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Patient Education Nursing Test Questions

Chapter 25: Patient Education
Potter et al.: Fundamentals of Nursing, 9th Edition
1. A nurse is teaching a patient’s family member about permanent tube feedings at home. Which
purpose of patient education is the nurse meeting?
Health promotion
Illness prevention
Restoration of health
Coping with impaired functions
Teach family members to help the patient with health care management (e.g., giving
medications through gastric tubes and doing passive range-of-motion exercises) when coping
with impaired functions. Not all patients fully recover from illness or injury. Many have to
learn to cope with permanent health alterations. Health promotion involves healthy people
staying healthy, while illness prevention is prevention of diseases. Restoration of health occurs
if the teaching is about a temporary tube feeding, not a permanent tube feeding.
DIF: Understand (comprehension)
REF: 337
OBJ: Identify the purposes of patient education.
MSC: Basic Care and Comfort
TOP: Teaching/Learning
2. A nurse is teaching a group of healthy adults about the benefits of flu immunizations. Which
type of patient education is the nurse providing?
Health analogies
Restoration of health
Coping with impaired functions
Promotion of health and illness prevention
As a nurse, you are a visible, competent resource for patients who want to improve their
physical and psychological well-being. In the school, home, clinic, or workplace, you promote
health and prevent illness by providing information and skills that enable patients to assume
healthier behaviors. Injured and ill patients need information and skills to help them regain or
maintain their level of health; this is referred to as restoration of health. Not all patients fully
recover from illness or injury. Many have to learn to cope with permanent health alterations;
this is known as coping with impaired functions. Analogies supplement verbal instruction with
familiar images that make complex information more real and understandable. For example,
when explaining arterial blood pressure, use an analogy of the flow of water through a hose.
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 337
OBJ: Identify the purposes of patient education.
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
TOP: Teaching/Learning
3. A nurse’s goal is to provide teaching for restoration of health. Which situation indicates the
nurse is meeting this goal?
a. Teaching a family member to provide passive range of motion for a stroke patient
b. Teaching a woman who recently had a hysterectomy about possible adoption
c. Teaching expectant parents about changes in childbearing women
d. Teaching a teenager with a broken leg how to use crutches
Injured or ill patients need information and skills to help them regain or maintain their levels
of health. An example includes teaching a teenager with a broken leg how to use crutches. Not
all patients fully recover from illness or injury. Many have to learn to cope with permanent
health alterations. New knowledge and skills are often necessary for patients and/or family
members to continue activities of daily living. Teaching family members to help the patient
with health care management (e.g., giving medications through gastric tubes, doing passive
range-of-motion exercises) is an example of coping with long-term impaired functions. For a
woman with a hysterectomy, teaching about adoption is not restoration of health; restoration
of health in this situation would involve activity restrictions and incision care if needed. In
childbearing classes, you teach expectant parents about physical and psychological changes in
the woman and about fetal development; this is part of health maintenance.
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 337
OBJ: Identify the purposes of patient education.
MSC: Basic Care and Comfort
TOP: Teaching/Learning
4. A nurse attends a seminar on teaching/learning. Which statement indicates the nurse has a
good understanding of teaching/learning?
“Teaching and learning can be separated.”
“Learning is an interactive process that promotes teaching.”
“Teaching is most effective when it responds to the learner’s needs.”
“Learning consists of a conscious, deliberate set of actions designed to help the
Teaching is most effective when it responds to the learner’s needs. It is impossible to separate
teaching from learning. Teaching is an interactive process that promotes learning. Teaching
consists of a conscious, deliberate set of actions that help individuals gain new knowledge,
change attitudes, adopt new behaviors, or perform new skills.
DIF: Understand (comprehension)
REF: 337
OBJ: Describe the similarities and differences between teaching and learning.
TOP: Evaluation
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
5. A nurse is determining if teaching is effective. Which finding best indicates learning has
A nurse presents information about diabetes.
A patient demonstrates how to inject insulin.
A family member listens to a lecture on diabetes.
A primary care provider hands a diabetes pamphlet to the patient.
Learning is the purposeful acquisition of new knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills:
patient demonstrates how to inject insulin. A new mother exhibits learning when she
demonstrates how to bathe her newborn. A nurse presenting information and a primary care
provider handing a pamphlet to a patient are examples of teaching. A family member listening
to a lecture does not indicate that learning occurred; a change in knowledge, attitudes,
behaviors, and/or skills must be evident.
