters, extra letters can also be attached. At such a time, the noun and the verb can have more than five letters. Note 1: The original letter or root letter is the one that remains in all the forms and derivations. Only in some exceptions is it deleted or changed to another letter. The extra letter is the one that is found in one word-form but not in another, e.g. in the word (Y t $j M ), all three letters are root letters while in (Y t O M), the alif and in (t !j $P g j M ), the first (.) and the (0) are extra letters. 2. Words having three root-letters are called ( O/ b i), e.g. (( t M \b) and (M M ' M ). If they have four root-letters, they are called ( O MP ), e.g. ( VO r \O) and (C M M j M ). Page 88 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One If they have five root-letters, they are called ( "O M$P ), e.g. ( vM j Vb "M ). Words made up of only root-letters are called (t m { M P ) while those having extra letters as well are called (O j \O O ) is (t m { M P (t )j O/ b i) Yt j=}O M ), e.g. – three root-letters without any extra letters. (t )? b M) is (O j\O Yt j=}O M O/ b i) - three root-letters with extra letters because the (B) and ( ) are extra. \-), derived nouns (* 2u fM_ j P ^p M$"j -b)35 and verbal nouns (O | M M )36 are (t m { M P ) or ( Yt j=}O M O j\O), the (9© X Y0) word-form of the perfect tense ('¢) has to be examined. If that word-form is free of extra Note 2 : To distinguish whether verbs ( letters, then its derivatives and verbal noun will also be regarded as (t m { M P ), e.g. (M | M qM) is (t m { M P 35 O/ b i). Hence, the These are nouns that are derived from the verb, e.g. (O b\) and ( !j P Vr M ) are derived from the verb (bM \b). 36 Plural of (tYM | j M ), the infinitive. Page 89 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One imperfect tense (N[¢) which is (P | P %jM=), the (\ ") - t O Mq, the ( !V ") - t !j | P %jM and the verbal noun (l M | j qP) will also be regarded as (t m { M P O/ b i) although these forms have extra letters. Similarly, in a paradigm, extra letters appear in a (t m { M P ) word which will still remain (t m { M P ). For example, the word ( vP M ) is (t m { M P ). Therefore, (O / b vP M ) and ( MvO ) will also be (t m { M P ). However, (M )m b ) and (.M M r -b) are (O j\O Yt j=}O M O/ b i). The former has one extra ( ) while the latter has an extra alif. 3. In order to determine the scales of words and to distinguish the root letters from the extra letters, the scale (M}j O ) of ( N R) is used. In triliteral words (words with 3 root letters), the (R) represents the first radical (letter) of the word, the (N) represents the second radical of the word and the ( ) represents the third radical of the word. Page 90 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Examples: t dbd#b < t dfOdb Yt d[ P dM 9 t drdb dMdb\ dO db\ dP db\ dj db\ The letter that corresponds to the (R) of the (}) is called the (ِ*M$O? b r ^e b\), like the (S) of (t b#b), that which corresponds to the (N) is called the (ِ*M$O? b r P jM ), like the ( ) of (t b#b) while the letter corresponding to the ( ) is called the (ِ*M$O? b r .P Ab ), like the (.) of ( t b#b). When intending to determine the scale of ( O MP ) quadriliteral (four letter) words, add two lāms instead of one after (R) and (N). In words with five root letters, add three lāms. Examples: t dbVdjdMv dMvj dbVdM" dbdjdb\ dbdrdMdb\ Page 91 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One 4. At the time of determining the scale, the alphabets (R), (N) and ( ) will take the place of the original letters while the other extra letters will remain as they are in their places. Examples: t dj)dO t djdO)db P dM)dr-b t djdO)dr?dM djdO\ djdOdb\ i dMdr\-b djdOdrVdM However, when a letter is increased by repeating the ( P jM ِ*M$O? b r) or the (ِ*M$O?b r .P Ab ), the (N) or the ( ) is repeated in the scale. For example, in the word (M dM 9 j db = M )mb ), the first ( ) is the (ِ*M$O? b r P jM ) while the second one is extra. b )Mj \b). According to the rule, the scale should have been ( Instead its scale is ( b m \b). Similarly, in the word (m $M j O), the final () is extra. Its scale will be regarded as ( u M \r O). 5. A great benefit of recognizing the scales of words is that by knowing the meaning of the root letters of a word, it becomes very easy to recognize the meanings of all its paradigms and derivatives. Page 92 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Exercise No. 7 What are the scales of the following words: < t j=O :M (3) R t M :M (2) vP M (1) Tt !j iP (6) ] t OM (5) R t M:j -b (4) i M$j M (9) t jO M (8) t j M (7) .t MO (12) t j=O b (11) .t M b (10) ^e M$bP (15) t OM (14) t r O (13) t Vb %j[ M b (18) t M 2r M (17) b !j $P OM (16) t jOj M (21) M uM (20) * M / u M (19) .t Mr O (24) t )h?b fMP (23) t )?b M (22) Page 93 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 9 The Broken Plural 1. It was mentioned previously that there is no rule to construct the broken plural (6 ?¢ w$+). It is totally based on hearing the plural from the people of the language. Hereunder we list some of the scales of the broken plural which are used most often: (Yo b0M wP $j vM ) t Ab 0j -b (( o M \b wP $j vM ) ( t M\r -b (< o j=O :M wP $j vM ) R t M:j -b (o Wb M wP $j vM ) t bWj -b ( o #r 0M wP $j vM ) B t b#0j -b : M\r -b () (] o OM wP $j vM ) Tt !j iP : !j P \i ( ) (Yo "M -b wP $j vM ) t !j "P -i (¬ M wP $j vM ) S t !j 2i P (Yo ,O M: wP $j vM ) t !j P :P Page 94 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (9 o r #b wP $j vM ) t !j i#i (Yo %jvP wP $j vM ) t !j %PvP (o vj 0M wP $j vM ) ;t!j vP 0P (9 o r b wP $j vM ) t / b O : M\O (C) (o !j b wP $j vM ) t MO (o j P wP $j vM ) D t MO (o vP M wP $j vM ) MvO (o j)Ob wP $j vM ) t M)O (o jO M wP $j vM ) t M O (Yo bM wP $j vM ) t / bO (o MfO wP $j vM ) 9 t fPi (*o %Mj=YO M wP $j vM ) YP P (*o %MjVO "M wP $j vM ) t Vi "P (*o Vb jg O M wP $j vM ) < t g P P (*o 2b j=O b wP $j vM ) S t P i : P \i () Page 95 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (o !j "P M wP $j vM ) "P P (o j :M wP $j vM ) t P :j -b (o vj O wP $j vM ) vP j -b (o j qM wP $j vM ) t P qj-b (o g j M wP $j vM ) t g P j-b ( o Vr qM wP $j vM ) t Vi qj-b (o jM wP $j vM ) t Pj -b : P \r -b (;) (o j=GO 0M wP $j vM ) ^e MGM 0P : ^e / b M \i (0) (o jO -b wP $j vM ) ^e MM -i (o O M: wP $j vM ) ^e MM :P (o jVO "M wP $j vM ) ^e MVb "P (o jO -b wP $j vM ) ^e M%M -i (o jO 0M wP $j vM ) ^e / b b 0P (o j"O -b wP $j vM ) ^e M"M -i Page 96 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One ^e / b O \r -b (G) This scale is generally used for the adjectives of intelligent beings which are on the scale of ( jO \b) as in: (o j=YO M wP $j vM ) ^e b#YO j -b (¬ )OqM wP $j vM ) ^e M)Oqj-b (9 o j)OM wP $j vM ) 37^e m)O -b (9 o j=O #b wP $j vM ) ^e MO #r -b (¬ %Ob wP $j vM ) ^e M%Or -b (¬ O0M wP $j vM ) ^e MO0j -b (( o O b\ wP $j vM ) M"j \i : / b j \i (D) (Yo bM wP $j vM ) MYr P (9 o j[ O #b wP $j vM ) M)[ j #i (o | P %jP wP $j vM ) P O M%M : i OM\b (K) 37 The original was (e^M))Oj -b). The reason why it has changed into (e^m)O -b) will be explained later. Page 97 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (*o b}M rGM wP $j vM ) i GO Ab GM (9 o b !j b wP $j vM ) 9 P O M!b (o ,M !j vM wP $j vM ) P ,O M!vM Note 1: The plural of five-letter words also comes on this scale. However, the final letter has to be deleted, e.g. the plural of ( vM j Vb "M ) is (C P O bV"M ). The ( ) has been deleted. (o M{%j\O wP $j vM ) P jvO M%\b : i jOM\b () (S o 0j YP %j P wP $j vM ) P j=O M% M (o j=YO %j#O wP $j vM ) i j=O M%#b (o j=}O %jO wP $j vM ) P j=GO M%M (o Mfj P wP $j vM ) P jOM M (o bWr "P wP $j vM ) P jO / b "M (Fo Mf"j -i wP $j vM ) l Xb OM"-b : * bOM\b (T) (Xo j$O r O wP $j vM ) l Xb O / b M (] o bM wP $j vM ) * ?b ©O/ b M Page 98 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One This scale is specific with intelligent beings. : i O bVM ( ) This scale is specific with those words that are on the scale of ( M Vr M ), ( O Vr M ) or (* bM Vr M ). (9 o b j M wP $j vM ) 9 P O MM (Yo { O j M wP $j vM ) YP vO M M (*o )MfM?r M wP $j vM ) 9 P Ob?M i jO bVM (.) This scale is used for those words that are on the scale of ( MVr O ) or ( !j P Vr M ). (D t MfVr O wP $j vM ) P jObVM (o !j fP?r M wP $j vM ) 9 P jOb?M Note 2: The following plural scales are (RO| M %jP P jb )38. This is a certain class of nouns that is not fully declined. European grammarians sometimes refer to them as diptotes. This term is discussed in 38 Page 99 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Tanwīn will not be read on them. i jO bVM a i O bVM a i jOM\b a i OM\b a ^e / b O \r -b a ^e / b M \i 2. Remember the plural of the following words in particular: The sound plural of ( t jO) is (b !j %PM) in (w\ *M) nominative case and ( M j%OM) in (+0 9|% *M) accusative and genitive cases. Its broken plural is (^p M%j -b). t M%M). The plural of (* %Mj O) is (B The plural of (E t -b) is ( M!j O) or (l !M j O). The plural of ( t j -i) is (B t M!M -b). The plural of (l -bM j O) is (^p M qO) or (l !M j qO). The plural of (. -i) is (B t Mm -i). the the 3. Some words have plurals on several scales. Hence the j M) are (t MgO), (t Mgj-b), (t g P j-b) and (t !j g P P). plurals of (t g 4. Some words have different scales of plurals rendering Volume 4, Lesson 57. Page 100 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One different meanings. For example, the word ( t jM) means house or verse (of a poem). Regarding the first meaning, the plural is (B t !j PP) while the plural (B t Mj-b) is related to the second meaning. The word (Y t )jM ) means slave or servant. The respective plurals are (Y t j)OM ) and (t M)O ). The