Development of Care in the Neonatal ICU Passing Score: 100

Development of Care in the Neonatal ICU
Passing Score: 100%
Why is the design of the neonatal environment important ?
a. Crucial period of brain growth and development for babies
b. Defining moment in families and multiple relationships
c. Defines who we are and how we feel as a neonatal staff
d. All of the above
e. “A” and “C” only
Brain weight increases 400% from 26 weeks to full term (approx. 3 months).
a. True
b. False
Common myths regarding the pre-term infant brain include:
a. Extraordinarily resilient
b. Too young for memory, habituation, or sensation development
c. Immune from external stimuli
d. All of the above
e. “A” and “B” only
Kangaroo care includes all of the following except:
a. Caress/massage
b. Circadian stimuli
c. Familiar odors
d. Lack of protection
Private NICU rooms facilitate:
a. Additional privacy
b. Less over-stimulation
c. More time with the infant
d. All of the Above