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 337
OBJ: Describe the similarities and differences between teaching and learning.
TOP: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Basic Care and Comfort
6. A nurse is teaching a patient about the Speak Up Initiatives. Which information should the
nurse include in the teaching session?
a. If you still do not understand, ask again.
b. Ask a nurse to be your advocate or supporter.
c. The nurse is the center of the health care team.
d. Inappropriate medical tests are the most common mistakes.
If you still do not understand, ask again is part of the S portion of the Speak Up Initiatives.
Speak up if you have questions or concerns. You (the patient) are the center of the health care
team, not the nurse. Ask a trusted family member or friend to be your advocate (advisor or
supporter), not a nurse. Medication errors are the most common health care mistakes, not
inappropriate medical tests.
DIF: Understand (comprehension)
REF: 337
OBJ: Identify the role of the nurse in patient education.
MSC: Safety and Infection Control
TOP: Teaching/Learning
7. A nurse teaches a patient with heart failure healthy food choices. The patient states that eating
yogurt is better than eating cake. Which element represents feedback?
The nurse
The patient
The nurse teaching about healthy food choices
The patient stating that eating yogurt is better than eating cake
Feedback needs to demonstrate the success of the learner in achieving objectives (i.e., the
learner verbalizes information or provides a return demonstration of skills learned). The nurse
is the sender. The patient (learner) is the receiver. The teaching is the message.
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 338
OBJ: Describe appropriate communication principles when providing patient education.
TOP: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Basic Care and Comfort
8. While preparing a teaching plan, the nurse describes what the learner will be able to
accomplish after the teaching session about healthy eating. Which action is the nurse
a. Developing learning objectives
b. Providing positive reinforcement
c. Presenting facts and knowledge
d. Implementing interpersonal communication
Learning objectives describe what the learner will exhibit as a result of successful instruction.
Positive reinforcement follows feedback and reinforces good behavior and promotes
continued compliance. Interpersonal communication is necessary for the teaching/learning
process, but describing what the learner will be able to do after successful instruction
constitutes learning objectives. Facts and knowledge will be presented in the teaching session.
DIF: Understand (comprehension)
REF: 338
OBJ: Describe appropriate communication principles when providing patient education.
TOP: Planning
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
9. A patient learns that a normal adult heartbeat is 60 to 100 beats/min after a teaching session
with a nurse. In which domain did learning take place?
a. Kinesthetic
b. Cognitive
c. Affective
d. Psychomotor
The patient acquired knowledge, which is cognitive. Cognitive learning includes all
intellectual skills and requires thinking. In the hierarchy of cognitive behaviors, the simplest
behavior is acquiring knowledge. Kinesthetic is a type of learner who learns best with a
hands-on approach. Affective learning deals with expression of feelings and development of
attitudes, beliefs, or values. Psychomotor learning involves acquiring skills that require
integration of mental and physical activities, such as the ability to walk or use an eating
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 338-339
OBJ: Describe the domains of learning. TOP: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
10. A nurse is trying to help a patient begin to accept the chronic nature of diabetes. Which
teaching technique should the nurse use to enhance learning?
a. Lecture
b. Role play
c. Demonstration
d. Question and answer sessions
Affective learning deals with expression of feelings and acceptance of attitudes, beliefs, or
values. Role play and discussion (one-on-one and group) are effective teaching methods for
the affective domain. Lecture and question and answer sessions are effective teaching methods
for the cognitive domain. Demonstration is an effective teaching method for the psychomotor
DIF: Analyze (analysis)
REF: 339
OBJ: Describe the domains of learning. TOP: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
11. A nurse is describing a patient’s perceived ability to successfully complete a task. Which term
should the nurse use to describe this attribute?
Attentional set
Active participation
Self-efficacy, a concept included in social learning theory, refers to a person’s perceived
ability to successfully complete a task. Motivation is a force that acts on or within a person
(e.g., an idea, an emotion, a physical need) to cause the person to behave in a particular way.
An attentional set is the mental state that allows the learner to focus on and comprehend a
learning activity. Learning occurs when the patient is actively involved in the educational
DIF: Understand (comprehension)
REF: 340
OBJ: Identify basic learning principles. TOP: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
12. A toddler is going to have surgery on the right ear. Which teaching method is most
appropriate for this developmental stage?
