Uploaded by Pat Nguyen

MGMT 1051 - 10.16.2019

Narure of Human Resources
Motivation: An inner drive that directs a person’s behavior toward goals
Morale: an employee’s attitude about his or her job / employer / collegues
Increase Motivation and Morale
o Intrinsic (internal): just because who you are (honor student >< traditional stu) –
engaging in behavior because it is personally rewarding
o Extrensic (external): engaging in behavior to earn a reward or avoid punishment
Perspective of motivation
Classic theory of motivation (TAYLORISM): says MONEY is the sole motivator of employees
HAWTHORNE STUDIES: revealed that human factors influence
Self-motivation needs: being the best you can be (maximizing your potential)
Esteem needs: relate to respect (self-respect & respect from others)
Social needs: need for love, companionship, friendship (acceptance)
Security needs: protecting yourself from physical and economic harm
Psychological needs: most essentials for living
McGregor’s Theory
o Theory X: Traditional view where managers assume that workers generally dislike work
and must be forced to do their jobs
o Theory Y: Humanistic view where managers assume that workers like to work and under
proper conditions will seek out responsibility
Equity Theory
How much people are willing to contribute to an organization depends on their
assessment of the fairness, or EQUITY, of the rewards they will receive in exchange
Expectancy Theory
Says that motivation depends not only on how much a person WANTS something but
also on that person’s perception of how likely he or she is to get it
Changing behavior and encouraging appropriate actions by relating the consequences
(reward/punishment) to the behavior itself
o Positive Reinforcement: “CARROT” approach
o Negative Reinforcement: “STICK” approach
Job Rotation: allows employees to move from one job to another in an effort to relieve boredom
of job specialization
Job Enlargement: adds more tasks to a job instead of treating each task as separate
Job Enrichment: Incorporate motivation factors such as opportunity for achievement,
recognition, advancement into a job. Provides more control and authority
Flexible Scheduling: Non-traditionial worksheet schedule that may include compressed
worksheets, flextime, job sharing, part-time work and telecommuting