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Divine/Sufi Poems: Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains, Short Poems

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First Published in 2021
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Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/ Short Poems
ISBN 978-93-5529-089-2
Copyright © 2021 S. L. Peeran
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or utilized in
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Printed in India at Thomson Press (India) Limited
Dedicated to seekers of Divine and Truth
I have been penning poems, short stories, articles on sufism and books
on Sufism from decades as I hail from Sufi back ground and all my
forebears were Sufi Syeds and direct descendents of our most Holy
Prophet peace be upon him. In our lineage is Hazrath Shaikh Abdul
Qader Jilani (d1166) of Baghdad and we belong to Qadria Silsila but
having taken initiation in other Silsilas as well particularly Chistia,
Suharwardia, Naqshbandia, Nizamia, Rifaeya and Warisiya. Being in
Indian Sub Continent for over three centuries we are influenced by local
culture and Indian spirituality as well besides western education, law and
philosophy, logic, science, history and social sciences and its study has
widen our horizons.
My great grandfather was a renowned scholar in Arabic, Persian and
Urdu as well as a renowned poet. All these factors and my Sufi
upbringing has deeply influenced me to pursue Sufism and spirituality
from my young days as I was brought up in the tutelage of my
grandfather and father equally renowned Sufis besides my Sufi Masters.
My poetry is as a result of my inner turmoil, anguishes, pain and
sufferings, joys, ecstasies and quest for the Divine and to achieve truth,
tranquility and inner peace.
I have penned about three thousand poems, haiku, tanka, quatrains and
short poems on all aspect of human life and experience My entire
collection are found in the selected works published by Authorspress,
New Delhi 1) Evergreen Pastures 2) Perfumed Garden of Bliss 3) Scattered
Gems 4) Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains, and Short Poems and a section of latest
poems are included in Glass House and Other Stories and in the Golden
Anthology edited by me.
I have separated all my divine and Sufi poems, haiku, tanka, quatrains
and short from my entire collections and now getting it published
through my beloved friend Shri Sudarshan Kcherry, Managing Director
of Authorspress, New Delhi. I am grateful to him for obliging me for
publishing all my works. The readers will find in this collection the
Divine/Sufi Poems and this theme in a few collection of haiku, tanka,
quatrains and short poems penned by me. The Sufis and those interested
in spirituality will relish this collection.
S L Peeran
Bengaluru, India
Visit: slpeeran.com
Divine Poems/Sufi Poems
1. A Walia Is Born
2. Ripples Of Love
3. Agony Of Separation
4. Liberation
5. Glory Of Heavens
6. Beauty Of Praised One
7. Burnt My Candle
8. Slave Forever
9. To Praised One
10. My Beloved’s Grace
11. Inner Peace
12. Ever Gracious
13. Let Love And Beauty Reign Again
14. Love For All
15. My Love
16. Turn Magnetic
17. Soulful Melodies
18. Sharing Love
19. Lasting Monuments
20. Shine In The Dark Skies
21. “Jamaal” – Beautiful
22. Humility And Submission
23. Glory For Thee
24. Million Praises
25. Glittering Love
26. Love Forever And Ever
27. He
28. He-Ness
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
29. Garden Of Bliss
30. Light And Mercy
31. O My Lord
32. Lord’s Qualities
33. Prayer For Dawn Of Light
34. Merger In Thee
35. Inner Eye
36. Show Me Thy Face
37. Omens
38. A Prayer For A Vision
39. Lord’s Glance
40. O My Love!
41. How To Reach Inner Peace?
42. How To Reach Thee?
43. Whither Solace?
44. Charismatic Personality
45. Torn Kite
46. Bless Me Bless Me
47. Help Me, Help Me
48. Multiple Graces
49. I Seek Your Mercy On My Fellow Men
50. Godly Behavior
51. A Prayer
52. A Beginning…
53. My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?
54. My Chains
55. That Purifier
56. Our Savior Ever Living
57. His Grace
58. Yearnings Of A Soul
59. Show Thy Glimpse
60. Breath In And Breath Out
61. O Delicate Heart
62. Zenith
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
63. O Chosen One
64. O Master!
65. A Rare Gift
66. Seek And You Shall Find
67. Beloved’s Presence
68. Mercy And Compassion
69. Grant Thy Grace
70. Praise Thee
71. Celestial Love
72. Love's Secret
73. Love's Pangs
74. Love's Unconcern
75. You In Me
76. Sing To His Tunes
77. Granter, Bestower
78. O Love My Love
79. Eternal One
80. You And Me
81. Return Now
82. River In Ocean
83. Might And Glory
84. An Anguished Cry
85. Lead Me To Light
86. Self Illumination
87. Desert Of Life
88. Mere Illusion-Maya
89. His Splendor
90. Self Examination
91. My Master’s Voice
92. Total Surrender
93. O Sufi Hallaj, Sufi Sarmad
94. Love
95. Pardon And Illumine Me!
96. O! My Lord
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
97. We And Our Gods
98. O! Many Faceted Lord
99. True Self
100. Establish Peace
101. Ever Existing Life
102. Rebellion And Aggression
103. First Man
104. Befriend Truth, Love Beauty Ever
105. Heaven Of Unknown
106. From Mother’s Womb
107. Dance Of Love
108. Dominance Of Myths And Superstitions
109. Whither Heavenly Gaze?
110. Make Life Smooth
111. Soul Outpourings
112. Bless Me
113. Zeros Gain Value
114. My Last Wish
115. Ninety Nine Names
116. Love’s Many Facets
117. Wooing Truth
118. O!, Truth!
119. A Human Heart
120. An Assassin’s Love
121. God Who
122. “Kaaba” – (House Of God)
123. Magnetic Attraction
124. Saint Worship
125. Lord Ever Merciful, Beneficent
126. Beings Par Excellence
127. Beacon Of Light
128. Who Am I?
129. Test Of Love
130. Birth Of Moses
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
131. Birth Of Jesus
132. Birth Of Prophet Mohammed
133. Light Upon Light – “Noor”
134. ‘Meraj” – Ascend To The Throne
135. Black Stone
136. Inner Voice
137. Mercy And Love
138. Our Own Enemy
139. Creator And Creation
140. Purified Soul
141. God, Where?
142. O Lord! Show Mercy!
143. O’ Spirit
144. A Distant Call
145. Prayer For Tranquillity
146. Let Us Worship
147. Sincerity
148. Earthern Pot
149. O Bearer
150. Illumine The Dark Souls
151. Reach The Goal
152. Golden Hearts
153. An Illumined Soul
154. Paradise
155. Soar Higher And Higher
156. Zenith Of Inner Peace
157. Let My Soul Gleam
158. Great Being
159. I Grieve For Thee
160. Final Sacrifice
161. Praise – Worthy
162. Enlighten Soul
163. Purify Ourselves
164. One Humanity
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
165. Just To Please You
166. Saints And Rishis
167. A Master To Nurture Love
168. Illusions For Ecstasy
169. Holy Springs
170. Light Up
171. Love Will Thrive
172. In Sacred Moments
173. Thy Inscrutable Ways
174. Soul's Pangs
175. Puppetry
176. Ecstasy
177. Fallen Idols
178. A Parodox Of Light And Shade
179. Illumination
180. Fight Battles
181. Adoring Saints
182. Man Arafa Naf Sahu
183. Tyrants Vs. Prophets
184. Allah’s Bounty
185. Good And Evil
186. What Is Love?
187. How To Reach The Truth?
188. Duality
189. Where Does Allah Reside?
190. What Is Khulus?
191. Is Allah Every Where?
192. Master Where?
193. Release Me
194. Reflection
195. If Only……
196. Your Grace
197. The Sufis
198. Your Glance
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
199. Master’s Glory
200. Universe Within
201. Sakratul Mauth
202. Be Obedient
203. Heavenly Abode
204. My Guru
205. In Ever Bliss
206. Tranquility
207. What More?
208. Love And Death
209. Free From All
210. Passing Time
211. Lord’s Love
212. Unheard Voices
213. Final Break
214. Safe Shores
215. Your Loving Presence
216. More Sinned Against
217. Beauty Never To Wane
218. Grief And Sorrows
219. O Solitude!
220. Refresh Your Soul
221. Save Me
222. Into Oblivion
223. Love’s Ways Are Funny
224. Tales Of Woe
225. Test Of Strength
226. Peace At Last
227. Self Expression
228. Pinning For Thee
229. Enthrall Me
230. In Emptiness
231. Immersion
232. Splintered Love
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
233. Advent Of Islam
234. The Blessed Prophet: Mercy To The Humanity
235. The Message Of Love
236. How Things Merge?
237. A Mercy And Peace To Humanity
238. To Humanize Man
239. Fall Of Man
240. Love Till Eternity
241. No More Light
242. Evil Fate
243. Shadowless
244. What Am I?
245. Open Foe
246. What He Asked?
247. Whither True Worship?
248. Straight Line Melting
249. True Spirit
250. Regain Mercy And Love
251. Another Fall
252. To Ever Darkness
253. Pluck The Weeds Out Of Garden Of Love
254. Hidden Love
255. How To Sow Seeds Of Love?
256. A Spirit
257. Fragrance In The Air
258. Release Me
259. Precious Moments
260. Blessed Love
261. ‘Taqwa’-Awe Of The Lord
262. “I In Him, He In Me”
263. The Endless Journey
264. New Creed
265. Our Paradise
266. Your Presence
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
267. Create Legends
268. Save Your Souls
269. How Eternal Bliss?
270. Divine Wisdom
271. Lover’s Stab
272. O Siddhartha
273. Moksha
274. Vastness In Self
275. Unquestionable Faith
276. Shelter Me
277. Prayer For Compassion And Mercy
278. Fakirs
279. Self Enquiry
280. Hold Onto Prayers And Patience
281. Meet Joys Of Heaven
282. Sad Year Ends
283. Miss Charm Of Life
284. Unto Dust
285. Evolution
286. Wishful Living
287. Rekindling Hopes
288. Outcry Of A Soul
289. Whither Compassion And Mercy?
290. What To Achieve?
291. Holy Times
292. Blooming Love
293. A Man Of Truth
294. Future Of Modern Man
295. Faith
296. A New Message
297. Ego To Zero
299. Dive Down
300. Rebirth
301. Slippery Love
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
302. My Good Old Friend
303. Fountains Of Hopes
304. Lament Of A Shady Tree
305. A Cry In Misery
306. Silences
307. Mighty Fear
308. Transformation
309. Happy Times
310. Shut The Trap
311. Dreams For Merger
312. Lost Genius
313. Love And Kindness
314. Let’s Us Give A Break
315. In Nothingness
316. Master And Servant
317. Blessed Hearts Amidst Life's Chaos
318. Timeless Age
319. Dawn Of Enlightenment
320. For A Little Happiness
321. Life Is To Its Brim
322. Redeem From Turmoils
323. Lack-Of Will To Live
324. Eternity
325. Devil Speaks
326. Thousand Melodies
327. Realise Time And Discover Nature
328. Unseen Hand Of Mercy
329. “Mastani Ma” – The Green One
330. A Ray Of Hope
331. Bears Hardship With A Smile
332. Truth And Beauty
333. Pleasure And Pain
334. Hope For The Lost Ones
335. Elusive Peace
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
336. Soften Hearts For Tranquility
337. Eternal Bliss
338. Adieu Love
339. Missing Love
340. A Gift Of My Soul
341. To Ourselves
342. Intoxicating Wine
343. Can I Find A Way Out?
344. My Bloated Self
345. Pure Crystalline Life
346. From Light To Darkness
347. Free From Worldly Mirth
348. Does Allah Help?
349. In Dark Night
350. World Slipping In Silence
351. Yearning For A New Youthful Times
352. Come Soon
353. O! Sweet Benign Pen
354. For My Love
355. New Ways
356. Love
357. White Vs. Yellow
358. Bogged Down
359. Love And Creation
360. Who Are Thou?
361. Ancient Peninsula
362. Happy New Year 2019
363. Destination
364. Suffering Salvation
365. Forgotten Dreams
366. Lord Krishna
367. Lord Buddha
368. Whither Great Man
369. Bottomless Pit
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
370. That Single Moment
371. Protect Yourself
372. Our Ancient Culture
373. Misleading Ways
374. The Aliens
375. Whither ‘Dana’ Dharma’?
376. Whither Love And Peace?
377. Nothing Other Than You
378. Life’s Sweet Songs
379. Rose Of Lady Fathima
380. Holy Shaivaite Saint Of Kolimuth
381. I Thank Thee
382. Ponzy Schemes
383. Restore Peace And Tranquility
384. Year Has Passed
385. Snuffing Out Mysteries Life
Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains And Shorts Poems
With A Tinge Of Spirituality
Short Poems
Readers Responses
What They Say About S.L. Peeran’s Works
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
A pure soul from oblivion and heaven
Descends down on this hassling world
Where cruelty cohabits with callousness
Where darkness prevails in hearts
Where self-interest persists menacingly
Where intellect is at its lowest ebb
Where man cannot live in harmony
Where peace has escaped to ethereal world
Where passions over powers wisdom.
A Divine light burning in devoted hearts
To bear a fruit of heaven on Earth
A savitri, a fathima is born in unholy land
To bless and purify the decaying world.
Showers the wretched with gold, silver,
With milk of human kindness
To soften the human heart.
To sow seeds of love in barren land
Transforms to Durga to punish wicked
To revive true spirituality
A goddess born in a deserted land.
In a family of virtuous worshipful devotees.
Raised in an environ of purity
Protected from shamefulness, lewdness.
Nectar of Divine knowledge poured in heart.
Compassion and mercy twin sisters of Grace
Protecting like canopy creating a halo.
goddess of learning sharing pearls of wisdom.
The new born, a child of virtue
Slowly and gradually raised among truthful.
Assumes into a multicolored personality.
A lotus in marshy shallow waters.
A fragrant rose among thorns,
Love and grace illuminating the being.
A purified mind, body and soul.
Serving each and every one around.
Blessing the wretched down trodden.
Sings Divine songs for divinity to dawn.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
A soul mate to join hand in hand.
To spread message of love affection.
Fulfills all divine duties on earth
A Divine call summons her to heaven.
Cheerfully surrenders to reach lotus feet.
Leaving scores of tiny sun flowers
To shed tears; to perpetuate her memory.
A divine soul fulfills karmic samskara.
Filling the humanity with love and truth.
Sowing seeds of Divinity
To sprout into Garden of Bliss.
I was looking up for Grace,
For help to descend down from heaven.
Like ‘ manna and salva’ like a drizzle
On a bright hot sunny day.
To cool the temperature.
To quench the thirst.
To relieve me from sweating,
From the unbearable heat.
But the test of love
Was yet to be over.
I need to prove my loyalty.
To bear with patience the silence.
With more longings in my desolate heart,
With more palpitation.
Increasing my stress,
With much sleeplessness,
Sans any pleasant dreams.
O Beloved! Throw your sweet glance
To create ripples of love in me.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
O my Beloved! Give me the cup of honeyed drink
That shall put me to eternal deep sleep.
Neither the sounds of trumpets on the day of reckoning;
Nor the genie of the ring and lamp of Aladdin;
Shall be able to wake me up from the slumber.
I have no deeds to plead for heaven.
Nor I played with evil to walk into abyss.
I have moved all through in straight lines.
While my adversaries have paced parallels.
Never to meet, to shake hands or for bear hugs.
Like Brutus, I have been stabbed several times.
My lips quiver, my heart bleeds, now I look up
To Thee, to relieve me from pangs of separation.
O Beloved! Merge in me now here, here!
Our loving spirits soar and lift
To greater lofty heights
Beyond the subtle feelings
Beyond the realms of consciousness
On the repetition of Thy Holy name.
On the repetition of Thy beloved name
The serene and composed natural scenery
Add to the delights of the heart
The sweet fragrance of the flowers
Filling in the air, brings peace within
Calmness descends, desires take a flight
You plunge in a vast ocean of nothingness
Space with galaxies of stars and luminous moon
Rainbows and colorful splendor of sun.
Chirping of birds, sweet flowing streams
Beauty around you, opens up your inner eye
Ecstasy and joy are beyond any limits.
Shackles of ‘karma’ get broken, to liberate you.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The light of seven heavens and seven glories
Have dawned and glorified the dark souls
The accursed has taken to flight
Everlasting fragrance has filled the air.
My beloved’s compassion in a glowing armor
With shining sword of bliss and ecstasy
Has slashed the face of boastfulness
Shame has taken a flight and purity has dawned.
The cup of contentment and satiety is full
Misery and wretchedness have vanished
Chains of slavery, shackles of ignorance
Charms of myths are shattered to pieces.
My heart has throbbed a million yearnings
My eyes have gleamed the glory of Heavens.
The life’s clock is ticking fast
The age of my life is wearing out
The light of the day is being spent
The gloom of darkness is about to dawn.
The birds and butterflies are returning home
Cattle and herds have stopped grazing
Crickets and grasshoppers are now silent
Stars in the sky have begun to twinkle.
My heart’s yearnings have grown heavier
Longing and sighs are deeper and deeper
Flow of tears is unabated and clear
My love’s treasures are pure and simple.
My praised one’s grace is about to gleam
Beauty and effulgence to shine forever.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
I dug and dug in parching deserts
Till I reached the streams below
I filled my bucket of love
With cool waters to quench my beloved’s thirst.
I cultivated dry and parching lands
Irrigated them with my sweat and tears
I picked the choicest fragrant roses
The sweetest fruits for my beloved to taste.
I wove and wove a finest cloth,
With designs and decorations of various hues.
Bedecked with jewels and precious stones
To present as gifts for my beloved to wear.
I yearned and yearned with hopes and longings.
Burnt my candle of life for my beloved’s grace.
The dark clouds hover with thunder
Lightening with storms and cyclones
My pangs of heart and throbbing
And flooding my eyes with tears and tears.
Let every bit and particle of myself
Burn and burn with flashes to ashes
Let every glimmer of my hopes and longings
Turn into fragrance for my beloved.
O my beloved! I have sung thy praise
In parching deserts and snowy mountains
In deep ravines and salty; oceans
In dark nights and dreary seasons.
My love for thee will never wane
I slave and slave gladly for thy grace.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
O my beloved! Look how your thoughts
Make me crouch and cringe
My lips quiver, when I utter thy name
I salute you million times, peace on thee.
Like a bright Venus in the dark sky
Full moon throws brilliance on us
Sun’s effulgence brightens all beings
My beloved’s glory has enlightened all souls.
O my beloved! You are praised by all
Millions have shed tears of love for thee.
You are our succor, our benefactor
Our redeemer, reliever and deliverer.
Let Lord shower His choicest blessings
On our beloved, our protector
Our friend, our guide our savior
My salutations, my deep loves to thee.
My eyes gleamed, my heart throbbed
I found my lost hopes, my grieves waned
My soul soared, my spirits enlivened
I was a lost sheep, now I found my way.
The lightning and thunder, the storms and wind
Have now cleared, the bright sun is up
The buds have bloomed and petals spread
The rainbows are clear on the horizon of love.
My thoughts are gripped, my lips mutter
With the glimpse and name of my beloved
O my beloved! Let Heavens choicest blessings
Peace and grace fall million times on thee.
Let thy glory be sung by all for ever
Let all thy seekers receive thy grace.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Look to the inner voice
Its light is eternal
Its joys are multiple
Its grace is divine
It is soothing and pleasing
Its voice is melodious
It has motherly concern and care
It knows your anguish and pain
Listen to it
Sit in silence
In meditation
In calm stillness
Close your eyes
In your heart - recite –
"La illaha illAllah
Mohammadur Rasool Allah
Allah hu hu Allah, hu hu
Allah hu hu Allah hu hu”.
O Lord! It is my own mistakes
Which have brought me troubles,
And others have wronged me,
And driven me to despair!
O Lord! You have shown me
During these most trying periods,
Your utmost Compassion and Kindness,
You have helped me overcome the tests.
O Lord! You have helped me
Sail through the most difficult
Moments of my life.
You have helped me again & again.
O Lord! I can’t ask for more.
Your Graciousness has always surrounded me
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Though, I am gripped by sweet longings
Alas, the times don’t favor me
Though, my heart yearns aplenty
Alas, the times don’t augur well
I burn in love and eyes gleam
Lo, where is the cup bearer and the wine?
Gardens with green meadows and sweet roses galore
Lo, where is the melody of nightingale?
Idols and temples, pulpits and sermons
Oh! Where is the grace of Saint Khwaja?
Ears now long to hear the melody
The poetry of Khusroe and the Kabir
O Times! Set back the clock again
Let love and beauty reign again.
Soul, you call it Love and of Love
Universal, as a reflection of ONE
You call it a Great Being, the Creator
Or light emanating as Sustainer
Aren’t we, everything, around us from same
Pulsating life, feelings desires and goals
Though race, culture, language may divide us
Love, mirrors same yearnings and hopes for all
We know of it not, more than of a grain
On seashore, its depth, warmth, is too deep
We meet to part, part to meet one and all
But, Love cherished, sustained remains for all.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Spread my Lover’s Name in flowers
Let me draw a picture of HIM in bliss
From the innermost corners of my heart
And blood drawn from veins of love.
Let my pangs, yearnings and longings
Be reflected in my drawings and sketches.
Full Moon’s glory wanes from time to time
But my lover’s beauty is everlasting.
Bring me that cup of wine
Which keeps me intoxicated forever.
My Love, my dear ONE, thou unseen
You have filled my heart’s throbbing.
Let my dreams, illusions and hopes
Be filled with your glory and your Name.
One needs to culture, the mind and the heart.
Gain immense self-control over the tongue.
To achieve the perfection in manners,
Silken thoughts and golden touch emit light,
Like crystal streams to illumine the mind.
Deep silence emerges from meditation,
When doubts and meandering thoughts clear
And lofty love radiates and turns magnetic.
Compassion and mercy grows by leaps and bounds,
Bearing fragrant sweet flowers, for honey.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
O beloved come, come.
Let us mingle together,
And engage in Divine talk
In exuberance and ecstasy.
Your beauty and grace.
Delicacy, courtesy, sweetness.
Friendliness and cheer,
Have opened my heart to Love.
Let us together, sing songs.
To welcome the spring,
With flowers scattering fragrance.
To enliven the spirit with thoughts divine.
Let us cry out music,
Of the sublime soul;
Which lifts us from mere mirth;
And leads us to the Far Beyond…
Love a divine spark, hidden in depths of heart
For man to cherish, till death doth him apart
To give meaning to life, and life-after
A binder and a coagulator.
Love is sacrifice and sacrifice is to die
A sincere attempt to give up every lie
The inner being gets effaced for the Beloved
Immersed in thoughts, drunk in His breath.
Where love lets lovely springs to flow
In its bottom lies dormant sorrow
To creep up and let streams of tears
On sad thoughts, for love to share.
A bleeding heart bears gems within
To emit rays of hopes, to wash off sin.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Ah, millions have perished
Yearning for Thee, unsung!
Yet, the beauty and effulgence
The peacock’s dance, chirping of birds,
Songs of nightingale, evoke streams of love.
A slippery and misleading path – a trap
Men with might and power, pelf and splendor
With lust aplenty and creativity
Enjoy life to the brim, with mirth
Die regretless, leaving lasting monuments!
In search of peace, of Greater Self,
One leaves his home, kith and kin
Wanders from place to place, aimlessly,
Like a vagabond, but finds only a mirage.
The vision vanishes living the seeker in lurch.
Confused, confounded, helpless, despondent
Stick to your own threshold, your sojourn.
Look within yourselves to enlighten your being.
Seekers are finders, while sailing in deep ocean.
Curb the meandering mind to stillness.
Unperturbed with pin pricks of friends and foes,
Swim deeply in the depths of your Oceanic self.
And search for pearls of wisdom inside.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The creator of the universe is “Jamaal” – Beautiful.
The entire cosmos is delicately and wonderfully designed.
The creator has blessed us
With knowledge and understanding
To slowly grasp His Beauty and utter
His Praise day in and day out.
The Mercy enveloping us is the Light
Of Hz. Mustafa (SAS) which Allah created
Before the creation came into existence.
In this light (Noor) there is crystalline purity and effulgence.
Allah and His angels are sending
Their blessings to Hz Al Ameen (SAS) and He commands
Us to send our million salutations to Hz Al Sadiq (SAS).
Satan the accursed has originated from Allah.
He is darkness and evil.
While light of Hz. Al Ameen is purity.
Satan is million miles away
From the purest of the pure soul,
Who has no shadow.
Hz Prophet (SAS) said that
His Satan has become musalman.
Hz Prophet (SAS) is the light of the universe
And in every cell of our being
And in every atom of the universe
This Divine Light of Hz Prophet (SAS) is hidden.
By sending unlimited Salams and “Darood-e-shariff ”,
We will be enlightening ourselves.
“Light upon Light”, “Noor un alla Noor”.
May the purest rays of light enlighten our beings
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Only those who submit with humility to the Lord
Will free themselves from pride, anger and ego.
The Satan has promised not to trouble the humble.
What are the characteristics of a humble man?
He is truthful, simple in manners, talks and dress.
He is gentle to the core in his speech and gait.
He is never harsh to the less fortunate ones.
He is courteous to his parents, relatives, friends.
He walks with softness with eyes on the ground.
He never complains of his misfortunes and woes.
He is always thankful for the Bounties received.
He is pleasing to all to whom he addresses.
He is full of self-control with twinkle in his eyes.
He is patient and exerts himself to maintain it.
He recognizes the good done to him by one and all.
He performs his duties cheerfully without complaints.
Ah! Thy Glory is much praised.
Much more is Thy beauty to pine.
Time is fleeting, so also my age,
Withering my youth but Your love be.
The fire that is kindled in my heart,
Burns my eyes, my body, self,
Pinning for Thee all the time.
Yearning for illumination of every part.
My bones are creaking and shaky.
My eyes have now become blurred.
My voice has become choked.
Your signs around are amazing.
My spirit yearns to join Thee.
To shed this mortal coil for Thee.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The burnt out ashes are immersed.
In the free flowing rivers,
The Ganges and in the Cauvery.
In the belief of merges in Thee.
My dead body would be consigned.
To the dust forever and ever,
To mingle and to turn to dust.
In the belief of rebirth in “Qiyamat”.*
O! The Tremendous and the Mighty
The Gracious and the Merciful.
Millions are created every time.
To pine for Thee, for Your Glory.
Grant me that eye, that heart.
To see and feel for Thy praise.
Qiyamat: Doomsday
I have already been chosen.
By my Lord for His Glory.
For my tongue to praise Him.
Million times day in, day out.
No one including His deadly
Enemy, the Satan, can shake.
My faith, my belief, my love.
In my Unseen Glorious Divine.
My every cell in my body,
Feels the heat, feels for Him
The merciful and the bountiful,
Plays His tunes in my veins.
O! The Greatest of the Great.
Let everyone see my love for You.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
When Eve found the elixir
And Adam fell in love.
Lord, you were angry. To
Banish him from your presence.
But your Mercy saved Adam.
Eve was forgiven, yet was
To carry the burden and
Humiliation forever and ever.
O My Lord! Save me from
The temptations of this world.
From its gilt and glamour.
From its slippery path.
O My Lord! Bless me
With love forever and ever.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
27. HE
All is matter, matter is all.
So also ‘All is One, One is God’.
There is no other than Allah.
There is nothing other than Him.
In the essences of all
Contingent beings.
In all forms, all His
Creations, He transcends.
There is nothing other than Him.
All is He, He is all.
Everything emanates from His Mercy.
Yet all His creations are not Him;
But they are not ‘other than Him’;
The world is the showdown
Of that Supreme Being.’
A reflection of His Effulgence
The glorified and pure nature
In man is His Essence.
He has made the Sun, Moon, Stars
As His indicator and as witness.
They indicate Him as His Shadow.
When He withdraws to Himself
And the Shadow He has projected
Than everything that appears
From Him, goes back to Him.
For it is He, no one else.
‘From Him it comes, to Him it returns.’
He is all Merciful, All Compassionate.
In every particle, in every atom
In every being, in everything
His essence and qualities
Reflect His Being, His Glory.
There is neither contraction
Neither there is a separation.
“He is closer than the Jugular Vein.”
You call Him, He answers your call.
You love him, He loves you.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
You adore Him, He adores you.
You put one step in His Direction.
He puts ten steps in your direction.
Mercy begets mercy, Love begets love.
All is in Him, He is all.
The white has multiple colors
The ‘VIBGYOR’, the rainbow.
They all join again to become ONE,
The ‘VIBGYOR’, rainbow disappears
Only the white screen remains.
He is transcendent, Omnipotent.
A banyan tree, a mango tree
Bears within a fruit and seed.
The seed bears within the tree
All emerges from Him.
All multiplicity is illusion
Real essence is only ONE.
Essence is revealed in the forms
Of Names and that multiplicity
Is intended to be witnessed
In the essence of the ONE.
In every object of worship
There is a reflection of the Reality.
Worship Him and turn towards the Reality;
The Real, the Truth, the ‘Haqiqa’.
In all the Reality, His light
His ‘Noor’, Mohammed* is imbibed.
In Mohammed* is His Light, His ‘Noor.’
Peace be upon him.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The Divine God Consciousness
Transcends in all His Creations.
Every particle, cell, microbe, virus,
Bacteria, algae, fungus, plants
Animals, chemicals, materials
And in man, the He-ness exists.
The He-ness encapsulates, envelops
The entire creation and creatures;
There is nothing other than Him.’
He is all Alone, yet Omnipresent.
He sees, hears, speaks through
The truthful, with those who are
Merged in Him. Who see Him
In the entire cosmos and creation.
Man is endowed with rationality.
With knowledge, with divine consciousness.
With His Essence and Qualities.
In his genes, His Secrets, to radiate
His Glory, Mercy and Compassion.
To show, Man has been created
In His own image, as a vicegerent
In all His Creation, His essence
His qualities, reflects His Being.
He is Great yet above all.
All Glory be to Him Alone.
The Mover, Sustainer, Ever Existing,
With millions of qualities, essences.
The Wise, the Most Loving, Most Venerable
The Resurrector, the Truth, the Powerful,
The Praise worthy, the Hidden, the Manifest
The First, the Last, above the creation.
Free from want, the Bestower.
The Benefactor, the Enricher, the Light.
The Deviser, the Eternal, The Supplier.
Lover of virtue, Compassionate, Merciful,
The Sovereign, The Pure One, the Just,
The All Hearing, the All seeing,
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The most Forgiving. The Judge.
The Knower of innermost secrets.
The Majestic, The Most Powerful,
The Sustainer, The Benevolent
“From Him all come, to Him all returns.”
The Great Being all alone whole and Sole.
Sans any partner or ‘avatar’ or ‘son’ or guide.
That Being was a hidden secret, unknown.
He desired to express Himself, expose His beauty.
With a command ‘Be’ (Kun), the whole universe
Came into existence with cosmic harmony.
With complete balance, with orderliness.
Systematic in a measured way.
Beauty in all its splendor, in all its
Magnificence, Munificence, Aesthetic
Overwhelmed the cosmos and universe,
Incredible, fascinating and charming.
The Great Being had created light.
Light upon light, beings from light
Angels, purity in all its glory,
Forever submission and obedience.
The Great Being created beings
From overwhelming fire the Jinnee
The Archangels,& the ‘Iblis’ the ‘Moulvi e Mulkut.’
Granted them knowledge for prayers.
The Great Being needed someone to love Him.
Adore Him, submit before Him in prayers.
Carry out His commands, His writ.
He wanted to manifest in that being.
He selected elements, fire, water, sand, air.
Blew His soul in that being called him Adam.
The light of Mohammad* shone within this being.
The mirror of Adam reflected the splendor of the Lord.
Lord in him, he in Lord, a true reflection.
So that Lord could marvel at this being.
Love came into existence, to wonder beauty.
Love in beauty, beauty for love, forever.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Eve was created from the rib of Adam,
Forever company, with all beauty.
Love and beauty to mingle as one soul.
For pleasure and company for rest and zest.
Lord desired the angels, arch angels
To submit to Adam, for in Adam
His love sparkled, His beauty manifested.
Angels were innocent, ignorant, protested.
Lord filled Adam with knowledge.
Satan’s single minded devotion was shunned.
Lord permitted Satan on request to tease,
To put to test, way lay, distract Adam.
Adam stood the test, Satan chose Eve,
The weaker sex, beauty succumbed to love.
The desires in heart great multiple;
When Eve tempted Adam to eat the forbidden
Fruit of knowledge, to become immortal.
Thus raised the anger of Lord, banished them
To earth with all the beauty to marvel,
To procreate, to cultivate, to regenerate.
Adam & Eve needed to cleanse themselves
With oceanic tears of repentance, regenerate love.
Love for Lord, forever submission.
Forever marvel, forever to sing
Paeans and praises for the Lord.
To ponder and gather knowledge.
To cleanse the inner being of animal
Consciousness, to conquer the “kama”,
The lust, the anger, the greed.
The covetousness, the jealousy.
To put the knowledge of inner realization.
To create morals and culture the mind.
Purify the heart of all the muck.
To make it shine like a mirror.
To ever realize the Supreme Soul.
The higher consciousness, the ‘marifa’,
The gnosis, to find Lord’s light in the being.
To enlighten the mind, heart and soul.
To allow the Lord’s breathe to flow
In every single cell of the being.
To love Lord and His beauty.
To ever remain in bliss and joy.
Lord bestowed man with words
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Of knowledge, made him learn
Words, alphabets sing his songs.
Feel the Lord in every particle of the universe.
Beauty’s wonder stuck the imagination.
Art, painting, music, architecture,
Dance, vocal singing rhythmical in ‘ragas.’
Were all works and labor of love.
Man ever in disarray lost his way.
He got confused about the Singleness,
Oneness, Soleness, Tremendousness of the Lord.
Set up idols to adore, worship and posses.
Lord in His Compassion, in His mercy,
In His ever love of His creation,
Sent His light and words through Prophets,
Saints, men of gnosis and Mahatmas.
Man ever ungrateful, niggardly, quarrelsome.
Questioned everything around him.
Raised disputatious, arguments, wars.
Bloodshed, slavery, domination over weak.
Neither Prophet Noah nor Abraham
Nor Luth nor Joseph nor Moses
Nor Dawood, nor Soloman, nor Jonah
Nor Ilyas, nor Idris, nor Jesus
Could bring all Man-Kind back to the Lord
Of Single Being Unitary and Sole King.
Man in ever impunity, impertinence
Challenges the Lord and His nature.
The love got mingled in wine and women.
In lust and greed, in quarrels and dissentions,
In creation of creeds, sects, caste, class.
In distinction between man and man.
Man put questions, why, when, where and how.
To enquire, to be inquisitive, to discover.
To invent things of necessities to fill
Their homes, with gadgets, equipments.
Men of wisdom and knowledge and discernment,
Always went for self enquiry with questions
Of ‘who am I’ ‘what is my origin’,
From ‘where I have come’, ‘Where I am destined.’
The self-enquiry led to inner knowledge,
The science of gnosis, of ‘karma’ of ‘tassawuf ’,
Of ‘marifat’, of inner consciousness led man
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
To the Love and Grace of Lord, the Supreme.
The Lord of the souls inspired soul to meditate.
To light in the lamp of the heart with love for His spirit.
This life and the life hereafter were to be illumined
With the Lord’s bounty, with flowers, scents, perfumes.
The long journey from birth to death.
From cradle to the grave was marked
With vicissitudes, with trials and tribulation.
A long journey of victory, defeat and loss.
The life appeared like a game of chance.
A game of chess, a ‘maya,’ of mirth and pleasure,
Of pain and sorrow of attachments and grieves.
A maze, love of Lord to ever remain a secret.
Both the worlds were to disappear.
The babelization of languages.
The cacophony of birds and beast.
The difference of opinions, the dissentions.
Were all to disappear like clouds.
The mountains to lose its footholds.
The material and spiritual worlds to become one.
On the command of the Lord on the Day of Judgment.
The illusions, the fancies, the fantasies,
The myths and mythologies, the superstitions
Will all be exposed and so also falsehood.
Truth, the ‘Huq’, would triumph, when trumpet is blown
The light upon light, the ‘Noor ul ala Noor’.
The ‘Al Ameen’, the ‘Al Sadiq’, the resurrecter,
The blessed one would seek benediction
To the yearning souls, the repentants.
Then it would be revealed to all souls,
That in every cell of every being
Was hidden the light of the Lord,
The light of His beloved, the Mohammad*.
All the gathered souls will sing praise.
Will witness the effulgence of the Lord.
All will think, see alike in Oneness.
All will become manifest and clear.
Peace be upon him.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The Sun, the mother of our universe
Shines with brilliance and effulgence
The light from it travels and reaches us
In a flicker of our eye lid, with
Speed of millions of light years
When Sun sets, darkness surrounds us
Sun and light can it be seen as separate?
Prophet is light, “Noor” of Allah
Can Noor and Allah be separated?
In a flash of a moment, in a flicker
Of an eyelid, like light, Prophet
Reached ‘Lord’, when summoned
With that speed of light, all that happened
In the ascension to heaven, to meet Lord
To merge in Lord, to lead all prophets
As imam in prayers, to witness heaven
And hell, then with flash of lightening
The knowledge was gathered
The journey was completed
Light upon light, ‘Noor un ala Noor’
‘Noorullah’ is effulgence of Allah
The brilliance of Lord is Prophet
To shun Prophet is blindness,
One without eyes cannot marvel
The beauty of light of the Sun
Nor see the brilliance of the Sun
The eminence of the Sun is Prophet
Light is pure and shadow less
Prophet was ‘Insan e Kamil’,*
A perfect human being, without
An iota of shadow, sinless
With multiple colors of the light
With millions of qualities of the light
Insan e Kamil: Perfect Man An example for the mankind
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
O My Lord, a deep sigh emerges
From bottom of my heart.
From every cell of my being,
On Your remembrance, in love.
Your Effulgence is brilliant, blinding,
Which none can see, but I feel it.
The blistering desert’s Sun out shines, blinds.
But its image in water is crystal clear.
O My lord, my master’s grace is on me.
I pray for million salutations
On my master, my holy Prophet,
Who reflects Your Grace and Mercy.
O My Lord, sail me through all
The troubled tsunamis, tornadoes and typhoons.
O! My Lord! I see and recognize
Many positive, negative, good, ugly
Bad qualities in myself, in
My friends and in my enemies.
O My Lord! The blistering Sun, Moon, Stars,
Nature exhibits millions qualities and marvels.
Are these qualities and marvels Your signs?
Can You be realized through these essences?
O! My Lord,! Your light, our holy master
With his profound and magnetic personality
Exhibited hundreds of qualities & essences.
He was mercy to the entire humanity.
O! My Lord! Can I relate these qualities to You.
Or You are above all these qualities and essences?
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
O Lord! You say that I am your vicegerent.
That your actions work through us.
O Lord! Choose me to see your
Light, make me your eye and ear.
Let me speak Your Truth through my tongue.
Let all my actions be guided by You.
Let me Love Thee, serve Thee as true servant
Till my last breath, and rely on Thee.
Let songs of love, poetry of love
Flow through my tongue and pen
O my Lord! Write my name
In the list of the most humblest slaves.
O Lord! Let me sigh at the last moment
With Thy name on my lips, seeing Your light.
O my Lord! Are You present in every
Particle and in every cell of universe?
Is it Your Light or essence that is present.
Can you transcend in your creation?
There is such a great cosmic harmony.
One is linked to the other, a great chain.
Can one chain delink the whole process?
But my Lord, I feel Thee in my every pulse.
I feel the whole cosmos in me.
I feel the unity of Your Being.
I feel that I am your part of Your Self.
O my Lord show me thy reality.
Can I merge in Your Great Self.
Like gushing river in the great ocean?
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
O Lord! Is human self Your eye?
To view the entire nature and cosmos.
Is the human glittering heart
A mirror to view Your face?
O Lord! Is this world a mere “maya”,
A mere reflection of Your Effulgence!
Is the entire cosmos a human self ?
And human self an entire cosmos
O Lord! Every particle of the mirror
Reflects the glorious light of the Sun
In each atom, the secret of life.
In each gene, the essence of life.
O Lord! Open the inner eye and mind.
To view Your wonders and exalt myself.
O Lord Your charming, beautiful face
Is hidden behind the curtains of each matter.
Each one’s destiny has imprisoned every one,
From knowing the Reality, that is One.
The chaos in each mind and matter
Creates duality and multiplicity.
Leading to dialectic, polemic debates,
Arguments, fights, dissentions, wars.
All are chained and held up by strings.
Like puppets dance to the tunes of the Unseen.
Although one may play its part to perfection.
Ultimately springs, rivers meeting the ocean.
O Lord, tear all the veils covering me.
Show me Thy face and Effulgence.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
O Let us not now worry of the other world.
The unseen hereafter of the purgatory blinds.
Of rivers of honey, milk and “hoories”.
Of that one day being to our thousand days.
O Let us not fear of the unknown fate
Of those unborn destiny, of things to come.
O Let us not brood about the unpleasant past.
Let the present moment bring cheers to us.
There is neither East nor West
Nor North or South nor “agni mullai”*
Nor there is ‘vaastu’** of bad omens,
Of left flickering twitching eyelids.
The love one bears in the polished heart
Throws light on the dark pathways.
* Agnimulai: Where kitchen should be constructed.
** Vaastu: Science of astrology of construction
O Lord! How do I polish my heart’s mirror?
It is covered with material compunction.
How do I get out of my animal self ?
How do I perfect myself with divinity?
O Lord! How do I raise myself above body & shoulder?
Reach the heights of glory and light.
Give me the inner vision to see You.
A mind without duality but with Oneness.
Show me a way to quench the fire of hell
Burning in me with passion and anger.
Let light of goodness emit from my soul.
Let fragrance of Your Being emit from me.
O Lord! Let my heart sparkle with love.
Compassion, mercy and benevolence.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
O Lord! Your one glance is enough
To turn a beggar into a mighty king.
Reduce to rumbles a Himalayan mountain.
When Moses sought to see Your Light.
The Mount Sinai was reduced to ashes.
A wealthiest man in the world
Is turned to a begging pauper.
Like all the mighty nawabs, maharajas
Lost their kingdoms and privy purses.
O Lord! When Your consciousness
Is awakened in a glorious saint,
In Prophets, in “Ghouse”* and “Walis,”**
Their one glance turns sand to gold.
O Lord! Show me the path of Truth.
Place me at the threshold of Your dear friend.
* Ghouse: Pole among saints
** Walis: Saints
40. O MY LOVE!
O my Lord! fill my heart
With that elixir of life.
That should empty it
From the love of this world.
O my Lord! as I am now
Aging and life is slipping away,
So also the desire for this world,
Fill my being with Your Love.
O my Lord! let silence
Overtake my heart and mind.
Let the muttering and chattering
Melt away into the nothingness.
O Lord! Let my tongue praise Thee.
Love Thee with all my heart.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The inner light that cherishes the soul
Is a celestial gift for a fortunate few.
It flickers to give daily strength,
To face the onslaught of storms tempests.
Faith in the divine beings, good persons
Brings succor and lights up the way.
Sorrows, despondency, disappointments wanes,
And magnetic pull of beyond raises hopes.
The inner conflicts and duality in mind
Should end, to reach the inner core of peace.
Millions yearn for self effacement
And to see the Face of the Lord.
Only a fortunate blessed in an era.
Reach the heavenly fruit of Sainthood.
I love, I weep, my heart is deserted.
The fragrance of my love fails to reach my Beloved.
Even the wind has deserted me!
It fails to carry my tale of woes, solitariness.
My counselors advice me, to raise
My lamentations, to tear & shear my coverings.
To beat the drums, to raise a hue & cry.
But my adversaries are ready to shred me to pieces.
My time is not yet up, my journey is long.
The way is weary with prickly thorns.
My thirst is unquenchable, I need
My love to increase, to surmount the troubles.
My maddening inner waves run riot
Night clouded with fears, how shall I reach Thee
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
My counselor, my doctor, my panacea
Knows the cure for my illnesses.
But He is deaf, dumb and mute.
He wants my lamentations to reach its peak.
So that it can break, all the hopes, desires,
For this deceptive and foolish worldly hordes,
Which cast a heavier burden on my shoulders,
Which have become weak due to weariness, age.
My eyes are tired, with heaviness of sleep.
My heart pangs have increased many folds.
My Beloved’s absence makes it more fonder.
I have lost my way, I am in crises.
O Love! Come merge in my every cell.
Enlighten my being for solace, calmness within.
My doctor, my curer, my guide,
My friend, my philosopher
Advices me to soften the desires.
While putting the steps in the slippery paths.
‘Make hay while the sun shines’.
Keep within your bosoms, the love as a secret.
Bid for your time, secure the locks of treasury.
Then abandon the desire for life, cast world aside,
Let not the troublesome, fickle seasons,
Droughts, storms and tempests wash
Away every leaf and grain of your garden.
Leaving you askance, with a begging bowl.
Let love be full in purified heart.
Shining with a magnetic soul.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
My weary and wasted heart laments,
Weeps wails and cries from ages long.
Before my time bids me, I yearn for it.
Day in and day out to merge in Thee.
I found my dreams empty and hollow,
The mirages vanished in wasted sand dunes.
Withering age has now caught my shoulders.
No more toils, no more yearnings and joys.
When Sun was high, gardens laid,
When fragrance spread, perfumes in air,
I was enchained in life’s rigmaroles.
Seasons have changed, but I in disarray.
Yesterday is dead, tomorrow is yet to be born.
I seek closing chapter, for, my life’s kite is torn
Every individual lovely soul
In any corner of the world,
Due to vagaries of weather
Beaten black and blue again & again.
Swollen, injured grievously hurt
Submits, kneels down before You.
O Lord! don’t shun them
For You are Gracious & Kind.
O Lord! Show Your Clemency
To all Your humble creatures
Irrespective of their merit
You soothe the wounded hearts.
O Lord! Let me place my stricken heart
At Your threshold, for blessing.
For I have reached the end of the world.
O Lord! Enlighten me guide me.
Now my heart is a sacred honey comb.
My love is single minded, bless me, bless me.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
O Lord! Your love to all is unfailing;
Unfathomable, immeasurable.
Whether one calls on You or not.
You are Gracious and constant.
O Lord! Your servants have gone astray.
Millions have strayed from Your path.
Wayward, blasphemous sinners.
O Lord! You are ever Kind, forgive them.
Forgive all Your erring souls.
Enlighten, soften every heart.
Let the world be a heaven.
A place of blessing and peace.
O Lord! I submit before You.
Help me, help me, to see Your light.
O Lord! There were times when
Fate had decreed severe tests.
A childhood of hardship and pain.
Schooling in a most modest way.
With meager clothing’s and food.
We found simplest of daily joys
In playing in sand, stones, kites,
“Gilli Danda”, marbles, hide and seek.
Being satisfied with mere “anna sambar”
Homemade pickles and “samosas”
Gruel from broken rice and pudding.
The simplest of food gave us joys.
As we grew, O Lord! You snatch
From our midst our most loving
Grandparents, uncles and aunts.
We were left with a bare tree,
Without shade, leaves and fruits.
O Lord! You consoled us always.
You created hopes and not illusions
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
With kind, affectionate, loving,
Silent parents, playful siblings.
Surrounded by syncretic culture.
O Lord! You guided us through
Most difficult moments of life.
When we had to pass through
Every trial and tribulation.
Your multiple Graces, saved our souls.
You have satisfied all our needs
To fill in our bosom thankfulness.
Gratitude, peace, solace & richness.
I had a premonition in my dream.
I woke up with a violent jerk,
With dried out tongue and severe headache.
I applied balm, tied a cloth on my fore head.
I swallowed medicine. I prayed.
O Lord! Forgive us, of our sins.
Grant us Your Mercy and Grace
On all Your erring humanity.
Let not the poverty ridden men,
Already stinking in dirt and filth
Suffer further misery, on account
Of Your wrath unleashed through
Various means of drought, storms,
Tsunamis, diseases and ultimate
Death horrible seizing the innocent
Victims and already weather beaten
People cringing and crawling for Mercy,
Seeking Your Grace and Benevolence.
O Lord! Show Your clemency.
Let Your Mercy and Grace
Shower on all peoples of all sections.
Let the erring humanity
Be straightened in their affairs.
O Lord! Send down Your Guidance
In all the hearts of my fellowmen.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
When the mercy, compassion
Charity, tremendousness
Of the Lord, transcends
In to the divine consciousness
A person of purity of mind
And heart becomes Divine.
He displays Lord’s qualities
And humanity gets benefitted.
The tongue of such a person
Utters profound truths.
The eye watches Beauty,
The heart sparkles with love.
The gait changes to innocence.
Christ like behavior becomes explicit.
A Midas touch turns sand to gold.
A healer, a teacher, a Buddha.
O Lord! Treat me as the meanest
Of Your creatures, humblest
Amongst the mankind.
Let me be dust under the feet of Holy men.
O Lord! Let Thy love engulf me.
Enlighten my mind million times.
Lead me to the truthful paths.
Strengthen my resolve to serve Thee.
O Lord! Forgive all my sins.
Bless my parents, my siblings.
Bless all your creatures.
Let love increase & hatred freeze.
O Lord! Accept my thanks for bounties received.
Let peace prevail and wars cease.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Invoking the mercy and compassion
Emanating from the innermost
Corner of my benign heart,
Shunning the terror of the mind;
I begin in that Name,
Which has enamored Man
From the beginning of Destiny.
The Name that has instilled love,
Beauty and mesmerized billions
Of soft buttered hearted beings.
The colossal mind that has stored
The knowledge from antiquity
And being wonder struck with awe
At the stupendous cosmos;
And marveled at the nature.
Such is the mind creating pleasure and pain.
Presenting my inner being
To the supreme Deity, Ever Great
In ever submission, in servitude
In humility and in all sincerity.
Offering in symbolic gesture fruits,
Flowers, milk, water and honey;
As a token of my love and sacrifice.
In sonorous voice, I sing His
Praise, pay my supplications
Call upon Him from my inner being
To save me from all vicissitudes of life.
Help me in all my endeavors.
Protect me from all my adversaries
O Love! An unblemished one
Hidden in the inner most corner
Of my benign being and soft heart
Envelops me, cover me, blanket me;
Shine and sparkle, create a halo over me.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
You say I should not merely emulate
The Great Soul but become Him.
How, you do not say, but puts the idea in me.
The very idea brings ridicule to me,
Delirious laughter and scorn
From the black serpent the evil one;
Who has coiled every space in me.
There is no vacuum to fill Him.
He has neither features nor characteristics.
You say my features are Divine.
He dwells in me serenely and calmly.
But my perturbation unnerves me.
How can I be Him?
My shadow is bigger, larger than me.
The very idea to me is repulsive.
You say I will have no salvation,
If I do not be Him. You say:
That I need to peel of my outer skin,
Like snake, throw out my outer garments.
In my nudeness, I reflect Him,
His Light, His Effulgence.
My heart should become buttery.
Lift the curtains of my eyes.
Unplug my ears, look around
Look in; the features would
Become explicit, it is inherent.
Oh! I wish I shake off
All the impurities, wash it off.
Will the milk of human kindness,
Will the pure ‘Zam Zam’ or Ganges,
Is enough to unsoil my feet?
My heresy is enough to mount on the cross
For my adversary to chop off my head
Should I have to remain on the cross forever?
Dangling between Earth and heaven
Sans pity from my Master, I cry out
My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?
“Eli, Eli lama sabachthani”.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
I voluntarily accepted the chains of slavery
To remain forever in your bondage
To serve you in presence and in absence
To ever keep you in mind and heart
But lo! Again and again yet again
The lustful thoughts, the desires
Would erupt like spring in desert
Gushing forth and enveloping me
I break the bonds, the chains
Get released from the cage
And fly yonder in liberty
Only to get lost in strange lands
I repent, I make fresh promises
Take oaths and affirmation
But soon the attraction and pleasures
Of the slippery world make me succumb
Lo! This falling and raising
And my lamentation has gone on
Now my senses have failed
My false pride is broken like pitcher
My vanity has vanished
Myself is broken and ignored
But your Mercy has saved me
I cry out, humbled and soiled
Oh! My Savior I feel ashamed
My dark self is now enlightened
By your light and effulgence
I was blinded, now I see the way
The path is straight and clear
Let not the pangs of my age
Desert me to break my faith in you.
Let million praises shower on you.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
He is neither beyond space or mind.
Nor in the Heaven seated on a throne
He is closer than our jugular vein.
In the innermost corner of our heart.
Our planets, a mere blue dot in space.
Our solar system, a white speck
In the milky way, a flash in cosmos.
Man invisible, insignificant.
Our ego, a bloated universe;
Leading us to a slippery path.
To get entrapped, fall and suffer,
Causing cataclysmic pain in being.
Tune in mind to that Eternal light,
That purifies the heart, body & soul
Whatever you may label Him
He exists for ever, his supremacy
His everlastingness has to prevail
Death seizes the sacred heart
All have to pass this horrible test
All that is created seizes to exist
Whether you call ‘Eli Eli’ or not
‘He begets not nor begotten’
All have to pass and live in Him
He recalls all that has come
The magic that changes water to wine
The cure of lepers, the revival of dead
Is all through His tongue and hands
The command is His
The Invisible acts
The sorrows, pains is taken by Him
No one else takes our sins
Each one has to account for every deed
He awards or punishes
Each one tastes his fruit of labor
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
With His Grace I could have a glance
At His effulgence, which left me in a trance.
His face radiates His divine glory,
His beneficence, His might and mercy.
My being is enveloped with his compassion,
Every particle in me is His creation.
He dwells in me serenely,
Life glows in me sweetly & calmly.
Songs flow from my lips in praise of His love,
Which He showers on us from Heaven above.
Today, I fed my soul with pathos and grief
With desolation; pangs of separation
From my beloved is nerve shattering
A mighty blow, effacing myself.
The wonders around me are distractions
They create more pains and sufferings
For my Beloved’s absence is biting
These sensations cause graveness.
As dusk falls and darkness descends
The chirping of birds and cawing of crows
The dullness in surroundings all around
And slowness of life, cause oppression.
O, my Beloved, open up yourself
Let my love reach you many folds
Do you know, how I yearn for Thee
Seek Thy loving Eyes for a glimpse.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
My heart’s pangs, sighs and grieving
My million throbs and sleepless nights
My sunken eyes and hallow cheeks
My sorrows and pathos are proof of thy love.
My tears turned red, they fell on sand
And lo they turned into rubies
I wept and wept for ages and ages
I burnt and burnt in love of my beloved.
O my beloved! My throat is now sore
I no longer can sing thy praise
My yearning soul is now ready to soar
Let my flickering candle have thy grace.
O praised one! O the glory of Heaven!
Light of everlasting soul, bless me, bless me
My last dying wish and yearning
Is to heave and leave this coil, with thy glimpse.
Go deep down in your self
Close your eyes, sit erect
Take deep breath in and out
Fix the focus of your, mind’s eyes.
In between your brows
Inhale and exhale deeply
Your thoughts shouldn’t waver
But remain still, on breath,
Slowly and steadily calmness descends
A freshness appears, with deep inhales.
Let the fierce sun of the mind set
Let peace dawn and soul soar higher
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
O delicate heart don’t move about
In parching sun and sandy desert
Where deadly and poisonous snakes
Scorpions have infested aplenty.
O delicate heart, you reflect
In your mirror, the grace
Of your loving beloved
Let not shadows and darkness befall.
O delicate heart don’t part
With your precious gems
Jewels, fragrances, perfumes
Of love to one and all.
O delicate heart don’t panic
Grieve much with pathos
Sorrows and pangs of separation
Shed tears of love for one and all.
My body, my heart, my eyes
Have all burnt and burnt in Thy love
My breath is now charged, like fire
My fears have all now weaned.
I yearn for Thy effulgence to shine
On my inner most corners of soul
Let Thy light glow and brighten it
And ecstasy quench the thirst forever
Let the storms get fully subsided
To allow calmness to descend with serenity
Full Moon sheds its light gloriously
Let the blissful moments, reach their zenith.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
O chosen one! I place my loving heart
At thy holy feet, my fierce loyalty
My burning faith, my zeal, my sincerity
My enthusiasm, my sound mind.
O chosen one! I shall not waver
In my duty’s call, in my devotion
In my supplication from the commands
Of the Holy Book; in thy pleasure.
O chosen one! The springs of Love
Have purified me; the burning
Spirits have cleansed me
Now, I am ready to soar, to fly.
O the perfect one! Thou shall forsake
Me not, on the day of the judgment!
Thou shall grant me thy grace
May Heavenly blessings shower on thee. (Amen)
Wherever Your Name is uttered.
I am there, sans malice
In my heart and mind.
In whatever Form,
You are worshipped
I adore and love You.
O My Master, do not
Forsake and shun me.
My heart is a honey-combed love.
Let me bow my head
Before You forever and ever.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
O the noble one, the chosen one
The simple one, the brave one
The magnanimous one, the loving one
The great one, the unblemished one
What shall I present thee, as a gift
That shall be a rare one, a precious one
That shall be acceptable one to thee
That shall bring thy grace and love.
O the benefactor of all the treasures
I searched all the world and myself
I could not find a more humble one
Then, my tears of love, my throbs and grieves.
O the succor, the most virtuous
The most humblest and the attained one
The most enlightened, the light of the universe
Accept me, accept me and my humble self.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
There was furor everywhere
About my finding a cup bearer
In the town’s dingy tavern
To pour love in my empty cup.
His drinks intoxicate me
Dances and sets tunes for me
There is none of his kind
Anywhere around the globe
Tears of repentance flow unabated
Heart throbs a million times
Seek, for you shall find
Doors of love are always open!
Piercing glances of my beloved
Has opened the flood gates
Of love and enlightenment
Heart thrills with sweet melodies.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
O beloved your presence and love
Have thrilled the heart a million times
Your dazzling beauty has created warmth
And fragrant flowers have bloomed.
Oceanic love has flowed from heart
Waves and waves of affection touching the shores
Unbounded happiness and joys multiplied
Melodies sung to gladden the soul.
Twinkling stars far beyond the longing heart
Luminous Moon shedding eternal light
Lightens the journey towards the goal
All is reflecting the grandeur of the Divine.
My heart is a sweetened honeycomb
For my love has now taken wings to soar
My conscience is now crystal clear
For many a hopeful ships to sail smoothly.
When I was in dreary condition
Having lost all hopes and in disillusion
Despondency gripping me all over
Cast away from doors of friends and foes
A voice from beyond reached my ears
Awake, arise, my doors are open
Reach me with your loving heart
I shall receive you with open arms.
A shattered being with million wounds
Grief aplenty with stricken heart
Soul dipped in desolation, pathos
Now sparkled with joys and there I stood
To receive the Grace from the Merciful
Whose compassion envelopes a dear soul.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Let me present million supplications
For your single grace and glance
Goodness, if any earned in mortal life
I present thee humbly for acceptance.
Grant me a glimpse of radiating face
I sacrifice life for your effulgence
Ah! My hopes and yearnings have lost flight
My last drop of blood flows in silence.
My eyes shed tears in separation
For seeking a charming smile and fragrance
Peace be on thee, my salutations
My love is sincere and not pretence.
O! Moon of the Moon glowing bright.
Glow, glow forever with ever shine.
Stillness of night has put sleep to flight.
Brightening my soul forever glory.
When you are round and full
The twinkling stars fade in nothingness.
The tiresome scorching Sun takes rest
The cool breeze cheers my soul.
The wandering mind is stilled for you
My tongue glorifies You million times.
Your lovely Glance and Grace is enough for me
All phantoms of mind are stilled to oneness.
O Glory of the heaven and earth!
Let millions of tongues praise Thee.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The muezzin calls out from the high turret
The faithful to join in the prayers,
Five times in a day and night;
A reminder of the transience of Time.
So does the chanting in the temples.
The ringing of the bells in Churches.
The ever existing Lord is unseen,
Hidden in the veils and curtains.
A voice emerges in silence of heart,
And when the mind is in stillness.
To guide man to the light of knowledge.
To open windows for fresh breath.
Love is submerged in blood, in veins.
It needs to be kindled to make it flow.
Let this love's battle continue to its end.
Then fall silent sans any fanfare.
Let the drumming attract a motley crowd.
To heckle or clap on our open show.
Let canards be spread by our enemies.
Let gossips gain in malignity.
Let stories be written with twisted facts.
Let heaven fall on my bare head.
O My Love! Let this war continue.
Let my rivals grudge in the end.
That you did love me in your heart.
Though you hid the secret from all.
In the curtains of shadows on moonless night.
We shall meet in secrecy to share our moments.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
I had forgotten all about the Beloved's glance.
A depth of feeling of love had aroused
In my heart, over-flooding my being.
I had asked the cup bearer to fill my cup.
My mind had lost its bearing, balance,
I was termed 'a good for nothing fellow'.
I was wrapped in a ring of shimmering flame.
It took ages to overcome the love's pangs.
Now, when the wounds have healed.
The storms and tsunamis have subsided.
The seasons have changed to fragrance.
You again have come to peck the old wounds.
O Love! Fill my heart with joys of love.
Now, do not forsake and leave me in distress.
Let's sing songs of love and beauty.
Let them shine in all its splendor.
Let effulgence grip the tiny heart.
Let excitement hold the mind and body.
These pleasures are sure to wane,
Into oblivion, never to return.
In the shadows are waiting the pangs.
To coil the being like a deadly snake.
Love's path is dubious and slippery.
It has swallowed millions of stray hearts.
My blood soaked tears have not made
My beloved's heart benign.
Love only turns one to madness, sadness.
To forsake the world forever and ever.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
When they find You
In their mind and heart
In themselves, in lonely
Trackless, sultry dry desert
The water of life is their
To sustain them, to enliven them
The joy of life presents itself
There is no loneliness
No fear, no pain
No past, no future.
They are light, no darkness.
O, You in me. I in you
There is completeness, fullness
Richness, that is paradise.
Hell is when they do not
Find You in themselves.
They are lost in wilderness
In delirium, in pain
Never to return to Your reality.
The mind is filled with effulgent light.
The soul is filled with joy, happiness.
The heart is honey comb, with goodness.
Every thought is crystal clear, pure
Every action is measured, gentle.
Evil is driven away from mind,
Heart and soul, from body and tongue.
Everywhere and all around is love.
Beauty, profusely emerging like fountain
Spreading like fragrance of flowers.
Life like rainbows on horizon,
Fluttering and moving like colorful birds.
Chirping and singing like nightingale.
Every vein in my body becoming strings
Playing music for the Beloved Lord.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
They all speak of sorrows of the heart
Of the pangs of separation
Of agony of lost love
Of mystical feelings
Of 'I in You and You in me'
Of mingling of souls.
Of veins being strings
To play the music set on tunes
By the Great Maestro
The Master holding in His Hands
The destiny of every soul
To grant paradise or hell.
The streams of love have sprung
From depths of my heart and soul.
There is gush of rivers in my veins.
The effulgence of light in mind and body
The rhythmic sound of drums
And music resounding in me
To carry on the cosmic dance
To jump in joy and ecstasy.
The milk of human kindness
Has filled the udders, the breasts.
I am like 'Kamadhenu',
To feed the hungry seekers.
O The Giver, the Granter
Your Mercy is profuse
Take me in Your Arms
Like a suckling baby.
O You the Bestower
You have freed my mind
From mysteries and myths
Woven around me for generations,
O the Granter of knowledge
Wisdom and enlightenment.
You have opened up vistas
And oceanic learning
To Your seekers and humble
Souls who seek Your Mercy.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The Great One's have said:
“Open the lock to goodness
In the heart, mind and soul
With compassion and mercy
Forgiveness and Repentance
Illumine your mind with million lights.
Of knowledge of self and of Lord,
Lower your gaze, curb your passions.
Subdue your anger, jealousy
Give up greed and gluttony"
O Lord! Your Sun Shines
Brightly in my mind and soul
Day in and day out
With bright full Moon and twinkling stars
With rivers of love flowing within
With charm and beauty reflecting in,
With sweet melodious voice
Singing Thy praise with glory,
Dancing to the tunes set by You.
O Lord! The Comforter, the Giver
I am in Your arms, in embrace
I am love bitten, enjoying the honey
Milk and every comfort of life.
The creepy bones, the tiring body
Is overwhelmed with ecstasy and joy
Your effulgence, Your love
Is Tremendous, Your remedy
For all my ills is efficacious
You, the Truth, the 'Satya', the 'Huq'
I see You in me all around
Your Majesty and Might is powerful
I have roamed and roamed
All over, You placed petals, roses
All my way, pleasing me all along.
Loving me and caring me.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Every seeker seeks Your Face
Begs for your Effulgence
To bestow Your Grace and Mercy
O Lord I see Your Face everywhere.
You are nearer than my jugular vein.
Flowing sweetly, gracefully
Majestically riding on the wings
Of love, flowing in my veins
Instilling fire of love in me.
You make my moments a measured one.
You utter through my tongue.
Sees the universe through my eyes.
Brings ecstasy, joy and thrill in me.
The locks and doors of my heart
Are open to receive Your Grace.
Every moment of my passing life
Sings in Your praise, uttering
Your Names, supplicating You.
O The pure One, the Unblemished One
Your love is Eternal, O Ever living One.
O love! If I have been perfected
To be a mirror for Your image
For being loved and for love
Your Divine nature reflecting in me.
Then I need to polish the compunction,
The scum in my heart, beautify my face.
Adore my Self with perfumes, fragrances.
My inner mirror should be reflective,
Like a Moon to shine and glow.
My tongue should glorify You.
I am seized by the pain, the cure is You.
I am a slave, a servant, worthy of You.
You know Yourself, I now nothing.
Your blessings and Benevolence surrounds me.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Sing your songs to delight yourself.
The secrets have been revealed.
The joys have turned majestic.
The beauty and truth unfolded.
The dark ones have closed their eyes
Shut the doors and locked their hearts
Clogged their minds with passion.
Corroded their souls with smug.
Why now complain of darkness
Of moroseness, of chilling effects
Of desultory and thorny paths
Of loneliness and betrayals.
Flush the beings with rivers of milk
Of Divine consciousness.
Instill love and mercy.
Regain the lost paradise, return now.
I heard One, I saw One, I reached One.
I heard the remembrance of the Real.
I saw the lamp of familiarity.
I heard the response of gentleness.
I saw the signet of friendship.
I reached the friendship of Beginningless.
I saw Him in my shinning heart
And I lost for Him.
Now I cannot say that it is I.
Nor can I say that it is He.
O world’s folk see in me the love of Him.
The radiance of Him glittering in me.
Separate not me with my lover.
The river has now merged in Ocean.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
I am not separate from Him
I am my Beloved's creation
Created by Him, designed by Him
Blown His spirit in me;
Instilled the light of His own beloved
The chosen one, the praised one.
He has made me His vicegerent
Kept me on top of His creations,
To protect His beloved creatures,
His environment, His beings.
I am not alone to be with Him
Millions of His multitudes
Join me like zeros
To stand beside Him
To gain immense value.
My ego melted and got dissolved
On realizing His Might
And Effulgence in and around me.
All call Him by various Names.
Each Name signifies His potency
His Essence, His Quality, His color.
I am humbled with His presence.
I am a small creature.
His love and Grace has overwhelmed me.
O the Great One, the Magnificent One
Your Might and Beauty has filled the universe.
I sing Your songs day and night.