word ( t jM ) means eye or spring. The respective plurals are ( t Pj -b) and ( !j PP ). Vocabulary List No. 7 The plurals of some words are provided next to them. Word t "O M Meaning scowling, frowning J t Mj-b a t j M some, part of t Ob fixed, established MjvO a t Mv neighbour Yt j=YO M iron t jM good Page 101 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One ^e MVb "P a t jVO " ambassador R t !j P"P a < t j"M sword U t M: tea K 0j P :P a K j :M condition t M O a9 t j M difficult M!O a j=!O b long, tall * mOM M 0- OM M Arabian Q O b\ empty wt O b# cutting, sharp *i MOMr *i "M M Yj $M rb high school j 2O fm$P rb pious wt jWO P obedient t m Wb P pure, clean ° i O M!M a * b O !j M advice lM ' O Mq fresh lM O Mq looking P ©ObVqM a t jVO qM precious Page 102 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One wt \OMq beneficial .t m=-b a .t !j M= a day .M !j Mrb today Xo OM !j M= on that day * %Mj=GO beauty B t M#OM remaining, permanent B P MgOm| B P M#OM)rb the good actions D t MO a t j P spear, lance, javelin P jvO M%\b a M{%j\O cup C P O bV"M a vM j Vb "M quince Exercise No. 8 (A) In the under-mentioned examples, the adjective or predicate of unintelligent beings is used mostly as singular feminine. Translate the following phrases or sentences into English. MvO (4) t M O P Ab 0j brb (3) *i O\m% .P !j iP rb (2) * bj=!O b .t / b #r -b (1) Page 103 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (8) * bj "M S t P i (7) *i )Mj | m K i 0j P _ b (6) * )Mj M 9 P fP?i rb (5) b !j g P OM (11) *i M j"O !M r i YP $P r M ,O (10) *i fMOu5 S P !j 2i g P rb (9) l M m Wb P < t g P P (14) B t Mm -i m ,P (13) B t M$Oj P ^p M qO (12) YO j=YO g M r M O i M!W D P M h b (16) b !j P jWO P B O M%)MrM0 M j%O)Mr u O (15) b !j P OMv B P M!M ybrM0 i M!j Orb M O ^O MM _ P j M (18) M j)O©OMO j ,P M (17) .M !j Mr b 0j P ' O M ^e MVb M / b ?O r u O (20) * M O Ab *i M jVO %m P ,O M!{ M rb (19) M j#OO m| M jg O Om| j ,P (22) * M \OMq *i %MM g M r ° i O M!$M rb (21) O mY O M bM * M OMv *b "M O Mgr M O b !j $P M P *O MOMr ( O O MY$M r O\ (23) O M$j m P M)O P g j qM0M O M qjOr YP j)OM S P !j 2i P (25) U O m_ O jvO M%Vb O *i b O bVr P j=O M%| m b (24) O M)?O r ^O M$bP r u O (27) l!M r P C P O bV"M O jOM )Mr O\ (26) ^O MO #r ybr S O !j 2i g P b O Mj{ O r 0M l M O Mq MhM bO l M ' O Mq Xo OM !j M= ;t!j vP 0P (28) o !j PP 0M B o m%vM O\ M j2O fm$P r B P M#OM)rM0 MqjY lO Mg M r *i %Mj=GO b !j %P)MrM0 i M$rb (29) l M "O M Xo OM !j M= ;t!j vP 0P .] M hM YM %jO t jM B P MgOm| (B) Reply to these questions in Arabic, e.g. * M \OMq 9 t fPi U j YO %jO j M qM ª wt \OMq t MfO TM YM %jO r ,M (1) Page 104 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One ª wt O b# < t j"M TM YM %jO r ,M (2) ª j=!O b t j P Yo O M YM %jO r ,M (3) ª t OM P jO ybr O ,M (4) ª< t jO qM t !j b TM YM %jO r ,M (5) ªQ O b\ S P 0j YP %j| O ,M (6) ª .M !j Mr t ' O M Xi j$O r fh O ,M (7) ª M{%j\O TM YM %jO r ,M (8) ª vM j Vb "M TM YM %jO r ,M (9) ª %Ob !M ,P r ,M (10) ª * g M OM * %MjO M ,O r ,M (11) ª t jVO qM t ,M !j vM TM YM %jO -b (12) ªS O 0j YP %j| D P MfVr O TM YM %jO -b (13) ª F Mf"j -i *O "M M Yj $M r O\ r ,M (14) ª l M j)Ob * )MfM?r M j ©OM)$j M O\ r ,M (15) (C) Translate the following phrases into Arabic (1) the Muslim men (2) the large ships Page 105 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (3) the clean clothes (4) the flowing rivers (5) The rivers are flowing. (6) the past months (7) They are truthful witnesses. (8) The two tall mountains (9) The spears are long and the swords are sharp. (10) Are you (pl.) unhappy? (11) No, we are cheerful. (12) Some kings are just. (13) The cups of the tea are empty. (14) Are you (pl.) friends? (15) Yes, and we are relatives. (16) The students and the teachers are in the madrasah. (17) Those girls are playing. (18) The people of īmān are the friends of Allāh. (19) the tall houses. (20) the Arabian verses (21) The Qur’ān has beneficial advice (plural). Test No. 4 (1) What is a (- R)? (2) How many root letters are there in a noun and in a verb? (3) Besides the root letters found in a word, what are the Page 106 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One other letters called? (4) With regards to the root letters of words, how many types of words are there? (5) What are words which only have root letters called and what are those words called which have extra letters. (6) Which of the following words are (±) and which are (\ Y=}): 9 t ,O bF a 9 P ,M Xr M= a 9 M ,M Fb a M )mb a t j)O?r M a O / b vP M a vP M (7) How is the scale of a word determined? In other words, how do you use the root letters (\) to determine which letter is a root letter and which one is extra? (8) What is the benefit of knowing the scales of words? (9) What are the well-known scales of the broken plural? (10) Which scales of the plural are (R|% (11) Make the plurals of >)? (t g j M), (l -bM j -O), (* %M"M ), (E t -b), (Yt )jM ), M{%j\O) and (t j"O -b). ( Page 107 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 10 The Cases of Nouns 1. The change in case of a noun due to the change in vowelling of the final consonant is called ( ) - declension. b M g M rO Declension is of two types: one is (* ) which is shown by fathah, dammah and kasrah. The other is (R0j P g P rO ) which is shown by means of some (Rj0P P ) – letters - as will be explained later on. 2. When a noun is: (1) the doer of the verb (\), or the subject (Yf)) or predicate (§), it is said to be (w\ *) - in the nominative case. The examples of the subject and predicate have passed in Lesson no. 6. (2) an object ( !V) or it indicates the condition ( ) of the doer or the object, it is regarded to be in (9|% *) - the accusative case. (3) ( R[) or it comes after a (v R), it is Page 108 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One regarded to be (6 + *) - in the genitive case. The examples will be mentioned shortly. The Signs of Declension of Different Nouns 3. If a noun is singular or a broken plural, in (w\ dammatain (d p )39 will be read on fathatain (nd) will be read on it *) the it, in (9|% *) the and in (6 + *), the kasratain (d o ) will be read on it. If the noun is indefinite, the dammatain will be read on the word. However, if the noun is definite, only one dammah will be read on it. 39 Page 109 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Examples: Example no. 1 Yo OM bO ²!j fP?r M Yt j=GM b "M j -b Zaid sent a letter to Khālid 0± R v 6 + * This is a (*\ !V \ * 9|% * w\ \ *$Pv). All three nouns are singular. Example no. 2 ^O M %h bO ²MO i Mvh b "M j -b The men sent clothing to the women. 0± 6 + * R v !V \ * 9|% * w\ \ Page 110 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One This is a (*\ *$Pv). All three nouns are broken plurals. Example no. 3 Yo O M ( O M \b bM ²)O M Yt j=GM ^c Mv Zaid came riding on Hāmid’s horse. R[ R[ R v \ * 9|% * w\ \ 0± 6 + * This is a (*\ *$Pv). The word (²)O M) indicates the condition of the doer. Therefore it is ( !|%). Note 1: The adjective will be in the same case as the preceding noun. If the noun is (N!\), the adjective will also be (N!\). If it is ( !|%), the adjective will also be the same and if it is (0±), the adjective will follow suit. Page 111 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Example: (o O M ] o OM bO / ³ j=!O b ²!j fP?r M t OM vP M b "M j -b) A learned man sent a long letter to a just king. The words, ( t OM), (/ ³ j=!O b ) and (o O M) are adjectives and the case of each one follows its preceding noun, namely ( vP M ), (²!j fP? r M ) and (o O M) respectively. 4. If a noun is dual (*%5d), the suffix ( O appended in (w\ (6 +0 cd) will be *) - the nominative case and (O j= cd) in 9|% *) - the accusative and genitive cases, e.g. ( O jM-bj $M r bO O jM!j fP?r M O / b vP m 9 M fMb ) The two men wrote two letters to the two women. The ( ) of (O M%rO) and (O Mf%MrO) meaning ‘two’ is the same as the dual form. The words (/ b O ) and (Mfr O ) meaning ‘both’ will be read (j bO ) Page 112 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One and ( j fMr O ) in (6 +0 9|% *) - the accusative and genitive cases, e.g. (M$, P/ b O O / b vP M ^c Mv) – Both men came. O O jbvP M P j=-bM ) – I saw both men. (M$O j b (M$O j b O O jbvP M bO P r "M j -b) – I sent to both men. The words (/ b O ) and (Mfr O ) are used with a pronoun (>$'). 5. If a word is (´ X¢ w$+) – the sound masculine plural, the suffix ( b 0j ed) will be appended in (w\ *) and ( M j= Od) in (6 +0 9|% *), e.g. M j$O Ou bO M j=YO ,O M{$P r b !j $P Oj $P r b "M j -b) ( The Muslims despatched the mujāhidīn to the oppressors. The tens from ( b 0j P _ j O ) – 20 – till (b !j P j O) – 90 - have the same ). The form will be (b 0j P _ j O ) in (w\ *) and (M j=O _ j O ) in (6 +0 9|% *). ( Page 113 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One The word (!j i0i- – people of) in (w\ *) and (j O0i-) in ( * 6 +0 9|%) is like (´ X¢ w$+) - the sound masculine plural. Examples: (O M)rybr !i0i- j ,P ) - They are people of intelligence. (O M)rybr O0i- YM %jO O M)rybr O0i- P j=-bM ) - I saw the people of intelligence by the people of intelligence. ) of the dual and sound masculine plural is by means of letters (R0). Therefore the nūn of both these forms is called (* !q). See 5.4. Note 2: The ( 6. The sound feminine plural (´ zq`¢ w$+) will be read with (d p ) in (w\ *) and with (d o )40 in (6 +0 9|% *). See 5.2. Example: O M=O M)r (B 40 bO B O b2"O bVr B P M$Oj $P r M M b ) - The Muslim women If the word has (r b), only one dammah or kasrah will be read as is apparent from the example. Page 114 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One expelled the transgressing women to the deserts. 