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Learning Activity Sheet
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Television - a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are
reproduced on screens, chiefly used to broadcast programs for entertainment,
information, and education.
Joseph Henry's and Michael Faraday's work with electromagnetism jumpstarts the
era of electronic communication.
Abbe Giovanna Caselli invents his Pantelegraphy and becomes the first person to
transmit a still image over wires.
Scientist Willoughby Smith experiments with selenium and light, revealing the
possibility for inventors to transform images into electronic signals.
Boston civil servant George Carey was thinking about complete television systems
and in 1877 he put forward drawings for what he called a selenium camera that
would allow people to see by electricity.
Eugen Goldstein coins the term "cathode rays" to describe the light emitted when
an electric current was forced through a vacuum tube.
The Late 1870s
Scientists and engineers like Valeria Correa Vaz de Paiva, Louis Figuier, and
Constantin Senlecq were suggesting alternative designs for telectroscopes.
Inventors Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison theorize about telephone
devices that transmit images as well as sound.
Bell's photophone used light to transmit sound and he wanted to advance his
device for image sending. George Carey builds a rudimentary system with lightsensitive cells.
Sheldon Bidwell experiments with his telephotography that was like Bell's
Paul Nipkow sends images over wires using a rotating metal disk technology calling
it the electric telescope with 18 lines of resolution.
At the World's Fair in Paris, the first International Congress of Electricity was held.
That is where Russian Constantin Perskyi made the first known use of the word
Soon after 1900, the momentum shifted from ideas and discussions to the physical
development of television systems. Two major paths in the development of a
television system were pursued by inventors.
Inventors attempted to build mechanical television systems based on Paul
Nipkow's rotating disks.
Inventors attempted to build electronic television systems based on the cathode
ray tube developed independently in 1907 by English inventor A.A. CampbellSwinton and Russian scientist Boris Rosing.
Lee de Forest invents the Audion vacuum tube that proves essential to electronics.
The Audion was the first tube with the ability to amplify signals. Boris Rosing
combines Nipkow's disk and a cathode ray tube and builds the first working
mechanical TV system.
Campbell Swinton and Boris Rosing suggest using cathode ray tubes to transmit
images. Independent of each other, they both develop electronic scanning methods
of reproducing images.
Vladimir Zworykin patents his iconoscope a TV camera tube based on Campbell
Swinton's ideas. The iconoscope, which he called an electric eye, becomes the
cornerstone for further television development. Zworkin later develops the
kinescope for picture display (aka the receiver).
American Charles Jenkins and John Baird from Scotland each demonstrate the
mechanical transmissions of images over wire circuits.
John Baird becomes the first person to transmit moving silhouette images using a
mechanical system based on Nipkow’s disk.
Charles Jenkin built his Radiovisor and in 1931 and sold it as a kit for consumers
to put together. Vladimir Zworykin patents a color television system.
John Baird operates a television system with 30 lines of resolution system running
at five frames per second.
Bell Telephone and the U.S. Department of Commerce conducted the first longdistance use of television that took place between Washington, D.C., and New York
City on April 7. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover commented, “Today we
have, in a sense, the transmission of sight for the first time in the world’s history.
Human genius has now destroyed the impediment of distance in (this) new respect,
and in a manner hitherto unknown.” Philo Farnsworth files for a patent on the first
completely electronic television system, which he called the Image Dissector.
The Federal Radio Commission issues the first television station license (W3XK)
to Charles Jenkins.
Vladimir Zworykin demonstrates the first practical electronic system for both the
transmission and reception of images using his new kinescope tube.
John Baird opens the first TV studio; however, the image quality is poor.
Charles Jenkins broadcasts the first TV commercial. The BBC begins regular TV
Iowa State University (W9XK) starts broadcasting twice-weekly television programs
in cooperation with radio station WSUI.
About 200 television sets are in use worldwide. Coaxial cable—a pure copper or
copper-coated wire surrounded by insulation and aluminum covering—is
introduced. These cables were and are used to transmit television, telephone, and
data signals.
The first experimental coaxial cable lines were laid by AT&T between New York and
Philadelphia in 1936. The first regular installation connected Minneapolis and
Stevens Point, Wisconsin, in 1941. The original L1 coaxial cable system could carry
480 telephone conversations or one television program. By the 1970s, L5 systems
could carry 132,000 calls or more than 200 television programs.
CBS begins its TV development. The BBC begins high-definition broadcasts in
London. Brothers and Stanford researchers Russell and Sigurd Varian introduce
the Klystron. A Klystron is a high-frequency amplifier for generating microwaves. It
is considered the technology that makes UHF-TV possible because it gives the
ability to generate the high power required in this spectrum.
Vladimir Zworykin and RCA conduct experimental broadcasts from the Empire
State Building. Television was demonstrated at the New York World’s Fair and the
San Francisco Golden Gate International Exposition.
RCA’s David Sarnoff used his company’s exhibit at the 1939 World’s Fair as a
showcase for the first presidential speech (by Franklin D. Roosevelt) on television
and to introduce RCA’s new line of television receivers, some of which had to be
coupled with a radio if you wanted to hear the sound. The Dumont company starts
making TV sets.
Peter Goldmark invents 343 lines of the resolution color television system.
The FCC releases the NTSC standard for black and white TV.
Vladimir Zworykin develops a better camera tube called the Orthicon. The Orthicon
has enough light sensitivity to record outdoor events at night.
Peter Goldmark, working for CBS, demonstrated his color television system to the
FCC. His system produced color pictures by having a red-blue-green wheel spin in
front of a cathode ray tube.
Cable television is introduced in Pennsylvania as a means of bringing television to
rural areas. A patent was granted to Louis W. Parker for a low-cost television
receiver. One million homes in the United States have television sets.
The FCC approves the first color television standard, which is replaced by a second
in 1953. Vladimir Zworykin developed a better camera tube called the Vidicon.
Ampex introduces the first practical videotape system of broadcast quality.
Robert Adler invents the first practical remote control called the Zenith Space
Commander. It was preceded by wired remotes and units that failed in sunlight.
The first split-screen broadcast occurs during the debates between presidential
candidates Richard M. Nixon and John F. Kennedy.
The All-Channel Receiver Act requires that UHF tuners (channels 14 to 83) be
included in all sets.
A joint international collaboration between AT&T, Bell Labs, NASA, British General
Post Office, the French National Post, Telegraph, and Telecom Office results in the
development and launch of Telstar, the first satellite to carry TV broadcasts.
Broadcasts are now internationally relayed.
Most TV broadcasts are in color.
On July 20, 600 million people watch the first TV transmission made from the
Half the TVs in homes are color sets.
Giant screen projection TV is first marketed.
Sony introduces Betamax, the first home video cassette recorder.
PBS becomes the first station to switch to an all-satellite delivery of programs.
NHK demonstrates HDTV with 1,125 lines of resolution.
Dolby Surround Sound for home sets is introduced.
Direct Broadcast Satellite begins service in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Stereo TV broadcasts are approved.
Super VHS is introduced.
Closed captioning is required on all sets.
The FCC approves ATSC’s HDTV standard. TV sets are more than 1 billion homes
across the world.
Directions: Create a timeline showing the 10 most important happening in the
history of television. Select 10 the most significant events and choose only
those with name and year. See the sample below for your reference. You may
submit your output on the link that your teacher will give you in a JPEG
TV has authority
Today information is everywhere. But television has a particular authority. If you
see something on TV, you know that millions of others are also seeing it, and that it
has been verified, produced, and created by professionals. That’s why television
remains the most popular and trusted platform for news, culture, sports, and
TV creates communities
Great television programmes create communities around them. TV shows, live
events and news make animated conversation for friends, family, and colleagues.
They bind people together and trigger reactions on social networks.