One who loves His most humblest creature
Gets exalted in His presence.
O Lord grant me the humblest nature.
Let my paeans to Thee, find acceptance.
O Lord Your Mercy overwhelms Your wrath.
Forgive all my sins and lapses.
Love as ever, bless me as ever.
Let Your Grace shower on all.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Caught between the contrast and the sublime,
Between the pleasures of the self and remorse,
Between the devil and gentle God,
Between the broad heavenly vision
And low disgusting abyss.
My most unruly mischievous self
Revolts within when the blanket of Blessings
Covers my outer selfish self.
It refuses to be subdued,
Wishes to be an odd selfish man.
Projecting an ugly thumb
With a poking, sniffed up nose,
Wallowing on the pussy decaying wounds,
Which refuses to get healed.
Despite best of antibiotics and treatment.
I appeal to the Gracious Love Venus
To grant me Herculean strength
To subdue the ironic inner demon,
Who has spread its tentacles
Like a cancer to destroy myself
And suck every drop of my blood.
And destroy me forever and ever
Lead me to the light, O Lord _
For deep darkness surrounds me
Blinded with none to show me the way.
That leads me to safety and your gardens.
With thorny paths, marshy lands, shallow pits
Bitterness, cruel ways of tricky world
O Lord! I seek Thy beaming light.
For I am desolate and I yearn for Thee.
Storms and tempests, cyclones and lightning
Thunder, tornadoes, with grave situations
Fears abounding with enemies surrounding
Without any protection or help from anyone
O Lord! The Merciful and Beneficent
Show clemency, protect me, love me!
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
You refused to be dragged into a dialogue.
The light has refused to dawn on us,
Despite my best efforts to lit candles
Of love in the forlorn, dejected hearts.
Your assumptions about me, my persona
Is based on some deep rooted suspicion,
On hearsay, on your spite, anger;
You were groping in the dark to make sense.
But O love! Deep compassion
Flows like milk, honey in inner self;
Sublime, pure, uncorrupted, fresh
Springs should erupt and reach
The outer self and consciousness
To purify and enlighten the self.
Then the ‘Karuna’ exhibits itself.
Then the joys and ecstasy of life erupts.
Then the life becomes fulfilling.
Then the self-illumination is complete.
What flows in this throbbing heart?
Where rings the bells of love.
Where the tongue wails in remembrance.
Where in my heart, a fervor.
Where in my soul, a passion.
Where in every cell a burning pain.
Where my body burns in love.
O Love! Your loyalty clings in my heart.
Your yearning is my goal.
My desire, to melt in You.
To lay down my life,
Evaporate like a vapor,
Melt like a sweet fragrance.
In this desert of life,
Let my tears of love be my gift to Thee.
I sought everywhere but found You in me.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
This world is a prison for me.
Watching from my cell through my eye,
The brilliance and the mystery of the universe;
The colors of various hues, the vegetation;
The wonders and the unknown around me.
My tongue praises the cosmic harmony,
Grace surrounds me, splendor steals my heart.
When I have been captivated by Beauty,
Love raising unique feelings, passions;
When I am subdued, captured and enslaved;
When Angels guard me and surround me;
When Mercy and Benevolence has overwhelmed me;
Then where is Sin and where is seeking pardon?
Visions of paradise, perdition of abyss is mere illusion!
So many of His creatures
Are captivated, enslaved,
For our pleasure, our comfort.
If not for His will, how can it be?
We are also captured and ordered
To play the tunes of His choice;
For His pleasure, for His Mercy
For His Benevolence, for His kindness.
This cycle of life revolves continuously.
Why fret and fume? Why wail
For a morsel of food? we strive,
The illusions and Maya gives pain,
Makes us march to the Unknown,
To open new vistas for splendor.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
I need to escape from angles,
Triangles, Hexagons, Circles
Squares and need to reach the point;
By walking on the straight line.
How bogs my mind? I scratch my head!
Do I need to abandon life?
By renunciation as Buddhist term it.
As ‘Sanyasi’ to sit under a Banyan tree.
But I am already encircled
With myths, ideologies, with corrupt mind.
My heart is corroded like dead wood
Though not stony yet coarse.
I bereft of imaginations and creativity.
How do I get rid of these illusions?
This ‘maya’, these desires and attachments.
Can running away to woods help me?
The burning stomach would cry and wail.
My weakening muscles in my arms
May not help me escape the writ of life.
The lightening, thunder, storms may scare me.
I wonder and wonder how Jain munnies
Sanyasies, Sadhus, fakirs escape life.
My raging passions though subdued
But the nagging past memories haunts me.
Robbing my mind of solace and peace.
The old steam engine shunting up and down
With loosened bolts and nuts has derailed.
Now I turn inward to empty myself
From that devastating ego, which shuts light
To reach my heart, mind and soul.
What else can I aspire at the end of the journey?
Than for silence of mind and tongue.
To keep aspiring to reach the Great Self.
To whom whole cosmos looks tiny and speck.
Let me now dissolve in the blue canopy
And evaporate like a vapor and cloud.
I stand nude shedding my inner self.
I look up to Thee for Mercy and Grace.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
I live for Him, suffer for Him, constantly repeat His name.
He is in myself, my soul, my breath, my veins, my blood.
Who is He? A Creative force, all around me is that force,
In energy, in plants, animals, creatures, the Great Artist.
He creates art, paints lovely scenes, figures through artist.
He gives creativity, imagination to create new things, ideas.
I am not what my great, great grandfather was.
My son, grandson are different, each one for new age.
Music has changed, so has dance and movies.
I see a grand order, a great harmony of my Master.
He calls me to witness His 'Maya', His awe and wonder.
I hear Him through His creation, through songs of birds,
The clarion call from hawkers, from strike of smithies on iron.
O Love! You hear and see me and my actions.
Do not beshame me on the day of Judgment and reckoning.
Let me melt in You, evaporate like vapor in your love.
Let love consume me, single me not from You.
Let Your Mercy and Compassion enlighten me.
I love HIM, respect HIM and honor HIM;
Each breath of mine is spent in His service.
Day and night merge and I slave forever
Out of dedication, Love of Labour.
Neither vagaries of weather, ill health
Nor desires, nor slumber can deter me.
With deep devotion, I burn the Candle
Of my life at His feet in total surrender.
I have no complains, demands, compulsions,
No grievances, grief, or pain.
Undoubtedly, I am captured by HIM;
I am now left with no will of my own.
My Master’s service is my main motto
I wish I were a dog to befriend HIM.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Now the sentence has been passed.
Appeal to all forums rejected,
I have been handed over to the executioner.
Where does my voice reach for justice?
My lamentations, my cry in vain,
My voice gets stifled and silenced.
My body would be torned asunder,
Like that of Sufi Hallaj, Sufi Sarmad.
But later only to be revered
By cherishers of Truth, valuers of humanity.
My grave will be turned into a Mausoleum.
Agar, frankincense will be burnt.
Wishes and offerings would be made,
Strips of cloths would be tied in a nearby tree.
Lovers would hold hands seeking blessings.
Sick would turn up seeking cure.
O Love! Thou destroyer now becomes Cherisher.
I perish in You to be revered.
94. LOVE
Doubtless mind,
Soul serene,
With Thee beside me
Life is a trifle
Rudder of faith
Cuts off turbulence
Meandering thoughts
Dampen the spirit,
Shackles of iron
Or walls of brick
Cannot curb or
Prevent LOVE
Pure and sublime.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
I am that Adam who stood alone,
My eyes transfixed on His feet;
My paramour Eve with tearful eyes.
I am in that state from ages, centuries,
Millenniums, eras, from billion years.
I am that Shiva, that Mahavira,
That Buddha, those Prophets, those Saints.
All emerging from me, I in them.
I was belittled, brought down
From the pedestal of honor,
From prestige, from glory,
To this dismal position till eternity.
Every one of my progeny in every era,
Has been guilty of hate, passion,
Have hanged Truth on the cross,
Have stoned them to death,
Guillotined, bombed, and destroyed.
Yet have not found humility,
To seek pardon for shameful deeds.
O Love! The Cherisher show Thy face,
Thy effulgence to illumine me.
96. O! MY LORD
“Strip off from World of attachments
And stand bare before Me”
My Lord! Give me that strength to love you.
To be true to my conscience and my soul.
Let me turn my inner self to you alone.
Let not my desires for pelf drown me.
Let not pride and anger tease me.
Let not glitter of world distract me.
Let my love be full and complete for you.
O! My Lord! Your Grace and Mercy is full.
Fill my soul with Divine Light.
Let desires and evil take to flight
Let not my senses ever dull.
O! My Lord! Bless my parents, my teachers
Let my progeny walk on straight paths.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
We are created beings
Beautiful, marvelous
With positive traits
Of mercy and compassion
Of holiness, purity.
But deep down carrying
The ancient savage man
With instincts to hunt and kill,
Destroy, burn and fill hearts
Of opponents with terror.
We create our own gods
In our fictitious minds,
Bit by bit building
God’s nature with stories
Filling our minds with
Fantasy, fancy, imagery.
Our wishes, our desires, fears
Giving shape to the dummy gods.
The brimstones, fire in hearts,
Minds, seeking blessings from gods.
If we could imbibe
Buddha’s compassion
Christ’s humility
Mohammad’s sincerity
Prophets of yore
In our minds and hearts,
We are of God
And God is of us.
Our inner self
Is purified
So are our actions.
But the savage man
In our deep self
Pops up unpleasantly
To destroy well laid
Gardens of blooming flowers
To create a mess of us.
Our love, our compassion
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Should reach our inner most
Self, in every cell of being.
God of love and compassion
Should possess us
Encapsulate us
Seize us, arrest us.
Then the shinning Truth
Dawns on the mirror
Of pure heart
The crystal clear essence
Of the Lord reflects there from.
Silence of mind and heart
Is reached and achieved.
Calmness and tranquility
Transcends the personality.
Soul gets illumined.
Halo surrounds the being.
Aura increases.
Magnetism captivates.
The goal is reached.
His splendor is self-standing.
His brilliance is self sustaining.
His Kingship everlasting.
His splendor is eternal.
His brilliance generous.
His Kingship tremendous.
His splendor is with majesty.
His brilliance with beauty.
His Kingship without decline.
His splendor steals the heart.
His brilliance increases love.
His Kingship has no annihilation.
O the Great One, the Bestower, the Giver.
Mercy and Benevolence surrounds.
We disobey and commit sin of abhorrence.
You pardon us on our repentance.
Let Your peace, tranquility ever remain.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The past ‘Karmas’ haunting you,
Subduing your self
And avenging for past deeds,
Be shaming you.
Evil eye casting its spell,
You feel belittled, ashamed.
Your mercurial nature
Your quick temper
Green eyed jealousy
Over whelming your consciousness.
Passions ranging.
Greedy hands laying on everything.
Dissatisfaction in your self
Making you unhappy, sick.
You need to overcome lethargy
Sloth, unsatiable palate.
Struggle every moment
With Dharmic and satvic living
Cream of charity flowing
Through your blessed hands.
Wash your sins with good deeds
Of eternal happiness,
With surrender to Great Self,
By subduing your evil self.
Conquer your animal nature,
Infuse Divinity
In your benign consciousness.
Then the light dawns.
Flood light of knowledge
Flashes in your broad mind.
Illumination in every cell
Of the being is attained.
‘Moksha’ becomes a reality.
“As-Sakina’ and ‘Baraka’ is attained.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Wrapped up in the blanket of sin,
You look up to the Moon
To shed its glory on Mankind.
To lighten the heart and mind.
But doors of Benign Divine
Are shut for modern man.
The jungle man has returned to hunt
His fellow beings to carry their heads
As trophy to display the skulls
And bones, oblivious of Divine wrath.
Mercy wallowing and shedding tears.
From the blistering desert arose a Prophet
With resounding voice reaching eternity
To change the path of civilizations
With truth on his lips always ever,
Practicing trustfulness,
Keeping up his promises
To create a just society with law and order
With purity of life, soul, mind and heart
To lay down life with sacrifice to Lord
Of Mercy, Compassion and Grace
To ever remain virtuous and prayerful.
To change the character of Mankind.
To the ways of God to ever remain
Obedient to Him and be Peaceful.
Now can humanity look up
To a Messiah to relieve its burden
To achieve peace and tranquility.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Life and death smoothly flow in the veins
Gathering as it moves strength
Or weakness, to survive or to whither.
The clock of four seasons move within.
Rays of Sun, Moon, Stars, Radio, Cosmic waves,
Free flow of electrons, protons,
Electricity, light and thunder
Sustains life or its intensity breaks it.
Evolution and dissolution is constant.
Moving in its own rhythm, clicking
Its own clock, leaving a trial behind.
There is a constant harmony, rhythm
In all forms of life between
Material and immaterial objects.
Play of songs and music
In silence of one’s mind is nonstop.
A scheme is laid, microns, DNA, RNA, work
From ions, gathering waves and waves
Of information, stored within our mind.
Wisdom, experience is awakening
Of the consciousness, becoming aware
Of inner self in harmony with outer self.
Hear the Divine vibrations of music
Rhythmically playing in the inner ear drum.
Time your mind to the cosmic flow
Of life in a peaceful non agitating
State, unmindful of imaginary
Failures of your schemes for profit
And loss in the movement of life.
The journey breaks, the outer shell
Of organs, muscles and skeleton
Dissolves it but the solar life lives
With its cosmic songs by turning
The inner consciousness into subtle light.
Light merges in light.
A union with solar light to live forever.
Electricity, energy and light is life.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Life is light with vibrations of constant music
Played constantly on the horizons of cosmos.
Like mother suckling a new born baby.
A bird taking within its wings
The eggs to hatch it to bring new life.
And the process lives on forever.
Life flows uninterruptedly till eternity.
So long as benign Sun exits.
Seed of rebellion implanted in first man
And in his mate to ever insubordinate.
The Devil to rebel forever.
Rebellion is nature of erring man.
But order and harmony in Nature ever.
Though storms, tsunamis, earth quakes occur.
But calmness, tranquility prevails.
Every civilization meets its evil fate.
Man needs to quell his evil nature
To restore balance in his own self.
Imbibe within the light of learning.
Silence in mind, soul is a gate way to peace.
Rebellion and aggression destroys peace.
Ruins all that is lovely and beautiful.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
First Judaic man in His own image
Sharing all His qualities profoundly.
But seed of rebellion sown in him
To rebel in His presence then and there.
Thrown away from profuse light to darkness.
To scramble for stale food, cringe and cry.
Wail and weep, for he has lost the Garden.
The bliss, the comfort to sit next to the throne.
Massive civilizations surrounding him,
The pharaohs, Nimrods, Pharisees and others.
Power richness, might, pelf surrounding
Playing gods in pomp and show.
The first man to procreate after pardon.
To regain strength, intellect and gaze.
Both inward and outward with miracles.
To dethrone the splendor and ardor.
A colossal fight emerged between them.
Proxy God playing chess with mini gods
Sphinx losing the battle and wealth.
Emergence of Prophets, Saints, pious men.
First man to rebel with all evil forces.
To bring peace solace for generations.
His progeny to keep the fight on ever.
To keep demons, devils and evil at bay.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
When the Sun of fortunes and luck dips
And the light begins to fade away,
You are slowly slipping in darkness.
A period of gloom and loneliness
To befall on you till dawn bring cheers.
How are you to sustain your joys?
Your mirth and pleasure, your balance
To push away hunger, pain, ignominy.
An unknown entity sans any merit,
Talent, vigor, illumination, zest
Would be entering the purgatory blinds.
Seek wisdom from Sages & Saints
Living or from their books and learning.
For they hold the elixir to revive
The lively spirits, panacea to illness.
They carry a halo insight to restore
The dipping spirits, the dying embers.
Deep penance, introspection restores,
Revives a new path, a new beginning,
A new breath, a new view, a new outlook.
A vision, a new imaginations, new ideas
A reflection of Great Being on inner mirror
Life takes a turn towards new beginning.
The inner spirit, inner eye unveils.
A new light emerges to enrich the soul.
Love removes bitterness, moroseness.
Darkness begins to fade to restore light.
Beauty and grace dawns on the being.
A fresh lease restores sanity.
A candle light eats away darkness
Illumination of soul restores joys.
Patience and surrender revives spirits.
Look beyond the horizons, elevate
The sagging spirits with wisdom.
Slow emergence of light clears dark paths.
Seek truth, love & beauty ever & ever.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Why do I think always of oblivion?
Like a reed to sing sad songs!
Of separation from some unknown
Source, of Deity of antiquity.
My pain of living, desertion of love
Of missing goals, hurt & sorrow
Create an urge to dissolve my being.
To fly to some unknown destination.
Where my forgotten aliens live
In a lost paradise of “hurries”.
With Moon eyed beauty of rare kind.
Where milk and honey flows always.
Where joys never fade or diminish.
Where sensuousness flows like a stream.
Oh! Why these urges of a flute’s songs.
Beckoning me to a long lost love.
Tickling in me flames of love.
That enflames me to zest and zeal.
Frenzy gripping my whole being.
To whirl like a dancing dervish.
To bleed my heart with aches & throbs.
O far away love, flown away from me.
Return to me on wings of poesy.
To carry me to heaven of unknown.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Love is from mother’s womb & lap,
Sucking milk, clinging to her.
Lisping numbers, every moment, eternal
Adding to learning, every moment.
Consciousness growing slowly, steadily.
All elements awakening gradually
Stored in the deep spaces of mind.
Day by day adding to knowledge,
Skills and information stored.
Memory acts as a gift of Divine.
Every era creates a new man.
With new actions, new thinking, new ideas.
Growth of man is evolution.
Imagination going berserk,
To let out dreams into reality,
Soaring higher and higher in infinity.
Singly or collectively actions combined
Collective consciousness in society,
Moving in space but grounded on Earth.
Whole cosmos moving in unison.
Mind exposed to nature and space,
Absorbing elements from nature.
Focal and central is the force of love.
A supreme feeling, an urge
To mingle, to cling to another.
Like mother holding a child in arms.
Man is a child of nature.
Mother Earth protecting, caring,
Producing food and wealth,
Medicine and panacea to illness,
Joys, mirth and pleasures.
Love is supreme, love is all.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The spark of individuality of a person
To sustain him forever, to remain in him
Till death does him apart and thereafter.
Affection in relationships,
Of love to give and share.
To sacrifice and humble oneself.
To be compassionate and merciful.
To let go of vengeful feelings,
Of revenge and let blood or to harm.
To be always calm, cool, forgiving.
To remove in oneself feeling of remorse,
Of pain and suffering,
Of boisterousness, vehemence,
Of stubbornness, heedlessness,
Of callousness of lethargy,
Of greed, aggrandizement.
Mind to remain at peace.
Then love flowers into fragrance,
To bear sweet fruits to enjoy.
Then the music of Divine flows
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Myths and superstitions fed in me
From my childhood, nurtured,
Fear of darkness, belief in dark beings;
In black magic, evil eye.
All finding spaces in the mind.
Worship of idols, adoring things,
To gaze at them and in crystal balls.
To seek umpteen answers
To puzzling questions,
On mysteries of Nature.
By passing logic, common sense.
Mind again and again fed on myths.
Faith cherishing, refreshing
On mysteries, stories of aliens.
On strange beings, angels, devils.
Rationality thrown asunder.
Life moving in circles,
Never to find a clear path.
Caught in a maze.
Not reaching the central point
Of peace, solace and tranquility.
Confusion compounded galore.
Caught in the slippery path, in a web.
Never finding the glowing light
And enlightenment, wisdom.
Love a rare commodity
Costlier than rarest gem and metal.
Never finding a place in a kindred heart.
Oh! These myths and superstitions
Gaining strength, greater ground and space
In the best of faithful.
To destroy clear pathways
Of lightening and Truth forever.
To destroy rationality, right thinking.
Mankind ever surrounded by falsity.
Moving on slippery path of hypocrisy.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Now you are reaching the safe abode of peace
Where the acme of pain of living,
Of noisy life, of daily melancholy
Disappears and you are in deep sleep
Till eternity, till the bugles are blown
To wake everyone to view the Glory
And shine of Ever Living Deity
Who was invisible in the glory of Sun.
Now it will be broadness of light,
To shine forever, brighter
And brighter increasing in splendor.
Everyone will be blessed with heavenly eyes
To view the illuminating brightness.
To hear the Heavenly tunes to ever thrill.
Can such a spectacle be viewed?
In these days of shifting sands
Where living in mire, in troubles,
Injures the body with its daggers.
Where every moment causes hiccups.
Where even Beethoven’s music appears jarring.
Where the sweetest songs irks the mind.
Where every morsel of food tastes like hemlock.
Where every breath is fraught with pain.
Can living turn to utopia, heavenly.
Numbness of ambrosia, of cannabis
Of passing passions leaves unsoundness.
How then to capture the dreams
To turn to reality, to fructify.
Only a Heavenly Master with His
Divine Gaze can illumine our hearts,
Can thrill our soul to beauty and love.
Only a Messiah and Prophet, Saint
A magician can turn our inner self.
To reduce our ego to zero
To make us meditative
To make us turn away from suffering.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
We all need crutches for support, mentally
To make us strong to walk with uprightness
To bear the burdens of stormy life
To seek assurances, to ward off fears.
The roots have to be strong to face ‘ toofans’,
Torpedoes, tsunamis, lightning and thunder.
To face draught, famine, hunger and pain
With courage, inner strength, poise, dignity.
Firm feet, foresight, great planning.
The graph has to keep moving up and up.
Avoid being at sea and in blues.
Maintain healthy diet, good routine.
At every step life places hurdles.
But strong faith in Unknown enlightens mind.
When the soul gets entangled
In webs of sharp wires, in tenterhooks
In pangs of conscience
When the soul gets caught
Between the evil’s delight
And body’s pleasures
When the soul gets entrapped
In the guilt of grave sins
And in the troubled mind
When the soul gets anguished
At the sorrows and pains
At the destruction of good
It is the time for the soul
To sing, pray and meditate
On the Higher Being for solace and grace.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Oh! if only I could dream of Thee
And see Thy beauty and effulgence,
Thy charm, Thy benign look, Thy smile,
To relieve me of my pain and anguish,
My despondency and perplexity,
That has left my life so shattered!
O sweet one O Thou deliverer
From all miseries and calamities!
O Thou most compassionate one,
O haven of peace and tranquility!
Bless me, enlighten my dark soul,
Redeem me from all vicissitudes,
Guide me to a life of bliss,
Of solace and contentment.
I have heard, O Eternal Lord,
Thou showers Thy choicest blessings
Upon all Thy chosen ones.
Let me, then, be one of them.
We are all millions of zeros
But, all of us lining together
Besides that GREAT ONLY ONE
Have gained a great value.
But we millions of zeros
By praising and singing paeans
For THAT ONE has gained glory.
Many petals are held by a SINGLE
Stalk, to form a beautiful flower
For nectar and fragrance
To delight everyone with its beauty.
Love emits sweet scent
For everyone to enjoy its bliss.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
When my time comes to shed this mortal coil
To close my eyes forever and to breathe the last
To straighten the body, hands and legs
Then, let me sigh with thy name on my lips.
I yearn for thy glance and a glimpse
For a reflection of thy effulgence
For your sweet fragrance and sweetness
Let me place my soul at thy holy feet.
O praised one, the deliverer of all souls
Let my tears of love be my humble gift
Let me present thee, with my stricken heart
With its wounds and pangs of separation.
O my beloved! I yearned for thee all my life
Now, I lie immersed deep in your thoughts.
Realise the Ninety-nine Names
Ninety-nine themes, units and pulses,
Of the Lord surrounding you.
Of the Holy Prophet within you.
The light upon light lights all.
Enlighten your being with it
Repeat the Names on your lips
Inhale Him, to surcharge you.
Let the streams of Love,
Flow within, to cleanse the being.
Let the cream of charity
Flow thro’ your hands for goodness.
Purify the mind with crystal thoughts,
Honey-tongued glorify the Lord,
With His guidance tread your path,
Melodious songs thrill your heart.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
As a seed seeks a safe place to hide
Till it gains the strength to sprout and grow
Hearts that are weak or marred by frailties
Need LOVE to make them strong and pure.
Love lives in souls lofty and true
And shuns the mighty and haughty,
Love can never find a place
In hearts that are hard and stony.
Love shines and sparkles in speech
Never adopting a harsh tone.
In songs sung with a melodious voice,
It reflects itself and is amply shown.
Though Love spells special passion for youth,
Its magic hold entranced, in its spell,
People of all ages – young and old,
Neither age nor customs its glory can dim,
In Love, sympathy flows like a stream
Gushing and flowing with ecstasy,
Like magical springs emitting milk and honey,
Love oozes from hearts that are kindly.
Though sad and painful the pangs of love,
We are told that sweet they are,
And that, not to have loved at all,
To love and lose, it’s better far!
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Truth being crystal clear,
Needs no eulogy or praise,
Its effulgence and brightness it showers
On loving and compassionate souls.
Truth pursued with sincerity and humility
showers its spiritual grace and bliss.
Truth is complete only with Love,
Compassion, Mercy, Charity and Justice.
Truth is eternal and surpasses
All barriers and is beyond nothingness.
Truth is infinite and dwells in hearts
Pure and simple, humble and kind.
118. O!, TRUTH!
Oh, long-awaited Truth! Descend from heaven above
And shower on me thy mercy and thy love.
My failings have stamped on me their black-mark;
Please light up my conscience, gloomy and dark.
Self-pity has enveloped my whole being
And blinded my eyes, preventing me from seeing
The path of Growth and, in others, Belief.
From my shortcomings help me find relief.
Whenever my anger roars and thunders,
It makes me commit all sorts of blunders!
It crumbles my will to do good deeds,
Makes me look small, and to shame it leads!
O Truth, pure and ever sublime,
To drive away my passions and guilt, tell ‘Time’,
Cool my senses and light up my mind
So that a home in my heart, LOVE may find.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The wilderness and arid desert,
With life scarce and dryness all around.
The deadly silence and burning sun,
Leave a parching tongue with looks wild.
The dangers are grave indeed,
Deadly snakes with fangs sharp.
A threat to man sans protectives
When exposed to nature, bare.
A sacred heart is a pleasure to keep,
In it, dwells light to illumine the mind.
Filled with faith and hope on Almighty
And seeks Grace and Mercy from dangers many.
The gushing springs with endless fountains,
Makes the land fertile and enriches it.
Man with love and kind hearts,
Creates fruits of good deeds, for all to enjoy.
An assassin turned to love,
On mere benign looks cast on him.
He rushed to assassinate the saint,
But, a mere glance turned him to love.
Oh! Thy sweet melodious voice,
Turns a villain in a flash.
Sending down the spine, Divine rapture,
With peace and calmness transcending,
Let thy holy sanctuary sparkle with Love!
Let thy devotees drink from thy hands!
An elixir, intoxicant Divine wine for ecstasy
To enable them to soar to Heavenly bliss.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
121. GOD WHO
People say merge yourself with God
See God, Realize God, Follow the path of God!
Who is this God?
Is it possible to see the Effulgence?
The Brilliance, the Everlasting, Overpowering
Beauty, the Mighty and Tremendous, Colossal Power?
Is it possible to bear the Tumult, the
Everlasting Strength and Greatness of the Being,
Who has the power of Creation and Destruction,
God realization simply means.
A path chosen by good people, practicing –
Virtues and everlasting goodness.
Who are peace loving, brotherly and affectionate
Who think of the well being of others.
Who have concern and love for others
Who place others’ needs above their own.
Who feel humble, kind and humane
Who speak softly, forbear and are chaste.
Who have abundance of patience and are forgiving.
Who remain calm, cool and collected.
Who are not cunning, wicked and cruel
Who have compassion for the poor,
Unfortunate, sick and hungry.
Who respect one and all.
Who have the strength to bear the loss.
Who are just, truthful and straightforward.
Who keep their promises and words,
Who are charitable, generous and hospitable,
Who bear in their heart and mind,
Thousand lights of joy and happiness
And feel one with Nature.
Who attain self-realization.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Oh! What a marvelous symbol, it is!
Attracting millions and trillions of people
Of all hues, from all parts of the globe
Whirling around, circumambulating, and cringing.
In a mere white clear unsewn garb;
With open head, bare feet, with freshness around
Oblivious of all the worldly states attained.
Mind fixed on only ONE the GREAT ONE.
Hearts outpourings, relentless streams of tears
Disheveled hair, in total surrender
To burn the soul in deep piety
In ever submission to seek HIS Grace.
Love’s crystalline purity, in a ray of light
Showering beauty, illumining the soul bright.
I know you have a charming face,
A beautiful and a beaming one.
An attractive and a captivating one,
A magnetic and a loving one.
I know that I don’t remember,
Your name, my memory fails me.
But, the very thought of yours
Brings a million fold of joy in me.
I know you are Faceless, Nameless
Formless, Unfathomable, Inconceivable
Yet, I know you, yet I know you.
Yet I feel Your love, Your Grace.
Look! How the bliss and ecstasy
Erupt in me, thrill me, make me jump
Yearnings, hopes and longings to meet You
To see You, to mingle with You, forever.
Oh! A tinkling in me, a twinkling in eyes.
And million cells in me get pulled towards Your Love.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
It is true that the saint is dead
Buried, mingled and has become
One with the soil, dust unto dust
He was one like us to pass by.
It is also true, that person
Faced all the human weakness
Body aches, pains, diseases,
Squalor, poverty, hunger, privation.
But the saint was a person
Par excellence, brilliant spiritually
Great in thoughts, deeds and virtues
He was personification of all kindness.
Nature bestowed on him rare gifts
He sparkled like a fine cut diamond
We pay respects to his purified soul,
And sing paeans to Lord, the Benefactor.
A command received by Adam and Eve,
Directly from the Lord Almighty
In the presence of archangels
Who protested creation of man from clay.
For they felt, they were part of the light
And fire, that could destroy man.
Lord Almighty taught Adam, His Names
And tested him, in presence of Angels,
Whoever in obedient attendance.
Dumbfounded, they prostrated, seeking pardon.
Lo, their leader, Archangel, protested,
Defiant, out of jealousy, pride and pelf.
Refused to yield, cringe, cower before Adam.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
On the pretext of his superiority and knowledge
On the premise that Adam’s race would create
Dissensions, destructions, bloodshed and sins.
An angel is pure, in total submission, to Lord
Should he bow before impure men of clay?
Thus Satan was banished, from Lord’s Grace.
To ever remain as an arch enemy of man.
To tempt, lure, lead him to commit sin,
To indulge in sinful, mirth, joy and pleasure.
To make man to hate man for destruction.
To covet the neighbor’s wife and to steal.
To commit heinous acts, to be shunned.
Neither pity nor mercy shall befall such men.
Thunder, lightning, storms and pestilence
Should ever pester them to shameless death.
To hell, they would be thrown by Lord’s wrath
This to punish, for befriending, Lord’s adversary, the villain
Who is a confirmed enemy of man.
The Lord, the Merciful and the Beneficent
Though has granted a decree and license
To Satan, to destroy, His creation.
To mislead humanity and lead them to cross roads.
But save those, who are in submission
In humility, serving humanity with sacrifice,
With love, devotion, serve their brethren
To save men from disarray and wrong paths,
Such shall receive Lord’s Grace, Mercy,
For Ever His door is open to receive them.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
They are all men of great insight.
Foresight, hind sight with a third eye
All acquired thro ages of learning
Under great masters, with discipline,
After years of contemplation and meditation.
A shining halo surrounds their being.
With magnetism oozing out from every cell
Ecstasy from every particle of their being emitted
With glowing glimmering brilliant eyes,
With equanimity; patience and calmness.
Men, who lend their ears, but not their voices
With deep knowledge of men and matters.
They have become saints sans pomposity,
And turned themselves to human’s par excellence
To twinkle like a star, shed light like Sun, Moon.
The whole world bows down before their greatness.
Their mind is full of wisdom and magnanimity
Even Nature submits to their pure will.
Without an iota of ego, desire left in them
Divinity dawning, effacing their self.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Even prophets had to struggle in their lives
Face mob attacks, jeers, humiliations
Privations, hunger poverty and strife.
Some laid down their lives in their heavenly cause.
Patience had been their main virtue.
They would gulp down their anger and wrath.
Withstand tortures, pain caused to them.
Incarceration, banishment from people.
After years of struggle against all odds.
Prophets, saints, holy men and great ones,
Would achieve their objective to free man,
From bundle of evils and sins.
For us mortal men of clay with weakness,
Surrounded by evils, sin and darkness
The lives of prophets, Holy saints and the like,
Should act as beacon of light for guidance.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
128. WHO AM I?
Is there a world beyond the five senses?
Beyond perception, thoughts, ideas _
Beyond imaginations and fantasies
Beyond your own consciousness?
What is it you ought to know by this –
“Who am I – discover your own self”
Is your self, a complex inner psyche?
Of conglomeration of composite cultures?
Learning to meet situations of life
Learning to live a successful life.
Are you to discover your inner strength?
Inner weakness, inner potential
Your mirth, pleasures and joys
Your sorrows, platitudes and grieves?
Is it to raise yourselves by deep meditation
Seeking release from attachments
A composed mind sans sensations
Transcending frontiers of time and space
And see universe in a grain of sand
And raise yourself above your selfish self!
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The tests of love are severe indeed
Its fire is intense and fine
To captivate and overwhelm
Sans duality and distraction
Love calls for single minded
Devotion, submission for merger.
Love illumines and sparkles
With magnetic attraction.
Abraham, the Patraiah Prophet
Broke the idols carved by his father
Placed the axe on the big one
When questioned, pointed to them.
Puzzled at the plurality of gods,
Turned towards sun, moon, stars
Finding them setting discarded them.
Through self enquiry realized the SINGLE ONE.
Faced severe tests from his tribe
A great fire was prepared for him
To be burnt alive for rejecting idols
Stoically and bravely faced the ordeals
Refused the help of Angel Gabriel
Proved his total submission
To the solitary Supreme Lover
To whom he sacrificed his heart
Lo, the deep faith and piety
Reached the Great Loving Self
Whose commands obeys the worlds
Nothing Stirs Sans His knowledge.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The fire turned to roses fragrant
A soft bed to receive in its lap
The favorite devotee of the Lord
Whose devotion surpassed every one
Abraham was tested again and again
Even at eighty five, he had no issues
Prayed for Lord’s Grace to bestow one
Ismail was born to slave girl Hajira.
But Lord questioned his devotee
To prove his love and devotion
To sacrifice the child and abandon
And turn selflessly to worship Him alone.
Abraham’s love was total and complete
Like a full moon to shed its bright light
With all glory and its splendorous shine
Sans heat and sweat, but to cool the eyes.
Abraham did not tarry for a moment
Took the suckling and the young beauty
To the parching dry desolate desert
To prove his devotion to Lord, to pass the test
Thirsty child abandoned under blistering sun
To be watched by the angles and Allah
A devotional legend to surpass generations
To create a Kaaba for the yearning souls
Hajira, a deep devotee, of Lord the Cherisher
Ran helter-skelter upon the hills
Fearing vultures would rush back
To fondle the wailing, weeping child.
Hajira moved from plains to hills
Searching for a pint of cool water
To quench the Ismail’s thirst
Looking up to the heaven for divine help
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Divinity surrounds a sincere devotee
Like Saturn’s rings and satellites
Like, atmosphere to sustain life
Lord’s Grace dawns morn. evening.
Lo, the wailing child’s cry moves the heaven
The thumping foot brings forth a fountain
A cool stream spurts forth from below
A sparkle in the eye, Hajira uttered thanks.
The oozing water was overwhelming
Flooding, a deluge surrounding
Hajira in excitement shouted “Zam Zam”*
Lo, the flow receded, a miracle from heaven.
Lord the cherisher bestows His bounty
On His simple, sincere devotees
But the Love’s fire needs kindling.
To awaken within single minded devotion
Zam Zam, a spring near Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
They gazed and gazed the crystal ball
Drew draws, made calculations
Questioned ‘Ra’ and found the answers
To ever puzzle and astonish them all.
Lo, the high priests, soothsayers,
Were all perplexed and quizzed
They were certain about their prophesy
Their intuition, their predictions
From time immemorial, a lore built
Mighty Pharaohs proclaimed as gods
Worshipped, adored and submitted
To their might, power and pelf
Now, a birth of a child among slaves
Low Palestinians, uncouth, miserable.
To ever live in abject poverty, penury
To serve the Egyptians, the Masters.
A child to end the tyranny and mighty
To liberate the slaves for ever
To create a nation for freedom
To worship the unseen, unfathomable
King Pharaoh believed in the prophecy
Ordered for massacre of all suckling
A blood bath followed the command
Innocent lives lost like swirl wind
The babe was born to be saved
By ‘Asiya’, the benevolent queen
To be given to Maryam for rearing
A diving grace thus saved Moses.
As the child grew in the laps of royal
A lingering suspicion tortured their minds.
To test the prophesy red hot coals.
Were placed as toys before the child.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
So pleasing were the rosy hot coals
The child plucked to place it in mouth
Only to burn the lips and tongue
Just to dispel the dark doubts.
Strange are the ways of the Nature
It protects that which needs nurture
From the hands of the ruthless tyrants
To help the meek to inherit and rule.
Its designs are complex and intricate
Yoke of slavery, chill penury
Is a test of endurance, patience
To cure the ills and enlighten the soul.
Slaves in rags sans joys and mirth
Sans eyes lit with sparkle
Sans minds illumined with light
Sans shelter and a cozy home bright.
Fallen fragrant flowers sings
Sad forlorn songs yearning
To be back on the trees
To be ever cheerful with glee.
Picked to be bedecked in plaits
To decorate homes, on altar
To become wreath for bier
To join in grief and in sorrows.
So are the poor wretched
Who create marvels for the rich
Pick pearls from oysters
For crown, rings and necklaces.
Mine gold for refinement
Make jewellery for endearment
Polish the stones for glitter shine
Create chandeliers to spread light.
The humble hands are gifts of nature
Sans them the masters feel helpless
They rule over them with cruelty
To subject them with pain, torture.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The horses, mules, asses, oxen
Cows, heifer, sheep, goats camels
Dogs and pets are all to be cared
They are endeared than the wretched.
Such were the times of tyranny
The Jews lived hopelessly
Praying with all their hearts lovingly
For redemption from the Egyptians
Lo, their sincere prayers
Were answered by the Lord
Of the Universe, the invisible
The Magnificent and Merciful.
Lord has his own ways
To rejuvenate the dead souls
To refurbish the tortured
To rehabilitate the annihilated.
Jews looked back and wondered
As to how they had lived in pleasure
In glory, in opulence and luxury
Blessed by God of Abraham and Isaac.
How Joseph came to Egypt as a slave.
How he was imprisoned and troubled
How he did penance with righteousness
How he achieved throne thro’ struggle.
There were times when Lord showered Grace
When honey and milk flowed aplenty
When they were decreed as chosen race
For their brilliance, intellect and beauty
Lord made covenants with them,
When He showered manna from Heaven
Lo, they disobeyed, turned rebellious
Now they were captivated to redeem sins.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Their priests, seers, saner elements
Prayed and prayed for Lord’s Mercy
For forgiveness and resurrection
For Joseph prophesied, the oncoming Moses.
Joseph’s mummy lay awaiting, the Redeemer.
From the yoke of subjugation, wrath
To seek for ever Lord’s promised land
For liberation, for enlightenment to return
The chosen race had seen best of times
Shunned idolatry, worshipped, the SINGLE ONE,
The Sole Ruler of the hearts and minds,
Who pardons and accepts the services done.
But man the marauder the thankless
Commits wrongs, sins, defies Mercy
Lays thorns in the paths of virtuous
Bends laws for his selfish ends.
Thus, Lord withdrew His favors
To punish the Jews for arrogance
For creating innovations in religion
To associate Lord, with false gods.
With the illuminating light withdrawn
Now the paths lay in darkness
With stench and sickness surrounding
With arms, legs, body in shackles.
The accumulated silt, clogs, and webs
In heart, mind, in acts, need cleaning
To make it simple, humble to sparkle
Wisdom dawns on those who subjects to love
Ages passed, till the race chosen
Lived in yoke of slavery to learn bitter lessons
Till they realized the Truth, turned a new leaf
Prepared themselves to fallow their Savior
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The Rescuer Moses reared by his future foe
To part with knowledge, learning, wisdom
To a simple humble one’s child innocent
Who becomes Pharaoh’s apple of the eye.
The youth in Moses bereft of rashness
But instilled in mind, a sense of justice
With a deep conscious to stir from within
To raise to occasions, to rescue the oppressed
When Moses found two men fighting
In the town of Memphis, a city of Pharaoh
At the hour of the noon-sleep
One of Israelite, another an Egyptian
Moses intervened but the enemy
Stuck Moses, to unburden ill-will
The devil worked and excited Moses anger
So, Moses hit him hard, to let blood.
A conspiracy lay to trap Moses for revenge
Benevolence protected him, to escape and flee
To a place far away beyond Egypt
To find a shelter in the home of Shoeb
Married Shoeb’s daughter and served him long
While Moses mind and heart turned to god
Yearned to mingle and merge in solitude
Thus Moses attained and gained signs of Lord.
A bright fire emanated from the cedar tree
Beckoned Moses to come close to it
Proclaimed him as a Messenger of peace
To turn the wheels of destiny of the fallen race.
Gifted with signs of Lord, the Merciful
The staff of Moses would turn to a serpent
The palm of Moses would shine like an effulgent sun
Moses now was ready to stir his people
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Moses called upon them to a life of righteousness
To shun sins and fulfill the covenants
Sacrifice their beings with lofty ideals
To purify mind and heart for brightness
Moses teachings created a stir.
Parching land was blessed now with rains
Sudden blossoming of fragrant flowers
Brought life, joys and merriment to Jews
A new life, a new living, a new gait
A virtuous assertive life of dignity
Heads held high sans impetuosity
Courtesy shown to one & all with sparkling traits
Aroused jealousy among Egyptians masters
A Council discussed the grave situation
Pharaoh alerted wrath filled his mind
He summoned his seers and magicians
Moses brought to Pharaoh’s presence
Questioned Moses beliefs and his faith
A battle of wits and interplay of Lord’s signs
Lo, the staff of Moses turned to python
In lightening speed swallowed the snakes
Created with trickery and magic from the ropes
By magicians, they out of wonder, fell on ground
Submitted to Moses, but perished in Pharaoh’s hands.
Pharaoh refused freedom to Jews
Despite pestilence and drought
Floods of blood, swarms of locusts
Frogs and lice couldn’t change his mind.
Pharaoh built a tower of might
To reach to Moses God of virtue
But to find disgrace, displeasure
Ultimately to get drowned in the sea.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Thus, Moses led his people to the promised land
His staff stuck on ground, streams flowed
His twelve Jewish tribes found each one
To cultivate and grow in prosperity.
But devil turned their hearts
To disobedience and faithlessness
Sameri turned their gold to a calf
For worship a false idol, for wrath.
Moses returned from Mount Sinai
After long penance with Tablets
Of Ten Commandants for guidance
Alas, his people had turned away from Truth
A severe test from Lord followed
For Jews turned arrogant, disobedient
Sought Manna, food, vegetables of heaven
A stricken heart is sure to perish.
Moses sought Lord’s Grace, His Presence
Mount Sinai couldn’t withstand
Lord’s Effulgence and His Glory
Reduced to ashes, Moses fallen.
Moses took to penance and prayers
To seek forgiveness for his race
Pleading with Lord to restore Grace
Words of wisdom but with no takers
The ever Merciful again blessed Moses people
Were again declared as a chosen one
And made perfect with great ideals,
Prophet Haroon (Koran) and opulence
But Lord’s gifts people squander
Defy Hands of Mercy and Benevolence
Deceit, hypocrisy, lying, falsehood
Are sole elements for man’s destruction.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The times were right for the birth
Of the promised Messiah
To again redeem the Jews from Sins
Who were subjugated by Romans
Divided in tribes and sects
Deep in dialectic dry debates
Steeped in usury, deception
Fraud, crafty cunningness
Sans love and brotherhood, fairness
The sun had set on Israel
The chosen race had fallen to decay
An empty shall sans Kernel
The star of Bethlehem was sighted
The wise men of the East followed it
To witness the birth of the “Son of Man”
The “Roohull Allah” “The Massihullah”
Mary the virgin in severe pain
In total submission with tears flowing
Clinging fists, holding the branch
Of the flowering fragrant tree
The child had spoken from the womb
Testifying the innocence of Mary
Of her purity and saintliness
Of her virtuous, clean living
The child spoke from the cradle
Warned humanity to hold their tongues
For the heavenly god had blessed
Virgin Mary with Lord’s spirit
Blown into her by the Angels
Who had boded glad tidings
Mary in fright pleaded innocence
Of none of the man fold touching her
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
But the Angles spoke of God’s decree
Of a birth of Messiah miraculously
John baptized Jesus for attainment
Devil then led him into wilderness
For forty days and nights, he fasted
To resist and repel all temptations
To drive away the accursed devil from his midst.
To put the Devil to shame and prove his innocence.
Jesus spoke Man does not live
On bread alone; he lives on
Every word that God utters
“You are not to put God to the test”
Jesus began to proclaim the message!
“Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is upon you”
What a fortune, what a Divine Grace!
That stuck those destitute
Lepers, blind, the deaf, the possessed,
Who were blessed with the
Touch of that Great Man,
The Messiah, the succor
Who cured, revived, rejuvenate
In the name of the Lord;
The Merciful, the Beneficent, The Compassionate
Oh! What a pity, what a misery!
For the disbeliever, hypocrites
Who lost faith, the fragrance!
Who missed the message, perfume
Who joined the ranks of sinners
Who jumped into the fire of hell
Who were dead wood and stones
A boat sans sails and a rudder!
Oh! What a miracle! What a transformation
A simple man, dressed as a commoner
Eating with tax gathers and sinners
A doctor for the sick, Mercy from Heaven
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Oh! What a delight and a spectacle!
Fulfilling the wishes of the disciples,
Praying for Heaven to transcend
And spread delicacies on the table
To eat, rejoice and make feast
To ever be thankful and joyous.
Oh! What perfect teachings
Training fishermen as fishers of men
To grace the poor with serene joys
To console the sorrowful
To greet the gentle sprit
With glad tidings of earthly possessions
To promise a land of milk and honey
For the hunger, naked and infirm
To cleanse the heart and mind.
To illumine with million lights
To bless the persecuted and peace makers
The sufferers and the way wards.
Ah! The Truth personified,
In a glowing armor
Of heavenly light and shine
Gentle like dove pure in speech
Soft hearted with enlightened soul
To present to the humanity
A gift, a boon, a panacea for ills,
To rejoice and unburden grief
To enlighten the minds with purity
To behold beauty in shinning eyes
To turn hearts to gold and silver
With a new gait, sweet manners
To refine life, redefine living
To make you walk in straight paths
“To love your enemy and pray for persecutors”
To live and let live, forget and forgive
To cheerfully submit to the Master
To gather crumbs of joys in the begging bowl
Free your will, gather and fill
Your hearts with honeyed love
To be sheep among the wolves.
To be wary as serpents, innocent as doves.
Oh! What a pity what a tragedy!
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
For the heartless humanity
To disown, discard, disobey
To crucify on the stake
The messenger of peace and love
Who uttered “Forgive them for they know not”.
Lord, the Merciful, the Magnificent
Raised His beloved to the Heaven
Blessed the apostles, his followers
With Divine grace with bliss
To follow the teachings of the Messiah
By leaving the self behind
With purity of the mind and soul.
By being virtuous in character
By being obedient to the Master
“What God has joined together
Man must not separate
Sell your possessions
And give to the poor
Then you will have riches
In the heavenly paradise
All who take to sword
Die by the sword, shunned,
You reap, what you sow
Always treat others as you like to be treated
Ask and you will receive
Seek and you will find
Knock and the door will be opened
He who seeks finds
A good tree always yield good fruit
And a poor tree, bad fruit
Show mercy, mercy will be shown
Love others, others will love you
Throw not the pearl before swines
For they know not its value
Judge not for you will be judged
Someone slaps on one right cheek,
Turn and offer the left.
So lofty teachings
So great ideals!
For humanity to yearn
And live in peace.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
On being led to the stakes
Jesus was asked by his followers
Who would come to them
To deliver and liberate them.
Jesus the Saviour, the succour
Was being crudely dealt with,
At the hands of his people
Who shunned and accused him.
Now, Lord, wouldn’t send
Any more messengers of Jews
For Lord’s beloved has been
Made to wear a crown of thorns
Only from the gentiles
Would be raised a Prophet
Who would be akin to Moses
To liberate humanity from abyss.
The prophet of peace and harmony
Who would unite the people
Of varied colours and hues
To an universal brotherhood.
The world lay in darkness
In steep idolatry and tyranny
With baby girls being buried alive
Sans love, affection and unity.
The Lord of the Universe of seven heavens
Of seven seas, seven oceans
His prophets, angels, books
Desecrated, polluted, corrupted.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Women in sorrow and in chains
Sans rights, treated as chattel
Profanity, vulgarity, unabashedly practiced
So also human sacrifices, rape, and loot.
Poor and wretched sans a succor
Sans equality, freedom and justice
Compassion, and mercy, a rare dove
Orphans, widows lived sans love.
The sacred thread of matrimony
Severed and its pearls thrown asunder
Devil in men’s garb on prowl
Genie sucking the blood, swarming around.
Synagogues, churches, and temples
Infested with pests and swine’s
Men in wolf ’s garb with stony hearts
Culture and civilization at an darkest hour
A star was born, a light shone
A manifestation of the ultimate Truth
Purity in shinning dress dawning
To cleanse and illumine the universe
To take humanity to zenith of peace
To open the floodgates of knowledge
To unite man and man in a single bond
To liberate the destitute, infirm, oppressed.
From the clutches of dreadful penury
To soften the hearts and purify minds
To make the spirit genteel
To lay a foundation for equality.
Justice to become a paragon of virtue
Lord of universe to be adored and obeyed
Feared, and his laws observed
His will to prevail over humanity
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
A posthumous child, born, reared by foster mother
Angels visiting and flooding heart with light
Cleaning it in perfumes and scents
Protected by a ring of an aura.
A white cloud to give shade
Forehead shinning like a bright light
The birth foretold by Jesus, the Savior
Mentioned in Holy Books of the East.
The fire of Zoroastrians extinguished
The jewels in the crown of Khaiser fell
The attack by Romans on Mecca
Through elephants repelled divinely.
The Master the leader of Qureshi
The Trustworthy, Truthful, the Just
Bringing peace among the warring tribals
Uniting them to reconstruct the Kaaba
Virtues, gentle to the poor
Generous and courteous to the core
Lady Khadeja the rich widow
Sending expeditions to Syria.
With a rich laden caravan
To trade and barter goods
Ahmed, the gem of a person
Handling the business affairs.
With scrupulous honesty
Captivating the heart of the widow
Enamoured with the beauty and sterling
Character of the foretold prophet
Endears her and seeks his hand
In matrimony in bonds of love
Serves him dedicatedly generously
Ahmed, the Qureshi, the succor of the distressed
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Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Opens his heart and treasury to serve them
Ponders on the exquisite beauty of Lord the Cherisher
The Compassionate, The Merciful, The Beneficent
The sole and unique Ruler of the universe.
Shuns idolatry of the Mecca
Intervenes among warring tribals
Mediates, compromises the disputants
Wins hearts laurels and respect.
Ahmed, the chosen, the orphan, the merchant
The Qureshi, the Hashemi, the Meccan
Is accepted as the most virtuous
Man of sterling qualities and piety
Withdraws from the hub and the rub
Into a cave on the Mount Hira
In deep penance and meditation
To reach higher consciousness.
Lo, one day, when he crossed forty
A light shone in the cave
Gabriel the Angle in the shinning white
Commands the praiseworthy Mohammed
To recite and read in the name of the Lord
Mohammed hesitates, pleads ignorance
Gabriel hugs him tight, to enlighten him
Mohammed recites the Holy words of Allah.
“Read in the name of the Lord and Cherisher
who created –
created man, out of a leach like clot
Proclaim! And thy Lord
Is Most Bountiful
The use of the pen”
(S.96: 1-3)
Mohammed rushes home in fever
Asks Lady Khateja to rap him in a blanket
With fright and frozen in chill fear
To be consoled, comforted by the Lady
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Gabriel then command Mohammed
“O thou folded
In garments
Stand (to prayer) by night,
But not all night
Half of it –
Or a little less
Or a little more
And recite the Quran
In slow measured rhythmic tones
Soon shall we send down
To that a weighty word”
(S.73 – 1 - 5)
Thus, the message of the Lord of the Heavens
Of the universe, is revealed
Gabriel again and again
Brings the message to recite and deliver:“O thou wrapped up
(In a mantle)!
Arise and deliver thy warning
And thy Lord
Do you magnify
And thy garments
Keep free from stain
And all abomination shun
Not expect in giving,
Any increase (for thyself)
But, for thy Lord’s (cause)
Be patient and Constant.”
(S.74 – 1.7)
The heaven protects Mohammed the Prophet
The messenger of peace to proclaim Islam
Preaches his brethren will all gentility
With love, compassion, and sinew.
Merchants slaves destitute women
Orphans, oppressed, infirm, sick
Shun idolatry, cleanse themselves
To pray five times a day
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Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
To observe fast for a month
To give charity for the poor
To proclaim and submit to Allah
To worship HIM, the lone Creator.
Who has neither begotten a son, but
Who is the Creator of the universe
Who neither sleeps nor winks
Who is ever Generous, Merciful
Who is Compassionate, Beneficent
Who is ever protective a Friend
Who is a Guide, a Giver
Who is Omnipotent, Omnipresent
Who is Imminent, Eternal
Who is Ever loving, Forgiving
Who is the Master of the day of Judgment
Who calls for account our deeds
Who punishes and rewards
Who grants Mercy, redemption
Who blesses with Heaven for virtuous
Whose wrath is for disobedient
Who punishes niggardly in Hell fire
Who loves men with virtue, patience
Who walk in straight path
Who sing paeans for HIM.
Who take care of aged parents
Who maintain the bond and ties
of the family and neighbors
who loves those who forget and forgive.
Who takes care of poor and depressed
Who are ever just and caring
Who opens the heart and breast
To his obedient servants.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
With million lights of knowledge
And protects them from the accursed
Who grants victory to His servants
Against adversaries & foes.
Who blesses them from Heaven
With His Bounty and Grace
Who sees, Hears, Grants
Who is a Fashioner; Designer
Who exercises His absolute control
Who is Omniscient, Transcendental
Who grants Supreme Bliss and Ecstasy
Who is full of Forgiveness, the Redeemer.
Who is the Dominator and the Bestower
Who is the Provider and the Opener
Who is the Arbitrator, The Just
Who is the Benevolent, The Tremendous.
Mohammed’s message was shunned
Persecuted, harassed, tortured
Emigrated with Abu Baker to Medina
To be welcomed with open arms.
To set up the first Mosque
To regulate the life of his followers
The virtuous, men of piety
With love, affection, endearment
With brotherhood, sacrifice
To be ever obedient and lawful
Granted just laws for peace
Women, aged, children, orphans cared;
Protected, cruelty punished
Marriage institutions saved
Social life regulated
Charity made a way of life.
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Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
To pray and fast in the name of the Lord,
To seek, find, merge in the Lord’s love
To love and be loved, to be always just
To shun idleness, gluttony, idiosyncrasy
To be ever humble, simple, obedient
To learn, be wise and good to all
To be tolerant, patient, forgiving
To bear with injustice, seek Lord’s help
To not wage war or create strife
To compound and compromise
To be charitable and compassionate
To be always just and truthful.
Mohammed was attacked by Meccans
Wars after wars were waged
Mohammed ever forgiving loving
Patched bonds of peace.
Compromise showed generosity
United poor & rich, master & servant
A new social life, a new gait
A new learning, of excellence
Opulence and mirth surrendered
Equality and fraternity patched
Idolatry banished, black magic banned
Cruelty, wretchedness vanished
Promiscuity abolished, anger subdued
Licentiousness removed, women respected
Crime hither to spread, now unheard
Charity, generosity, hospitality, civility
Civic sense, good living, respectability
Gentlemanliness, courtesy, becomes
A watch word, God fearing instilled
Man and man united universally
World brotherhood established for peace.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Lord the Magnificent, The Brilliant
The light of the universe and the world
Profusely oozing out all through
Luminously brightening all around
From chandeliers, lamps, bulbs
From Sun, Moon, Stars, Meteorites
Cosmos lit with His munificence
Utter His name, enlighten, thy soul
Mind, eyes, sparkle, Lo behold!
Light upon light, for final merger.
The twenty sixth ‘Rajab’*, a glorious day
A day in the life of Prophet Mohammed
To glorify and enlighten the universe
When Lord, summoned him to His presence.
Gabriel descended from Heaven with “Buraq”
A shining white horse, with lightening speed
Woke up Prophet, wrapped in the mantle,
Saluted him and conveyed Lord’s greetings
The bed was still warm, the locket and chain
Of the humble dwelling still tinkling
A moment stood still in silence
When Mohammed ascended the Heaven
Gabriel took Prophet to the Rock of Jerusalem
The holiest of holy place on the earth
Where a grand reception was held
Prophets from Adam stood behind him in reverence.
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Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Gabriel led Mohammed to the threshold
Of the Lord’s throne and stood aside
Pleaded Mohammed to enter into Lord’s presence
Beyond lay the effulgence, to burn his wings
Gabriel tarried, bid Mohamed good bye
A chosen, praiseworthy now in His presence
The Immanent Light of the universe
The Omnipotent, The Omnipresent.
Lord asked Mohammed, what gift he brought
Mohammed offered his tears of love, his services
His supplications, remembrances
Pangs of separation and yearnings.
Lord pleased with the sincere answer
Blessed Peace and Grace on Mohammed
But, the chosen one sought Grace
On all the obedient, God fearing souls.
So pleased was Lord, with Mohammed
That he desired, all his followers
To recite this conversation
In their daily supplications, in ‘Namaz’.
Ordained, Mohammed’s followers
To recite ‘Namaz’; daily prayers
For fifty times from morn to night
In praise of the Lord, the cherishes.
A heavy burden cast on shoulders,
Mohammed descended from Heaven.
Met Moses on the way below
To learn that people would disobey.
Humanity had shown disregard
Disconcern to all Prophets
Disobeyed the Holy commandments
How could they bear this onerous task?
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Mohammed returned to the Lord’s presence
To seek redemption and concessions
For his people may abstain from ‘Namaz’
For the burden was heavy to bear
Lord the Merciful did grant
His beloved’s wish to reduce
The supplication to be performed,
In a day to at least five times.
Moses skeptical, expressed doubt,
For man has been ever niggardly
To keep the commands of Lord
From the times of Father Adam
Gabriel waited at the threshold
Of the Heaven in glory and shine
To show the ‘Ab-e-kuwsar’ the river of bliss
Which Lord had bestowed on Mohammed.
Lord did converse with Mohammed
When Lord allowed Mohammed
To step close to Him with slippers on
Thou He did command Moses to remove it.
Love, the elixir, the honey of life
Takes one to the greatest heights
To mingle and merge in glory
To see the splendor and the Light.
Rajab: Seventh Islamic Lunar month.
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S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Let me kiss the Black stone
The stone, that has stood from Time
Immemorial, from antiquity
Preserved by that Great Prophet
Abraham, installed on the walls
Of the Holy House of the God
Kaaba, at Mekka, Arabia
To beckon seekers to press their lips.
That Black Stone, on which
My beloved Prophet, The Praiseworthy
Planted his lips with kisses
In fond remembrances
In deep love
In acknowledgement
Of the Greatness of the Lord
Of both the Worlds
The Merciful and the Beneficent.
I felt shattered, broken
Friendless, a destitute
Crippled with torn sails
With contemptuous smiles
And scornful looks
Teasing and tearing me.
I looked all around for help
My distress call ignored
Left in storms and tempests
My frail body shivering in cold
When I lost hopes from all
A divine voice gave strength and guided me.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
You need to remind of MERCY
To overcome fears of unknown
To combat the insurmountable.
Love is a candle of hope
To burn, to show light
Towards eternal life.
You need to stir your ship
In the ocean of life
To the safest shores.
Our greatest enemy is ourselves
Our beliefs, our rites, our icons
Our behavior, our taboos
Our superstitions, our manners
Our ego, our anger, our jealousies
Our lust, our desires, our hates
Let us cast away, break away
From these shackles and chains
Release our hearts from them
To enable the springs of love
To flow, to glow and gush
Life always has a glimmer of hope
A warmth of innocence, and is also
Just, compassionate and merciful.
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S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Light is brightness and energy
Shadow is dark and dingy
Reflections, unclear and hazy
Of reality, but, not mirror image.
Is Man a mirror image of God?
Or a shadow or a manifestation?
A thing, an object
A machine, can be made
From a figment of a thought brought into reality
But, it cannot be a creator, perse.
Can Creator be perceived through His creation?
You can feel His hand, but not see Him
He is beyond human conception
He is beyond human intelligence.
O Angels of Mercy!
Do take my dark soul
To the furnace of hell
To lighten my darkness.
Dark soul would become red hot
To yearn and long for Thy Mercy
Let Mercy flow like milk
To heal and turn the soul to light.
A purified soul glows bright
Light merges with light
O Angels of Mercy, your Grace
Purifies my dark soul.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
141. GOD, WHERE?
Where is the god, you speak about?
In the ashrams, in temples, in gurudwaras
In the synagogue, church, in mosque
In the ‘bhajans’, ‘homas’, ‘shanthi poojas’.?
Where is the god, you speak about?
In jihad, in passing strictures, in purdah,
In talisman, in Omens, in superstitions
In wearing white cap, long cloak, kurta, pyjama
In ‘namaz’, in ‘zikr’, in ‘Zakat’, in ‘Haj’?
Where is the god, you speak about?
In setting up schools, colleges, institutions
In hospitals, old age homes, orphanages
In leprosariums, in remand homes, in prisons?
Where is the god, you speak about?
In slums, squalor, poverty, disease
In sanyasies, ‘devadasies’, fakirs, Sadhus,
In riches, in games, in dancing hall, in night clubs?
The scam news has now been proclaimed,
Published. The glare of piercing
Light of the glowing screen
Has exposed the naked truth of your corrupt acts.
You have nothing to hide from the public
The shame is exposed totally
Like Adam and Eve, you are now
Searching for a fig leaf, to cover!
Delirious laughter from satan
Is like sharp arrows and bullets
To strike and wound your heart
You bleed, cry, you tear everything.
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Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Resigned, withdrawn, now
Cringing, bending low; your brow
With furrows touching the ground
Fumbling, O Lord! Show Mercy!
143. O’ SPIRIT
The spirit blown into muddy clay
Brought to life by a command!
To glow in the heart and mind
To illumine the being with wisdom.
Ah! what a difference a spirit makes?
A lowly creature with faults many
With the characteristics of the fauna
Now, raised to the pedestal of the heavenly.
The wretchedness of the world around
Sways the wayward from the straight path
To stray in the jungle, to fall a prey,
To get lost for ever and go astray.
O’ spirit! glow, glow like a candle
Flicker not in the stormy winds
Let your light spread all around
Keep straight the balance of the mind.
A distant call from the unknown
Emanating from deep within
To lift you from mire and mirth
And inspire you to deep meditation.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Expanding moments stretching themselves
Beyond the boundaries of space and time
Touching the horizon and infinity
Mind with lightning speed, illuminating.
Consciousness awakened, soul enlightened
Spreading colorful wings of all hues
Like a peacock to dance and charm
And to sing like a nightingale.
You float like a lovely butterfly
Like pleasant lotus unfolding petals
Like rose to spread fragrance
And like banyan tree to spread its branches.
O the praised one, the chosen one
The purified and the sublime soul
The cherished one, the protected one
The privileged one, the gracious one.
How shall I please thee, O loved one
With my weary condition and wretchedness
With my chill penury and hollowed nature
With my empty head and dark soul.
O the enlightened soul, the guided one
Show me the path of enlightenment
Illumine my mind with million lights
Bring me ecstasy and supreme bliss.
O my deliverer, O my redeemer
Protect me on all sides and be with me
Let thy glimmer of hope, cherish me
Let peace prevail and tranquility descends.
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Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
For worship or for awe and reverence
Somebody should preside on a high pedestal
Let him be a judge in a black robe
Or a speaker in a house of elected men
Let it be an idol of stone or clay
Or a house of God, a kaaba or church
Let him be an illumined being, a guru
Or a swami or a sadhu or a ‘peer’
Let him be a humble teacher, strict
Or a priest simple, with a smile
Let them all remind of journey beyond
Of destiny, of good, bad and of peace
Let them instill harmony and love
A feeling of ONENESS, of bliss.
Sincerity touches the heart
Touches every one indeed
Touches infinity surely
Sincerity is pure and simple.
It has no choice
It shows no undue favor
It has no prejudice
It has no hate.
Sincerity is for all
Sincerity is everything
Good and sublime
Sincerity is rare in its kind.
It has no beginning
It has no end
It flows and flows
Like a crystal clear stream
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
We are all like earthen pots
Of clay, churned and burnt
Looks hardened, to serve for
A time. Then to fall on ground
Break apart and in dust to lie
Each of us has a destiny to fulfill.
O Bearer! Thou art never tried of serving
Every table you attend with manners pleasing
Courteous, with a bow, You always serve
The guests carry memories to preserve.
O Bearer! Thou art so neat and clean
You fill the cup to cheer the spirits
Everyone yearns to gleam, to be seen
You present the joys, which destiny writes.
O Bearer! You are ever charming
Pleasant to everyone, who pays the bill,
Observe table manners and courtesy lasting
To them, you satisfy without being ill.
O Bearer! You give Your Heart and Soul
To a dear friend in words and deed
And help them, to reach their goal
You are loving and Ever Great indeed.
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S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Oh! This art of pleasing the fancy of men
Isn’t it slippery to fall in the pen?
And suffer immeasurably the pain!
To look into the order of the Nature,
Brings love to the thing eternal.
The pursuit of knowledge and joy of understanding
Lifts the mind to the lofty heights.
Let’s dwell deep in the ocean of self,
And bring out the gems of purest ray serene.
Cultivate roses of love for fragrance and perfume.
Still the mind, free it from its wandering.
Let the Sun illumine the dark soul.
Oh my life, my soul Mate
Leave a design, a decoration
A motif, with gem of a fate
For my pangs and sorrows, a consolation.
Oh my Peerless Creator of time
Enlighten my being and lighten my soul
To take wings, for I have crossed my prime
Let the sails flow smoothly to my goal.
Oh my Director of inner being
Show Mercy and Grace, on day of Judgement
Grant me that eye for Your seeing
Let me place my love on Heaven’s pavement.
Oh my Everlasting Love
My every breath is for Thee
Now my soul is a peaceful dove
Accept me O love, accept me.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
We have blurred our visions,
Colored our thoughts with
Quixotic ideas. Now we want
To give a fight like Arjuna.
To reach an imaginary goal;
Closing our minds and eyes,
And crying at the dense darkness
Oblivious of march of Time to a new era.
The Great One's have said: God can't be found
In hills, mountains, plains and in Temples,
Mosque, churches, gurudwaras and synagogues,
But only in sublime, purified golden hearts.
Every moment is becoming past
Mingling with times and history
Bygones be bygones, past is past
Words slipping from lips can’t come back.