7. You have learnt that when (r b) is prefixed to a word, the tanwīn is deleted. See 2.3. Now remember that some words do not accept the tanwīn from their inception. Examples: (*i ? u M ), (P | j O ), (YP $M j -b), (i M$5rP ), (9 P %Mj=GM ), (*i g M r b ), (^e M$j M ), (Y P vO M M ). Such nouns are called (R|% > "). In (w\ *), they are pronounced with a (ed) and in (6 +0 9|% *) with a (cd), e.g. (*b ? u M j \O 9 M %Mj=GM i M$5rP Ub-M ) - Úthmān saw Zaynab in Makkah. However, when an (R|% > ") has (r b) prefixed to it, or it is (R[), then a kasrah will be rendered to it in (6 + *). Examples: (Y O vO M $M r O\), (M j$O Oj $P r YO vO M M j \O). Note 3: Words which accept tanwīn are called (R|%). These nouns will be discussed in detail in Lesson 57. 8. No ( ) can be read on words like ("j!P ) and ( jO ). Page 115 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One They will hence be read as they are in all three cases ( * 6 +0 9|% 0 w\). Such nouns are called (j!| P 2r M "). Examples: ("j!P ^c Mv), ("j!P P j=-bM ), ("j!P .P / b i !M ,P ). 9. Words with a yā sākin (U j ) at the end like (j ' O b2rb), (j OMrb), (U j O M{rb) and (j ' O M$rb) are free of external ( 6 +0) while in (9|% *), ) in ( w\ * a (9|q) will be rendered to them. Examples: Sentence j ' O b2rb ^c Mv j ' O b2r .P / b i ^c Mv M ' O b2r P j=-bM Meaning The judge came The slave of the judge came. I saw the judge. Case w\ * 6 + * 9|% * If these words do not have (r -b), they will be read as (J o b#), Page 116 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (o M), etc. in (6 +0 w\ *) and (²' O b#), (²OM) etc. in ( * 9|%). Their sound plurals (´ w$+) are: (b !j ' P b#), (b !j iM) etc. in (w\ *) and ( M j' O b#), (M jOM) etc. in (6 +0 9|% *). O M' O b#), Their dual forms are like normal words, namely, ( ( O MOM) etc. in (w\ *) and ( O jM' O b#), (O jMOM) etc. in ( * 6 +0 9|%). Nouns that can be declined by the changing of the final M P$rb) and words whose final M rb)41. There are few nouns vowels are static are called (O%)j $ that are (O%)j $ M rb). The (l:8 ^@) indicative pronouns, ( ^@A *!!¢) relative pronouns, (.Vf"A ^@) interrogative pronouns, etc. are all (O%)j $ M rb). They will be discussed later in vowels or letters are called ( Lesson 57. 41 Because it is incorrect to say (O%)jM ), the term (O%)j$M rb) has been used. If one deletes the (r b), the word becomes (o)jM ). Page 117 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Note 4: The (*|V%¢ *!\¢ ©$[) nominative detached pronouns were listed in Lesson 6. The remaining pronouns will be discussed in Lessons 11 and 15 and in detail in Lesson 41. Vocabulary List No. 8 Word Meaning doorkeeper t m!M t M$r-b a t $M b fruit )MvM mountain $M vM camel B O MqM!Mg M r *i 2b j=YO M zoo (lit. garden of animals) P j=0O M0M a M!j=O government office P jO bM a uP shop ²)O M mounted S t M!"j -b a S t !j "P market, shopping mall B t Mm"M a lM m"M car, vehicle Yt h"M leader, master Page 118 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One lYM h"M queen, noble woman, wife * b O b\ distance ;t O b\ agile, swift r5$m i guava mP pomegranate t !j "P -i a Yt "M -b lion t m=}M P beautified µ| M P place of salāh, ídgāh B t b#Mq a S t !j qP a * #bMq she camel * ,M }j qP walk, stroll MYjM field l M )jO admonition, lesson Exercise No. 9 (A) Translate into English Only those verbs which were used in the examples of the previous lessons have been used in this exercise. Verbs will be discussed in Lesson 14. Page 119 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One O M)r YM %jO t ©Ob# P m!)Mrb (3) b 0j P ' O M li Xb O / b fmb (2) t ' O M Xi j$O r fhb (1) M O t !j $P g j M ^c Mv (5) O { Mg M rO ²)r b YP b!M r M M ' M ( 4) t OMv 9 P r ?b rM0 *O 2b j=YO O j \O ²Y"M -b Yt O M Ub-M (6) lO /m|O YO { O j $M r bO 9 M ,M Fb 0M *O "M M Yj $M r 9 M ,M Fb 0M YP $M j -b ^c Mv (8) ²qmP Yt OM0M r5$m i g j M= b b -b (7) B O MqM!Mg M r (10) lO M mm O\ B o M)O M j O,j O bO ^e M %h 9 M ,M Fb (9) O j?b O M' Yt $m g M P (11) YO jO r lO b| M O u| M $P r bO M j)O,O bF B O M$Oj $P r 0M M j$O Oj $P r P j=-bM t j qM O MYj )Mr O\ (12) *O ,M }j %Psb O | j M r YM j M O Mfj )Pr bO B P M%)MrM0 b !j %P)Mr 9 P ,M Xr M= ^c Mv (14) *O %m{ M r O\ ^O M %h li YM h"M *i $M O b\ (13) *O bvj Yh O R t 0j P j M o Mv O\ O jM OMv O jbO M O jM' O b# P j=-bM (15) ( O M Vb r bM ²)O M O M J o b# b !j iO M b !j ' P b# j ,P r M Ab (17) ª b !j $P Ob b !j ' P b# j ,P r ,M (16) O M!j=Yh O j=YM b!M r / b O 9 M ,M Fb (19) j MOM$O O R t 0j P j M o M )MvM YO %jO r O\ (18) M$O jbO ²YjO "M 0M / ³ jOM P j=-bM (20) *O MOMr *O "M M Yj $M r bO O jfM%j)Or Mfr O 0M O M|jybr O0iyO l³ M )jO b ] M bFb j \O u O (21) O YM j$M r O\ O j)MO Ab (B) Fill in the blanks where a verb, (\), (Yf)), (§), (v R) or (0±) are missing with suitable words that you have learnt. Page 120 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One li Xb O / b fm0 li Xb OM"ybr-b (1) bM * M OMv ( 2) bM ²)O M ^c Mv (3) O M)r ² OMv ²"O M -bM (4) YO %jO r O\ ²Mqj-b ( 5) * M=O Mv YO %jO r O\ (6) ª bO 9 M ,M Fb r ,M (7) j \O / ³ j\O 0M ²Y"M -b ( 8) bM OM ( 9) O j)MO M 0M (10) bO 9 P ,M Xr M= (11) O j « *O )Mj ?b r .M M-b *b ?u M b M$5r P (12) (C) Translate into Arabic: (1) a tall mountain (2) the past two months (3) The gardens of the cities are wide. (4) There is a long distance between Makkah and Egypt. (5) I saw two flowing rivers today. Page 121 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (6) Ahmad’s son’s horses are agile. (7) Úthmān came to Makkah on an agile camel. (8) The two doorkeepers are standing by the door of the leader. (9) The shops of the markets of the cities are much beautified. (10) A just judge is in the governmental office. Page 122 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 11 The Genitive of Possession ( )42 1. When the (*%5d) dual and (´ X¢ w$+) sound masculine plural forms are (R[), their (* !q) at the end is deleted. Examples: 42 w\ * 9|% * + * o vP M fMjM M$,P o vP M j fMjM P j=-bM o vP M j fMjM P M!j-b They are the two houses of a man. I saw the two houses of a man. originally was originally was the doors of the two houses of a man. originally was ( O MfjM) ( O jfMjM) ( O jfMjM) This lesson is related to lesson no. 7. Page 123 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One w\ * 9|% * + * YO b!M r !P$M P j ,P O$M P P j=-bM YO b!M r YO b!M r O$M P P jM They are the teachers of the boy. originally was b !j $P M P ) ( 2. When the words (t I saw the the house of teachers of the the teachers of boy. the boy.. originally was originally was ( M j $O M P ) ( M j $O M P ) -b - father)43, (E t -b - brother)44 and (t \b - mouth)45 are related to any other word besides the pronoun of the singular first person (?f Y0 >$'), their forms46 will be as follows: 43 44 The dual of (t -b) is ( O M!M-b), (O j=!M M-b) and the plural is (^p M1). The dual of (E t -b) is (O M!M -b), (O j=!M M -b) and the plural is ( M!j O). 45 The dual of ( t \b) is (O $M \b), (O j$M \b) and the plural is (;t M!\r -b). 46 Besides these three words, there are another three words which follow the same pattern. They are ( t M ), (t ,M ) and (0j Fi ). These six words are known as ( ^M@- l§? *f"). Page 124 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One w\ * 9|% * + * !j P-b M-b j O-b !j P -b M-b j O -b !j \i b\ j \O Note 1: The word (0j Fi ) meaning person, owner, etc. has the same three forms. However, it is only related to a visible noun (, ") and not to a pronoun. Examples: w\ * 9|% * + * o M 0j Fi o M Fb o M U j FO The feminine form of (0j Fi ) is (B t bF). The dual of (0j Fi ) is ( O M0Fb ), (O j=0M Fbc ) and the plural is (b 0j 0P Fb ). The dual of (B t bF) is (O MM0Fb ), (O jM0M Fbc ) and the plural is (B t M0Fb ). The ( ) of these words is like other general nouns. Examples: (o M M0Fb ) – two people of wealth, Page 125 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (o M 0j 0P Fb ) – many people of wealth, (o M$v M B P Fb ) – one of beauty, (o M$v M MM0Fb ) – two women of beauty, (o M$v M B P 0M Fb ) – women of beauty. Note 2: When the words (t -b), (E t -b) and (t \b) are related to the singular first person pronoun (?f Y0 >$'), they will be read as follows in all three cases: ( j O-b) – my father, (j O -b) – j $O \b) – my mouth. my brother, ( 3. If you intend to relate two or more words to one word, the first word will be mentioned as normally before the ( R[), but the second one will be mentioned after the ( R[) and a pronoun referring to the ( R[) must be appended to it, e.g. (P qPMfj P0M O j=GO !M r P jM) – the minister’s house and his garden, ( j P %PjOM M0M ^O MM yir B P !j PP) – the ministers’ houses and their gardens. 