From Exercise to Physical Activity to Active Living: Expanding Possibilities for Research and Intervention James F. Sallis, PhD. Department of Family and Preventive Medicine University of California, San Diego, USA Abstract Three phases in the evolution of the exercise science field can be identified. The initial phase was the "exercise science" phase, with the research goals of understanding basic physiology and improving sports performance. This phase generated vigorous physical activity goals for enhancing physiological fitness. Main interventions were related to cardiac and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. The second phase was the "physical activity" phase that began in the 1980s and reflected the growing epidemiologic evidence linking physical activity with health outcomes. This phase was marked by the moderate physical activity recommendations in the 1990s, the US Surgeon General's Report in 1996, and multiple scientific reports. Interventions were based in behavioral science and targeted both prevention in the general population and rehabilitation for patients. The third and current phase is the "active living" phase which expands the concept beyond leisure and recreation to transportation, occupation, and household domains of physical activity. Active living is becoming a core part of public health, and many disciplines outside of the health field are now collaborating on research and interventions. There is a new emphasis on environmental and policy changes to complement individually-oriented motivational and behavioral approaches. Exercise science has evolved rapidly in concepts, methods, interventions, and disciplines involved. As the global health burden of physical inactivity becomes increasingly clear, the need grows for interventions that can have widespread and long-term influence on physical activity. Current approaches to intervention that hold the most potential for meeting United Nation goals for reducing non communicable diseases will be discussed. Summary of Keynote Presentation Although the health and moral benefits of physical activity have been recognized in early writings from numerous cultures, exercise has never been a major focus of medicine or public health. Now, there are major efforts to bring physical activity into the mainstream of both medicine and public health. The field of exercise science has evolved rapidly in recent decades, in part to meet societal needs. The goal of this talk is to summarize the evolution of exercise science in three phases and describe current approaches to research and intervention to counter the pandemic of physical inactivity that is responsible for more than 5.3 million deaths worldwide each year. The roots of exercise science are in physiology and sports, with some connection to physical education. In the first phase, exercise was seen as a useful stimulus for examining physiological processes, and exercise physiology developed as a basic science. There was more interest in applications to sports performance than health. Physical education was an applied discipline that goes back about 100 years in the United States, but it was not a research-oriented field. Studies of the relation of exercise to multiple components of fitness led to recommendations in the 1970s, such as those from the American College of Sports Medicine, focusing on vigorous physical activity, Interventions were developed for cardiac and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. This work was the basis for the "exercise revolution" in the 1980s that was stimulated by new evidence on the effects of exercise on health, especially cardiovascular diseases and longevity. The epidemiologic studies signaled the second phase with a dominant emphasis on "physical activity." Epidemiologic studies showed both physical activity and fitness were strongly related to many health outcomes and served both preventive and therapeutic roles. Physical activity and fitness studies were re-examined, and they revealed substantial fitness and health gains with moderate-intensity physical activity. In the mid-1990's there were several recommendations emphasizing moderate physical activity as a more accessible goal from authoritative groups such as American College of Sports Medicine, US Surgeon General, and American Heart Association, plus groups from many other countries. During this phase interest in physical activity grew in the field of public health, and routine monitoring of population physical activity began in many countries. Behavioral scientists developed and evaluated many theory-based interventions targeting prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation in a variety of population groups. The third phase of "active living" began in the early 2000s, driven by three concepts. First, the limitations of intervening to motivate and educate individuals were becoming apparent, because changes were modest and short-lived. Multi-level ecological models were adopted that guided interventions targeting a combination of individual factors, social factors, environments, and policies. Second, investigators rediscovered that physical activity can be done for transportation, occupation, and household purposes, not just recreation, leisure, and sports. This opened new targets for intervention. Third, collaborations were developed with disciplines that had expertise in this wider range of physical activity domains practiced in diverse settings. Thus, city planners, transportation engineers, parks and recreation professionals, physical educators, landscape architects, and architects, among others became engaged in active living research and intervention. Milestones in the active living phase included new interdisciplinary research programs, such as Active Living Research and recommendations from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Institute of Medicine, and World Health Organization recommending environment and policy change as essential for increasing physical activity and preventing obesity. Walkability as a concept became known, and studies showing less physical activity and more obesity in low-walkable suburbs received substantial media coverage in the US. Cities throughout the world began implementing findings from the research by requiring sidewalks, changing zoning codes, building bicycle facilities, renovating parks, and even removing highways to re-establish pedestrian-friendly areas. Exercise Is Medicine is an international movement to make exercise a "vital sign" and encourage health care providers to counsel patients to be active. Integration of active living into public health research and practice was accelerated by the United Nations action plan to combat Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). In 2011, the UN recognized that NCDs, such as heart disease, cancer; and diabetes are not just threats to health, but they also can undermine economic development. Increasing physical-activity was adopted as one of four strategic targets to 'combat NCDs, along with healthy diet, nonsmoking, and avoidance of excessive alcohol intake. A widely publicized series of papers in The Lancet in 2012 showed that physical inactivity kills as many people as tobacco, at least 30% of adults and 70% of adolescents worldwide do not meet physical activity guidelines, a variety of effective interventions are available that can be implemented, and physical inactivity should be considered a global pandemic requiring urgent action. ** The new global efforts to promote physical activity come at a time when our storehouse of evidence-based interventions is greatly expanding. The use of technologies to educate large numbers of individuals through the internet and mobile telephones is exploding. Physical activity experts realize they do not have all the skills needed, so multi-sector coalitions are bringing together disciplines who have never worked with each other to devise new and long lasting solutions to inactivity. Cities are adopting active living strategies in many agencies, and they see such actions as improving both public health and economic development. Though possibilities for interventions with broader reach and more permanent effects are a positive development, implementing such strategies is more challenging than delivering exercise classes, so all stakeholders involved in physical activity research and promotion must develop new skills. References 1. Beaglehole, R., Bonita, R., Horton, R., Adams, C., Alleyne, G., Asaria, P., et al. (2011). Priority actions for the non-communicable disease crisis. The Lancet, 377, 1438-1447. 2. Hallal, P.C., Andersen, L.B., Bull, F.C., Guthold, R., Haskell, W.L., & Ekelund, U. (2012). Global physical activity levels: Surveillance progress, pitfalls, and prospects. The Lancet, 380, 247-257. 3. Heath, G.W., Brownson, R.C., Kruger, J.,. Miles, R., Powell, K., & Ramsey, L.T. (2006). 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