Uploaded by Ratul Kabir

4 Types of Consumer Behavior Explained

4 types of consumer behavior are1.
Complex buying behavior.
Dissonance-reducing buying behavior.
Habitual buying behavior.
Variety seeking behavior
Complex buying behavior is that there is a lot of brands in the market and the customer becomes
confused about what will be the best for him. So, this reason customer takes some time to purchase
the product. Buying a laptop often falls under this.
Dissonance reducing behavior is that where it falls under the customer satisfaction that customer
happy or not with item they purchase. It falls under the expensive product or irregular product.
Habitual buying behavior is that people do buy that product without planning, Like the people
often buy choclates, milk etc. So, this falls under this For Buying a new smart phone this falls under the
complex buying behavior.
Variety seeking behavior is like there is a lots brands in the market but customer often gets bore
with using this same brand. So, because there are a lot of brands in the market. But we often try
new brands that is called variety seeking behavior.
Buying a new smart phone reflected the most in the market when we try to purchase it. We get
confused about which product will be best .We take some time to purchase it.But soyabin oil and
noodles we don’t take time to purchase it. It mainly falls under the Variety behavior and the noodle
maybe it can fall under the habitual but sometimes it falls under the variety when we try new brand.