14.06.2! L2 henmodynamícs Them +Dynomics Greek Ererad Enenag Heot Forces Energ. neither cam be eTeoted non be destrojed deals with the Themodynomies enray transfer nd it efects with the physico poper ties of the Aubs tamce. Work doiarar but both are Both heat and work fonms ( medium) of energis not eneray ## Heat amd wonk PTocess ove both are looses theln properties once the Transient fom of enerat y40 Heat and work both are boundartphenomena Nian t Heat and work both ore path function 1 Heat and wopk both ave not properties, Boundor massless, Swmoundirg S8stem Volumeless, Unit thikness Boundo Real. V12/titf System Enerat Rigid, Flexibe, Imaging Mass Examp Humar Bod , Open Closed X Tunbine, Punp Ballaon,Electrie Bulb._ Flux10p Isolated Imdividual Behavror Statisticall approach irgo MacTOScopic Avg behavior of molecuule. aro Classical approoach of themodymamics Lanaagian opproach Can be analyze, low as twellas high density Low densi High altictude mass stem. ud da0 m Conticl stemControl 09V 93 Open 4at em volume j A Jgoo Jour Continuum Knudsen number = M e a n free path. L characteris tic Length. govf oh 2 0 01Continuum applicable o o:01 (0 0-1 Slip conditiom A L10 Transition low. 102 Free molecular 1theorgod br 13olh rapertyoF System: ntensive properties PreAbUTe, tempeTature, den6it, pedH tHpTopeties, partial molar properties.o 2 itod Extensive proPTUS Mass T br volume. T E F/2 E2 K P M Intensive PTOperies, ExensheM2M/2 Propear S/2S/2 ioli, opli * All propertles ane point furictton (State unction) UDloal roimt PrOpeT Path Proper ty Internal enerat entholpt, ero WoPk heot. , O0r njbivio Properties depends on mol are extensive propertie All forms of energies ane extensive properties. Ratio of tuo extenoíve pTOper ties aUusays mtensive ties. All specific AIl proper roberhies Teversible pTace A ane a1e low mot correct. # All pnachco pToce mtensîve broperties fo fo he proceAs but vice lTre versibla procos8. versa ane 16-06.21 L4 her modynamic Equilibrium nermal equilibrium, Equatg of temp. (4T -0) Mechonial equililrium. Equality of PoATe, (AP =0) Chemical equiibrium No chemical reoction Phase cqui li bri um. Di fferont phase exist p Pure substance Any oubstance 4t homogemeous in ( i baid to be pure Aubbtance chemical compositton-chemicat - A a m e ,.chemical aggregation -~ sevaral things mixed togethep coider as one. water AiThreated as þume substance. MiIR not pire substance.( *Dry ai+ wet a ngradient chonges Continuaus not pwe substonee, ab4np *Pure ubstances Con exist im more than one phase. G1850.6 rto VT- bvol9 to h,oteye r v1 V I7 06.21 5 Gibbs phase rule P+F F mmimm| number of mdep2ndent imdensive FDegree of feedom C+2 CP+2 on vrnble.