Encourage independent learning.
Develop a problem-solving scenario.
Wrap a bandage around a stuffed animal’s ear.
Use discussion throughout the teaching session.
Use play to teach a procedure or activity (e.g., handling examination equipment, applying a
bandage to a doll) to toddlers. Encouraging independent learning is for the young or middle
adult. Use of discussion is for older children, adolescents, and adults, not for toddlers. Use
problem solving to help adolescents make choices. Problem solving is too advanced for a
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 342
OBJ: Discuss how to integrate education into patient-centered care.
TOP: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
13. A nurse is preparing to teach a patient about smoking cessation. Which factors should the
nurse assess to determine a patient’s ability to learn?
Sociocultural background and motivation
Stage of grieving and overall physical health
Developmental capabilities and physical capabilities
Psychosocial adaptation to illness and active participation
Developmental and physical capabilities reflect one’s ability to learn. Sociocultural
background and motivation are factors determining readiness to learn. Psychosocial
adaptation to illness and active participation are factors in readiness to learn. Readiness to
learn is related to the stage of grieving. Overall physical health does reflect ability to learn;
however, because it is paired here with stage of grieving (which is a readiness to learn factor),
this is incorrect.
DIF: Understand (comprehension)
REF: 341-342
OBJ: Differentiate factors that determine readiness to learn from those that determine ability to learn.
Teaching/Learning MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
14. A nurse is teaching a patient about heart failure. Which environment will the nurse use?
a. A darkened, quiet room
b. A well-lit, ventilated room
c. A private room at 85° F temperature
d. A group room for 10 to 12 patients with heart failure
The ideal environment for learning is a room that is well lit and has good ventilation,
appropriate furniture, and a comfortable temperature. Although a quiet room is appropriate, a
darkened room interferes with the patient’s ability to watch your actions, especially when
demonstrating a skill or using visual aids such as posters or pamphlets. A room that is cold,
hot, or stuffy makes the patient too uncomfortable to focus on the information being
presented. Learning in a group of six or less is more effective and avoids distracting
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 342
OBJ: Establish an environment that promotes learning.
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
TOP: Teaching/Learning
15. Which assessment finding will cause the nurse to begin teaching a patient because the patient
is ready to learn?
a. A patient has the ability to grasp and apply the elastic bandage.
b. A patient has sufficient upper body strength to move from a bed to a wheelchair.
c. A patient with a below-the-knee amputation is motivated about how to walk with
assistive devices.
d. A patient has normal eyesight to identify the markings on a syringe and
coordination to handle a syringe.
Motivation underlies a person’s desire or willingness to learn. Motivation is a force that acts
on or within a person (e.g., an idea, emotion, or a physical need) to cause the person to behave
in a particular way. For example, a patient with a below-the-knee amputation is motivated to
learn how to walk with assistive devices, indicating a readiness to learn. Do not confuse
readiness to learn with ability to learn. All the other answers are examples of ability to learn
because this often depends on the patient’s level of physical development and overall physical
health. To learn psychomotor skills, a patient needs to possess a certain level of strength,
coordination, and sensory acuity. For example, it is useless to teach a patient to transfer from a
bed to a wheelchair if he or she has insufficient upper body strength. An older patient with
poor eyesight or an inability to grasp objects tightly cannot learn to apply an elastic bandage
or handle a syringe.
DIF: Analyze (analysis)
REF: 340 | 344
OBJ: Differentiate factors that determine readiness to learn from those that determine ability to learn.
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
16. A nurse is teaching a patient with a risk for hypertension how to take a blood pressure. Which
action by the nurse is the priority?
Assess laboratory results for high cholesterol and other data.
Identify that teaching is the same as the nursing process.
Perform nursing care therapies to address hypertension.
Focus on a patient’s learning needs and objectives.
The teaching process focuses on the patient’s learning needs, motivation, and ability to learn;
writing learning objectives and goals is also included. Nursing and teaching processes are not
the same. Assessing laboratory results for high cholesterol and performing nursing care
therapies are all components of the nursing process, not the teaching process.
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 343
OBJ: Compare and contrast the nursing and teaching processes.
TOP: Implementation
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
17. A patient has heart failure and kidney failure. The patient needs teaching about dialysis.
Which nursing action is most appropriate for assessing this patient’s learning needs?
