FOUNDATIONS OF EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION Refers to the forces within a person that affect the direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior. Direction is about particular goal Intensity is the level of authority Persistence is the amount of time Human Behavior in Organization An individual’s emotional and cognitive (rational) motivation, particularly a focuses, intense, persistent, and purposive effort toward work related goal. Emotional involvement Commitment Satisfaction with the work High level of absorption in the work Self efficacy about performing work. Hardwire characteristics of the brain that correct deficiencies or maintain an internal equilibrium by producing emotions to energize individual. DECISION EMOTIONS Human Behavior in Organization Goal directed forces that people experience Human Behavior in Organization David Clarence McClelland (May 20, 1917 – March 27, 1998) was an American psychologist, noted for his work on motivation Need Theory. Human Behavior in Organization Feedback and recognition for success To control their environment, people, and resources to benefit themselves To control their environment, people, and resources to benefit themselves Social Norms Human Behavior in Organization Past Personal Experience Values EXPECTANCY Human Behavior in Organization INSTRUMEMTALITY VALENCE A Theory that explains employees behavior in terms of the antecedent conditions and consequences of that behavior Human Behavior in Organization SELF REINFORCEMENT Self regulating by engaging in reward and punishment for exceeding or falling short of self-set standards of excellence Explains how learning and motivation occur by observing and modeling others as well as anticipating the consequence of behavior Human Behavior in Organization Individual seatwork 1. Secure ½ yellow paper in crosswise 2. Divide/fold it into three columns 3. Copy the Instruction below per column and write your own experience. 4. 5 points following instruction correctly 5. 15 points for your answers SELF REINFORCEMENT SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORY Human Behavior in Organization REWARD PUNISHMENT Process of motivating employees and clarifying their role perceptions by establishing performance objectives Human Behavior in Organization A goal-setting and reward system that translate the organization’s vision and mission into specific measurable performance goals related to financial, customer, internal, and learning growth Human Behavior in Organization