4. When nouns are related to pronouns, these are the forms they will assume: Page 126 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Attached Pronouns in the Genitive Case (l0¶ *|f¢ ©$[) Third Person (9O©b) Masculine Feminine P PMfO singular M$P PMfO dual j P PMfO plural bPMfO singular M$P PMfO dual m P PMfO plural Second Person (O'M) Masculine Feminine ] M PMfO singular M$?i PMfO dual j ?i PMfO plural ] O PMfO singular M$?i PMfO dual m ?i PMfO plural Page 127 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One First Person (? b fMP ) j OMfO singular M%PMfO dual, plural After alif, the (? b fMP U) must be read with a fathah and the third person singular masculine pronoun must be read with a dammah. Examples: (U M M|M ) – my staff, (;P M|M ) – his staff, (U M MYM=) – my two hands. A pronoun can also be attached to the (l6v pronoun is known as R0). Such a (R· |f¢ 0¶ >$[) – the pronoun attached to a particle in the genitive case. The paradigm of these pronouns will be as follows: Page 128 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Third Person (9O©b) Masculine Feminine P b singular $M P b dual j P b plural M b singular $M P b dual m P b plural Second Person (O'M) Masculine Feminine ] M b singular $M ?i b dual j ?i b plural ] O b singular $M ?i b dual m ?i b plural Page 129 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One First Person (? b fMP ) j O singular %Mb dual, plural In the same way, one can attach the particle (O ), ( j O ), (bM ), (bO), etc. and form a similar paradigm. j O ), (bM ) Hereunder follow examples of the particles (O ), ( and (bO) attached to the pronouns: Page 130 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One O O P %jO O bM O jO $M O O M$P %jO $M O jM $M O jO j O O j P %jO j O jM j O jO M O M %jO M jM M jO $M O O M$P %jO $M O jM $M O jO m O O m P %jO m O jM m O jO ] M O ] M %jO ] M jM ] M jO $M ?i O $M ?i %jO $M ?i jM $M ?i jO j ?i O j ?i %jO j ?i jM j ?i jO ] O O ] O %jO ] O jM ] O jO $M ?i O $M ?i %jO $M ?i jM $M ?i jO m ?i O m ?i %jO m ?i jbM m ?i jbO j O j %hO bM bO %MO m%O %MjbM %MjbO Note 1: The particle (O ) which is from the (l6v R0) is read (b ) with a fathah when attached to the pronouns Page 131 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One except for the singular first person. The word ( j O) can be read as ( M O) as in the verse: (O j=O M O 0M j ?i %Pj=O j ?i b). When the word ( j O ) is attached to the first person singular pronoun, it is read as ( j %hO ), while (bO), (bM ) and (j \O) are m bO), (m bM ) and (m \O) respectively. read as ( If there is a word with the definite article (r b) after ( j ,P ) and ( j i ), a dammah will be read on the (.) of both these words and attached to the (r ), e.g. (i M$r P ?i b 0M i M$r P P b). 5. When the vocative particle (^O Y M %h R P j M ) is used before (' 9), the (R[) will be read with a fathah, e.g. (( O m% YM h"M M=), (O M$j m YM )jM M=). Note 2: The (^O MY%h R P j M ) - vocative particles are several of which (M=) is the most commonly used one. The word to which the vocative particle is prefixed, is called (M%$ P rb). Page 132 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One If the (M%$ P rb) is singular and not (R[), a dammah will be read on the final letter, e.g. (Y P j=GM M=) – O Zaid, (i vP M M=) – O man. P rb) is (R[), a fathah will be read on the final If the (M%$ letter of the (R[), e.g. (( O m% YM h"M M=). If the (M%$ P rb) has ( ), the particle (M=-b) for masculine and (MfPdm=-b) for feminine should be attached to it, e.g. ( i vP m M=-b M=) – O man, (*i %MjOr MfPdm=-b M=) – O girl. Sometimes these two words enter (M%$ P rb) without the i vP m particle (M=), e.g. ( M=-b) – O man, (li YM hm MfPdm=-b) – O noble lady. Vocabulary List No. 9 Word o ?r M !j P-b .M M-b Meaning Bakr’s father, name of a person in front Page 133 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One M%dmqO a mqO undoubtedly we o :O M, !j %PM the children of Hāshim, name of a tribe son-in-law t fMM < t r M behind P ,O MM a t ,M j O dirham, silver coin P jqOMqM a t M%j=O dīnār, gold coin 9 t ,M Fb gold wt vO M returning Yt j:O M rational * M "M hour, time, Qiyāmah, watch tooth M%"j -b a "O t M j -b a t j O in-laws i ©OM)#b a * bj)O#b tribe YM %jO by * %MO r-b a M O tongue, language Mg j M life Page 134 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One l M$M death ] t P qP worship, sacrifice t "O 0M dirty Exercise No. 10 (A) Take special note of the ( ) of each word in the following sentences: MfPdm=-b O YP )jM j $O "j O r M Ab ª O j=O ?b r YP )jM ] M $P "j O r ,M ! YP b0M M= (1) . li YM hm !j %PM P g j qM j OYM h"M M= j M qM ª o :O M, j %OM j O M qj-b r ,M O YM )jM M= (2) . o :O M, . Fi Mf"j yir M=-b j OMfO bX, j M qM ª O M$j m YM )jM M= ] M PMfO bX, -b (3) . M%fPjM r M j P fPjM bX, M jb Ab ª ] M ©Ob2\bP P jM bX, r ,M j O -b P MfO !M ,P bM ª ] M jO -b P MfO bX, M jb -b . O M!M -b j O U j FO Mf"j -i M= j M qM ª i jOM M= E t -b ] M b r ,M . li M jO | m j fOj -i M ,O j M qM ª li M jO | m M]fPj -i M ,O r ,M .O M$j m YO )jM !j P -b !M ,P Ab ª Yo $m g M P !j P -b bX, -b (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Page 135 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One . *O "M M Yj $M r O\ t j\OM j O Yo $m g M P !j P -b j M qM ª Yo $m g M P M-b M j=-bM -b . O jO -b P MfO !M ,P j M qM ª Yo $m g M P j O -b P MfO bX, r ,M . o M$vM 0M o r O MM0Fb ;P Mf%jO j M qM ª Yo OM j fM%jO M j=-bM r ,M . O MfVb jO qM U M MYM= j M qM ª O MfVb jO qM TM MYM= r ,M . * M jVO qM j P PMO j M qM ª * M jVO qM j ?i jO$M P P MO r ,M .9 O ,M Xu M O * M M" j h -i YM %jO 0M j M qM ª *o [ m \O *i M M" TM YM %jO r ,M .P jqOMqM O jbO j O0M P ,O MM P b bM j M qM ª P ,O MM 47P b ] M jbM r ,M bO O M),O bF M$,P r M Ab ª *b b$j :M bO P fP%jO0M ] O O$M r P j 9 M ,M Fb r ,M . M1MYM jM . j P P O M .O !j 2b r YP h"M . M%"j -b 0M M O (M%$O \b j \O 0j -b) M%j\O j \O .U YO %j,O M%qPM O 0M OM M j ?i qPM O . O YP )jM P j)O?b r O O ?r M j O-b P jO 0M M u"M 0M O jbM e u M O O !j "P M Mj O M$,P P $M P 0M o r?M !j P-b . ;P M%fMM OM 0M i M$5rP . b !j g P OM ;P M%jM0 O M g M r O-b Mf%jO 47 (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) The phrase, (Pb ] M jbM ) means “You owe him,” while (Pb m bM ) means “I owe him.” Page 136 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One . O M)?O r ^O M$bP r M O MvO M j $O Oj $P r *O "M M Yj M !j $P M P . j ?i iM$j -b j ?i b 0M M%iM$j -b M%b ª Yo j:O M o vP M O j ?i %jO M jb-b . *O $M j m 0iF P !j Vi M r ] M M 0M . M j$O bMr h M O xO j OM$M 0M U M Mg j M M0 j ?O P qP 0M j Ob M u O (B) Insert the correct ( (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) ) in the following sentences and indicate the reason for doing so: . Z / º (1) . Y=G / º (2) . !$ , (3) . *"Y¢ !$ , (4) . f"0 ,/v 0 fVq Z % Y= (5) . B%) *"Y B$ BZ| ^ % x (6) . =G! ./ (\ X, (7) . ©# *# l-¢ Y0 (8) . x¢ .- v # l-¢ (9) Page 137 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One . *£ *Z| v % (10) ª Bq!Z *2=Y >)? Y" =-- (11) ª J# !, , (12) ª '2 =-- (13) ª *#% ) '2 9,F , (14) . Y - Y ! - ' (15) . *$\ Y% 9%=G U- $5 (16) ª %f"Y $ =- , »? Y) = (17) (C) Translate the following sentences into Arabic: (1) Is your name Àbdur Rahmān? Yes, my name is Àbdur Rahmān. (2) O Àbdur Rahmān, is this your book? No, it is Àbdullāh’s book. (3) Do you have a golden watch (watch of gold)? No, I have a silver watch. (4) Is that your big brother? Yes, he is my big brother. (5) Is this the house of the minister’s son? No, it is the king’s son’s house. (6) Are the two hands of your small brother clean? Yes, but his two feet are dirty. (7) Have you seen Hāmid’s brother? Yes, Hāmid’s Page 138 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One brother is a good boy. (8) Have you seen Mahmūd’s two sisters? Yes, his two sisters are sitting by my mother. (9) Are your teachers sitting in the madrasah? Yes, our teachers are sitting in the madrasah. Page 139 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Test No. 5 (1) What is ( )? (2) How many cases does a noun have? (3) How many types of ( ) are there? (4) When will a noun be regarded to be in (w\ *) and (+ *)? (5) What is the ( ) of the dual form? (6) What is the ( ) of the sound *), (9|% masculine and feminine plurals? ) of (R|% > ")? (8) How will words like ('2) etc. be read in all three (7) What is the ( cases? (9) If the definite article is removed from words like ('2) etc. how will they be read in all three cases. (10) Form the dual and plural of (&). (11) What is (¼)¢ (12) "A) and describe some types of it. What changes take place in (*%5d) and ( X w£ ´") when they are (R[)? Page 140 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (13) How will the words (t -b), (E t -b) and (t \b) be read in all three cases when they are related, that is, they are (R[) to a word other than the singular first person pronoun (?f the singular Y0 >$')? And if they are related to first person pronoun (?f Y0 >$'), how will they be read? (14) If you want to describe the (R[), will the adjective be adjacent to the (R[) or will it be at a distance from it? (15) What is the ( ) of (0j Fi ) and the ( ) of its dual and plural form? (16) How do you make two nouns (R[) towards one word? ) of the (R[) when a vocative particle (^Y% R) is inserted before it? (18) When pronouns are ( R[), what are they (17) What is the ( called? (19) Add a pronoun to the word (b M ) and form its paradigm. Page 141 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 12 Indicative Pronouns ( ! #" $%&' ) 1. Words which are used to point out to something are called (lO M M:Or ^e M$"j -b). They are of two types: (a) words that indicate something nearby. The following forms are the most commonly used ones: Gender Masc. Singular Dual Plural Case bX, O bX, ^O Ab `P , w\ Masc. bX, O j=Xb , ^O Ab `P , 6 v 0 9|q Fem. ;O XO , O M, ^O Ab `P , w\ Fem. ;O XO , O jM, ^O Ab `P , 6 v 0 9|q (b) words that indicate something at a distance. The more commonly used forms are the following: Page 142 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Gender Masc. Masc. Fem. Fem. Singular Dual ] M OF 0b- TM bF ] M qObF TM bF Plural Case ] M ©OAb 0i- w\ 48 ] M %Oj=Fb ] M ©OAb 0i- 6 v 0 9|q ] M r O 0b- TM M ] M qOM ] M ©OAb 0i- w\ ] M ©OAb 0i- 6 v 0 9|q ] M r O ] M %OjM Note 1: The original Indicative Pronouns are (bF), ( O bF) etc. without the (M,) but these are seldom used. Note 2: The words (] M ObXb - similarly) – and (bX?b , – in this way) – are very often used. Note 3: The (T M ) appended to the end of (Y sometimes changed like the (0± l: ") is 9¾ >$')49 according to the second person. It has no effect on the meaning. This change occurs more often in (] M OF). ( m ?i OF M$?i OF ] O OF j ?i OF M$?i OF ] M OF) 48 Note that the (0) is not pronounced. 