Deep down in yourself, a feeling
Of remorse, repulsion, regrets
Of acts disapproved and shunned
Is beginning of a change in you.
A new experience, a fresh breath
A new life, a new lease
A change of mind, a change of heart
A new discovery for better living.
A new learning, a new growing
An expansion of vision, a new light
A glow within, a new consciousness
Ever forgiving an illumined soul.
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S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Ah! Think of the times
When the entire humanity
Will think alike, speak
One tongue, one language.
All of the mankind
Are united in their purpose
Moving in one direction.
Enjoying the pleasures equally.
Shedding pain and grief.
Focusing on ONE GREAT BEING.
That could be the utopia,
A garden of bliss and paradise.
The dreadful sermons from dingy pulpits
The piteous pleas of the muezzin
The mutterings of the dreary faithful
Unenthused prayers of drowsy devotees.
Awake, arise from the sleepy slumber
Instil your breath with glowing warmth
Enliven your spirit with love’s pangs
Let your soul sing beloved’s paeans.
Let not the temporal desires
Flesh’s longings drown you
Be enamored with glittering wealth
Or chill penury belittles you.
Fly, fly, soar higher and higher
Let love’s glory engulf you.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
While trying to retrace old
Ancient path of wisdom.
You find on the way, deadly
Venomous creatures, snakes.
To obstruct your path.
To distract your mind.
To disturb your peace.
To destroy your tranquility.
To disable your efforts.
To discourage your lively spirits.
You need to concentrate on your
Goals with single-minded devotion.
When you overcome all your hurdles,
You reach the zenith of inner-peace.
Let me circumambulate thee
Sing paeans in love of thee
Like a moth, burn my wings
In my mad love for ever.
My eyes have wept and wept
Slept little, sung thy praise
Glorified Heaven and cursed Satan
Quenched longing’s temporary desires.
My every breath is charged
My every throb is grief
Open thy doors to the yearning soul
Embrace my spirit with both thy arms.
O Heaven! Shelter this being
With light and glory for soul to gleam.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Like hockey, cricket, golf, foot ball
Beaten with sticks, bats and legs.
Hither and thither the ball moves
in all directions, giving pleasure,
To the players and spectators
But the ball maintains itself
Nothing affects it, it remains as such
Fakeers, ascetics face storms, tempests
With equanimity, smilingly.
Neither the thorns nor roses affect them.
The crystal clear mind and pure heart
Reflects effulgence of the Great Being.
The silvery dome, the glass chandeliers
The marble green and woolen carpets
The muezzin’s call and Faithfull’s zeal
The echoing sounds of prayers around.
My grieving spirit and bleeding heart
My shattered being and longings apart
My quivering lips and flowing tears
Pangs of separation, soul can’t bear.
My torn condition, betrays me
My mourning is deep, none can see
Men in perfumed dress detest me
I am pushed and pulled with all the glee.
My poor heart is broken to pieces
Now I grieve and sing praises for thee.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
A shattered being with million wounds.
Purified heart shred to pieces.
Undertakes to visit the House of Lord.
Suffering from Love of the Mercy.
The pilgrim in white unsewn garments
Of two pieces, one above, one below to wrap.
Dishevelled hair, bare-foot in sweltering heat.
Unmindful of the vagaries of desert life.
Places his whole being on the altar,
And pleads the heavenly abode-on-earth,
To accept the nectars of love and
Release the soul to soar up above the world.
Mercy's Open Arms accepts the sacrifice
Sacred serene transformation in service.
I have roamed and roamed
In all four quarters of the globe
And found to my dismay and grief
That all the beauties are to wane.
Take away all my treasures and wealth
My glories and achievements
My eminence, names and fame
Leave me alone with my soul’s yearnings.
My grieves are many and sorrows aplenty
With simple dwelling and humble living
But my soul’s yearning have never waned
My beloved’s name is always on lips.
Let me sing paeans for thee
Send glories and praise for thee.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
I have captured the sun in my heart.
And the moon in my mind.
Now the love for my Master,
Will never wane nor get lost.
The stars in my eyes twinkle.
The cool breeze from all sides,
Adds to my hopes and dreams.
The skyline is lit with twilight.
Life which was measureless and dull.
Has now enlivened and found pace.
The shadows are waning away.
Love is now a perfumed garden.
O Master, Can I have your glimpse.
To lift my sagging spirits, enlighten soul.
Come, come, let us fill our vacuums
In heart, in mind and in our souls
With love, affection and warmth
Illumine with million lights of knowledge.
Let us enliven our sagging spirits
With rhyme and rhythm, with melodies
With cheers and allow them to soar
Higher and higher like a skylark.
Let us dwell deeper and deeper
In the realms of the heart
And bring out treasures to gleam
Our eyes and to enlighten ourselves.
Let us purify ourselves afresh
With the cool streams of love.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
There are righteous men in every religion.
So also disbelievers indulging in "kufr"
Hypocrites, unbelievers, disgruntled lots.
Every community has a set of good and bad ones!
God-fearing, law-abiding people of all hues
Humble, kind with sympathy in heart
Treading on the earth with softness.
Bereft of haughtiness, pride and ego.
Such are the men of peace and love.
They are good citizens of the world.
Respecting men of all religions.
Sharing the sorrows and those of less fortunate.
Such are the virtuous with heart of gold.
Who bring humanity into one fold.
Just to make you happy and joyful
I broke all my oaths and honors
I abandoned all my hopes and yearnings
I strayed away from all my lovely paths.
Just to give you solace and consolation
I abandoned all my dreams and plans
I gave up my lucrative avocations
My friends, my companions, my life.
Just to show my loyalty and love to you
I sacrificed all my sweet pleasures
My sleep, my joys and my happiness
I accepted all humiliations and sorrows.
Just to see you smile and smile
Just to please you, to love you.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
"Chased by celestial beings.
The sun hid in my heart.
The moon in my mind.
And stars in my eyes.
Nor Tsunamis, nor quakes.
Nor tornados nor storms.
Could now shake me.
I am planted firm in cosmos.
Beauty and luster flow through my eyes.
Million lights beam through me.
Fire from my tongue can burn my enemies.
Nothing is hidden from my gaze"
Such were the claims of the Saints and Rishis.
Can we hope to have their glimpse now?
You need a good seed and soil.
For a good plant to grow.
It needs to be nurtured with toil
Protected, by sweat of the brow.
Love, a celestial gift to mankind
Is a seed of sympathy and goodness
Charm, delicacy and tenderness.
Needs a soft heart and lofty mind.
Good grooming and nurturing character.
Is like refining gold for costly jewellery.
To spin a design and pattern, a master
Of lore is needed, to make you exemplary.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Deep reflections on beauty and brains
On fashions, riches and splendors
On all that glitters and shines
Is it all a mirage to pass by?
Do not turn me away, O Lover’s villain
Like a strict ring master with a hunter
Do not throw lasso around me
And drag me to pleasures of paradise
Let the reflections of my Master
Shine in the mirror of my heart
I will treasure it for ever
A deep look at it, to pass on to ecstasy.
Can pleasures be found in every building’
Or a meaning, illusion or an awe?
A sweet home with memories many
Of past, present and dreams haunting.
A Temple, Church or a Mosque
A place for the Divine to dwell
Reflections of Holy places, Kaaba, Kasi
Draw in you an inspiration.
Eruptions of springs to nourish
Bliss, ecstasy, an elixir
For all the grief, pathos and sins
To wash away and evaporate in thin air.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Oh my soul! Wake up and shine
The parching summer days are over
Lovely dark laden clouds hover
And float to form rain, for you to pine.
Oh my soul! Light up and gleam
The wind is blowing and sowing has begun
Rainbow on the skyline, with dipping sun
Jasmine, lotus and roses, wonders from heaven, it seems.
Oh my soul! Cheer up and smile
For Angels have brought blessings and Grace
Our long arduous journey is just another mile
Lifelong goodness should leave its trace.
The wintry fog, the snowy weather
The dry, sultry and parching summers
The stormy cyclones, tempests
The overflowing rivers inundating me.
The drought has created a famine
Not a drop of water to drink
To quench the parching tongue
But my lips haven’t failed to sing thy praise.
O my soul, burn and burn
Someday, somewhere, love will thrive.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Like a child cuddling in the arms of the mother.
Oblivious of the mischief done the whole day,
To make the mother run around and round.
To make her mad with frenzy and to weep.
I, lost in my thoughts, turn to my Creator.
Oblivious of the umpteen sins committed by me.
I had broken the "Lakshman Rekha"; like Adam.
Shown jealousy and arrogance like Satan.
Yet, when I am in submission in prayers.
I am like a child in the arms of my mother.
O Lord! Forgive my erring soul and mind.
Enlighten the soul to sing paean to Thee.
Let my sacred moments be dear to me.
Let Thy effulgence shine forever on me.
Thy voice is eternal ever living
Spoken umpteen times
In melody and sung in unison
Through apparent chaos and confusion!
Each babel to lisp Thy numbers
Thou teachest us different programs
To play a variety of melodies
With unique harmony; to sustain a system.
What terror. what thunder and lightning?
What bloodshed, what screams, what cries?
What miseries and woes and pains?
What sufferings in delusions and storms?
Ah, the ONE who gives joys and ecstasies
Happiness and pleasures, mirth and laughter
Wealth and show, glamour and glitter
Fills my soul, with pangs of separation.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
O Master! enough is enough
Seen have I Thy game, found Thy ways
In my hidden mirror thro' my inner eye
Liberate me now, to freedom, to fly
And merge in you forever.
Is a crisis a panacea for sins?
To open up the heaven's door
To receive the soul's pangs
To broaden and enlighten the mind.
Burn, burn, let flame engulf all
Take within Arjuna's pangs
Buddha's lofty thoughts,
Christ's bleeding heart
Abraham's sacrifices,
Joseph's patience.
Moses' righteousness,
Mohammad's blessings.
0 Soul! Yearn for the beloved's glance
Let your tears be your sacred gift
Let your wounds speak your love
Silently bear the thorns in your path.
A lover's million throbs and sighs
Outshines the sparkle of gems
Sandalwood burns to emit fragrance
And leaves its sweetness for all.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Thou playest puppetry with us!
Holding strings in Thy fingers
And making to dance to Thy tunes
O Dear! How strange are Thy doings!
Who holds these strings and why?
O stranger! Strange are Thy ways.
Show us Thy effulgence and Face
Let us, slaves, know our Master.
What a trick Thou playest on us!
We play our role and game
Unaware though. that the strings arc held by Thee
And simply utter. what is scripted.
Ah! What a gamble. what a show'
For all to think that I played the part
That I did this and did that
Did I do myself, when Thine hands held the control?
Ingrained in all, is Thy genetic code
A programme, a system fed in us
Remotely, unknown, the scenes get enacted,
While the Master devices His own ways!
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Every moment of bliss, ecstasy,
Is a golden moment, a monument?
Surpassing Himalayan heights of glory.
Million years of chanting and praying!
A moth circumambulates, burns in flames.
A supreme sacrifice on the altar of love.
Lightning reducing to ashes Mount Sinai.
Moses merging in splendor of the Supreme.
Mohammad's ascension to the Throne
On `Lailathul Qadar' in a flash
A glorious and a golden moment.
A 'Midas touch' turns dust to gold.
A sigh of a dancing dervish!
With a heart glittering with love
With tattered clothes, disheveled hair
Soul purified for final merger, O Lord!
I couldn't believe that my idols,
My god, my avatar, my ideals;
Could one day, right before my eyes
Would die, and would be consigned to dust.
The earth under my feet slipped.
I felt like falling in a bottomless pit.
The ground lost its gravity.
Like a meteorite, I fell in the space.
The stars that had gathered in my heart.
To ever throw their beams of light.
Have lost their luster and way.
The gloom has darkened the empty spaces.
Can life again offer those charms?
Can withering age restore the calm?
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Morn. even. I burn the candle of hope
Stricken heart swells tears in eyes.
The scenic beauty around though captivating
And melodies fill the air solemnly.
O! The Unseen Cosmic Hearer
Why does thou offer
Hemlock to Thy devotee
To mar life with vicissitudes.
Full many pleasures pass my way
But lingering pathos are thorns
A myriad jinx to contain mirth
Lo! A paradox of light and shade.
A cloudless sky, blistering Sun
Parching tongue add woes to grief.
You need to know the benefits of the light,
And moroseness of being in darkness.
Unless illumination dawns on the mind,
And lights up the dark pathways;
The soul keeps lamenting and languishes.
Unknown wretchedness gripping the self!
You need an enlightened Man like Buddha.
A Prophet of immense light, “Noor”.
To take you out of ages of decay
And make you stand before the Great Effulgence.
You need million Suns to lighten our Nation.
To drive away the darkness of the ages.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Oh! The Great ones have said Get rid of desires and attachments,
The love that dwells in the frail hearts,
To cling to wealth and pelf.
Oh! This misery of living.
The binding sorrows and grief
Brings oceanic tears and hiccups
To shun life; is to throw away baby and tub.
Magnetic pulls of the glittering world.
Captivating beauty of the Nature around.
Scintillating music in pleasing sound.
In mesmerizing song, the being is drowned.
Battles of life are worth being fought.
Than hang the head in shame and be mocked.
By visiting the graves,
Mausoleums of saints.
We draw inspiration.
From their lives and works.
Their humanity, generosity.
Their culture, gentleness.
Their humility, sincerity.
Their godliness, simplicity.
Their silence, benevolence.
Their calmness, sweetness.
Their love and affection.
Their kindness, compassion.
Their charity, benevolence.
Their broad mindedness, vision.
Their learning and wisdom.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
“Man Arafa Naf Sahu”, “Know your
Own self ” is the main slogan
Of “Tassawuff ” (Sufism). The huge
Cosmos and the intricate design
Of nature is stupendous and
Marvelous. This is of the outside the
Inner being is equally harmonious
and meticulously designed. Despite
Our mental confusion, lack of
proper understanding and clear logic,
The internal system works in perfect
Harmony and precision. Million thanks
and praises to the Great Creator,
Whose bounty is vast and unlimited.
First is to see the signs or signature
Of Allah in nature, in oneself and
His total command over us and our
helplessness and despondency. The
more we reflect on oneself and on
Allah the more praise is uttered by the
Tongue and breath.
Some kings need to wage wars;
Burn the towns to rescue
The hostages and henchmen;
They slaughter the opponents mercilessly.
Prophets though blessed with miracles,
Divine powers; yet bear the brunt
Of opponents, enemies and disbelievers.
They never avenge their adversaries.
Prophets, saints and their followers,
Are totally surrendered to the Master.
Humility and sublimity are their hall-marks.
With golden heart full of mercy.
While tyranny grips the minds of dictators.
They pursue good people like predators.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Allah’s bounty is limitless. It is His
Mercy and Benevolence that Such a Great
Being should bestow His Grace on such
Insignificant creatures like us. Are
We not thankless souls? Why? Because
We lack the inner light, vision and knowledge.
It is Hazreth Al Ameen through whom
the Light both inner and outer can be
achieved with the “Wasila” of our Great
“Peeran O Peer”
We need to achieve inner and outer
Silence (simt). The mind should stand still
and be free from doubts and we should develop
Certainty of faith (Huqul Yaqeen), strong willPower and concentration and total submission
to our peers, our Holy Prophet and to Allah ta alla.
“Wasila”: Intersession
“Peeran O Peer” Saint of Baghdad
One who lays down his life,
For Truth, is truly a martyr.
Life cannot be bargained
When bare-chest receives bullets.
A Mahatma is born as a saviour
Dies with Name of Lord on his lips.
To remind the sunken humanity,
That truth shall shine forever.
A puny man of purity and love.
Is made to drink hemlock.
Great Man died on the cross,
To wash the sins of humanity.
"I am Truth", proclaimed Mansur Hallaj.
Only to be guillotined and dismembered.
O Man! Thou art angel and Satan too.
Ring out the evil, embrace the good.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
We are all used to repeat these words
“We love Allah and His Prophet”. What
is this Love? When you proclaim
something as yours, then you find
many contestants and claimants
fiercely opposing you. Among them
is the jealous and hateful. Who are these?
Is it Satan, Man, who? who?
You get distracted fully and then
Where is your proclamation of LOVE?
Let love be not proclaimed.
There are armies with latest armory to skin you up.
Seek only MERCY, Benevolence and Grace.
It is difficult to challenge that we are
Of Love and for Love. It is equally
difficult to achieve love and a great
problem to call ourselves as “Khudam”
(servants) of “Panjaten” (Holy Prophet, Hz Ali,
Hz Fathima, Hz Hasan and Hz Hussain
By proclaiming love, we cannot claim
equality and nearness. It is MERCY alone
that can help. Let us recite His Names.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Please tell me as to why it is difficult to
Reach the TRUTH and so easy to lie?
Truth is a steep mountain, slippery
And difficult to climb. It requires courage
Of conviction. Faith is its foundation
and Certainty is its wheels. Love is
Its engine and prayers is its petrol.
It has to confront obstacles, rough
Weather. It requires sacrifice. It has
to face hunger and thirst. Sometimes
it loses face and has to face humiliation,
insults. TRUTH is let down by one and all.
It has to stand above like a scare-crow
in a rice field. TRUTH is always simple
and most humble. It fulfills all its promises
and oaths. It is never deceptive neither it
Camouflages. It is open-minded and openHearted, never secretive or suspicious. It is
generous and hospitable and charitable.
It is quick in forgiveness and in repentance
It is fearless and crystal-clear. It shed tears for
Sufferers. One who is truthful reaches ETERNAL
Light and LORD i.e. Reality.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Tell me why there is duality in our minds?
Why this plurality? This mind playing
Hide and seek? This confusion between
Right and wrong, black and white, light
and darkness. Why do we need a peg
to hang our coat? A shoulder to weep on,
And always someone on whom you want
To unburden your soul? Is it because
Man is always at daggers drawn? Bitter,
Cold, sarcastic, angry. His various traits
Challenge each other, each trait trying
To claim ascendancy.
The light of wisdom rarely dawns on minds,
Unless the mind is stilled to ONENESS
and purified. On confused mind polytheism
Sets in as milk turning sour unless boiled.
A Momin is one who controls his mind
and heart to Allah and His Prophet’s path.
So, for which, you need to practically
Surrender before a purified soul in this life.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Tell me where does Allah reside?
In Kaaba, in Mosque, in Temple, in Church,
In Dargas, in Maqbeeras, Where? Where?
Does He come to you when you wear?
Green, black, white, saffron turban
With ‘Qurkha’*? with long beards, long
Jhubbas? Does He like you moving
About with ‘Tasbee’** in hand? With
Tattoo mark on your brow and all over
your body bare? How does He come?
Where does He reside? Have you
Discovered Him? Have you found Him?
How long have you searched for Him?
Please give me His address?
Know now my dear loving brother that
He is in the mind with crystalline purity!
He is in the heart with absolute compassion
And total MERCY! He is on the TRUTHFUL
TONGUE. He is in the eyes with shame.
He is on the hands of charity.
He is in every cell of body where resides the love of
Prophet Muhammad. Everyone should
become Muhammadi in ‘TRUE SPIRIT’.
* Qurkha: Cloak
** Tasbee: Rosary
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
I want to know from you as to what
Is “Khulus” and who is “Muklis”?
Satan is afraid of “Mukliseens”.
Those are most humble, God-fearing
And most simple ones. Is simplicity,
Sincerity profound? In it humility
resides and Divinity descends. A sincere
Person is a most humble person, is
Without ostentations, without pride,
prejudice. He does not put on airs,
he is never arrogant and haughty.
He walks with softness. His
speech is honeyed-tongue. He has no
roughness. He is gentle to the core.
He is forgiving and does not mind
taunts, criticism and humiliations.
He suffers pain, agony with lighthearted humour. He is not angry
But jolly and extremely good,
good and good and full of love.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Allah is perfect, A Divine Purified
Existing from Beginning to End.
Fathomless. “La Mahdood”, “La Maqsood”
“La Mashood”, “La Mojood”. None
Like Him. Turn towards any side you
would find His face “Waji Allah”,
Whose hand is “Yadu Allah”? To
Hold and take allegiance on this
“Yadu Allah” is to hold Him.
“Yadu Allah” is our Holy Prophet
Hold fast to him by constant
Remembrance and sending “Darood-o-Salam”. He hears and receives its message
“Truth is Beauty, Beauty is Truth”
How to achieve Truth? “Annal Huq”.
If you want light? Move towards it
‘Light upon Light’ “Noor ul Alla Noor”
Can you see the effulgence of blazing?
Sun with naked eyes? You need sun glasses.
Who is the sunglass? He in she! She in he!
How to find ‘oneness? How to merge in
Divine Love? Hence search from within.
“La Mahdood”, “La Maqsood”
“La Mashood”, “La Mojood”
“Darood-o-Salam”: Salutations
“Annal Huq”: I am Truth
Attributes to God
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Days have passed, nights have passed
Million breaths have come in and gone out.
Waves and waves of wavering thoughts
Pass like waves of stormy angry sea.
Measured the delights of the multiple senses.
Tasted the manna, honey, milk and “halwa”
Dipped in Sorrows, pains and sufferings
Seen the heat, cold, and every season.
Tongue has not stopped the Praise of Him
Every throb is charged, every pulse glorifies.
Eyes have slept little, wept and wept for Him
The icy breeze cools the heat of the love.
O unseen Master! Your Grace is around
Open my inner eye of my mind and heart.
Let your vision illumine my dark soul
Let purity dawn and brighten my being.
You want to break my silence
On the plea of seeking love from me
I wandered away from the city’s din
To yonder places in valleys
And mausoleums of dead saints
To seek peace and silence of mind
When now, I am settled in calmness
You have the propensity to disturb me
Raise and pitch your voice
To seek my attention, to raise passions
To dig heals in obstinacy
To shake me from my quietitude.
O Mercy! Release me from the shackles
Of wants and glory, from joys and mirth.
To enable me to seek solitude
To release me from pain and suffering.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
O! This endless debates and Polemics!
Meeting pugilists in white “Jhubbas’ in every corner.
Pleading you to come to “white house” to submit
With long unkempt beard, yellow teeth, frown on face.
Cheer up my friend, cheer up, smile and smile.
Let all your blues vanish, fear not Love.
Love is a celestial gift for doubtless minds
Still this questioning, chill this arguments.
“I in you,” “You in Me,” Everything in Me.”
Evil, bad, ugly, good, Excellence and Beauty.
Shun the foul smell; perfume your body and soul.
Like a prism, reflect His colors from your being
There is no loss, no gain, no joy, no pain
Unburden your baggage, hold fast that Rope!
195. IF ONLY……
If only you fill my heart with love and love.
If only you return my love with many smiles.
If only seasons change with showers of flowers.
If only truth triumphs and falsehood seizes.
If only bright Sun shines on a cold wintry day.
If only we could set sail to shores of beauty
And waste not a moment in vain talks and quarrels.
If only we can raise like phoenix for peace
And let bygones be bygones, forget and forgive.
If only we can wipe tears of grief and loss.
And raise hopes for multiple gifts and cheers.
If only we can inspire desolate hearts
With courage and will to face hardships.
Life is worth living to share moments of joys.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Lingering thoughts remind me of Your Grace
Your Love, Your “Karam,” Your harmony
O the Blissful Master, thou art unseen
But I feel you in Me, in my mind, in eye.
Blow my sails, push my boat of life.
My rudder of faith is firm, I hold fast.
Neither storms, nor thunder, nor lightning can shake me.
I am not on a slippery path. I have my “Khizr”.
I detach from attractions, like kite soar up and up.
I feel buoyant; ecstasy, joy and bliss surround me.
Flower detaches to decorate and delight me.
In joy and pain, they are friends indeed.
“A friend in need is joy forever”
An ever slave is a pleasure forever.
“Karam”: Mercy
“Khizr”: Guide
The Sufis, the “mutaqeens” the truthful
Are those who have attained
In truth, that True Master
Who exits by means of infinite,
Absolute, and colorless existence.
Their whole goal is to negate
All the inner baser instincts,
The inner desires passions.
The inhuman qualities.
And fill their cup
Of their being and life
With divine love, to utter
Forever and ever His deep
Love and sing His songs.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Light and shade, cheers and pains!
This long silence sans any message.
No ring of bells, no fragrance, no call
A dryness in weather, sultry and sweaty.
When will the cool breeze blow?
To cheer the desolate heart!
When will the closed door open?
When will the empty soul fill in with love?
A slice of bread, laced with cream.
A pint of milk with a drop of honey.
Crispy biscuits with steaming tea.
Love sans its pleasures is a dried tree.
O my Beloved, I yearn for your glance.
For your effulgence and your Grace.
My master’s glance is an intoxicating wine
Taking me to oblivion and to heavenly abode
Mirth and pleasures waning away
My soul soaring up above the world.
O Love! My dearest of the dear!
You are purest gem of ray serene
Glimmering thoughts to purify my mind.
To reflect Thy multiple colors in my soul.
Where else can I find the paradise?
Your presence itself is a source of wealth
To lift me from the abyss of fire
Which was burning me from within
Let the sun shine on me forever.
Let the glory and effulgence never dim.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Flying in oblivion, in space,
Observing our cosmos,
Huge galaxies, stars
And their satellites
I peered, looked, observed
The mighty & majesty
Of its creation & enormity
I wondered how the universe
Supports itself, moves in harmony.
From some unknown remote source,
An atom of photon
Lights the universe, brings life
On a remote satellite of Sun
The Earth. Possessed in its bosom
This man, carrying in him,
This atom of photon to enlighten him.
To grace him with everlasting Mercy.
To soften the fire of Sun within.
To nimble the thinking.
To arouse wisdom, understanding.
To absorb the vitals of the universe within.
To evolve as a pure being
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
“Sakratul Mauth”! What is “Sakratul Mauth”?
A Comatose living being sans death.
Death hanging all around the being
But refusing to take it in its arms.
Life is shunning and left to die.
Breathing with great difficulty with hiccups
Eyes fixed on the ceiling, mind bogged down.
Neither life nor death, a curse besets the body.
A myth surrounding the “Sakratul Mauth”
Its mention in all Holy Books of the East.
Said to be God’s displeasure on sinners.
Soul caught in web between life and death.
Blessed are those who pass away blissfully
With His name on their lips and with smiles.
When the judge hands down the sentence.
You call out to destiny for fulfilling His Role.
When gifts are bestowed by friends and strangers.
You thank Allah for all the favors done.
Allah’s face is seen on all the sides.
He has million eyes and hands
To create, destroy and change
The course of nature for benefit of man.
Man, the marauder is also divine.
The good and evil dwell in him
Satan ever present to distract him.
But course of divine protects him.
The good and bad are from Allah alone.
But man should be ever patient, obedient.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Human being is designed to perfectly
Face nature and its vicissitudes.
To perfectly harmonize to the vagaries of its weather.
So also all plants and animals
Perfectly adapt to the environment
And to the seasonal changes
Does such an environment and living
Exist for human beings in Heavenly abodes?
Living creatures inhale, exhale and have
The process of assimilation
And excretion besides procreation.
Heaven is a place bereft of an
Earthly environment and earthly bodies.
The astral bodies and spirits dwell therein.
The presence of rivers of honey,
Milk, cooked fowls, wine and hoories
Appear to be an allegorical reference.
If they exist then earthly environment
And earthly existence should also exist,
Which is not possible.
To exist in heaven there have
To be different astral conditions
With different living conditions.
What is explained in Holy Scriptures
Is an allurement for human beings
To fear Almighty Allah and to
Await for His Judgment.
The divine retribution and awards
Does happen in human existence also.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
204. MY GURU
Yes, I have my Guru.
Who is blessed.
Who is innocent.
Although unlettered.
But the Lord
Has opened His
Knowledge and His
World on my Guru.
My Guru is a kindred spirit.
He has no peer.
To equal his excellence.
His is matchless.
My Guru does not
Show tricks and magic.
Does not call himself as an avatar,
But is a simple, humble person.
My guru lives in a thatched roof.
Open to all, at all hours.
Sweet in tongue, gentle and kind.
Compassionate to the core,
With bright twinkling eyes.
My Guru's message is love,
To embrace the whole humanity.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The mind, when it imagines,
When it dreams very often,
It is like watching
A television serial.
If only I could see Thee
In the form of Lord Krishna,
To tell me that I am Kamadhenu.
In the form of Lord Ibrahim, to overcome
The ordeals of test of Love.
In the form of Moses, to tell me,
That I can overcome my enemies.
In the form of Lord Jesus, to overcome
The failures, sickness and misery.
In the form of Lord Mohammad,
To bless and grant me benediction,
To ever live in bliss, joy, happiness.
In the ancient cave sat saints
For enlightenment, illumination
Now a place of worship
I visit and pray, but my muttering
Rebounds back, echoing back to me.
Where is that music that enthralls?
That golden voice of ‘ragas’
That can send one to raptures.
It is only the magic of love
That rebounds to embrace.
The silence of mind and soul.
The stillness in the air
The coolness in the atmosphere
Brings peace and tranquility to mind.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
What was specially created for them!
A Garden of Eden, to dwell and enjoy.
Suddenly disappeared like a morning dew.
Is Satan, a ruse? Were they puppets?
Adam, a mirror image of the Lord, the Worshipful.
Eve created from Adam’s rib, a conjoined twin.
A handsome youth, who had not been suckled.
Eve, a beautiful nymph, fully grown up.
What a transformation on biting the forbidden fruit?
Inherent libido overpowering them.
Unabashedly discovering the hidden pleasures.
Lustily seeking and cupping each other.
A storm overtook them, wrath unleased.
Mercilessly thrown asunder, painful separation
Despised, hated, angels shunning them.
At last, after shedding oceanic tears, reunion.
Adam and Eve, our parents, carrying within
Five races of humanity and civilizations.
Million years of evolution to evolve into man.
Now, what more is in store for you.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The magicians of the Pharaoh thought it fit
To die in his hands, than to forsake Moses.
They accepted the Lord of Moses and Aaron;
On their defeat in their magical art.
Sumaiya, the first woman martyr of Islam,
Was dismembered for forsaking idolatry;
At the hands of her cruel master
Abu Jahal, instead of losing the love of Prophet.
Love changes the heart and the mind,
Melts the whole being like a candle.
Emitting light to glorify the Lord
The darkness fades, spreading fragrance.
Love calls for a great sacrifice,
And the sacrifice is to die.
He has kept His doors open
All the time, everywhere.
In many forms and shapes.
Big vacant halls, cathedrals,
Temples with deities, idols.
But my mind is free.
No more of these closed
Door ideas and fashions.
I am free from all taboos.
Sometimes, I vend fruits,
Flowers, agar, scents, for
Those who enter these portals.
But I simply ignore their calls.
Sometimes, I dig the earth,
Build these houses of worship.
Decorate the deities and walls.
I smile and laugh at all of them.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
When one is consigned to dust,
Or on pyre, reduced to ashes.
Gone with it, the name and fame.
None to remember or sing his praise.
Posterity retains in its bosom,
Names of godly and saintly persons.
Rama, Sita, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira,
Christ, Mohammad, Avatars, Prophets.
Few among philosophers, poets, scientists,
Social reformers and luminaries.
Masses are like floods and cyclones.
They get washed away forever.
None to remember the ordinary, the rustics.
Fragrance melts like ice, everything passes.
Isn’t it a wonder to find birds.
Building intricate nests to lay eggs.
Migrating from one place to another
So also fishes from one sea to other.
A new born sucks milk from breasts.
Ants live in colonies in harmony.
‘Birds of same feather flock together’
So also a bee sucks nectar for honey.
Nature is full of wonders to ponder.
Man gives his all in all to overcome.
Burdens, illnesses and obstacles,
To achieve success for himself and mankind.
O Lord! Your mystery surrounds us.
Your love and care is profound for us.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The voices of all those hundreds.
World over, who died in bomb blasts,
Will it be heard by the living?
Will it be remembered and sung?
When will this madness stop?
For, brutal killings, rape and plunder
Of olden times of conquerors, ruthless
Savages, have again now reborn.
The march of time to modernity
Is bereft of culture and refinement.
Values held steadfast to welcome
New age, new times are withering.
O Lord! Show Thy Mercy on Thy Creatures
Let the Time sing songs of peace, harmony.
All these created things - buildings,
Roads, factories, houses, gardens,
Will all remain, so also the music
The dance, the gourmets, the theatres.
But the scenes, the actors, the script
Will change, we keep moving
Away from these set of surroundings
To another, for creating new stories.
We keep marching, keep enacting
For others to watch, to draw lessons.
Now and then, scenes after scenes keep changing
With actors moving up and down in exhilaration
We, the men of clay, mud and soil
Like puppets will break away one day after the toil.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
I need to open widely the closed doors
Of my heart, eyes and ears
To see the effulgence of My Master.
How and when plagues my mind?
Shall I be in the company of saints,
Rishies, Yogis, Sants and Sufies.
Can I hope to get that light?
Which enlightens the dark being.
Can I be able to get a candle?
A match sticks to light it.
Can it glow forever in storms, tempests?
I need a soul with fragrance & perfumes.
Oh! The Times don’t auger good tides.
To set the ship to sail for safe shores.
I hear your voice through
The whistling of the leaves.
Your beauty is reflected
In the fragrant flowers
Your light through the beams of Moon
Your blessings through the showers of rain
Your presence through the love of mother.
Your patronage through the guidance of father
O You the Supreme Being!
Your Effulgence is through the Sun
Your strength in the might of lions
And through peaks of mountains
When time summons I will disappear
In the thin air, as clouds
But Your loving presence
Will ever remain, silently, calmly.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Ah! My beloved, it has taken ages
To make my sigh, my tears of blood
To impress you of my genuine love.
I had to face insurmountable troubles.
My lamentations provoked my rivals
To create more hurdles on my way.
My beloved’s unconcern towards me,
Gave my adversaries a handle to tease me.
I wish I lived in parching deserts.
In loneliness, and like Sita lament on my fate.
That was also denied, I was exposed.
To vultures to peck at me day and night.
My sin was to pronounce my love to you.
My shamble condition only betrayed me, to be sinned.
The seasons beauty has dawned with fragrance anew.
Shinning Sun melting the crusty ice.
Full Moon throwing its beam on lovers.
Bare body show on seashore to thrill.
The bearer pouring forth wine in silvery cups.
Youthful charm dancing to scintillating music.
Jewellery in all its finery on its display.
Bridal couples flaunting beauty everywhere.
Alas! My Beloved’s unconcern towards me.
My rivals heckling and pinpricks.
Are worst than Saturn’s pangs and sorrows.
What more punishment is in store for me?
Let me be looted of my finery and beauty.
But my love to you will never wane.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Sorrows are lasting to bind the human hearts.
Grief are to seek comfort and solace.
Joys and mirth separates one another.
Individuals seek it with their lovers.
Rarely does happiness dwell in crowds
Or among Prophets, seers, poets, musicians.
The ignorant with empty hearts seek
For temporal pleasures, which wanes.
Great works of Architects - Taj, Konark
Are the sweat and labor of unsung
Heroes, who lay down their puny lives
For a few pennies paid by their masters.
Oh! Sorrows are the sap of the trees.
In it dwells the spirits of the lovely.
O Solitude! You reside in the hearts
Of Saints, Rishies, Yogis and Prophets.
In the empty hearts of poets, musicians,
Whose tiny fingers write great works of Art.
O Solitude! You seek company
In the lonely hearts of the lovers,
Whose grace, music, romance and love
Have woven stories, legends to sigh.
Sorrows reside in the temples of silence.
In the towers of excellence and beauty.
To sparkle and glow like Venus
Like full Moon to shed pure light.
Sorrows walk and trample thorns.
To enable joys to walk on roses.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Come Come, let’s open our hearts to heaven.
To the light, to flood our hearts and system.
To enlighten our soul with higher spirits,
With love and affection, to change our fate.
Let’s not be afraid of our strongest critics.
Who make target of our condition.
Who are not afraid to speak ill of us.
Who attack us day in and day out.
Let’s hear the music of purest love.
Let’s sing songs to delight our beloved.
Let’s repeat His Name a million times.
Let the fragrance of love spread all over.
Let each morning bring us fresh tidings.
Let each night refresh our soul.
221. SAVE ME
Let me not be dew to the morning sun.
A butter to a heated cauldron.
A knave to a squint eye.
A target to an evil villain.
Let me be a fragrance of a rose.
A whiff of fresh and cool air.
To delight the swollen hearts.
To cheer dejected lovers.
Let my love not wither in dry weather.
Let my wishes not get crusted like ice.
Let me not lose my sight weeping for lost love.
Let my love not be a target of attack.
O My Beloved! Save me from my adversaries.
Protect me from all the evils of the World.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
A gush of feeling overflowing the being.
A desire unfulfilled yet yearning.
A dismay at unquenched joys.
Ah! What a moment for retiring?
My heart, mind, soul at the doorstep of beloved.
There are welcoming signs, a fresh air.
Bidding me to enter the doors unasked.
Yet my system fails like electricity.
O! My beloved forgive me for my lapses.
For my failure to respond to your feelings.
To reach Eden at your biding.
To fetch the fruit to relieve your aches.
Let me now drink the wine of love.
To go into oblivion like a dove.
In this battle field of life, my love
Is busy, ever busy to prepare
To tease me, tear me and taunt me.
To be fool me in the face of adversary.
I cannot remain aloof and alone,
A way from life’s bickering.
Every wave drags me from the shore,
Into the tumult and storm of the sea.
Life’s goal gets disturbed and go amiss.
I become a tool in the hands of the fate.
I cannot go and live in desolation.
Nor built my abode in isolation.
Love’s pangs and sorrows are many.
A trial, a test, though it looks funny.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The songs my letters sing daily.
Are to delight my beloved gaily.
To put my love to joys and mirth.
But my voice is hoarse, not stately.
The heaven is left with no other choice,
But to pick my humble dwelling
And abode to strike it with its lightning.
Every time to reduce it to ashes.
My struggle to built a lovely nest
Fails, when storms and tornadoes
Wash it away and away every time
My struggle continues each time, in failure.
I shall continue to sing my tale of woes.
Till the doors of heaven opens up to me.
Come, let’s build our nests
On such tallest mountains
Where eagles shall also fail
To reach and disturb us.
Let’s defy the storms and gales.
Let’s deny the lightning
A chance to burn our dwellings
And to push us to oblivion.
What more can my love
Do, but to face these tests.
I shall stand stead fasts,
Show my strength in patience.
Let my beloved boast in the end
That my love stood trial of strength.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Now, my relationship has grown thicker.
More thicker than the blood of clan.
The bonds are now unbreakable.
The links are strong like steel.
The jealous heaven is getting ready
To break our love for each other.
It is preparing a mighty fire.
To burn and melt the steely links.
Like Namrood put Abraham in fire.
Like Pharoah put Moses to test.
Like Pharsies put Jesus to cross.
Like Quresh drive away Mohammed.
These threats of war and clamor.
Is sure to end at last in peace.
The Beauty of my Beloved Lord,
Which wants to express itself,
In million ways and methods.
In nature there is brilliance.
What uniqueness on this Mother Earth?
The living and the non-living
The precious stones and the jewelry
The fruits, flowers, bees and insects.
O Lord! Grant me the inner eye.
That light to see through all things.
To enlighten my mind and soul.
To refresh my inner self every day.
Let my faith in Thee be steadfast.
Not lose my foothold to get lost forever.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
My adversaries are jealous of me.
They are many and everywhere.
My Beloved has blessed me
With scores of talents and goodness.
When I am gone into nothingness.
There will be nothing for them,
To quarrel about, to fight with me.
They will sit in a corner to lament.
Life is short, Time is fleeting.
Nature’s beauty is enormous.
Every morn, every evening
Brings forth something new to marvel.
O Beloved! Show me the path of love.
Let me lay down my life pinning for Thee.
In the silence of my mind and soul
In the wee hours of my life
The past haunts me like a ghost
Hooting like an owl, screeching like halting tyres
Projecting me on the screen of life
My wickedness, my meanness
My ego my pride, my foolishness
My self-centeredness, my bad planning
Of how I faltered with wrong moves
The lights on the stage dimming
Throwing dark shadows
Pouncing on me throttling me
Holding me by the collar
I get the punches on my nose
I realize the world is slippery
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Glittering with the fragrance of a rose
Attractive making a slave of me
Now when the pleasure of the past
Have waned leaving me crippled
The world makes faces at me
Teasing me, making a fool of me
Yet I resist its glamour and glitter
I have realized its tricks, snares.
I watch every step in my crutches
I pray for light to descend
And envelop me, to enthrall me
My faith is strong. Eyes gleaming
I yearn for Thee with all my heart
To breath my last with Thy name on lips.
When the hot sun is blazing
I find you as a cool shady tree
In the wilderness, but my thirst
Torments me, with long unending way
Before me, covered with thrones and pebbles
I have accepted the challenges
To measure the depths of the ocean
And the distance between earth and heaven
In the marrow of my bones is adventure
I don’t carry any empty dreams
Nor I am an empty vessel making noises
O my beloved, your love is enough.
I can scale mountains, cross deserts
I have learnt to catch poisonous snakes
But my vanity and ego are bigger enemies
Which can survive the toughest tests
O Beloved bless me with strength
Of Hercules to enslave these evil ones
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
All my self-seek is self-delusion.
I hear the songs of my own defeat.
I am like a silent sea sans storms.
The silence around reminds of You.
Oh! I wish I was a flower.
To set fragrance for insects.
For infatuate lovers to pluck,
To be in plait or in vases.
I bow before You all the time.
Hoping for Your Grace, Your Love,
With which, I am surrounded.
May my love for You never wane.
O My Lord! Have pity on me.
For I am immersed in Your love.
Time and space has bound me in chains,
In the stocking of the wretchedness;
In the rigmarole of life’s vicissitudes;
Though I breathe freely the sweet air.
The joy of child birth, comes after
A spasm, agony and pain.
The milk of human kindness flows thereafter.
Orchards bearing fruits of various hues,
To please the taste and satiate hunger.
But man ever in arms to dispossess,
Enslave his fellow men, and to rule.
Love distances itself from passion’s flame.
At sun rise and set, a farmer sings
His lonely melancholic songs,
To drive away his fathomless pain.
Behind a sweet smile of a lovely widow
Lies a torment of measureless unfulfilled
Dreams and splintered bonds of love.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The four squared walled house
Known from ages as ‘KAABA’
‘God’s House’, built in memory
Of One Supreme God, Allah.
By Father Abraham and son
Ismaeel, in Bakka later
Came to be known as Mecca.
For centuries adored, loved, worshipped.
Circumambulation around it
For seven times and to the safa
And Marwa, nearby hillock.
In memory of Hajira, mother of Ismaeel.
As times passed the worship of Allah
The one Supreme God was forgotten.
Idolatry took its place in Kaaba.
Three hundred and sixty idols placed therein.
Then arose in sixth century A.D.
A man of impeccable character
Known to Arabs as ‘The Truthful’
‘The Trustworthy’, Muhammad*
When he reached forty years of his age
Gabriel the Arch Angel brought
Message from Allah, The Holy Quran
To be continued for next twenty-two years.
In peaceful ways Muhammad*
Spread Allah’s message of monotheism
To shun the practice of idol worship
To unite and live in brotherhood.
To shun all evil practices To bury female child, break bonds.
To give up fornication, adultery.
Live in purity and in peace.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Muhammad* and his followers
Attacked day-in and day-out
Tortured, Sumaiya first women
To be murdered in brutal way.
His followers migrated to Abyssinia
Meccans followed them to complain
To their king but king Negus
Shows compassion and protects them.
For ten long years, Muhammad*
Spreads his message peacefully
Bearing all hardships, pain
Agony and untold sufferings.
Allah permits him to migrate
To Yasrib, later to be named
As Madina, Prophet’s town.
Those people protected and loved him.
Battles after battles fought
Between Allah’s beloved, the Muslims
The followers of Islam with idolaters
To wrest control of Mecca, the Kaaba.
Where pilgrims gathered once
In a year for Haj to visit
Kaaba and to circumbulate
To sacrifice animals as done by Abrahim.
The practice of Abrahim and Ismaeel.
Polluted, mingled with idolatry.
All evil practices gathered around
Kaaba, by tribes of Mecca, The Qureesh.
The first battle of Badr I gave victory
To Muslims, but battle of Uhad
Fought fiercely, many Muslim
Martyred, Muhammad* injured.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
As times passed, Treaty of Hudaibia
Signed between idolaters and Muslims
A peace treaty, no war pact for
Ten years. A clear victory for Muslims.
The following year, the first Haj
Performed by Muslim at Mecca
The idolaters vacate Mecca
To allow Muslims to circumambulate
Muhammad*, on camel’s back
Does not dismount but Circumbulate
Kaaba, The House Of Allah,
The one and only God.
The following year Mecca
Falls to Muslims, Idolatry
Shunned, all Meccans embrace
Islam, the religion of peace and love.
Millions and Millions of Muslims
Every year perform Haj
At Mecca to face Kaaba
The House of Lord, The Allah.
II. Message
Millions and Millions assemble
At Mount Arfat, The Mountain
Of Mercy to pray for forgiveness
For eternal blessings from Allah.
Mina, Muzdaliffa, are other
Holy places, where pilgrims
Gather, halt to complete the
Rituals of Abrahim and Ismaeel.
The oneness of Lord, the Beneficent
The Merciful is proclaimed
Muslims world over face
Kaaba Five times day-in and night-out.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
To pray, to bow and kneel down
To lift both the hands to seek
Allah’s help, in supplication
For His Mercy, His Help, for Goodness
Holy Quran is the message of Allah.
Prophet’s words are pearls of wisdom
For guidance, for solace for peace
For leading Mankind to straight paths.
Among the teachings is to treat
All the men and women
As brothers and sisters
And to treat the neighbor as your own
To seek refuge from the path
And ways of the Devil, The Shaitan
To shun the diabolic nature
Of man, to conquer your own self.
To realize your own soul.
And purify your own inner self.
To find remedies to all inner evils.
To exert in patient at all times.
Be honest, truthful and lead a pure life.
A virtuous life which leads to heaven.
To overcome evil and paths of Hell.
To seek Allah’s company day-in and day-out.
Life is transient, Time passes away.
Good deeds remain forever and ever.
Be good to self and to one and all.
Make life a bed of roses.
Life is transient, Time passes away.
Good deeds remain forever and ever.
Be good to self and to one and all.
Make life a bed of roses.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Show mercy, mercy will be shown to you.
Forget and forgive a wrong done.
Amend and compromise in every way.
Strengthen your bonds day in and day out.
Keep your hairs combed, teeth’s brushed.
Body clean, wash yourself well and good.
Abulate and stand in prayers.
Observe silence, purify speech, talk less.
Be kind in talk, walk softly on earth.
Keep penance; perform all duties
Lovingly for sake of Allah, the Great.
Seek award for deeds done in life hereafter.
Respect the dead, send prayers for them.
Respect parents, love them in old age.
Respect teachers, pray for their wellbeing.
Respect leaders, obey them and be loyal.
Purify your heart, make it golden.
Be regular in charity to the poor,
To the wayfarer, beggars, travelers.
Feed one and all from your daily food.
Pray at all times; tune your mind
Heart and soul to Allah, alone.
Keep fast in the month of Ramzan.
Invite the familiar, unfamiliar to dine with you.
Once in life time make the holy
Pilgrimage to Mecca, Medina.
Perform Haj in white unsewn
Shroud, think and bow before Allah.
Seek forgiveness for all past sins,
Committed knowingly, unknowingly
Take a vow to lead a pure life.
To live like a perfect human being.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Shun all abominations, all obscenity.
Respect women of all ages, keep
Your eyes down, do not stare them.
Let women remain in purdah to save virtue.
Do not spy on others, do not over hear
Conversation, do not doubt your brother.
Do not be jealous, shun covetousness, greed.
Adopt patience, the mother of virtue.
Be humble, the first lesson of humility.
Read and learn, acquire wisdom.
But be humble in all manners.
And ways, seek the path of goodness.
Do not curse anyone nor to the Time.
Accept all sorrows with fortitude.
Maintain your promises and your word.
Honor all commitments and contracts.
Not to slender, defame, backbite,
Blackmail, speak ill of others.
Carry tales, break-in conversation.
Scheme with others, conspire.
Be straightforward in all dealings.
Do not hoard for higher profits.
Do not cheat anyone in any business.
Respect your customer as your brother.
Protect the week, meek and the orphan.
The impoverished and the poor.
Be always just and render justice.
Earn through the sweat of the brow.
Not to kill or create dissention.
In the God’s land among people.
Not to disturb the peace and love.
Not to destroy the tranquility.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Usury and charging interest
On borrowers, completely prohibited.
So also alcohol and intoxicants.
Gambling and games of chance.
Taking predictions and astrology
Palmistry and other predictive
Subjects are all prohibited.
All times are good from God.
Depend totally on the Allah
And lay full faith on Him
For all your needs and
Seek His Bounty and His Grace
Allah permitted slaughter of animals
For food only when His name is uttered
But prohibited blood, carrion, dead
Animals, carnivorous and unhoofed ones.
Birds which prey on other birds.
And crawling animals like snakes,
Scorpions, insects were prohibited
Except sea animals with gills like fishes.
To protect the environment.
The animal and the fauna.
The plants, trees and plantations.
Make the habitation beautiful.
Think of your relatives and friends.
At all times, unite them with love.
Let love be the guiding force of all.
At all times love one and love all.
Send ‘Darood-o-Salam’, greetings to Prophet
And his descendents, respect virtuous,
Saints and godly people, pray for them.
Pray for all the people of the world.
Peace be upon him
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Lord, the Creator of entire Cosmos
Minerals, plants, animals and last
In the order, was a hidden secret,
According to the sayings of Holy Prophet.
Holy Quran says that Lord gave a
Command ‘Be’, ‘Kun’ and low and behold
Emerged His Beauty, the creation
In a systematic order, in harmony.
Holy Prophet says that Lord created
Prophet’s light ‘Noor’ before the creation,
When Lord wanted to reveal Himself
He chose to create Adam with four elements.
Lord blew His breath in the idol of Adam.
He enlightened Adam with the light
Of Mohammed*, with knowledge
And with Lord’s attributes and His Names.
Adam was last of the creation,
But first among the Prophets.
Bearing within him the light of Mohammad,*
And seed of the secret of the Lord.
Lord is hidden in the self of Man.
While the light of Mohammed* is enshrined
In the glorious hearts of the believers.
Lord and His angels sent their blessings on Mohammad*
Lord in Holy Quran has pronounced
That He and His angels are constantly
Sending blessings on Holy Mohammad,*
And all the believers should do likewise.
Mohammad* was descendant of Abraham
And His first son Ismail through Hajira.
On Lord’s command Hajira and Ismail
Were left in the desert of ‘Bacca’, Mecca.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The blistering sun was unbearable.
Hajira submitted to the Lord’s command.
To fulfill the test of Love.
To receive the ‘Baraka’ and Blessing.
She ran helter, skelter from mount
Safa and Marwa in search of water
For the thirsty child. Lo and behold
Angel Gabreil bought forth a spring.
The water was overflowing Hajira cried
“ZamZam” ‘ Stop, Stop’. The gushing water
Slowed down into a well to provide
Water to the thirsty child and the mother.
Slowly caravans came and settled
Around the spring and the well.
Hajira and Ismail and the descendants
Became the guardians, owners of the well.
Abraham visited ‘Becca’ to enquire
The welfare of his growing son Ismail.
At the command of the Lord.
They built the first house of the Lord.
The House came to be known as ‘Kaaba,’
The House of the Lord for His worship.
The Ismail’s descendants became the
Keepers of the spring and the ‘Kaaba.’
Ismail’s descendants multiplied
Into many tribes and more tribes.
All would gather for pilgrimage
Around the Kaaba to worship Lord.
The Prophet Mohammad* was born
In the clan of Quresh in the family
Of Hashim, His grandfather
Rebuilt the Kaaba, found again the lost
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Well and spring “ZamZam” and golden gazelle
Which were placed on Safa and Marwa.
Mohammad’s* father Abdulla was most
Handsome child of Abdul Mutallib.
Abdullah was to be sacrificed as a vow
Made by Abdul Mutallib, if he discovers
The lost ZamZam, the hidden well and treasure.
But the tribe protested when the lad.
Abdullah was led for sacrifice
To the idols of ‘Lat’ and ‘Manaat’
The tribals had lost the worship
Of One Single Unitary Lord “Allah.”
Each tribe found an idol for worship.
Three hundred and sixty idols
Had been placed in the House of Lord.
The tribals were steeply drowned in myths,
Mythologies in superstitions, black magic.
In all untold miseries and offences
Against mankind. Slavery, fetishism
Female child burial was order of the day.
Great civilization had come up in the world.
The Egyptians, Palestinians, Syrians,
Babylonian, Vedic, Roman, Chinese, Iranian
And umpteen of them in the world.
Lord had blessed the descendants
Of Isaac, the son of Abraham
With Scriptures, knowledge, wealth
Beauty, power and miracles.
Each time a Prophet was sent
In the line, in a chain among
The descendants of Jacob, the
Israelites, for guidance.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
To remind them of worship
Of One Singular Lord, the Allah.
But Israelites created idols.
Monotheism was lost in antiquity.
The last Prophet of the Israelites
The Messiah, the Jesus, the son of Mary
Was crucified, but Lord raised him
To heaven and replaced another on the cross.
When asked by the companions of Jesus,
When he was led for crucification
As to who would be their Prophet
Jesus replied that Mohammad*
From Arabs will be born as last
Of the Prophets, Mohammad*
The Al-Ameen, the Trustworthy
Mohammed* the Al-Sadiq, the Truthful.
Lord’s signs were visible and were clear.
Before the birth of Mohammad*.
Light shone from the forehead
Of his father Abdullah before wedding
With Amina, the blessed mother
Of Prophet Mohammad* the posthumous child.
He was suckled by foster mother
Halima who spoke pure Arabic.
Angels appeared one day when Mohammad*
Was playing with his foster brother
And other children in the valley.
They opened the chest of Mohammad*
Cleaned the heart of all the impurities.
Mohammad* stood in stupor.
Halima was scared, she rushed
To Mecca and handed custody to Amina.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Amina passed away when Mohammad*
Was six years old on the way back
To Mecca from her hometown Yasrib.
Later Yasrib gave shelter to Prophet.
Yasrib came to be known as town
Of Prophet ‘Medinat ul Nabi..,’
Long after Prophet’s struggle
With his people at Mecca.
Mohammed* was brought up by
His grandfather Abul Mutallib
With great affection and love.
But he left the world shortly.
Mohammad was brought up by
His uncle Abu Talib, a respected leader.
Whose son Ali came later
In custody and care of Mohammad.*
Mohammad* showed his exemplary
Character, never worshiped idols.
Pondered and pondered on the Greatness
Of the Creator of the universe, Allah.
As a merchant was scrupulously
Honest, trustworthy and kept his words,
Promises, deeply concerned of welfare
Of his tribal community and people.
Khadeeja, a virtuous widow, a rich
Merchant’s wife entrusted caravans
To Mohammed* for trading in far
And wide places from Mecca.
Mohammad* truthfulness, absolute
Purity of mind, heart and soul
Won the hearts of the entire
Tribal community of Mecca.
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Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Khadeeja was too pleased with Mohammad.*
She was forty and Mohammad* was twenty five.
She offered herself in marriage.
Mohammad* accepted her hand graciously.
The happy couple bore four daughters.
The last Fathima was most beloved
Pretty and resembled Mohammad.*
Later to be wedded with Ali, in Madina.
Mohammad* soon took to a recluse life.
He would withdraw in a cave Hira.
In nearby mountains of Mecca,
For deep penance and meditation.
When he had proved in every aspect
His virtuous living, his saintliness
His judiciousness, his perfection
Of manners and became a perfect being.
Then Lord sent Angel Gabriel
When Mohammad* was forty years old,
Sitting in deep meditation in the cave.
Gabriel held tightly Mohammad*
In embrace thrice over, when he
Refused to read what Gabriel said,
As Mohammed* was unlettered
And did not know to read.
Lord sent His first message
Of Prophet hood and Quran
Was dawned on Prophet
In the holy month of Ramadhan.
Mohammed* rushed home in fever.
Asked Khadeeja to cover him with blanket.
Mohammed revealed to her about the message.
Khadeeja unhesitatingly believed every word.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Khadeeja rushed to inform her cousin.
Her cousin knew the Christian
Scriptures which foretold about
The birth of Mohammad* in Arabia.
He consoled Khadeeja and revealed
That Prophets were troubled by their
People with untold hardships
Pain, privation, hunger and thirst.
That Mohammed* would likewise
Be troubled by deeply superstitious
Idolatry people of his tribe.
And he would be driven away.
Mohammed’s* closest friend Abu Bakr
Beheld Prophet in great respect
Honor and love, he immediately
Accepted Mohammed* as a Prophet.
When Mohammed invited the tribal
Leaders to his home for a feast
And beaconed them to shun idol
Worship, Mohammed was jeered and laughed.
Mohammad* announce his Prophethood
By gathering all the Meccans.
But they shunned him. Mohammad*
Was troubled, heckled, harassed.
Mohammad* for twelve long years
Lived in Mecca preached
Monotheism and to worship One
Singular Lord of the universe.
Mohammad* called upon Jews,
Christians, Sabians and all tribals.
To unite into one brotherhood.
And pray and bow before Allah.
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Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Revelations after revelations came
From Allah, to reiterate, warn
The people of the dooms day.
Of how the way wards were punished.
Meccans called Mohammad* as a poet,
A charlatan, a magician, a fraud,
A phony and by many other
Nicknames, but Quran vouched
For Mohammad’s* purity of Message.
Quran revealed about the creations
Of first man Adam and Eve.
And how he was mislead by Satan.
Holy Quran warned humanity
To beware about the Satan, the accursed.
About tyrants, false prophets,
About humbugs and charlatans.
Holy Quran spoke about the mysteries
Of the universe about the creation
Of wonders about many millions
Graces, Mercies, Beneficence of the Lord.
Mohammad* and his followers
Were ostracized, driven away
From their homes, beaten
Black and blue, dismembered.
Prophet counseled patience,
To turn the other cheek.
To be in ever submission.
In humility before the Lord.
Mohammad* sent away a band
Of followers to Abyssinia.
Meccans followed them and complained
To the king, the king found the followers truthful.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
He permitted them to stay in Abyssinia.
Gave shelter and protection.
Secretly accept Mohammad*
As a Messenger and last Prophet.
Meccan leaders tried to lure Mohammad*
With wealth, women and kingship.
To subdue him from his preaching.
Prophet was steadfast and strong in faith.
Mohammad* made his nocturnal journey
To heaven with Gabriel on ‘Buraq’
The lightening horse to meet Lord.
Meccans refused to believe this truth.
Meccan leaders then decided
To assassinate the holy Prophet.
They all gathered outside his house.
When Lord commanded him to migrate
To Medina, where the people
On hearing about the message
Of the Prophet had accepted
Him and had become converts.
Prophet and his close confident
Friend Abu Bakr, the ‘Siddiq’
The truthful, hid for three days in
Cave ‘Ghar e soor’ to save from cruel Meccans.
Prophet was welcomed with open arms
In Medina, a community of followers
Had already gathered in Medina.
They came to be called as ‘Muhajeereens.’
The Medinites were called ‘Ansars.’
The helpers, the Ansars shared
All their belongings wealth, women.
They became true brothers in faith.
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S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The Prophet’s first mosque was built.
All helped in putting up the structure
Adjacent to the Prophet’s house.
Where he housed his family.
The Prophet’s next ten years
Were riddled with attacks from Meccans.
Led by his uncle Abu Sufian.
Wars after wars were waged.
Allah at last granted full victory.
The Mecca fell to the Prophet.
And his followers, the faithful
Came to be known as Muslims.
The great victory of fall of Mecca
Was foretold by Allah in holy messages.
It was bloodless coup, Meccans
Surrendered and embraced Islam.
The Holy Kaaba was rid of all
Idols, from every home idols
Were broken and destroyed
All praise be to lord of the universe-Allah
Peace be upon him.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The message of Prophet Mohammad*
Rests on four strong pillars.
The first pillar is to clear
The myth and falsity created
Around Satan, the ‘ Shaitan’, the Jinne.
By the Jews, Christians and
Other mythological legends
Of Greek, Roman, Indian,
Chinese and other such scriptures.
To show how Iblis played his
Part mischievously and how he was
Banished and expelled from the
Realms of the Great Being Allah.
And how ‘Iblis’, the ‘ Shaitan’ is
The stark enemy an open foe
Of mankind and particularly believers.
To reveal the assurance of ‘Shaitan’ to Allah.
That he cannot distract humble servants.
That he is powerless before surrendered,
Blissful, tranquil and true lovers of Allah.
The first message is to expose ‘Shaitan’.
And to reveal how deceptive he is?
How to shun ‘Shaitan’? To expel him
From thought, mind and in daily actions.
The Second most crucial message
Is to reveal who the false gods are?
How they are all creations of fiction,
Falsified myths and mythologies.
Creation of minds of poets, charlatans,
Humbugs, hypocrites and ‘kafireens’!
The mini gods, idolized externally
By idols, figures, paintings.
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S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Internally in mind by false dreams,
False ideals, away from Reality.
The multitudes of gods, goddesses,
Their legends, their stories etched
In the ancient scriptures of Greek
Roman, Indian, Chinese, Buddhist,
Jains, Jews, Christians, Sabaeens
Are all falsity to the core and untrue.
To deny and shun their existence.
Erase them from worship from the
Mind, heart, thought and action.
Destroy the falsehood about them.
Recite ‘LaIlaha’, ‘there is no god’.
‘Illallah’ ‘other than Allah.’
The third and the most important
Message is to reveal about the REALITY
The TRUTH, the presence of the Omnipotent,
Omnipresent, Eternal, Singular Allah
The God of Compassion, Mercy, Beneficent,
The Tremendous, the Sustainer, closer to Jugular Vein.
The True Beloved, the Magnificent
The Beautiful, the Marvelous, the Awesome.
The True Creator, the ONE, the ONLY ONE
About the truth of Creation, the TRUE GOD.
Who exists and is ever conscious of His Creation.
Who Builds and Destroys, who answers and punishes
Who is Ever Vigilant and created His Creation.
With purpose, to guide the destinies and lives.
Of men, jinnee and all creatures.
To reveal His laws, His Commands.
To reveal His Directions, His love.
To make man a purified being.
A true being, a compassionate being
A loving being, an obedient servant.
To make His earthly being
A befitting being as a vicegerent
To enable him to enjoy his earthly life.
And later his heavenly life as a reward
For his righteous actions on earth.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The fourth significant message
Is the revelation of pure light,
The ‘Noor’ of Allah in human form.
The Last of Messengers of Allah.
The most humble, surrendered
Obedient being – the Mohammad*, Peace be upon him
On whom the Creator Allah
And His angels send their greetings, ‘Salaams;,
The Salutation, the ‘Darood’.
The Mohammad* the graceful, the beautiful,
The penitent, the peaceful, the gracious,
The kind, the benevolent, the true believer,
The most obedient and surrendered being.
The giver of good tidings, the Warner.
The embodiment of Truth and Beauty.
The Trustworthy- The ‘Al-Ameen’.
The Truthful- The “Al Sadiq’.
The most sincerest, the brave.
The embodiment of all the Ninety nine
Qualities imbibed enshrined in him.
Practiced, exemplified, set up an
Example through good conduct for virtuous,
For truthful, humble and sincere beings.
To accept his leadership, his Prophet hood.
To follow his example, his precepts
His life, a shadow less person
A divine light reflecting effulgence
A virtuous and a beautiful personality.
A great being a loving being.
Upholder of Truth and virtues.
A giver of divine law.
A sage, an adept, an ascetic.
A glorious personality, a humble fakir.
A light of heaven on earth.
A leader, an imam of all prophets
Of all virtuous beings and saints.
A revealer of Truth and Reality.
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Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
A spokesperson of ETERNAL BEING.
A gods man, a lovely being.
A personification of virtues and goodness.
A path breaker of good life.
Taught humanity to achieve heaven by good deeds;
By angelic deeds, heavenly deeds.
A destroyer of falsity, false gods,
False images, false dreams, false hopes.
Upholder of justice, a protector for helpless,
A succor for poor, orphans, and widows.
A reliever for underdogs and miserable.
A protector for woman, upholder of their rights.
Removal of distinction among races, colors and castes.
Established World brotherhood.
Made man to realize his own inner self.
So that man can realize and reach God – Allah
Peace be upon him
Before the dark heavy laden clouds gather.
Before the mothers, grandmothers pick up
Umbrellas to rush to schools to bring children home.
Before the shoppers hurry to load their wares in their cars.
Before the wearied daily workers rush to complete their jobs.
Before the shiny Sun hides behind the clouds.
There is a quiet moment for one to listen to music.
There is a quiet moment for one to listen to music.
The ecstatic cries of foot ballers on the ground.
The temple bells ringing, the priest muttering.
There is meeting and partings of joys and pains.
There is blossoming and withering of flowers.
There is brimming of life and closing chapters.
Then there is cloud burst heavy monsoon rains,
The inundating rivers washing away everything.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
From the unknown hidden
Light of the mystery arose
The lights of Prophecy.
There is no light among
Lights that is clearer,
More existent, more remarkable,
More noble, more wise, more
Just, more sweet, more
Formidable and more appealing
Than any among the lights
And torches to appear as prophets
The more pure primordial
Light was endowed with a glorious name (Ahmed)
With a glorified nature (Mohammad*)
A character glorified as ‘Al Ameen (trustworthy),
Al Sadiq (The Truthful)’
With ninety nine glorious essences,
Qualities of mercy, imbibed
In its seed a glorious plan.
To enfold, encapsulate the
Entire humanity as Mercy of Lord.
Dazzling, visible, magnificent,
Brilliant, made more clear
Powerful, generous and kind.
This light was proclaimed
Before creation of first man,
And his substance wholly purified.
The speech prophetic, the knowledge
Flowing from that deep essence of
Supernatural Being, the Lord
Of the Universe the Eternal Master.
Lord made him utter words (Iqra)
The divine truth guided him.
To be a guiding torch
To the humanity till eternity.
United with God without separation
“Closer than Jugular vein.”
More closer than “the distance
Of two shot of the bow”.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The Prophet is “Siraj,” ‘Lamp
Of Prophethood’; “Muneera”
(of light) and “Al Insan al Kamil”
(The perfect Man)
A mercy and peace to humanity.
God being Truth made him
Utter words, guaranteed the
Meaning of the words.
It is the divine Truth.
Guided him in a divine way.
For a divine purpose.
His will was established.
The Lord in him cleans
The muck and rust in chest
Of the obedient souls.
Mohammad*, a herald
Of the Uncreated word.
United with God- Allah.
Without separation, surpassing
The imaginable, the announcer
Of the end, the ends of the end.
Peace be upon him
What a great time it was
When great Prophets Saints
Mahatmas and Gautams lived.
When darkness faded
And light dawned on everyone.
Except on the niggards and unruly.
The light continuing to spread
Around it, the moths swirling.
Laying down their lives,
In deep love and affection
Great civilizations coming
Into being to humanize man.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Ignorance is bliss.
Knowledge is power,
But its fruits
Forbidden by Lord.
To be eaten by the
First Man, Adam.
But Eve created
From Adam’s rib,
Persuades him,
On Satan luring Eve
To taste the forbidden
Fruit of the ‘tree of knowledge’.