(DOF) ' i NAmber of Phase P Number of Coponent For Azeotrope mixture P+F Ases D.0.Fo C+2 - Phase l 1 F C-P+ Soud water F Vapor - 3 +2 0, The point ot which oul threea phase ex ist ie n equulibrium For waker: Pee a oTuiple point 22-6 M. oreoladud Te 373.3'e & K Triple point tempeTatre water 0.01 ' 0-o0 3106 m7 °c +27315 273-16K 32 2106.21 L7 R-Ro (14 &T+PT) PV nRT 22-06.21 Wonk Lg =P dv fon elosed yphem W=P4V fom open AyAtem, dw - - d(PV) Sign donvection. Wa-Vdp W otem =+Ve. W on system =Ve. W - byHstem on =Ve s t e m = +Ve. Area under pV diagram is Bounday wwOrk: W= JPdv Shaft wark W -vdP Sprimg wok work. 23.06.2 L9 Nonk transfen through various procesS oi l il Cons tant pessure proceM: (1sobaric process W SpdvP(V,-V) Constant volume process, Clsochonic process) dv 0 . w SPdv pmcess Isothermal T Const 0. (Constant tenperature) 40, W*0 icleal gas, pV=nRT Fan an N= pdv-nRT 9. Adiabatie process: nRT n V nRTb rrohd (9 =-o) py Constant / G-cy =R. moncatomie 1 - 6 6 3 1 U W Pdv ows iseoirddiakomie PV-P2V2 iriotomie Y-1 Polytropic 1:33. tr 3 Proces5 PV=Constant(16 3 V1U W S-1 .1)1 6) Isolated system W=0, =0. Wonk.dane for open system adiabatic pTocess ss Wopen H 35 PV-BV] = Wclosel 24.06.21 o Pv= Cons tant n =0, P Const. lsobariC pTOceSs n PV= Constamt (T =Const.) Isothermal process V= Const. IsochoriC þrocessr t 0 n-6, n=, Pvo=Const. Polytropic. procoss. KS pv= Const Tbp Adiabatic proces #b-(vyae)b 25.06.21 4 Finst law of themodynamics w Heat = 4U FW Valid for Cycle. mcAT, Adiababic 22.06 21 La =0 = m Codia 0 Can4T V >q> wates Cadia t-18 mel-k Imternal enerat dE = d(mv) U + d (mgz) + dU,ano fCT, v) Real Gas U- f(T ldeat Gas nternal eneri y9 = k.E & P.E s 4E =4U vh negliglble. oriqpol Enthalpy 3 31)nntergo)-"y9 H Ut PV. V H- f(P,TD woie itolo:l (a Dp0W de dE + dh.nriShukh E KE +t dA d +dh dE ddu 29.06-21 L13 +, Inten ral enea88 dW= Pdv. e.aso -+Ne WaW Heat tronsfer +Ve. jhjeoD through vaouius procoss: o9 Constont pressuTe process Jeno dg dU+dutndib ano d dU+ Pdv dlp ro (U4 PV) = dH mCpdT, V yg kgk 2) Isokrie process d (4V=0 dU+ du de du 0 m dT Adiabatie proeess da = dU+dur mGdr+ y-B% y-1 mRdr. P b - Y-I ) Palythopic d = ub -I TOcesS 7 1tl V du+ dw VPr0 umCy dT + to o PV2-Pv PVRV2 Y 1S-1 boearir at ya" daA fuid contasn a cylinder with the help of rictionless piston pressuTe the eylkindar a b P P a+ bV (a,b constant). function of volume and it 8iven e the mterml enera AHAtem is8iven U= 14+3.15 PV, nkt P in K, V in m3. So thot im in the changes from 40 KAa *V2 =0-06 m. then find the P =170 kfa,V=0:03 magnitude anddirection heat and wok transfer f tD d= du+dw dU U2-U = M+315 PV--316 RV = 59.53518 55 kJ 68 KJ,. P atbV P2a4 b Va b(-V) = P-Pa b(4co-17o]y1 Td06-0.03 dw 3:15 -170xIo xo03 + 400x 10x006) 8-15x - 0.03x 10x 630 J=59 535k JPdy fatbv)dv av+ bv-) Pla 100 dw = 170 170+400)*(o.06-0.03) =285 x0 03 kJ 003 006 V(m) F8.55 kk3 Free ex pansim or daihA Wexp =O sdu+o dU = 0 mcy dT =0 U dT =0 T T P'dv #0, U =Us, T T A Cndes contams of am H 90e.The SOC. compressed o-03 m. Final pressue is 6 bap find The the dex ot Combre ssion, internaL eneTaH and heat transer. aie is P - 29 a bar W PV, PV -1 n 29- 0.2068 1-Ei* and and CyF11 k 1xo12-6xo-03 124-) 96 29 10+273 15)T3s-214 K du mCy dT . at = PV n4 - 0-12 . m fV RT 4 11-(-M4 Open System Htmytmg A * U2 A, Va O1. # 4m+mgz2 t 21 Li6 SFE continuty equation fon Meady flour. , A CompressOrT h, 7 Z2 V2 W Wo Ke -hha (ha -h) 'W = - Ve, Heat eehonger hg 0089 h (1-0 ( Tur bine hi 1 Nozzle & Diffuser A Lpiuindu.iL stunau 01/008 T DIFfuser Norzle h+ h + 2 21a/sso d u ndl uol nofe sa 2 Al 1 i Throttliong 2 Work transfer neglected (friciona sork 2KE Heat: PE neglacted. tansferNegucted(Due to, ve Ahot tme transfer does not takes blace) Thiotting Is an 4 irTeversible adiabati proco. I t is an isenthalpic proces (, h h Unstendy lo t mh; +Q) emttapt not vaying du h + (ene tMav 0 . t time - mehe-W heab Aie 02.0121 L enters a im an adiabatic nozzle at 300ka, 500k .uith ms. It leoves at lo kft wth a veloaty of 80 nozzle 180 ms the&Co oC he inlot anea 80 cm of air 1008 J/k9k 0ExH tempehat of voloci 10 of ar 576 k 300KA 484k,) 468K. (8) 532k , b T+ l008 x 500 + 2 Std n) l0okA 180 nys S00K h , Exrt' anea of nozle in cm equation. A2 A2 P 300X10 PRT, 314X 500 RT 3:314x 500 R T2 s (A) 90 I, 8) t0 56:3, c)4.4 D 12;9. A 10x80L 4.441 3 v2 V2. 72-147 10Ox10 8314X 484 24 Stean flos through a noZzle kals with heat loss of 5 1002X T 2 483.97 k 484 k Fnom continuit AV2 2 A12:39 e? 35 Qt a meam flsw iote of_o1 kW. The enthalples atrimlutt ond autlat ane 2500 Ks/ad 2350 K/k Nespectivel Assumtn Yeaigible velocity at mlat. Caculata veloeity at exit V. h44g+=ht 2 h-h + iaworni 2500x 102350x0XI3 j00 x 10 . x - 50 kT Temp. & pressure of air in a large veser vor ano 4o0 k &3 ba respective A Convergim duveging nozzle of exit anea 005 m Hed to he servoir as xhown in figure, "The saic proTO of air or exit Aechion for 1evereible adinbnic flos thragh mtnle Na, R0287 k/kak, 4 O DensitR ensitg(S) of, air ka/m a 5p hen 0540, 9) o600, mozule exlt is ) A0 005 m 50x1o50x10 RT fuiaa N Mass low of ai through nate A) 13, (6) I77, 35 , 2:06, kg/s s 6 KAS NPIL)= V2xpo8x(400-2397) V 2h-h 968 12 m/s JAA : 1 2 4 ka,x o005 x A migid tank Whose volume its wall Aim fram final pressuse in the nozzle naAz till 23973 K 400 x(0 T 02811x 22113 568 42 is 075 m AuProundmg a t i neacA to 2.066 es daveloped a smoul hole on bar 2 5 ' laaked intot banThe brocess OccUUTS Sla and heat transfars maintained the temperaturë in the tanKa 25'e. Determine heat rans ferftank initialevacuated dt dU dt m-Me = m mhh +-pehe 0 du dm ki+ dt du-dm.hi = (Ua-¥)-(ma-) hi m a hi=mu2 -mahi m 2 (uhi) =mC-4T = - 7 5 26 kT ox05 ba13-10 0-287 x2 econdlaw of thermodynam