49 The second person pronoun in the genitive case. Page 143 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One The meaning of all these words is the same. i M Example: (M$? ( j ?i M M$?i OF) – That is the Lord of you two. e P ?i OF) – That Allāh is your Lord. Note 4: Besides the dual form, all the remaining ( ^e M$"j -b lO M M:Or) are (j %O)jd$M rb) - indeclinable. 2. The object pointed to is called the (O j bO t M_P ). The ( " l:8) together with the (O jbO t M_P ) form part of a sentence, namely the subject, doer or object, just as in (V! 9) and (' 9). 3. The (O j bO t M_P ) will always have ( ) or be (R[). 4. If the (O j bO t M_P ) has ( ) attached to it, the (l:8 must be mentioned first, e.g. (P ") Mf?O r bX,) – this book. If it is (R[) towards another noun, the (l:8 ") will Page 144 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One succeed the ( (bX, R[), e.g. (bX, j ?i PMfO ) – this book of yours, ] O O$M r P jO) – this son of the king. In the above-mentioned phrases, if the (l:8 ") is brought first, and it is said, ( j ?i PMfO bX,), the meaning will be, j ?i PMfO ) is no more ‘This is your book.’ In this case, the word ( the (O j bO t M_P ) but will become the predicate. It will now be a complete sentence. 5. If the (l:8 ") occurs as the subject of a sentence without the (O j bO t M_P ), then: (a) if the predicate has ( ), insert a pronoun (>$') between the (l:8 ") and the (§). This pronoun will correspond in word-form to the (l:8 ") as you learnt in Lesson 6. Examples: (P Mf? O r !M ,P bX,) – This is the book. ( b !j g P OVr $P r P ,P ] M ©OAb 0i-) – Those people are the successful ones. In these examples, the (O j bO sentences are (P t M_P ) is implied (mY2b P ). The actual Mf?O r !M ,P i j_ m bX,) and ( P ,P ( P m% ] M ©OAb 0i- Page 145 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One b !j g P OVr $P r). (b) If the predicate does not have ( ), a pronoun will not be inserted, e.g. (t MfO bX,) – this is a book. The (O j bO t M_P ) is implied in this example as well. (c) If it is (R[), then too there is no need for a pronoun, e.g. (] O O$M r ( j ?i PMfO P jO bX,) – This is the king’s son. bX,) – This is your book. However, if you want to create emphasis in your speech, insert a pronoun, e.g. j ?i PMfO ( !M ,P bX,) – This is your book. (] O O$M r P jO !M ,P TM bF) - That is the king’s son. Note 5: Understand well the difference between (bX, ] O O$M r P jO) and (] O O$M r P jO bX,). Note 6: The words (M%P ,), - here, (M%, P ) – here, and (TM M%,P ) – there, are also indicative pronouns. There are no particular rules for their usage. Page 146 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Vocabulary List No. 10 Word Meaning fig t jO l M $j P redness M!j -b a M maternal uncle B t bM a * bM maternal aunt 9 t j=M doubt 9 M j=M Ab no doubt .t M$j -b a M paternal uncle B t m$M a * $m M paternal aunt j 2O fm$P rb pious t !j iWr M aim P O M%M a t b %jM scenery Y² ,P guidance ;t!j vP 0P a t vj 0M face b b# he said j bb# she said Page 147 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One u ybb as if, like M,j P proof ^e m)O -b a 9 t j)Ob doctor Exercise No. 11 (A) Translate the following sentences into English: j O!j iWr M !M ,P bX, (1) * %MM M l -bM j O ;O XO , (2) O M!M -b O / b vP m O bX, (3) M!j O I P M:j ybr ^O Ab `P , (4) P P vj 0M ] M OXb 0M < t jO qM YO b!M r bX, P MfO (5) t "O 0M bX, YO b!M r P MfO (6) 9 P %Mj=GM O %j)Or ;O XO , P "j O (7) * %MM M P O M%$M r ] M r O (8) O MfVb jO qM O YM Mr O MM, (9) TM bF .j -b TM !j P -b bX, -b (10) j $h M P j bX, 0M j $h M TM bF (11) Page 148 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One j fO$m M ;O XO , 0M j fObM li -bj $M r ] M r O 0M j OM i vP m bX, (12) o j)O2b O M jb *O %MjOr ;O XO , P vj 0M (13) *O $M M $P r .M M-b O fM$M ©Ob# ] M qOM U M Mfj -i (14) P jfh bX, ] M OXb b 0M ŸOv l !M r P Ur5$m ?i r ;O XO , (15) O jbvP m ] M %Oj=Xb O B P !j P)Pr ] M r O (16) l M $j P O jMM, ] M j=YM M= j \O (17) O j\O 9 M j=M Ab P Mf?O r ] M ObF (18) b !j g P OVr $P r P ,P ] M ©OAb 0i- 0M j O hM j O U²Y,P bM ] M ©OAb 0i- (19) ] O :P j M bX?b ,-b b j#O (20) !M ,P P qmybb j bb# (21) b 0j YP O b# M%P , mqO (22) b !j M j \O bO ] M hM j O O MqM,j P ] M qObX\b (23) ] M M b b# ] M ObXb b b# (24) (B) Translate the following sentences into Arabic: (1) This doctor is learned. (2) This friend of mine is wealthy. (3) Those friends are wealthy. (4) This son of the king is generous. Page 149 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (5) These two are brothers. (6) That she-camel is beautiful. (7) This handsome boy is pious. (8) O Àbdullāh, is this your son? (9) Those boys are standing in front of their father. (10) This is a good man and those two are transgressors. (11) That girl is pious and so is her mother. Page 150 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Test No. 6 (1) What are the commonly used forms of the indicative pronouns? (2) Which of the indicative pronouns are declinable ( )? (3) What is the object that is pointed to called? (4) How is the (O j bO t M_P ) always used? (5) Where should the (l:8 ") be placed when the (O j bO t M_P ) has ( )? (6) When the (l:8 ") is used without the (O jbO t M_P ) in a sentence, what are the ways in which it is used? (7) What is the difference in meaning and analysis between (bX, j ?i PMfO ) and (j ?i PMfO bX,)? (8) Is there any difference in meaning in the following m ?i OF words: ( (9) When does M$?i OF ] O OF j ?i OF M$?i OF ] M OF) the (T) of (] M OF) or (] M r O) change in the above-mentioned manner. Explain with examples. Page 151 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 13 Interrogative Pronouns ( ()*+&, #-' ) 1. Some of the interrogative pronouns are: Word Meaning who j M M what bFM what ¿ M j=-b what U -b which (m) * m=-b which (f) j O how much, how many < M jb how M j=-b where fM when M$O why Page 152 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One bFM$O why q6-b from where, how Note 1: Besides (U -b) and (* m=-b), all the interrogative pronouns are ( j %O)jd$M rb). See 10.9. Note 2: You have read in Lesson 6 Note 4 that the particles r ,M ) and (-b) create the interrogative meaning in the sentence. ( They are both particles (R0) of interrogation. That is, they cannot form the subject or doer of a sentence. On the other hand, the interrogative pronouns can become the subject or doer or object of a sentence. 2. The (.Vf"A ^@-) - interrogative pronouns – are used at the beginning of sentences, e.g. (ª TM !j P-b j M ) – Who is your father? However, when they are ( R[), they will follow the (R[) according to the normal rule, e.g. ( j M P MfO ) – whose book. The particle (O ) can be inserted before the (.Vf"A ^@-) and Page 153 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One brought at the beginning of a sentence, e.g. (P Mf?O r O $M O) – Whose book is it? (Literally: For whom is this book?) (.M !j Mr ] P r $P r O $M O) – Whose kingdom is it today? 3. The (lv R0)50 can be attached to the beginning of the (.Vf"A ^@-). Examples: Word Meaning whose j $M O 50 M$O why j ?b O how much M j=-b bO till where M j=-b j O from where fM bO till when (M j O ) m$O from what (j M j O ) j $m O from whom (M j M ) m$M from what, regarding what See Vocabulary List No. 6. Page 154 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One M$j\O in what 4. Sometimes the word (M) is joined to the (lv R0) without the alif. Therefore (M$O) becomes ( M O), (m$M ) becomes ( m M ) and (M$j\O) becomes (M j\O). 5. The words (U -b) and (* m=-b) are (R[) to the succeeding words, e.g. ( o vP M U -b) – which man, (O Mvh U -b) – which of the men, (lo -Mj *i m=-b) - which woman, (^O M %h *i m=-b) which of the women. If the word after (U -b) is indefinite, it will be singular and if it is definite, it will be plural. 6. The word succeeding ( j b ) is ( case and it is singular, e.g. !|%) - in the accusative (T M YM %jO ²$,M j O j b ) – How many dirhams do you have? (T M P $j P *³ %M"M j b ) – What is your age? (Literally: How many years is your age?”) 7. Sometimes the word ( j b ) is not used for interrogation but for providing information. It is called (*m=O )M M ). Its meaning in that case will be ‘several’ or ‘many’. Page 155 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One The noun succeeding (*=§ ) is (0±). Sometimes it is singular and sometimes plural, e.g. ( P 2r fMj -b Yo )jM j b ) or ( j b P 2r fMj -b Yo j)OM ) – I have freed many slaves. The particle ( j O ) is sometimes used after (*Vf" often after (*=§ Examples: ). (T M YM %jO *o mOP j O j b ) ) and – How many rupees do you have? (^O M2b Vi r bM MfP\r M M M jqOMqM 0j -b o M%j=O j O j b ) – I spent many gold coins on the poor. Vocabulary List No. 11 Word t j -b Meaning matter, command M jM between t )jO ink * M $j M five * mOP rupee Page 156 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One t $M "O a t j$O "M fat U O 0j P ' M necessary * M\OM comfort M|M stick O )jg O r P b#b fountain pen I O Mm P b#b pencil lM0M ink bottle t m#b powerful Yt O M0 one t j$O M= right, right-hand side t M M= left, left-hand side * ,M O b\ agile, lively Exercise No. 12 (A) Translate into English: I O Mm P b#b bX, ª bX, M (1) Page 157 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One O )jg O r P b#b TM bF ª TM bF M0M (2) lM0M ;O XO ,M ª ;O XO ,M M (3) t )jO lO M0Ym O\ ª lO M0Ym O\ bFM 0M (4) j OM 0M j $h M O bX, ª O / b vP m O bX, j M (5) li YM jMGP li M jO | m j fOj -i ] M r O M$P %MjM P %j)Or ] M r O j M 0M (6) Yt O M P j)O?b r j O -b TM bF ] M Vb r M t OMv o vP M U -b (7) *O "M M Yj $M r li Xb OM"-b ^O Ab `P , ª i Mvh ^O Ab `P , j M (8) *O "M M Yj M j \O B t M$M P m ,P B O M%)Mr ª ^e M %h ^O Ab `P , j M (9) *O "M M Yj $M r bO 9 M ,M Fb !M ,P ª P jO | m TM !j P -b M j=-b (10) O jfMM M" b )j#b 9 M ,M Fb ª9 M ,M Fb ÀM (11) j OMfO !M ,P bX, ª P Mf?O r bX, j $M O (12) j hM e -b ª] M M j M (13) j h)OqM O i !j "P M Yt $m g M P ª] M )OqM j M (14) j %Oj=O .P / b "j Orb ª] M %Pj=O M (15) Page 158 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (B) Note the use of the interrogative pronouns in the following sentences: .U j YO h"M M= O YP )jM j $O "j O ª YP b0M M= ] M $P "j M (1 Yo $m g M P P j YP $M j -b P $P "j O ª O YM )jM M= M]jO-b P "j M (2 . *b ?u M j O P g j qM ª j fPqj-b M j=-b j O (3 . YO %jO r bO b !j )P,O bF P g j qM ª j fPqj-b b !j )P,O bF M j=-b bO (4 . *O M\OMrO P g j qM O YP $j g M rb ª j ?i iM < M jb (5 U j YO h"M M= o Ab 0j -b *i M $j M j O ª YP OM M= ] M b ²Yb0M j b (6 lM ' O M ²f%jO b !j P $j M U j YO h"M M= ª *O "M M Yj $M r O\ lM ' O M ²f%jO j b (7 .