Adam fails to keep
His word with the Lord.
Both taste the fruit.
Only to lose paradise.
Oceanic tears of repentance,
Brings them back
To the fold of the Lord.
To be forgiven, but left
To face the trials
And tribulations,
The joys and sorrows in life.
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S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
They had nothing to lose.
Anyway they had lost
The garden of bliss.
Yes, they did it repeatedly
When the shadows lengthened
Before them and behind them.
And when the stars threw
Their spears and watered them.
And when the cockerals
Blew their trumpets. Ah!
What joys they discovered
And found it never to lose
For generations, it has not grayed,
Nor lost its sheen and fragrance.
They never leave any tell tale
Evidence for any one.
Yet it is said that it is
Recorded on the rocks.
And walls too have ears.
The leaves have shinny eyes.
That is what is cited
For the hangman to adjust
The noose around their neck.
The brilliance of the day
And labor they sweat for
Is for a few morsels.
To quench the burning
Furnace in the stomach,
And prevent the raven
From its droppings
On their silvery lined head.
What else can they
Expect from this list less
Life except to hear from
The fellow with a tuft
That they carry the
Wrongs of the past innings.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
And from that fellow
With a long ‘Jhubba’(kurta)
And flowing unkept
Beard with a white skullcap
That their bones
Are fire woods
To keep the flames burning.
Ah! My beloved forget these
Thoughts and meanderings.
Now fill my cup with that
Exiler that burns my
Inner being to long for You
Forever and ever and ever
A place which gave birth
To the man, who regained
The lost paradise now
Mans the saber toothed tiger,
To swallow the new born.
Every new orange light
Glittering the sandy dunes
Makes the blood thinner;
In that small date palm filled
Oasis in the mirror of whose water
Moves the star filled sky.
Where melting dreams are visible.
The steely birds dropping fire and brim stone.
To bring a change in visions
Of young tiny tots, who play
With toy guns, roaming about
As David to hunt for Goliath.
There are no candles to burn there.
But fresh olive oil ‘diyas’ to brighten
Pathways of the battered building.
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S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
This is all about the battle of love.
One wants to prove he is feather fine.
More attractive, more beautiful than the other.
Causing hate, jealousy in each other’s heart.
These wars, this terrorism, these killings
Manifest our greed and self love.
Our love for ourselves is overwhelming.
And lands itself in self destruction.
We wish to show our might and terror.
Target our adversaries to subjugate them.
To cause annoyance and million hurts.
To break the heart to smithereens.
To love is to open flood gates of attack.
To love is to seek for an evil fate.
I am a living Buddha, a Mahavira.
In the modern sense, in modern life.
When I sit in deep meditation,
I have no link with this ugly world.
My mind and heart is crystal clear.
Free from meandering and wanton desires.
Freed from clutches of worldly bickering.
I have nothing to give, nothing to take.
I am like a thin air, a whiff of perfume.
To melt like an ice, to evaporate like steam.
I am calmness, I am tranquility.
I have no presence, no personality.
I walk lightly, my steps are featherlike.
My speech butter like, I am shadowless.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
244. WHAT AM I?
I want to leave my foot prints
On the pathways of time,
But the road is concreted.
The heavy floods take away everything.
Once in a while, I walk in my memory lane,
Only to find dilapidated huts
Occupied by bats and owls
The cobwebs blurring the vision.
My lady sometimes thunders awhile,
When my best friend visits me.
I crouch and cringe look sheepish.
Only my angels can know my feelings.
My moon face waxes and wanes,
Hides itself in the clouds
Loses its shine when sun peeps out
And fades till darkness falls.
Like Satan, our own created things
Turn hostile and inimical to us.
The more Satan found the pleasures
Of heaven, the fragrances of the gardens
The more Satan became jealous
Of Adam and Eve, to hatch a plan.
And by his hypocrisy and outward
Calm, pretences and make ups
Distracted them and led them to the
Path of evil. To those pleasures
Of body and mind despised by God.
Only to bring a great fall of first Man.
Satan is despised, now our open foe.
Only a humble soul can escape from him.
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S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
He gave you laws to free you from sins.
Not to become its slave
And wrangle in its nice cities.
To split hair and argue with it.
He asked you to create wealth
But make him partner in service.
Share the joys in equality.
He asked you to free man
From evil and sufferings
Bring true freedom and joys
Not to war and let blood.
He asked you to be pious
Not promiscuous but respect women.
Make show of the worship
With chandeliers and woolen carpets
With AC’s, fans and loud speakers
With load uttering and noise
With placing of flowers, fruits on altars
With show of finery and aromas
Without purity of mind, heart and soul.
Without piety and humility
Without sublimity and sincerity
Without wisdom and truth
Without uttering His Name and words
Without silence and submission.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
My straight line gets merged
In the muddy marshy path
Resolved resolutions, idealism
Waning away withering in winds.
Dawn of idiosyncrasy, looking sheepish
In the e-age and internet age.
Blaming Satan for our ill-actions
And passions for wrongs committed.
The will to hold on to the path,
Slips away losing hold on perfection.
Continuous stream of disturbing thoughts
Confusing the mind and utterances.
Embroiling in the conflicts of life.
Fragrances of roses melting in thin air
True artists living in good spirits
Undeterred by royalty pomp and show
Act as genuine messenger of peace
Fly in their own realm of consciousness.
Kingship squeezes creativity and love
All their men and horses display splendor.
Devoid of grace, beauty and blessings.
The spirit in all its sincerity and loveliness
Embraces poor sweet sacred hearts
To release them from chains, clutches, shackles
Of desires and sins, glare and attention.
Love and sacrifice, sincerity and humility
Creates its own heavenly wonder for worship
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S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The dark soul within having shut
The warm glowing light breaks the frontiers
Of love, affection, ruins gardens of bliss.
The green snake coiling the mind, heart
Perpetuates reprehensible acts
And steals peace solace of humanity
Now Luthers, Gandhies, Mandelas
Teresas should bloom every where
To bring a wind of change to help Mankind
To elevate itself and recreate garden of bliss
O Love! Thou are unfathomable and limitless
Release Thy energies and compassion
To enable the hearts to shine again
To capture, cultivate and enslave
The irascible, insolent and brigands.
Let peace, goodwill range again.
After the first fall from the paradise to earth
A long innings of mirth, joy and pleasure.
Saga of sorrows and then withering away.
Then the gathering of all the souls.
Then this walk on an invisible line drawn
Sharper then sword, thinner than hair.
You need to walk over it.
Below the line, the fire of abyss.
You are sure to fall as you carry
A huge baggage on your back.
But the one, who took the daily chores
As a walk on a thin string
Having practiced well enough,
They would fly on a winged white horse
To reach the heavenly abode.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
They are from land of plenty
Where milk and honey flows
With luxury fineries, delicious
Foods, silk and jewelry.
Wealth oozing out from petro –
Dollars, comfort and living.
The arid desert around
Hardly reminds them
Of stark realities of life.
Nor the wisdom of Holy ones.
Domes, sepulchers, the cube
Surrounded by rich carpets,
Artificiality and pomp
Making way all over.
The chill penury of the Asians
Hardly stirs their conscious.
Contempt for wretchedness
Phoo phooing ancient ways.
Spirituality shunned.
Walking with stiff color.
High noses with pride and pelf.
Sudden calamity, when it seizes
Their shocked living
They cringe and cringe
With light of wisdom
Popped out from their mind
And heart turned to stone.
They grope in the dark pathways.
With dried out tongue.
Feeing pebbles and thorns
In the throat; yearning
For the days of mirth
To return and doze
The fire, engulfed
In their decayed being.
Dragging them to abyss.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Jehovah does not like the wickedness
Of heart, mind and soul.
He would give a long rope
To repent and turn a new leaf.
If lo! The time is allowed to pass
With hoary head and creaky bones.
The loss is yours and your seeds.
To lose the garden of bliss
And face the holocaust.
Like those white skins with skull caps
Facing the wrath of the hot tempered tyrant
With half cut mustache.
Their fault was only to have remained
In cities with dreams.
With beauty and charms;
With golden spoons in the mouth
And silvery tie pins
And yellow metal cuff links.
They should have left and sailed
The seas to new found land
Discovered by Columbus.
But alas! Only to be turned
To ashes in gas chambers.
The new zealots with black turbans
And shabby beards totting
With stolen weapons
Think big to cross the borders of aliens.
Stealthily brain washing young brigands
To unleash terror on innocent beings.
Wickedness is sure to pass and end soon.
The heavenly Father is goodness full.
He waits for a while to turn
The tables on those wretched souls.
O Humanity! Thou are sparks of Divinity
Thou shall shine with splendors
You would come out victorious.
The dark clouds would pass over.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The ever growing sorrows, melancholy
Would end in sweetened fragrance.
The sun would shine and roses bloom.
The sunken eyes and hollowed cheeks
Would glitter and glow again.
The rivers would flow, soils get enriched.
The granaries will become full.
The pollution and wretchedness would wane.
My rivals, strong and powerful ones, with stings,
Want me to prove my love to my absent.
Beloved, unseen invisible though present
My inner eyes perceive Him every moment.
But my enemies suffer from partial blindness.
Hearing impaired, mind bogged down.
For them the powerful beams of the Sun.
The coolness of the Moon satiates them.
The beauty of Nature has captivated them.
But my Beloved is hidden in veils of curtains.
I have torn every sheet covering the secrets,
To reach the bottomless pit of love.
His lasting spell has gladdened my heart.
Let my secrets of love remain hidden forever.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Oh! What can I give to win Dame Love?
To conquer hate and win hearts
To display my glittering heart
Sparkling with compassion
Which I hope to disarm those
Who carry venom and weapons.
Can I be that Buddha to win Asoka?
To spread Ahimsa, like Gandhi,
Mandela and Martin Luther King.
Oh! If I can wipe tears of widows, orphans.
Of maimed ones, of shattered beings.
Of homeless facing stormy weathers.
Oh! Can I kindle faith in love and in sharing.
To create fonts of hope and cheers.
Oh! If only I can help some one
Who has Magic wand to turn sorrows to joys.
A spirit of
A spirit of
A spirit of
A spirit of
A spirit of
A spirit of
A spirit of
A spirit of
A spirit of
A spirit of
A spirit of
A spirit of
A spirit of
A spirit of
A spirit of
inner illumination, vision.
knowledge, enlightenment.
domineering and over powering.
persuasion and passion.
sacrifice and generosity.
spirit and aggressiveness.
righteousness, patience and tolerance.
fore thought, to foresee future.
commanding, seeking obedience.
love, affection and compassion.
forgiveness, give and take.
compromise, camaraderie.
togetherness and brotherhood.
fellowship and companionship.
sociability, affinity and team spirit.
All are features of a great Prophet, a leader of men.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
I learnt after a long trial of love,
That my Beloved’s glance awakens.
A stony heart to make it melt like a candle.
The whole being bleeds with wounds.
The endless pangs of the love.
The parching throat, the dried out tongue.
The grief and sadness clutching the heart.
Left me in desert like a wingless bird.
The endless anguishes and sufferings,
Reached its zenith to touch the horizon;
Overwhelming sorrows sans any cure.
My lamentations never reached your ears.
O My Beloved! My body turned to sandalwood,
To burn, to leave its fragrance in the air.
You want to break my silence
On the plea of seeking love from me
I wandered away from the city’s din
To yonder places in valleys
And mausoleums of dead saints
To seek peace and silence of mind
When now, I am settled in calmness
You have the propensity to disturb me
Raise and pitch your voice
To seek my attention, to raise passions
To dig heals in obstinacy
To shake me from my quietitude.
O Mercy! Release me from the shackles
Of wants and glory, from joys and mirth.
To enable me to seek solitude
To release me from pain and suffering.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Those moments when the doors are flung open
The deity is washed, draped with silken clothes
Bedecked with flowers, the ‘aarti’ making rounds
The ‘teerta’ and ‘prasad’ distributed
Those moments when prayer call is given
Ablutions performed, supplications made.
When both the hands are lifted for prayers
When with depth of heart, a wish whispered.
When the bells chime, cymbals clamped
When worshippers murmur, chant
When tears flow unceasingly
Then the grace from Heaven overwhelms
Love is felt, moments become precious
Life is charming, peace prevails.
I know when my beloved took me to joyride.
To joys of seven star hotels in swimsuits.
Loaded me with gifts and kisses.
Displayed before my eyes beauties of the world.
Touched my being with pleasures aplenty.
Dined and wined, enjoyed every company.
My beauty slowly waned, so also my figure.
I lost the twinkle in my sparkling eyes.
My beloved’s roving eyes enslaved other
Sprouting beauties and figures of excellence.
I was thrown away as garbage.
As a dirty linen, as a rotten egg.
O my love, my heart is a burning cauldron.
My mundane love has now turned to blessed one.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
When we begin to believe in the
Existence of the Ever Lasting Being;
About His Ever Powerful Nature,
Then our being gets subdued.
A wonder is struck and
Our being gets humbled.
A fear dawns on our self.
This is the awe of the Lord.
Quran refers to it as “Taqwa”.
One needs to cultivate this awe.
This wonder in the mind and heart.
So as to enable one to be always
Humble, simple and cultured.
The mirror of the heart should get polished.
You should feel enlightened and
Love should ooze out from every
Particle of your being, be always lightHearted with a smile on the face.
To achieve the awe and wonder,
You should submit and surrender to the Lord
Always and forever and subjugate
Your inner being to His Commands,
His Rules and His Regulations.
To shun animal instincts of anger,
Jealousy, hatred, covetousness, greed,
Cowardness, lust, selfishness, self centeredness.
To establish morals and develop moral
Courage, right action, right speech,
Right conduct and adopt right manners.
To look beyond the horizons of life.
And keep high ideals to achieve bliss,
Happiness, and higher learning as your life goal.
To submit your body and soul in
Prayers, do acts of charity and
Serve the suffering humanity and mankind
Unite man and man in bonds of love and brotherhood.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
262. “I IN HIM, HE IN ME”
I am claimed by many.
My mother as her only son.
My father as his heir and successor.
My sister as a beloved brother.
My wife as her sole beloved.
My children as a loving father.
But, I, myself do not belong to any.
My ‘Self ’ is a self which is a traveler,
In the path of the Unknown.
In search of the ONE who has
Put the eternal spirit in me.
I in Him, He in me.
From Him I have come.
Unto Him, I shall return.
Oh! This long endless journey.
Endless till times eternity.
Zest and zeal, quest to know
The inquisitiveness, marvelous.
To discover the cell, the chromosomes,
The DNA, the genes, the structure,
The atom, the neutrons, the protons.
The dimensions of the hidden energy.
To know about the vast expanding universe
The endless space, the black hole
The big bang, the vacuum, the spots
The shrinking stars, the vanishing suns
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
To know within one’s own self
The intricate mechanism of inner being.
The consciousness, the id, ego, super ego.
The significance of symbols, the signs.
The hidden meaning in dreams.
The various planetary positions.
The mystery of their movements.
Their influences, spectacular dimensions.
The spinning earth, the moving Moon,
The crust, mountains, volcanoes,
Rivers, seas, oceans, seasons,
Plants, animals and their genera’s.
The origins of species, their extinction.
The survival of the fittest, their strengths.
Ever evolving, ever growing, changing.
The mysteries of particles, germs, viruses.
The pathology of various diseases.
Its prevention and control, its cure.
The nano technology, the bio- chemistry.
The marvels of medical sciences.
The arrival of the computer age.
The digital cameras, tele age.
The cell phones, the gadgets.
Million inventions for daily comforts.
Man an ever marvel, a mystery.
Dogmas, religions, strata of society
Struggle within, economical, social,
Fights, quarrels, deadly wars.
Man is devil to himself.
Enemy of own self, of his neighbor.
Man a friend, a father, a guide, a saint.
Man an ever enigma, a paradox.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
It is place where children
Cannot play their ball.
Nor rose can bloom to
Fill the place with its fragrance.
But only sand dunes
And mirages and oasis.
Yet great minds have leisurely
Walked there leaving foot prints.
And in a sleepy rocky cave
A mystic prophet had pondered
On the sky filled stars.
And measured the distance
Between the heaven and the earth
To ring in a new message
Of high sounding rhythmic rhetoric.
To fill the minarets,
And make armies run
On the sleepy populace.
With a new found creed.
You cannot ask any more
Of the wine that takes you
To trance or to the same cave,
For peace and meditation, which
No longer rings a fresh breeze.
Now men fill their glass cabinets
With antique pieces and of art
And walls with color boards
Painted by Picasso and Hussain.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
This is the ancient land
Where hides of goddess cow
Once holy, is now turned to leather.
The fine shinny shoes for convent schools.
The bones are crushed for gelatin.
To be mixed as an elixir in chocolate
Vitaminised drinks for strength.
The fat is turned to lard.
For pretty women ladies to paint their lips.
This is holy land
Where the coffers are filled
With taxes on hooch, toddy
Filled in tyre tubes, muddy pots.
Wine flows like Ganges and Cauvery.
You get free tickets to watch
“Jai ho” and to vote for the hand.
Every “neta” promises paradise
On this earth, here, here.
Your presence made my small house
Look bigger and bigger than ever.
Your smile, your large hands
And bear hugs enlarged my heart.
In this place of obscurity and dullness,
The fragrance of garlands has brought smiles.
The bitter pill of sadness has dissolved
And honeyed taste has sweetened my tongue.
The light has flooded from all sides.
Brightening the pathways of my dingy place.
You spoke through gestures with bright eyes.
Your silence meant million meanings.
Life hitherto listless has turned to joys
By a moment’s presence of a Divine Being!
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
We need to create legends
Of great men doing penance
In caves on highest peak
Of tallest mountains.
Where the spear lightning
Cuts the grey fluffy clouds.
And rain tumbles down
In tornadoes, with crescendo.
Where huge pine trees shivers
Their centurion trunks and
Chill enters your creaky bones.
Where you grow red berries,
That are roasted, grounded
And made into coffee powder.
To boil in hot steamy water.
You slowly sip its bitter taste.
And blow tobacco rolled in paper.
You need to create stories
Of miracles happening suddenly;
In cold December nights and
Also when sweltering Sun sends
Down its beams to strip you
During hot summer days.
You need to hoist green, orange,
Saffron flags and tie
Strips of cloth on sacred trees.
You need to create myths,
To draw crowds, to instill faith.
To ease the wheels of life.
To move forward easily.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
When Nature’s meticulously arranged affairs
Go haywire with tornadoes, storms, flood,
Lightening, thunder. Tsunamis, burning forest.
Reducing to shambles towns and cities.
It is then the Might, Glory of the Lord
Gets visible, embellished, entrenched in the soul.
The ever ungrateful man cringes before Him.
To seek Grace, for return of joys, happiness.
When the dark clouds melt and pass away
When the flowers bloom, birds chirp, rainbows appear
The hope returns, the shattered dreams regain poise,.
The crippling humanity again restores to normalcy.
The ever niggardly man needs to play his role
In measured ways, to save his soul.
The gift, the light that shines between two eye brows.
Is missing or lost forever, to make then dumb.
The rare discerning gift, to act or not to act;
To defend or to attack, to remain silent or protest.
To be patient and to bid for their time.
To lie low or raise their hood to scare their enemy
Is absent, the light within is blown away.
They live in eternal darkness, groping their way.
The slippery path, gliding glaciers, marshy waters
Attract them daily to slip and fall.
The Grace should fall like continuous showers of rain.
Like shinning Sun to awaken their consciousness.
That should mark their way to Truth, enlightenment.
For ever joys, happiness and eternal bliss.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
When the Truth dawns with its
Multiple colors at the twilight zone,
With its armory and shinning sword;
The rustic, the mundane delight in calling
Its overtures as a gimmick, mere magic.
When the Truth with its sonorous,
Melodious voice enchants the
Onlookers, they watch its play and dance
And call it as a sheer poetry.
When the Reality sings its own tunes,
To drive away the eternal darkness,
To enlighten the dark souls and mind,
The foolish call it as a mere rhetoric.
When the words of learned length
And mighty effulgence astound
The semiliterate, they pronounce it
As divine wisdom unfolded around.
My lover carries a dagger
And a scornful squint eye
Looking down upon me with contempt
Eager to get rid of my presence
But she does not know my burning heat
My chest and heart is a cauldron
And I am aflame in love
Let my lover stab me multiple times.
Each stroke gives me immense joy and glory
I write my lover’s name with my blood.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
O my Siddhartha! My darling my sweet one.
How I longed for you? How my love coiled
When my eyes met yours, your eyes were longing
For something unknown, your anguishes, pain
Unresolved, you had million questions in your mind.
I put my hands around your neck, your back.
Met your lips with mine, the suppleness was gone.
You said you loved me, but loved something unknown more.
One fine morning you vanished like a thin air
Leaving my bed cold and the whole palace was rocked
The golden palanquins were stationary
So also the mighty horses and carriages.
You left the high and mighty empire for jungles.
To meditate, contemplate on the obscurity.
To find answers to your ever puzzling mind.
To quench the thirst for knowledge of the unknown.
O my darling Siddhartha! Misery and suffering moved you.
Sorrows of the world burnt your heart, rend your mind.
You sought solutions to the suffering mankind.
Your deep meditation, silence of mind found answers.
You found deep attachments to desires and ambitions
Are the cause for unhappiness, sorrow, disarray.
Right conduct, right action, right speech, right thought
And eight fold paths would relieve man of his soul’s burden.
You showed man kind to relieve inner conflicts,
Inner burdens and ways to avoid sins.
To achieve happiness, bliss and ‘Nirvana.’
To be ever light in body, mind and soul.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
O my Lord, the astrologers says that
The career of a person is determined
By the natal planetary chart
At the time of birth, the constellation
Under which born, the conjunction, aspects
Exaltations, ret rogation, debilitation
Of planets and houses they occupy,
And their regular “gojara” movements.
O my Lord, my unshakeable faith
In Thee, my total reliance
Is sufficient for me, I accept
Whatever Thy command is!
For me Thy Love and Grace
Is paramount. Color me in Thy color.
Accept me for merger, for a vision
For exultation, for jubilation, for “moksha.”
“Gojara”: Planetary movements in natal chart
** “Moksha”: Final merger
I look up at the vast great universe
With million twinkling stars, which have shed light,
Million light years ago, may be burnt by now.
Universe is expanding day by day.
Our solar system is a mere speck.
The tiny dark earth is invisible.
Where do I stand in such a big 'Maya'?
But our ego is bigger universe.
The light of this bright burning shinning sun.
The spectacular marvelous Nature
Sprouting everlasting beautiful things.
Lifting the imagination of our mind.
Creativity works wonders in our self,
Makes us feel great in this vast universe.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
O Lord! I love Thee with all my heart.
I don’t need to dispute your love either.
Nor like Jiddu Krishnamurthy & their ilk’s
Deny your Mighty presence near my jugular vein.
Moses had felt your effulgence and light
When fire beckoned him to Mount Sinai,
And light flashed from the tree
And announced ‘I am your Lord’.
Moses dropped his staff down on ground.
He fell in prostration and submitted.
O Lord! You showed Your light for yearning souls,
To purified and glorified hearts.
O Lord! Grant me that inner eye,
To recognize all your signs in Nature.
O Lord I don’t want to enter
Into long theological debates
Like Salafies, or Brahmins
Or fight like Abu Jehal and Sufian.
Or like Abu Lahab berate Prophet;
A light, ‘Noor’ of my Lord.
A darkened soul, a hard hearted
Men in disarray are blind to Reality.
O Lord grant me the love of Bilal,
Of Zaid, of all the companions.
Grant me the blissful and loving
Heart of Ali. Fathima and their sons.
O Lord shelter me on the day
Of Judgment, when Sun comes down.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
O Lord, when Sumaiya the first Lady
Muslim was dismembered and
Martyred by her cruel master, Abu Jahal,
For shunning idol worship
And accepting You as her Lord;
Her husband Yasser and son Ammar
Wept and grieved before Prophet.
Prophet counseled them patience.
For he fallowed in letter and spirit
Non violence and ‘to turn the other cheek,’
When enemies and opponents oppressed him,
When Prophet and his followers were tortured.
O Lord! Grant us that patience,
That fortitude and calmness, steadfastness
Practiced by Prophet and his followers,
In that idol worshipped town of Mecca.
To love You and forgive our enemies
To pray for humanity’s well being.
To turn the hearts of oppressors
To compassion, mercy and kindness.
Chill penury begets pain and shame to them
But their minds are crystal clear like diamond
Profound thoughts overflowing and oozing out
Like fountain and mighty waterfalls
Creating gardens to bear fragrant flowers
Their wingless souls are sans pangs of suffering
Glittering gold and currency through enriching,
But to ennoble the mind, it seldom helps.
When soul and mind dampens and meanders
Poverty pinches and living does become hard.
Faceless, nameless and homeless, they ever be.
As "Fakirs" and "dervishes', they move about free.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
The universe has arisen from a seed.
Encapsulating within the secret of the Being.
It bursts and sprouts in million colors.
Exhibiting the Effulgence of the Lord.
Angel turned to demon, demon was Archangel.
Man reflecting the angelic, demonic qualities.
All are mingled together as in a seed.
In agnostic is a believer, in believer an agnostic.
A sane man acts eccentric and quirk.
A quirk man becomes genius like Einstein.
Joys, sorrows mingle like creation and eternity.
Millions of chains in cosmos, wheels within wheels.
Ah! What wonders, what amazing things.
A million answers to the enquiry of Self.
Prayers make way for good things
To happen in an ordained way.
One needs to put enormous
Efforts, bear troubles, give times
An opportunity to work its way.
It requires sacrifice on one’s part.
And to bear the burden of others,
With fortitude and steadfastness.
Patience is the mother of virtue.
One needs to have it at every step.
To hold onto oneself by self control,
Then burst out in anger, jealousy.
A well laid out garden gets destroyed,
If one fails to tend it every moment.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
We feel like doing something
Where nothing is there or exists.
In a vacuum filled chamber
Like astronauts travelling to Moon.
Where none exists to capture
Our moments, to picturize it.
Where devil or god does not exists.
Where fear, suspicion doesn’t dwell.
A moment filled with ecstasy
Joy, thrill and moments of excitement.
A total mingling of souls.
Bringing peace, solace and tranquility.
Where consciousness expands.
Where mind meets joys of heaven.
O Lord! When will it end?
The traumas, the tears, the hiccups,
The fainting, the lamentations
The endless drowning in the oceans.
O Lord! When will this end?
The missing raptures joys.
The flowing tears of the children.
The snatching of the dear ones.
O Lord! When will this end!
The shock waves, chilling moments
Reminding of parting kisses.
The waving hands and kerchiefs.
O Lord! When will this end!
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Lamenting on past mishaps
Down falls in this slippery world
Is like walking backwards
And cause cataclysmic grief.
Going back in time in mind
Shakes furtively the daily walk.
Sitting glum like a cave man
Without a strike of light.
Turns one goalless without a future.
Blankly staring the ceiling fan.
Facing walls with endless stream
Of fruitless thoughts, dried tongue.
Then you miss the roses and charm of life
And the beauty the nature presents.
They were all waiting for him
To commit a serious error
To pounce on him, grab him,
Make him wear iron hand cuffs.
To sacrifice him on the stake.
Man requires super human efforts
To master his selfish Ego
To humble himself like dust
All that raises should come done,
“Unto dust he comes from
And unto dust he mingles”
Without a citadel or a marking.
Ashes mingling in running rivers.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Somewhere from the heaven
Or from the sea or rivers of Earth,
A mysterious zygote came into
Existence with light, splits into two
With all elements in the planet.
One developing gradually as a man
Another with beauty and love as a woman.
Both intertwining, clinging to each other.
Inseparable, passionately attached,
Interacting, mingling with Nature.
Learning from cacophony of birds,
From chattering of monkeys,
From noise and sounds all around,
From the bellowing of winds
And sounds of lightning and thunder
From the rippling of the leaves.
Thoughts and emotions experiencing it
Spelling out words and words
First with gestures and mumblings
Monosyllable to multi syllable
Slowly steadily learning one thing
And another, one step to another.
March of time leaving behind progeny
With all their attainments and history.
The fears, phobias, the superstitions
The uncertainties, hunger and diseases,
Pangs of separation and destruction,
Collective conscious of mankind
Holding on to myths and symbols.
Idolizing them with vigor and zeal,
Waging wars to uphold the credo
Causing destruction and pain.
Man going in deep meditation
Bringing out pearls of wisdom
To humanize, to civilize
To polish the inner being
To find answers to ever puzzling
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Intriguing questions and riddles of life.
To view the whole cosmos and being
In a detached manner without passion.
To relieve oneself of pain and suffering.
To feel one with peace and bliss.
To relish the heavenly pleasures
And rid of the miseries of abyss.
Surrounded always by love, affection
With fragrance of garden of bliss.
To reach oblivion with eternal quest
To unravel mystery of time and space.
The seed of innate goodness
Is wrapped in the self of man
Though he struggles to free from pain
And the mystery of destruction.
The overpowering darkness in self
Extinguishes the glow of light
Only in a small measure.
In moments of passion and anger,
Subduing the rationality and wisdom.
Allowing the green snake of jealousy to coil.
Love, overwhelming compassion
Washes off the sins and guilt in self.
To allow lotus, roses and lilies
To bloom, to let out sweet fragrance.
Man needs to cultivate gardens within.
To overcome challenges is to meet it.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Will you remember me
When you are with those
Moon eyed ‘hoories”
In the garden of bliss
With rivers of milk
And honey and fragrance.
We earthlings would be
Struggling to find meaning
And some way to peace.
You would be oblivious
Of world you lived
In pain and suffering
In woes, misery and dismay.
Ah! Now you are our envy
We would be yearning
To reach you may fail.
Our desires, our callings
May end us in abyss of fire.
A cry in the wilderness
Is like a dipping golden sun
In the endless yellow sand
With not a blade of grass.
Hopes withering away with endless Time.
I have been an unknown commodity
In the depths of the bowels of earth.
Till I was discovered, mined and polished
And adorned in the crown.
To be admired and yearned.
I shinned bright returning
The joys held in the soft hearts.
I am that love kindling the spirits,
To soar higher and higher like a kite.
Free from the vicissitudes of life.
Beauty unfolding wings in all its colors.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
It is not so easy to get over
The frustrations of human life!
Though one may speak of
Acquiring silence of mind and heart
But the soul sings its lost songs,
Its pangs of being lost its way,
Of its yearnings to meet its love.
To join and mingle with the lost friend
To finally merge and be with Him.
Body and mind find pleasures to please
Its senses, its tastes, its delights.
But the restless soul is apart
In silence and loneliness.
It cries its bitter and longing songs
Bemoaning and lamenting
On the inner and outer actions
Being displeased all the time
And pricking the conscious severely.
Even if I had become an Angel
You would have shot arrows at me
My effluent light would have shut
Your eyes to see only darkness
You would have yelled at me.
My white wings would create
Shadows on your walls to scare you
My honeyed sweet talk
Would have made you suspicious.
My light walk, my manners
My compassion, my kindness
Would wrench your nerves
You want delight, mirth and show,
Pomp and glory pleasure and joys.
Whither Compassion and Mercy?
Have they taken flight from men?
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Chasing shadows to catch them
Is like trying to lasso clouds
You cannot cup water in your palms.
It slips between your fingers.
Desires are multiple,
You cannot achieve all of them at once.
The world is a snare, a trap
To entice you, to lay you down.
Be away from red lights
And game of chance
From dice and cards
From race horses
And pretty dancing girls.
Defying destiny to reach the top
Is to invite more troubles.
Accept the decree of fate
With patience and goodness.
Then becoming foolish in every eye.
Wisdom lies in silence and solitude.
Spring Time is holy time.
Blooming in variety of flowers
For garden of bliss and peace.
It is good Friday, to remember deeply
The crucification of Holy Man
To purify the world of its sins.
Spring Time is holy time.
To celebrate the Easter
Holiness has regenerated
To spread in the Universe
Love, blessings and Grace.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The orange setting Sun is dipping low.
Rainbows are slowly disappearing.
Birds are returning to nests.
The herds to their meadows.
The darkness is about to draw in.
My yearnings for my Beloved is increasing,
My throbs, my grieves are endless.
O Love! Show Your glimpse and face.
The faint flickering candle has popped out.
The dark nights diminishes my hopes.
My yearnings to mingle in You
has brought endless tears to shed.
Cold blowing winds cannot cool my heart.
My multiple love will bloom forever.
You need to accept a Man of Truth
Of Ahimsa, free from ‘kama’
From the mad rush and the glitter
Of the world and its mirth.
Who is at peace with himself
With his surroundings and life
Who can read the Times, its complexities
Its rig morale, its deception and tricks
Who can sincerely without ostentatious,
Able to see through your problems.
And give a sane, wise, counsel
To relieve you from mirth and girth.
And show you the path and gift a torch,
And grant a boon to walk with success.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The aboriginals are still in existence
In deep corners of Mother Earth
With their ‘Voodoo’ dance and drums,
In belief in spirits and dead souls,
Of being possessed of evil spirits
of the forest and jungles.
Oblivious of stories of heaven and hell,
Of origin of Adam and Eve,
Of garden of bliss, moon eyed ‘hoories’,
Of resurrection, of day of judgment,
Of stories of Abraham, of Prophets,
Of Old and New Testament.
Birth of Modern man in present era
Lost in faith, with dead soul,
Turned away from humaneness,
From compassion and Mercy,
With selfishness, self-centeredness,
Trampling the rights of lowly,
Destroying nature with impudence.
Emptying treasure from the bowels of Earth.
Market and money ruling the roost.
Terrorism of one kind or other
wrenching the hearts of the innocents.
Loss of credulity, credibility.
Love and peace celestial gifts
evaporating in the thin air.
How to regain heavenly paradise here?
Collective conscious of Mankind
steadily slipping into darkness.
O Heavenly Love! Show Thy Mercy
Recapture, the hearts of humanity.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
295. FAITH
Where do you find faith?
In mosques. in temples
In mausoleums, in churches
In synagogue, in gurudwaras
In chantings, in rituals
In singing, in dancing
In merry, in joys
In mirth and pleasures
In possession of wealth
In name, fame, success
In giving up world
And pleasures and attachments
In silence, in meditations.
In prayers, in acts of charity.
Isn't faith like fragrance?
Unseen though can be felt.
Like invisible wind
That touches you although unseen.
Isn't faith, a mere belief ?
In the unknown in the supernatural
That is pure and sublime
That is truthful and just
It is that which sees and judges
That who loves and cares
That Omnipresent - but invisible
The one who kindles the heart
Look within yourselves and find - Him.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
From the ruins of bygone times
A message rings in my ears
Lo, how will you revive
The down trodden
Uprooted, destroyed
Mauled, annihilated cultures?
How will you revive the dead spirits?
Enthuse new life in present times
Drive away lethargy, inertia
Wild passions and uncouth wishes?
The Heaven thus spoke:
'Enliven the spirits, with aims
And ambitions of open minds
Allow new light to enter yourselves
Drive away darkness
Unite frontiers of love
Under able leadership
With love, zeal, enthusiasm
You can create a real new world,
That is not an Utopia,
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
He can never understand,
The sweetness of the smile.
Remaining calm with patience,
With a glow on a radiating face.
To thrill the heart million times,
With yearning love of the universe
To charm oneself with the beauty of Nature
To feel one and merge with the ocean.
Every moment of time carries its own sign.
Cosmic signals enlighten the mind.
Opening up inner eye to see beyond.
To set the sails to reach the horizon.
Ah ego! You make everyone a big zero
You need to be subdued, to see the light within.
My deep sub-conscious mind,
Drenched with millennium
Thoughts of my fore-bears,
Of their desultory living in parched lands.
Unmindful of the blistering fiery sun.
Of pangs of hunger, bare-bodied.
The deep hidden hood strikes,
Whenever heavenly pleasures surrounds –
To make me oblivious of the pussy wounds;
Of the marshy thorny paths.
The soaring skylark dives down,
To be hunted and encaged.
The short lived freedom, mirth and joys,
Gets drowned in mire.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Born as a high brow, as a god's child
To live a virtuous ascetic life
But temptations from myriad colors
Drew me to the bosom of mirth
Drowning myself in passions and pleasures
I broke the seal of civilized life.
To exhibit my ancient instincts.
But sorrows bound me to the cycle of rebirth.
To be reborn as a mongrel.
To be attached to my master
To show my fidelity and friendship
My alertness and my loyalty
To be kicked, spitted and shooed
To wag my tail at his beck and call
To please my master at all times.
To differentiate between friend and foe.
To bear with patience, hunger and thirst
To be fearless and to attack the adversary
I live a dog's life to seek redemption,
For my past sins, to attain ‘moksha’.
Yes, we sing tearful songs.
Songs to cheer the desolate heart.
But the passing shadows,
Eclipse the bright round one.
The dark clouds have all melted.
Where now the silvery lining?
The burning candles are to pop out.
To leave me in darkness and in silence.
Whither the fragrance of rose?
That once caused ripples in me.
The torturous path of slippery love,
With deceptive face is to give blues or fragrance.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Once in a deep sleep, I dreamt
Being in a mosque, flooded with lights
A bearded turbaned Moulvi
Leading prayers and piteously seeking Grace
I later walked out and passed through
A temple full of worshipers
The same moulvi, now I found him
As a poojari, placing aarti –
In a moment, I found myself
In a church, the padri dressed
In long whites, placing candles
On the altar and doing service. In a flash,
I recognized him.
So did he. He smiled and
Waved his hand in familiarity
As if to say. I am everywhere.
Adorning different dresses and manners
Muttering in different tongues the same Name.
Oh! If only could I sow stars?
Moons on the galaxies, where,
Now is littered with blood.
Bring in silence to the turbulent floods.
To the love starved generations,
Only could I sow rainbows, roses.
Create founts in the flaming deserts.
Bring fragrance to the decaying souls.
Where now the scintillating music?
The cheers, charms, the lullabies.
For sweet dreams, hopes to linger,
The dazzling sun has burnt the gardens.
Let’s find shores bereft of saline waters.
A place where brimstones don’t rain.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
When the wood cutter stuck his axe
On the huge umbrella shaded tree
I left the pain in my desolate heart
And it bled with severe pain.
The wounded tree's sorrow filled tears
Flowed through my grief filled eyes
The Tree spoke through me its tale
To the heatless wood cutter.
O you tyrant! Stop your merciless strikes
Stop hitting and wounding me with your axe
Don’t cut me down and maul me.
For my Lord has breathed life in me,
With love and pitiful care
I am made up of every element
The glorious sun sheds its light on me
The clouds hover in sky with soft winds
To shower the peals of water for me
My roots deep, find the streams below
To nourish and nurture me
I glow and grow in light and shade.
My beloved Lord has protected me
From evil men and dangerous animals.
Oh! Now you heartless woodcutter
Look how mercilessly I am being cut down
O Tyrant! Know, I am loved by my Lord
Do realize what would pass on my beloved.
My growth with flush full branches many
With my ever greenery and blooming flowers
My swinging and fluttering
Creating currents of sweet flowing air
My ever flourishing branched umbrella
My ever green and golden leaves
My fragrant and blossoming flowers
My ever exuberant barked branches
Is a source of joy and ecstasy
For the entire teeming humanity
I bear the parching and fierce sun
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The thunder and lightning cannot destroy me
I stand pray fully in ever bliss and love
Steadfast, firmly and deeply rooted in the soil.
The twinkling stars throw their glow on me
The moon flashes its luminous light on me
I bear severe droughts and famine
For I am blessed with my Lord's Grace
Oh you heartless woodcutter! Know you
The birds of various hues sing songs for me
My sigh and tears from dark somber clouds
Thunder, lightning strikes and if rains
My branches shelter squirrels, birds, crows
Peacocks, insects, warns aplenty.
All are joyful and play mirthful tunes
That pleases the lonesome lover
O you tyrant! Strike not with force at me
I bleed and shed tears at your treachery
You know how much love and music
Fragrance and scent I bear within
To delight the entire world
We trees create an environment.
I feed the hungry animals with my leaves
My shade protects a tired traveler
Poets compose poems and eulogize me
I am friend of all, all embrace me
My fruits are food for one and all
Birds, insects, worms, men and animals
All depend on my leaves, flowers and fruits
I am unconcerned with stones thrown at me
I feel happy to bear the brunt of the school boys
O heartless tyrant! Know you and understand
My love has enlightened dear souls
My every being and every cell bear love
My leaves have magical remedies
To cure, enliven, cherish sick bodies.
My dried leaves bear elixir for diseases.
My bark, my gum, my resins
All are beneficial to the mankind
Scientists & ‘Vaids’ do research on me
My varied colorful ever fragrant flowers
Join you all in every occasion
My nectar is for honey and scents
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
And to please the soreful eyes for ever
Sans me there is no wedding function
My flowers join in every celebration, festivity
In joy and grief, I am your friend
My flowers bring you succor and solace
I am a companion of dead ones
Men of all hues in grief hug me tight
I am a bier and rest with you in grave
I remind you of the everlasting love
I am a friend of ascetics and lovers
I am with living as well as with the dead
My twigs and branches create lilting music
All the musical instruments, I create for you
I bear within the fire and the flames
My charged breath cleanses the elements.
My trunk and branches cleanses the elements.
Furniture, boats, ships ad carts.
You make several instruments out of me
I am also useful as a pen, a stand, a stool
I am that table and chair for your judge
I am the gallows for your criminals
I am a cudgel, a rod to spoil the child
I am a companion for the old and the infirm
They walk holding my stick
I bear rubber for you tyres and tubes
My multiple bearing emerges from my love.
My Lord's compassion flows through me
O pitiless, heartless woodcutter!
I am for paper for pen, for stand
For students for writing and reading
O You fool I support from axe too!
You cut me to pieces mercilessly
O murderer, you are sans pity for children
For their innocence, for their sweetness
They put swings on my strong branches
They play hide and seek; Jump with joy
You make ornamental boxes out of me
You store your treasure and grains in it
Look what my Lord's love has turned me
My every being is for benefit of all
O you fool! Know that I turn to coal
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
I get decayed to form mineral oil
You get petrol, diesel, plastic, tar.
I am giver of all you benefits
My sweet love turns to cotton fiber
I turn into a wheel to spin cloth for you
I hide your shame and beautify you.
I protect your body, I serve you.
O you betrayer! I am grace of your Lord
His Mercy is bestowed through me
Know well that you are a disgrace
You by destroying me is harming yourself
You are destroying your culture, music.
You are your own stark enemy
O you fool! Listen and bear my words
For great sages, ascetics and saints
All have sat under me to meditate
To reach to the pinnacle of peace.
Now by cutting me down
You are destroying universal peace.
The silence of the valleys
Have come to greet me.
The icy mute tombs beckon me
The chilly winds of snow bound mountains
Enwrap me, to shudder for warmth, comfort.
I cry, wail, and weep for a flame, pepper, salt
For a pint of milk, sugar and sauce
But the sun has gone into the hiding
The thick fog has chocked the visibility
I am a friendless destitute.
O Heaven! Let Thy Mercy dawn
To snuff out the breath to a state of stillness
Oh! What a mystery? Misery forsakes the miser,
While blues and black surround me.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
There was silence, an uncanny weird one.
A chilly moment, blood curdling, freezing.
Darkness, shadows falling on life’s melodies.
Songs of happiness melting away in agony.
I was passing through deserted cities
Where people defecate in open fields.
Discordant notes emerging from dark souls.
Mute monuments being witness to calamities.
Love forsaken to deserted islands.
Sea shells on shores hiding pain.
The crushed dreams wailing in loneliness.
Distant desperate eyes watch silence in melancholy.
Rishies, yogis, mahatmas meditate in silence.
To go higher up in secret galleries to meet the Divine.
Fear like a mighty venomous snake,
Coils my past memory.
To block my pristine sight.
To create illusions, deliriums.
To drown the sharp intelligence,
In the fathomless ocean of darkness.
Creating obstructions to perceive
The unknown, the unfathomable.
I am caught in the web of prayers.
To get released from darkness of fear;
Which clings to my body like leeches,
To freeze my soul and numb my feelings.
I yearn to fly like a free skylark.
Flirt from flower to flower like a butterfly.
To suck the nectar, to spread fragrance.
To tranquilize my heart, subside the storms within.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
My heart is enveloped with blanket of pathos
Blood curdling life experiences mingled with pain
Has choked my voice, clouded my thinking
Hidden in my bosom are bleeding dreams.
Universal lamentation on freezing of Jews
In gas chambers; nations splintered
Everyday somewhere Godra enacted
Fires burning children; chained insane persons.
Temples of peace shattered in earth rattling quakes
Gandhies, Luther King, Kennedy assassinated
Can fires be doused, to raise gardens of love?
Bring twinkle in tiny eyes; a smiling Theresa.
Let’s weave hearts with virtues of love
Transform rivers of blood to milk of human kindness.
Those days of corporeal punishments are no more.
No more you need to cut the hands for theft.
Stone to death for adultery, hang a petty thief.
Nor hit a child on head or on buttocks.
Mercy from heaven has descended to harbor love.
To ring the bosoms and drive away the fears.
To illumine hearts and minds for greater freedom.
Liberty is now on March to unite man and man.
Tyranny has taken a flight, cruelty has vanished.
The pans of justice are held even for everyone.
Peace prevails to soothen the eyes and hearts.
The gardens of love and affection are sweet.
Let’s wipe the tears of sorrows from every eye,
Let none go to bed hungry, live bare sans clothes.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
If I utter the Truth,
Like Mansoor Hallaj, my fate
Would end up, like millions.
Who lose the game
Before it begins.
Do I need to accept
The much said fact
That “We are all puppets
In the Hands of the Master
Who designs His own game”.
Or do I dare the storms.
The waves and the currents.
And get lost like a Salmon.
Or do I give myself in.
Like a dried leaf.
To be taken to oblivion.
No, I shall stand my ground.
What If I am taken as a novice,
A loud mouth, a baseless vessel.
A hollowed trunk, a trumpeter,
A Charlie, a buffoon, a mad cap?
Do I need to take a lesson or two?
From the bygone pages of history
Of bloodshed, animosity, hatred
And shut my trap as a goon!
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The sweet dreams, the unpolluted ones,
One clings, to draw daily succor from
That cherishes one another, binds like a glue
And attachments to strengthen the frail hearts.
The lovely maiden in her imagination,
Swirls with her lover, dreams of merger.
The widow piously preserves her memories,
Lamenting daily on the loss of joys and glees.
A dear bosom friend fosters loyalty,
as flowers spread fragrances around.
A child clings to the mother like a creeper,
And sweet love that enjoins one another.
For, intimacy of souls is deep indeed!
To bring hearts, minds and bodies closer & closer.
Oh! His grief and woes are oceanic deep
Quite different from ordinary anguishes
It is too difficult for one to understand
Pathos and distress reaching its zenith
No, he isn't a crazy man or ill
He is too conscious and sane
He is on a high intellectual plane
With a broad prophetic vision.
With an insight reaching infinity
He has clear solutions for all ills.
But his brethren hardly understand him.
They are sans sight, hearing or mind.
They can't see, imagine or hear
How can they change anew?
To eternally transform a new Nation
Lo! A genius is born in a wrong time.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The wretchedness, the pangs of hunger
With grieves of dreamy meaningless life
Diseased body with dried out tongue.
Tattered clothes, with infirmity gripping all over.
Give them from your loving heart,
And soul sans ostentation
And show of pelf and power. But kindness
Is hidden hand of Mercy, a 'Midas touch'.
It should drizzle on fertile lands,
To yield multiple joys and ecstasy.
But showmanship is flooding
To destroy even the crusted earth.
Soothing words coupled with charity,
Are balm to the bleeding wounded hearts.
It tickles like jingle bells ringing in a deserted soul,
Kindling peace all over in battle field of life.
The blistering shinning Sun
Throws shadows long, then
You come for a while
To pet me in my moments of silence.
Your soothing words and songs,
Cool my burning wounds and sense.
But such moments are far and few.
Like passing clouds on a summer day.
Let’s give a break,
To this unending chain of blues.
Which crop up like a wild grass,
With thorns and weeds around.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
To grow blooming gardens in your inner self,
To spread fragrance all over
To fill sweet scent in the air,
And to make the eyes to twinkle like stars.
To enlighten the whole being.
To be charming with smiles always
To disarm your enemy and worst foe,
To change the tides in your favor.
To discover new vistas of knowledge.
To tread on fresh paths.
To lay in calmness, when storm blows
And for patience and virtues to overwhelm you.
The only golden rule
To shun being enemy of your on soul.
To rule over your own self with controls
Is to drown passions and anger in nothingness.
Each one of us have
Our own galaxies
They are satellites
With our sun.
They reflect the splendor
Of the everlasting light.
When the darkness descends.
The cold moon without habitation,
Moves round and round its master.
Waxes and wanes again and again.
To create time, a path to tread.
Both the master and the servant
Work in unison and in harmony.
To create unlimited and unseen seasons.
For man to reflect and ponder upon.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
There is entry and exit everywhere,
In a home. school, college and office
In public conveyances and transport
It is found in every walk of life.
You breath in and breath out.
For the soul to bum and gleam.
Joys and laughter alternating,
With grief, woes and sorrows.
Like light following night
Seasons changing with birds chirping.
Life for everyone is full of surprises.
A cairn day is followed by thunder, lightning.
Blessed are the men with light of wisdom
With clear paths to tread softly
With sweet words and serene mind.
Without malice in their lovely hearts.
Millions of years of life
On planet Earth evolving
From Amoeba to Man
A process repeated in the womb
A replica of a story of evolution.
Enacted in nine months.
Life lived for any length,
Is momentary on Earth, a speck.
The expanding cosmos.
A livid moment in realization,
Enlightenment surpasses Time.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
"Forty' said my Master. when I was in teens.
You should cross forty summers of life.
And undergo its vicissitudes
You should cross bridges, rivers and storms.
The senses should fail, eyes glitter
The ears should sharpen and tongue lose its taste
The swiftness should slow down
Calmness should descend upon you like dusk drawing.
The mirth and pleasures should wane.
The burning sun should descend.
The heavy monsoon downpour should end
The rashness of your youth should decline.
Then the tranquil moon will shine
The cool breeze from the sea would blow
To soothe the senses and balm the wounds
The Inner Light will spread all around.
The being will bum with brightness
Mind canvas will be filled with beauty of Nature.
For a pint of happiness and joy,
To discover it in parching soil.
In silent valleys, flaming galaxies.
In the stony hearts, sick minds.
I need to blow up the winds.
All the cherished aged values.
Burn the twinkle of gleaming eyes.
Break the wailing walls surrounding me.
Pierce the veil protecting me like a canopy.
Walk on the dry trackless desert.
Yet, fragrance is hard to find in marshy lands.
Gathering storms cannot meet the eye of joy.
Fiery passions are infernos to burn the gardens,
To shrink the illusive bliss, ecstasy.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
I am free like a bird, I can fly.
I am free like a fish, I can swim.
I am free like a gypsy, I can roam.
I can walk, I can talk, I can dance.
I am unhindered without sorrows
Sanguine relationships gives me succor
Multitude work with joy to make me happy
I get anything I like for a song.
Seasons change to summer or autumn
Rain or monsoon, chill or heat
Cataclysmic storms or thunderbolts
I sail smoothly to reach my shores.
My sails are strong, so are my oars.
I pin hopes and lay my faith
On that unseen Eternal Harmony
Which fills life to the brim.
Life's turmoil’s are bitter and sad.
To wench the soul and heart.
To fill within grieves and melancholy.
To confuse the mind with puzzles.
But a heart yearning for love,
Pure and sublime reaches peace.
Love breaks the shackles of slavery,
And releases one from drudgery.
A lovely feeling to uplift oneself emerges
To take to oblivion and remove selfish urges.
To sow the seeds of love to bear fruits.
One needs to soften the hearts with trust.
O love! With Thy tenderness and softness
Release my pangs, mirth and courteousness.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The souls that can't take to wings
To fly in the heavenly paths.
The senses that are numbed,
Insensitive to the ravishes of Times.
Lacking drive and inertia,
And contentment and fulfillment,
And secured feelings
Prevent to foresee the future.
Blind and blocking and sealing their minds.
Blinding their eyes from seeing.
The ears blocked and dogged.
The heart doesn't have yearning for love.
The music hardly stirs their soul,
The colorful rainbows and changing seasons.
The Nature's beauty and fragrance of flowers,
Are all simply to wane, before their eyes.
As if they have nothing to live and yearn for
Life drifts in the fathomless ocean without oars.
Timelessness, a void in the cosmic space.
While life moves on in time and seconds.
Mind, heart, soul ticks to Time.
Glorious Sun, the center of Universe,
Pushing planets round and round.
A system to sustain till eternity.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
In my anger and frustration
I bawled out again and again
“Am I a Satan, a devil
To be stoned, to be driven away”.
Lot I heard the Satan speak“I am never driven away
By men or women; friend or foe.
I am welcomed with folded hands.
By men In white and black
In saffron, in green.
In yellow in orange.
To learn from me.
Every trick from my bag.
I grant my grace to them.
On their assurance to follow me.
To cheat them by showing
Heaven in my palms'.
Come, Come, let’s create a lovely day.
Fill the spaces and vacuums.
So that this day becomes memorable,
To be etched in memory for long.
Let this day jingle with music.
To be talked about again and again.
To recall to mind the pleasures of this day.
Let the magic of this day for ever,
Change the course of our life
And thousand melodies thrill us forever.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Every moment of life, you got to live in it.
Experience it, feel it, react with it.
The moments of joy or sorrows can be bought
Or sold or simply withered away.
Life can't be made to fly like a bird
Or pass like a wind or a wave of a sea
Nor you can squeeze the life out
For life is continuous, endless till eternity.
You got to face the ups and downs of life
Its vicissitudes, its seasons, its mirth.
Learn to tune your body, mind and system
You got to drink its wine to relish its taste.
You just can't expect others to perform for you
You need to discover, what nature presents.
Each one is a universe by themselves.
Revolving around them their own Sun, Moon
And surrounded by million Stars.
They raise their own multi-colored flags.
Each one is unique with their own individuality.
Yet a unique harmony exists among millions.
Some good taking place all the time,
And nature unfailingly bestowing its bounties.
What if someone doesn’t do good to other?
Create panicky, harm and terrorize.
The combined strength of the good
Can subdue any wrong that may arise.
The unseen hand of Mercy and love
Protects its creation from destruction.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
On a fine summer day, a high profile friend.
A devotee of an centurion lady saint,
Took me in his car, to the town of Chittoor,
Passing through a forest and hilly track.
It was past noon, when we reached the place.
A mausoleum of white stone, with chambers.
Masons, Stone cutters were dressing and chipping stones.
Giving finishing touches and laying the floor.
In a corner sat, the holy one in green kurta pajamas.
We fell on her lotus feet to seek her blessings.
She opened her Tiffin carriers and served us
With sumptuous rice, ‘sambar’, vegetables, pickles.
To all low and high present, she greeted,
Offered them food with a sweet smile.
Childlike innocence radiated from her being.
Though, she has been fasting over half a century.
She spoke softly to say about herself.
Of her penance on three hundred sixty hills.
Showed us a room with pebbles of various colors,
Collected from each hill, where she sat in prayers
She examined my pulse and said, I suffer
From illnesses, which were unknown to me.
Of evil effects of foes and black magic.
Of my inner sorrows, pangs and bitterness.
In low tone, she blessed me with sagely advice.
To be true to Lord and recite His Names.
To love all His creatures with compassion.
To shun being enemy of my own soul.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Oh! The times have passed.
Age has withered.
The dreams are shattered.
I look up now to Thee,
My Lord, my Succor.
My candle is now to burn out.
Yet I hope, I look up
To the horizons beyond.
To gaze at the twilight,
Where darkness fades,
And light flashes its rays.
Beckons me to reach out.
Oh! I have witnessed times,
When the twinkle of love,
Has faded in the bloody wars.
When the blooming gardens,
Have turned into flaming deserts.
When youth lost its shame.
I look up now for fresh dreams.
To pass on the legacy for a newer
For an atom of a mercy
For a smile, a tender hand around the shoulders.
Is like searching for a rose
In the blistering fiery desert.
A distraught house wife,
A mother with umpteen children
Living in quagmire situations.
Struggles like a “Coolly”.
To lift the load on a bare head.
To balance it, to walk
On the slippery marshy grounds.
Ultimate triumph to womanhood
Who bears hardship with a cheerful smile.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The petty men with their power
Control the minds of slavish persons;
Spreading their tentacles
And net-work, throwing a web
Around all encompassing Nature;
For their whim, their pleasures.
Can our thoughts, inspirations
Be freed; even from the tyranny of death?
Can the vision of everlasting goodness
Descend in our actions, in our lives?
The glitter, the glamour, the magnetic
Pull of the monstrous evil,
Makes our desires their victims.
Let the thoughts, be freed,
From the cults, fetishes, passions.
Let the shinning Truth and Beauty
Capture and enthrall us forever.
To take us beyond the realms of ecstasy.
The techni-colored multistarred-flag
Hoisted on the ill-gotten-wealth.
With fun and frolic in bohemian mood.
As if they are conquerors of the whole world.
Like Alexander, Caesar, Hitler and Stalin.
Unmindful of the fate their nations met.
My inner questioning self keeps asking Why all this pomp and show and fun?
When everything is to wane and fade away.
But this very self, the inverted one, creates all this.
Who wants to submit to a life of submission?
Away from rancor and strife and pride.
For a little comfort, much pain is wrought!
A streak of pleasure surpasses thousand pangs.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The struggle for private happiness.
To achieve temporary desires.
To burn with passion for external things,
To catch the slippery power,
Is the bane of the Modern Man.
Is it possible to conquer fate?
With the ever increasing
Attractions and distractions!
Is it possible to free the mind?
Free it from the wanton tyranny,
That rules the outward life,
Undismayed by the empire of chance?
Tortured by the weariness and pain.
Can we lighten sorrows, grief ?
By the balm of sympathy.
To give to sufferers, the oppressed.
The pure joy of a never tiring affection;
To strengthen failing courage.
To instill faith in hours of despair.
Can the spark of divine fire, be kindled
In the hearts, with brave words?
(Thanks to Bertrand Russell “A Free Man’s Worship)
So long as war mongering Nations
Exist with production of war machinery,
Peace appears to be impossibility
Let wars cease to bring in peace.
Man should shun his animalistic nature.
Peace appears to be a distant cry.
Let us keep hoping as poets for peace
To return at least in our lives.
Only love and affection
Can win hearts of human beings.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Lo, strangers, Unknown
Have become my sympathizers
While my bosom friends
Peck and heckle me.
They get malicious pleasure
In teasing an taunting me.
In counting on my weaknesses.
On prying on my secrets.
Ah! You can't expect
Sweet melodies from crows!
Love is a rare fragrance
That emanates from sweet hearts
Love tolerates, forgives, sympathizes
Shows compassion and is all embracing.
Isn't it a rare spark?
To kindle affection and grace
To bring solace to ruffled feelings
To calm the storms and tempests
And blow fresh breeze
To sooth fallen hearts into blooming flowers
Millions are pinned down by chill penury.
Bogged down day in and day out,
By rigmarole of daily living,
And concern for daily meal.
The thoughts governing our actions,
Draw succor from inner springs.
The grilling burden is lifted,
And the heavy weight on shoulders is eased,
On the blow of cool breeze from virtues
Of daily actions, which prevent catastrophe.
Life gets measured by the bright
Sunshine of love for Eternal Bliss.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
When the time comes
To shed the colors
The uniform
And the cap.
When the time comes
To lay aside all
The prejudice, bias
Hate and enmity.
When the time comes
To say sorry
For the wrongs done
And to shake hands.
When the time comes
To shed the mortal oil
To en-shroud it
In the coffin.
The only companion
To sing songs to memory
To say adieu,
Will only be love and only love.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
I want the warmth of your heart.
The cheer of your lovely face.
The disarming smile from your lips.
The deep hug and your hands around me.
Enwrap me in the blanket of love.
Shower on me your affection.
Let the dark clouds wane
And bright light shine on us.
The morning breeze and the dew
Reminds me of your grace.
Your care, your concern, your charm.
You protect me, enthuse me.
When rainbows flashes on the skies
You are absent and far away.
It draws a feeling of braveness in me.
O my love come soon, come soon.
In endless silence of my heart and soul
Burns the candle of my beloved’s memory,
Eating away darkness, ending its gloom.
O restless soul quiten now, let love blossom.
Battle harden nerves are giving away.
Aging body withering, eyesight dimming.
Distant call from unknown ringing bells,
Beckoning me to ageless cold chamber.
Journey ahead is long tireless and mute.
Beyond the galaxies never to return back.
Washing away name, fame on shores of life.
Leaving not even foot prints or even any mark.
I carry within my soul flames of love.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
We create our own islands,
With our own demarcated boundaries.
Our own satellites and stars,
To go round in its orbits.
We have our own melodies.
To sing our own songs.
To please and soothen our own ears.
We dance to our own tunes.
We create our own Tsunamis, traumas.
Quakes to shake our own foundations,
To uproot ourselves, our culture.
Open up wounds, which don’t heal.
Life gives to each one of us
In its own measure, cheers and sorrows.
Each one of us is reflection of love and beauty
But our shadows create fears
Isn’t it our unreal darker side?
Not a mirror image nor reflection!
Spreading of fragrance of rose, lotus
Refreshing for the love to cherish
Yearning increases for mingling
O my Beloved show Thy lovely face
To put yearning seekers to swoon
Like bright round shinning sun
Drives away the darkness forever
Let’s sing songs of love to thrill and cheer
Love’s many facets mesmerizes seekers
Like an old intoxicating wine.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
My five senses are not sufficient
To realize, feel and capture
Your glory O my Lord!
I feel Your silent presence
Your beauty, Your Excellence,
O my Lord! Can I still view
With these eyes Your Effulgence?
Can You bless me Your grace?
To sustain my last stage!
Slowly the candle of light is burning out.
My soul mate gone in a flash,
Leaving me stun in grief.
Feeling like a destitute;
Friendless like flight less bird.
Unable to perch from tree to tree.
Like a blind man finding a way out
In a dark night in eerie silence.
My only hope lies in You, in You
O Unseen One, Unfathomable.
What good is candle for a blind?
Crutches for a crippled, music for deaf ?
For long I prayed for my beloved
To walk along side till my end.
Alas! She has flown away in a flash
Dashing all my yearnings, hopes
How can I crawl on slippery ground?
Where do I find solace, bliss?
When pathos, grief is burning in my bosom!
O Love! Bless me silence in my mind, heart.
Let this muttering, chattering leave me alone.
My dear soul mate is mingled in soil,
Let her soul rest in peace!
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
As the journey is advancing
And age is gripping my ailing body
The cruel thoughts of old and yester years
Adds to the woes of the living.
The loneliness, the creaky bones
Is more like a rickety bullock cart
Moving at snail pace in this fast life.
I feel I am left behind
As the fast moving caravan has moved away.
I am bogged down in myths
In ancient superstitions
In deep fears and past regrets
My best of times were fraught
With umpteen unrealized dreams.
With unconquered peaks and mountains.
With dry rivers without cultivation.
With bitter fruits and an empty stomach.
With confusion compounded.
With scarcity in paltry living.
My mind reeling with unfounded ideas
With plenty of pleasures, some fulfilled
Yet many left unsatisfied.
Plagued by grievances, grouses
With complains many, hopes melted
Having lost all my humour.
Being a cynic, a critic of other's work
Lamenting on my progeny’s indifference
Parrot like repeating again and again
Same old rigmarole unpleasantries
Irked every moment with quick temper
Yet with all this slipperiness,
My bloated ego boost of my callings.
I keep looking at the citations
Awards, appreciations I found my way.
Boasting myself of my poesy
Of my umpteen works, unreal
Undiscovered by any reader.
I float like a butterfly,
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Keep my sting ready like a bee
My lashing tongue has driven
All my friends and well-wishers away
I am now deserted to fend myself
Pure crystalline water heaven bestows
From heaven in form of rain.
It mingles in the earth becomes sludge.
It requires purification for consumption.
Every beauty of nature, or manmade,
Be it Taj Mahal or Eiffel Tower,
Is a symbol to demonstrate and give a message.
That all that is glorious and beautiful
Has to mingle in dust.
However beautiful Taj Mahal may be
But it is only a grave
“All paths of glory leads but to the grave”- Thomas gray
Taj Mahal is a symbolic message
That all glory of immense
Value is nothing but an
Insignificant thing and is only
A grave. Everything however
Glorious loses its luster and shine.
Only thing lasting is TRUTH and TRUTH alone.
Love for objects of beauty is not
Glorious, it is only simplicity
Humility, sublimity, inner grace
And beauty when is significant and
Lasting and that is the TRUTH
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Light which dawned from eternal Times
Profusely enlightening ‘light beings’.
Ennobling the Cosmic man.
Filling in his benign consciousness knowledge
Existing from alpha to omega.
Such nobility descends down on Earth.
To transform chaos to order.
From brutality to chastity.
From ignorance to enlightenment.
But the distance is too long.
Every moment there is fall of man
Clearly getting demonstrated.
Humanity becoming victim.
Eons of harmony and order
Collapsing, disintegrating.
Destruction leveling grounds.
Seven wonders of world disappearing
Beauty waning leaving ugliness.
Orderinariness consuming refinement
Law of jungle ruling the roost.
‘Nero fiddling when Rome is burning’
‘Ego to zero’, is collapse of self.
Leveling to ground to make full circle.
Napoleon with might and glory.
Seeing banishment to a deserted island.
A “Chaiwala” occupying seat of power.
To compound confusion and chaos.
A fall of Mahatma to a low level.
Nation witnessing ‘Pulwama’ tragedy.
Fire destroying hundreds of cars at air show.
Food poisoning, hooch tragedy, deaths.
Tribals being driven away from forests.
Scene of day of reckoning demonstrated.
‘You reap what you sow’.
Collapse of civilization, clashes, wars.
Buddha, Mahavira, Christ bidding bye.
Sun, Moon shedding tears, ozone melting.
Earth shrinking, squeezing mankind.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Floating and waltzing in the mystical world.
Away, away far from maddening crowd.
From the din of the worldly affairs.
Escaping from the wrath of law makers,
From rulers foisting false sedition cases.
My senses now appears free from jaundiced eyes.
The vision is crystal clear free from vice.
Purity dawning on my heart and mind.
The soul taking wings to soar higher,
To reach the heavenly Apollo
And in the waiting arms of Venus.
To feel ever thrill and realize beauty.
Truth and love celestial gifts embracing me.
Drawing my being in ecstasy and joys
When seeds of deception get implanted
In the inner most corner of benign heart
Then sprouts a bitter plant of destruction
Of values, ethics, morality, dignity!!
Man stoops to low means to wither away.
Nature’s way to eliminate tyrants.
Mercy from Divine dries up, man suffers.
Heaven’s wrath then descends.
On helpless humanity sans protection.
“You reap what you sow”
Like corona virus eating away vitals.
Man looking askens for mercy.
Whither Grace? When cheats abound?
At drop of hat lying, stealing,
Robbing, deflowering young maids.
Brings destruction to self, humanity,
Yet hoping that “Allah will help us”
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
This dark night has come to sleep
On my pillow to give scary dreams.
I wake up with a shudder
And find my love has flown away.