Assess the patient’s total health care needs.
Assess the patient’s health literacy.
Assess all sources of patient data.
Assess the goals of patient care.
Because health literacy influences how you deliver teaching strategies, it is critical for you to
assess a patient’s health literacy before providing instruction. The nursing process requires
assessment of all sources of data to determine a patient’s total health care needs. Evaluation of
the teaching process involves determining outcomes of the teaching/learning process and the
achievement of learning objectives; assessing the goals of patient care is the evaluation
component of the nursing process.
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 343-345
OBJ: Compare and contrast the nursing and teaching processes.
TOP: Assessment MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
18. A nurse is teaching a patient about hypertension. In which order from first to last will the
nurse implement the steps of the teaching process?
1. Set mutual goals for knowledge of hypertension.
2. Teach what the patient wants to know about hypertension.
3. Assess what the patient already knows about hypertension.
4. Evaluate the outcomes of patient education for hypertension.
a. 1, 3, 2, 4
b. 2, 3, 1, 4
c. 3, 1, 2, 4
d. 3, 2, 1, 4
Assessment is the first step of any teaching session, then diagnosing, planning (goals),
implementation, and evaluation.
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 343
OBJ: Identify the appropriate topics that address a patient’s health education needs.
TOP: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
19. A patient had a stroke and must use a cane for support. A nurse is preparing to teach the
patient about the cane. Which learning objective/outcome is most appropriate for the nurse to
include in the teaching plan?
a. The patient will walk to the bathroom and back to bed using a cane.
b. The patient will understand the importance of using a cane.
c. The patient will know the correct use of a cane.
d. The patient will learn how to use a cane.
Outcomes often describe a behavior that identifies the patient’s ability to do something on
completion of teaching such as will empty a colostomy bag or will administer an injection.
Understand, learn, and know are not behaviors that can be observed or evaluated.
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 346
OBJ: Write learning objectives for a teaching plan.
MSC: Management of Care
TOP: Planning
20. Which learning objective/outcome has the highest priority for a patient with life-threatening,
severe food allergies that require an EpiPen (epinephrine)?
The patient will identify the main ingredients in several foods.
The patient will list the side effects of epinephrine.
The patient will learn about food labels.
The patient will administer epinephrine.
Once you assist in meeting patient needs related to basic survival (how to give epinephrine),
you can discuss other topics, such as nutritional needs and side effects of medications. For
example, a patient recently diagnosed with coronary artery disease has deficient knowledge
related to the illness and its implications. The patient benefits most by first learning about the
correct way to take nitroglycerin and how long to wait before calling for help when chest pain
occurs. Thus, in this situation, the patient benefits most by first learning about the correct way
to take epinephrine. “The patient will learn about food labels” is not objective and measurable
and is not correctly written.
DIF: Analyze (analysis)
REF: 346
OBJ: Write learning objectives for a teaching plan.
MSC: Reduction of Risk Potential
TOP: Evaluation
21. After a teaching session on taking blood pressures, the nurse tells the patient, “You took that
blood pressure like an experienced nurse.” Which type of reinforcement did the nurse use?
Social acknowledgment
Pleasurable activity
Tangible reward
Reinforcers come in the form of social acknowledgments (e.g., nods, smiles, words of
encouragement), pleasurable activities (e.g., walks or play time), and tangible rewards (e.g.,
toys or food). The entrusting approach is a teaching approach that provides a patient the
opportunity to manage self-care. It is not a type of reinforcement.
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 348
OBJ: Identify basic learning principles. TOP: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
22. A patient with heart failure is learning to reduce salt in the diet. When will be the best time for
the nurse to address this topic?
a. At bedtime, while the patient is relaxed
b. At bath time, when the nurse is cleaning the patient
c. At lunchtime, while the nurse is preparing the food tray
d. At medication time, when the nurse is administering patient medication
In this situation, because the teaching is about food, coordinating it with routine nursing care
that involves food can be effective. Many nurses find that they are able to teach more
effectively while delivering nursing care. For example, while hanging blood, you explain to
the patient why the blood is necessary and the symptoms of a transfusion reaction that need to
be reported immediately. At bedtime would be a good time to discuss routines that enhance
sleep. At bath time would be a good time to describe skin care and how to prevent pressure
ulcers. At medication time would be a good time to explain the purposes and side effects of
the medication.
