Life Cycle: Butterfly Name(s) Date You will conduct a research on the monarch butterfly’s metamorphosis. Butterfly Life Cycle You are to find: 1) names of each stage Directions: Using the coloring page on the Children’s Butterfly Site, read about the 4 stages description of each (write section) in the metamorphosis 2) of butterflies. Draw each stage instage the circles below in andfact label the stages. After re-reading the web site information, write one fact about each stage in the 3) a sketch of each stage butterfly life cycle. Sketch: Stage: ____________________________ Fact: _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Stage: ____________________________ Fact: _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Stage: ____________________________ Fact: _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Stage: ____________________________ Fact: _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 2001 The Learning Network Inc.