I attempt to lighten the room
With a candle but the light
Does not eat away the darkness
I sit in meditation in half sleep
The muse visits me and speaks
In one liner wisdom, but unfortunately
I fail to find pen and paper
The wisdom vanishes, so also my poem.
The moth finds the candle light
To her delight circumambulates
Burns its wings in dance of love.
While I am love bitten, my love
Has flown away to oblivion
To burn my bosom, to shred me.
Oh! I find land slipping away under my feet
There is a silent revolution Nature has set in
To clear and cleanse the creaky Earth
To infuse and refurbish a new life.
There is loss everywhere, maids weeping
So also daily wagers; and those suffering.
Life is no longer pink and rosy.
Land fallow, coffers empty, hospital full.
Where I am heading, is it to silence
Though there is fresh cool air, clean water
Ganges is curing itself of much slurry.
Pollution is settling down, environ is fresh.
A new world order is in making.
What was dear to heart is now failing.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Those days of seeking charm is gone!
Gone forever the youthly joys.
The mirth, the pleasure, the rashness
Now in declining years you yearn
For those rashful days to return.
To enjoy beautiful damsels;
To dance to tunes on floor of icy life;
To thrill on the beat of love songs.
Then life offered you wealth, happiness.
Now you are toothless sans vigor.
But expect those Times to return
To offer a period of zest and zeal.
Darkness descents,
In that darkness
The heaviness
Of the night
Crushes me
My loved ones are away
I feel lonely, the silence,
The thoughts and haunting memories
Makes me sleepless,
Rolling over from side to side,
Muttering and singing
Pensive and sad songs.
It only makes the nights longer.
Tonight the moon and stars
Are covered by dark clouds.
O loved ones! Come soon, come soon!
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
O Loving Pen! The blessed pen! The wise one!
Do not lay down silently, in moroseness,
In grief, melancholy, dejection and pain,
On the assault on age old values,
On the destruction of culture, on the setting of Sun
On calm, tranquil livings and its myths
That united hearts, cheered up young
And old, hand in hand moved about
Prayed in shared religious spaces
Called on the One, the Unseen
Who in His Grace blessed this ‘maya’,
This drama of everyday rigmarole
Of life of cheer and happiness
Of growth, decay and rejuvenation
Of rainbow colored mirth and pleasures.
O Benign Pen, do not deride the myth
Of moon eyed ‘hoories’, rivers of milk, honey,
Of one day being equal to thousand nights,
Of our daily strenuous chores of hard life.
O Pen! Remember the One who blessed you
With words of learned length
And thundering sound, of bells of joys
Charming words, words of all hues
To express your inner feelings, inner joys.
To plead for your grieves, your melancholia.
You composed songs that letters sings
To keep your inner sorrows at bay.
O Pen do not be dismayed at pretty
Girls being abducted, pushed into flesh trade
On deflowering forcibly of lovely women
On young smiling babes being abducted
Charming maidens defaced with acids.
Pushed and thrown to vultures with “Triple words”.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
O Sweet Pen! Sing your serene songs
Keep the desolate sweet hearts cheerful.
Keep the candle of hope burning.
Let the charms of life delight the beings.
Let Sunrise and Sunset be cheerful.
Lament not on the onset of floods and fury.
On breakdown of blessed cycle of life.
Million hands work in harmony and peace.
O Benign Pen! Bless those unseen hands.
Your million letters scripted wisdom
To ensure the new saplings to gain strength.
O Life! Be not desolate on your break down,
Missing songs of innocence, mirthful living.
Restore the faith in the Unseen
Who every moment blesses His loved
Humanity to remain forever in peace, tranquility.
How can I leave you?
Abandon you in this sickening place,
Leave you to fend for yourself
Amidst merciless, ruthless ones.
I will stand by you, defend you,
Conquer with all my might
The dirty dozen dwelling in and out
Of my selfish self-centered self.
Enlighten with lightening swiftness
To subdue the evil ones
Troubling you, tormenting you.
My blessed ones single glance
Is enough for me to serve you
Till my last breath, dear me.
Believe me, trust me, my love
Is lasting forever and ever.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
No more you need the myths
Of ’ Moon eyed Hoories’
Of heaven of honey and milk
Of pain of burning abyss!
Which built the hopes
For better future on good deeds.
For hopes of Moksha
On acts of dharma.
No more you need
Religious spaces
For shared identities
For close bonds.
For peace to prevail
For tranquility to descend.
Now you need to break promises.
Tit for tat, eye for an eye.
No need for remorse, for repentance
No need of rivers to wash off sins.
356. LOVE
Love should be pure
Sans jealousy, selfishness
Love should be for love’s sake
Love is sublime, passionless
Splendor, beautiful
With Truth as the armor.
Love is sacrifice
Sacrifice is to die.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The whites want to dominate the universe
Become rulers of all races and colors.
Purge all cultures of their antiquity.
Change them to their way of life.
Those who resists, they decimate.
Be it Iraqis, Afghanis or Syrians.
They have broken the sickle and axe
To smithereens and brought them to knees.
Now is the turn to vanquish Persians
The oldest civilization to resist them.
But unable to match their wits and guts.
Nor break their spirits and resistance.
Whites are sheepish before yellow.
Yellow will paint its color all over.
You are too bogged down with yester years
Pains, tragedies, cumbersome living
You are filled with fears of hopeless living.
Your mind is too corroded with pain,
Thoughts, feelings, emotions overplaying
Your body, senses and actions.
You are unable to smell fragrance
Of roses, jasmines and champaks.
You are unable to see the rainbow
On the skyline nor enjoy the breeze
Blowing to cool the senses.
You are walking in a zigzag way
With droopy shoulders, stammering
Without presence of mind.
You wish you are no more.
You are now unable to free from chains.
You need a Saint to shower love
Grace and beauty to relieve you from pain.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
A birth from deep love, overwhelming
Compassion, gifted with garden
Of Eden. Creatures of light
And of fire bowing down to them;
And submitting to the youth
Of love, beauty and grace.
Unrelenting, though, the master of Angels
Defying the Ruler of all in Existence;
Accepts being banished from His realm;
One who had submitted for ages,
Now no more an apple of the eye.
Such are the tests of love.
Love, who gives, showers grace,
Turns selfish, hostile, throws out
The ones created with awesome
Charm, beauty and finery.
Now turns inimical, abandons
The youth of charm and damsel of beauty.
Both had defied His commands.
He is supreme, so His commands.
His compassion, love and Mercy
Turns into wrath to shun them.
The youthly charm and damsel of beauty,
Separated, between them long distances.
With pain and sorrow in their lonely hearts;
With tears of separation, solitude;
Suffer immensely, weeping for lost love.
The Unseen never appeared before them;
Though an unknown voice, charmed them,
Created a longing for Him.
A music thrilling every nerve.
Now there is absence, a mystery.
A feeling of emptiness, a loss,
Immeasurable, unfathomable.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Nothing can thrill them, charm them.
Nor the songs of nightingale, nor of cuckoo,
Nor the dance of peacock
Could enthrall them; the fragrance
Of varied flowers is unpleasant.
Where are they now? They weep
And weep for the lost love.
Love is an unquenchable fire
In body, mind and soul.
Destroying peace and tranquility.
The bosom is heavy with sorrow of separation.
Like a child weeping for missing mother.
Nothing can please the wailing babe.
Only the warmth of mother consoles an infant.
The Bestower of beauty, love and charm
Is moved with the crying and weeping
Of His most beloved creation.
Compassion and Mercy mollifies Him.
He bestows forgiveness, He sings
In their ears, songs of love,
Togetherness, of sharing, of companionship.
The couples, youthly charming Adam
And Eve the damsel of beauty mingle,
In solace, peace, tranquility
And togetherness to dwell
On this planet, a special place for them.
The prince of darkness succeeds in first instance
To put the Lord’s best creation to disarray,
In their losing the favored position.
Now, he turns green on clemency being granted.
The schemy dark one finds his place
In every nook and corner of their heart
To whisper, to confuse, to arose elements
That would destroy peace and happiness.
Glimmer of light guides man to hope,
To cherish ideals to lead to path
Of goodness, to creativity and tranquility.
To learning, to overcome pathos and grief.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The prince of darkness would taunt and jeer
On man shedding false tears of repentance.
What use is this seeking forgiveness?
When the heart is yet stony not buttery!
Lord of Mercy descends in man’s
Heart and mind to console him.
To reassure of forgiveness and friendship.
To love and bestow grace and beauty.
On their continuous penitence,
On submission and obedience.
On love being returned with love.
Love is sacrifice and sharing.
On showing concern for each other,
To be friendly and touching
The hearts of each other with sentiments.
For welfare and common good of all.
But man is ever brigand, ever rebel.
To bring upon himself wrath
Of the Merciful, to be shunned.
To be despised, to be hated.
Who has given You these thousand Names?
How did it occur to the human mind?
When the jungle man is free from it!
How did one realize You with these Names?
Is it the interplay of Nature and mind?
The mysteries surrounding the person.
Our feelings, our hopes, our sorrows,
Our disappointments, our grieves
Built in us an urge, a voice, and a song.
For someone Unseen who guides
Our destinies to success or failure.
Our evil nature is fire to engulf us.
Passionless splendor sprouts springs
For raising perfumed garden of love.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Ah! This religious zeal, this fervor.
This piety and show of symbols,
Tattoo marks, white caps, threads “Jhubbas”.
This ringing of bells and call for prayers.
This wait for justice in crammed cloistered Courts,
With men in long robes and attires,
With fat books, thundering sound,
Fleecing, robbing, cheating gullible clients.
This lazy men on seats of justice,
Yawning whole day hearing boring arguments.
Adding to the worthless wait for delayed judgments.
Time slipping, right to be wronged.
Men in might and power with pelf and show
With magnetic hands to draw from losing banks.
Forever in pleasure, mirth and frolic.
Oblivious of public outcry and waiting handcuffs.
Pretty women thrown on streets to beg,
To sell their cloistered virtue for lusty men.
Trafficking millions abandoning shame,
Put to work under shabby red lights.
Tiny fingers filling crackers to fire
For a pint of milk, robbed of joys.
Days turned to night mares stealing childhood.
Made to slog day in and out, to worn out.
Our holy land where holy men of all hues,
Deflowering gleefully, ‘Sadvies’ and devotees.
Abandoning honor to lose ever freedom.
For their wings to be clipped, to be encaged.
On roads are muddy pot holes
To bacon ‘yama’ to carry the young rider
Forever to abode of peace,
Never to wake from timeless deep sleep.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Our holy land with milk and honey
With roses plenty and abundant riches.
But to make our ‘Mata’ suffer enough,
To be abandoned at every street corner.
Our coffers are filled with liquor money,
With Service Tax on eatables and haircuts.
On sacred “prasadams” and Tripathy laddoos!
Taxmen on prowl to steal baked cookies!
Our games and sports for cheat and loot.
Millions watch to make the state rich.
Greedy players in sex and drugs.
Organizers in ever scams and scandals.
O! Our motherland do not lament and weep.
Our misled child will return home
With software’s, cash and money.
With gold and silver looted from treasury.
362. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019
Look at the resplendent Sun with new dress.
Shedding new light to humanity.
To wake them up from slumber.
To shed violence and adopt peace.
To love and give up hate.
Let the new rays of bright Sun.
Bring new light to one and all.
A new beginning, a new era.
A fresh breath, lovely seasons.
Plenty of fragrant flowers and sweet fruits.
Let the New Year 2019
Open to humanity peace, prosperity.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Those are the puppets held by strings
Of electromagnetic waves
Dangling and moving its strings
Unaffected, unwavered by gravity.
Those who travel in the ship of avarice
Will reach the shore of love for this world.
Those who sit in ship of eye service
Will reach the shore of hypocrisy.
Who board in ship of persistence
And in acts of disobedience
Will reach the shore of wretchedness
Of despair and hopelessness.
Those who travel in ship without rudder
Will reach the shore of unbelief
Sit in ship of fear to reach shore of security.
Board in ship of hope to reach shore of bestowal.
Those who take to ship of renunciation
Will reach the shore of proximity.
Those who take ship of recognition
Will reach the shore of intimacy.
Those who travel by ship of ONENESS
Will reach the shore of contemplation.
Choose your destination by guidance
Of your Master to seek victory.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
There must have been some hanging grief.
That must have gone deep into his heart;
Touching the innermost corner of the being.
Joys and youth flown away to yonder place.
Bowing his head down brooding
Never to recognize the positive.
His gait became slow, appeared dignified.
But darkening silence turned to mystery.
Sorrows bid a man to suffer doubly,
Silence is golden means for salvation.
Life is a mixture of bitter and sadness.
Happiness is born inward from goodness.
Nobody preserves old news papers
Unlike events of life in sagging memory
Which carries pinpricks of lost friendship.
The hidden embedded tears waiting to shed.
Our once intimate relationship
Which emerged from dying embers of life,
Which became iconic sculptured rocks
Beckoning unsung songs to play on flutes.
The dead forgotten dreams suddenly gain wings
Attempting to fly heaven ward on Pegasus
But gravel gravity crashes the hopes.
Dark somber nights freezing love in silent caves.
Oh! Swinging between superstitions and cold logic
I dangle in sultry dry deserts sans joys.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
When evil spread like virus and passions grew.
When right was wronged and justice denied.
When for a pint of milk a child wailed.
When the seal of chastity was broken and polluted.
When the sky was darkened with sins of man.
When the rivers of milk and honey stopped flowing?
Where was the promised mercy?
Of Vishnu, the avatar to descend down.
Pitiful eyes looked for heaven for mercy.
To rid cruelty and banish terror.
To soften the stony hearts to butter.
To enlighten the mind and soul.
To expand the horizons of wisdom.
To shower down mercy and compassion.
To rid the evil of all sorts.
Lo! The heaven thundered with lightning and sound.
Trumpeting the onset of glory and majesty.
To take birth in a humble Yadav family.
To nurture ‘Kamadhenu’, the Gauri
To milch milk, butter for whole universe.
To rid evil from every corner.
To bless keys to open treasure of heart.
To teach passionless, sexless love.
To shower on every Gopi, Bhakta
Ever grace, beauty, peace shanti,
Prema, ‘Jyoti’ to light every home.
Now the times are ripe my Lord!
My “Mehdi”, my “Masiha”my love,
My cherisher, my redeemer
To descend down to redeem the sins.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Emancipated bony Siddhartha in austerity,
Giving up sustenance, on mere grain of rice.
In deep meditation to seek release from suffering.
A damsel of rare beauty and youth
Offers him as ‘biksha’ a morsel of food.
Out of compassion and grace he accepts it.
Then the flood light of wisdom dawned.
The cosmos opened with expanding horizons.
A white winged Angel on Pegasus
Did not arrive to enlighten Siddhartha.
His deep meditation, struggle from within,
Self enquiry immense austerity opened the gates
To enable him to pronounce the whole Truth,
Of Ahimsa, Karuna, abstinence,
Of eight fold paths of righteousness
To break the chain of rebirth to reach Moksha;
Nirvana and absolute peace.
Release from suffering to enjoy ever bliss.
Buddha’s message is to break rituals,
Superstitions and create bonds between man and man.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
A long awaited Great man
Is a great disappointment
To the hungry weather beaten
Populace with gripping poverty.
Leprosy, with slavery around.
He was a humble unknown
Undescript carpenter
Without a foot ware or a comb,
Homeless, moving freely
With his home spun
Simple, humble teachings
“Turn your other cheek”
“Sell your shirt and feed the poor”
Many of his new gospel
Annoyed the Jewish priests,
Tax gatherers, usurpers.
They were inflamed.
Turned hostile to the Messiah,
Led him to crucify him.
Messiah disciples spread his words.
Through love and compassion,
Mercy, milk of human joys
Spread far and wide
Opening the hearts to Divine light.
Million bosoms were filled
With love, tenderness, blessings.
Now the times have changed
Freedom, liberty has ushered in.
Places of worship are deserted.
Hearts are empty, turned stony.
The Great man’s teachings
Turned to winds, to melt away.
Iconic figure on cross
Dangling in chains around necks!
His statues erected.
But none with bare feet,
With overflowing compassion
To uplift humanity to grandeur.
(Poem based on Sufi, Buddhist, Jain and Vedanthic Philosophy)
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Love calls for mutual adjustment
And deep respect for each other’s views.
Love is total submission to GREAT MASTER
And love is to please HIM.
In love there is no grievance, grouse or complain.
Just accept what is happening around cheerfully.
While ageing body withers and dissolves,
One need to accept the losing zest and zeal.
The creaky bones, the tasteless tongue,
The troubling bowels, the poor eye sight,
The lethargy, the forgetfulness.
The anxiety, the sleeplessness
Are signs of witheringness.
For inner light to glow and flow.
Bells of oblivion are ringing for me.
Reaching the horizons
The rainbows are visible on dark clouds
The cold freezing hands are about to touch me.
The past events corrodes my mind
With deep regrets and sorrows binding me.
My soul utters sighs and yearns for release.
I yearn for total peace, tranquility and solace.
Free from jeers, insults, worldly burdens.
Throw away the heavy Atlas on the shoulders.
Unborn tomorrow, dead yesterday,
Why worry about it when this moment be sweet.
Let me have sweet moments free from all.
No more anxieties, no more headaches.
No more worries, no more burdens.
No more questionings, no more pains.
No more injuries, no more complains.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Let all be gone, bygone be bygone.
O Soul, return to abode of peace
Leave this decaying body
And sorrowful world and greedy
And complaining dirty dozen in the mind.
Throw away the baggage on the shoulders.
With lasting love and memories
Let progeny live in peace and happiness.
Behind the face of a Magician,
A buffoon and a circus joker,
Who make the world laugh,
Lies pangs of sorrows,
Sea of woes, hurdles and pains.
The struggles in this slippery world
Sans strong moral standings
Would only lead to purgatory blinds
To get stuck in the mire
Sans any protectives and guards
To drown one in the bottomless pit
Never to find the golden shores
The sky still holds the secretive heavens in its bosom.
The mysterious throne adorned with rare gems.
Where presides the Universal and Cosmic Master,
Whose rulings shakes our destinies.
The blazing Sun hiding behind the throne
Creating a halo to ever shine
The Stars throwing their spears.
The full Moon shining bright.
All souls gather in whites, with books
Of all their deeds to be Judged by that Great Master
The Book of Accounts that determines
Our future of mortal or immortal life.
Of joys, peace and solace
Or of pain and suffering.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
That single moment in my life
When I left home with my newly wedded wife
My dear dear mother was in tears.
Gushing memories of past flooded my eyes.
That single moment in my life
When I was too sick with brain tumour
My mother visited me in the hospital
Her deep love and memories overwhelmed me.
That single moment in my life
When time arrived for my mother
To shed her mortal coil.
She repeatedly called me to hug.
Her love is too great with depth
To envelop and encapsulate my being.
God is not created nor can be begotten.
Human nature cannot be attributed to HIM.
He is beyond any essence.
Ancient Man identifies Him with goodness.
To regain the paradise lost.
The first Man, a rebel, is an alien
To this planet Earth to be ever ‘Mujahid’.
To talk ever of ‘Jihad’, ‘Talak’.
To serve love, to destroy wisdom of ancient man.
To ever instigate Buddha, Mahavira
For violence, aggression, ‘Loot Maar’.
For World Wars and ever destruction
Aliens are already here, protect yourself.
Peace for mankind is a mere illusion.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Oh! Our wonderful hands
Have given us strengthen and skill,
With help of Natural tools
We till and plough.
Our domesticated animals
Play gods for us.
We have no machines
Poverty is our gift
Nature and us are one.
Our civilization
Is ancient, agrarian
We grow our food
Our tools are archaic
Yet we all join
And help each other.
We in South, East Asia
Are free from
Monstrous machines.
Nature and our muscle
Power are boon to us.
Our bare hands
Created wonders
Taj Mahal
Konark, Lotus
Temples, pieces of Art.
Paintings, calligraphy.
Textiles, carpets,
Music, poetry,
Dance and games.
We are gifted
Heaven and gods
Have helped us.
Happiness and joys
Are part of our life.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Oh! Is it ghost seizing minds
To betray senses, actions,
Sweet behavior, manners, culture
To make one slip and fall now and then.
Oh! The aged benign, kind mother
Left to fend for herself in some
Remote hamlet under a shadowy “darga”
To lament on her unfortunate fate.
Oh! The betrayal of age old culture
Adopting new ways of cruel alien
Falling in its trap and honeyed tongue
Crying out “innovation, innovation” every moment.
Oh! The ways are on a slippery floor
Marching into the purgatory door.
A two horned alien, descends down
From heavens, with enormous powers
Could transform, evaporate into a spirit.
Enter into human minds and souls.
The aliens of various colors and hues
Makes the mind puffed up, dance
To every tune the alien would play.
Makes one gluttonous, lewd, lustful.
The alien with big eyes, sweet tongued,
Fiery or slippery surrounds everyone.
Teases the senses to become bohemian
Bare bodied to move on sea shores.
Make young ladies lick lolly pops in streets.
In bikinis to waylay rash youths
To flutter like butterflies to betray senses.
O! Invisible alien! You have taken over mankind.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
High brows, intellectuals play gods
Do everything to acquire positions.
Behave gods with pomp and glory.
Subjugate low ones to their advantage.
Good at play acting, dramatizing,
Hypnotizing, mesmerizing,
Hypocrisy, falsehood subtly presented
With sweet and oily tongue.
‘Daridra Narayan” is shunned
Rights are trampled ‘phoo phood’.
Humiliated, shooed and looked down.
High brows create a class about themselves.
Whither Justice? Delayed, denied.
‘Dana’ ‘Dharma’ ‘moksha’ fizzles out.
Now the times have robed peace
We are in dead hurry with divided aims.
Gulping down liters of Alcohol
Smoking cigars, with jarring music
Mind reeling with speed, machine like.
Breaking promises at the drop of the hat.
Bereft of moral values, nature and God dead.
Churches abandoned, what remains are statues,
Staring at our face, looking askance.
Whither justice compassion, love, sacrifice?!
Abandoned children, loveless mothers.
A child searching for his father.
No siblings to share love,
Patience seizes to be a virtue.
O Time! Reverse your role.
Return my faith, my gift of motherly love.
Set the clock to peace and tranquility.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
They want me to be part of mass psychology
To play a part in collective consciousness
Join in the chorus of mad songs
In frenzy, in hysteria, insanity.
Oblivious of sane, rational
And spiritual thinking
To reach the Over self,
Beyond the conscious
Beyond the individual self,
To touch the horizons of hopes,
To merge the individuality
To the goodness of Over self.
Alas! I have lost myself
Emerged myself from cocoon,
Grown colorful wings,
To fly to oblivion.
To see humanity as a speck.
To see universe in self.
I am no body sans
Desires and attachments
Sensual senses, tasteless.
But retaining sanity
And move about with free mind
Singing songs for my Beloved.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
A game of snake and ladder,
A large majority get swallowed,
Only a few reach home.
All the routes infested by snakes,
Hissing and biting, only
Daring with luck, protective
With anti-venom medicine
Survive, but with damaged psyche.
Life charms only to a few,
Who brave the storms
With courage and bravery,
With skill and honesty,
With stout lion heart,
With broad enlarged mind,
With sweet honeyed tongue.
Who take right decisions
At right time, with patience.
Who do not mince words.
Calls a spade a spade.
Yet are able to forget, forgive,
Compound and compromise.
Who look to future
With sparkling hopes.
Who appreciate
The majesty of Nature
And revere goodness
And virtuous of Man.
Life sings sweet songs for them.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
She was a skilled warrior
With modern state of art weaponry.
Her body, hands and fingers,
Her eyes, brain was fused
To high electric, nuclear and electronic
Powers, with a glance, a wave
Of hand, with a flicker of her
Eyelid, she could melt a most
Powerful lock and open a strongest
Multi metal door to reach
The throne, where is seated
The King of Kings, the most
Merciful, Compassionate and Loving
Benign Being, her Master, who has blessed
His light in the inner most
Corner of her melting stricken heart.
Symbolised externally by
Lotus temples, Churches, synagogues.
Kaaba, Gurudwaras. His Stature.
Might, Wisdom, His tremendousness
His Beauty, His Effulgence, His Light
All about Him are expressed,
Penned down in the Mother
Of all Books, in Vedas, Bible,
Quran, Granth Saheb, in Psalms.
In all spiritual books penned
By His friends, His Prophets,
His Avatars, His Awaliyas,
His Swamies, Sants, Saints, Gurus.
She had been taught
About His Greatness, His will
His tremendousness, His love
About His benign Presence
About His beauty, His Truth.
She yearned for Him.
Sought Him; learnt skills
To reach that ever elusive Self.
Struggle after struggle
Test after test, exercise after exercise
Gave her strength after strength.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Making her fragile, weak body
Grow stronger and stronger.
Making her brighter and brighter.
Steadily she gained powers.
Grew wings to fly to oblivion.
To break barriers, solve riddles.
The expanding cosmos ever elusive
Gradually opened its secrets,
Opening up like lotus flower.
Her fragrance of rose,
Her golden sparkling heart,
Her softness, her single minded
Devotion, her submissiveness,
Her mastery over heavy currents
Of life and to tame
The lions in her self
Gained her inner strength
To conquer the devils
In her mind and heart.
Her sparkling eyes, her glance,
Her virtues won her
The love of her siblings,
The love of her best half,
The love of her progeny.
Her body suffered in love
Of Her Master, gained virtues.
Slowly with her inner strength
Discovered the secrets of self.
The massive locks of doors
Of Eternity gave way.
The mighty doors opened for her
To allow her to have the glimpse
Of Effulgence of the Master.
She entered the garden of Bliss
To eternally dwell therein
In company of virtuos
Lady Fathima forever and ever.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
O Muse granter of lovely verses
Bless me with your boon
To enable me to pen down
My experiences, my emotions
To stir my fellow being’s
Emotions for delectation.
For wisdom, for elevation.
For deep reflection!
On a cool month of winter
I visited my native
Salubrious garden city,
A pensioner’s paradise;
From sultry weather beaten
Coastal city of Madras
Where I was presiding
In temple of Justice
To deliver with even hands
Just rulings to dissatisfied
Grumbling tax laden litigants.
My benign high placed friend
Heard my long grievance
Of harassment in my work place.
Denied of my lawful rights
Of elevation to higher Judiciary.
He was friendly with a Shaivaite Sage
In Kolimuth in Arsikere, Hassan Dist.
Took me in his revolving red light car
To seek his guidance and blessings.
It was a pleasant day
Reaching the temple and Muth
At Sunset, a dozen young ‘pujaaries’
Were reciting Holy Geeta nonstop.
The benign Sage welcomed us.
Made us sit on the carpeted floor.
Took out his ancient weather beaten
Leaves, where was written the destiny
Of fellow men in distress and grief.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Lo my destiny rolled before his eyes.
I was in a grip of black hooded
Magic and I need to dip in the holy river.
Visit a mausoleum of a holy Saint
For five Fridays with ‘prasadam’.
Seek help from Divine to relieve
From the evil doings of a lady Justice.
Who would undo all my good work,
With vengeance, wreck my career.
The Swamy told the evil to befall me
If I do not vacate the Sea city
By the Ides of March two thousand four.
My kind high placed friend
Took me to Makedatu river
For a holy dip to follow the advice of the Sage.
I returned to Sea city, visited holy Sufi mausoleum
For five Fridays with ‘prasadams’.
Lo and behold by fax I received
Order to move to my Salubrious city
On fourteen of March two thousand four.
I left the black magic ridden Sea city
By flight on same day never to return
Or face it or visit it; left behind
The evil and its consequences.
I was afflicted by brain tumor
And umpteen evils for six years of my stay there.
The holy Shaivaite Sage’s golden words
Ring in my ears of apathy of high powers,
Of moral degradation of lady Justice;
Of evil gripping the minds of people;
Of suffering of holy men in their hands;
Of heaping of injustices on benign persons.
The Sage’s healing touch saved me
From his prediction of paralysis,
Insomnia, loss of memory and
Evil of every sort to surround me.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
O Holy Sages and Saints of this ancient land!
You are all beacon of peace and good will;
To assuage the wounded feelings
Of sufferers and suffering humanity.
I wish I could gather pearls
From the words written on paper
By Hafiz, Ghalib, Rumi, Saadi.
But my poor grasp cannot cup it.
I pose myself as if I love all.
But my Beloved knows my tricks,
My cunningness, my stupidity.
Yet my Beloved bestows upon me
Whatever I desired more than I deserve.
O Love do not corrupt me
With Your bounties, Your excesses!
How can I humble before Thee
When glory, grace, wealth, pelf
Surrounds me, I on slippery path.
I detest hardships, struggle
Penury, disease, trials and test!
Let me thank Thee for Your Grace.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The huge bubble burst
Magnetic hands pulls out currency
From lockers, safe boxes and savings
By showing heaven in the palm.
Enticing, luring, seducing
In the name of ‘halal’ projects.
Greed and lure for more profits
Ignoring caution and rules of the game.
Of ‘halal’ and ‘haram’ by just a call
From ignorant ‘ulmas’ promoting
Ponzi schemes as ‘halal’ ones.
Fed on myths, imaginary moon eyed hoories
Living in fairy world, sitting like ‘humpty dumpty’.
Ignorant, gullible ones rushed
From all directions to feed the pyre.
Pied piper with his melodies music,
Songs could mesmerize the stupid.
Ah! Has the ‘Dajjal’, the one eyed one
Descended to fool the ignorant
To rob their last saved penny!
Ignored your kit and kin who suffered long;
For a pint of milk, for bucket of water
Your, lavishness, your vanity skywards
Now you weep on losing all your wealth!
The Great Merciful has given a doze of purgative
To purge from the ‘ummat’ the ‘ haram’!
‘Halal’: lawful means; ‘Haram’: unlawful means; ‘Dajjal’: A mythical figure that would
appear at the end of the world; ‘Ulmas’: Religious scholars; ‘Ummat’: Community
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
One bloody revolution
Leads to another.
We need a Gandhi, a Luther King,
A Mandela to lead a bloodless coup.
To bring in peace and a change
Change for better living, for happiness.
But greed, annoyance, indignation
Rules the minds, to let blood, to destroy.
Creation and destruction work in cycles.
World wars crippling humanity,
Withering of love and humaneness.
The pigeon of peace flies away,
To yonder place to oblivion.
Never to return, humanity is crippled.
Sorrows bind humans to ever weep.
We need a Buddha, a Mahavira, a Christ,
A Mohammad to restore peace
And tranquility for everyone.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
A year has passed
And your love, your memory
Is still green and fresh.
The music has not died down.
Your lovely sweet face,
Your kindness, your passion
To serve one and all.
Your humility, your grace
Won everyone’s heart.
The void created can never be filled.
Every moment your delectable
Voice resounds in my ears.
Tears welling up unabated.
O my love when do we meet again?
When will those bells ring again?
Can that beauty reign again?
Can that love blossom again?
Can those times reappear?
When fountains of love sprang.
When roses never faded.
When fragrances spread.
When cheers and dance
Tinkled joys and happiness.
Oh now only gloom
Has spread my veins.
Look how I am shrinking.
Slowly and steadily to melt
And join you forever.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Below the dormant sibling or friendly
Relationship lies a sleepy deadly
Venomous snake with fangs deep,
Simmering to wake up at any moment
To strike a benign and kind soul;
To bring to an end a lifelong mingling
Of loyal, thick and thin relationship.
To bring a shock to everyone.
Septicemia or viral infection
Or food poisoning
Or sudden heart seizure
Can put an end to a blooming
And charming life with happy times.
So also break of deadly cancer,
Sudden road accidents
You call it ‘Karma’, fate
Divine retribution;
You look askance at the Divine;
Puzzled unable to know
The wisdom of the Super Wise.
What wrong they had done
To be smoked out
From the midst of loved ones.
To create a vacuum, a deadly
Silence, for grief to flow
In the veins of near and dear.
Destiny has a unique way
To play its part to move
The wheels of life on the
Chequered board of snake
And ladder, on chess board
Of mysterious and wonderful life.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Earth microscopic
Sun a speck in galaxy
Man invisible
Life in sea’s turmoil
Feeling of desolation
Man in search of peace.
Around the Holy Kabba
Humble submission.
Patience is virtue
A silent prayer of man
Sweet fruits, as labor.
Cosmic rays in air
Transmitting love and affection
For Humanity.
Recite names of God
A silent prayer on lips
As a thanks giving.
My silent hours spent
In pangs of separation
Hoping for merger.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
I burn in midnight
In love of Thy Beloved
Shedding tears of bliss.
Hear, hear Me seeker!
I shall not open My door
To thankless beings.
Love is ever lasting
For those who die in deep grief
Destroying their self.
I cried bitterly
To seek Thy sweet countenance
Fragrance merge in air.
Pathos in my blood
Gushing forth like restless stream
To merge in Thy Self.
Oh! My Beloved
Show me Thy sweet Effulgence
I am in anguish!
I shall die, when called
Summon me, O my sweet ONE
My life is for you.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Roses, Roses dear
Just for sweet remembrances
For my love to bear.
I burn in Thy love
Leaving my ashes for you
Holy communion.
Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets
Ever in search of Thy self
O love show Thy face.
Burn, burn, O my love
My heart is ready to burst
To receive Thy Grace.
Oh! My Beloved
I wish I was never born
Thrown afar from You.
Kindly show Thy Grace
For, your seeker is weeping
In separation.
Life is meaningless
Without Your presence in me
Be with me my Love.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
When I am with You
Supreme bliss flows in my blood
Kindly bear with me.
All your beings weep
For You are so Merciful
Forgive all our sins.
Your false claims of love
O Peeran, where is justice!
Satan is in you.
Sins, sins I commit
In hopes of Your Love, Mercy
Dared me to transgress
I shall never love
O Peeran those who dared Me
Now quickly repent.
Turn Thy face in love
Or Peeran you shall face wrath
And be forsaken.
Love or be ever damned
Burn yourself in ever Love
Do not forsake Me.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Shake, shake, shake yourself
Of all the worldly desires
And turn to deep love.
What is love tell Me?
To be in submission, Lord
To receive Thy Grace.
Submit or you die
Love does not bear jealousy
I want my love, Lord!
I heard a loud voice
Peeran, submit or perish
Lord, allow me to Love.
I am always drunk
In ever pure intoxicant
That takes me to Love.
My heart burns in Love
Celestial beings watch me
And call me a fool.
Why love? My son asks
Candle burns to give light, dear
To show you THE path.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Kindly look at me
I am a forsaken love
Thrown out of Heaven.
My lamentations
Has it not shaken You Lord?
Do not throw me out.
My praises for You
Thou shall always give me Love
I seek Your blessings.
My head is bursting
In splitting headache, fever
Show Thy Grace my Lord.
Where is Thy Justice?
Peeran! You are forsaken
You have challenged Me.
My covetousness
Puts me to shame, O my Lord
Show Thy Graciousness.
Maintain silence, please
In prayers, Lord showers Grace
Man to receive peace.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Show mercy, always
So that Mercy shows its face
That is the God’s way.
Success touches man
Who humbles himself before Thee
Love grows in His fan.
Sun shows effulgence
On humble, poor and mighty
Nature shows Lord’s Eminence.
Might and right do fight
But, do not transgress His love
For peace would take flight.
Beauty shows its face
To charm, sooth melancholy
Nature reflects Grace.
Greenery all around
Nature shows its own glory
Impress profound.
Show of ego’s strength
Is to face catastrophe
Grief & loss at length.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
A rose among thorn
Is more pleasing to the eyes
It has more value.
To relieve tension
Roses, roses all the way
For all occasions.
Gulmohar among roses
Is more lovely and pleasing
Poetry in flowers.
Art is more pleasing
To connoisseur of beauty
For time is fleeting.
Buried in deep earth
Ashamed to show my face, Lord
Eternal sinner.
My humble prayer
Expose me not on dooms day
My face is darkened!
The heart is empty
Without any love for my lord
It is disgraceful!
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
How could you fly now?
With wings of love clipped for ever
Mother earth for me.
Colorful rainbow
On the horizon of love
To keep heart cheerful.
Flow of tranquil stream
Calmness begets mental peace
A living Buddha.
Generate good will
For heaven’s sake save your souls
Save from destruction.
That eternal fire
Erupts now and then to burn
Reduce self, to ashes.
Sing songs for ever
In the form of sweet music
Love everlasting.
Heaven’s blessings, charms
Sun shines in every season
For hearts, soft and warm.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
In light, shade and rain
Life’s daily chores do not stop
Still waters run deep.
Love’s success story
Sacrifice in tears and joys
End on happy note.
Final signature
When deaths’ signal touches you
For closing chapter.
Deep introspection
God’s last final testament
Has ended in strife.
Haj, a last journey
To Mecca and Medina
To wash off your sins.
A lamp emits light
For eyes having sparkling sight
To show you the way.
Sun is burning hot
Come soon in shadows of life
Choose a banyan tree.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Rustics sans music
Seek light from enlighten souls
Who burn like candles.
Sorrows afflict man
To darken the ever blue sky
Like solar eclipse.
Religion brings strife
Rituals are not piety
Love purifies mind.
Light chases darkness
Silvery clouds glimmer life
Man lives on sweet hopes.
A theatre of daily life
Screens action packed scenes.
Your ever remembrance
Wakes me in the middle of night
To play soft music.
Waves sweeping the feet
Cool wind singing in the ear
Your sweet voice, face floats
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Come, come my lover
Do sing songs of harmony
To thrill my still heart.
Walking on the sands
Leaving a mark on the Times
Life glows on and on.
You are in quick sand
Surrounded by thorns, prickles
Life thrown in shambles.
A saintly person
But talks in many voices
Multifaceted man.
Every struggle
Moment of realization
For my soul to gleam.
Deep meditation
It is purification
Realize yourself
Attain moment of pure bliss
To remain peaceful
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Sinner or good man
But both live in harmony
Chip of the same block.
Two sides of a coin
Transmigration of souls
From heaven to hell.
Peace and harmony
Love and affection in man
Flow of lovely streams.
Burning sweet agar
Reminder of Divine love
Celestial Beings.
Love is sacrifice
Thousand trips of honey bees.
To collect nectar.
Ever humble yourself
To seek fortunes from the Lord
Shine like a diamond.
Florence Nightingale
Sweet honeyed silvery tongue
Queen of hearts for poor.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Songs of Nightingale
Ring love in hearts of lovers
For eternal life.
Mahatma Gandhi
Harbinger of love and peace
Father of the Nation
Before the sun’s dawn
Early morning’s silent prayers
Minds get purified
Earthly desires gleam
Beckons you to mirth pleasures
Soul gets caught in thorns.
Get drowned in ego
Attachment in daily life.
For unhappiness
Sins nailed on the cross
Lord Jesus resurrected
Live eternally
Love yearns good beings
Create a Kabba in your heart
For joys to emerge.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Gold, hidden treasure
Good people like roots get merged
To bear flowers, fruits.
Company of saints
A touch of rare purity
Cleans heart and mind
O devotee fly
Birds of life sings Holy names
To reach ecstasy
Eclipse shadows light
Do not worship your mistakes
Sins do not bring joys
A guilty conscience
Is a sure sign of success
Now, turn a new leaf.
Recite holy Names
Wisdom to purify life
For soul to soar high.
Shun bad company
Rose of self realization
Through control of self.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Clarity of mind
A thousand blossoms of soul
From purified life.
Love gleams through the eyes
Spread inner sweet rose’s petals
Fragrance in the air.
Evil or goodness
Rise above life’s dualities
Seek Eternal Being
Seek sincerity
Approach wisdom, with goodness
To feel Divine’s joys.
Fear not worldly life
Pleasures lead to inner joy
For men of wisdom.
For life’s ups and downs
Are but waves on an ocean
Dive deep for pure pearls.
Shun life’s emotions
With calm patience delve within
To seek inner peace.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Life’s disappointments
Or feeling rich, victories
Are mind’s illusions.
To realize your self
Set goals for realization
Merge like streams in sea.
Unburden your soul
Let mad, mad world go to hell
Save yourselves from crimes.
Withdraw from hub rub
Be far from maddening crowd
Seek light from within.
Pursue simple life
Happy thoughts for company
Tree draws sap from soil.
Roses all the times
Inner divine contentment
A rare gift indeed.
Happiness eludes
Chase rainbows on the skies
Try lasso a cloud.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Distant drums sound sweet
Grass looks greener on other’s side
Be content with self.
Eyes are not for games
Inner peace is not through sports
Love is not through sex.
Sun’s heat melts the snow
Worldly desires quickly melt
Seek the permanent.
Shun gold for learning
Fools identify with wealth
Knowledge is power
Seek goodness, ever
Emerge stronger with talent
Polish inner gold.
For eternal peace
Take the sword of detachment
And cut the desires.
Stick your mouth with tape
Meandering thoughts are bad
Silence is golden.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Summer carnival
Golden gifts, fun filled shopping
Forever ruining
Learn ethics, morals
Remove jungle from within
Let stream flow smoothly.
O my lovely child
I have turned into a cloud
To bless you with rain.
Father is bright sun
To bless every child with light
To nourish the plant.
Mother is bright Moon
To shed cool light on children
Love is like honey.
Mars is my brother
To grant me strength for ever
Always remain true.
Sparkling diamonds shine
Studded like flowers in rings
Lovers hypnotized
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
May I be with you
Turn my love to success, God
To reach oblivion.
Like fallen petals
Broken mirrors do not mend
Forsake not mad love
To achieve joy, bliss
All relationships should end
For eternal love.
Halo to dark clouds?
Light at end of the tunnel
When candle pops off.
Jest not with one’s heart
It is too dangerous, dear
Short circuit to die.
Heaven at what cost?
Sacrifice, shun all pleasures
Live ascetic life!
Saint’s learning portals
A huge gold mine of knowledge
Explore, enrich mind.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Is it enquiry
Or is it introspection?
A deep search in hearts.
Turn aspirations
To heavenly pursuits and
Dreams to reality.
Sun shines on sweet rose
To grant beauty and fragrance
A special favor.
Do not buckle down
Stand up to injustice, dear
If you have courage.
Flow of tranquil stream
Calmness begets mental peace
A living Buddha.
Emerge from dark gloom
Let serene rays gleam your thoughts
Enlighten yourself.
Birds sing in chorus
Call from unknown realms of heart
Windows opens for love.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Remove mind’s tension
Sing songs for heart’s contentment
To remain in joy.
Douse the fire quickly
Find peace by ending quarrels
Before milk turns sour.
Bloom like sunflower
Let light you magnetic
Love radiates fragrance.
Overcome desires
Break shackles of slavery
Let rose bloom in thorns.
A contemptuous smile
Invitation to hatred
Fallen leaves decay.
Rama and Sita
Mythology for ages
A tragic story.
That eternal fire
Erupts now and then to burn
Reduce self, to ashes.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
A land mark in history
To humanize man
Play the soulful tunes
In gathering of illumined
For bliss, ecstasy.
Ever burning Sun
Churning of life for planets
Mahatma Gandhi
Glory of Himalayas
Pride of the Nation.
Sinners of the world
Shake your greasy hands in joy
Sun is coming down.
Around the Holy Kaaba
‘Haji” in making!
A heavenly path
Rivers of human kindness
Should flow from your heart.
Whither destiny?
Men are puppets in His Hands
Life is a ‘Maya’
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Love is sacrifice
Perturbation of love’s heart
Roses amidst thorn
Cravings of old age
Yearn for an illumined mind
To merge peacefully.
Chanting of ‘Mantras’
Call of ‘Muezzin’ for prayers
Water fall, Blessings.
‘Manna’ and ‘Salva
A divine gift from heaven
Virtue begets love.
Cawing of the crow
Cooing of the nightingale
Praise be to the Lord.
Fresh morning dew, winds
To exhilarate the mind
Destiny at door.
I am mad in love
Every vein has turned sacred
Honey, divine love.
O! Spirit of light
Open my eyes for wonders
Sun, Moon, Stars make life.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Intricate designs
To marvel at the beauty
Of a Master Hand.
Beauty at display
Multi-million flowers, plants
Of floral designs.
Be so practical
Search for wisdom in green life
Keep memories fresh.
Anger, jealousy
Inner tsunami of Soul
To cause destruction.
Sufis seldom sleep
meditation in the night
Enlightenment of soul.
Inner tsunami
Never befriend a cheat, thief
For your destruction.
A kind smiling face
A golden heart with good mind
A gift of Nature.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Commit countless sins
Destruction of human mind
Wait for divine wrath.
Omens in the sky
Haley’s comet in the sky
Sign of divine wrath.
Soul’s repentation
Countless sins and evil ways
Purify the mind
Pleasures disappoint
Return of prodigal son
Now turn a new leaf.
Roses in the garden
Sufis with pure crystal mind
Saints to guide mankind.
Cut stones from mountains
Ruin the trees of the forest
Divine writ follow.
River of life flows clear
Sea weeds obstruct its clear path
Divinity works.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Put controls to mind
When faced with storms, wind, lightning
Silence is golden.
Shun your duality
May joys bubble in the heart?
Sing songs for the Lord.
Enemies falsity
Rumors turning friends to foes
Patience is virtue.
Destructive thinking
Mind and Soul going berserk
Do meditation.
Roof on head falls down
Soul in grief, pangs sorrows
Seek help from the Lord.
Sheets covering sins
Glowing lamps drive out darkness
Enlighten yourselves.
When you could get fire
On rubbing of the dried sticks
Warm hearts instill love.
Melt away like ice
End anguishes, endless pain
Look for Lord in heart.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Mausoleums of Saints
Glorify your inner self
Draw inspiration.
None original
We are puppets in Lord’s hand
Now dance to His tunes.
Cherish noble souls
They are gift to mankind
To shower blessings.
Knowledge is power
My Guru, kindred spirit
To enlighten me
Last leg of journey
Reaching the sky, twilight zone
To merge with the Lord
My adversaries
Attack my body and soul
Cause for stress and strain
Attachment to body, soul
Get released from bonds.
Mother’s lap and love
Embracing and enfolding light
Of Divine Master.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
You see Divine Love
In the lap of the Mother Earth
Bears food for the hungry.
Master indulgent
Allows His child to do mischief
A Divine ‘leela’.
Nature at its work
Divine with trillion eyes, hands
Man woman for love
Songs are in my heart
Let fingers move on the flute
Music makes me sing.
Air, water, sand storms
Lightening reduces to ashes
The ego of man.
Horizons of life
Curtain to reflect colors
Sing songs of joys, cheers.
Gift from God the Great
A rich mind with common sense
Brings peace to the world.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Lifelong ‘Sadhana’
In search of a truth life
Mahatma Gandhi
Ring in and ring out
To bring cosmic harmony
All march hand in hand.
A leaf on the waves
Glides quietly along the shore
Souls meet the Divine.
Purity of mind
knowledge, grace, love
Destroys low descent!
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Do not call me mad
My love is for all to see
Unabashed, I cry
When Adam, Eve cast away
Where do you stand, O Peeran!
O! Blackened sinner!
Darker than the burnt charcoal
Bury your face in earth
Hide your dark soul in white sheets
You are unfit for my love!
People of all faiths
Masquerading, destroying
In the name of Lord
Beauty of Mother Nature
Creating storms after storms.
With wings of angels
Soaring in bliss, ecstasy
Mother Teresa
Thou art angelic beauty
Queen of hearts, succor of poor.
Holed up like a rat
Like a hermit in a cage
In meditation
To reach pinnacle of peace
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
A great man in the making.
Great men seldom weep
Like tigers they show their strength
Standing like statues
On the pedestal of love
To conquer the hearts of men.
I am satisfied
With the gifts received from Lord
It is miracle
We the weakness of our minds
We brave the storms of our lives.
Silence is golden
When soul soars out of body
And lips are sealed
Move about like silent Moon
Monuments shine forever.
A smile on the face
A sure way to Supreme bliss
Purity of mind
Diamonds sparkling in colors
Illuminating the soul.
Your servant seeking blessings
Forever a slave
Sincerely seeking Your Grace
For perpetual happiness.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Of various Religious Texts
Confounding mystery of Times
Forever remain confused.
Love has no barriers
Every stone is not diamond
Beauty is hidden
Pearls are not in open streams
True and sincere love is rare.
Refined in manners
Men of beauty are like gems
They are rarely found
They are men, par excellence
Fortune doesn’t smile on all.
World’s mirth is for all
Every heart filled with desire
Resolves to seek it
But those who hear Divine call
Are rid of desire.
A heart filled with love
A call comes from Divine
To shun the life’s coil
They become one with Nature
To emit Nature’s beauty.
Seek thou shall find it
The fragrance scent and beauty
But one needs patience
Divine life is not for all
One needs to be virtuous.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Knowledge is power
Charity begins at home
Clean your mind and heart
In the sweet garden of life
Fill with love and affection.
Behold the beauty
Soon, by and by you will find
Life’s pleasures are to pass by
Look for SOMETHING permanent
A recluse mystic
Has neither will nor desire
To fill his clean mind
To seek the worldly fortunes
And luxuries of the life.
Lady Fathima
Throws search beams from the
Light house. Is beacon of guide
For men of piety, goodness
Sind paeans for Holy Lady.
Onset of crescent
On parching sandy desert
Where sins aplenty
An illumined mind with clear soul
Pronounced the whole truth.
Holy cross at Rome
Holy Pope with a scepter
Guides the hearts of men
Where Christ dwells in humble hearts.
To purify mind and soul.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Master of Yoga
Lord Shankaracharya
Vedas and Gita
With deep penance and in trance
Realised the inner soul.
The Ten Commandments
Are Ten pillars of beauty
Truth is beautiful
For mankind to live in peace
Without any strife and war.
Guru Nanakji
With disciple Mardana
A Muslim Fakir
Travelled the whole world for Truth
To illumine disarrayed men.
Lord Mahavira
Thou art a realized soul
For humanity
To teach Truthful Ahimsa
Austerity, clean business.
Songs the letters sing
With pathos and grief
When lost in turbulent sea
Amidst life’s grave situations.
Voices, sound in mind
Images dancing to its tune.
Is it Master’s voice?
A call from the unknown realm.
To reach to oblivion.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
A philosophic
Person of virtue and mirth
Is caught in a web
In cocoon, he hides himself.
To emerge as butterfly.
Blessed are those, who thank
The gifts that Nature bestows.
Who accept with joy
And pass the life, gleefully.
Weathering the storms every day.
Love is eternal
And itself is infinite
One who touches it
Touches the Merciful Lord
Express your thanks, gratitude.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Sun shines
On minds
Pure and simple.
True love
Is mingling
Of souls
In ageless
We beg
To differ
On God –
Almighty –
For we are
In self-doubt!
is a symbol
of Nature,
In peace
And tranquility.
And scents –
Fragrance in the air,
The burning of agar –
A reminder,
Of the beloved.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Love and affection
Sacrifice and Charity
Single minded devotion
A sure way to Supreme Bliss.
And Superstition
Distorted lie
Made to appear as Truth
Plurality of gods
Idol worship
Mind’s ingenuity
And creativity
Mother of all virtues –
Patience, tolerance and love
Service to mankind,
Solar Eclipse
Time for reflection.
Mind bound
In superstition.
Self confession
And remorse
Cleans heart of guilt
A sure way to Success
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Mecca and Kabba
Beckon one
To life of love
And brotherhood,
For man to display
Calls for prayers
To sinew
Practice of grace
And spiritualism.
Mother’s Love
Is all embracing
Nature’s spirits
At display
Cosmic harmony
At discount.
We offer
Handful of flowers,
To the departed Soul
To console our hearts.
Is expanding
So is mind
A unique union.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Life is puzzling maze
So very difficult to reach the centre
The point, the home, the ‘Kaaba’
I think only a fortunate few succeed.
Adam and Eve had only one fall
But mankind today is having
Daily fall minute by minute.
None to save them from falling into abyss.
You have to journey the whole world
To know its vagaries and its mirth.
To know its slipperiness and its pitfall.
Only to realize, treasure lies below your own feet.
What nature leaves imperfect, the art perfects.
Man, a second creator of the world, a prefect.
Giving to the world its objective existence.
Consciousness removing all the defects.
Compassion and Mercy is at work all the time
To save man from happening of the crime,
And the incredible pain and suffering.
To give man joy and laughter in his prime.
Quran is crystal clear reasonableness.
Not magic chicanery to win hearts.
With darkness, deaf ears, blind eyes.
Knowledge is a prism to throw rainbow colors.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Hundreds die during pilgrimages
In most holy places
At Makka or Sabri Malai
By stampede or fire, what wisdom lies?
Lips get sealed without movement.
Turn to frost like cold snow,
When the burning lamp inside pops.
Is heat and fire life, coldness, death?
Man has passed through cave age
Stone Age and Iron Age.
Bigoted age with cold symbols.
To the age of enlightenment
Roses in December bring hopes
For fresh stream of life anew.
To spread fragrance in air afresh.
Life is a mixture of shade and light.
A drop separated yearns to join the ocean
To mingle and drown in nothingness.
Multitudes spring in myriad rain bowed colors
Alas all merge to make a silvery screen.
So many bleeding hands work
To bring joys for the millions.
Love is a soothing balm
To the burning hearts
Days will pass, months and seasons
But my love to you will never wane.
My spirits will enliven, my smiles will increase.
Love and love alone will cherish my soul.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Yesterday is dead, today is alive
Make most of it in a good way
To allow tomorrow to arrive any way
In a bright and a surer way.
Yesterdays were full of pains & sorrows
You resisted evil, walked in straight way
Today has come to you in a better way
Keep your goodness, let tomorrow be gay.
Sow not evils in the sand of time
For it sprouts into a thorny plant
To give fruits of bitter taste
You reap what you sow today.
Let every day be a new & fresh day
Forget the past sultry day
Make best use of today with tears
For tomorrow will bring you no fears.
Remember not yesterday’s battles
About gory bloodshed & injuries.
Smoothen today with love and affection
So that tomorrow doesn’t bring affliction
Unmindful of the cruel ways of fate
I put in heart & soul in my way
Days, months and years passed by
Bearing honeyed sweet fruits for me
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
I worked hard all my way
With love and affection in my heart
Unmindful of sorrows binding me
My cheerful today is thanks giving for me.
Unmindful of my enemies’ mechanizations
I dedicated every day for my work
To make it perfect in every way
Today, I look back with satisfaction.
Sincere to the core, honest and true,
I flowered my way all along.
Though, the path was strewn with weeds and thorns.
Today, I retired without having any blues.
With tears of repentance relive your life
Make way for tomorrow to arrive.
Work hard all day long with sweetness.
Let your future come without sadness.
Don’t go to battle field unarmed
Your bitterest enemy will slice you
Be ever prepared and ready
Work hard with Truth and honesty.
For one who sees and accepts Truth,
Is to arrive at the threshold
Of enlightenment and knowledge.
To wash away sins and purify oneself.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The faith in truth, its intensity & rig our
And power to convert and transform hearts
Cannot be measured by rationality.
Its very sincerity attests to its nature.
Flow of tears from tender loving heart
Are expression of deep love.
A tender rose is a rare beauty,
Which brings pleasure on its sight.
The pangs of separation from beloved
Is expressed with flow of streams of love.
It shows the tenderness of the heart.
Love is a beautiful flower of life.
It is not enough to recognize
The existence of solitary Truth
But requires every human heart
To bid for it and embrace it.
Forgiveness is a shining sword
To slash the boastfulness of the enemy.
Love, affection alone can win their hearts.
Dawn of Truth is a defining moment.
Don’t idolize the faults in your heart.
Cleanse the same with purity of light.
Let the inner and outer life.
Be for worship of the Great One.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Journey to the ‘Kaaba’ of your heart
The centre, the point of love,
From where emits the light
That encapsulates the being.
Forgiveness is a great virtue
To unite the hearts in a bond
From which flows the milk of human kindness
To nurture humanity in peace.
Only the fearless can weather the storms
The stricken humanity succumb & fall
Like Adam & Eve than to seek His pardon.
O Lord! Your Grace can save humanity.
Before the wrath of the Lord
Visit our threshold with its ‘namaste,’
Let us submit and seek His pardon
Seek forgiveness for the erring humanity.
What a seizure of soul, body and mind?
When the message dawned on purified soul
To convey to the waiting humanity.
Purified souls suffer for erring souls.
Large majority of people live in self-doubt.
They are yet to understand the meaning
And purpose of life, the ideals
And straight paths to walk upon.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
Those who have a purpose in life
Have found peace in their hearts.
Gather together, join hands in hands.
Live in harmony, happiness & joy.
Those who get disturbed from straight paths
Lose peace of mind for a while
Till they find the path and light.
Love is a good anchor to face storms.
I reached a point in my life
When destiny freed me from wants.
I am self-sufficient & satisfied
To live a life of freedom and rest.
What punishment can a particle of a dust have?
It’s elimination and extinction is just sufficient
Man is not even a speck in the entire cosmos.
What meaning does it have for abyss or heaven?
Our prayers are mere wishes.
If wishes become true and horses
“Beggars would ride them.”
Individually and collectively
Humanity has to put enormous efforts
For elimination of hunger and thirst,
For clothing, for joy and happiness.
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
It is easy to survive than to die.
Death does not come on bidding.
Nor on prayers or on lamentation.
A candle has to burn out itself
In this strive torn condition of life.
We look askance, hither & thither
We look for sympathy, kindness
And yearn for love and goodness.
A tree is known by the fruit
It bears bitter, sour or sweet
Man is gifted by consciousness
Intelligence, to be judged by his conduct.
In this journey of listless life
We watch and experience
Umpteen people’s completion of life.
Realise about straight path of right and justice.
I am in the side wings
Watching the making and
Unmaking of destiny of many
Lonely roses, like solitary reaper.
To usher in goodness, kindness
Humanity needs lots of patience
Enormous hopes, steadfastness.
To see the fruits of endeavors.
Life lived in abject poverty, austerity.
What pleasures can paradise give?
What pain can hell mean?
Dust unto dust, lie to perish
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
God said “Be”, lo and behold!
The universe has come into existence
With its own laws, Natural, Physical.
Man is subject to cosmic control.
Man is prepared to give up heaven
When temptations grip the mind.
A well laid garden is destroyed
And his state is reduced to zero.
To regain lost paradise
The heavenly divine pleasures,
One needs to reduce to zero,
By shedding oceanic tears of repentance.
Every good deed is rewarded
Every wrong deed is punished
One needs to balance life
By reducing evil, raising goodness.
God created man for love
But placed in his heart
Temptation, lust, anger, greed.
A test to overcome, to reach love.
Love is a gift from celestial being
To perpetuate Compassion and Mercy
For healthy living and marvel on the creation
Life is for sacrifice and charity i.e. giving.
S. L. Peeran
What the reviewers have said about my poetry as follows:
Dr. Krishna Srinivas editor-in-chief of Poet in his ‘Foreword’ to my work In
Golden Times had this to say:
“Like Blake, Peeran sees the world in a grain of sand and
eternity in an hour. An administrator lisping in numbers may
sound strange but Muse in Peeran has blossomed into many
splendored exuberance in this collection of poems (Golden Times)
Every moment of Time is a mountain. Invisible, magical realities beyond
our senses float out of the unconscious, when the boundaries between
the self and world are crossed. It opens expanded moments. The poet
dives into these moments – one with nature, its darkness and mystery.
Thus poems gleam as magical chalices, reality winking at the brim. Here
in this collection, there is a self-discovery new ground to liberate
And further penned –
“He writes Haiku and Tanka with illumined vision. There is inner vibrancy, a
matchless verbal incantation in his lyrics! They gleam as flames, intense and fine.
They have visible brilliance. They have deep poignancy. And there is passionate
naturalness in all he writes.”
Dr. (Mrs.) S. Radhamani in her ‘Foreword’ to my work In Golden Moments
had this to say:
“I consider it my fortuitous and fortunate occasion of privilege and
memorable opportunity to write a ‘Foreword’ to poetical collections
titled, In Golden Moments by S. L. Peeran. S. L. Peeran’s In Golden
Moments comprising 103 poems indeed is a compendium of his
profound observation of so much of wide themes such as Love, Death,
Sleep, Penury, Loneliness, Isolation, Ennui, God, Godliness, Etc. At a
time when materialism I rampant, selfishness is taking luminous
proportions, S. L. Peeran, analyses in a lucid manner simultaneously the
crude stark realities perpetrated by the stigma of the society on the
downtrodden and oppressed:
“Life is meaningless for the wretched;
They lack sense and strength to fight or revolt
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Multitudes suffer with them, parched
None possesses a will to change or to bolt”
(“Chill Penury and Poverty”)
His poems bring to light avidly the poet’s keen sense of observation,
which lead to sententious remarks.
“….But black deeds of evil men, leave no trace.”
While Dr. C. L. Khatri, editor of Cyber Literature, in his ‘foreword’ to my work
A Ray of Light writes:
“It has been my pleasure to go through S. L. Peeran’s manuscript of ‘A
Ray of Light’ and to pen down my personal response to it more as a
reader than as a critic. S. L. Peeran is a seasoned poet with a clear vision
of life, unsoiled, unaffected by the western cultural onslaught. In this
anthology as in his earlier ones he comes out as one of the few poets in
Indian English poetry who has overcome the lingering wasteland
sensibilities looming large around us. Certainly the Sufist impact on him
keeps him smiling in his lines of verse. Even in a poem like “Turmoil’s
of Life” the final note is of triumph. In this volume calm, serene and
brooding atmosphere prevails upon the occasional sentimental outburst
of anger and protest with an ultimate optimism.
……Peeran is essentially a poet of faith, love, compassion and inner
wisdom. The present anthology is an exploration of light with a Sufistic
mission to spread the light of the finer sensibilities imbued in our
religions. In this way poetry serves as his vehicle.”
Shri Srinivasa Rangaswami in his ‘Foreword’ to my work in Silent Moments
had these words to say:
“Shri S. L. Peeran, a Judicial Member of the Customs, Excise & Gold
(Control) Appellate Tribunal, is a fascinating combination of a humane,
God-loving soul of rare refinement of sensitivity, suffused with Sufistic
thought and enriched and mellowed by wide experience of life, garnered
from a habit of deep reflection and detached observation especially from
the vantage point of his high judicial office. “Seek peace, love, goodwill/In
calm stillness of the night/Deep meditation”, says Shri Peeran somewhere. In
Silent Moments obviously is the outcome of such meditation, when the
mind is stilled and deep truths glow, from the depths of one’s being, on
the horizon.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Poetry is an incantation of the soul, celebration of the abiding varieties
of our human existence. It mirrors a perception of the world peculiar of
each poet. What invests the present collection of Shri Peeran’s poetry
with special significance is the exciting fact that it affords us a glimpse of
its author’s unique, colorful creative presence. Poetry is not merely
putting together some clever lines. It is, like falling in love, a serious and
blissful proposition. And, Peeran’s poetry is born out of the
confrontation of his whole being with Reality – with the luminous truths
of life as well as its seamier manifestations. As the poet himself says, his
poems are born from inner turmoil, inner sorrows, inner questionings,
inner joys, inner frustrations and ecstasies.
Speaking at a seminar in Bangalore years ago, poet Gordon Hindley
observed: “I define poetry as that utterance which, apparently presenting a
particular – an individual – thing or event, in fact emphasizes the universal
experience within which the particular thing or event occurs. True poetry thus
leads us beyond the personal towards an even more immediate yet greater
awareness. It brings about an awakening; and enrichening of our nature.”
And proceeding to cite some specimens of poetry which according to
him accomplished this, the speaker quoted among others some of Shri
Peeran’s verses. Can there be a better tribute paid to a poet? Shri Peeran
is a delectable fusion of a serene elevated soul with the sensitivity and
sensuousness of an aesthetic being. A genuine reverence and wonder for
Nature and an all-enveloping love run through all his utterances. With
moving faith he voices his fervent hope:
“Somewhere, someone, someday
Will sow the seeds of affection
To bloom as fragrant flowers
To fill the gardens of love.”
And further concluded by saying:
“Poet Peeran is a mellowed individual, in consuming love with life with all its
beauty – and yes, its ugliness as well. A haiku of his speaks of a moth:
A candle flickers
A moth circumambulates, burns
In ever deep love.
One is left wondering whether Poet Peeran here is not speaking of
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Dr. Gordon Hindley in his review of A Search from Within writes:
“S. L. Peeran is a worthy Lakshana or sign post of the best in all of us and in
Indian English writing.”
While Bernard Jackson in his review of Golden Moments writes:
“A delightful collection by a writer who combines sincerity with craftsmanship – a
fine command of English!”
Dr. D. C. Chambial (editor, poet, critic) in his ‘Foreword’ to my eighth collection
of poems Fountains of Hopes writes:
“The poems are topical in consonance with the mood of the poet at its best in his
moments of imaginative gleamings from the moods of the inspired world. The
poet partakes them with his readers: it is here a poet moves into the minds of his
readers and lets them experience, for themselves, the same joy and sorrow, hope
and despair that he has felt in his moments of ecstasy.”
Dr. M. Fakruddin, editor of Poet International in his ‘Foreword’ to seventh
collection of poems New Frontiers writes:
“S. L. Peeran is a bilingual poet. He writes in Urdu and in English very effectively.
You can easily find Sufism in his verses. He has carved out a style for himself. His
expressions are very simple but powerful. The usage of syntax and rhyme scheme in
his poems created an impact in the minds of the readers. Naturally, he gives more
importance to the content than the structural form while expressing his thoughts.”
In his ‘Foreword’ to the ninth collection of poems In Rare Moments Dr.
Krishna Srinivas, editor of Poet says:
“Peeran has gained many distinctions and he is the right man to regain what all
we have lost. He cries down the crimes and injustices that prevail everywhere
today. Like President Kalam and Daisaku Ikeda of Japan, he visions a paradise
that will come.”
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Dr. C. Anna Latha Devi in her ‘Introduction’ of my ninth collection of poems
In Rare Moments writes:
“Poet Peeran has created a special place for himself in the galaxy of Indian English
poetry. It is indeed a pleasure to read Peeran’s poems because though long or short,
lyric or haiku, they are packed with thoughts to ponder. Mathew Arnold, the great
critic of poetry has advocated in his study of poetry that there must be perfect
blending of “matter and manner” or subject and style”, two essential qualities to
make a perfect work of art.
These are blended in such a way that Peeran’s poems belong to the Great Order of
Poetry. Moreover, the poems bear the stamp of Poet Peeran combined with
uniqueness which can be termed as “Peeransique”, (if I am permitted to use the
Dr. Shujaat Hussain observes In Sacred Moments, as follows:
“Dr. S. L. Peeran is a kind of poet having enchanting appeal of a poetic melody
with seriousness of the meaning and reality of the thought. He is a particular sort
of poet who indulges in useful and upgrading expressions that lead and arouse
healthy passions that favors the art of poetry. Dr. Peeran is so much engrossed in
perception of poetry that he composes poetry in praise of God, the truth and
condemns falsehood and all sort of evils that delude man from right thinking. The
English Sufi poet Peeran is to be known for In Sacred Moment, a monument of
excellent rhetoric which dexterously combines experience and demonstration of the
way to salvation. Some devotional poems therein combine a homely familiarity
with religious experience and fervor and a reverent sense of its magnificence. His
verse is marked by virility of thought, decency of tone, precision of language,
metrical versatility, and profound piercing feeling. His verses are thought so worthy
to be preserved. Many of the poems have different rhyme schemes, and variations of
lines within stanzas. His individuality magnifies his stature among Peeran’s peers
in the realm of poetry.”
