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Science Lesson.docx

Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
Student Name:
Grade Level: 1st Grade
Cooperating Teacher:
Teaching Date: n/a
Every living thing, including we as humans, have a life cycle. As students are developing, it is important for them to
understand that even animals, though they are different than us, have life cycles.
COMPELLING QUESTION: How do living things change overtime?
SUPPORTING QUESTION: - What are the stages of a butterfly life cycle?
A. Goal:
- Students will identify and observe the stages of life of a butterfly.
B. Objective:
- after completing activities, students will be able to compose a butterfly’s life cycle.
- given pictures of a butterfly’s life cycle, students will place them in the correct order.
- By creating a cycle of stages of a butterfly's life, students will understand that change is necessary in order for a
butterfly to thrive.
C. Standards IAS
- 1.LS.1 Develop representations to describe that organisms have unique and diverse life cycle, but all have in
common birth, growth, reproduction and death.
Management Plan
Anticipatory Set
5 min.
Lesson Presentation
25 min
Tables & Reading
Guided Prac/ IP/ CU
10 min
Review/ Closure
2 min
Students will be participating in the
activity during this time and only
talking when called on or asked.
As what was said above, and also
students will transition correctly
using safe bodies
Blank paper,
-cut outs of
stages of
-the very
caterpillar book
GP- Reading Rug
IP&CU- Tables
As what was said above
Students actively participate
-Paper plates
-cut outs of
stages of
Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners—
- Due to having a student who is ELL in the classroom, I will make sure to include pictures throughout my
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
One of the students in the classroom might have an aid with him if he is in the classroom, or he might be
pulled out for extra support out of the classroom. If he is in the room and there is no aid, I will be sure to
make sure he has the sensory tools that he may need in order to be fully engaged in the lesson.
(CAEP K-6 1.b)
IV. Anticipatory Set/ Staging the Question [Compelling Question]
- Have students at their table groups (desks) with a piece of blank paper and a pencil
- Put a picture of a butterfly up on the board.
- “Before we start today’s lesson, I want you guys to look at this butterfly. What do you guys think this butterfly
looked like as a baby? You can either write or draw what you think. Once you have finished, I want your eyes on me.
*Wait until all students have finished their drawing or writing. Now, I want you guys to draw what the butterfly looks like
now. After you have drawn your pictures, at your table groups, I want you guys to show each other your pictures and I
want you to explain to your table group why you think the butterfly looked like that as a baby.” *Allow time for students
to share
- Today we are going to use our picture of the butterfly as an example to better understand the life cycle and how it
applies to us.
Purpose: Today we are going to use our picture of the butterfly as an example to better understand the life cycle
and how it can even apply to our lives.
Lesson Presentation (Input/Output) Supporting Question/ Explicit Teaching
“I am going to come around with some pieces of paper. Each piece of paper represents a stage of the
butterfly’s life and I want you to put them in order of what stage you think came first, second, third, etc. Just
like we as humans start as babies, so do butterflies”. *Give students time to put pictures in order. As they are
doing this, walk around the room and evaluate them and the decisions they are making. “Great job friends, I
see some really good guesses! Now please meet me at the carpet and we are going to go over the four
different stages of life the butterfly goes through. (have the same picture sort that they did up on the board
and explain each stage)
Stage 1: the butterfly starts as a tiny egg
Stage 2: eventually the egg turns to a caterpillar, the caterpillar then eats the leaves
Stage 3: Cocoon/Pupa
Stage 4: Butterfly hatches
“Each butterfly goes through these stages, and once at the butterfly stage, the butterfly then lays some more
tiny eggs and the cycle starts over. This cycle repeats itself over and over and it never ends.”
“Now before we head back to our tables I am going to read a story called The Very Hungry Caterpillar. This is
just a silly little story, but I hope that it helps stick what we have learned today in your brains. *Read story
and have students lead conversation when the story is over
“Now I want you to head back to your tables and make sure that you have your stages in order. Once you
have them in order, I am going to pass around a paper plate and I want you guys to glue the stages, in order,
around the plate so it makes a circle. *Show example of plate that was already made with stages in order.
Once you have finished gluing, you may come pick up this paper and by yourself, you will cut out and glue the
pictures in order. After you a finished cutting and gluing, you can go ahead and color your page.”
VII. Check for understanding.
- This will be shown in the last activity of the students cutting and gluing the stages, by themselves.
Review learning outcomes / Closure
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
“Great job today friends! You all did amazing, I am so impressed. Kiss your brains! Can someone raise their
hand tell me what the first stage of a butterfly is? (go through each stage having students answer) Thank you
guys for learning with me today! I had so much fun!
Formative- The final activity will give me an understanding of whether the students understood the material or not.
Summative- No summative assessment is necessary at this time.
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
7. Were all students able to stay on task with enough work to do or did they get bored with the work?
8. Was there enough explanation given to each activity?
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
Example of paper plate, butterfly life cycle: