Regiscr No. Z323 23 o 6 o a SSM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, KOMARAPALAYAM (Affiliated to Anna University, Chenrai) INTERNAL ASSESSMENTEXAM -1 SSM FJRST YEAR BE/B.TECH(IT) SUBJECT CODE:HS3252 SUPJECT NAME: Professional Englisi -| BRANCH/YEAR: ECE/IT /I R- Remembering (K1) An- Analyzing (K4) SEMESTER: 2 Time: 1.20 minutes Date &Session:25.04.24 |Maximum Marks: 60 Bloom's Taxonomy Knowledge level U- Understanding (K2) A-Applying (K3) E- Evaluating (K5) C- Creating (KO) COURSE OUTCOMES: After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to CO2 To identify cause and effect in events, industrial process through technical texts CO3 To analyze problems in order to arrive at feasible solutions and communicate them orally and in the written format. CO4 TO report events and the process of technical and industrial nature. Part -A (Answer Allthe Questions) -6 x 2 = 12 Marks CO K Ma rks CO2 KI 2 CO2 KI Rewrite the foliowing sentences in passive voice a. The driver starts the engine. b. An inventor gives a physical description of a Vevice 2 Change the voice of the following sentences a. She is finalizing the project b. The leader is delivering a lecture. 2 Complete the foBlowing CO3 a. If he had phoned me, KI b. IfIHad time, 2 Complete the following conditional clause a. If it rains, CO3 K1 2 b. If you listen to me, Rewrite the following in a reported spcech. 5 CO4 a. He said, $I want to go home." K1 2 b. She said, I am writing an cssay" Rewrite the following sentences. 6 a. The tourist said, "I'm staying at the Ambassador hotel' b:Lisa said to Sunil. II| come with you as soon as my work is over."9 Part- B (Answer All Questions) Write a Job application with an enclosed resume for the below mentioned advertisement. Job description: System Admin, Apply to HR, Urban Engineering Solutions, 9. CO4 CO. KI K Co2 K3 Bangalore. Write 16 points to be checked before entering thc exam hall CO3 K3 Write a short paragraph on your college life. CO3 K6 M. COURSE COORDINATOR Marks 20 HOD 14 Register No. 7 3 2 3 2 3||o 6 o SSM SSM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, KOMARAPALAYAM (Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) INTERNAL ASSESSMENT EXAM -I COMMON TO ALL BRANCHES SUBJECT CODE - GE3252 SUF.JECT NAME: gLnGu snso hLUOÜ BRANCH-YEAP BE/B.TECH - I Time:2 Hrs (Answer Allthe Questions) SEMESTER: 1I Date &Session: 26.04.2024 Maximum Marks:60 6X2=12 Marks CO Marks 1 CO1 2 2 Co1 2 CO2 2 Part-A 3 CO2 4 CO3 5 CO3 6 2 2 Part B (Answer AllQuestions) - 3X 16 = 48Marks 16 CO1 OR b 16 CO1 8 16 CO2 OR b 16 CO2 9 b Qeusla60)61 GlgnGGISJd. OR 16 CO3 16 CO3 CLA`S NCHARGE HOD Register No. 73 22 3 2 3 o 6 o 9 SSM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, KOMARAPALAYAM (Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) INTERNAL ASSESSMENT EXAM - I FIRST YEAR BE/B.TECH SSM SUBJECT CODE:BE3254 BRANCH/YEAR: I/ECE SUBJECT NAME: Electrical And Instrumentation Engineering SEMESTER:2 Time: 120 minutes Date & Session:27/o4+ /2024 &FN Maximum Marks:60 Bloom's Taxonomy Knowledge level R- Remembering (K1) An- Analysing (K4) U- Understanding (K2) E- Evaluating (K5) Ap-Applying (K3) C- Creating (Kó) COURSE OUTCOMES: After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to CO1 CO2 CO3 Explain the working principle of electrical machines Analyze the output characterizes of electrical machines Choose the appropriate electrical machines for various applications Part - A (Answer Allthe Questions)-6 