*O "M M Yj $M r O\ .M !j Mrb . Yt O M0 E t -b0M O Mfj -i j O ª B O M!M ybrM0 O M!j Or M O ] M b j b (8 *³ mOP M j=O _ j O O li M 2b )Mr ;O XO ,M ª *i %MjO$m li M 2b )Mr ;O XO ,M j ?b O (9 U ¬ O 0j P ' M o j ybO t OMv Mq-b ª M%P ,M M qj-b t OMv M O (10 .U M M|M M ,O ª M"!j P M= ] M %Oj$O MO ] M r O M (11 . O YO %jO j O !M ,P j bb# ª bX, ] O b mq-b b b# (12 . O m2b r YO O M!r O uO ª .M !j Mr ] P r $P r O $M O (13 .9 t j=O #b O M | j qM u O Ab -b ª O P | j qM fM (14 (C) Answer these questions in Arabic using the words you Page 159 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One have learnt. ª bX, M (1) ª ;O XO ,M j M (2) ª TM bF M (3) ª] M r O M (4) ª bX, j M (5) ª O bX, j M (6) ª ^O Ab `P , j M (7) ª] M $P "j O ¿ M j=-b (8) ª YP $M j -b M= TM !j P -b M j=-b (9) ª] M jO -b P "j O M (10) ª TM M-b M M ' M j M (11) ª j O -b M M ' M j M (12) ª O M!j Or M O ] M b j b (13) ª ;O XO ,M j M P %jO (14) ª M,!j P-b M j=-b (15) ª M,M-b M j=-bM -b (16) ª MjO-b M jM M j=-bM -b (17) Page 160 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One ª] M h -i YM %jO * M OMv ^O M %h *i m=-b (18) ª9 t j M .j -b j "M ª P Mf?O r bX, < M jb (19) ª j ©OM)$j M bO TM !j P-b 9 M ,M Fb fM (20) (D) Translate the following sentences into Arabic: (1) Who are you? Sir, I am Hāmid. (2) What is your father’s name? My father’s name is Hasan Ibn Àlī. (3) How many sons and daughters does Àbdur Rahmān have? He has one son and two daughters. (4) Who is the woman standing in front of you? She is my brother’s wife. (5) What is in her hand? There are clothes in her hand. (6) How many people are standing there? Five people are standing there. (7) How many boys are present today? Sir, thirty boys are present. (8) O Mahmūd, why are you standing here? I am standing here for some necessary work. (9) How much is this book? It costs five rupees (Lit. It is for five rupees). (10) O Khālid, how many brothers do you have? Page 161 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Sir, I have two brothers. (11) To whom does this small dog belong? It is my maternal uncle’s dog. (12) Where are you going to now? Sir, we are going to the madrasah. (13) When did your brother go? He went one hour ago. (E) Note how the following sentences have been analysed. An indication was made in Lesson 6 and 10 to (*@ (*\ *£) *£) and respectively. Here a simple analysis of some straightforward sentences is made. If any sentence provides information of some type, term it (*=§) and if there is a question, term it (*Vf") or (*©_q). (1) . / 0 1 § Yf) *=§ *@ *£ Page 162 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (2) 2 & 43 / 5 6 *V R!! Yf) dM)dM *=§ *@ *£ (3) 7& % 856 . / 9% 0{d 6 v R §d .Vf" " Yf) )Md M rO f *Vf" *@ *£ Page 163 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (4) 0: ; 8 0± R 6 v =<>% + 0 %? + 4 @ !V \ \ R .Vf" VrO f *Vf" *\ *£ Test No. 7 (1) Which words constitute the (.Vf"8 (.Vf"8 ^@) and the R0). What is the difference between the two? (2) Where should the (.Vf"8 ^@) be placed in a sentence? (3) From the (.Vf"8 (4) How many ^@), which word is ( )? types of ( j b ) are there? What is the ) of the noun succeeding each type? How are (U -b) and (* m=-b) used? Explain with examples. ( (5) Page 164 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (6) What were the words ( m M ) and (M j\O) originally? ) in the following sentences: ª 9 0 *,V *#% ;X, ¢ (1) ª ]$ !, , (2) ª F¢0 T Y% *$©# l- *=-0 (3) ª %7 0 (4) ª >)? ,Y0 !, , (5) ª B2) ] 0 Á = B#% ] (6) ª l2 0 Y = TY% l: (7) ª & !f? !$Â "- , (8) !v ^v ? & !$Â " !f? UY" = q (9) . ;Y% Insert the ( Page 165 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 14 The Verb 1. Verbs are of two types: (1) one is ('¢) which indicates that an action has been completed, e.g. (9 M fMb ) – he wrote. (2) the second is (N[¢) which indicates that an action has not been completed but is being done or will be done, e.g. (9 P fP?r M=) – he is writing or he will write. Some morphologists51 regard the imperative (-) as a third category of verbs. Generally a verb has three root letters (O/ b i), e.g. (9 M fMb ) – he M vM j M) – wrote. Some verbs have four root letters (OMP ), e.g. ( he translated. Note 1: The root letters of a word are called (l m M ). In verbs, the (9© X Y0) third person singular word-form contains only the root letters to the extent that recognizing 51 Scholars of (ORj | m P ). Page 166 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One the root letters of the verbal noun (Y|) and all the derivatives (B2f_) are based on this word-form. In order to indicate the meaning of the verbal noun, it is appropriate to write this word-form - (9© X Y0) - so that the student can apprize himself of the root letters. Hence we can say that (9 M fMb ) means to write although originally its meaning is, ‘he wrote’. However, if you want to speak of the meaning expressed by the verbal noun, you should use the verbal noun, e.g. (lb ^c M2O rM0 *b MMf?O r !P$uM M) – Learn writing O rb) is the (Y|) -verbal noun of and reading. The word (*b MMf? (9 M fMb ) while (lb ^c M2O rb) is the verbal noun of (-bM #b). 3. The (9© X Y0) third person singular word-form of ('¢) - the past tense (or perfect tense) comes on the scales of ( b M \b), (b O \b) and (b P \b). Examples: (M M ' M ) – he hit, (wM $O "M ) – he heard and (.M P b ) – he was noble. Details of this will be provided in Lesson 16 while the quadriliteral verb ( ) will be discussed in Lesson 25. All the word forms of the past tense are as follows: Page 167 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One ABCD EFD D 4* Meaning Person Gender Word-Form Verb He wrote 3rd person masc. singular 9 M fMb dual )MfMb plural j!)PfMb singular j )MfMb dual Mf)MfMb plural M )jfMb singular M )jfMb dual M$fP)jfMb plural j fP)jfMb singular O )jfMb dual M$fP)jfMb plural m fP)jfMb m/f singular P )jfMb m/f dual/ plural M%)jfMb They 2 wrote They wrote fem. She wrote They 2 f. wrote They f. wrote You wrote You 2 wrote 2nd person masc. You wrote You f. wrote fem. You 2 f. wrote You f. wrote I wrote We wrote 1st person Page 168 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Note 2: The total number of word forms are 18 but only 14 are mentioned because the meanings of all are included in these 14 forms. Then there is no need to repeat one word several times. However, among the 14 word-forms, the verb b ) is repeated. There was no need for it but due to a (M$fP)j fM certain expediency, the custom of repeating it has been formed. Note 3: Every word-form of the verb has a pronoun of the (\) – doer. These pronouns are called (*|f *!\ ©$') – attached pronouns in the nominative case. Note 4: When joining the verb ( j )MfMb ) to the succeeding word, delete the final sukūn (jazm) and replace it with a kasrah, e.g. (M !j fP?r $M r *i $M M $P r O )MfMb ) – The teacher wrote the letter. The alif and (0) of those words which have them at the end will not be pronounced when joining them to the succeeding word, e.g. (M !j fP?r $M r )MfMb O / b vP m b) – The two men wrote the letter. (M !j fP? r $M r !)PfMb i Mvh b) – The men wrote the letter. Page 169 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One 5. The verbs on the scales of ( b O \b) and (b P \b) will also be conjugated like the above: M%jO :M ... M jO :M a MfMO :M a j MO :M a j!PO :M a MO:M a M O :M M%j P b ... a M j P b a MfM P b a j M P b a j!P P b a MP b a .M P b 6. The scales of ( b M \b), (b O \b) and (b P \b) are of (R0¢ '¢) – !±) passive tense52 of all these forms appears on the scale of ( b O \i). Examples: from (9 M fMb ) – (9 M fOi ), (M O :M ) – (M O :P ), (.M P b ) – (.M O i ). the past active tense. The ( No (\) is mentioned with the ( !±) - passive verb. Only the ( !V – object) which is now called the (©V 9©q) – representative of the doer - is mentioned. Like the (\), it is rendered (w\), e.g. ( P )Mu M O :P ) – The milk was drunk. This sentence does not indicate who drank the milk. When one wants to indicate the person/item on which the action is done without mentioning the doer, the passive verb is used, e.g. The book was taken. 