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 348
OBJ: Include patient teaching while performing routine nursing care.
TOP: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
23. A nurse is teaching a patient who has low health literacy about chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) while giving COPD medications. Which technique is most appropriate for
the nurse to use?
a. Use complex analogies to describe COPD.
b. Ask for feedback to assess understanding of COPD at the end of the session.
c. Offer pamphlets about COPD written at the eighth grade level with large type.
d. Include the most important information on COPD at the beginning of the session.
Include the most important information at the beginning of the session for patients with
literacy or learning disabilities. Also, use visual cues and simple, not complex, analogies when
appropriate. Another technique is to frequently ask patients for feedback to determine whether
they comprehend the information. Additionally, provide teaching materials that reflect the
reading level of the patient, with attention given to short words and sentences, large type, and
simple format (generally, information written on a fifth grade reading level is recommended
for adult learners).
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 350
OBJ: Include patient teaching while performing routine nursing care.
TOP: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
24. A nurse is teaching a culturally diverse patient with a learning disability about nutritional
needs. What must the nurse do first before starting the teaching session?
Obtain pictures of food.
Get an interpreter.
Establish a rapport.
Refer to a dietitian.
Establishing trust is important for all patients, especially culturally diverse and learning
disabled patients, before starting teaching sessions. Obtaining pictures of food, getting an
interpreter, and referring to a dietitian all occur after rapport/trust is established.
DIF: Understand (comprehension)
REF: 350
OBJ: Discuss how to integrate education into patient-centered care.
TOP: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Psychosocial Integrity
25. A nurse is teaching an older-adult patient about strokes. Which teaching technique is most
appropriate for the nurse to use?
Speak in a high tone of voice to describe strokes.
Use a pamphlet about strokes with large font in blues and greens.
Provide specific information about strokes in short, small amounts.
Begin the teaching session facing the teaching white board with stroke information.
With older adults, keep the teaching session short with small amounts of information. Also, if
using written material, assess the patient’s ability to read and use information that is printed in
large type and in a color that contrasts highly with the background (e.g., black 14-point print
on matte white paper). Avoid blues and greens because they are more difficult to see. Speak in
a low tone of voice (lower tones are easier to hear than higher tones). Directly face the olderadult learner when speaking.
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 351-352
OBJ: Identify the appropriate topics that address a patient’s health education needs.
TOP: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
26. A patient who is going to surgery has been taught how to cough and deep breathe. Which
evaluation method will the nurse use?
Return demonstration
Computer instruction
Verbalization of steps
Cloze test
To demonstrate mastery of the skill, have the patient perform a return demonstration under the
same conditions that will be experienced at home or in the place where the skill is to be
performed. Computer instruction is use of a programmed instruction format in which
computers store response patterns for learners and select further lessons on the basis of these
patterns (programs can be individualized). Computer instruction is a teaching tool, rather than
an evaluation tool. Verbalization of steps can be an evaluation tool, but it is not as effective as
a return demonstration when evaluating a psychomotor skill. The Cloze test, a test of reading
comprehension, asks patients to fill in the blanks that are in a written paragraph.
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 349
OBJ: Use appropriate methods to evaluate learning.
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
TOP: Evaluation
27. A patient has been taught how to change a colostomy bag but is having trouble measuring and
manipulating the equipment and has many questions. What is the nurse’s next action?
Refer to a mental health specialist.
Refer to a wound care specialist.
Refer to an ostomy specialist.
Refer to a dietitian.
Resources that specialize in a particular health need (e.g., wound care or ostomy specialists)
are integral to successful patient education. A mental health specialist is helpful for emotional
issues rather than for physical problems. A dietitian is a resource for nutritional needs. A
wound care specialist provides complex wound care.
DIF: Understand (comprehension)
REF: 346
OBJ: Use appropriate methods to evaluate learning.
MSC: Management of Care
TOP: Implementation
28. A nurse is teaching a patient about healthy eating habits. Which learning objective/outcome
for the affective domain will the nurse add to the teaching plan?
The patient will state three facts about healthy eating.
The patient will identify two foods for a healthy snack.
The patient will verbalize the value of eating healthy.
The patient will cook a meal with low-fat oil.
Affective learning deals with expression of feelings and acceptance of attitudes, beliefs, or
values. Having the patient value healthy eating habits falls within the affective domain.