X 2= 12 Marks Give the basic principle behind the working of transformer 2 3 4 What are the properties of an ideal transformer? Define voltage regulation of transformer. Whytransformer rated in KVA? Write down the EMF equation of DCgenerator. How will you change the direction of rotation of DC motor? CO K Marks CO1 KI 2 CO1 KI 2 CO2 Ki 2 CO2 CO2 CO3 KI 2 KI 2 KI 2 CO K Marks CO1 K2 10 CO2 K4 06 CO1 K4 10 A2200/250 V transformer takes 0.5A at a power factor of 0.3 on open circuit. FindCO2 magnetizing and working components of no load primary.current. K5 06 CO2 K4 10 CO2 K5 06 CO2 K3 16 With neat diagranm explain the construction änd working of aDC Machine. CO1 K2 12 Derive the expression for induced EMF in DCmachine. CO2 K4 04 COI K2 16 Part - B(Answer All Questions)- 3X 16 = 48 Marks Withncat diagram explain the construction and working of a Transformer. 7 Derive tlheexpression for induced EMF ina transformer. OR b i Explain in detail about the transfornmer on No-Load. 11 11 Derive an equivalent circuit of a transformer. A 100KVA, 1100/200 V single phase transformer has the following parameters RI=0.192, X1=0.3Q, R2-0.004 S2, X2-0.012 2. Find equivalent resistance and leakage reactance as referred to high voltage winding. OR b Explain in details about Open Circuit and Short Circuit Test on transformer to find the equivalent circuit parameters. OR b What is the need for starter and explain in details about three point starter. COURSE COORDINATOR Register No. SSM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, KOMARAPALAYAM (Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) INTERNAL ASSESSMENT EXAM -I FIRST YEAR BE/B.TECH SSM SUBJECT CODE:PH3254 SUBJECT NAME: PHYSICS FOR ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Date & Session:22.4.24 Time: 120 minutes Bloom's Taxonomy Knowledge level BRANCH/YEAR: I/ECE U- Understanding (K2) E- Evaluating (K5) R- Remembering (K1) An- Analysing (K4) SEMESTER: II Maximum Marks : 60 Ap-Applying (K3) C- Creating (K6) to completion of this course, the students should be able COURSE OUTCOMES: After successful for varied materials properties. CO1 Know basics of crystallography and its importance properties of materials and their applications Gain knowledge on the electrical and magnetic functioning of semiconductor devices. CO2 Understand clearly of semiconductor physics and CO3 Part - A (Answer All the Questions)-6 1. 2 3 X 2 = 12 Marks in a Calculate the value of d-spacing for (100)planes rock salt crystal of a-2.814A What is a Basis (or) motif? number? Give Which crystal structure has least coordination example. and Ferro magnetic material Compare any twoproperties of Dia, Para Elemental and Compound semiconductors 5 Differences between 6 Define Ohmiccontact. CO K CO1 KI CO1 CO1 CO2 CO3 CO3 Ma rks 2 Ki 2 KI 2 KI 2 KI 2 Ki 2 7 a i Part- B(Answer AIIQuestions)- 3X 16 = 48 Marks Describe the crystal system and Bravais lattices ? i What are miller indices? Define an expression for the interplanar spacing for (hkl) planes CO K Marks CO1 K2 4 CO1 K5 12 CO1 K2 12 of a cubic structure. OR b i What is meant by crystal defects? Describe in detail the point defects and surface defects ii Discuss the different types of line defects with neat sketches. CO1 K2s 4 a Write short notes on (i) Nacl and Diamond structure. ii Give the short notes of (1) Wafer surface orientation. (ii) Wafer flats and notches. CO1 K4 CO1 K4 8 8 b i Write short notes on (i) GMR devices of Magnetic