Uploaded by Aneyex Yez

Maternal & Child Health Program Proposal

Improve the Health Conditions of a mother and Child: Childhood Stage of the Child
Children from a developing country often suffer from numerous conditions. Commonly conditions
are due to neonatal conditions and infectious diseases such as; pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria,
measles and meningitis, often intensified by malnutrition. These are frequently due to poor
nutritional status, lack of access to good quality health care, and unhealthy living conditions.
Health services should be made accessible to every community, there is a distinct advantage in
providing special services to mothers and children or making them our primary focus of health
services, particularly when health resources are deficient. With this being implied, we aim to
reduce preventable mortality, minimize illness and disability, and promote healthy growth and
development of children.
Strategic approach:
Improve case management skills of healthcare providers
Improve health systems to provide quality care
Improve family and community health practices for health, growth and development.
Mother and children program anticipate for the following goals.
Provide feeding program to reduce the malnutrition rate and eliminate micronutrient
Immunization among children, eradicate polio, elimination of neonatal tetanus and
reduction in measles cases.
Basic education for all children and completion of primary education.
Provide clean water and safe sanitation in every community.
Access to family planning information and services.