Dr. (Prof) Masood ul Hasan, Former Dean of English Aligarh Muslim
University in his ‘Introduction’ to the eleventh collection Glittering Love has this
to say:
“The present volume focuses on the twin and mutually complementary
themes of Love and luminosity – the core of Islamic mysticism too.
Naturally, notes of tolerance and suleh-ekul (equal respect and peace for
all creeds) predominate for example’ the poem “Free from All” opens on
this note;
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
“He has kept his doors open
All the time, everywhere
In many forms and shapes.
Big vacant halls, cathedrals,
Temples with deities. Idols.”
In this complex, pluralistic Indian ethos the relevance and value of this
spiritual Dimension can hardly be overstated. But Peeran’s debt to the
great Sufis’ endearing. Openness of mind spiritual legacy is evident and
in accord with his own spiritual lineage and leanings. The above-quoted
lines remind us of a few verses of the great Andalusian Sufi, Ibn-Arabi
(d.1240 A.D)“My heart is capable of every form/A cloister of the
monk/a temple for idols,/A pasture for gazelles, the votary’s kaabah/”.
True, gnosis illumines Peeran’s poem ‘Shining Truth’, and love for
mankind at large figures prominently in ‘Balance and Harmony.’ The same
universal love runs through the piece ‘Safe Shores’’ announcing the
protagonists resolve “to open widely the close doors/Of my heart, eyes and
ears/”.The shared spiritual virtues of “Saints, Rishies, Yogis and Prophets”
are acknowledged liberally in the poem ‘O Solitude’ and several other
pieces – a much needed balm for the creed – corroded modern man.
Spiritual love also forms the core of the poems like. “Refresh Your Soul,”
“Into oblivion” and “Self-Expression”, or ‘immersion’. Similarly the title
piece ‘Glittering Love’ throbs with devotion for the Divine Beloved;
“My every cell in my body
Feels the heat, feels for him
The Merciful and the Bountiful
Plays His tunes in my veins”
These lines recall the flute’s fancy in Rumi’s (d, 1275 (Mathnavi that may
be rendered into English as Dry my veins, dry body and dry my skin,/So
wherefrom comes the Friend’s call?/Humanism is the secular version of
Sufism, and the two are inseparably intertwined. Peeran flinches at the
sight of human suffering”
Dr (Prof) Masood Ul Hasan in his article ‘The Sanctified Muse of S.L. Peeran”
“Peeran enjoys the distinction of being the only Indo-Anglican Poet consistently
producing Sufic verse of considerable merit. His work promises to retain its freshness
and appeal for many years to come.”
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Patricia Prime concluded her review of Glittering Love as:
“I am delighted to declare that this is an excellent collection of poems.
Peeran is a hugely skilful wordsmith, and his careful technique always
creates meaning. His language is of such freshness and richness of
allusion that one willingly makes the effort to untangle the complex
connotation of a line or phrase. It is exciting to see a poet walk this line,
exhibiting as he does a vigor and freshness of imagination that delights
the heart and lifts the spirit.”
Patricia Prime reviewing Garden of Bliss has this to say:
“S.L. Peeran has been celebrated for his poetic imagery, his social, political and
moral alertness; his uncanny ability to make the ordinary extraordinary; and, not
least, a humor all his own. Gathering much of his material from the minutiae of
Indian philosophy, religion and culture, Peeran matches meditation on spiritual
concerns and the weight of history with a nimble wit, shifting to moments of
clear vision and intense poetic revelation”.
And further concludes:
“In these heartfelt poems, Peeran’s deep meditations and self-knowledge are
evidence of his ongoing spirituality and longing for peace and tranquility in the
world. It is a sobering collection as we see the poet examining the contemporary
scene, comparing it with what has passed and seeking change in an imperfect
world. While the poems in Garden of Bliss are moving and compassionate, they
do seek answers to the problems that beset us all in this ever-changing, disturbing
Patricia Prime in her ‘Foreword’ to Eternal Quest writes:
S.L. Peeran’s collection, Eternal Quest, exhibits a mature, thoughtful voice. The
poems are skilled and well-crafted. There is a deep love of the worlds of nature
and the imagination, which is not sentimental but knowledgeable and perceptive.
The more I read, the more I felt that most of the poems actually create a kind of
halfway house, halfway between the security of the imagination and the presence
of the real world. Peeran writes lyrics about people, places and ideas that no
matter how lucid they are – and they always are – rarely do they lose that element
of mystery, that sense of the numinous, which is inseparable from the best poetry:
the sense of something beyond the sense of what is there. In his poems he is able
to detach himself from the stress and conflict of the everyday world to connect
with his innermost self. In his poems he is able to bear witness to the
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
uninterrupted flow of events of the external world. His poems chronicle his
observations and communications between this world and his thoughts and ideas.
In Peeran’s writing he also engages with serious political concerns underscored
with deeply personal experiences. The world ‘out there’ of unrest, injustice and
conflict is not something to be compartmentalized but coexists with the domestic
on equal terms. A flower or a childhood memory blossoms next to the horrors of
conflict. He is not a poet to shy away from life but pushes language into its face
until it screams.
Poetry happens along the divide between thinking and dreaming, so what better
medium with which to address the equally pervasive duality of things as they are
versus things as we wish to see them: the It and the I which humanism has tried
to equate with objectivity and subjectivity; science has no more codified the
universal It than religion has the universal I. So here we are, in the poetry of S.L.
Peeran, a master poet, master of the interstice: the paradox that is our own cause
and effect.
Here is where we leave the innocent world for the world of moral responsibility.
Certainly, Eternal Quest, is a strong collection. Characteristically, serious in
mood, formally assured, wide-ranging in references and exploratory, the poems
may indeed be read as variations upon frames, stopping places, ideas and
meanings in a continuing journey. This is the travel or re-tracing, and the
possibilities of discovery remain open.
I enjoyed the poems you have penned. They flow like pure mountain stream
which enriches minds and nourishes souls. What comment can I make? I can
only say that I cherish them and read and reflect on the soulful themes you have
so gracefully sung from your heart. Thank you very much, and I am eternally
grateful to you for sharing with me your inspirational insight for my edification.
With love and deepest regards.
Ramprakash (IFS)Retired
Former Principal Chief Conservator of Forest
Member Managing Committee
Indian Institute of World Culture
Evergreen Pastures by S. L. Peeran is a collection of deep poems that will stir the
spiritual side of the readers. This collection of mystical poems comes straight from
the mind, heart and soul of the poet. The poems follow the life of the poet and are
definitive expression of the timeline of his own journey of transformation. Once
read, Peeran Sir’s poems often cannot be forgotten. The cloister to the intrinsic
evergreen pastures opens up after reading this volume; one will definitely undergo
a spiritual catharsis. His poems of spiritual substance captivate, inspire and
transform. Evergreen Pastures will captivate your mind, inspire your heart, and
transform your soul.
Chitra Lele,
Software Consultant, Award-winning Poet and
Record-setting Author of 11 books, including
The 6 Spheres of Life, Ignite the Inner Spark,
Waltz to the Future, Organizational Democracy and many more
S L PEERAN is a versatile character with tremendous talent of writing poetry of
multicolor and melody. He has composed many beautiful and meaningful books
of poetry touching almost all aspects of life. In evergreen pastures I am lot
attracted by Loves many facets, a great poem. The words, love has strength and
can make weak and frail hearts grow, sprout in pure form, great vision. He
further says love is not oppressed by custom or age. It oozes out from the hearts
that are kindly. Lovely words. Peeran ji has portrayed clear picture of a widow,
the pain she hides in the heart. In the poem truth he says truth is eternal and
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
complete with love. Truth is infinite it dwells in hearts pure, shows the spiritual
sight of the poet. Poet Peeran calls love a priceless present, very true, very true and
shows the depth in knowledge of life. I call him a shining star with soft bright
light beautifying land with sweet words having meaning grand I wish his poetry
be taken cognizance of and rewarded greatly.
Adil Afzal Sheik (poet writer)
Incidentally I am now responding to your Greetings and also complimenting you
on your prolific poetic work. The poems are quite soul-stirring. I fully share the
sentiments expressed in the responses from your numerous friends.
K.Sankararaman (IRS) Retired
Former Member Customs,
Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal New Delhi
Let me straightaway say that I am not a particularly keen connoisseur of the
poetry genre of literature. Even so, after going through some of your poems, I can
instinctively sense your approach of universality in matters of religion. Sufism, as
I understand it, takes a very broad view of the principles underlying all religions:
universal brotherhood, love, respect and tolerance of others whose views may not
correspond to yours – particularly in matters of religion. May I say, in all
humility, that it corresponds to my own vision, namely, that it should be the aim
and object of all religions to add to the sum total of human happiness and, at all
costs, to refrain from adding to the sum total of human misery of which our
today’s world has plenty and to spare. In sum, universal brotherhood and love.
And I see that it is this spirit that informs your poems. And a feel for Mother
nature in all her plenty and beauty.
I have listened to Sufi music a few times and have been moved by it though the
meanings of the lyrics, mostly in Urdu, have eluded me. I have read a few of your
poems. They are couched in simple language and are straight-from-the-heart stuff.
I am sure this compilation will find warm welcome at the hands of discerning
Warm regards,
G. Sankaran IRS (Rtd)
Former President
Customs, Excise and Gold Control Appellate Tribunal,
New Delhi
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
My brief comments since all other distinguished poets have already written
eloquently. Peeran’s Poetry is Sufi Poetry with Spiritual tinge. He has captured
many forms, and the compendium makes vibrant reading. Peeran’s penmanship
is brilliant and his command over English is not stretched just to rhyme. ‘Saffron
Lotus’ Life that India will have shortly, and ‘Secular Person’ being lost in
religious over-zeal, forgetting spirituality, caught my attention. This is a speed
world generation. If he were to reduce his longish poems to two or four line
poems, Peeran will become the Kabir of English Literature.
I wish him well.
Shanti, Salaam,
–Dr. Leo Rebello,
World Peace Envoy
The above observation of poets and large number of reviewers is the testimony of
my humble work. I cannot claim to be a poet of a very high standard or of merit.
My humble collection has drawn attention of reviewers, poets, Sufis and large
number of my friends to whom I am extremely grateful.
S.L. Peeran, Bengaluru
Dr. I.H. Rizvi on A Search from Within
S.L. Peeran is a poet with a mission. Having unshakable faith in God, he
believes that darkness will disappear, sorrows will vanish and goodness
will shine forever. It is not that he is not conscious of the darkness
around, of the evil expanding its boundaries, of terrorism showing its
demon-like teeth and of the destructive forces hovering around.
However, he is sure, like Browning, that “God’s in heaven” and if all is not
right with the world, it will be right soon. He believes in the supremacy
of the Supreme Being, in His mercy and His call for the merger of the
soul. God is ‘Divine Light, Mercy and Compassion’.
The poet’s faith in mysticism, Sufi-ism and spiritualism has confirmed
him as a poet of faith and hope, a poet with a healing touch and a
reminder to man of his duty towards himself, life, world, faith and God.
His poetry is the poetry of man and of all-embracing shades of life. His
Haiku poems present life in various shades and they cover life from end
to end – love, peace, politic s, fragrance, flowers, birds, tears, money,
wine, time, dreams, aspirations, hopes, man-woman relationship,
injustice, courage, all figure in his Haiku. Here is ‘God’s plenty’.
According to the poet, love is ‘a celestial gift to mankind’ and from the
top of the hill one gets the view of the fullness of life. The poet laments
that, instead of giving freedom to a child, we put a heavy load of books
on him. ‘Love is the child of man’ and innocent love in childhood is the
best slice of life. His poem ‘Man And Nature’ refers to the dawn of Islam,
its message, the sense of unity and show of courage against all odds. He
believes that truth and falsehood stand on opposite poles and lying holds
the sway in most cases but it cannot vanish the glory of truth. An
imposing, showy and ostentatious man is a hateful and ugly person,
according to the poet.
Peeran thinks that modern busy life with shortage of everything is a
curse, while hardworking men earning bread with the sweat of their
brow are blessed with peace at heart. He indulges in direct moralizing in
many poems like “Gather Knowledge” and “Trample Your Ego”. “Light
Within” enlightens the soul, but anger and lust shut out the heavenly
light. He strikes an optimistic note in many poems. He wishes to “let the
reflections of his master shine in the mirror of his heart. Places of
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
worship are holy springs and a source of inspiration and ecstasy – “Holy
Springs Overcome Hurdles” conveys a message of hope. Wherever the poet
finds injustice, it pinches the heart of the poet. – “Be Discreet in Approach”.
The poet does not wish to add to the misery and confusion by
complaining, for systems are in conflict and disharmony with each other.
– “Complain, To Whose Avail”. “Poojas And Homas For Shanti” throws light
on the Hindu customs of offerings for the departed soul. The dark fire of
“Kama” has an ill effect on man. –“Fire of Kama”.
Melancholy note may be discovered at many places in the collection.
Sorrow touches the poet’s heart at sad and pitiable sights. The poet
expresses deep grief at the death of dear ones in “Death Of Close Ones”.
The sorrowful plight of a man who has lost everything has been
presented in “Dawn of Madness”. The sad lot of a damsel who is deserted
by her lover after he has spoilt her chastity has been described in a way,
which touches our hearts. Autumn has ushered in her life. The poem has
lovely ending.
The dark side of life is also death with by the poet. The dark ‘one’
hidden in a person betrays him – “A Betrayer”. The artfulness of ‘a
deceptive lady’ is exposed in the poem of that name. Disrespectful
behavior of persons is responsible for ‘love fast’ among them – “Love
Lost”. “Yearnings of a Soul” reflects yearning for the lost beloved in quite
touching words.
However, life moves on as Nature does. It sets ‘milestones to reach safely to
the goal’. – ‘Life’s Goal’. Time is ‘a wonderful cycle’ and ‘keeps moving on and
on in multiple colors with various hues forever,’ and it is an infinite process.
‘The King Of the Forest’ deals with the majesty of the lion.
The poet preaches the feelings of universal brotherhood. According to
him, everyone should instill ‘a filial feeling of oneness of bliss’ among the
people. – “Let Us Worship”.
“Agni-Fire” is a very nice poem in which fire speaks of its constructive
role for human beings as also of its power to strike against evil. In
“Water, Water – Everywhere”, water also speaks of its all-embracing might.
The role of wind is spoken of in “I Am Wind”. “Dust thou art and to dust
returnest” is the theme of “Dust Unto Dust”. “Cheer Up” is an optimistic
poem and “Spring Time” presents the joy of life. In the bargain of life a
person hopes for gain alone, but the bubble bursts soon. – “Is Life A
‘Breath In And Breath Out’ throws light on the value of meditation.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
‘Soar Higher And Higher’ inspires man to soar on wings of love’s glory.
S.L. Peeran has deep faith in love, beauty, charm, light, hope, goodness,
sincerity, piety, innocence, grace, sympathy, pity and faith. He is deeply
struck by the Cupid’s dart. To him separation from the beloved is
The poet is ‘a boat without sails’ without his love. He laments over his
miserable condition and feels utter despair in separation from her.
According to him, love is an all-embracing power and its song is the
sweetest song. A number of poems on the theme of love speak of love’s
sweetness, glory, healing power, joy, longing, separation, meeting and
fulfillment. Love is the divine light which cures all ills of life and purifies
the heart. “Sanity”.
However, as always, the poet shows unshakable faith in God in “O
Chosen One” and “Mercy And Compassion”.
Some titles of the poems in the collection are very poetic like “Let Love
And Beauty Reign Again”. The Wordsworthian thought that Nature
sympathizes with man is presented in the poem “A Street Boy”. There are
many mystical poems like “Zenith”, “Liberation” sings of the glory of
God while “Daily Supplication” presents pantheistic thoughts.
Peeran warns man not to destroy himself by nuclear power:
“Destroy yourself ”. His heart is lacerated at the sight of notorious hyenas,
wolves, vultures and other destructive elements. He is also conscious of
the approach of the “ultimate reality” in the poem “Reaching The Shores”. I
feel S.L. Peeran is like a swimmer with his eyes towards heaven and with
full confidence in his power to swim, with the help of mystical and
philosophical oars and with hope to reach the shores one day.
J. Gordon Hindley on A Search From Within
When I met the poet, S.L. Peeran, my pleasure in his writing was
confirmed. Here was no person who, like Wordsworth, could father an
illegitimate child, then, as a long absent father, upon seeing his child
again, pour out an affectation of deep sincerity for the admiration of the
world. Here is a writer who said what he meant and meant every word
of it from the inner most core of his being. That sincerity to which so
few can aspire was obvious in his person, self-evident perhaps to those
who, like Peeran have fed on the words of Moulana Jalal ud din Rumi
that most expressive of Sufis.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
From early schooling at St. Joseph’s College at Bangalore, S.L. Peeran
moved through the Government Law College and the National Institute
of Social Sciences, which admirably prepared him for work with
personnel and industrial law; he becoming, after some years of law
practicing as Professor of Law at the Heavener Law College; from which
he was elevated to his present position as the judicial member of our
Customs, Excise and Gold (Control) Appellate Tribunal, first in New
Delhi and now at Madras. This dedication, and the field of it – the
precision of thought, insight and logic required – prepared his ready and
fertile mind for the greater task in hand. Peeran says that, even in his St.
Joseph’s days, though they were not his main subjects, his teachers
nurtured and distilled in him his abiding love for Urdu and English verse.
This love, it seems, is a familial trait: he saying that his grandfather and
those before him, sophistically inclined, owned private collections of
Persian and Urdu verse. Like Moulana Rumi, who met Shamsi Tabriz, his
instructor, after his 60 year, Peeran by his own confession came late to
verse. In his 48th year, he began to write, first in Urdu then in English.
I mention this literary pedigree because it reveals the material grounding,
expressed as a family tradition, love of learning, responsibility of
temperaments and inherent warmth and compassion for all manner of
the disabled, that is the absolute and unwavering prerequisite for any
artist – anywhere – who is to become or to be the voice of the observant
and aspiring amongst us.
We have only to add the sincerity and fervor prerequisite for total
commitment, and what we have before us is a poet; poet concerned with
the tumult and pains and doubts of our daily living, only – and I repeat
only – insofar as these, by their very negation, point up the presence and
overriding experience of life as it can be lived – as it can be experienced –
by those amongst us who choose to be committed, and then follow up
that conviction in body, mind, heart, and in the essential spirit.
Such a writer is S.L. Peeran. I have his manuscripts, and copies of the
books he has published. I now review his “A Search From Within” which
is in my hands as I write.
This is not the verse to exhibit by quoting this line or that out of context.
Here we are savoring and looking at both – essence and the whole; s o I
quote two verses in full, then add my summary.
The wintery fog, the snowy weather;
the dry sultry and parching summers;
he stormy cyclones, tempests;
the overflowing rivers inundating me.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
the drought has created famine:
not a drop of water to drink,
to quench the dried-out tongue;but my lips haven’t failed to sign thy praise.
Oh my soul, burn and burn...
someday, somewhere, love will thrive.
We are all millions of zeros but,
all of us lining together besides the great only one,
have gained great value.
The great One is all – alone –
but we millions of zeros
by praising and singing paeans
for that one, have gained glory.
Many petals are held by a single stalk
to form a beautiful flower;
tor nectar and fragrance,
to delight all with its beauty.
Love emits sweet scent
for all to enjoy its bliss.
I am an Englishman writing in English. As such, if I have insight, I am
drawn to the compassion and maturity of Peeran’s writing. I find that the
107 pages of short verse that make up the first part of “A Search From
Within” encompass almost every well-meaning feeling and sentiment we
have and, as such, are as wide-ranging as a Book of Psalms; – and are
equally comforting. I therefore recommend these verses as a bedside
reading: the reading of them will give much hope and comfort. Every
verse is an appeal, and begs us to respond. It is easy to do so.
My only lament is the very Indian syntax. I have read S.L. Peeran’s
verses at Festivals in Britain. They have an immediate and the desired
impact but, with a change of word here and there, and a syntactical
word-shift without changing either the impact or the meaning, both
impact and meaning could be made more clear. Indian readers and
hearers of this verse may not have this problem. I give but one example:
The darkness grows and grows in eerie silence;
Without, the cold silent moon in the blue sky’
Twinkling stars are covered with a blanket of dark clouds.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
This is an evocation of a late Rajput or Moghul painting of dusk or
dawn determined by the fullness or the crescent of the moon. But the sky
is not blue or if it is almost black; – and the painter’s mixing of day and
night (a curious convention) is misplaced here where that convention
does not exist.
So, perhaps, I can beg the poet to be as exact in his scrutiny of the
‘outside world’ as he is in his judicial, keen and always appropriate
appreciation in depth of our human plight and growth.
S.L. Peeran is a worthy lakhshana or signpost of the best in all of us and
in Indian English Writing.
I recommend A Search From Within to all. They will not be disappointed.
I now come to the final section of S.L. Peeran’s book. It is of 156 Haiku,
some whimsical, some critical, and some profound. All follow, easily
and adroitly, the 5-7-5 syllabic requirement, so admonishing with
scholarly restraint those who cannot write a haiku correctly pretending
they know better; – and there is a haiku for almost every mood and
occasion, from the most bitter to the glad. I quote but one of these. It
encapsulates the book:
Remove mind’s tension
Sing songs of heart’s contentment
To remain in joy
We can be thankful for such writing.
Courtesy Poet, March-2002 (J. G. Hindley)
(Also published in Journal of Poetry society of India)
Bernard M.Jackson on A Search from Within
Come, Come, let us fill our vacuums
In heart, in mind and in our souls
With love, affection and warmth
Illumine with million lights of knowledge. (“Purify Ourselves”)
In his informative ‘Preface’, S.L. Peeran, poet and mystic, tells us that
“Poetry is a powerful form of expression of yearnings of the inner
consciousness and soul of a mystic, a Sufi or a yogi.” – Certainly, many
poets in other areas of the world have, in recent years, sensed a new
universal spiritual awakening and, despite differences in religious beliefs,
we are united in those finer motivations of the soul. Exemplary features
of Peeran’s poetry are his abounding love for God’s created world,
together with a glowing sincerity, born of a certain childlike wonderment
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Sincerity touches the heart
Touches everyone indeed
Touches infinity surely
Sincerity is pure and simple. (“Sincerity”)
The simplicity of this poet’s versification is polarized by the sheer power
of his delivery. I admire a writer whose poetry is imbued with passion,
and here indeed is a man who speaks from the heart.
He finds his absolutes in his higher yearnings, for Love and Truth are
facets of the same Divine revelation. When Peeran reflects on such
matters, he is not preaching, but merely clarifying those perceptions that
are common to us all:
You need a good seed and soil
For a good plant to grow.
It needs to be nurtured with toil,
Protected by sweat of the brow. (“A Master To Nurture Love”)
It is often said that ‘One should never judge a book by its cover’, but in this
case I feel we may safely do so. The cover illustration, itself is a
masterpiece of symbolic representation, pinpointing with such clarity the
underlying aims, motivation and ethos of this collection, as a whole. I
would very much like to extend my congratulations to the artist
responsible. Of course, the title of the book, A Search From Within,
obviously indicates a return to roots. Peeran has been blessed with a
happy childhood, and in his poem, ‘My Mother’, the poet pays tribute to
his loving memories of her and the protective care with which she had
nurtured him. There are love poems, too, but the ‘Beloved’ mentioned in
those verses is surely not, as one might have expected, some
exceptionally beautiful lady; rather this ‘Beloved’ is the very
personification of the spirit of Love, itself, which Peeran maintains is
bestowed upon the Just by the
‘O Omnipotent One, The Creator’
“O praised one, the deliverer of all souls
Let my tears of love be my humble gift.” (“My Last Wish”)
Peeran firmly avers that one’s love must be childlike, innocent and freely
responsive, and here again he returns to his roots in that same meditative
contemplation of this tremendous absolute in his life:
Go back, go back to the love
You found in the sweet childhood.
he lullabies and the kisses,
The hugging and the patting
The caressing and the outpourings. (“Childhood Love”)
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
In his concluding lines to this overly 14-line poem he declares
“Love, thou are the child of man,
Pure, unspoilt flowing with blessings.
This poem recalls for me the words of Jesus Christ when he duly stated,
“Unless you be as little children, you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” To
one who has ever lived his life in comfort, and has apparently never
known what it really means to live a life of destitution without adequate
food and shelter it is of course all too easy to glamorize the life of one
who literally lives on the streets; and Peeran, in his poem, “A Street Boy”,
while extolling the – freedom, joys and idyllic sense of timelessness that
only a miracle to such an existence” might bring, has nevertheless failed
to mention the hardships, squalor and sense of utter rejection, or
overwhelming hopelessness that a child in such a position might face. As
a poem, “A Street Boy”, is well-written and almost lyrical in quality, but its
portrayal falls a little short of credibility. The vast majority of included
poems, on the other hand, greatly appealed, and the poet/author is to be
congratulated for the general high quality of his work. This collection is
brought to a sparkling close with an extensive section featuring an
amazing 156 Haiku poems. And adding even greater luster to an already
fine publication, Dr. I.H. Rizvi (Poet/Editor of Canopy) delivers a
scholarly commentary on Sufist poetry, in his enlightened Foreword to
this book.
Courtesy: Poet, Aug-2002
Srinivasa Rangaswami on A Search from within
Poet S. L. Peeran has come up with this, his third collection of poems ‘A
Search from Within’, closely following on his In Golden Times and ‘In
Golden Moments’, with four more in the wings. The volume is graced with
a Foreword by Dr Iftikhar Husain Rizvi, Ex-Principal and Professor of
English and the distinguished Editor of CANOPY.
When we approach Peeran’s poetry we are on holy ground. With a
pilgrim of deep piety, utter humility and sincerity, infused with pure love
and compassion for all of mankind, joyous in the certainty of faith that
goodness and truth will ultimately prevail over darkness arid evil, and
ever blissful with a heart brimming over with yearning for union with the
Universal Soul.
As with the Alwars (the Vaishnavite saints) the Sufi masters, Peeran’s poetry
too represents “the outpourings of the deepest inner stirrings-the pangs and
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
tribulations and the joyous glimmerings” – of the restless soul striving
towards godhead. The devotee immersed in god consciousness feels
overwhelmed by the thought of his own utter insignificance in the
presence of the ALL GLORIOUS and breaks into rhapsodic utterances,
vainly trying to comprehend the uncontainable myriad attributes of the
Divine. So it is with Peeran, to whom the noble one, the magnanimous
one, the brave one, the loving one, the unblemished one, the most
virtuous is all but He, the light, of the universe. HE is our succor, our
benefactor, our redeemer, our reliever, our deliverer.
To Peeran, as to the Alwars, God is ‘the beloved’ separation from whom
is unthinkable. ‘Oh my Ever-lasting Love/my every breath is for Thee, sings
the Poet. What would he not do for his beloved!:
I cultivated dry and parching lands
Irrigated them with my sweat and tears
I picked the choicest fragrant roses
The sweetest fruits for my beloved to taste.
I wove and wove the finest cloth
With designs and decorations of various hues
Bedecked with jewels and precious stones
To present as gifts for my beloved to wear.
I yearned and yearned, with hopes and longings
Burnt my candle of life for my beloved’s grace.
In his self-consuming love for the beloved, the votary would declare:
Let me circumambulate thee
Sing paeans in love of thee
Like a moth, burn my wings
In my mad love forever.
To our Poet, ‘Love is the elixir of life’. To him the joyful spirit and loving
heart are the same. You need to nurture the plant to grow in you. If you
sincerely seek, you will find the doors of love always open. Love subdues
all trials. Soar higher and higher, let love’s glory engulf you; let us purify
ourselves with the cool streams of love; come, let us fill our vacuums in
heart, in mind and in our souls with love, affection, warmth, the Poet
would exhort. Love is the pathway to salvation.
Nature, the Poet knew, is but a manifestation of the All-pervading Lord.
He sings:
On the bud’s spreading petals emitting fragrance
Bees collecting nectar,
birds nestling and singing
Thou art seen everywhere, O faceless One!
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Does this not remind us of the bhakta (one of the Alwars?) who went to
gather flowers for the offering, but stood in bewilderment wondering
how he could pluck the flower when he beheld the very Lord’s presence
therein. Are we not reminded of Poet Bharathi’s ecstatic utterance: In the
wings of the black crow,/0 Nandalala, thine swarthy mien I see.
For the Poet, Nature is entwined with the Divine. There is a
Wordsworthian reverence in his approach to Nature. To be one with it is
a state of bliss for him. Even his spiritual statements are clothed in
imagery from Nature. “Many petals are held by a, SINGLE STALK, to form
a beautiful flower”, implying that we are all just petals; and need the Single
Stalk to become complete, a beautiful flower.
All things fall in their places, in true perspective, for the realized soul.
And nothing can dislodge it from the centrality of its rootedness. It
knows that grief and loss are only means to purify the heart. It is at
peace with all of God’s creation. It has no complaint, grouse or
grievance. It can with equanimity even ‘bear the discordant/chimes, out of
tune melodies/watch disarray, confusion, chaos unabated’. To the illumined
one, our Poet, ‘all religions and revelations are only the rays of a single central
sun! All the avatara purushas and saints and seers who have walked upon
this earth have proclaimed the same truth, shown the same sunlit path.
There is ‘God’s plenty’ in this volume, as Dr Rizvi rightly points out,
spanning the wide range of human concern, But, ultimately, the burden
of the song is the same. They all hymn in praise of the timeless virtues
and the eternal verities – frontier less love, faith, sincerity, selfless service,
purity of heart, disposition to eschew the evils of desire, and ceaseless
steadfast striving towards the final goal of union with the Oversoul. In
Daily Supplication the Poet fervently addresses the Lord:
Now my goals are set, my mind is clear
My sails are ready to take me forever
beyond the horizons... to the rainbows of love.
My burning love, my zeal, my hopes,
My dreams, my yearnings will not fail me
Thou shalt guide me forever and ever
To reach the shores of ecstasy and bliss.
In My Last Wish he comes up with this supreme prayer:
When my time comes to shed this mortal coil
To close my eyes forever and to breathe the last,
Then let me sigh with thy name on my lips.
O praised one, the deliverer of all souls
Let my tears of love be my humble gift;
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Let me present thee with my stricken heart
With its wounds and pangs of separation.
My beloved I yearned for thee all my life
Now, I lie immersed deep in your thoughts.
This is Peeran, the poet and the man. The Poet reminds us of the higher
destiny of poetry, as one meant to awaken and lead us on to an
awareness of the true meaning, purpose and goals of our existence,
Courtesy: Poet June-2002
Srinivasa Rangaswami on In Golden Times
In Golden Times by S.L Peeran a Judicial Member of Customs. Excise
and Gold (Control) Appellate Tribunal, is an interesting collection of
some eighty short poems and a crop of haiku and tanka. It is a
wholesome spread of noble thoughts and reflections on life and myriadfaced mankind. Poet Peeran is a fascinating combination of a pious,
mature, compassionate soul and a sensitive aesthetic being who sets
great store by the abiding values of life. In all of the poems the Aadhaara
Sruti (the reverberating undertone) is god consciousness and a total belief in
the virtues of universal love, truth, humility and a spirit of servitude and
complete surrender to the Supreme Power.
The Poet draws his messages from life and his warm pictorial
imagination conveys them through a wealth of indelible imagery.
Illustrative of this disposition to view life-situations in dramatic
dimensions is for example, the poem Life: which describes the disquiet of
an unfulfilled life. Sorrows the individual.
My life is a tattered book
Moth eaten, ‘dusty and torn.
It’s a kite with its thread broke
knocked down by the stormy wind.
It’s a boat sans sails,
rudderless facing the turbulent sea.
As one speaking from his heart, the Poet’s words are simple and
spontaneous. His straight utterances ring with the certainty of truth
Somewhere he declares
Truth is complete only with love
Compassion, Mercy, Charity and Justice
Like Time, forgiveness is a great healer a balm to soothe pain and to heal
wounds, he reminds elsewhere. The optimist Poet assures: ‘Times do
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
change like the seasons/Evil shall give way to goodness and reason’. Isn’t
simplicity Divinity profound?, he asks.
Amity amongst mankind, transcending all inherited inhibitions and
prejudices, is Peeran’s central creed. Sadly aware that the root cause of
all the strife and bitterness witnessed in our times is bigotry born out of
narrow loyalties and fiercely clung – to memories of unhappy history, he
calls out: ‘Let the dying, decaying, perishing, icons, myths, idols and
superstitions/be destroyed and buried’ (Bury the hatchet,) he pleads. ‘Let not the
dinosaurs be resurrected’. His fervent prayer is:
Let the nobility of heart prevail;
Buy not the arguments of renewal
of past stormy tempests and holocausts
Let the sun’s effulgence shine forever.
He would wish ‘the planet live in Buddha’s tranquility/ Ashoka’s peace and
Mahavira’s Ahimsa’.
The realized soul knows no wants, no regrets, no complaints, in its
fulfilled state of bliss. Sings the poet:
With deep devotion, I burn the candle
Of my life at His feet in total surrender
I have no complaints, demands, compulsions
No grievances, grief or pain.
Do not these words recall Rajaji’s uplifting hymn “Kurai Ondrumillai
Govinda! (I have no wants, nor complaints, O Lord!), made immortal by
the transporting rendering of the song in deep piety by the one and only
M.S. Subbalakshmi.
What is more natural than that this votary should lift his hands in prayer:
Praise be to Thee, Lord, the only one
Let seconds and minutes pass in Thy praise.
May blessing thrive, our goodness rise
Misery and poverty teach us humility
To seek Thy Grace, Love and Charity.
Elsewhere, movingly he sings:
O my dear soul-mate!
I wished I could give you
A lasting, lovely present
Which is priceless and precious.
I looked and looked around,
Searched and searched all places
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
At last I found it just
Within my own heart.
It is my lasting Love.
Enriched and mellowed by experience of a life-lime, the Poet has words
of wise counsel, words of practical wisdom, to offer to the young and
the not-so-young. You must accept people as they are – he would advise – and
forgive those who heap insults on you for ‘they know not what they do. Turn a
blind eye to others’ faults, or show compassion, is another bit of advice. Never be
an uninvited guest, dear son he tells Polonius-like ‘but courteous be to one who
calls on you though unasked or at an hour undue’. To his daughter he would
Let all that you do.
with grace be done
Words not merely applicable to a young maiden stepping out into the
In “The Nether World”, which opens with the husband’ s question “Where
will you search for me/When I’m gone to the nether world?” is an outstanding
poem, a moving poem, replete with reminiscential moments of a shared
life between a husband and his wife in a separate state of bereavement.
Where will you search for me, the husband asks ‘In my old shoes in the
attic,/In my torn and tattered clothes/or in the not so worn-out suits and
ties./Which remind you of the rare occasions/Specially worn by me to please
you?. ‘In my photographs in the album?... ‘In my diaries full of accounts of our
love,/our meetings and quarrels, travels and expenses./our hopes and
disappointments, our pains and pleasures?’... ‘or in my love songs and
letters/Carefully preserved in dusty files?’... ‘Or in my collection of books which
had bored you? you had hated it whenever I held it/For you had yearned to be
held in my arms’… soon it goes recounting moments intimately shared.
The Poet’s haiku and tanka are a rich crop, most of them suffused with
God-consciousness. To quote a representative haiku:
Oh. ‘My beloved
show me they sweet Effulgence
I am in anguish.
To give another gem:
Why love my son asks
Candle burns to give light, dear
To show you the path.
It is difficult to say anything meaningful after the brilliant assessment of
Peeran’s poetry by Dr Krishna Srinivas in his foreword to the present
collection in his matchless language of strident majesty. Dr Krishna
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Srinivas talks of ‘an inner vibrancy’, a matchless verbal incantation and ‘a
passionate naturalness’ in all of Peeran’s verses. Can there be a richer
tribute to the poet. To me the collection is precious as a mirror of what
we know of the much loved Poet Peeran as a person and a poet.
Courtesy: Poet, Nov.2001
Dr. A.H. Tak on In Golden Times
S.L. Peeran’s In Golden Times – Selected Poems is an exquisite collection of
numerous shorter poems – lyrics, sonnets, haiku and tankas – delineating
the individual perceptions and the social commitments of an IndoAnglican poet who, as Raja Rao once argues (in his preface to
Kanthapura) wants ‘to convey in a medium that is not his own, the spirit
that is his own’. In spite of Dr. Krishna Srinivas’ attempt to compare him
with William Blake-probably in view of his mystic leanings and religious
bent of mind which predominantly forms a vital component of Peeran’s
poetic themes-S.L. Peeran sounds to me more like Tennyson, reflecting
the restless spirit of his progressive age, and Alexander Pope, voicing the
artificiality of his contemporary society, particularly in the expressions
of grief, love and hope. Like Pope, he most often expresses not so much
a personal as a social spirit: his poetry is an excellent mirror which
reflects the social, political, moral and religious trends and tendencies of
his times. He very out rightly states:
How can I keep my silence
When I see so much of wrong around?
The poet very surrealistically depicts the callous ness and cruelty of
contemporary society inhabited by astoundingly selfish, insensible and
stony-hearted people: deceptive politicians whose ‘words change like a
speedy train’; cruel soldiers who ‘with hawkish eyes and grim face’ shed blood
of enemies; cunning lawyers who with twisting words’ cheat their clients, and
‘bore the judges’; corrupt leaders who use ‘power to liquidate adversaries’;
ambitious men ‘with selfish desires and hopes’ “and an average majority of
foolish persons who ‘humble themselves before everyone’. It is a society where.
Voices of the meek ones are suppressed,
They are hardly allowed to take a fresh breath.
Those that dare are cruelly oppressed,
And ruthlessly dealt a painful death.
In the midst of this tormenting and bleak picture of contemporary
society S.L. Peeran consoles us, in an almost Tennysonian fashion, by his
confident assertion of faith in Love, Truth, Religion and moral values
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
like affection, simplicity, honesty, dedication and straightforwardness.
Love ‘pure and sublime’, he argues, is ‘the source of man’s loftiest ideas’, ‘the
inspiration of his noblest deeds’, and the best possible: means of his growth
and development’. How eloquently and nicely the poet gives his theory
of love in the following stanza:
As a seed seeks a safe place to hide.
Till it gains the strength to sprout and grow,
Hearts that are weak or marred by frailties
Need Love to make them strong and pure.
He even advises his daughter:
With sweet flowery eyes lit with love,
My dearest, seek benign blessings from Him.
In such verses as these he firmly explicates the ‘Sufi doctrine of Love
active agent for a complete metamorphosis of the human soul: a sort of
self-sacrifice, different from sensuality. In other words, Peeran without
even paying the remotest possible attention to sensuality, sex or physical
love, reveals his spirit of reverence for spiritual love which imbibes in
man a strong urge to give. In such love man who all along had been
thinking of his own, interests only, and regarding others as merely
instrumental to his own happiness, suddenly finds himself happy only in
administering to the happiness of another person. Anyone with such a
perfect feeling of love in him is a ‘savior’ a ‘mahatma’ and a true human
being for whom
Life is for supreme sacrifice
On the altar of the Ever Living
To protect the weak and meek,
That’s ‘Life’ for a human being.
It is the fervor of Love that makes self-surrender possible and enables
one to grasp the essence of Truth and God who is the Absolute Truth.
This is the essence of Sufism: Love alone can establish the kingdom of
Heaven on earth – and usher an age of everlasting peace and prosperity
in the world because Love for God and Love for man go together. It is
one of the main reasons for Peeran’s prayer:
O Truth, pure and ever sublime.
To drive away my passions and guilt, tell ‘Time’
Cool my senses and light up my mind
So that a home in my heart, Love may find.
Accordingly, a man endowed with such qualities of Love and the
knowledge of the Truth is a true savior: “The ecstasy of/Communion with
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
the Divine,/Has released him from human/Bondage and sufferings of the Soul”.
Such a man neither gives way to despair, despondence and pessimism in
his life, nor gets demoralized by death:
O Man! Love God and do realise.
That all that is created should finally die
To dust we return, never to rise,
For eternity, there we are destined to lie.
In short, Peeran is not so much concerned with the metaphysical
speculation of Sufism’ (sort of mysticism) as with its pragmatic side –
faith, education, affection mystic ways of salvation: submission to God,
silent meditation, escape from sensual pleasures and worldly desires,
doing acts of charity and to love all those in grief or misery. Such themes
form the crux of Oriental poetry (particularly Persian poetry) but to
express these things in a second-language – which may be the best
vehicle for one’s intellectual make up but can never be the best mode of
expression for one’s-emotional make up is a very difficult task. By
performing this difficult task commendably S.L. Peeran has once again
asserted that poets can play a vital part in cultural transmission which is
very important for international understanding and human welfare.
Courtesy: Met verse Muse, Jan-Jun-2001
Prof K Jagannathan on In Golden Times
S.L. Peeran’s In Golden times: Selected poems. published by The Home of
Letters (India) Bhubaneswar, confirms, the belief which was been again
and again proved by the psychologists, that heredity has a major role to
play in shaping an individual’s intellect and behavior even though
environments have their influences over these faculties to a considerable
degree. This applies in the case of S.L. Peeran the administrator cum
poet, who enriches both domains The publisher’s write up about the poet
in the fourth cover amply certifies this. S.L. Peeran’s great grandfather
was scholar in a renowned Arabic, Persian and Urdu Scholar in the rest
while Mysore State and was bestowed with the title ‘Siraj-ul-ulma (Sun
among Scholars). His father was a pillar of ministry under Maharaja of
Mysore. With those inherited traits Peeran has been drawn to immerse in
the philosophy of Suffists, and this intoxicated his thought process. The
poem aptly quoted by Dr. Krishna Srinivasa in his forward to this
poetical work. Total Surrender’ reflects clearly Peeran’s outlook of life, his
mission and his unequivocal quest in his life – Yet another poem. His
Grace’ (p.61) all the poems in this collection are marked by simplicity in
composition and wordings – ’and they do not bewilder the reader.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
The philosophy of the poet is effectively communicated in a pleasant
manner without taxing the reader. This artistic skill of the poet appears
to be his monopolistic virtue.
The first poem “Love” is a neat expression in simple terms – functions as
the opener to the “Golden times” and its many facets in the hands’ of the poet
receive added colors. In contrast to these ‘the poems “Deserted Love” (p.7)
“Pangs of Separation” (p.8) “Our scattered dreams” (p.53) “A Deprived
pleasure” (p.67) stand to testify the poet’s capacity to ventilate the
antithetical feelings with the same ease full of emotions.
Again the poem “Who” (p.45) A surprise guest to share my woes/And
share his Joys – “Who knocks my door?”. Very subtle in expression,
indeed. Some of the poems “Forgive them for they know not (A
Christian concept universal In nature) –,
“Choose your friends (A Hamletian prescription) To My daughter ‘(p.4) Advice to
Dear Son (p.46 stress on some moral values of golden times, which are shrinking
and disappearing in the modern social order”
Flash back of memories “The smile that relieved Tension” “A soul that
can gladden a thousand hearts” are small bits’ but having impressions.
Personal glimpses form part of some of the Haiku? “the poet In them
admonishes and fixes – the human Peeran. “Your false claims of love/Oh
Peeran where is Justice?/Satan In you.
I shall never love/Oh Peeran those who dared Me/Now, quickly repent/Turn thy
face in love/Oh Peeran you shall ‘face. wrath/And be forsaken.’ Realization
and consequences, of “faithlessness in the Creator, are made out in these
In the ‘Golden Times’ (p.43), reflecting the title of the collection, the poet
remembers about many cherished values. of the, past, and laments indirectly for
their significant absence in the, present human and the world order.
As an administrator at present and a practicing advocate for a
considerable number of years, the maladies affecting politics and
administration have not gone unnoticed from his vision. Politicians,
(p.15; Tanka – (p.92) ‘Bubbling like balloon’ etc. prove these., Love faith,
Almighty, compassion repentance, realization of self-etc. which are
hallmarks of Sufi find full expression on many poems in this collection.
S. L Peeran’s service to that philosophy in the form of poetry is
noteworthy and laudable.
Courtesy: The Brain Wave, Nineteenth issue by Prof: K Jagannathan
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Dr. C. Anna Latha Devi on In Golden Times
After reading Poet Peeran’s sheaf of poems In Golden Times one is
tempted to exclaim, “Oh! What a variety!” – long poems, short poems,
sonnets, quatrains, Haikus and Tankas and it is apt to quote Dryden’s
words, “Here’s God’s plenty”.
Poet Peeran’s maiden venture In Golden Times, a collection of 101 poems
of philosophical, metaphysical and enthralling qualities, captivate the
attention of only scrupulous readers because they require concentrated
reading. The poems render wise counsel and wide perspective. The
themes of the poetic gems are varied and thought provoking. Though
many of the poems are apparently subjective they are actually far-sighted
with objectivity and demand universal appeal.
The poetical frame of Peeran exhilarated by the magical exuberance of
love and with love as a companion man can face all the challenges of
live. He is confident when he asserts, “With Thee beside me/Life is a trifle”
(Love II 3-4). The power of love is so great that it purifies the physical,
mental and spiritual arena of man. In “love’s Many Facets”. Love is
compared to a seed which seeks a secure place to sprout and love boosts
a heart so weak or marred by frailties. Though the poet is enticed by the
sudden visit of his dream girl he feels disarmed with her smile. Devoid
of masculine charm with his boyish pranks he is at a loss to do the right
thing is a realistic portrayal of the buffoonery of the lover on the
unexpected visit of his beloved. Love’s seat is the lofty souls and truthful
hearts and it cannot reside in the hard and stony hearts. Love sparkles
one’s speech and sympathy flows from it. Even the pangs of love sweeten
the life. When Peeran says that it is better to have loved and lost rather
than not be loved at all, he speaks direct from his heart. In “Deserted
Love” he is certain that without love life becomes dull and colorless. The
lover cries with agony:
O Love! why did you desert me
Under scalding sun? I’m parched and thirsty
But no more there’s shade, no more rain,
And no more songs of birds to greet me.
In the “Pangs of Separation” the deserted lover is left cold and shivering.
Love is boundless and it cannot be curbed or barbed by chains of iron or
walls of brick. Poet Peeran must have definitely looked into his heart
before penning his passionate love poems.
Peeran, the, Indian Wordsworth, is an admirer of nature. The vignettes
of nature in his poems especially “Beauty in the Stone” is a record of the
poet’s appreciation of the marble, a gift of nature and it reflects God’s
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
glory. Moreover the different gems like rubies, diamonds, emeralds,
crystals and precious metals like gold and silver are all in “nature’s colorful
grandeur”. He like Wordsworth believes that “Nature plays an indispensable
part.” In “Nature” mountains, clouds, rains, oceans, trees with umbrella
branches and the greenery carpets make him fly to the realms of oblivion
and ecstasy. Not only nature, “City Lights” too draw his attention to the
Golden Bar, to great institutions imparting knowledge, to the holy places
and also to monuments of culture.
His poems on Life are admirable. Like Shakespeare who has presented
the seven stages of man in As You Like It. Peeran compares the life of
man to a theatre and it signifies nothing. Trail’s and Tribulations are part
and parcel of human life and life has sweet and sour experiences. In “Human
Life” he dexterously presents the needs and desires of man and his quest
for tranquility. “I a crow” is suggestive of “simple living makes life a
treasure”. In the last line of “Human life” the poet emphasizes the
greatest ideal:
To protect the weak and meek,
That’s Life for a human-being.
“Time Shall Change” contains the assertive vision of the poet that in spite
of pains and pangs of life the poet is hopeful that every cloud will give
way and life’s ship should be decked with HOPE as its sail.
There is realistic flavor in Peeran’s pen portrait of the dual side of a
soldier – grim but kind, the double act of the politicians, the lawyer not
to plead but to judge his own action, the contagious corrupt person,
foolish man, a born leader with an iron will, officers of high rank, a
lustful old bandicoot with a flair for wine, food and women, a good
Samaritan and a born Mahatma.
The poet is full of indignation against the social institutions which are
largely responsible for the maladies that affect man all through his life.
He cannot keep mum seeing the atrocities and cruelties perpetrated on
Man. “Toil and Soil” is a satire on the dowry system and it is heartrendering to see a poor father struggling to satisfy the greedy groom of
his daughter and finally “enabling the groom to bury him in the soil”. “A
Closed Meeting” is a meeting of officials in secrecy but the information in
the secret files are “exchanged for a fortune”.
Peeran as a poet-counselor is remarkable. His golden verse of advice to
dear son and little daughter to soar high with the belief in God and seek
heavenly blessings is sincere and contains the warmth of an affectionate
and responsible father. Another sagacious piece of advice is about the
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
choice of friends. The idea that wise counsel should not be discarded is
embedded in the short poem “Heed Counsel”.
Heeding their counsel with awe and obedience
May bring cheer and charm into one’s life.
In “Retain Your Individuality” – Peeran is concerned about the identity of
a person and hence one should not be carried away by the influence of
others. “You get what you deserve” the title itself is self-explanatory.
Peeran as a man is a workaholic who keeps up the dictum – to work is
worship. In the ending couplet of the poem “Work is Worship” the poet
crowns work as
How sweet is the honey he churns out
From the bitter sweat of his endeavors.
Moreover fishermen and farmers who toil ceaselessly in all seasons, in
shine or rain are appreciated by the poet.
The title poem In Golden Times centers around the poet’s longing to reach
the golden times where there was abiding peace and no flash news of
dowry deaths, children who were not loaded with heavy syllabus and
food materials were in plenty. He wishes to listen to music melodious
with sublime themes as a contrast to the filthy songs of the present. More
over in the golden times of the past science was a boon and not a bane
and milk of human kindness had flown from the compassionate heart.
He interrogates:
Oh can we get back those golden times
When peace was amidst us all the time?
The poem shines with golden radiance with the poet’s longing for peace
and prosperity for his fellow-men.
Some of Peeran’s poems are highly philosophical. “Man’s Ambition” is
the poet’s cry of caution to mankind. Causing violence to nature and its
course by man’s vaulting ambition to reach the unfathomable deep and
soaring to the heaven’s zenith results in the end man’s own destruction.
In “Might and Right” emphasis is laid on the conception – let right be
done to everyone. “Confusion” highlights the fact that “the light of wisdom
seldom dawns on confused minds”. The merits of Education, Religion and
Affection are the trio which fix the tree of life firmly. He very wisely
comments though man is challenged with varied emotions. “A Mahatma”
is one who reins his vices and reveals his virtues.
The theme of death is dealth with by the poet and he accepts death as a
natural phenomenon and christens it a Teacher. He discloses the
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
universal truth that the towering personalities however great they may be
have to meet the destination – death. “The Winter of Life” describes the
deep slumber. Moreover he has his own belief on heaven, hell and
Peeran’s staunch belief in God crowns his achievement as a poet. He
appreciates the little children lisping the school prayers. He believes:
All goes well for one who sings
Holy hymns with tune and rhyme.
In “Bless Me” he looks up at the face of God with heavenly radiance and
benign look to get relief from worldly pains and penury. His eagerness to
be the chosen sheep of God is explicit when he utters, “Let me, then, be
one of them”. Knowledge of God is an inward or mystic experience.
Though faith springs from one’s internal resources it is not arbitrary.
Like the Metaphysical poets of the 17th century England Peeran believes
in the interdependence of human and divine love. His poems abound
with illustrations that human love is a prerequisite for divine love. He
brands a good doer, a pious humble man of sterling character as “A
Messiah” or harbinger of God. He is right when he says that “God’s grace
is abounding”.
The faith of Peeran reaches its peak when he uses the words of Jesus
Christ on the cross forming the title of the poem, “Forgive Them For They
Know Not.” Cross is a symbol of sacrificial love which is exemplified in
the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The extra ordinary tolerance and
patience which Jesus exhibited on the Cross even to his enemies is to be
followed and practiced in the day-today life when we are insulted and
humiliated because, “forgiveness is a great “healer”, a balm to soothe pain and
to heal wounds”.
In “Total Surrender” Peeran supplicates himself at the feet of God, the
Almighty by adoring and worshipping him. Very beautifully with the
choice diction and apt words he expresses his decision of spending every
breath of his life in His service. Nothing can deter his union with God.
As he is at peace within himself he has no plea, no request, no demand
or complain to make to God. He is like a dog so faithful to serve his
great and mighty Master. Lines like
My being is enveloped with his compassion
Every particle in me is his creation.
(His Grace 11.6-7)
My Master’s service is my main motto
I wish I were a dog to befriend HIM
(Total Surrender II. 13-14)
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Speak volumes of Peeran’s dedication to God.
Above all, Peeran is a humanitarian. He wishes that even a humble
sweeper should be cared with compassion. He poses a question to
God has assigned her an unenviable task
Of being a humble sweeper, a street woman.
What is your role towards such a creature?
To look down upon and down tread her
Or to show compassion and work for her uplift?
(Down trodden II. 1-5)
His belief on the universal brother hood without religious
discriminations and diverse creed is explicit in his poems. “A Dawn of a
New Millennium” with its advancement in science and technology no
doubt has multiplied the sources of man’s pleasure and comfort. Instead
of groping in darkness man’s mind should be illumined with the wonders
of the new millennium to usher universal peace and “Utopian bliss” “by
starving war to its decease”. The words of Jesus Christ on the Cross “Forgive
them for they know not” reveal the magnanimity of Peeran’s soul
identifying and recognizing religions without fear or favor.
In the Haikus and Tankas Peeran explores his own self and in his “I”
and the name ‘Peeran’ he includes the “Universal I”. They are all
pragmatic revealing the universal truths.
Like the variety of themes in his poems, Peeran has unique style of his
own. The stanzas of the poems In Golden Times are of varying length
from two lined to four lined stanzas some ending in couplets. In some of
the poems there is no stanza division at all because there is unification of
thought. First line gets repeated in poems like “His Grace”.
He draws images very freely from nature and anything that comes to his
hand. Rain is described as “the relentless tears of somber dark clouds”.
“Fraternity in the serpentine queue”, “Life is a scene of light and shade”, “My
life is a tattered book”, “like beasts behave rich men” etc. are few examples
from numerous phrases used by Peeran. He is ironical sometimes, often
apt in the choice of the titles of his poems, “I a crow”, “Bury the Hatchet”,
“Who”, “Charm in Life”, “So Dear” etc. Most of the poems are decked
with flowering phrases and ornamental at diction and added feather to
the cap of poet Peeran.
Each poem is a gem, unique in its quality requires concentration of
mind. As Middleton Murray rightly points out, “He (The Poet) has the
word. The word in the poet’s mind partly arises out of the emotional field, partly
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
is deliberately fitted to convey it. This mating of the word to the entire mental
experience of thought and emotional field experienced as one is the specific poetic
art”. (Pure Poetry” 310). True, a poet cannot write anything about which
he has not had any direct personal experience. It is presumed that
Peeran’s life and work have synergetic relationship, quite obviously his
spiritual side. His works will definitely bring him honor and laurel and
he will be hailed as a poet of Peer in the galaxy of Indo-Anglican poets
with his forthcoming volumes of poems In Golden Moments and A Search
From Within.
Courtesy: The Green Lotus, April-June-2001
Jasvinder Singh on In Golden Times
S. L. Peeran in his poems discusses varying aspects of life which play
pivotal role in making or marring life. The poet, in almost all the poems
attempts to reveal the staunch realities. The poet considers world as a
multi-million faceted theatre of life and human beings to play different
roles, big and small (rather long and short) as the poet points out) and
game of life goes on with rises and falls, for men aim at pleasures, but
have to face the pit falls, due to aberrations like pain, disease, corruption
and strain, etc. The poet delves at harsh realities which form part and
parcel of life. The poem ‘Life of Man’ makes one to think over the
observations of the poet introspectively.
‘Love’ is such a phenomenon as it gets its place in every poet’s
imagination, whether optimistically or pessimistically. Love is an integral
part of life, dominating one’s imagination as a sustenance of life. The
poet in his poem ‘Love’s Many Facets’ calls a spade a spade, with a
pertinent assertion:
“Love lives in souls, lofty and true
And shuns the mighty and haughty.
Love can never find a place
In hearts that are hard and stony.’
At another place in the same poem the poet candidly and poignantly
points out thatThough sad and painful the pangs of love
We are told that sweet they are
And that, not to have loved at all
To Love and love, it is better far!
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Indeed, once love enters one’s heart or fancies it becomes too difficult to
depart from it despite odds it more often than not has and pains and
pleasures provide strength to strive for the attainment of aims. The poem
exhibits a fine blend of poet’s imagination and his proven ideas about
love’s facets.
Truth is another phenomenon which is considered as the moral force
and its significance is golden in life, but it is also seen that speaking truth
is most difficult at times because of its repercussions. The poet in his
poem ‘wooing Truth’ delves on hard and soft facts about ‘truth’. In this
small poem the poet pithily reveals abstractness of truth by associating
truth with compassion, love, charity and justice, etc. These lines in the
poem reveal the common home truths I feel, this poem would have
gained greater strength if the poet had also mentioned the fact that there
are stages when men most fear to speak the truth and to face it when
consequences pose great challenges. Still, the poem is admirable for the
revelations the poet has made about this abstract aspect of life. In the
following poem titled ‘Oh, Truth! the poet poignantly asserts that truth is
pure and sublime, and that its alliance with love makes it to dwell in
heart. Truth is most admirable and vital aspect of life. The poem gives
such an impression.
Going through the poems one after the other one finds that poet makes a
successful attempt to provide solace to a pensive reader, and to entertain
with serene thoughts which provide a moral force to life in general. His
thoughts are impregnated with sereneness and simplicity. The poems
also reflect poet’s own personality through his subtle and somber
expressions, as one finds in his views about ‘Man’s Ambitions’. The poem
gives an inkling about poet’s admirable imagination when he visualizes
the demerits or being ambitious in life and reveals how ambition proves
to be a source of vanity and tells upon future at stake.
Another poem in the anthology titled ‘Death The Teacher’ makes one to
turn to God with a ‘holy heart’. Even in remorse one can seek solace
through allegiance to God. Again, the poet most beautifully expresses
himself in the last lines of the poem as under:
O man! love God and do realize
That all that is created should finally die
To dust we return, never to rise;
For eternity, there are we destined to lie.
In love of God and realization of the reality of death one finds the
supremacy of nature which is often overlooked by we humans in this
materialistic world which is endowed with urges throughout the life.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Reading this poem more than once one finds that the poem has the
touch of ‘Sufism’ and is impregnated with wisdom and humility.
Likewise, all the poems have been found to be thought-provoking and
revealing in a most interesting manner. One finds poet’s sharp acumen of
intellect in the following lines from the poem ‘Labor Sans Luck’ –
Nature has designed its own ways
To gift its game to the one who chooses,
Though one might slog for days and days
The fruits of labour, luck often refuses.
Indeed, destiny is supreme. Unless one finds luck favorable labor
becomes a source of greater hope with more strenuous efforts to meet
the desired end.
The smaller poems in the book make great revelations proving thereby
that with few but selective words we can make the world move without
much labor as we find in the poem ‘Marriage on the Rocks’. I quote the
whole poem here –
Shattered are the dreams!
The Past and Present are gone
Darkness sets at noon!
A marriage made in heaven
Is now on the rocks!
The fragrance of rose
Is converted to stench
As love turns sour
Like milk to yoghurt!”
Thus, with his serene and sober thoughts S.L. Peeran has endeared
himself among the lovers of poetry. He deserves all accolades of
Courtesy Art and Poetry Today, April-June-2001
Bernard M. Jackson on In Golden Times
Imagination takes wings and soars
To realms of oblivion and ecstasy.
But Nature awaits not one’s retirement
To leisurely reflect and write its story. (“Nature”)
The visitation of the Muse came rather late in S.L. Peeran’s hardworking eventful life, and his many years in the legal profession would
seem to have previously subjugated his creative aspirations to a major
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
extent. However, poetry, like the constant flow of a trickling mountain
stream, will ever find a way, and can be expected to map out its own
course. Since 1997, Peeran has been very active on the poetry scene, and
there can be no greater testimony to his immense talents and ability as a
poet than that heartfelt tribute recorded by Dr. Krishna Srinivas in the
‘Foreword’ to this collection
He writes Haiku and Tanka with illumined vision. There is inner vibrancy, a
matchless verbal incantation in his lyrics. They gleam as flames, intense and fine.
They have visible brilliance. They have deep passionate and naturalness in all he
Indeed, the sterling hallmarks of this fine collection really are passion
and sincerity; and so many of these poems indicate a deeper sense of
meditative, inward reflection
Truth being crystal clear,
Needs no eulogy or praise,
Its effulgence and brightness it showers
On loving and compassionate souls, (“Wooing Truth”)
In his poem, Simplicity, he asks, “Isn’t Simplicity Divinity profound?/In it is
sincerity found.” It is this same flow of rhetoric
How can I keep my silence
When I see so much of wrong around?
It chills my consciousness in moments tense
Provokes me to utter sayings profound.
Peeran rails against those who amass huge fortunes and ‘state-of-the-arts’
possessions for their own self-gratification; and in his poem, ‘To A Stony
Heart’, he gives extra emphasis to his anger by the simple repetition of a
word at the end of each of the first four consecutive lines. In a shorter
poem, ‘His Own Prisoner’, the poet claims that a person who becomes
materialistic, creates his own disastrous downfall
Give the man whatever he wants,
Let him carry it around his neck
Like iron shackles, pulling him down,
Making him a prisoner of his own self. (“His Own Prisoner”)
There are poems included that speak of a loving romance that, for some
reason, has sadly ceased to be. The title of one of these poems, “Deserted
Love” gives greater insight to the poem itself. An overwhelming sadness
prevails as the poet gives vent to anguish at loss of a loved-one”
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
O Love! Why did you desert me
Under scalding sun?
I’m parched and thirsty
But no more there’s shade, no more rain.
And no more songs of birds to greet me. (“Deserted Love”)
Similarly in his “Pangs of Separation”, he again refers to this traumatic
experience, which has brought in its wake an overwhelming sense of
loneliness. And here the aspiring poet has conquered vital ground, for in
addressing an issue of such personal magnitude, he has managed to
strike a universal chord. This then is verse with which all can empathize
His “broken heart sings of love me more
No more does he dream of a charm-filled life.
Flowers no more seem to emit fragrance
The garden around seems full of prickly thorns.
(“Pangs of Separation”)
For those who-love Haiku, they will find much here to reflect upon, for
Peeran has also included an entire section, of 84 Haiku. These poems
show the many facets of the poet’s general philosophy and Sufist inspired
thinking. Many of these poems, however, the purist would prefer to
categories as Senru, but nevertheless, there is an interesting and varied
selection for the avid reader of this particular genre. Peeran’s absorbing
maiden collection is brought to a close with a broad selection of Tanka
Verse of varying quality; the better ones being those with deeper spiritual
Inspirational Music
Music of the ageless times
Candle of the life
To enlighten heart and soul
And sear to heavenly goal
S.L. Peeran in his revealing Preface, makes reference to a well – known
poem “On the Grass Hopper and the Cricket”, by the 19th Century English
poet, John Keats. Thereby he “bolsters his belief that, insofar as the
Grasshopper must frequent its natural habitat and the Cricket is “born to
sing,” by that same token, poets may equally be expected to eulogize
wherever opportunity allows, in the certain knowledge that their voices
will be heard. There are many poems within this collection that will
surely please. Those who have had occasion to read Peeran’s later
collections, will be impressed by signs of considerable earlier
development in this, maiden collection’
Courtesy Poet June-2002
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Bernard M. Jackson on A Call from The Unknown
We need hopes to overcome failures,
Desolate feelings and to turn our blues
To overcome the bitter taste of defeat;
To maintain the garden of virtues (Hopes and Dreams)
Immersed in the philosophy of Sufistic theological precepts, S.L. Peeran
has emerged from the dying embers of 20th Century Indian English
poetry, like a veritable phoenix. Here, indeed, is a poet with a sense of
mission, a writer imbued with an all-pervading spirituality which is
neither doctrinaire nor controversial, and yet is forthright and whole
hearted in facing up to the shortfalls and deficiencies so glaringly
apparent in our modern-day materialistic society. Peeran’s poetical
works, though published fairly late in life, when compared with writings
of contemporary writers, have nevertheless been published in rapid
success ion during the last few years (“A Call From The Unknown” is his
6th collection) and few poets in India have succeeded in drawing such
universal praise from notable critics and review writers in so short a
space of time. As Dr. R.K. Singh has incisively commented, when
reviewing for POET. The poet is critical, philosophical, and reflective of
his milieu and influences.”
It is precisely these qualities that endear a writer of this caliber to his
readers, for here is a journeying soul in search of Truth:
One has to undergo severe
Mental and physical sufferings
Agony and turmoil in life
Before arriving at the Truth
A testing time, a period
Of severe anguish and pain (Peace Within)
In his poem, ‘My Religion’. Peeran spells out in clear terms the liturgical
practices of his own religion, but stresses that he takes an essentially
global view of humanity, as a whole, stemming from the fact that the
whole of Mankind is united in the bond of familial relationship, in that
we are the seed of Adam. So he tells us, his rites and symbols are ‘acts of
love to foster oneness’:
Not for creating apathy
Discernment and Distraction:
For cataclysmic schism:
For disharmony and strife (My Religion)
Peeran is unusual as a poet in that his own artistic perception of the
world he knows and loves is not ascribed to color and corresponding
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
romanticism, but rather to appraisal and apportionment in degrees of
light and shade. Light, he tells us, is brightness and energy, the very
unifying force of creation, and the positive manifestation of God’s
awareness of all things. But in the wake of light, there is ever shadow; so
that where there is Good there is always the threat of Evil:
The brighter the light
The darker is the shadow.
Mightier a person
Greater is his problem (Smooth Life)
In yet another poem (‘Light and Shade’) he promulgates the universality
of this profound theory, still further:
Where there is creation there is destruction
Where there is life there is death
Where there is system there is chaos
Where there is light there is shadow
Where there is desire there is hatred
There is blessing there is curse (Light and shade)
This beautiful poem must, of course, be studied in its entirety for,
introspectively, many will see here a true complement to the Christian
prayer of St. Francis of Assisi – now quoted by peoples of all religions
because of its superb, yet simple, humanitarian wider-spread
I was greatly impressed with Peeran’s poems on the ‘Birth Of Moses’.
‘Birth of Jesus’ and ‘Birth of Mohammed’, respectively for beyond the
confines of doctrinaire teaching, his did active outpourings in verse set
out to proclaim a divine purpose in life and a global sense of spiritual
realization which needs to be readdressed by peoples of all religions for
the common good of the family of Man.
Prof. Dr. R. K. Singh in his excellent Foreword to this remarkable
collection tells us:
‘Peeran as seeker of Truth, understands that the divine Avatars on Earth have
been the true educators of humankind. Without their guidance, the human race
could not have itself above the level of the animal.’
The far-sighted spiritual perceptions of S. L. Peeran have been instantly
recognized and fervently encouraged by a growing number ‘of influential
poetry magazine editors throughout India; and M. S. Venkata Ramaiah,
Editor of Bizz Buzz (and publisher of this fine work) pays fitting tribute
(In his Afterword) to Peeran’s unflagging zeal and ability as a part of
distinction. Here is spirituality in poetry, the like of which is seldom
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
witnessed in the British contemporary verse of today. This sixth
collection surely ranks as Peeran’s greatest literary achievement to date.