HDD disks (ii) Quantum interference devices. CO2 KI 8+8 a i With aneat sketch explain the variation of Fermi level and carrier concentration with CO3 K4 16 CO3 K4 8 CO3 K3 8 OR 9 temperature in the case of n--type semiconductor. OR b i Get an expression for the carrier concentration of an intrinsic semiconductor. ii Give the theory of Halleffect. Describe the Hall effect experiment to determine the Hall coefficient of semiconductor. COURSE COORDINATOR HOD SSM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, KOMARAPALAYAM (Ailiated to AnnaUniversity, Chennai) INTERNAL ASSESSMENT EXAM -J SSM FIRST YEAR BE (ECE) SUBJECT NAME: STATISTICS AND SUBJECT CODE:MA3251 BRANCH/YEAR:1/ECE NUMERICALMETHODS Time: 120 Date & Session:23.04.24 minutes SEMESTER: 2 Maximun Marks : 60 Bloom's Taxonomy Knowledge levcl A-Applying (K3) C- Creating (K6) U- Understanding (K2) E- Evaluating (K5) R- Remembering (K1) An- Analyzing (K4) COURSE OUTCOMES: After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to CO3 C04 CO3 1 Solve the partial and ordinary diferential equations with initial and boundary conditions by using certain techniques with engineering applications Understand the knowledge of various techniques and methods for solving first and second order ordinary differential equations Appreciate the numerical techniques of interpolation in various intervals and apply the numerical techniques of differentiation and integratjon for engineering problems. Part- A(Answer All the Questions) - 6x2= 12 Marks Write the Adam's -Bashforth predictor and corrector formula COS KI Ma rks 2 K5 2 KI 2 CO K 2 Write Forward and Backward difference formula C04 3 COS 4 What are various methods to solving ordinary differential equation? Euler's method, find y(0.2) given rty, y(0)I 5 Find etx=1 X 2 3 4 8 27 64 COS CO4 KI K5 2 KS 2 Lagrange's formula, find polynomial of f(x) X 6 CO4 3 0 6 50 Part- B(Aiswer Al Questions)- 3X 16 = 48 Marks 7 a i Evaluate, J 1 CO K CO4 KS dx by i)Trapezoidal rule i) Simpson's rule Marks 8 if R-K method to determine y(0.1) and y(0.2) with h=0.lfrom =x° Iy².y(0) = 1 COS k5 OR b i Taylor series metlhod find y at x=0.1 from= x*-).(0) =1 with h=0.1 ii Milne's method find y(4.4), 5xy +° -2= 0,y(4)=1, y(4.l)=1.0049, y(4.2)=1.0097 and y(4.3)=1.0143 COS K5 S COS K5 8 § i Find the pessN alennpeatue | 1 nd 75" Temperature 40 150 160 170 P'ressure 3.685 4854 6.302 8.076 10.225 CO4 K5 8 CO4 K5 8 180 U'sing l agrange'sinterpolation fomula, find y(10) given y(3)-12, y(6)-13. y(9) 14, )-l6. OR From the data given below. find the number of students whose weight is between 60 - 70 Weight in lbs 0-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 100-120 No. of students 250 120 100 70 50 Find the Lagrangian interpolating polynomialfor the following data f(x) 9 a i 3 5 26 124 =(1+ 1), y()=1, y(1.1)=1.233, y(1.2)=1.548, y(1.3)=1.979, evaluate y(1.4) CO4 KS S CO4 KS S COS KS 8 CO4 KS 8 COS K5 S by Adam's Bashforth method Find first derivative and second derivative of the value 3, for the following data ii f(x) 3.0 3.2 -14 -10.032 -$.296 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 -0.256 6.672 |4 OR b i R-K method of fortlh order, solve with y(0)=l at x=0.2 ii Modified Euler nmethod, find y(0.1) and y(0.2) given that y =tewith y(0)=0 R? COURSE COORD}NATOR Register No.7 2 KOMARAPALAYAM Chennai) University, (Affiliated to Anna SSM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, INTERNAL ASSESSMENT EXAM -I FIRST YEAR BE/B.TECH