transfer ie to of heat quantity the with cols the hou m uch k Astem me emstate to another e"State heat transfer reguired but it never ives the direction of the direc 1t was ohich gives nd lar of las of Thermn and hence 2 thTough the comcept thermodynamies of entroP las mamits is knoun as direciiom law appucable it doc} not meon LaLA of themodynamics process i prachcally possible. To knou tho faas1 biluty the process t s t apply 2nd law ag hemadynamics and i t 2nd laus o modynamics Heat is than opply 17 las of ti applionble tRaTmodynamits aolan4 kgnown high Jrade era nto as A low 9rode ene9-4 and WoTk 3 Knaun enera. and Complete conveTsion hiR qrade eneTay Statements of 2md law of Kelvn Planck statementt: nto is mpassiba, o in iada a yel thermodynamuCs t i s impossibla to doo conversion of heat () uwork wl = 1 0n 1007.fiaency dte 2) Claussius Statement' 1D . t is impossible to the tronsfer a Coder to a hotter bod ipro of heot fronm Heot engine: CLow ode eneA8) TSouTce H.E 1rit Sink Ub W - 1/P9 H-E -02 03.07 21 I Saurce o/P P M 1/P W a/p coP1/ 1/P W -2 2 w COP 4(gh grads (cop= y i 9 AyE (Hioh Grade Energ8) Kefriganior R.CiDesired e RE w P P/P Cooling efpoct herkinpuE - EnergyP ldior9v Heat Pump T Heat effect col Wp -2 Work input W T COP Resistance heater is g0od COP Blourer 2 d 4 o Carnot cyele ysldierv2 T 2 sotherma expanssisn. Adiotatie mversi bla exp 3-4 1sotherial Cmnpressian 2-3 4-1 ReverAsbtadiabatic Cmpumio eannot EMaximum Reversible Heat Engine Valid for amy le Revesible. Jmax heannot Reversi ble n Refrigerator COPg Valid -2 for cony Hcle - Kev. cyce 2 COPaR T-T2 Reversi ble Heot Pump CoPHP S-C2 COP.HP T 2 -SL 2 WmaxO(1 Wact. -62 Ivevessibility (1)= WmaxWact T 103 109 Reversible cycle T ie inibA S2 W2 g (-3) W=, T-T . (-T) Sa 7-) =(T-7) =y-T) T T-T2 T-T3 Tn T3-T4 Kelationship between HP - cOPHe & CoP TL L COP dy,y TTL L COPR HE THTL coPaS SHOL utCoR - L +COPR core 1 1+COPR 0o0O Clausius Ineauality de 0. T O 9 6Inventor has Teceives1000 k cyole is yeversible r Jo9rli 45r T2) mpossible otosqu stibsnitni 3 bsh A R i b i } ( claimed, thot he has deyeloped on engme whi heot at a temperature 0ob K andreje 200 kT ct o heot at a temperiotua of 600k the emoining mput as wTk check uoteth deliveun his ia possible OT not using clausius mequality in caxe elaim t a3 a Yevetpible determne tha amoUnt Kaat 608 ThoOK Tejecteda ODoks W=\50020 B6d kJ 200KT T600K 200= 80 0ant 1o00 ! Sot posible )000 A 031- 8) that h a u s oystem during which it exohamge a t00Ok HU Reservai and di B 5a00 0 XAg=-2250k 5- 500 300 e 5 300 500 de 6250 kr 300 500 10C0 1000 KJ. 3dg +54d Oe 7500do = 900 Kc 3(4000-) + 5@e 5000=Gg +1000+ Ge g thermaL the magnitude unk. Find 500 000R uoith three heat and develop 1000kJ of Tectiom Se and 6c n e ver'sible a underg0es 12000 +2 t@e 4000 7500 