52 Page 170 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One 7. By inserting (M) before ('¢) - the perfect tense, it becomes negative, e.g. (9 M fMb M) – He did not write. (M O :M M) – He did not drink. j #b) or (Yj 2b b) – undoubtedly – is added 8. Very often the word (Y to ('¢) - the perfect tense to create emphasis in the meaning. However, there is no need to translate it always, e.g. (²$ j M Yt j=GM M M ' M Yj #b) – Undoubtedly Zaid hit Bakr or Zaid hit Bakr. 9. You read in the sixth lesson that a sentence beginning with a verb is called (*\ *$vP ). In a (*\ *$Pv), the (\) which is in (w\ *) - the nominative case - generally follows the verb, e.g. (Y t j=GM M bvM ) – Zaid sat. If it is a ( V U j Yh M fM$P r) transitive verb53, the third part of the sentence is the ( !V) – the object - which is in (9|% *) - the accusative case. See Lesson 10. Example: (²})j P 53 Yt j=GM b b -b) – Zaid ate bread. A transitive verb is one that requires an object to form a complete sentence. Page 171 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Besides these, the other parts of the sentence are called the Og j u (Bb2M fMP ), e.g. ( wM M ) – with the meat, ( O j)Mr O\) - in the house, (.M !j Mrb) – today etc. Sometimes the ( !V) – object – precedes the (\) and sometimes it even precedes the verb. Similarly, the (Bb2M fMP ) can also precede the (\), the ( ( j ?i %Mj=O !V) and the verb, e.g. j ?i b P r $M r -b .M !j Mrb) Today I have perfected your religion for you. j ?i b) are the (Bb2M fMP ) in this sentence. The words (.M !j Mrb) and ( The former preceded the verb while the latter preceded the ( !V). 10. In a (*\ *$Pv), the verb always remains singular whether the doer of the action is dual or plural. However for a masculine doer, the verb will be masculine and for a feminine doer, the verb will be feminine. Examples: (Y t b0M 9 M fMb ) - A boy wrote. ( O MYb0M 9 M fMb ) - Two boys wrote. Page 172 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (t A b 0j -b 9 M fMb ) - Many boys wrote. (* %Mj O j )MfMb ) - A girl wrote. ( O Mf%MjO j )MfMb ) - Two girls wrote. (B t M%M j )MfMb ) - Many girls wrote. However, if the (\) comes first, then the verb must correspond to the (\). The details of this rule will be mentioned in Lesson 18. Vocabulary List No. 12 Note: In the list below, each verb is written with both the ('¢) - perfect and (N[¢) - imperfect tenses. Conjugate each verb according to the previously mentioned paradigm. Then construct the ( !±) passive tense of each verb and conjugate it. The beloved students of seminaries should certainly take this much trouble to do this. Word Meaning to eat i i yr M= b b -b z i M )jM= z b M M to send Page 173 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One TP P fjM= TM M M to leave C P P j M= C M M M to go out i P Yj M= b M M to enter 9 P iWr M= 9 M bb to seek wP iWr M= wM bb to rise P P j M= M M b to set 9 P Oj M= 9 M bb to overcome P fMVr M= M fM\b to open D P M Vr M= D M O \b to be happy P M Vr M= M O \b to understand i fP2r M= b fM#b to kill P { M %jM= M { M qM to succeed b !j PM #r -b relatives M j=XO ub those, who b r-b now b r bO till now t j=O $j M to nurse Page 174 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One * %mvM garden wt j$O vM all N t 0j P GP a N t j GM crop S t O M" thief lM M:M evidence, testimony .t Mb food .P Mrb year, this year .t / b i boy, servant D t j \b happiness * b\O group M!#r -b a !j #b statement M$qmybb as if M$b like u ybO because Vj_fMj $P rb hospital 'jM a t j=O M sick person Au O except Page 175 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One R M then, because ^p }j vP part, section Exercise No. 13 (A) Note the use of the active and passive tenses in the following sentences and translate them: G>)H D EFD D -bO #i (i 1j2i r) !M ,P b 1j2i r -bM #b (Yt j:O M ) !M ,P i 1j2i r -bO #i b 1j2i r O YP j:O M -bM #b M)Oi (O / b vP M ) M$,P ²MfO c^M #b (O / b vP M ) M$,P j!)POi (i Mvh ) j ,P b 1j2i r 0e^M #b (i Mvh ) j ,P j )MOi ( t %jO) M ,O ²!j fP?r M j )MfMb ( t %jO) M ,O Mf)MOi (O Mf%jO) M$,P O jM!j fP?r M Mf)MfMb (O Mf%jO) M$,P M )jOi (B P M%)Mrb) m ,P 9 M jOb?M M )jfMb (B P M%)Mrb) m ,P j!,P Ab bO M 5rO P M qj-b ²uVP M r b -b M qj-b j _ O MMb bO M$fP5rO P M$fPqj-b ²qmP M$fPr b -b M$fPqj-b *b ?u M bO j fP5rO P j fPqj-b ²jW O j fPr b -b j fPqj-b Page 176 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One *O "M M Yj $M r bO O 5rO P O qj-b M r O r O )jbb O qj-b O j)Mr bO M$fP5rO P M$fPqj-b M r O r M$fP)jbb M$fPqj-b Vj_fMj $P rb bO m fP5rO P m fPqj-b M r O r m fP)jbb m fPqj-b j O,j O bO P 5rO P Mq-b ^n M P jO :M Mq-b mf?b r b bO M%5rO P P g j qM ²%)Mb M%jO :M P g j qM (B) Translate the following questions and answers: Answer Question P %jO ^n }j vP B P -rM #b U j YO h"M M= j M qM ª b 1j2i r B M -rM #b r ,M YP j:O M M= *b M O M)r P fP)jfMb j M qM bO M !j fP?r $M r M )jfMb r ,M ª] M jO-b b r bO P $j _ m O M bb M ª P $j _ m O M bb ÀM *o M M" b )j#b P $M 2b r M M b j M qM ª P $M 2b r M M b r ,M wM M }M )j P r P r b -b U j YO h"M M= O )Mu ª P M=j M M= .M !j Mr O r b -b bFM MMbO bO j O-b z b O P ª TM !j P-b z b O P M j=-b bO M mY O bM M j h -i M ,O ª M mY b M M j M Page 177 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One M O MvM M Yj #b U M M!M -b M$,P O mY ª M%jO C M M M j M 0M j h -i M$P fjMM ' M ª] M j=!M M -b M M ' M j M bc r bO M fO\i M Ab ª *O "M M Yj $M r P M M fO\i r ,M O MgfOj Or O\ Mg{ M qM M$P qmybO ª Yt j:O M 0M Yt $m g M P D M O \b M O bX, j \O ²Yb0M b !j P $j M M { M qM O MgfOj Or O\ M { M qM ²Yb0M j b .O Mr ªU h !O %Mm j ?i b!j #b M%$j O \b M ª M%b!j #b j fP$j O \b r ,M U YO %j,O j ?i qMM O u bO ª j O / b b j fP$j O \b M M O lO M M_ m O P )jOi ª O M!j=Yh O\ M )jOi M O *O M Yj O O) O j=O $j fmO P 5rO P ('j$M r M= Vj_fMj $P rb bO O 5rO P M O ª j fOj -i (C) Note the use of the verbs in the following verses of the Qur’ān: . O O Fr OO l³ M j5Ob *³ b\O j )Mbb *o bjOb# *o b\O j O j b (1) ( M m% b fM#b M$qmyb?b \b J O j c O\ o M \b 0j -b o Vr qM O jM O ² Vr qM b fM#b M (2) . ²O$vM Page 178 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One . »o O b .o b2M 0M N o 0PGP 0M o !PP 0M B o m%vM O !iM M j b m$h 9 t O|qM ^M %hO0M b !PM #r c M0 O MYOM!r TM M M m$h 9 t O|Mq O Mvh . b !PM #r c M0 O MYOM!r TM M M . h%O M jb\b P %jO M O :M M$\b . j P %jh / ³ O#b Au O P %jO r!PO _ M \b . j ?i O)j#b O M =OXu bM 9 M fOi M$b .P M| h P ?jbM 549 M fOi . j bfO#i 9 o qbF U h ybO j bO"P 55li M 0PÄ!j $M r bFO0M (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (D) Translate the following sentences into Arabic: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Did Hāmid eat the food? No, he did not eat the food till now. Did you drink the water? Yes, I ate the food and drank the water. What did you eat today? I ate bread and meat. Did your sister go to the madrasah? Yes, she went one hour ago. When did the sun rise? The sun rose now. Who entered the musjid? They are the teachers of the madrasah. Who is that who came out of the house? That is 54 Here the word (M9fOi ) means, “to make binding – to make compulsory”. 55 A girl buried alive. Page 179 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) my small brother. Did you (f) understand my statement? We did not understand your speech. Why did you (pl. f.) not understand my statement? Because your language is Arabic. O Khālid, was any lion killed? Yes, a large lion was killed. Who killed the lion? Sir, I killed the lion. Where was your servant sent? He was sent to the market. Page 180 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Lesson 15 The Imperfect (I JD 4*) 1. The verb which indicates the present and future tense is known as (N[¢ V) – the imperfect, e.g. (P O [ j M=) – he is hitting or he will hit. 2. The letters (-), (B), (U) and () are the signs of ( N[¢) V known as the (N[¢ B/). By inserting one of these letters before (9© X Y0) - the singular masculine third person - of ('¢) - the perfect tense, making the first letter sākin and adding (w\) at the end, the (N[ \) is formed, e.g. from ( M fM\b) we get (P fMVr M=), (P fMVr M), ( P fM\r -b) and (P fMVr qM). The paradigm of (N[¢ V) is as follows: Page 181 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One ABCD EFD I JD 4* Meaning Person Gender WordForm Verb He is opening or he will open They 2 are opening or they will open They are opening or they will open She is opening or she will open They 2 f. are opening or will open They f. are opening or will open You are are opening or will open You 2 are opening or will open You (all) are opening or will open You f. are opening or will open You 2 f. are opening or will open You (all f.) are opening or will open I am are opening or will open We are are opening or will open 3rd person masc. singular P fMVr M= dual O MgfMVr M= plural b !j g P fMVr M= singular P fMVr M dual O MgfMVr M plural M g j fMVr M= singular P fMVr M dual O MgfMVr M plural b !j g P fMVr M singular M jg O fMVr M dual O MgfMVr M plural M g j fMVr M m/f singular P fM\r -b m/f dual/ plural P fMVr qM fem. 2nd person masc. fem. 1st person Page 182 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One 3. Like the ('¢) - perfect tense, the (N[¢ V) imperfect also comes on three scales: ( i M Vr M=), (i O Vr M=) and (i P Vr M=). The (N[¢) - imperfect of ( M fM\b) is (P fMVr M=), of (M M ' M ) is (P O [ j M=) and of (.M P b ) is (.P P ?r M=). The details will follow in Lesson 16. Note 1: The words ( P fMVr M) and (O MgfMVr M) appear several times in the paradigm. Understand them well. One has to see the context to determine the meaning. Note 2: As in ('¢) - the perfect tense, the (N[¢ V) - imperfect also has fourteen word-forms. !±) - passive of (N[¢ V), render a dammah to the (N[¢ B/), and a fathah to the penultimate letter, e.g. (P O [ j M=) becomes (P M [ j P=) – he is being P fMVr M=) becomes (P fMVr P=) – it is being opened hit or he will be hit, ( or it will be opened, (.P P ? r M=) becomes (.P M ?r P=) – he is being 4. To construct the ( honoured or he will be honoured. 