Acclaim for Peeran’s poetry rests with his readers; the compelling power
of his words will endear his works to many in the years that lie ahead.
Courtesy: Cyber Literature Volume xiv No-2 Dec-2004
Srinivasa Rangaswami on A Call from Unknown
A Call from the Unknown is the sixth and the latest collection of poems by
Sri S.L. Peeran, whose prodigious output – of six volumes of poems in
just over two years – must be the envy of many a poet writing today. This
collection, like all his previous ones, is in the nature of spontaneous,
uninhibited outpourings from the poet’s heart, a prism reflecting the
many hues of his core personality – his deep, unwavering faith in the
Supreme Power, his passion for communion with that power as an everpresent yearning, a central consciousness that sees everything in Nature
as so many manifestations of the Omnipresent Being, an unshakeable
belief in the virtues of purity, love, humility and virtuous living,
eschewing conceit, greed, chicanery, deceit and double-dealing so
common in the present day world. Like Tukaram, Kabir and other Godintoxicated souls, Peeran sings out his heart.
Sri Peeran is a devout Muslim and, like all true followers of every faith,
sees his path, as one among several, all leading to the same Ultimate
Goal. “Yes, I do have a religion, I do practice it. But my rites, my symbols/Are
acts of love to foster oneness” the Poet proclaims with transparent sincerity.
In the advent of Moses, Jesus, Prophet Mohammed and other avatar
purushas at intervals through centuries, Peeran sees the infinite Mercy of
the Lord and the fulfillment of His promise to manifest himself, as
occasions arise, to restore order in society and redeem mankind. The
long tracts lucidly recounting the context of appearance and the
essentials of the teachings of these Divine Messengers constitute a
significant section of the present volume.
In Peeran’s poetry what stands out all the time is Peeran himself – the
gentle humane soul, suffused with pure love, ardent love, for the Merciful
Creator and frontier less love of all mankind. Even in the hour of
tribulation, the true bhakta could only see the grace of God, a reminder
of His intense love and compassion for his devotee. “I loved you, I
remembered you,/You were my succor, my Redeemer,” he cries out, in deep
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
gratitude, “when I lost hopes from all,” he repeats elsewhere “A divine voice
gave strength and guided me”.
The poet is a man of love, with his own dreams. He would be content to
be the lone ranger, the long adventurer, the lone man of love, sailing all
alone, treading his own lonely path, ready to face the storms and
tempests on the way. His love looks for no return, is not possessive, or
demanding. His prayer is:
“Give me the love, that isn’t selfish,
That isn’t demanding;
that isn’t jealous,
That is ever pure and sublime.”
“Let us fight back the hatred that fills the heart and mind,” he would exhort,
“Let us fight back our selfish indifference and extend help to men in distress”.
Love is a candle of hope to show light towards eternal life.
‘Our greatest enemy is ourselves,’ the Poet reminds us, ‘Our beliefs, our rites,
our” icons,/our behavior, our taboos,/our superstitions, our manners,/our ego,
our anger, our jealousies,/our lust, our desires, our hates.’ ‘Let as cast away
(these), break away from these shackles and chains,’ the Poet would plead, to
‘release our hearts from them/to enable the springs of love/to flow.’
Peeran is not Utopian. He knows life is a picture of light and shadow
where love and hatred, joy and grief, orderliness and chaos, growth and
decay, wealth and poverty, honesty and corruption, co-exist. Still there is
hope. You can’t shut the light that pierces the surrounding darkness. A
life of piety, humility, of truthful living should see you sail through
smoothly, the Poet would seem to assure his fellowmen.
Life has its own quota of disappointments and disillusionments, in love
and human relationships. The Poet has met them. And much more. We
find the responses of a sensitive observant being to life around in the
form of reflections on a variety of subjects and human situations, or
well-meant words of caution or advice, all the time harping upon the
abiding virtues and values that should alone lead to the right path and
true happiness. ‘Return to His fold’ is the Poet’s recurring and ultimate
message to his fellowmen. ‘Look up to the Lord, the Merciful... grieve not,
curse not, be patient, turn your heart to pure love, seek His Grace, you shall find
solace, peace of mind and wisdom,’ he tells the errant prodigals.
The Poet is not fascinated by those who appear like meteorites, shine for
a while, only to disappear from the horizon and merge with darkness.
His identification is with the lowliest of lowly, ‘the impoverished, poor
wretched souls’. He speaks in their voice: “Our bodies smell/with unkempt
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
hair/torn patched clothes/diseased bodies... But world’s richest do not/tempt us
to steal/nor our anger to kill/nor jealousy to harm... A divine light dwells/in our
hearts/to console, give solace/to be at peace....”
Finally, Sri Peeran’s poetry raises the question “What is the true mission of
Poetry, or rather, its truer destiny?”. It is, to my mind, to remind us of the
richness of our priceless human inheritance, to awaken us to the
meaning and purpose of human existence and its ultimate destination.
Inasmuch as Peeran, by his life and his poetry, seeks to do this, he is
worth listening to.
Courtesy: Poet July-2004
Dr. Shujaat Hussain on New Frontiers
Peeran’s poetry is a catalogue of splendors and excellences.
Dr. Krishna Srinivas says that Asia is the birth place of poetry. The first
word AUM-familiarly known as OM-was born in India and Asia has
birthed immortal epics-Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita, Bible, Holy
Qur’an and other Scriptures – containing all unexcelled excellences of
Eastern Mysticism. These epics have deep and indelible impression on
the minds of the Asians. There is obvious impact of the Holy Qur’an on
the writing of S.L. Peeran. Every sincere seeker of the truth, would like
to listen to what the great Asian poet and scholar S. L. Peeran says in his
book New Frontiers. It’s voice is from the soul which travels from the
mind to the heart then touches the soul gently which purifies and stirs
conscience to work for the noble cause.
Not only the Holy Qur’an but the Ramayana has also deep impression
on his poetry. What the Ramayana teaches us exactly the same message
Peeran’s poetry conveys and enlightens us about the abstract and
abstruse principles of advaita philosophy, moral and ethical values,
duties, and ideals in individual, social and political life.
Real poetry is the inner voice of entire mankind. “It is”, says Carlyle,
“not only a criticism of life, it is the very truth of life-very essence of man’s noble
quest for reaching the kingdom of Eternal Bliss”. “Poetry is the voice of man’s
soul”, said Swinburne. And Bridges cried out with great wonder, “Poetry
is God, and God is poetry!”
It is the most important function of poetry to induce in us a sense of the
significance and the meaningfulness of life. C. E. M. Joad quotes
Radhakrishnan in The Counter Attack from the East: “We know how to
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
fly in air” like birds, we know how to swim in water like fishes, but we
do not know how to live on earth”. Poetry enshrines and immortalizes
these ideas and ideals which urge us “to live and to love”. Poetry invokes
in us the ideas of the larger beauty, justice, and charity of the universe.
Poets give us the power to know, to love, to appreciate and to understand
the life and the world in a new way.
We find these ideas and ideals in theory and practice by S.L. Peeran who
is a scholar and one of the bi-lingual poets in the field of English and
Urdu poetry. New Frontiers consists of 93 poems and 17 Haiku, are the
mirror of his sublime thoughts There are seven books to his credit A
master of mighty pen that leaves indelible imprint, immaculate images
on each and every page that will keep on reminding us to the centuries to
come. It’s universality speaks its longevity. In the real sense, this book is a
store of his wisdom brought by toil and study and the skilful delineation
of his observation and laden with treasure for every mental want.
Most of the critics of poetry say that the poets have put their mind and
heart in the poetry but here it is quite fantastic that S. L. Peeran’s practice
is, “poetry is the voice of man’s soul”.
Should I call him a poet? Yes, of course, in the strict sense of the term I
call S. L. Peeran a poet because he is at once more sensitive, with a wider
range of feeling; and is better in expressing what he feels, and move
others to share their feelings. What has Robert Browning said is suited to
What does it all mean, poet? Well. Your brains beat into rhythm, you tell
What we felt only: you expressed You hold things beautiful the best, And
place them in rhyme so, side by side.
He is really such a great poet who makes the readers feel what he feels
himself about a thing when he writes. It is appreciable because while
reading him the readers begin to feel something, the very inspiration
which had stirred the mind of the poet. The readers feel, as it were, lifts
up the heights of feeling and imagination possessed by him and the
readers share in his vision. For examples, when Shelley laments: “I fall
upon the thorns of life, I bleed!” The readers begin to search their own
wounds and become Peeran for the moment the readers read his poetry.
Poems like Alas! Mighty Terror!, Strike Of Terror And Grief, End Of Tyranny
and Ah! Gujarat! are the perfect example of the feelings that the readers
A few lines from Alas! Mighty Terror: The tallest tower of the might on
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Crumbling down like a pack of cards,
Lo, the free flying pigeon of peace
Caught in fire, turning to ashes.
The following lines stir the mind, touch the soul and definitely heart
Outbreak of pestilence,
diseases, flood of refugees
The jewel of peace,
shattered to smithereens.
Humanity thrown asunder everywhere.
Garden of love turned to sandy dunes.
The firm grip of vise holding tight.
Peeran has woven his poetry with beads like love, peace, hope,
compassion, sympathy, kindness, grace, beauty, violence, terror, grief,
harmony, fraternity, humanity, integrity, enlightenment, callousness,
mercy, devil, and humility, suggestion, prayer, suffering, exploitation,
harassment and torture.
“A New Message” contains marvelous tone and texture. It guarantees new
horizon of culture. Leave behind what has happened so far. Look
beyond it and cultivate a new and congenial culture with spirits, aim and
ambitions of open minds, new light and enthusiasm. As the “Thunder”
speaks in the poem “Wasteland” of T.S. Eliot likewise “The Heaven Thus
Speak” in Peeran’s poem:
Enliven the spirits, with aim
And ambitions of open minds
Allow new light to enter yourselves
Drive away darkness
Unite frontiers of love
Under able leadership
With love, zeal, enthusiasm
You can create a real new world,
That is not an Utopia,
But, where you fulfill your dreams.
God gives a sign, by thunder bringing rain. And the message of the
thunder is three fold. Da, Dayadh ram, Damyata-self-surrender, sympathy,
self-control. These three are the ways to salvation. Here when heaven s
peaks, definitely heavenly blessings are to be showered. But the ways and
means he suggests are to be strictly followed.
“Soften Hearts for Tranquility” is a grace of Peeran wherein he evaluates
love and therefore it reflects the properties which are the ingredients of
the following lines:
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Love is a rare fragrance
That emanates from sweet hearts
Love tolerates, forgives, sympathizes
Shows compassion and is all embracing.
Speech is silver and silence is gold that is the message in the poem
Unspoken Words. Have a look at:
Their silence speaks in million words
Unspoken words leave their own trail,
Like Buddha dangling in solitude.
As we know God has blessed men innumerable things such as beauty,
brain, wealth, health, strength, popularity, gift of the gab and longevity
etc. but in view of Peeran blessed are those as he says in “Blessed Hearts
Amidst Life’s Chaos”:
Blessed are the men with light of wisdom
With clear paths to tread softly
With sweet words and serene mind
Without malice in their lovely hearts.
There is a fascinating portrayal of the people in the poem A Knave who
have occupied the centre stage. They do not believe in virtues so they are
bent upon to take the buttress of “malice, wickedness, chicanery,
cunningness, have become cruel, sly, secretive, bereft of sincerity and honesty,
cheat anyone at a drop of hat and spin tales to mesmerize”. They have become
devout of the principle of “by hook or by crook” to remain in power.
However, that is not the end of the roads of virtues. Virtuosity subdues
evil crafts. Peeran discovers new and novel idea that is practicable and
creditable while facing the situation like A Knave.
To lay in calmness, when storm blows
And for patience and virtues to overwhelm you.
The only golden rule
To shun being enemy of your own soul.
To rule over your own self with controls
Is to drown passions and anger in nothingness.
“Faith” is the mirror of his faith. It is fair and unflinching that is the asset
of his creation and I have reason to believe that his poem attains eternal
quality. Atheism is quashed and believers enjoy. Following lines are to be
remembered before going to mosque, temple, church or gurudwara:
That is pure and sublime
That is truthful and just
It is that which sees and judges
That Who loves and cares
That Omnipresent-but invisible
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
That one Who kindles the heart
Look within yourselves and find-Him.
His themes of the poems show that he does not write poetry for pleasure
and publicity. There is a purpose which compel him day in and day out
to write. He writes poetry to propagate positive aspects which are good
and useful to mankind. Under the shadow of it one can lead a happy life.
And what may be more than this in the world where demons i.e. Super
Power with nuclear warheads has captured the land, seas and space and
from where monitoring movements of human beings.
“Poor Rustics” is a paradoxical poem in nature. He describes the qualities
that the poor inherit those are awkward and to be called rustic but
truthfulness lies with them. What a great virtue it is! He God in heaven
like it. It doesn’t matter they are without knowledge, manner less and
poor. It is important at the time when their business and work is
evaluated and considered of worthiness.
“Wonderful Place” is a poem wherein Peeran has tried to present his own
world of work place to live in. How should it be? What will be happened
there? He opines that let it be there as it is. There must be consideration
of gold as a gold, ash as an ash, evil as an evil and fool as a fool. The sky
must be above the head and the earth under the feet. Then the course
will automatically be smooth and pleasing. Partiality and prejudice spoils
the game. The following lines are worth observing:
Where brilliance is noticed.
And hard work is rewarded.
Let there be streams of joys flowing
Let there be creams of virtue growing.
He is a very keen observer. When he finds against human beings and
what is dangerous for the country, he sits not idle, on the contrary he
becomes ferocious and fearlessly expresses his views through his poetry.
His heart bleeds seeing the deterioration that is taking place in the
country. Nothing seems possible. Progress cannot be made. Let us see
present scenario in the following lines:
Is it possible for you to breath fresh air?
In a country polluted with corruption,
Deep in mire, sans peace and culture,
Wherein every corner, a devil waits to tease.
Peeran’s poetry is a precious gift to the suppressed and exploited persons
to emerge as victorious in the manner that “A man can be destroyed but
cannot be defeated”. This principle and norm of lives will rejuvenate and
will be able to defeat the devils on the earth.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Poetry has, thus, a unique value in brightening an strengthening life. As a
tonic that invigorates the withered soul of an individual in his unceasing
struggle in his materialistic world, as a soul, as a product of sheer beauty
for perennial delight, and as a beacon to what is transcendent, poetry has
a function which can be discharged by nothing else in the world.
Without it the soul of man will have lost something Peeran’s poetry is a
catalogue of splendors and excellences because it deals with love, peace,
hope, fraternity, harmony, delight, wisdom, beauty, prosperity and what
is good and useful to human beings. Moreover, the elements that make
poetry grand are found in abundance such as symbols, images, lyricism,
simile, metaphor, rhyme, melody, rhythm, spontaneity, men, women and
power of auditory imagination, both for beauty and sound and richness
of connotation and human feelings and thought in astonishing style.
Whatever he depicts and delineates it becomes alive. Besides, Peeran’s
view is similar to W.H. Hudson, “The world’s great poets have always
recognized that poetry is out of life, belongs to life, exists for life”.
Matthew Arnold supports this view that “the greatness of a poet lies in his
power application of ideals of life,-to the question, how to live”. What exactly
demands the function of poetry that emanates from the poetry of S.L.
Peeran. The readers and the lovers of poetry take them as sumptuous
dish and they nourishes it. The readers require stamina and skill to dive
deep into his realm and find the pearls in his poetry. The Shakespeare of
India, Mohammed Fakhruddin in Foreword of this book has rightly said that
the readers will find this book mesmerizing and his approach is positive
and generous minded. Definitely the ideal reader will recognize the
merits of this book. There is much more in this book as it is a full display
of the united force of study and genius of a great accumulation of
materials. No scholar will afford to ignore this book.
The beneficiaries of this book are human beings. An intelligent reading
of this will create, re-affirm and re-enforce faith in the life on earth holy
and heavenly and will not only earn the divine blessings for
himself/herself but will also be a blessing to the world when even two
minds do not yoke together to work for the betterment of themselves.
The passionate reading of New Frontiers attracts, astounds and in the
end enforces reverence. Thus his works will go on exercising through the
ages its most potent influence. Sincere reading of this book provides
those dynamic principles of life and the practical ethics for the daily
conduct of life suited to the whole world.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Patricia Prime on New Frontiers
New Frontiers is S.L. Peeran’s seventh collection of poems in English, and
demonstrates in detail what was already evident – a master hand at the
art. It’s pretty fine volume of complex and skilful poetry, with a good ear
attuned to some fine idea throughout.
The book begins with a foreword by Dr. M. Fakhruddin (Editor. Poets
International) in which he states. “You can easily find Sufism in his verses. He
has carved out a style for himself. His expressions are very simple but powerful”.
Peeran himself offers a preface in which he quotes from several reviews
of work, from Dr. I.H. Rizvi, Dr. C.L. Khatri, to Dr. K. Srinivas, among
However, I’m not completely enthused by everything in this 100 – page
offering. As usual in much Indian English Poetry some of the material is
in need of at least to my ear and eyes, another draft or two, but the
majority of the collection more than compensates for those poems where
– the command of English lets the work down. But this slightest of
caveats can be put aside and we can turn to the strengths of the poetry.
As the title suggests (at least on one level) many of these poems are
essentially about those moments, fissures or boundaries which may be
said to define the essence of living fully within human consciousness,
both rationally and emotionally. For Peeran, these New Frontiers, borders
between settled and unsettled countries, present a space of becoming or
In poetic values this is conveyed mostly, in Peeran’s case, by way he
thinks of and through metaphor, allied to distinctive rhythmic structures.
And while he plays here and there with the literalizing of the meaning of
metaphor, he never merely literalisms, and never merely finishes a
metrical effect for the sake of form. Peeran’s shifts of meaning via
metaphor do take us to new spaces, for example in the opening poem
“Lost Genius”
Oh! His grief and woes are oceanic deep
Quite different from ordinary anguishes
It is too difficult for one to understand
Pathos and distress reaching its zenith
It is in such poems where this is best achieved that Peeran’s voice is most
So while he literally takes us in the space of a few pages from “memory’s
lane”, “tales of miseries and sufferings”, “the ruins of bygone times” to “a cool
running stream”, “the warmth of your heart”, and “the joys emanating from
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
completion of duty”, he manages poetically to translate us to a realm
where these common places of everyday life, through and feeling, are
newly comprehended.
Moreover, in many of his poems I felt myself strikingly focused on ideas
becoming, quickening, if you like, into emotion. So in “To Tortured
Tyranny, terror and torture
Millions sent to gas chambers
Burnt alive, slaughtered, killed,
Driven away ruthlessly, mercilessly.
The poet asks who will wash away the emotions of torture, death and
the sins of the perpetrators. The fine poem “Unspoken Words” creates
mood of extraordinary fascination with the poor and illiterate
modulating into a brooding unease about how precarious life can be:
They limp like the ships of the desert
Like Bedouins gazing Nature
Collecting manna and nectar in wilderness
And holding as pearls in their closed heart.
These ideas are not new to poetry, but the modulation of moods is
highly effective, and arresting. Strong too are the poems where quotidian
events, often involving terror, grief, lack of the will to live, cheerless
moments, are related only to demonstrate a series of sliding emotional
shades, some of which challenge normal relationships, as in the poem
“Dried Up”.
The love’s rose now withered
I sit still in silence, in a darkened room
The pangs of love have broken my heart
Its magic has dried me up fully.
The poets individuality emerges through his intense personal
involvement and open, if at times ambivalent, emotion.
To sow the seeds of love to bear fruits’
One needs to soften the hearts with trust
O love! With thy tenderness and softness
Release my pangs, mirth and covetousness
(“Redeem From Turmoil”)
He also introduces a quietly ironic contrast between the India of his
memory and the place he occupies in the world today. The fateful rivers
and places of his homeland still pre occupy his consciousness, even as he
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
writes about “the newfound lands”, “Europe and USA” and the
brotherhood of man:
I am from the West
Having come to the East
To unite together
The North and the South (“Let’s Join Hands”)
There is too, an acutely subtle awareness of being in the present where
we all belong “To share joys and woes/With one and all, poor and rich,/To be
a succor to the needy/Always ready to lend a helping hand”. Peeran’s vote is an
example of the kind of voice urgently need to listen to. In times of
conflict like those today it is more often than not the poets who speak the
What is fascinating about New Frontier is its testimony to the ability of
the poet to capture so much of the essence of life in such a short direct
acquaintance. More importantly this collection is the story of one man’s
journey, from the position of interested observer to that of engaged and
passionate participant in a discourse on history, culture and, ultimately,
human warmth and love.
Courtesy: Poet, July-2005
Bernard M. Jackson on New Frontiers
Look within yourselves to enlighten your being
Seekers are finders; while sailing in deep ocean
Curb the meandering mind to stillness
Unperturbed with pin-pricks of friends and foes
Swim deeply in the depths of your oceanic self
(“Shine In The Dark Skies”)
It is indeed a mystifying paradox that universal love and worship of the
Almighty Creator has only led to deeper divisions in the spiritual
thinking of Mankind, whereas genuine, simple love and concern for our
fellow men, women and children has brought us to a closer – bonding
unity, embracing all common aspects of Humanity. The inescapable fact
of Creation is that we are (regardless of race, caste, color and
nationality) all members of the same human family. I make particular
mention of this, because of poets of the world from the very microcosm
of a better existence; a world united in love, peace and fellowship – A
World where we may truly celebrate the binding force of our extensive
family life together.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Within the framework of this mature approach we find the poetry and
didactic guidelines of a rising Indian poet, Bangalore writer S.L. Peeran,
a popular figure of great integrity, learning and literary accomplishment
whose inspired work has initiated the publication of an astonishing
number of poetry collections in recent years. This is all the more praise
worthy since Shri Peeran-did not decide to enter the poetry arena until
the onset of middle aged years. In one of my earlier reviews I referred to
S.L Peeran as follows:
‘Immersed in the philosophy of Suffists theological percepts, S.L. Peeran has
emerged from the dying embers of 20th Century Indian English poetry like a
veritable phoenix. Here, indeed, is a poet with a sense of mission, a writer imbued
with an all – pervading spirituality which is neither doctrinaire nor controversial,
and yet is forthright and wholehearted in facing up to the shortfalls and
deficiencies so glaringly apparent in our modern – day materialistic society.”
From review of a call from unknown
The title of his current collection New Frontiers, is well chosen, for his
poetry explores the universal growing awareness of basic love of
This fine collection is graced with quite a number of love poems and we
can only conjecture as to the background circumstances leading to the
fruition of such choice verses – Whether or not the poet is s till deeply
immersed in romantic events of many years ago, or perhaps an ongoing
personal relationship.
Enwrap me in the blanket of love.
Shower on me your affection
Let the dark clouds wane,
And bright light shine on us. (“Missing Love”)
And here you will notice Peeran’s deployment of light and shade, a
perceptive element of imagery extensively used to represent a range of
mood and feelings, from despondency to the happiness of spiritual
fulfillment. Peeran also makes excellent use of personification in his
work, generally.
I am cool, running stream
A torrential rainfall
A waterfall
From great heights. (“Rain And Rivers”)
There is also, within this selection, his Lament of a Shady Tree, a longer
poem with a wonderful teaching message, exhorting each and every one
of us to treat trees with due respect, for they are the providers of many
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
essentials and comforts for Mankind. A tremendous amount of thought
has been exercised in the preparation of this delightful poem, and
perhaps I may be excused for declaring it to be my favorite within the
collection, as a whole.
The reflective nature of S.L. Peeran’s poetry, together with his fine
choice of word and phrase, all makes for enjoyable reading. For good
measure, the collection is completed with a short selection of Haiku and
Tanka verse.
Courtesy: Poet, June-2005
Dr. Krishna Srinivas on In Rare Moments
Poets with Vision experience Eternal Moments.
When senses are renovated and cleansed, poems rise in them like a fountain.
Yeats had visitations of supernatural agencies when he wrote poems.
Great Valery combined the calculating precision of a mathematician with the
imaginative passion of a poet. He admitted God gave him a line and he
constructed his flawless architectural patterns.
Wordsworth experienced his oneness with the nature. Poetry springs from a state
of ecstasy – akin to madness. Swift and Johnson wrote poems of enlightenment.
It is from the infinite depth of the Unknown, great poems rise.
The great Victorian Critic E.S. Dallas emphasizing this subterranean World that
lies within us brilliantly says – In the darkness of memory, in unbidden
suggestions, in trains of thought unwittingly pursued in multiplied waves and
currents – all at once flashing and rushing in dreams that cannot be laid, in the
nightly rising of the somnambulist, in the clairvoyance of passion, in the force of
instinct, in the obscure but certain intuition of spiritual life – we have glimpses of
a Great Tide, ebbing and flowing, rippling and rolling and beating about where
we can see it.
Poetry needs conscious control. Poet’s mind enforces harmony upon the turbid
flux of existence. Poet Peeran reveals the power and vitality that streams through
the Universe and animates all creation. He chooses his words to act as missiles
that will explode in the reader’s mind. He weaves himself closer to all that
surround him.
Peeran has gained many distinctions and he is the right man to regain what all
we have lost. He cries down the crimes and injustices that prevail everywhere
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
today. Like President Kalam and Daisaku Ikda of Japan, he visions a paradise
that will come.
Poetry lovers in the world today face a challenge from technology and poetry is
threatened its very existence. But poetry will not expire. It has conquered all
onslaughts and mighty powerful poets have rescued it from a fall. It is high time
poets like Peeran must stand together and fly the flag of Poetry gloriously.
Now is the right time.
Now is the moment to survive and win. Yes it will
Patricia Prime on Fountains of Hopes
On the back of this slim handsome book are quotes from established
poets. Dr. Krishna Srinivas writes: “Like Blake, Peeran sees the world in a
grain of sand and Eternity in an hour”, which is mainly true and food for
thought, and Dr. R.K. Singh says: “The poet is critical, philosophical,
reflective and interpretive of his milieu and influences”, which is sincere and
The Foreword is by Dr. D C. Chambial, Editor of Poetcrit, who
comments that Peeran’s poems lament “the wicked deeds of ‘Talibans’ and
horrendous, blood curdling spectacles left by the ‘Tsunami’... he celebrates and
laments; is glad and sad; meditates upon ‘war and peace’ and ‘truth and beauty’;
sometimes nostalgic and then rejoices in Indian ‘unity in diversity’. Truly, an allenveloping scenario, that caters for many moods and experiences.
In his lengthy “Introduction and a humble appreciation” Dr. S. V.
Ramachandra Rao, Lecturer in English states “To sum it all up
An interesting collection of poems, with a variety of themes and subjects, brought
about with all the possible enthusiasm and genuine sincerity of a growing poet,
showing promise for the future. We have to concentrate on the concerns of the poet
to understand and appreciate him fully – by a slow and sympathetic reading of
his poetic efforts.
The poet himself, in his “Preface” says his hope is that “my poems will
appeal to the sensibility of the poets, critics and lay readers.” This latest
collection (Peeran’s eighth) is a work of a poet confident that his craft
will sustain whatever he demands of it in the way of modes: the short, s
pare poem, the long-lined discursive or descriptive poem, the quatrain
with a witty twist, the haiku.
The poems are spare. In the modern manner, some lines are short and
uneven, giving the reader the rhythm, sometimes the excitement, other
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
times the choppy nervousness of the persona. At other times the poems
are more fully developed with longer flowing lines and phrases. The
poems are in the poet’s own voice: “I am concerned, worried/With
furrows on forehead” (“Let’s Build Castles in Dreams”); “But a single
glance/Of love, surpasses the dreary moments” (Glittering Love). There are
poems about a centurion lady saint, “big mighty brothers”, thoughts of
fore-bearers, relationships, love, and much more.
Some poems are strong, if by that we mean taut and visually sharp,
while at the same time being intensely lyrical. They have long rhythmical
lines, such as we see in the poem ‘“Mastani Ma’ – The Green One”:
She spoke softly to say about herself.
Of her penance on three hundred sixty hills.
Showed us a room with pebbles of various colors,
Collected from each hill, where she sat in prayers.
They are individual. There are a lot of indefinable echoes here and it
would be surprising if some influences didn’t show. The echoes I hear
may be rhythms from the Romantic poets. In fact, one of my favorite
poems in this collection is “Welcoming 2003”:
We picked fragrant roses of love
Adorned the vases with lotuses.
Spread the sweetness of Jasmines
Decorated thresholds with mango leaves,
With rangoli patterned designs on floors.
Days and Nights were filled with dreams.
Satiated all our senses with pleasures.
Faced boldly every grave moment.
Braved storms, betrayals of friends, foes.
Shed pearls of tears on loss of loved one.
A kind of uninvited, metaphysical longing seeps through the best poems.
A section from “A Cry in Misery” is a good example:
The silence of the valleys
Have come to greet me.
The icy mute tombs beckon me
The chilly winds of snow bound mountains
Enwrap me, to shudder for warmth, comfort.
This is a well of great depth, ready for exploration by Peeran’s poetic
psyche. If tapped correctly it will be a source of exciting poetry.
The best poetry in Fountains of Hopes is strong in its authority. For
example, the traditional images of fellowship and admiration for a
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
colleague are blown away by heartfelt images like these from “Together
We Bloomed”:
Sooner and later the throbbing metropolis,
Engulfed us, took us in its mighty arms.
Put us on a high pedestal, where men
With learned length and thundering sound.
Enarmed us with lightning speed,
The flowing wisdom.
Showered their shiny pearls
Gathered from fathomless seas.
Spread the fragrance,
Scent from chosen perfumes.
To draw from our bosoms just rulings.
It takes a strong will to make such individual statements. Not all the
poems work this well. On the opposite page is a poem indicative of a
style that occurs occasionally throughout the book, a weak statement
struggling to be a poem, and in the end just being words shaped without
What if I have to face,
Storms tempests, tumults,
Brimstones, brick bats, fire.
I may lose my limb.
My skin may get scourged,
Burnt, maimed, exposed to vultures. (“A Voice of a Martyr”)
This approach has its dangers. A skeletal strength of syntax must be
created before such prosaic words can succeed.
When we come to “Cool Streams” and “Amidst Vultures”, we see Peeran at
his best. On the one hand, the theme is fully developed, a portrait of
father and son that is warm and sensitive without sentimentality; on the
other, a portrait of a woman from whom “Destiny has snatched her
purdah”. In one of the longest poems in the collection, “Hope for the lost
race”, Peeran develops the picture with sustained subtlety and shows his
concern for “Modern Man” by inference and allusion:
Can we lighten sorrows, grief ?
By the balm of sympathy.
To give to sufferers, the oppressed.
The pure joy of a never tiring affection;
To strengthen failing courage.
To instill faith in hours of despair.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
A sardonic gaze may well seem the best way of contemplating a world
view, and it does occur occasionally in Peeran’s work, as when he
ponders the “War on Terror” in “O Taliban’”: – “Compassion that should ooze
from the heart./But hatred like hemlock does the body apart./You call them
‘Kafir’ bound for hell./While you grow opium to sell.” Likewise when he
views fear in “Mighty Fear”: “Fear like a mighty venomous snake,/Encoils my
past memory./To block my pristine sight./To create illusions, deliriums.” Or the
devastation, chaos and tragedy of a tsunami, in “Oh, Tsunami!”:
Tsunami, you bear within your bosom
Oceanic tears, you destroy the body,
heart and rend the mind to pieces.
But generally the tonal quality of these poems is more complex: for
Peeran, this fallen and barbarous world nonetheless, and sometimes
paradoxically, offers riches of color and texture to be translated into
sensuous images. These often link the natural and the human world:
“While walking on marshy lands bare foot”, “While life moves on in time and
seconds”, “Nature’s beauty, its color, its charm”, transform life. Above all,
they offer homage to the vitality that is not to be cancelled out by any
In many of these poems, Peeran’s writing is assured, there is variety of
style, effective use of symbolism and touches of humour. Here is a poet
who has developed his own style of thinking but who is still
experimenting with different ways of using language. He has a great deal
to say to us, and there is more we may look forward to.
A section of haiku ends the collection: in it the poet reflects on nature,
with its images given in a fine clear style:
The moth flirts around
The flickering candle
Withering petals
A dew on a leaf
To melt away soon in air
On first glimpse of rays
While Peeran’s poems certainly offer moments of immediate pleasure,
they generally ask for reflective reading; those who offer it will be
Courtesy: Bridge in Making, 44th Number winter issue-2006
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Srinivasa Rangaswami on Fountains of Hopes
With an exuberant sparkling jacket, reflective of the upward-looking
joyous spirit of the author, Fountains of Hopes is S.L. Peeran’s latest
offering. With eight collections of poems in less than around six years,
Peeran’s art can be said to have created a record of sorts as the most
prolific author in the poetic world! A Foreword by Dr D.C. Chambial,
the learned Editor of Poetcrit, and a 22-page appreciative assessment of
Dr Peeran’s poetry by a longtime friend and admirer of the author, Shri
Ramachandra Rao, introduce the collection.
Peeran is a Poet of positivism, of hope, and his poetry a celebration of
life in its multi-visaged splendor – in its myriad moods of joy, sorrow,
sordidness, happiness, wonder, wisdom, exultation and exaltation.
Peeran’s poetry is a river of words, of thoughts, where, most of the time,
the Poet cannot hold himself to stop, to pause and ponder, to weigh
words against the rushing tide of his emotions-his up surging emotions
from the grounds well of his core beliefs, virtues and values, his piety,
held close to his heart all his life. We have to go along with the tide,
getting reminded all the way of Peeran, the Man – the kindly
compassionate soul, mellowed by the vicissitudes of his life, enriched by
his wide-stretching experience of men and matters, the aesthetic being
sweetened by his ever-thirsting yearning for communion with his beloved
Maker. Here we are on a special ground, different plane, face to face
with a godly being, suffused with love for all humanity, an aesthetic
tender being of rare refinement, beloved of all who happen to know him,
blessed to know him.
In the title poem Fountains of Hopes the Poet expresses his ardent wish:
(If) only could I sow rainbows, roses
Create founts in the flaming deserts
Bring fragrance to the decaying souls.
True patriotism, it is said, is founded on positive level or one’s country,
love for what one values most in his country. For all the sordid scenes he
has been witnessing around him, the Poet’s love for, and faith in the
destiny of his country, would remain undimmed. Poet Peeran, while
talking about his country, would not recount the country’s past glory, or
its achievements in the modern day in terms of improvements in
infrastructure or economic growth instead, he would dwell on other
things. He would say:
Let me speak
Of our unity in diversity
Of our spiritual values, diverse literature,
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Of our religious tolerance
Of our spicy foods, films, music and dance,
Of our colorful dresses, head gears. – (“Mera Bharat Mahan”)
Like a martyr, clear-eyed about his goal and his mission, the Poet
confidently declares:
I may be hooted, shunted.
Trampled down and silenced.
I shall dare to save the wings
Of the dove being trapped in thorny net.
Destiny will judge me right one day. (“Voice of a Martyr”).
The Poet is wearied with the times. His dreams are shattered. At this
hour, the illumined soul looks up to the Lord and prays:
I look up now to
Thee my Lord, my Succor!
My candle is now to burn out
Yet I hope, I look up
To the horizons beyond
Where darkness fades,
And light flashes its rays.
Beckons me to reach out.
--------------------------------------------------------------------I look up now for fresh dreams
To pass on the legacy (to) a new era.
This should give a glimpse of the Poet and his uncommon poetry.
Courtesy Poet, Nov-2006
Dr.Manas Bakshi on Fountains of Hopes
S.L. Peeran is one of the major poets in the realm of contemporary
Indo-English poetry with as many as eight books already to his credit.
From his first published collection of poems In Golden Times to the very
recent Fountains of Hopes, Peeran has proved his distinct identity as a
The book under review Fountains of Hopes containing some 65 poems
and a few haiku has a variety of themes Social, Political, Ecological, as
also Celestial. His poems reveal his outlook not only as a literary
personality but also as a socially and politically conscious human being
with his comprehensive grasping of the complex socio-economic system
as we have. Peeran has well adopted the art of expressing himself with
thoughts that are reflective, emotions that are appealing and temper that
is both sensitive and philosophical.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
And this he does against a canvas full of complexities of modern living
like arson and atrocities, poverty and deprivation, offence and injustice
and so on. Peeran articulates when “A Voice Of A Martyr” is heard in the
lines “what if I have to face Storms/, tempests, tumult/Brimstones, brick bats,
fire/I may lose my limb”, when “Amidst Vultures” is found “destiny’s iron
hands has snatched, her purdah/Now, she is exposed to vultures”, Peeran dives
down to utter “My deep sub-conscious mind/Drenched with
millennium/thoughts of my fore-bearers/of their desultory living in parched
lands” and laments in “Slippery Love” as a disgruntled lover “Yes, we sing
tearful; songs/Songs to cheer the desolate heart/: But the passing
shadows/Eclipse the bright round one/The dark clouds have all molted./Where
now the silvery lining?”...These are just a few instances of Peeran’s’
intrinsic inscriptions abundant in the book.
As a matter of fact, in this particular book, Peeran seems deeply
concerned about all that is happening around us, but the contemporary
textures are more piquant than simply touching in his outpourings –
“Love forsaken to deserted islands/Sea shells on shores hiding pain/The crushed
dreams wailing in loneliness/Distant desperate eyes watch silence in melancholy”
and he concludes “Rishies, Yogis, Mahatmas meditate in silence/To go higher
up in secret galleries to meet the Divine” – in clear submission to the power
that is Divine, Peeran’s mindset seems ushering in these lines. It reflects
the spirit of an advocate of Sufism like Peeran. It brings forth Indianness
in the cult of English poetry today.
Equally, Peeran is haunted by the horror of “Tsunami”
“Tsunami, you bear within your bosom/Oceanic tears, you destroy the
body/Heart and rend the mind to pieces”, the terror of Taliban” “You call them,
Kafir bound for hell’/While you grow opium to sell’/Brotherhood, a parochial
term, you practise the apprehension of a Dismal Future when” The Volcanic
eruptions/Have melted the warm, “Relationships bridging gaps”. But there is
hope, and to quote Peeran, there are Fountains of Hopes; “Let’s find shores
bereft of saline waters/A place where brimstones don’t rain”. This is possible
only when we can have faith in ourselves, only when, in tune with
Peeran, we can avow “‘Let’s keep our hand on our heart/And utter the
truth/By being true to our salt and to our Mother India”.
A book with several laudable poems, Nicely produced except for some
printing errors (pages 15,17,32 etc), reasonably priced, the book deserves
wide readership.
Courtesy: Poet, Feb-2007
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Shiva Kant Jha on Fountains of Hopes
Dr. Johnson said, with his characteristic perspicacity and crispness, that
‘the business of a poet....is to examine, not the individual but the species; to
remark general properties and large appearances. He does not number the streaks
of the tulip.” In doing this business, Dr Peeran in his Fountains of Hopes,
has shown ‘remarkable moral courage and richest plastic imagination.
Most of the poems in this miscellany of his poems show without doubt
that he is at the most conscious poet of our generation. Like Thomas
Mann’s Death in Venice, the poems make us reflect on our civilization,
which glitters with sophistication, but is degenerate, decaying, and
corrupt. The poet brings to our mind the Wallace syndrome, explained
with force by Alfred Russell Wallace emanating in our high
technological age from the worrisome malady emanating from fast
changing technology and stagnant morality.
For quite some time, I have been thinking, in course drawing up the first
draft of my book The Cultural Crisis of Our Times, about the pathology
of our times. I find that my research and reflections are leading me to
develop the same insight which made Dr Peeran express his criticism of
our times in words so felicitous and images so sensuous and suggestive
as these in the poem entitled ‘Modern Times’.
Lo! Day and night passing by –
Slipping into new zone of modernity,
Mall culture, cell phones, plastic money,
Condoms, junk food, single mothers,
Gays, night dancing girls serving
Wine teasing young minds for fun;
With bonhomie and poppy culture all around.
The images and their sequential juxtaposition configure and
choreograph before our mind’s eye the process of our decadent
civilization where the irony, [to which W B Yeats referred in his ‘Second
Coming’ (“The best lack all conviction, While the worst are full of
passionate intensity”)], is writ large, though shrouded under, to borrow
the words of Sombart,’ oozing flood of commercialism’ which is, through
stealth and deception, dragging the Western civilization down. In
‘Raining Fire and Brimstone’ he asks God a devastating question
reminding one of the question Job had put to God in the Holy Bible’s
Book of Job. The poet asks:
“O Heaven Where is Thy promised Mercy?
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
The poet has a song in his soul when he says ‘I look up now for fresh
dreams’. However, we reap only the consequences of our deeds. The
poet says in ‘Fountains of Hope’:
Let’s find shores bereft of saline waters.
A place where brimstones don’t rain.
These words echo what Lord Krishna had said in the Bhagavad-Gita. The
poet adds new dimensions of thoughts given birth under our
contemporary mores and circumstances. The Lord said:
Atmaiva hyatmano bandhur
Atmaiva ripur atmanah.
We are ourselves our friends; we are ourselves our foes. It is this
understanding, which led the poet to navigate through numerous themes
of great contemporary relevance. In this high creative pursuit, the poet
evaluates many ways, and measures many institutions of our times. He
weighs them with insight; and where he finds them wanting, he responds
to them with dexterity in the language of suggestions. Nevertheless, on a
careful reading of the poems, one experiences a dominant note and a
supreme assertion in the poet’s abiding HOPE. The Mahabharata says
that it is futile to become sad for the sufferings that are common to most
people. Prudent men always endeavor to find ways to get over them. It is
worthwhile to recall what Horace had told Ulysses: ‘never be
overwhelmed by the tides of misfortune. The poet is right in saying
‘Destiny will judge me right one day’. Hence, it is time to act. The parable of
Penelope’s web shows that Hope alone helped her survive her drudgery
in order to achieve her objective: she lived and worked with Hope. All of
us live, as Goethe says:
At the whirring loom of Time unawed
I work the living mantle of God.
Ours is a great democracy. We can survive in glory only until Hope
survives. Lord Bryce, after noting what ails democracy, observed:
“Hope, often disappointed but always renewed, is the anchor by which the ship
that carries democracy and its fortunes will have to ride out this latest storm as it
has ridden out many storms before.”
This collection of poems is well titled. What enthralled me most was the
quality of the imagery in the poems. It is true that what images convey
depends largely on ‘our capacity to visualize’. A reader’s observation
post and his spiritual attainments determine the range and quality of
poetic experience which imagery can communicate to him. However, the
images of the poems are expressive and suggestive as they acquire
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
meaning from the central thread in the poet’s deep-felt thought. The
poems evidence a sensuous shining forth of ideas with rich resonances
that lasts long in the mind of a perceptive reader. Stock – responses do
not mar the poetic excellence. Metaphors are not worn out. The poet
moves in his poems from peak to peak after sojourning on plateaus: this
is natural when one reflects the complex realities of our times, and
responds to these with utmost good faith. It is remarkable that nowhere
the poet is heuristic. He keeps his reader agile and reflective through the
cavalcade of the poems. The poems are highly readable. They deepen
our perception, they delight us, and they inspire us. They prove that
poetry is not dead in our locust-eaten years where the overweening
commercialism is turning even human beings into commodities for sale.
This reviewer hopes that the poet’s oeuvre would receive wider
appreciation world over.
(The reviewer is Former Post-Graduate Lecturer in English, Magadh University,
Gaya and Chief Commissioner of Income-tax; the author can be mailed at
shivakantjha@gmail.com) Author of: The Judicial Control in Globalised Economy
and Final Act of W TO: Abuse of Treaty-making Power)
Courtesy: TaxIndiaonline.com
The immortal straight line of right and justice! by Shiva Kant Jha; Review
of In Rare Moments, a collection of poems by Dr S L Peeran
Will Durant was exploring to answer: What is the meaning or worth of
human life? He wrote to persons like Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein,
Mahatma Gandhi, and Rabindranath Tagore to get ideas from them whose
credentials Will Durant thus explained in his letter to Bertrand Russell:
"Perhaps the verdict of those who have lived is different from that of those who
have merely thought. Spare me a moment to tell me what meaning life has for
you, what help - if any - religion gives you, what keeps you going, what are the
sources of your inspiration and your energy, what is the goal or motive-force of
your toil; where you find your consolations and your happiness, where in the last
resort your treasure lies."
These lines abided in my mind while I went through Dr S.L. Peeran's In
Rare Moments.
Dr. Peeran lived and worked, thought and reflected, and then he
expressed himself in the poems which present, not the reveries in the
ivory-towers, but a critical insight in words and images with deep
evocative resonances. This reviewer feels that if Alvin Krenan, the author
of The Death of Literature, ever reads some of the poems in this
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
collection of poems, he would surely desist from writing an obituary on
the demise of poetry even in our locust-eaten years.
Dr Krishna Srinivas has quite perceptively observed, while writing on the
'Poetry Peeran':
"He [Peeran] chooses his words to act as missiles that will explode in the reader's
I would wholly endorse his comment, yet I would add a few words. Dr.
Peeran's poems, at least some of them, possess that supreme quality of
poetry which in Indian poetics and philosophy is called 'sphota' which
literally means 'to bud out, to break out, to come out with energy and
impact'. It is what flowers inside one's mind on reading a poem. And,
once it happens, one is enriched and stimulated.
"Are hopes and dreams mere mirages?", the poet asks (at p. 2). Civilizations
have grown in richness with a high quotient of dreams and hopes. It is
through dreams that great ideas turn into visions before being
concretized in life; it is hope which sustains us through life's criss-cross.
But now we see a great danger in this society of calculators, and
sophisters as these nobler qualities are fading all around us. The poet has
pithily expressed this tragic flaw of our times by a simple but profound
observation: "Indian mind is like a stock-exchange." (at p. 4). The portrait of
our plight is well expressed by the poet:
"Let's adjust, Let's adjust" is the wholesome cry
"Cut the corners, here", "Cut it there, anywhere."
The sole enemy of the day is money
The bull in the market is currency. (at p. 22)
If this be the state of our affairs, we are surely caught in the throes of the
Seven Sins to which Mahatma Gandhi referred.
Politics without principles
Wealth without work
Commerce without morality
Education without character
Pleasure without conscience
Worship without sacrifice.
Dr. Peeran's poems express a profound vision of life, and shows strong
commitments to struggle to achieve what are the very 'human specifics'.
It is not the Darwinian struggle to survive and grow in animal delight,
but it is an evolution which is not bedeviled by the syndrome of an
imbalance between the high technological growth and moral stagnation,
if not degradation. The poet has well said:
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Battles of life are worth being fought.
Than hang the head in shame and be mocked. (at p. 15)
The task is difficult, but it is the struggle to get over such difficulties
which makes life worth living.
The poet's deeper reflections on life led him to discover the main culprit
perpetrating all the ills of our days. The poet aptly says:
Waves of mind distorts
The crystal-clear waters
Of sublime soul. (at p. 25).
The poet is quite conscious of the fact of correction is uphill. He
expresses his apprehension by saying: "You need million Suns to lighten our
Nation."All this makes the poet think that even God can be questioned
on His work:
Being lonely, alone and desolate.
Everyone wishes to melt away and
Reach God to question him Where were they at fault? (at p. 11)
Similar question had been asked by Job in the Book of Job. God's answer is
very unsatisfactory. He silences Job by His majesty of light which is
meant to make the poor man feel that he is congenitally incompetent to
understand His ways. God's answer is no answer; or if it is, it is Fascist in
style. When Bali asks Shri Rama certain inconvenient questions, He
answers persuasively and at length. The poet has himself answered by
describing us in these words of profoundest wisdom:
The poet, in effect, draws attention to a profound doctrine of revolution.
One of his poems ends with:
'Annal Huq': I am Truth. (at p. 48)
In fact, most of the poems leave in mind the sphota of Annal Huq which
bring to mind these famous lines of Faiz Ahmed Faiz:
'Bas naam rahega Allah ka
Jo ghayab bhi hai hazir bhi
Jo manzar bhi hai, nazir bhi
Uthega Annal Huq ka nara
Jo mai bhi hon aur tum bhi ho
Aur raaj karegi Khalq-e-Kuda
Jo mai bhi hon aur tum bhi ho
Hum dekhenge
Lazim hai hum bhi dekhenge
Hum dekhenge...!'
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
And when all is said, the poet sings the paean of 'straight paths'
suggesting how much simple and easy it is if we just move on the straight
line of justice! The poet says: 'Let my progeny walk on straight paths.’ (at p.
61). This reminds me what Earnest Barker had written to Albert
Einstein: "If at your command, the straight lines have been banished from the
universe, there is yet one straight line that always remains - the straight line of
right and justice."
Most of the poems by Dr. Peeran invite us to discover this straight lines
of right and justice, and inspire us to tread on them with courage and
The poems in the collection under review have diverse themes, but they
all seem to emanate from a root metaphor: the cultural crisis of our
times morbidly begotten by the present-day consumerist culture. But in
the poems, the ideas are not a set of dry bones. Their rhythm and images
make them alive, and lead them to poetic richness. The reviewer wishes
that Dr. Peeran should keep alive his interest in high creative pursuits.
But when all is said, the reviewer quotes with approval what William
Cowper said:
There is a pleasure in poetic pains
Which only poets know.
Themes of spirituality in the poem of S.L. Peeran: by Dr. Lily Fernandes
ELT Weekly Vol. 5 Issue#6 | February 18, 2013 | ISSN 0975-3036
This research paper is written and submitted by Dr. Lilly Fernandes, Associate
Professor, Department of English, Al Jouf University, Kingdom of Saudi
Peeran’s poetry features are often mistaken as mystic, but it is in truth
spiritual. He talks about the truth of life which may convey a mystical
sense, for common man fails to see the world in the truest sense (Peeran,
2002). He describes inherent qualities of man like mercy and
compassion which is lost when man becomes a slave to earthy resources
or is influenced by such affected humans beside him. This is when he
seeks help from God and builds a trust which gradually takes him back
on track.
The predominance of Sufism and spirituality in Peeran’s works gives it a
healing touch offering hope and faith. His words remind man of his
duties, innate qualities and the path to progress not only as an individual
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
but for the goodness of the world as a whole. His poems have a
meditative property at the same time meaningful, predominantly
reflecting human nature and his growth.
Each one of us have
Our own galaxies
They are satellites
With our sun.
They reflect the splendor
Of the everlasting light.
When the darkness descends
The cold moon without habitation
Moves round and round it master
Waxes and wanes again and again
To create time, a path to tread
Both the master and the servant
Work in unison and in harmony
To create unlimited and unseen seasons
For man to reflect and ponder upon
(Peeran, 2002)
These poems are different from philosophical preaching in that they are
not previously quoted truth but truth as a cleansing for the human mind.
Perhaps, a definitive line cannot be marked but these poems are of the
nature that makes a reader exclaim “Aha!”, it is a kind of realization that
may have been known but not realized or viewed in the described
perspective. In philosophical words, his poems are an awakening from
ones slumber. His poems are however cannot be classified as intellectual.
S.L.Peeran’s poems vividly express that he is a religious person with
great respect and faith in God. He mentions that his faith in God and his
plentiful blessings humbles him and helps him in times of troubles. The
poet also appreciates the existence of God in times of happiness which
he describes in the poem “Grace” from the volume “In Rare Moment”.
Blow my sails, push my boat of life
My rudder of faith is firm, I hold fast
Neither storms, nor thunder, nor lightning can shake me
I am not on a slippery path. I have my khizr”
A friend in need is joy for ever
An ever slave is a pleasure forever.
(Peeran 2003)
All religious faiths revolve around the concept of God and Peeran’s faith
in Islam is no different. He depicts his strong faith in Allah/God in
many of his works. In the poem “All Round Welfare”, Peeran evidently
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
respects and embraces the goodness of all religions and despite the
differences in ways of worship, people of all faiths prostrate at God’s feet
to get His blessings. “Allah’s Bounty” is one poem where he directly seeks
the blessings of Allah whose mercy he believes is boundless. He often
uses words like -O Lord, ‘O Master and Divine Mercy which shows his
fullest involvement and belief in the Almighty.
O Master, can I have your glimpse
To lift my sagging spirits an enlighten soul, 11
His firm belief in Almighty is also evident in these lines –
When I lost hopes form all
A divine voice gave strength and guided me.
(Peeran 2005, pg 12)
S.L.Peeran is an ardent follower of Islam and strongly believes that
preaching Islam is the way to cleanse the world of its evils and spread
brotherhood. Accordingly, in one of his poems he narrates the birth of
Prophet Mohammad.
A star was born, a light shone.
A manifestation of the ultimate Truth.
Purity in shinning dress dawning,
To cleanse and illumine the universe. 21
To take humanity to Zenith of peace.
To open the floodgates of knowledge.
To unite man and man in a single bond.
To liberate the destitute, infirm, oppressed.
His poems follow that spiritual transformation is different from
philosophical transformation and his poems are focused on spiritual
transformations. He is not influenced by intellectual ideas or doctrines
rather he is guided by religion and humanity. His poems are devoid of
criticisms of any other religion though he is a devout Muslim. He
attempts to describe the goodness he perceives from other religions and
sees it in relation to teachings of Islam itself. Such an endeavor was the
poem “My Good Old Friend.” In this poem he avers that people’s faith is
differentiated only by the way they pray, dress and manners but the belief
in one ultimate God remains common.
Once in a deep sleep, I dreamt
Being in a mosque, flooded with lights
A bearded turbaned moulvi
Leading prayers and piteously seeking grace
I later walked out and passed through
A temple full of worshipers
The same moulvi, now I found him
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
As a poojari, placing artees
In a moment, I found myself
In a church, the padri dressed
In long whites, placing candles
On the altar and doing service
In a flash, I recognized him
So did he. He smiled and
Waved his land in familiarity
Adorning different dresses and manners
Muttering in different tongue the same name.
(Peeran 2002, pg 12)
Through his poems Peeran promotes the idea that ultimate spirituality
involves being enraptured by the love of God. In the following poem
“What is Khulus”, Peeran promotes spirituality in promoting the virtues
of humbleness leading to godliness.
I want to know from you as to what
is “Khulus” and who is “Muklis”?
Satan in afraid of “Mukliseens”.
Those are most humble,God -fearing
And most simple ones. Is simplicity,
sincerity profound? In it humility
resides and Divinity descends. A sincere
person is a most humble person, is
without ostentation without pride,
prejudice. He does put but on airs
he is never arrogant and haughty.
He walks with softness. His speech
is honeyed tongue. He has no
roughness. He is gentle to the core.
He is forgiving and does not mind
taunts, criticism and humiliations.
He suffers pain, agony with light-hearted
humour. He is not angry
But jolly and extremely good,
good and good full of love.
Peeran as a believer in Sufism and Spirituality promotes his work with
faith and hope. His works have a healing touch and serve as a constant
reminder that man should have duty towards himself, his family, his
society and ultimately his faith. This spiritual transformation is observed
in the following poem,
Each one of us have
Our own galaxies
They are satellites
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
With our sun.
They reflect the splendor
Of the everlasting light.
When the darkness descends
The cold moon without habitation
Moves round and round it master
Waxes and wanes again and again
To create time, a path to tread
Both the master and the servant
Work in unison and in harmony
To create unlimited and unseen seasons
For man to reflect and ponder upon
Conclusion: S.L Peeran stands out among other contemporary English
poets in his way of expressing his beliefs embracing spirituality and
Sufism. He retains the credit of being the only Indo- Anglican poet who
writes Sufi verses in a fashion agreeable to readers across all barriers. His
poems are not only intensified on God but also describe practical issues
faced such as social and environmental problems. But, the ideas,
reflections, imagery, style, creativity, figure of speech and personification
predominantly revolve around Sufism. Most of his poems delineate the
aspects of Sufism.
On reviewing the works of S.L.Peeran extensively, it is evident that the
poet has completely immersed his thoughts in Sufism by reflecting
which, through his poems, believes that love for mankind, humanity,
compassion and trust can be spread. S.L.Peeran through his poems
reflects the significance of religious tolerance, promotes faith which is
how the world can become a second heaven free of negativity, evil and
ego (Prasad, 2011). He advocates establishing good relationship with
fellowmen by positive communication and spreading of love and peace.
It is Peeran’s belief that his spirituality and practice of Sufism that has
lead him to write poetry which is why his strong notions and faith in
Sufism is depicted in his poems “Time” and “Again”. Peeran’s poems are
for all class of people, emphasizing on the prime factors that are
endangered in the world today – peace, humanity and growth; this he
elicits in his poems in a descriptive and intuitive fashion and ultimately
play a role in the spiritual transformation of the reader.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
“S.L.Peeran: His Poetry and Spiritual writings.” by Mashrique Jahan
Published in Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, {BiMonthly}, ISSN 2249-9598, Volume-V, Issue-II, Mar-Apr 2015 Issue.
S.L.Peeran as a contemporary writer in Indian English Poetry stands
amidst among other poets mainly because of his Sufi and spiritual
writings. In recent time he has ignited the light of classic writing which
has been evaporating from our writing, Indian writing in English is
always known for its classic and rich culture but in recent time it has
been mushrooming by new plastic culture. Peeran is one such poet who
has not only regained us from this plastic or virtual cultural but also
showed us right path by his simple poetry of day today life. According to
Dr. N.P.Singh, “Peeran is celebrated for his poetic imagery; his social, political,
moral alertness; his uncanny ability to make his ordinary extraordinary; and not
least a humor of his own. Gathering much of his material from minutiae of
Indian philosophy, religion and culture. Peeran matches meditation on spiritual
concern and weight of history with a nimble wit, shifting of moments of clear
vision and intense poetic revelation.”1 Peeran has a background of Sufism as
he belong to a illustrious family practicing the values of Sufism since
centuries, he is initially imbibed in that culture and is the reason behind
that one could glance Sufism and spiritualism in his writing. Peeran
writing’s show how he is aware of his surroundings and spirituality is
nothing without the skill of awareness and survival. Without these skills,
the journey toward spirituality would be frustrating, incomplete, and
mediocre at best. There were no substitute for these skills, no shortcut
until these skills were perfected, any search into the spiritual realm
would be fruitless and according to Peeran and his poetry one should
learn to live everyday with intensity, rapture and adventure creating a
fuller life, one with mere
meaning than just the senseless rush of society. If it happens, one will
start learning from wilderness to purity, will learn to listen the voice that
could be heard with the heart and not with the ears, understand things
that were beyond normal human comprehension. Slowly and effectively
one could be led from the physical skills to more dynamic philosophy of
life and nature. Here some of the poems of Peeran which deals with sufi
perspective and Sufi way of life.
Love’s Many Facets:
As a seed seeks a safe place to hide
Till it gains the strength to sprout and grow
Hearts that are weak or marred by frailties
Need LOVE to make them
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Strong and pure.
Love lives in souls lofty and true
And shuns the mighty and haughty,
Love can never find a place
In hearts that are hard and stony.
Love shines and sparkles in speech
Never adopting a harsh tone.
In songs sung with a melodious voice,
It reflects itself and is amply shown.
Though Love spells special passion for youth,
Its magic hold entranced, in its spell,
People of all ages – young and old,
Neither age nor customs its glory can dim,
In Love, sympathy flows like a stream
Gushing and flowing with ecstasy,
Like magical springs emitting milk and honey,
Love oozes from hearts that are kindly.
Though sad and painful the pangs of love,
We are told that sweet they are,
And that, not to have loved at all,
To love and lose, it’s better far!
The poem ‘Love’s Many Facets’ starts with seed nature smallest thing
which create further wonder in this world. Through this poem poet
wanted to say that God, or whatever we take to be the divine, comes to
us not through what is above and outside, but through our innardsthrough our spiritual interiors; through what is highest and most holy in
ourselves. Divinity lies all around us, but society remains too hidebound
to accept the facts. In other words Peeran wanted to say that God speaks
to man through nature, if are to see Divinity shines clearly within, we
must protect and nurture our natural surroundings. By taking words
from nature like ‘magical spring, milk and honey’ Peeran wanted to say that
why men are wondering here and there to understand the complexity of
life the solution is here only in God’s creation that is nature itself. Sufism
is all about the Love for the Beloved and His Prophet [peace be upon
him]. It is the deep love and test of love which brings Lord nearer than
Jugular Vein. “Love is God, God is Love” is a famous adage and idiom.
Love emits from heart and mind and is not propelled by a brute
mechanical force but by a feeling of willingness, which brings joy and
happiness rather than pain of suffering. Pain and suffering accepted
voluntarily due to a strong feeling of likeness to a person to whom it is
directed in the form of “Love”, does not cause destruction but it propels
a person towards a “Life Force” or magnetic force, which is everlasting.
Love should be for love’s sake. It is a silent cool stream and its water is
pure and sweet. It should neither be poisonous nor be bitter. Love should
remove the feeling of bitterness, moroseness, self possessiveness, hatred
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
and jealousy. Love should bring in us magnanimity and generosity of
Sun, truthfulness, simplicity, beauty and grace of Moon, contentment
and tranquility of an Ocean, love should make us forgiving, merciful and
compromising in all seasons, purity and shine of white snow of
Himalayas, vastness of desert and enormous goodwill and everlasting
Doubtless mind
Soul serene
With Thee (God Allah) beside me
Life is a trifle
Rudder of faith
Cuts off turbulence
Meandering thoughts
Dampens the spirit
Shackles of Iron
Or wall of bricks
Cannot curb or
Prevent Love
Pure and sublime
In the above poem poet says that love cannot be restricted by any
physical obstacle. It is a feeling, and cannot be stopped, it merges with its
only solace almighty, which is also the only aim of any Sufi that is
complete surrender as only complete surrender to almighty will surely
bring wisdom, enlightment and attainment both in this world and
Sharing Love
Love is a divine spark, hidden in depths of heart
For man to cherish until death doth him apart
To give meaning to life and life after
A binder and a coagulator
Love is sacrifice and sacrifice is to die
A sincere attempt to give up every lie
The inner being gets effaced for the Beloved
Immersed in thought and, drunk in His breath
Where love lets lovely springs to flow
In its bottom lies dormant sorrow
To creep up and let streams of tears
On sad thoughts for love to share
A bleeding heart bears gems within
To emit rays of hopes to wash of sin
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
In all his poems Peeran talks on love for the creator. Poet talks on
prosperity, by prosperity he don’t mean material wealth, in possessions
of goods and things of comforts but prosperity is in all round spiritual
advancements, in acquisition of knowledge, in progress of culture and in
all good things of life. The prosperity brings in joy, happiness and bliss
both in this world and in the world hereafter. thus love for creator is a
must for advancement in life. Love for love’s sake will bring in dedication
which is a requirement to achieve patience, fortitude, constancy and
victory in all the efforts put in sincerity by the believers.
Peeran focus on inner peace rather than outwardly, he speaks of being
mentally and spiritually calm, with enough knowledge and
understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress.
Inner peace is like when find it within oneself. It is not the absence of
conflict, but the ability to cope with it. Inner peace is only achieved when
we actively pursue it. It’s a life long journey that we should look forward
to, not something to avoid. Some people grow rapidly, some slowly but
as long as there is growth rather than not growing spirituality at all, then
one is on the right path. When knowledge is increased, it decreases the
negativity around and within. If faith and trust is increased and one will
realize that one have a purpose in this world then serenity is sure to
An illumined soul is an enlightened one to guide the humanity. A poem
on ‘an illuminated soul’
An Illuminated Soul
Every moment is becoming past
Mingling with times and history
Bygones be bygones, past is past
Words slipping from lips can’t come back
Deep down in yourself, a feeling
Of remorse, repulsions regrets
Of acts disapproved and shunned
A beginning of change in you
A new experience of fresh breath
A new life, a new lease
A change of mind, a change of heart
A new discovery for better living
A new learning, a new growing
An expansion of vision, a new light
A glow within, a new consciousness
Ever forgiving and illumined soul
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Scintiliating Poems By Jasvinder Singh
Fountains of Hopes is an anthology of poems endowed with innovative
thoughts of Dr. S.L.Peeran, a much acclaimed poet with deep inner
feelings, and philosophy of life involving his inferences and well
considered beliefs. His penetrating vision into the nuances of life and
phenomenal occurrences creates a flutter into the mind of the reader,
and the poet in him emerges with a deep skepticism delving on subtleties
which make the poems meaningfully sinking into mind and heart of the
reader leading him to introspection, and a greater urge to discover poet’s
philosophical glimpses in his poems.
His expressions with a subtle poetic diction and imaginative excellence
suggest to the reader that his poetry is endowed with highly admirable
expressions. Simplicity of language enhances the charm of reading
poems in the book.
One becomes very well familiar with poet’s humility in his thoughts in
one after the other poem. To cite here an example in the poem pass on
the implores:
“Let me be a pilgrim in a caravan
to pass on the antiquity.
In a while shroud to eternal obscurity
Then limp like a blind beggar in typhoon.”
The expression creates the impression of humility in his humble desire to
be a down to earth person in life.
In the poem ‘Cool Streams’ the poet reflects his philosophical imagination
in assertion that:
“He knew one thing, perhaps, that
to strive for something unusual
for hopes, to touch the zenith
are mere mirages and clouds to melt.”
In these lines there is good semblance imagination and imagery with
which he attempts to convey a strong message through introspection and
realism. In the poem Happy Time the poet makes a fervent appeal in
“Let us wipe the tears of sorrow from every eye.
Let none go to bed hungry, live bare sans cloths.”
One feels overwhelmingly moved to note poet’s concern for the
betterment of society, especially the needy ones. It also gives an inkling
of spiritualism in his feelings towards fellow human beings.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
War always leaves behind it embittered and agonizing imprints on the
veil of fancies of one and all. The picturesque penned down by the poet
in the poem war and peace is very touching and reveals a embittered
reality in his observation that:
How many widow, orphans, old people
Must have wept, cried in pain and in distress.
When enemies overran, to wreck vengeance.
To destroy, ravage, rape, and plunder.”
He concludes the poem an avid observation that:
“Ushering in blindness, lameness, hunger, death
Terror, war, strife tears peace to shreds.”
Elsewhere in the poem shut the trap he asks a million dollar question:
“Do I need a lesson or two?
From the bygone pages of history
Of bloodshed, animosity, hatred
And shut my trap as a goon.”
Obviously, it is too difficult if not impossible to get an appropriate
answer because history is agog with many complexities emanating from
human follies and egregious blunders committed by the authoritarian
effluents or those being at the helm of affairs and ruled the roost.
The poem Thousand Melodies is thrilling in contents and enchanting with
reverberations in revelations. His resolution is attractive to think of to
change the mood:
“Let this day jingle with music
To be talked about again and again
To recall to mind the pleasure of this day.
Le the magic of this day forever.”
Tsunami had left its embittered scars on the humanity. The poet creates a
flutter in the mind of the reader in his poem Oh Tsunami with the
revelation that:
“While humanity shows compassion to the victims
Love binds us to elevate the suffering,
Cleanses our beings to heavenly sweetness
God sends messages to warn mankind
What are you, Oh! Cruel Tsunami”
Perhaps Tsunami’s response to the poet was the devastation which was
witnessed by the people and their dear and near ones perished in it.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Poet Pope had earned the wrath of his father for his inclination towards
poetry. Barring a few people generally consider poets cynics and insane
(?). My poem in the book makes one to understand poet’s emotions. He
has made many sane observations. Most attractive are:
“Poets don’t bear rancor nor spite.
