NEHRU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Internal Test –2, February 2020 CS8491 – COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Class Portion Duration : II CSE : 1.5 UNITS : 90 Mins Semester Max.Marks Date Part – A ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS : IV : 50 : 02.2020 (FN) (5*2 = 10 Marks) Course Cognitive Outcome Level CO2 R CO2 R 1. 2. Name the pipeline stages in the MIPS instructions. 3. Illustrate the structure of 2 stage instruction pipeline. CO3 R 4. Compare static & dynamic branch predicition . CO3 R 5. Relate the role of cache in pipelining? CO2 U What is meant by speculative execution? Part – B (ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS ) 6. 7. 8. 9. Analyse the basic MIPS implementation with necessary multiplexers and control lines. (or) List out the datapath and basic concepts of pipelining in detail.(8) What is hazard and explain its types with suitable example. (or) Conclude how exceptions are handled in MIPS architecture. Part – C 10. Discuss the limitations of pipelining a processors datapath. Suggest the methods to overcome them. Faculty Member EMS Coordinator (2*12 = 24 Marks) Course Outcome CO3 Cognitive Level AN CO3 AN CO2 E CO2 E (1*16= 16 Marks) CO2 HOD C