5. In order to construct the (V%¢ N[¢) - imperfect Page 183 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One negative, the word (A b ) is most often inserted before ( N[¢ )5¢) - the imperfect positive. Sometimes (M) is inserted, e.g. (9 P ,M Xr M= Ab ) – He is not going or he will not go. (P bj M= M) – He does not know or he will not know. Note 4: In order to make (N[¢ V) specific with the future tense, the particles (( M ) or (R M !j "M ) are prefixed to it, e.g. ( P fMVr M"M ) – He will soon open. (b !j $P bj M R M !j "M ) – You will come to know. 6. You know that (©$') - pronouns are used in place of the !V) - object. In Arabic, there are two types of pronouns: (a) (O|fmP ) - those pronouns which are attached to the verb, (b) (O|Vb %j P ) - those pronouns which are independent and ( separate from other words. Because these pronouns are in (9|% *) – the accusative case – they are referred to as (* !|%¢ ©$[). 7. The pronouns of (*|f¢ * !|%¢ ©$[ - attached Page 184 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One pronouns of the accusative case) are the same as the ( ©$[ *|f¢ l0¶) - attached pronouns of the genitive case. See Lesson 11. The only difference is in the (?f¢ *) - first person word-form where ( j qO) is used in place of (U j Od). The paradigm is as follows: Page 185 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Third Person (9O©b) Masculine Feminine P MM ' M singular M$P MM ' M dual j P MM ' M plural bMM ' M singular M$P MM ' M dual m P MM ' M plural Second Person (O'M) Masculine Feminine ] M MM ' M singular M$?i MM ' M dual j ?i MM ' M plural ] O MM ' M singular M$?i MM ' M dual m ?i MM ' M plural Page 186 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One First Person (? b fMP ) j %OMM ' M singular (m/f) M%MM ' M dual, plural (m/f) The same pronouns can be attached to the (N[) imperfect tense, e.g. (P PO [ j M=), (M$P PO [ j M=), (j P PO [ j M=) … till (M%PO [ j M=). In a similar manner, the above-mentioned pronouns can be attached to every word-form of every verb. However, when attaching a pronoun to the (' X w£) - plural masculine second person verb, the (.) is rendered a dammah and a (0j ) is inserted before the pronoun, e.g. j ,P !j $P fPjM ' M ) – You (all) hit them. (M$,P !j $P fPjM ' M ) – You (all) hit the ( two of them. 8. The (*|V%¢ * !|%¢ ©$[) – detached pronouns in the accusative case are as follows: Page 187 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Third Person (9O©b) Masculine Feminine ;P m=O singular $M ,P m=O dual j ,P m=O plural ,M m=O singular $M ,P m=O dual m ,P m=O plural Second Person (O'M) Masculine Feminine TM m=O singular $M i m=O dual j i m=O plural TO m=O singular $M i m=O dual m i m=O plural Page 188 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One First Person (? b fMP ) U M m=O singular (m/f) qMm=O dual, plural (m/f) These pronouns are used to create stress or limitation in the sentence especially when they precede the verb, e.g. ( TM m=O YP )Pj qM) – We worship You alone. Vocabulary List No. 13 Take special note of the harakah of the (*$? Å) in the perfect ('¢) and the imperfect (N[¢). Word Meaning to create P i j M= M bM wP \bj M= wM \bM to raise i bj M= b b"M to ask P Or M= M bb to oppress YP )Pj M= YM )MM to worship Page 189 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One i $M j M= b $O M to work, act P Wi Vr M= M Wb \b to create i M Vr M= b M \b to do ] P O$j M= ] M bM to own P i %jM= M b qM to look OO camel ,M -b more/most important M$qmO only j=O M innocent !j Wi P a t Wb M stomach YP ©OMvM a l YM j=O vM newspaper wP O M{r YP { O j $M rb 0j -b wP O M{rb jāmi’ musjid !j P=O M radio O j -b yesterday ²Yb tomorrow ²M) M morning ^n M M evening Page 190 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One ' M harm Yt OM worshipper l!M j #b coffee O Fb MM May Allāh grant refuge !M j=O a O 0M U j O By Allāh wt vj 0M pain MfM= a t jfOM= orphan wP Vb %jM= wM Vb qM to benefit Exercise No. 14 (A) Note the use of the (N[¢) - imperfect tense and translate the following sentences: ./ ³ jO#b P $P M \r -b j M qM ª m OM M r b M P M Vr M r ,M (1) . P M=j M j fOj -i P )PfP?r M ª M Mf?O r bX, 9 P fP?r M= j M (2) Ab Mq-b U j YO h"M M= .9 P fP?r M Ab M qj-b0M ²YhvM 9 P fP?r M M ,O ! e ^c M: M (3) . ²vj 0M U j YO M= j \O u ybO 9 P fPr -b Page 191 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One S O !j bO 9 P ,M Fr -b Mq-b ª YP $M j -b M= 9 P ,M Xr M M j=-b bO . lo YM O M0 *o O M" j \O M%jO wP vO j yb"M ª S O !j M O wP vO j M fM . O M ybr b jO j M -iM 2r qM MqYM h"M M= ª b 0j -iM 2r M o MfO U m -b P Ab 0j -b M= . lb !M j 2b r Ab 0M U M m_ P M _ j qM Ab P g j qM ª U M m_ b !j PM _ j M r ,M . O j « YM j M ²Yb z i M )jqP r M Ab ª .M !j Mr O O Mgr bO j fP5rO P r ,M j ©OM)$j M bO Mq!j P-b M%)Mbb ª j ©OM)$j M bO j ?i )Mbb j M M bM 0M j %O2b bM e b ª j ?i j=YM OM0 0M j ?i 2b bM j M b !j $P bj M r ,M .U m YM OM0 . j %OP Vb %jM= ²MfO j ?i %jO 9 P ir -b M$qmO ª *i _ M ©OM M= m%O M j)OiWr M bFM . TM M%,P j i %Mj=-bM M O 0M Ab ª wO O M{r O\ O j -b Mq!j $P fPj=-bM r ,M ²M) M wP $M "j -b O 0M U j O ª !j P=O m O\ O j g M r M M)j -b wP $M j M r M, . ^n M M 0M . O !j P yir h ,M -b j O M ,O 0M M,-iM #r -b Ab < M jb ª YM ©OM{ M r -iM 2r M r ,M 0M MqmO\b M,h :M j O O Fb MM ª *O $M jO M r O j g M r ;O XO ,M O\ P bj M bFM . M j M rM0 S M j _ m B O Xb M -b j fOu li YM #b!j $P r O P Mq (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) Page 192 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (B) Translate the following verses of the Qur’ān: . b !P$bj M= b Å M 2O \OM%$P r m ?O 0M Å M %OO `j $P r O 0M O O!P"M O 0M li }m O r O uO 0M m$h ^p UOM r qM-b 0M i $M j -b m$O b !i=OM j fPqb- j ?i i$M M j ?i b 0M O$M M j O . b !i$M j M . b !P$Or M= j P M Vi qb- ( M m% m ?O db 0M ³j:M ( M m% P Or M= Ab M x u O . ²Vr qM Ab 0M ¨' M O Vr %MO ] P Oj -b Au i# .²Mq j O qO!iWP O\ b !ii yr M= M$qmO ²$r i MfMr b M!j -b b !ii yr M= M =OXu . j qOM Wb \b U j XO u YP )Pj -b Ab O M0M . j M \OP < M jb ^O M$m bO 0M j 2b OP < M jb O OOr bO b 0Pi %M= b\b-b YP )Pj -b M b 0PYOM j fPqb- b 0M b 0PY)Pj M M YP )Pj -b b b 0P \Ob?r M=-b M= r #i 0M j ?i %P=O j ?i b YP )Pj -b M b 0PYOM j fPqb- b 0M j YM)M m Yt OM Mq-b b 0M . O =O M O . b !j ibj P= j ,P 0M i M Vr M= m$M i bj P=Ab (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Page 193 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (C) Translate the following sentences into Arabic: (1) What are you reading in the madrasah? I am reading Tashīlul Adab. (2) Do you recognize my brother? Yes, I recognize him. (3) Will the door of the garden be opened today? Today the door of the garden will not be opened. (4) Where did the doorkeeper go? I do not know where he went. (5) Will you go for a stroll today? No brother, I will go to the madrasah. (6) Did Mahmūd eat the food? Till now he has not eaten. Now he will eat. (7) Who do you worship? We do not worship anyone besides Allāh. (8) What are you asking of us? We are only asking for a book. (9) Which book are you seeking from us? We are seeking the book ‘Sīratun Nabī’ from you. (10) Do you read the Qur’ān every day? We read one part from it every day. Page 194 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One An Arabic Letter Read the following letter and note how a letter is written in Arabic. : O j\O P )jfMb 0M O jO | m j O -b bO ²!j fP?r M .M !j Mr P r "M j -b Mq-b }P j=}O M r E P ybr M=-b P PbM M0M O *i $M j M 0M j ?jbM .P / b m b j ©Ob2\bP 0M Mq-b B P -rM #b j qh-b b !j $P bj M m$b Y² j=YO :M ²M \b b !j P M Vr M j ?i P j$O vM j fPqj-b j O / ³ jO#b P M Vr qM b rM0 *o bjO#b lo Ym P j \O O M ybr b jO j M O MfO j O b 0m ybr ^c }j { P r e ^c M: r O -iYM )j%M"M 0M h OM M r O\ ²!j fP?r M .M !j Mr 9 P fPr -b bXO0M O M M r M O . O Mf?O r bX, j O j qOu5 ^c }j { P r O jM !j M= YM j M MM 9 O fP?i r b 5rO 9 o j | M O M jb ŸOv j "M P qmO\b ª M Mf?O r bX, -iM 2r M Ab M O j O -b M= . / ³ j "M ;P MqYj vM !M \b ;P Mq-rM #b P g j qM . *O $M j=YO 2b r *O mOM M r ( O O MY$M r O\ *O { M ©Om P )PM g j M= M$b 9 o j | MO M jb m OM M r u -b M Mf?O r bX, B M -rYM M bFO M qj-b P bj fM"M 0M . b !j )POuW Page 195 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One wO j$O { M O0M j ?i b0M j O M Om| b $M M rM0 wM \Om% M r O rM0 *b M\OMr bMM O M O 9 P ir -b . .P / b m M0 M jO 1 . M j$O Oj $P r TM O jM 9 P Ob M$j m YP )jM Test No. 8 (1) What is a verb and how many types are there? (2) How many root letters are there generally in a verb? (3) What is the (l6) of a word? (4) From among the verbs, which word-form contains only the root letters? (5) How do you recognize the root letters of verbs, derived nouns and verbal nouns? (6) On what scale does the triliteral verb in the perfect tense come? What are the scales of the imperfect tense? (7) How many word-forms are there in the perfect and imperfect tenses in reality, how many are customarily in vogue and why? Page 196 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One (8) In which part of the sentence does a verb normally come in an Arabic sentence? Where do the doer and object come? (9) Due to the number and gender of the doer, what changes occur in the verb? ) of the doer and the object? In the word (P MM ' M ), what is the pronoun (;P ) called? What word is (T M m=O)? (10) What is the ( (11) (12) (13) How do you construct the passive of the perfect and imperfect tenses and the negative? (14) What is the noun called towards which a passive verb is related? (15) What are the signs of the imperfect tense? P fP?r M) have and how (16) What meanings can the word (9 O M)fP?r M) be? many word-forms can ( (17) How many tenses are found in the imperfect tense? (18) What effect takes place on the imperfect by introducing the particles (( M ) and (R M !j "M )? End of Part One Page 197 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Page 198 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One Page 199 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/ Arabic Tutor – Volume One 3 Page 200 Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown - http://www.al-inaam.com/