Cc= 7500 Oc--t =-2250 kJ B-4000 e Sg = =6250 kJ 1600+ 2250 GTwo reversible heot engines a and 8 ane anianget mkivs Engme A Teject heot a t 427'c it drectly to B.engine Areceives 300 ks while BTeject heat to Aimk at 7 e F the tuo times of B.Find Intermediate temperature of A and B, Ork output of A () ESficiency of A and B. dergviri (. GHeat rejeckad by A that s heat absrbed by B. .raat Tejected to the snk iidoup 62 300 = O->W 1- 420 T00 40/ 280k. '=1 =l- 20 120 33-33 2 420 K T 900 280 1 2 0 kJ G-gW, 2Ha-2 (G-0s 300.-02 32 = 540 2 (2-120) 2= 180 kJ, .W= 300-180 =l20 kJ. 7 t240-180-6ok #If hen Ta T13 1- T TT T2 T73 f W = Wa TT2 GM. the T2 9 T2 AM GM T wO engimes A and 8 ane Corunectecd in series then is noS tkat the overoll efficiencH g the combined engine overoIT4t2Tnari overou 9P2 +W 61 /P W 62 W2 S+aG2 nS 22n,+ h, 2 loverall ouco t M2+ n,n2 04.07.21 Entropy ds ds de T/Rev S2-S = ds de) 'iorgKev tor a proces dsd 45Universe0 dseys t dssun 0 For iTre versitble roceAs : dSsys+ dSsurT for Tevesibl. proces dSsys t dsqur O, Lig 30'C ds- d t dm ds- dSyst dSsurp. ds= dssys. + dssuTT ds = Ag ds dsn 0 ds t 34330 Physieal meaning of EmroPy +Ve d EntoPy 6 a measure of degreé of Trandomnes8 molucwe . Greakey s the entropy, lesser will be the efficienc It is m an o 6p. enthoP an extensive ntensive þropeTties = prqparf dsdg. and s generaly donoteß m. 05-01.21Le AdiohatBe Revessiblde ds=dAo wrevcrsible ds ds SSpen (ve) 0 8Sgen. Caninot cyele (T-s Diagram) 4-0 s e GO V Z4-ZH 2 Y-0 /14 st s S Cos t Combined finst de = &Second law dU +t Pdv. of Finst ds d taw. dsTds Tds= du + Pdv thevmodynamies, lau p-a 2 H U + u At Votume, V=Const. dV=0 Tds dU- mCydT PV I(-) dH du+ Pdv+ V dP. d R = dH vdP, Tds-dH-ydP dP=0. At press ure constant dH = mpdT, 0 ) V Tds as /p=C At m m-1. (3T DR DR = TA p=Cmst 19 old 19149 Kepresentation of various process,0n T-s diagram'tay ie Prcmat () Tdia -o a,Pe Te cmst Pstytspict 031 Polytepie VConst iabotic s S t Tt. V SR 183/ Change in entrop of an ideal ga8 Tds = dU + Pdv T ds = 6 neydT Pv RTi P MRT P3 dagl i ds =nCdT +R dv T 1 fro n=1 , V S, TV =0 S =C. 2. Tds A dH VdP Tds nCpd nRT dsnCpldT nR Ch+(G-6)» T P p n) Pn - -Gn+Rh =G+h quids ng in entopy Tds = dH VdP T ds =du + Pdv T ds dU nCy dT, = V= Constmt, = Cy = ds nCy . o nG S-S =n'Cp m into a lake which is at 8'c.Caleulate () EntroPH EnETabion f blck '6 at a temp. of 10o'c I f same block is drapped A copper ACopper block of mass 8 kg dropped from a haight of 1oo m. CP-4-187 K3/kg k , clheab Copa.city) of Cu = 150 / k m)au B0 3/k. O dsun6Sn dt ds = 6Sgen. mce In+ SSan - 150 In 21315t 100 mce100-ss. 213-15+8) 150 dSgen lss mgh + ma4T 8x9.81x 21-64 (27315t3) In S15]t 56X 32 281 15 - 8Sgen E9h548 6.62 /K VLtUb l0o + 150x (100-) bT d kJ, SndSe + dS s 150 ln28 1S+264* 0 264x1o (373.15 345 3k + 281 IS