TV inspires the mind
Television is a fantastic educational tool. It broadens knowledge of different
cultures, promotes tolerance and global understanding of international issues.
Through current affairs, discovery, lifestyle, cooking shows and children’s
programmes, television encourages scientific and cultural curiosity.
TV delivers quality
Thanks to the hard work of talented people on and off-screen, building on decades
of experience and on new ways of working and communicating with audiences, the
production quality of television programming has never been better than it is today.
TV gives a voice to good causes
Thanks to its unrivalled reach and emotional power, television enables effective
calls for action during humanitarian crises, natural disasters, and social
emergencies. It reaches out to society through programmes and communication
campaigns on the environment, healthy eating, physical activity, responsible sexual
attitudes and responsible alcohol consumption, and many others.
TV goes hand-in-hand with sport
Without television, professional sport would be unrecognisable. Millions enjoy
watching live sport every week from all parts of the world in ever-higher picture
quality, and enjoy the sense of unity that sports coverage creates. Televised sport
has other benefits: it promotes sport’s values and ethics, and it inspires people to
follow healthy role models.
TV stimulates the economy
The global media sector of which television is a major part employs millions of
skilled workers across the world. In addition, the success of commercial television
as an advertising medium generates revenue which can be reinvested in even more
great programming for viewers.
TV embraces the digital age
Consumers now have more opportunities to enjoy television content than ever
before. Viewers can watch on multiple screens and interact within fan communities
and social platforms. The social television experience is completed with exclusive
online content, pre-release of sequences before linear-TV broadcast, digital video
interviews, making of videos, backstage photos and many others.
TV reaches consumers & builds brands
Television ensures that consumers know about new products, services, ideas and
projects. It strengthens the position of existing brands and reassures consumers
about the choices they make.
Propaganda Techniques
PROPAGANDA – the use of a variety of communication techniques that create an
emotional appeal to accept a particular belief or opinion, to adopt a certain behavior
or to perform a particular action. There is some disagreement about whether all
persuasive communication is propagandistic or whether the propaganda label can
only be applied to dishonest messages.
NAME CALLING – links a person, or idea, to a negative symbol. Examples: commie,
fascist, yuppie
GLITTERING GENERALITIES – use of virtue words; the opposite of name calling, i.e.,
links a person, or idea, to a positive symbol. Examples: democracy, patriotism, family
The next two are ways of making false connections:
TRANSFER – a device by which the propagandist links the authority or prestige of
something well respected and revered, such as church or nation, to something he
would have us accept. Example: a political activist closes her speech with a prayer
TESTIMONIAL – a public figure or a celebrity promotes or endorses a product, a
policy, or a political candidate. Examples: an athlete appears on the Wheaties box;
an actor speaks at a political rally
The following three constitute special appeals:
PLAIN FOLKS – attempt to convince the audience that a prominent person and his
ideas are “of the people.” Examples: a prominent politician eats at McDonald’s; an
actress is photographed shopping for groceries
BANDWAGON – makes the appeal that “everyone else is doing it, and so should you.”
Examples: an ad states that “everyone is rushing down to their Ford dealer”
FEAR – plays on deep-seated fears; warns the audience that disaster will result if
they do not follow a particular course of action. Example: an insurance company
pamphlet includes pictures of houses destroyed floods, followed up by details about
home-owners’ insurance.
Directions: Read again the discussion above and prepare for an online quiz about
the history of television and its importance. A link will be sent by your
Directions: Create an advertisement promoting local products such as balut,
kwek-kwek, bingka, banana que, barbeque, etc. Use at least one propaganda
technique discussed previously. You may submit your video on the link that your
teacher will provide.
35% - Content Clarity
The product is promoted clearly and can persuade people to buy the
35% - Creativity
The video is original, new and uses graphics and illustrations related to the
product being promoted.
20% - Use of Propaganda technique
A propaganda from the discussion is used.
10% - Production
Overall quality of the production (including visual and sound elements.)