SSM SUBJECT CODE: GE3251 BRANCH/YEAR: (ECE& SEC-D)/I R- Remembering (K1) An- Analysing (K4) GRAPHICS SUBJECT NAME: ENGINEERING Date &Session: 23.04.2024 & FN Time: 120 minutes T1,P2 Pe BIoom's Taxonomy Knowledge level ±EE, Cic, U- Understarding (K2) mech COURSE OUTCOMES: After successful CO1 CO2 CO3 E- Evaluating (K5) a b Maximum Marks : 60 Ap-Applying (K3) C- Creating (K6) completion of this course, the students should be able to engineering drawing. Use BIS conventionsand specifications forcycloid. Construct the conic curves, involutes and Solve practical problems involving projection of lines. 3X 20 Part- A (Answer All Questions)1 SEMESTER: II = 60 Marks CO K CO2 K6 of the focus from the directrix distance the and 2/3 is eccentricity Draw an ellipse when the tangent to a point on the ellipse at any point. and normal a draw Also mm. 50 to is equal. OR 60mm. Draw CO2 K6 between focus and the directrix is distance the when parabola Construct a tangent and normal at any point on the curve. Marks 20 20 a Acircle of 50mm diameter rolls on a horizontal line for one complete revolution clockwise. CO2 K6 20 Draw the path P on the circumference of the circle. Also draw a tangent and normal at any point p on the circumference of the circle. OR b Draw the involute of a circle of diameter 40mm. Also draw a tangent and normal at any 3 CO2 K6 20 Construct a hyperbola wiih the distance between the focus and the directrix as 55mm and CO2 K6 eccentricity is 3/2. Also draw the tangent and normal at ary point on the curve. 20 point on the curve. OR b Draw involutes of a square of side 35mm.Draw a tangen' and normal at any Curve. 2bocs boos COURSE COORDINATOR point on the CO2 K6 HOD 20 I Register No. 7 3 SSM COLLEGE OF 23 23 Using kirchoff's law, Calculate the current delivered by ENGINEERING, (Affiliated to Anna University,KOMARAPALAYAM Chennai) INTERNAL ASSESSMENT EXAM -I FIRST YEAR BE/B.TECH SUBJECT CODE: SUBJECT NAME: CIRCUIT ANALYSIS EC3251 Time: 120 BRANCH/YEAR: ECE /I Date&Session: minutes COURSE OUTCOMES: After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to COI Apply the basic concepts of circuit analysis such as node voltage method for analysis of DC and AC Kirchoff's laws, mesh current and circuits CO2 Apply suitable netvwork theorems and analyze ACand DC circuits CO3 Analyze steady state response of any R, L and C circuits 4 6 State Ohm's law and its limitations. State Thevenin's Theorem. CO K Marks CO1 CO1 K1 2 Ki CO2 CO2 KI CO3 K1 CO3 KI Part- B(Answer AllQuestions)- 3X 16 = 48 K5 CO2 K4 I6 OR Derive the expression for Star to Delta and Delta to Star Conversion. Find the current through each resistor for the given circuit C- Creating (K6) Part- A (Answer All the Questions)-6 X 2 = 12 Marks Define Elecric current. Define Loop and Mesh. What is Unilateral and Bilateral network? State Superposition Theoren. CO1 32 Maximum Marks: 60 24.04.2021 & FN E- Evaluating (K5) 32 5 SEMESTER: 2 Bloom's Taxononny Knowledge level U- Understanding (K2) Ap-Applying (K3) R- Remembering (K1) Au- Analysing (K4) 3 b2 the battery l6 using nodal analysis I ANNV W CO2 K5 6 KI CO K Marks OR b Marks Find the current supplied by the source using circuit reduction method and also ind the power delivered. Find the current supplied by the source using circuit reduction method 3052 302 50V T-90V 302 3052 -302! COI KS 16 OR bi ii Steps to solve Superposition Theorem. Steps to solve Thevenin's Theorem. CO1 K6 CO1 K6 COURSE COORDNATOR CO2 K3 16