Stating three facts or identifying two foods for a healthy snack falls within the cognitive
domain. Cooking falls within the psychomotor domain.
DIF: Analyze (analysis)
REF: 338-339
OBJ: Write learning objectives for a teaching plan.
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
TOP: Planning
29. A nurse is assessing the ability to learn of a patient who has recently experienced a stroke.
Which question/statement will best assess the patient’s ability to learn?
“What do you want to know about strokes?”
“Please read this handout and tell me what it means.”
“Do you feel strong enough to perform the tasks I will teach you?”
“On a scale from 1 to 10, tell me where you rank your desire to learn.”
A patient’s reading level affects ability to learn. One way to assess a patient’s reading level
and level of understanding is to ask the patient to read instructions from an educational
handout and then explain their meaning. Reading level is often difficult to assess because
patients who are functionally illiterate are often able to conceal it by using excuses such as not
having the time or not being able to see. Asking patients what they want to know identifies
previous learning and learning needs and preferences; it does not assess ability to learn.
Motivation (desire to learn) is related to readiness to learn, not ability to learn. Just asking a
patient if he or she feels strong is not as effective as actually assessing the patient’s strength.
DIF: Analyze (analysis)
REF: 344
OBJ: Differentiate factors that determine readiness to learn from those that determine ability to learn.
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
30. A nurse is preparing to teach a kinesthetic learner about exercise. Which technique will the
nurse use?
Let the patient touch and use the exercise equipment.
Provide the patient with pictures of the exercise equipment.
Let the patient listen to a video about the exercise equipment.
Provide the patient with a case study about the exercise equipment.
Kinesthetic learners process knowledge by moving and participating in hands-on activities.
Return demonstrations and role playing work well with these learners. Patients who are
visual-spatial learners enjoy learning through pictures and visual charts to explain concepts.
The verbal/linguistic learner demonstrates strength in the language arts and therefore prefers
learning by listening or reading information. Patients who learn through logical-mathematical
reasoning think in terms of cause and effect, and respond best when required to predict logical
outcomes. Specific teaching strategies could include open-ended questioning or problem
solving exercises, like a case study.
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 344
OBJ: Establish an environment that promotes learning.
MSC: Health Promotion and Maintenance
TOP: Teaching/Learning
1. A nurse is asked by a co-worker why patient education/teaching is important. Which
statements will the nurse share with the co-worker? (Select all that apply.)
“Patient education is an essential component of safe, patient-centered care.”
“Patient education is a standard for professional nursing practice.”
“Patient teaching falls within the scope of nursing practice.”
“Patient teaching is documented and part of the chart.”
“Patient education is not effective with children.”
“Patient teaching can increase health care costs.”
ANS: A, B, C, D
Patient education has long been a standard for professional nursing practice. All state Nurse
Practice Acts acknowledge that patient teaching falls within the scope of nursing practice.
Patient education is an essential component of providing safe, patient-centered care. It is
important to document evidence of successful patient education in patients’ medical records.
Patient education is effective for children. Different techniques must be used with children.
Creating a well-designed, comprehensive teaching plan that fits a patient’s unique learning
needs reduces health care costs, improves quality of care, and ultimately changes behaviors to
improve patient outcomes.
DIF: Understand (comprehension)
REF: 336
OBJ: Identify the role of the nurse in patient education.
MSC: Management of Care
TOP: Evaluation
2. A nurse is preparing to teach patients. Which patient finding will cause the nurse to postpone a
teaching session? (Select all that apply.)
The patient is hurting.
The patient is fatigued.
The patient is mildly anxious.
The patient is asking questions.
The patient is febrile (high fever).
The patient is in the acceptance phase.
ANS: A, B, E
Any condition (e.g., pain, fatigue) that depletes a person’s energy also impairs the ability to
learn, so the session should be postponed until the pain is relieved and the patient is rested.
Postpone teaching when an illness becomes aggravated by complications such as a high fever
or respiratory difficulty. A mild level of anxiety motivates learning. When patients are ready to
learn, they frequently ask questions. When the patient enters the stage of acceptance, the stage
compatible with learning, introduce a teaching plan.
DIF: Apply (application)
REF: 341-342
OBJ: Discuss how to integrate education into patient-centered care.
TOP: Teaching/Learning
MSC: Basic Care and Comfort