Poems are to mesmerize readers
In chose words with similes.”
Elsewhere in the poem To ourselves he candidly and convincingly tells
the reader that:
“We have our own melodies
To sing our own songs.
To Please and soothed our own ears.
We dance to our own tunes.”
His conclusion of the poem is reverberating and enhances reader’s
admiration for the poet to note:
“Life gives to each one of us
In its own measure, cheers and sorrows.”
This poem is a crusade to make the detractors of poetry to bring a
radical change in their hearts and minds about the perspective thinking
which is enormous in poetry.
Last but not the lease, the book fountains of hopes is very helpful in
knowing new vistas about nuances of life through scintillating poems.
Peeran, S. L. In Sacred Moments. Bangalore: Bizz Buzz, 2008. pp.
xxxiii + 67. Price Rs. 100. ISBN: 81-88699-12-4.
In Sacred Moments is S.L. Peeran’s tenth collection of poems. It contains
58 poems. It, once again, establishes him as one of the major postindependence poets in India. His poems, charged with ethical potency,
have vivid images. Every poem has a message for the readers. Some of
the poems bring him close to Tagore and Sri Aurobindo while some of
them fit the Shakespearean mould. Somewhere his images may be
compared with that of William Blake.
Peeran’s poems reflect his religious consciousness, as the title of the book
itself connotes its meaning. They are affected by the religious texts and
lead to the way to salvation. Somewhere we find an echo of the
teachings of the Bhagvad- Gita. “Humility and Submission” and “Ever
Submissive” True devotee is one who submits himself on the feet of Lord,
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
the Almighty. The truth is that human being is a sparkle of divinity. It is
his prime duty to identify himself and make an endeavor to achieve the
Supreme Bliss.
In this world of materialism, Peeran’s message of love, devotion,
enlightenment, submission, humanity, sacrifice, and peace is truly
praiseworthy. He is an optimist. He sees the world through his “inward
eye”, like Wordsworth. He sees enmity spread everywhere in the world so
he advises the readers to love the common men. He is well aware of the
concept of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam’ and has firm faith in the Almighty.
Therefore, he loves every living being and non-living thing with utmost
affection. His vision of universal welfare, simplicity, natural flow of
language and brevity of thought enrich his poetry with poetic beauty.
His poem “In sacred Moments” presents a very beautiful picture of
childhood experience:
… cuddling in the arms of the mother Oblivious of the mischief done the whole
day, To make the mother run around and round. To make her mad with frenzy and
to weep. (1-4)
At the same time the poet realizes his fore faults and submits himself on
the feet of Lord. Being a true devotee, he seeks God’s blessings and
wants „to sing paean‟ to Him forever.
In “Enlighten Soul” the poet loves “the sun”, “the moon”, “the stars ‟the
cool breeze”, and “twilight”. It shows that he loves not only living beings
but non-living things too, with same affection. The “Humility and
Submission” begins with the note of love and brotherhood (“Welcoming
with open arms men of all hues”) and ends with the message of ‘Vasudhaiv
Kutumbkam ’ (With warmth in heart for one and all). The “Golden Hearts” is
a very beautiful poem which expresses the truth that God can’t be found
in so called religious places but in “sublime, purified golden hearts” “Saga of
Life” presents a picture of marriage in our society, where for the sake of
“pomp and glory”, money is misused. In the words of the poet
“…weddings are …. Opportunities to loot the bride’s parents.” “Saints and
Rishis” reminds us the message of the Bhagvad-Gita that: “Sukh dukhe
same kritva laabhaalaabhau jayaa jayau”. 2/38 “Senseless Leaders” presents
the grim reality of Indian farmers, for which the leaders are responsible.
The poet describes this situation vividly:
Drought has driven farmers/To suicides, death horrible./ Lands are fallow, lakes
dried up/. Villages are getting emptied./O Lord! Less our senseless
leaders./Prevent another Bofor’s scam./Let our funds be used for irrigation./Save
poor populace from being perished. (5-12)
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The book contains poems on spiritual, social, political and personal
issues. Every poem ends with an effective note for the readers. The
language of his poetry is so simple and lucid that every reader can enjoy
it whole heartedly.
- Dr. Vijay Kumar Roy
The Poetry of S. L. Peeran: A Study of Mystical and Philosophical
Themes; Extract from the Article by Dr. Suresh Chandra Pande
As Sufi Poetry exhibits a higher level of spiritual awareness and maturity
both in matters mundane and transpersonal, we see predictably the lover,
from tip to toe, forgetting/absorbing himself/herself in the love of the
beloved. That is why, the contents of Sufi Poetry comprise full spectrum
of life, every kind of human activity, religious, cultural, political,
domestic alongside the typicality of human characters with a sublime
level of cosmic awareness. Aware of all the binaries or contraries of
human world and steeped in an enchanting background of Rumi’s
Masnavi (25632 lines in Six Books) poet Peeran himself is not least
reluctant in admitting – ‘The great Moulana’s “Masnavi,”/The great Sadi,
Jami, Hafeez’s poetry./Their beauty, art and literature/Fascinated the world of
Islam.’ (The Curses, The Curses, 369). This kind of poetry is exceedingly
expedient in establishing social rapport and God – consciousness among
those who perform regular ablutions, habitual prayers, fasts to follow
closely a code that emphasizes continual remembrance of God, His
munificence, magnanimity and admiration for all life animate or
inanimate. How close the poet appears to Francis Bacon and Solomon
for witticism and counsels such as – ‘Pangs of grief soon loosen their
hold/To ease the spirit, to take flight/And clear the mind of dark clouds, to
unfold/Ecstatic bliss with its thousand lights’ (Flight to Thousand Lights, p.70).
Not only this but also the whole corpus of Peeran’s poetry reverberates
with wit, wisdom, wise-sayings, counsels, sane and sensible guidance
that attracts more and more readers to appreciate and evaluate his
creative strength and competence henceforth provides broader worldwide vistas. Indeed Peeran’s insight into multiple cultures, religious
doctrines, plurality of faiths and immense zeal for amity and good will
imparts him enough of poise and potency to plead, suggest, promulgate
and draw a multicolored mosaic of truthful philosophy. Similar to Indian
concept of Bhakti as put forward by Narada in his Bhakti Sutra. God as
suggested by Sufi saints assists, if befriended, since the presence of the
Lord is constant and one is never unaware of His unswerving company.
In one more poem the poet affirms that by imbibing the spirit of true
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
friendship we can move into still closer union with divinity inborn – ‘Ah
my friend!Come let us share our values,/That have grown over the years in thick
and thin,/With abiding interest, we have clinged to each other/To sail the boat
of life in smooth waters.’(O Friendship! – p.379).
In tandem there appears an obvious impact of the Upanishads and the
Vedanta philosophy as his works reveal a perpetual quest and constant
yearning for the attainment of what is real-the Haqiqat. In respect of
Tawhid he also draws parallel similarities, rediscovers a common thread
between the Vedanta and the Sufi thought. A devout devotee’s longing
for union goes on increasing in a massive scale until the obedience,
compliance and duty in love culminates in ultimate surrender. True
surrender implies when individual soul grows to become a self-assured
kitten carried by the mother cat to a destination obviously safe and
sound. The poet is not unobtrusive in delineating parallel truths – ‘Child
sparks innocence/Being father of the man/A white dove of peace/For, new born
ushers in change/A bright star in galaxy.’(Tanka –p.82)Thus to achieve
consistent consciousness of God – the Absolute being, a true Sufi lets go
the consciousness of other beings and gradually strives to give up
everything other than God. The poet very pertinently presents the
struggle we human beings have to make during the course of worldly
halt – ‘Let us fight back/The hatred that fills/The heart and mind/Like fire to
engulf it. Let us fight back…/Our selfish indifference/And extend help/To men
in distress’. (Let Us Fight Back – 210) (5). In all honesty man strives,
struggles only because he has transgressed the law of God and thereby
raised the walls of sin and ignorance shutting out his perception of God.
Clinging to the delusion of separate ego-existence man is utterly forgetful
of his segregated individuality that he is simply a bubble upon the
cosmic sea. Salvation lies in breaking that delusion of individualism so
that the little bubble may merge itself in the ocean of resplendent spirit.
Similarly the Poet in a learned manner depicts the fleeting nature of
earthly existence-“Men of might, power and pelf/Monarchs or men of
piety/The great and small are no more/Wiped out, unto dust, consigned’
(Transience of Life, p.209)There are a lot of poems wherein the poet in
sublime poetic precision expounds the transitory character of individual
beings – ‘Am I not a grain/On the vast sand? The vast deep ocean/ With hidden
treasures/Unknown to my drowsy eyes./My life is a mere flash!’ (Lasting
Twinkling Eye – p.155). Being wholly aware of man’s mortality and
transience the poet very pertinently invents arguments in favor of the
innate abiding divinity that dwells within the finite mortal frame or
physique. How succinctly he puts forth his arguments –The vast blue
canvas/With twinkling stars/Throwing luminous light/For my eyes to
marvel/My hands held up above,/How can I reach Thee? O mighty and
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
strong/Unknown and unseen/Thou, Eternal Being/Is everlasting. (Ibid – p.155)
What is remarkable and worth mentioning in this regard is Sufism and
its core-cultural philosophy. The poet on the whole gives vent to three
aspects mainly – Sufism, Bhakti and Mysticism so as to express the notion
of spiritual transcendence that elucidates what Fana in Sufism truly
means. Fana means direct connection or communion with God without
any intervention or specific way of meditation. This Fana thus is the
focal point of Sufism amply illuminated by the life and works of
enlightened souls such as – Al Ghazali, Omar Khayyam, Al Arabi, Khalil
Gibran, Kabira, Guru Nanaka and a host of others whose workings appear
to have left an indelible and inadvertent inkling on S.L. Peeran and his
creative credentials. Although there is still enough scope to make a
thriving study of his poetry’s involvement with mysticism and
philosophy together with irony and sharp bites of raw-reality,
intersexuality, fertile vocabulary, flexibility of structuralism and free play
of linguistic/phonetic inversions, yet I better prefer relegating it to
working linguists and feel more elated in coming to a close for additional
discussion seems out of the span of this somewhat winded article.
Peeran, S. L. Glittering Love by Dr. Vijay Kumar Roy
Bangalore: Bizz Buzz, 2009. pp. xxxiii + 67. Price Rs. 100. ISBN: 97881-88699-15-5.
Glittering Love is Peeran’s eleventh collection of poems. It has varied
elements of human values. In this collection also the poet does not rest
on any one religion. He treats all religions alike. He is delighted in
presenting the preaching’s of the religious stalwarts and using the names
of Rama, Sita, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira, Christ, Mohammad, Sai Baba
and so on. He is aware of social injustice and like PB Shelley he sees
tyranny spread in society. He writes that for this our ancestors are not
responsible. We have created hell instead of heaven. He advises the
modern man that:
Tyranny and man- made barriers/Were to be dislodged./Equality and justice
required,/To be imbibed, practiced./Love and affection to be instilled/Hearts
with music and song to be filled. (9-14 ‘Music of Life’)
India is known for hospitality. The maxim ‘atithi devo bhava’ in Sanskrit is
well known to all Indians. But the poet reveals that because of our
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
hospitality and simplicity foreign invasions took place in India. He writes
that we are:
…. too courteous, mild,/Well mannered, hospitable, kind,/Welcoming and
gracious; … (5-7, ‘Bullied’)
He further adds that our ‘arms and doors’ are open for all. We share our
‘culture, goodness’ and everything we possess with aliens and remain
‘oblivious to their evil intentions’. They took our cordialities as weakness
and used ‘to captivate’, ‘Enslave’, and ‘overrule’ us for centuries. His poetry
has examples of the effects of war and the birth of new nation causing
economic crisis and numerous deaths. (‘Booming Economy’) Such
national consciousness we don’t find elsewhere. The poet is aware of the
impact of Western culture on Indians in (‘Cultural Change’) and advises
the readers to ‘Follow Christ in letter and spirit’ and ‘Give up drinking wine,
alcohol’. (‘Whither Modern Man?’) Subsequently, he dislikes the
immorality spreading in Indian society:
Unwedded mothers, single mothers/ Broken homes, juvenile delinquents;/
Destitution, prostitution, humiliation. (14-16, ‘Whither Modern Man?’)
He believes in love and thinks that it is only love, through which peace
and harmony can be established, but:
Love needs sacrifice and patience,/ To create lovely garden of bliss. (13-14, ‘Garden
of Bliss’)
A Book Review In Sacred Moments by S. L Peeran by Dr. Ram
Sharma; Senior Lecturer In English, C-26, Shradhapuri Phase2,
Kankerkhera, Meerut Cantt-250001, U.P., India
Published in Bizz Buzz Publication, Karnatak, India, 2008, Rs 100 Isbn 8188699-12-4
Dr. S.L. Peeran is the foremost voice in Indian English Poetry today.
This is his tenth collection of poems dedicated to beloved Sufis. This
volume contains 59 poems creating the direct communion with the
Almighty. In the opening poem entitled “In Sacred Moments”, he
compares himself a child in the lap of his mother [Almighty] and he is
begging pardon for his mistakes. “Yet, when I am in submission in prayers, I
am like a child in the arms of my mother, O Lord! Forgive my erring soul and
mind, Enlighten the soul to sing paean to thee [ p-1] In the next poem entitled
“Enlighten Soul”, he compares God as a sun which he has captured in
his heart. The poet is feeling the pang of meeting his master. The poet
presents natural scenery with spiritual bliss. “The stars in my eyes twinkle,
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The cool breeze from all sides, Adds to my hopes and dreams, The skyline is lit
with twilight`` [ 2] In the next poem entitled “Heavenly Abode”, the poet,
the poet is narrating the heavenly bliss and abode. In the next two poems
entitled “Jamal-Beautiful` and `He is darkness and evil`, the poet describes
the creator of the universe. The poet is presenting himself as humble
devotee of Almighty and he is living at the mercy of Him in such poems
as Humility and Submission, Fragrance Amiss, One humanity, Final sacrifice,
Embrace me, My Guru, O Master etc. Although there is chaos of values and
loss of faith but the poet presents the silver lining by creating the aura of
spiritual bliss in such poems as A Wise Change, Rejuvenate the lost dreams,
Delights, Final Sacrifice, Brighten Life` etc Some Great mind is behind all,
With meticulous designs and plans/Unfolds it, day and night for all,/ Each one
like ants follow its call [p-20] The poet presents himself as meek devotee of
Almighty who has handed over himself to the will of God. All though
the poet present the grim picture and he tries to differentiate between
good and evil in such poems as “Good and Evil, A Grim Picture, etc. The
poet has also presented other themes like celebration of republic day and
new year in such poems as “Republic day celebration, Senseless Leaders,
Frenzied Press, O Bangalore, Charming 2008,Unlimited Joy and Happiness for
2007`` etc “O Lord! Bless our senseless leaders,/Prevent another Bofor`s
scam,.Let our funds be used for irrigation,/Save poor populace from being
perished`` [39] In the end we can say that the poet is quite successful in
creating sacred moments through his verses and this volume is a must
read for every avid reader of English Literature.
S. L. Peeran. Eternal Quest: Reviewed by Dr. Yogesh Sharma,
Associate Professor, Department of English, S.S.N. College, (University
of Delhi), Alipur, Delhi.
Bizz Buzz Publication, 2014. Price: ` 150.00. ISBN: 978-81-88699-26.
The book, Eternal Quest by S.L. Peeran consists of 93 beautiful poems, 71
striking quatrains and 27 remarkable haikus, and 111 pages, covers a
broad range of themes, serious and light hearted. Others are cultural,
social, emotional and philosophical. The book beautifully displays the
sensitivity and intelligence of the writer as a poet and his involvement
with the art of writing poetry. The poet takes the readers on a voyage of
joy with his verses.
The poems of Eternal Quest achieve fabulous heights. Equally the poet
shows his pain and anguish to the readers in his love to his homeland
‘India our land’, …..
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Chinese attack, loss of Tibet
Pakis invasion of Kashmir.
Here poet almost cries to see his bleeding nation. Equally they set out to
show the readers his concern inner peace, with such poems, ‘Whither
Solace?’, ‘Whither Harmony?’, ‘How to reach inner Peace?’ etc..
The inner light that cherishes the soul
Is a celestial gift for a fortunate few.
Each poem is a carefully woven story and is left in no confusion about its
meaning. Each poem will mean a new thing to new readers but all
display without doubt, the excellent ability of the poet and a fabulous
imagination of pen that has created this delightful collection of verses.
The titles are very simple and meaningful.
The poems change in rhyme, scheme or meter but this does not stop the
flow of ideas. Comparisons and similes have been used very sensibly and
are highly relevant to the flow of ideas.
Our children are like cool streams
To parching land and gardens.
Warm Sun shine on a wintry day.
Full Moon and shining Stars on a dark night.
(‘Our Children’, p. 84)
The poet displays a very deep understanding of sensitive emotions such
as grief, poverty, struggle, religion, patriotism, humanism, mysticism and
what not. The poet has been highly successful to deliver a very clear
message with very well selected words. The verses clearly develop
emotions in the reader; some happy, some sad. Many are written in
questioning style.
‘What Colossal Change?’ (49-50).
The poem ‘Nirvana, Moksha’ (p. 72), talks about reality into a mythical
world in a very fine way. “How to attain ‘Moksha’, Nirvana”, (p. 79), - the
readers now wish to go in that world to see if they can enjoy or
experience that joy. The poem ‘What Dignified Pure Life?’ talks with love
and affection of an ancestral home in need of repair and of grandmother
now unable to carry out these repairs herself. Readers can identify
themselves with these situations.
The poems seem to have been written the events connected with life,
‘Laughter the best medicine’ (p. 63), and others possibly written after some
personal experience motivated to be written, ‘Senseless Power’ (p. 23). An
enjoyment of the family life seems evident from the poems. A lovely
poem, ‘Lost in City’s din’ paints a beautiful family scene. The passion of
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
the poet is clear when he writes about his love in ‘Love Betrayed’. It evokes
comfort in the reader as the emotions are conveyed through his words.
Possibly family, close friends and students would be the reader for this
collection of poems. These poems would offer something to them all.
For those readers who are unfamiliar with the Indian language, Sanskrit,
or Indian values may lose some beauty and pleasure.
One free himself from these forces,
To attain ‘moksha’ and ‘nirvana’.
(How to attain ‘moksha’, nirvana? p. 79)
The punctuation and grammar in the book are good. It is however
unusual to see a sentence starting with ‘And’ or ‘But’; even more so
when followed by comma.
Poetry is the manifestation by the poet. Like painted art there is nothing
right or wrong but all is art.
Nature in our self
Stars, moon, sun, celestial signs
Unite knots of time. (p. 108)
So it is difficult to find flaws with the poet and suggest improvement.
Verses are believable and very finely written. The design of the poems is
well organized. The book is readable because there is a variety of solid
subject matter and a wonderful glow of ideas. It is good to see reference
to current issues as well as more traditional ones.
In Sacred Moments, Poet: S. L. Peeran; Reviewer: Dr. Chittaranjan
Bhoi, Associate Professor of English Hi-Tech College of Engineering
Bhubaneswar- 751025 Odisha, India; Published by: Bizz Buzz,
Bangalore Pages: 67 Price: Rs 100
Subalternspeak: An International Journal of Postcolonial Studies
(Online ISSN 2347-2103) Vol. III Issue IV July 2015 143
S L Peeran’s tenth collection of poems In Sacred Moments comes as an
aroma of fresh air with a refreshingly new dialect and expressions.
Despite the articulation of pragmatism, well-nigh powerful emotion
rushes forth with a torrential gush. The poet is holding the contemporary
mirror up to our face and telling the truth in all its candor. This
collection of Peeran appears as a holy scripture in this unholy world. At
the risk of being labeled as unctuous I am forced to say that the poems
are visibly the distilled essences of the poet's personality, couched in
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
simple and unpretentious diction coupled with an admirable clarity. This
gifted Indian bard sings the hymn with intense emotion. His spiritual
vigilance sets tone to attain salvation. The philosophical, mythical and
mystical undercurrents reflect his unflinching faith in God. The poems
of this collection cover a broad spectrum of emotions and unshakable
belief in God. However, his sustained humanistic approach and
conviction towards spiritual healing are quite prominent in this
anthology. The intrinsic individualism of Peeran is evident from his
conviction embodied with prudent personality. Despite being a divine
messenger, Peeran’s spiritual feeling rushes forth with a torrential guess.
His hefty credence on propagating the mighty force of divinity is
apparent in this collection. Majority of poems of this book deals with
God’s magnanimity and magnetism. Indeed, Peeran vents out some of
his wide experiences of life, harvested from a habit of deep reflection
and detached surveillance especially from the vantage point of his
professional life.
The volume, In Sacred Moments comprises of 58 poems on a variety of
themes- spiritualism, benevolence, humility, helplessness, hope,
humanity, love and so on. The poet’s faith on Satya, Shiva and Sundara is
exquisite and effective. His treatment of body and soul brings back to our
memories the solid picture of spiritual awakening. He sounds highly
democratic when he talks about humankind, republic day, love, senseless
leaders and so on. This collection will undoubtedly be a valuable
contribution to the catalog of contemporary Indian English poetry.
The signature poem “In Sacred Moments” speaks of the obsession,
confession and submission of the poet before the almighty. With the
introduction of the mythological characters like Adam and Satan, the
poet depicts the Adamic disobedience and satanic evil-mindedness of
modern men. Humility, submission, truthfulness, patience, soft and kind
to others, courteous to the near and dear people are the hallmarks of his
poems. “Humanity and Submission” displays all these virtues. S. L.
Peeran is noted among his contemporaries not only because of his
personality but also because of his aesthetic merit.
Dr.Shujaat Hussain in his introduction justifiably considers the poems of
The Sacred Moments as “sequentially related, simple but startling, soul
searching, pacifying, fecundity in art, literally moving and moulding.” (HussainIntro.ix)
Realization of one’s own mistake is perhaps the biggest ever punishment
that one can think of in life. The sting of conscience for the errors
committed by human being compels him to surrender before the lord for
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
forgiveness. He further appeals his master, God for benediction and
urges to stimulate his dropping and supine spirits: O Master, Can I have
your glimpse./To lift my sagging spirits, enlighten soul.(Enlighten Soul p.2) In
“Humility and Submission” the poet speaks about the attribute of human
being. Mundane complexities like pride, anger and ego are predominant
in human nature. He who confronts against all such evils with humility
can surmount all odds of life. He further urges people to be humble by
nurturing the inner traits like truthfulness, gentility, sympathy, empathy,
patience, and civility. He is of the opinions that surrender before God
can redeem such bad qualities. “Judge Properly” is a poem that alerts
people to be judicious before undertaking any action in life. The flitting
conscience often puts human being in dilemma. Being impulsive,
sometimes we commit mistakes resulting ill consequences. It is almighty
who comes forward to shower mercy over the ill-fated human being.
Therefore, to be a perfect individual one should keep him above
earthiness, profanity and all foul deeds in life. In Peeran’s words: “You
need to read the weather,/ Before you play with your kite/For strong winds is
sure to break The strings you hold, to tear it down”(Judge Properly p.12)
“Sorrows in Prime of Life” is but a sonnet that reminds us to be dutiful and
hard working to get success in life. Indeed, the success of a person
depends on the quantity and quality of effort he puts in getting the work
done. The fitting adage “as you sow so you reap” stands apparent from the
lines- He needs to churn the milk to get butter. Suck the nectar million
times for honey. “Till, plow and show for a good harvest./Be smithy to give
shape to an iron” (sorrows in Prime of Life) In “A Grim Picture” Peeran
delineates the gradual decay of physical ecstasy. The edifying lines of the
poem make us conscious about different means of treatment. The poet is
warned about his physical problem but he has no regret whatsoever as he
assumes the descending of heavenly body to lift him up after his death.
He further alarms the human being about the stark realities of life i.e.
death which is inhabitable and unstoppable. The existential philosophy
of the poet is quite prominent in his “Golden Heart”. He is of the opinion
that God remains in the sanctified and righteous heart but not in any
structured building. In other words disinfected hearts are the dwelling
place of God. “…God can’t be found/ In hills, mountains, plains and
Temples,/Mosque, churches, gurudwaras and synagogues,/ But only in sublime,
purified golden hearts” (Golden Hearts p. 28) “Saga of Life” illustrates the
temporary pleasure of the celebration of marriage for the brides; parents
during marriage time but permanent pain for the rest of their life as if
they are destined to suffer. However birth, marriage and then death are
the usual phases of life that one has to go through customarily. In
“Senseless Leaders” the poet is perplexed to see attitudinal deformity of
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
our political leaders who are indulged in scams and criminal activities
instead of addressing the serious issues concerning the livelihood of the
destitute farmers. He further invokes God to bless them with good sense:
O Lord! Bless our senseless leaders./Prevent another Bofor’s scam./Let our funds
be used for irrigation./ Save poor populace from being perished. (Senseless
Leaders p. 39-40) The poet’s heart aches to get the benediction of his
master and therefore he says: O My Master, do not/Forsake and shun
me./My heart is a honey-combed love. (O Master! P. 55) The utopian thinking
of the poet is noticeable in “Paradise”. He conceptualizes, “oneness in all”
and desires to see people sharing happiness and joy with each other,
parting all the trials and tribulations; sorrows and suffering of life. He
does not want to see the lost paradise rather a paradise regained with
bliss and gratitude. “Cringing Times” is the last poem of this collection
that portrays the hopelessness and desperation of the poet in his old age.
With the frail physicality, timid mental fragility and voice quivering, the poet
desperately longs.
S.L. Peeran’s poems are stunning, not simply because of their powerful
subject, but for the images such as sun, moon, dark, night, cloud etc. The
simplicity of diction and plausibility of enunciation is very arresting. His
range of study and exercise of intelligence are overtly visible when he
cites the characters like Adam, Satan, Arjun, the great characters of two
great classical epics Paradise Lost and The Mahabharata. Indeed, the
appropriate use of Islamic and Hindu dialects and the suitable words
chosen in this collection establish his maturity as a poet. I thoroughly
enjoyed reading this righteous collection. This anthology will certainly
touch the reader’s sentiment and win their approbation.
Glittering Love by S.L. Peeran, Reviewed by Shaleen Singh, Published
by Bangalore: Bizz Buzz, 2009, ISBN- 978-81-88699-15-5, Rs-100/Glittering Love is the eleventh collection of poems by S.L. Peeran, the
bilingual poet who suggests his readers to take a celestial bath in the rain
of glittering love. His love is not the love of poetry or mind rather it takes
birth in the womb of Sufism. Peeran is a many-splendored poet who has
adopted the path of Sufism which is also a peculiar attitude of life laying
a peculiar emphasis on the essential unity of all faiths and religions and
motivates all to follow eternal and spiritual path of love so that life of
man may not end in smoke. And for this reason most of his poems are
suggestive in nature in which sometimes he prays the Lord to ‘show’ his
‘mercy’ or asks the man to have clemency for the sake of own true
friendship or to this love’s battle which continues to its end.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The collection primarily concerns with the theme of love and the poet
remains vigilant in his dealings with it. As he sometimes proposes:
Let’s sing songs of love and beauty.
Let them shine in its entire splendor.
Let effulgence grip the tiny heart.
Let excitement hold the mind and body. (68)
Yet the poet is well aware that ‘love’s path is dubious or slippery/ it has
swallowed millions of strayed hearts’ short/ time is fleeting (83) so he
beseeches the lord:
O Beloved! Show me the path of love,
Let me lay down my life pining for Thee. (83)
The poet has penned a wonderful long poem title ‘Advent of Islam’ that
sheds a brilliant light on the advent of Islam. Similarly the poet
propagates the true message of Islam and its teachings and makes his
teachings clear:
Among the teachings is to treat
All the men and women
As brothers and sisters
And to treat the neighbor as your own. (94)
The Haiku at the end of the book are of mixed taste, yet the poet has
remained ideological to the bone however too much idealism sometimes
hinders his creativity. The poet remains poetic from the beginning to the
end. On the whole, the book with an elegantly designed cover and
equally good quality printed poems in bold fonts on a good quality
paper, add the charm.
I wish the poet hearty thanks for conferring me an opportunity to review
the book.
The Process of Spiritual Transformation in S. L. Peeran’s Poetry By
Dr. Mashrique Jahan
The process of spiritual transformation is very complex and involves a
development of a new way of knowing and relating. It involves profound
change in self-identity and understanding of “the meaning of life”. In
religious context, it means a new revelation and relation to the sacred.
Spiritual transformation is perhaps best likened to a change in one’s level of
consciousness. It is an experience one undergoes which is transformation of one’s
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
personality and one’s perspective. One see in a different way than one saw before
the transformation. It is not so much a change in a particular belief or view point
as it is a change which takes one beyond all viewpoints.....1
Spiritual transformation does not depend upon the belief in any system of
putative truths. It does not require faith in a specific form of religion or adherence
to any set of religious practices. It does not imply a Supreme Being or worship in
any prescribed form nor does it point to the authority of any particular revealed
... Spiritual transformation is unlike mystical transformation, because, there is no
sense of becoming one with the cosmos. One does not lose one’s identify in same
kind of undifferentiated with the all...3
...Spiritual transformation is also unlike mystical transformation because there is
no special secret knowledge which one must learn or to which only a special and
select group of initiates is privy...4
Peeran’s poetry is not mystic but spiritual. Apparently, the poems looks
like mystical transformation, but the poet describes in the poem mercy
and compassion that whenever person becomes hopeless from the earthy
sources or the people around him, he seeks help from the God and God
helps all His creations.
When I was in dreary condition
Having lost all hopes and in disillusions
Despondency gripping me all over
Cast away from doors of friends and foes
A voice from beyond reacted my ears
Awake, arise, my doors are open
Reach me with your loving heart
I shall receive you with open arms
A shattered being with million wounds
Grief ’s aplenty with stricken heart
Soul dipped in desolation, pathos
Now sparkled with jays and there I stood
To receive the grace from the Merciful
Whose compassion envelopes a dear soul.5
In the poem, the poet is not showing the secluded relationship of human
beings with the God, but he is trying to convey that the God reaches to
every human beings in the form of human.
“Peeran is a poet with a mission having unshakable faith in God, he believes that
darkness will disappear, sorrows will vanish and goodness will shine forever”6.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The poet beliefs that it is worthless searching God in mosques, temple,
churches and gurudwaras, one can easily find Him within oneself. The
poem “Faith” from the collection New Frontiers exhibits his faith, in
almighty, the omnipresent–
Where do you find faith?
In mosques, in temples
In mausoleums, in churches
In synagogue, in gurudwaras
In name, frame, success
In giving up world
And pleasures and attachments
In silence, in meditations
In prayers, in acts of charity
Isn’t faith, a mere belief ? In the unknown
In the supernatural
That is pure, and sublime
That is truthful and just
It is that which sees and judges
That who loves and cares
That omnipresent but invisible
The one who kindles the heart
Look within yourselves and find – Him.7
Peeran beliefs in Sufism and Spirituality and this belief makes him a poet
of faith and hope, a poet with a healing touch and a reminder to man of
his duty towards himself, life, world, faith and his poetry is all about
human being and all-embracing shades of life.
Each one of us have
Our own galaxies
They are satellites
With our sun.
They reflect the splendor
Of the everlasting light.
When the darkness descends
The cold moon without habitation
Moves round and round it master
Waxes and wanes again and again
To create time, a path to tread
Both the master and the servant
Work in unison and in harmony
To create unlimited and unseen seasons
For man to reflect and ponder upon 8
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Peeran’s poems are very reflective, meditative, descriptive in which
substantiate human nature by throwing light on human nature and
“... Spiritual transformation is unlike philosophical explanation because it is not
a deduction from a previously accepted premise. In this sense, because it is not a
logical deduction, it may be said not to be an intellectual act. It is noetic but it is
not intellectual. But it is perhaps best liken to the experience of sudden in right,
the “aha’ experience in which we suddenly understand something which we
previously fathom. In this case, however, the ‘aha’ experience is not an
understanding of how one’s whole thinking process had been misdirected. In
philosophical language it is an awakening from ones dogmatic slumbers.”9
Peeran also fallowed the tradition that spiritual transformation is not the
philosophical transformation. He is not guided by any intellectual or any
other doctrine intellectual talk in poems. He does not criticize other
religion or faith in his poems rather he shows the positive side of other
religion without deviating from his own faith as a Muslim rather he
broaden the Muslim Faith by highlighting best features in the light of its
other faiths, for examples the poem “My Good Old Friend”
Once in a deep sleep, I dreamt
Being in a mosque, flooded with lights
A bearded turbaned moulvi
Leading prayers and piteously seeking grace
I later walked out and passed through
A temple full of worshipers
The same moulvi, now I found him
As a poojari, placing artees
In a moment, I found myself
In a church, the padri dressed
In long whites, placing candles
On the altar and doing service
In a flash, I recognized him
So did he. He smiled and
Waved his land in familiarity
Adorning different dresses and manners
Muttering in different tongue the same name.10
The poem stresses on the fact that only the name and shape and way of
worship changes according to the belief of the people as in the above
poem he finds the same man everywhere only the dresses and manners
are changed though different person but the same name.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Peeran’s philosophy is not imaginative but a real life situation:
Nature does not betray those:
Who are loyal and true
Who are trustworthy
Who are humble and honest
Who are kind and affectionate
Who keep their words and promises
Who are grateful and contended
Who are patient and tolerant
Who thankful and merciful
Who are loving and sweet
Who obey, perform duty as sacrifice.11
In the poem Peeran, presents his philosophy about nature, which is not
imaginative. Nature always helps them who keep their words and
promises, if one breaks social code then he can escape from it, but if one
breaks nature law and rule, he cannot escape from it because nature has
its own way to punish.
Spiritual transformation is unlike psychological insight because it is at
ones broader than an exclusive of psychological insight the feeling of
freedom from what had been previously burdening one. If differs from
psychological insight in that it does not refer to any particular piece of
self-knowledge which has been constricting ones vision. Rather, it refers
to the mind’s freedom from any and also mental blocks. In addition,
spiritual transformation differs from psychological insight in that it
doesn’t simply remove emotional blocks, which owe their origins to
emotional conflicts, but removes on entire mental block, much as a
writer might suddenly become free from a writer block”.12
Poet Peeran also stresses in his poems to get rid of psychological and
emotional transformation directly, rather through emotion, he creates an
environment for to get into the deep nerve of spirituality as in the poem
“To My Little Daughter”
The poem start with the advice of a father to his daughter, it arose
emotions as well as it puts an impact on the psychology of the reader
alsoO my little daughter, look up and smile!
Our journey measures but just another smile
Sweet are those who always look for love;
Speak softly can be gentle like a dove.13
But the poet’s intention is not to show an emotional bond between a
father and a daughter, but through them the poet presents the level of
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
spirituality, where the father wants his daughter to see. The father asks
his daughter to make friendship with celestial object, so that she can
never be hurted, as nature hardly betray his companion and also asks her
to submit herself at the feet of Almighty who only can shower His
blessings selfishlessly –
With absolute Truth,
Heaven can be sought,
Of fruits of disharmony, partake not,
For company, look to the sun, stars and moon,
May they shower on you friendship’s boon
With sweet flowery eyes it with love,
My dearest, seek benign blessings from HIM above.14
In another poem “Keep Check on Mind and Heart” the poet directly evokes
that man should not take any decision in haste or in emotional flow, it
only creates further problem without any solution, which sometimes also
affects destiny: –
In a flash, in a moment
A change of heart and mind
A decision of far reaching consequences.
Determines the future course of destiny.15
So, the poet strictly advices to keep check on mind and heart, he gives no
space to emotional transformation. He further gives the example of
uncontrolled mind and mad winds, which creates destruction and
devastation: –
An unbridled, uncontrolled mind
With thought let loose and free
Swinging to the wild, mad winds
Without any anchor or sails.
Insure to lose its straight ways
Insure to get drowned sans life boat
In misery, in pathos and grief, it merges
So do the unchecked passions of heart.16
S.L. Peeran is a devout Muslim and practices all Islamic rituals but he is
not a rigid Muslim. He is very tolerating towards other faiths. He looks
at religion from a spiritual point of view rather than religious practices.
He broadens Muslim faith by tolerating other faiths without losing his
own identity as a pure Muslim. According to him human problems are
not simple, they are very complex. To understand them requires patience
and insight and one can only solve them if he submits completely to the
will of God. Peeran also stresses that to search God it is not necessary to
go to mosque, temple or church, one can find God within oneself.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Peeran’s spiritualism emerges from Sufis m and his relations hip with
God is through human being. He sees God everywhere and in
everything. His spiritual edifice based on five pillars:
a) Piety;
b) Doing a good deed for the sake of God
c) Trust in God;
d) Steadfastness, patience and fortitude, and
e) Sense of thankfulness a gratitude to God.
If we take a gist of Peeran’s poetries, then it could be if expressed in one
word that would be ‘piety’. “Piety is a state of conscience which imbued with
a living sense of the omnipresence of God strengthens the discernment of right
and wrong, stimulates the doing of Good deeds and in habits man from doing evil
deeds. This conscience is ingrained in the heart of man along with its baser urges
and it should be man’s endeavor to promote and strengthen it and not a let it
diminish and die out.”17
For example the poem “Attain Piety”. The poem start with a natural
phenomenon of a birth of a child from the womb of a mother and then
turn to general question: –
Do you know whence you come?
Do you remember your early years”
Weren’t you innocent with all childish act?
Before you could decipher what was right and wrong? 18
The poet by raising these question wants to convey that life is not easy to
be understood through easy formulas or slogans, nor can they be solved
at their own level by specialists working along a particular line, which
only leads to further confusion and misery. Our problems could be
understood and resolved only when we are aware of ourselves including
others problem.
The poet further raises questions: –
Can a corrupt soul attain piety?
Can hand with blood be cleaned?
Can gluttony be shunned for purity?
Can desire for wealth and show be given up?19
And answers in next stanza by citing examples from historical figures, he
says for a change, one must be answer of one’s relationship, not only
with people but also with property, with ideas and with nature to bring
about a true revolution in human relationship, which is the basic of all
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
society. To show this change the poet has cited the examples of Ashoka,
Siddhartha, Mohammad and Gandhi.
Remember Ashoka shunning war with Kalinga Siddarth attained Morcha on
detachment Mohammad united mankind with brotherhood Gandhi achieved
truth by struggle.20
Violence can bring wealth and power but to mental peace, it could only
be achieve by sharing love and piety. The attainment of piety is the
object of all worship and the goal of human endeavor.
Repent and turn a new leaf again
Vow to lead a life of Ahimsa and truth
Sacrifice pleasures and live in humility
Piety is a sure way to attain salvation 21
Attending salvation is not that tough task but a single sleep is needed in
right direction. As also quoted in Al-Quran “O men, worship your lord who
created you and those who have gone before you so that you may attain piety”
In the poem ‘Magnetic Attraction’, the title itself suggest that the poet is
presenting the magnetic attraction of God by calling HIM faceless,
Nameless, Formless, but here is this poem, the poet has also generalize
human being who helps other without revealing his identity –
I know that, I don’t remember,
Your name, my memory fails me,
But, the very thought of yours
Bring a million fold of joy in me,
I know you are
Unfathomable inconceivable
Yet I know you, yet I know you
Yet I feel your love, your grace.23
The poet wants to thank God for creating such a creation, in which one
can see the glimpse of God and also insist other to follow the same path
as humble man fallows. According to the poet nothing is more important
for a man than to love His creator and creator’s creation. Nothing is
comparable. Because of this love everything falls into place, problems
resolve themselves, life becomes harmonious and even if we fail to get
visible result in this incarnation, it does not matter, for entities from on
high watch over us and when he sees that we are making an intelligent
effort show his approval by sending us all kinds of blessings.
The poem “Enlighten Soul” depicts Peeran’s belief and love for master, he
says whatever he is now, is blessing of lord. The poet says “The sun in my
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
heart”, “The moon in my mind”, “The stars in my eyes” and “the cool breezes
from all side”, have enlightened soul. Unflinching faith brings nearer to
God and keeps fire of hell away.
Life which was measureless and dull
Has now enlivened and found pace
The shadows are waning away
Love is now a perfumed garden24
The poet says by appreciating the creator and his creation, that the life
which was once measureless and dull is now lighted, darkness is fading,
love has stretched its arm like a perfumed garden and in this light, he
wishes to see a glimpse of almighty –
O Master, can I have your glimpse
To lift my sagging spirit, enlighten soul 25.
The poet, in this poem presented his gentle thought and complete
surrender because as long as the mind allows itself to be dominated and
controlled by the desire for its own security, there can be no release from
the self and its problems, and that in the only reason behind that there is
no release from the self through dogma and organized belief.
Peeran is so much imbedded with the praise of God that in most of his
poem he uses ‘Celestial imagery’ to express his gratitude and to glorify
“Every action will be judged by the motive behind it”26
Every good action should be motivated by a desire to obey God and to
seek His Good pleasure and not for any worldly gains or rewards, show,
ostentation or personal aggrandizement. Peeran is a visionary poet. He
finds that to clear the mind and free the soul from darkness is a daunting
task as the people are living in a cocoon and in a web of religious and
ritualistic life and years to look at the cosmos without knowledge.
‘Golden Heart” is such a poem
We have blurred our visions,
Colored our thought with
Quixotic ideas,
Now we want
To give a fight like Arjuna
To reach an imaginary goal,
Closing our minds and eyes,
And crying at the dense darkness
Oblivious of march of time to a new era.
The great one’s have said God can’t be found
In hills, mountains, plains an in temples
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Mosque, churches, gurudwaras and synagogues,
But only in sublime, purified golden hears 27
“Golden Heart” is a criticism of the behavior and attitude of the so-called
religious people who indulge themselves in the construction and
demolition of the temple or mosque. They do not know ‘Where does
God reside? The poet make people believe that God cannot be found in
hills, mountains, plains, temples, mosques, churches and gurudwaras
why the people are illusionary? Because they have blurred their visions
and colored their thoughts. The poet has used the word ‘sublime’ and
‘purified’ are sufficient to solve every conflict of ideas if someone wants
to see or have God first of all make their thought sublime and purify
souls to this Quran enjoins.
So worship Allah purely for Him,
Surely pure worship is for Allah only 28
As said earlier Peeran’s spirituality emerges from Sufism and Islam so he
emphasized on – Worship or obedience to God, in all its ramification is
not to be alloyed with baser motives, for that would be tantamount to
ideal worshipping. In support of Peeran’s spiritualism I would like to
quote prophet Mohammad (PBUH) “Beware your deeds should always be for
the sake of God only, deeds which are done merely out of vanity or to catch the
public eye will eventually bring harm to the doer”29. The poem “Stay away
from places of strife” has a moralistic tone, the poet suggest here to stay
away from all the strife because God is watching every deeds and every
action is being also recorded. So one has to be careful about his deeds:
But they wish to deface the Lord’s face
For Lord is faceless, but is the sightless?
Every action is accounted and recorded
Does God reside in a house of sand and stones?
Broken heart can seldom be mended
On ruins of temples, a curse lies
For the Lord’s name had been defiled
Angels fear to tread such a ground
A place of strife sans divine love
Sans sound hearts with grace.30
The poem also shows the poets disturbed state of mind due to the
conflict prevailing everywhere. God has created human beings but
Muslim, Hindu, Christians and Jews are the creation of land. Evils or
virtues, rich a poor sensible or senseless and criminal or savior are the
ingredients of all religions. So it is very necessary for the people to save
them from all these odds of life and submit to will of God, it will only
provide a sound and peaceful life.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
In the poem “Man of Nature” the poet refers to the dawn of Islam its
message, the sense of unity and show the courage against all odds. He
believes that truth and falsehood stand on opposite poles and lying holds
the sway in most cases but it cannot vanish the glory of truth In the
poem the poet has portrayed the effulgence of Prophet Mohammad
(Pbuh) as a torch bearer.
Such were the Arabs infused with a new light
Disciplined by the Great prophet of the age
With a changed heart and mind, with brotherhood
Charity and compassion, submitting to will of Allah.
Those Arabs of that famed seventh Century
Descended on all civilized world with a new spirit
United all mankind, with a rule of law
Made everyone learn alphabet and turned them godly.31
Peeran also put his spotlight on the fact that the best form of devotion to
God is to seek knowledge. It enables the possessor to distinguish right
from wrong. It is a weapon against enemies and an ornament among
In the Poem “Let us Worship”, the poet preaches the feelings of universal
brotherhood. Iftikar Husain Rizvi says about Peeran that “he thinks
everyone should instill a filial feeling of oneness of bliss among the people”32
For worship or for awe and reverence
Somebody should preside on a high pedestal
Let him be a judge in a black robe
Or a speaker in a house of elected men
Let it be an idol of stone or clay
Or a house of God a Kaaba or church
Let him be an illumined being, a guru
Or a swami or a sadhu or a peer”
Let him be a humble teacher, strict
Or a priest – Simple, with a smile
Let them all remain of journey beyond
Of destiny, of God, bad and of peace
A feeding of Oneness, of bliss.33
Peeran in the poem again invites all the human being for prayer in
whatever condition or whatever form they adore. He wants men to come
close for an offering of goodwill towards others, which is indeed an
offering of prayer to God. In delineating all this the ultimate aim of the
poet is to reach absolute peace, supreme bliss, ecstasy and tranquility; by
polishing the inner consciousness to highest degree of purity of thought
and action.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Peeran has firm faith in God and his poems witness it clearly. Trust in
God is the quality of highest orders which only a person of great moral
fiber can attain. It does not sanction lethargy or inaction nor does it curb
freedom in the exercise of the intellect nor does it engender any
pessimism or passive acceptance. On the contrary, it builds up hope
when everything around one may be dark and foreboding and rescues
one from frustration when one sees one’s effects perishing. It requires
one to undertake a task with all the determination, effort and enterprise
one is capable of and with the belief that, if the objection is good and
the effort in the right direction, God will assist. In the poem “Sustain
Life”, the poet says the secret of sustaining life is only by loving God and
prostrating at the feet of Master, Life has its crashes and hurdles, still the
love of God soothes and eases the burden of life: –
A joy ride may end in a crash
A soaring kite may dash to the ground
But the love for the Master sustains
And eases the burden of life.34
Peeran believes in constant struggle and strenuous endeavors of
indomitable will refusing to be frustrated, and of complete faith
buttressed by utmost exertion to fulfill his mission that is everything
which employs in attaining success, is a gift of God.
In “Trust in God” the emphasis is on personal efforts, hope and
confidence in his mercy. Not only in personal effort compatible with
trust in God but it is its prerequisite. Steadfastness, patience and fortitude
are another trail of person’s spirituality, but many should not
misinterpret it. It does not mean helplessness, pessimism or pitiful
surrender, on the contrary, it means steadfastness of purpose, constancy
of effort, control of passions, buoyancy of purpose and patience and
fortitude in the event of failure and disaster as the poet says in the poem
“Beacon of Light”.
Even prophets had to struggle in their lives
Face mob attacks, jeers, humiliations
Privations, hunger poverty and strife
Some laid down their lives in their heavenly cause.
Patience had been their main virtue.
They would gulp down their anger and wrath
Withstand tortures, pain caused to them
Incarceration, banishment from people
After years of struggle against all odds 3
It requires that one should not get too impatient or excited that one
should be thrown into gloom but should bear up trials and adversity with
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
fortitude, should take lightly the difficulties, dangers and division in the
path of God and endure afflictions caused by enemies and forgive them.
In the poem “Forgive Them for They Know Not” the poet has very adroitly
explained the reader that patience and forgiveness is a great virtue. He
also asks to show valor and steadfastness in fighting against heavy odds:
Sometimes you may have to even gulp down
Your anger at insults and humiliations
Forgiving those who are their cause,
For they know not what they do36
The tone of the poem is very suggestive. The poet conveys the message
through his poem that if a person, who is treated unjustly bears injustice
for the sake of God and declines to retaliate, then God honors him by
way of recompense in this and in the life to come.
You should maintain your cool with dignity,
With silence and calmness as golden aids,
Like time, forgiveness is a great ‘healer’
A balm to soothe pain and to heat wounds37.
The poet has used ‘balm’ in the last line, as balm is used to give relief
from pain and in the same way ‘forgiveness’ also acts like balm for both
the person that is one who forgives and one who is forgiven, both of
them achieves mental peace.
Again in the poem “Hopes and Dreams”, the poet talks about ‘hope’,
‘dream’, ‘courage’ and ‘serenity’ and through these objectives he reaches to
his spirituality. The poet stresses upon the need of being hopeful,
because it is hope that helps us to overcome all kinds of adverse
We need hopes to overcome failures,
Desolate feelings and to turn our blues.
To overcome the bitter taste of defeat,
To maintain the garden of virtues.38
Again, the poet conveys the importance of dream that can lead us to a
harmonious and joyful tomorrow. ‘Courage’ is another quality that is
significant to face all the challenges like:
We need to dream of rainbows
To retain happiness and harmony
We need to have courage of conviction
Where mirages mislead, the way wards 39
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
All these qualities lead to serenity of mind, patience and moral strength
which help one to be peaceful, even at the most unfavorable situation.
This is something which provides ultimate peace and harmony:
We need to have serenity of mind,
Patience and moral strength to withstand
The turbulent storms in the sea,
To set the sails safely to the shore 40.
Sense of thankfulness and gratitude to God is the bounden duty of man
that he should be thankful to God for this benevolence, mercy, grace and
loving care. Peeran repeatedly stresses that man should develop the talent
of thankfulness. It antonym is ingratitude which, in relation to God,
means refuel to admit his bounties and to be grateful for them by
showing obedience and submission to him.
As thankfulness to God engenders His love and reverences, it is the
foundation of faith, the core of religion and the basis of worship. If a
man believes in God and is sincerely thankful to Him, he had indeed
attains success and attracts even more mercy and grace of God. This
thankfulness is to be expressed in various ways by realizing and
admitting from the depth of one’s heart by reciting his praises, by using
one’s faculties in His path, by showing kindness to his creatures and by
submitting to his laws. In the poem ‘His Grace’ the poet praises the
Almighty and presents his thanks:
With his Grace I could have a glance
At His effulgence, which left me in a trance.
His face radiates his divine glory,
His beneficence, his might and mercy
My being in enveloped with his compassion,
Every particular in me is his creation.41
The poet is very thankful to Almighty, as he has bestowed his grace on
him, which helps him to feel his effulgence. In the poem “Allah’s
Bounty”, the poet directly invokes Allah and seeks His blessings as His
bounty is limitless:
Allah’s bounty is limitless.
It is his Mercy and benevolence
that such a Great Being should bestow
His Grace on such insignificant creature like us. 42
Poet Peeran through his poems chases away ignorance and darkness of
the people at large. His poems clear the cobwebs in the mind and enable
to develop faith in God.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
In the poem “Summer Blues” the poet has portrayed the picture of
summer with its wickedness as well as Allah’s bounty in the form of
‘lemon water’, ‘water melons, and ‘cucumber’:
Lands parching throats yearning for chilly lemon water./This summer, watermelons, bumper-crop of cucumber./ Is a pleasant substitute for water-shortage. 43
When in scorching sum, people feel quench for water, these fruits fulfils
their thirst and people thank God for His blessing. Almighty has created
so many Gifts for men, which provide comfort to human beings, but it is
up to human beings how they present their gratitude toward God.
In the poem “Grant Thy Grace”, the poet wishes to let the refection of the
master shine in the mirror of his heart, so that he could present his
appreciation to God (Allah):
Let me present million supplications.
For your single grace and glance
Goodness, if any earned in mortal life
I present thee humbly for acceptance44.
Consciousness is the state of dynamic awareness; the awareness may be
at different levels such as spiritual, intellectual, and emotional.
Awareness at spiritual level is super – consciousness, awareness at
intellectual level is self-consciousness, and awareness at emotional level
may be called unconsciousness. Both intellectual transformation and
emotional treatment could create disparity as intellectual treatment
arises from idea and also it denies objective reality of the world.
Psychological transformation arises from love and feeling, which
sometimes create confusion and ultimately one cannot feel or have that
essence or result, as in spiritual transformation because spiritual
transformation is free consciousness, where there is no bondage of
emotion, intellect and religion. Man merge in tolerance, universal
brotherhood and total submission at the feet of God.
In Peeran’s poetry one can find only spiritual transformation. For him
religion is mostly a personal experience and not limited to logical
argument or perceptions of the senses. According to Peeran creative love,
or the urge to rejoin the spirit to divinity, is the goal towards which
everything moves. The dignity of life in particular to human life is
important. Peeran’s spiritualism is very much similar to that of Kabir Das
and Amir Khusro as Kabir’s and Khusro’s spirituality emerges from Sufism.
Peeran’s spirituality also emerges from Sufis m. In fact they present a
mixture of Sufism and spirituality. This mixture of Sufism and
spirituality in their poetry presents a kind of religious tolerance.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Allison, Robert. Chuang-tzu for Spiritual transformation: An analysis of the inner
chapter. Sunny press. 1998. p.8.
ibid., p.p. 7-8.
ibid., p. 8.
Peeran, S.L. A Search from Within. Bhubaneswar: The Home of Letters. 2002.
Rizvi, Iftikar. Hussain. Forward of A Search from Within.
op.cit. New Frontiers. 2005. p. 5.
ibid., p. 18.
Allison, Robert. Op.cit.,
10. Peeran, S.L. op.cit. p. 9.
11. ibid., In Silent Moments. 2002. p. 62.
12. Allison Robert. Op.cit. p. 9.
13. ibid., In Golden Times. 2000. p. 5.
14. ibid., p. 4.
15. ibid., A Ray Of Light. Bangalore: Bizz Buzz. 2002. p. 17.
16. ibid.,
17. Hussain, S. Atkar. Prophet Mohammed and His Mission. Lucknow Academy Of
Islamic Research and Publication. 1967. p. 94.
18. op.cit., A Search from Within. Bhubaneswar: The Home of Letters. 2002. p. 15.
19. ibid.,
20. ibid.,
21. ibid.,
22. (Q.2:1) [cited in Hussain, S. Athar] op.cit.,
23. Peeran, S.L. A Ray of Light. Bangalore: Bizz Buzz. 2002. p. 23.
24. ibid., In Sacred Moments. 2008. p. 2.
25. ibid., In Rare Moments. 2007. p. 2.
26. Hussain, S. Athar. Op.cit. p. 95.
27. op.cit In Sacred Moments. 2008. p.28.
28. (Q. 39: 2-3) [Hussain, S. Athar. Op.cit.,]
29. Hussain, S. Athar. Op. cit.,
30. Peeran, S.L. A Ray of Light. ibid., 2002. p. 18.b
31. ibid., A Search from Within. 2002 p. 18.
32. Rizvi, Iftikar. op.cit.,
33. op.cit. p. 87.
34. ibid., In Rare Moments. p. 32.
35. ibid., A Ray of Light. p. 83.
36. ibid., In Golden Times. p. 51.
37. ibid.,
38. ibid., A Call from Unknown. p. 92.
39. ibid.,
40. ibid.,
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
ibid., In Golden Times. p.61.
ibid., In Rare Moments. p. 41.
ibid., p. 9.
ibid., A Search from Within. p. 90.
The Sanctified Muse of S.L. Peeran’ by Prof. Masoodul Hasan,
Formerly Chairman, Department of English and Dean, Faculty of Arts,
Aligarh Muslim University
S.L. Peeran is a late but prolific bloomer. During the last eight years, he
has produced ten fairly noteworthy collections of English poems. He is a
bilingual poet, writing in Urdu as well for a longer time. In fact, one of
his scholar-friends persuaded him to write in English too. In addition, he
has written a couple of scholarly books on Sufism and Islam. Besides, he
edits two bilingual journals in English and Urdu to familiarize the
intellectuals with the Sufi message and literary classics, which he has
inherited as a distinguished scion of a renowned spiritual dynasty
descended directly from one of Islam’s greatest mystics, Abdul Qadir
Jilani (d. 1161). Most of Peeran’s collections have been favorably
Though Peeran’s poetry does not follow any pre-set manifest and his
poems are spontaneous, casual pieces, composed under inspiration of
the moment yet some of his remarks and verses suggest a fairly
consistent. In Silent Moments, he observes “In Silent Moments is an early
offshoot of inner turmoil’s, joys and ecstasies experienced in the calm
and silent moments of night” (p.1). Out of modesty, he calls himself “an
amateur poet”. He continues, “I have not put any extra effort or strain. They
have come to me spontaneously in a flash of moment and it has assumed the
form of my personal poetry” (p.iii). The remarks remind us of William
Wordsworth’s theory of the “spots of time” and his definition as “emotions
recollected in tranquility”. Subjectivity and spontaneousness are the other
distinctive marks of romanticism and even though Peeran clear of
romantic themes, his view of poetry comes fairly close to the nineteenth
century romantics.
Both by legacy and proclivity Peeran is steeped in Islamic spiritualism.
Love and longing for god and His apostle – rather than dread – which is the
essence of genuine Sufism vibrate through his verse. Traditionally, the novice
has to rid himself of material concerns and temptations (SM p.14) (for
abbreviation see the note at the end of this paper) which is followed by a
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
vigorous remembrance (Zikr) of Allah. In the Ninety Nine Names’ the
poet instructs:
Repeat the names on your lips.
Inhale him surcharge You (SM, p.17)
But the quest of God is a challenging undertaking and requires adept
steering by a “sound captain”, the illumined “Murshid” (SM, p.21). The
exercise prepares the seeker:
For total merger
With the supreme being
In total bliss and ecstasy (SM.p.58)
Filling the seeker with eternal love (SM.p.61)
You forget you are waiting
For your friend on the wrong platform. (SM, p.68)
Repeatedly, one is reminded that true love is the precondition and base
of spiritual ascent.
Love is a candle of hope
To burn to show love (CFU, p.61)
But the guidance and privilege is not the outcome of man’s earnest
endeavor alone; it is essential a gift and grace of God:
When I lost hopes
From all a divine voice
Gave strength and guided me (CFU, 63)
Self-imposed poverty and riddance from avarice is the pre-requisite of
Sufism, and Peeran confirms it in “Bliss amidst Poverty’ (CFU). The
Prophet himself, the supreme model of excellence of the Sufis is
reported to have said repeatedly “Al-faqr-o-fakhri” (penury is my pride).
Humility is the twin-sister of poverty and a window to spiritual light –
Ego to Zero” (NF, 24). A true Sufi is ever vigilant and in quest of the
Divine Beloved:
Hidden away from every eye
O! My eyes ever in search (in CFU, 95).
The lover’s quest, however, is not a one-time operation. It has to be
renewed and kept aflame every moment of life. Besides, god lives within,
and reveals himself at His Will (Faith)
That who loves and cares
That omnipresent – but invisible
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
That one who kindles the heart
Look within yourself and find Him. (NF, 5)
The poem “Mastani Ma – the green one portrays such an accomplished
being. She is selfless, clairvoyant and caring. Her love is universal, and to
her – as indeed to all true Sufis – mankind is one indivisible brotherhood
(NF, 7). Peeran takes shrines and saints as reminders and receivers of
divine grace, but not as His incarnations. No temple, mosque or the
Kaaba holds him; he lives in the enlightened heart. Hence, the famous
Sufi maxim “man arafa nanfs-a-hufa-arafa Allah” – self-realisation leads to
God realisation (RM, 40)
Humanism and universal love are the inbuilt features of true Sufism that
distinguish it from orthodoxy. Accordingly, Peeran holds all faiths in
reverence. In the ‘communication’ he refers lovingly to the last supper,
“Maryada Puroshotham”, Sachi danadam” and the Laila-tul Qadar” with
equal gusto (SM, 25) and alludes to Mahavira, Jesus, Krishna, Moses,
Tankas in the same collection (SM, 90-91). Elsewhere, in ‘My Religion’ he
spells out his faith in sulah kul in these words:
To look upon mankind
As children of Adam and Eve
Not for creating apathy.
For cataclysmic schism
For disharmony and strife (A call from the unknown, p.5)
Again in the long poem ‘Birth of Prophet Mohammed’, the unity of
mankind is emphasized in no uncertain terms. The Prophet’s mission
To open floodgates of knowledge
To unite man and man is a single bond.
To liberate the destitute, infirm, oppressed. (CFU, 25)
This pervasive regard for mankind cannot but generate tolerance of
diverse approaches to God and love for all his creatures. Peeran’s heart
turns him to well-being to the entire mankind. Torture, persecution and
destitution of man anywhere on the globe upset him. He finds the events
of calamity and affliction incompatible with man’s creator’s universal
mercy in his poem “Why All this”
Ah Hiroshima, Bosnia, Sudan
In all, dare devilry;
A test for endurance (In Silent Moments, 35)
The scene of injustice dismays him:
Look, look, O Merciful, why all this
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Sorry state when you are known
To be just, kind, compassionate.
Notes of humanism resonate in his verse and in fact, his Sufic beliefs
further foster them. In different verses he recalls the feats and sacrifices
of various benefactors and martyrs of mankind and has a utopian vision
of future:
Let us wipe the tears of sorrows from every eye,
Let none go to bed hungry, live bare sans clothes (FH, 42)
As a modern Sufi, Peeran combines the mission of amelioration of the
people at large. A well-known Sufi Maxim is dar duniya bash, bara-e
duniya ma-bash. Live in the world, but not for the world. Therefore, they
perform the obligations of the shariat, and attend to their secular interests
as well in addition to their spiritual exercises. Peeran, accordingly,
combines his Sufic interests with social and professional ones. But, he is
equally alive and responsive to the ground realities of the world; he
writes about his personal joys and sorrows and reacts sensitively to
contemporary political morass and corruption.
The common man’s daily life, riddled with perplexity and problems
impresses him. For example, “Alas! Woman” exposes the Indian woman’s
tragic plight (CFU, 84-85) and the flaws of our judicial system are laid
bare in Justice Done’ (CFU, 78), while ‘Mera Bharat Mahan’ (FH, 22)
satirizes our hollow claims of national progress. The tragedy of twin
world-towers is noticed in two poem – ‘Alas mighty terror’ and ‘strike terror
and Grief ’ (NF, 35-36). So also the ‘Talibans’ fanatical misdeeds shock his
conscience, and he recommends to them tolerance and compassion.
you cut hands, stone a sinner to death,
Wither love for humanity on this earth,
Soul rending music does not stir you,
O ‘Taliban’ shun violence, acquire world view. (‘O’ Taliban’; FH, 32).
The anti-terror stance appears again in “frenzied Press” (The Sacred
Moments, 44). Belligerence and state-terrorism is decried, vehemently in
the poem. ‘The Great Upheaval’ about Iraq (ISM, 49-50). Calls of
conscience and patriotism distress the poet as he thinks of communal
violence in India. “Ah Gujarat’ deplores the riots, and the innocents’
slaughter revolts him.
What wrong had they done?
For their parents and homes.
To be burnt in the carnage.
Godra and the whole of Gujarat in turmoil! (NF, 72)
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Peeran’s deep spiritual concerns do not hamper his sensitivity to some
vital current issues. Necessity of preserving ecology and desire to
maintain balance in nature is one such issue. Care for ecology is
supposed to be the concern of specialists even though changes in the
rhythm of nature and threat of global warming and irreparable damage
to ozone layers in the space endanger the very existence of man. But the
Sufis have valued balance in nature and practiced frugal consumption of
natural resources as a gratitude to the Supreme Being for the gift of lifesustaining elements. To them wastefulness of these gifts is a sin. In the
‘Changing Fate’, he cautions against this slow mode of self-destruction:
But man in order to achieve supremacy
Destroys nature and spreads wretchedness
And renders himself unfit to live on globe. (SM, 40)
A more, direct evidence of his interest in ecology is available in ‘Alas my
Neem’. He takes the tree as a part our heritage, and laments its ruthless
felling down by an ignorant, though needy, man. The neem tree is
associated in common lore with the Ayurveda and indigenous therapy.
Incidentally, this thoughtless destruction subliminally reminds us of the
foreigners’ commercial exploitation and obtaining patents on many of
our natural resources. Elsewhere in the ‘Lament of a Shady Tree’, every
axe stroke of the wood cutter wounds the poet’s?
Heart, reminding him of the uses and advantages of the old tree to
common men. The helpless tree warns its ungrateful betrayer:
Now cutting me down,
You are destroying eternal peace (NF, 90)
In the “Spread of Pollution”, Peeran takes not of the atmospheric
degeneration often induced by man’s irresponsible and unsanitary
conduct. (FH, 58). This physical and moral decay is as enough per se,
but for a Sufi-poet cherishing purity, it must be crueler still. Incidentally,
among the urbanized Indo-Anglian poets only Gieve Patel shows
consistent interest in ecology and Peeran compares favorably with him.
Peeran shows a progressive interest in contemporary world, and
international events both as a humanist and as an Indian. Globalization
obviously is the most talked about politico-economic phenomenon today.
In ‘Changing Ticks’ he glances at the primarily American actuated
phenomena, contrasting the others’ calculations with his own balanced
Bohemia is setting in Europe and USA,
while religiosity holding minds in Asia.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
A new world order is getting created
With globalization and electronic inventions
Intermingling of races of all hues.
While the Indians are bickering in nationalism. (NF, 23)
Generally, Peeran is not effusive about his personal life in his poetry. Still
it is possible to get a few glimpses of his bonds with some of his
intimates. The poem on his mother is moving and full of gratitude for
her. She is his “life star to guide me forever”, “his first love and affection”, “his
barometer and senses”. (RM, 26). His father was an embodiment of content
and courage, old fashioned, “oblivious of the changing times”, caring for his
flock, undaunted by his fatal disease in old age:
Carcinoma could put an end to him.
But it couldn’t overpower his zest for life (ISM, 43)
The death of his son was a heavy blow to Peeran. In a heart sending cry
he recalls the dear departed:
Someone is waiting for you distraught
With tears in eyes, pain in heart.
With absent smiles, worried face.
Wrinkles on forehead, disheveled hair. (SM, 49)
Peeran opens his heart unreservedly to his wife in a couple of poems.
She was his comforter, his nurse. She attended on him caringly in his
hospital days with a fractured arm. She tackled intelligently his stubborn
diabetes, wayward cardiac ailment, failing vision and excruciating
I remember you,
you were my succor, my redeemer (Intense Love, in FCU, 4)
Elsewhere, in “My Fair Lady”, he pays her a poetic tribute by calling her a
rival to his other love poetry:
Not a moment I can spare,
To my other love poetry.
Envious of my holding books
Pulls the blanket off me. (“My Fair Lady”, NF, 39)
A lyrical and intimate experience of younger years indeed! But his love
extends beyond seasons and years. Even as time begins to levy its toll,
the poet’s warmth for her remains undiminished:
Times have changed
Seasons come and pass,
but my love for you,
Will remain ever fresh. (‘Manifold Love’ in NF, 45)
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The tenderness and purity of feelings recalls to mind, Coventry Patmore’s
Poem on his wife – almost a classic – “The Angel in the House”.
Incidentally, Patmore (d.1896) was also a deeply religious poet. Peeran
wrote two other equally touching poems on his wife – ‘My Best Love’ (SM,
64) and ‘Embrace Me’ (SM, 38)
The “Birth of Prophet Mohammed” is a longish, biographical poem (CFU,
24-33) and beings with a reference to the ‘darkest hour’ of pre-Islamic
Arabia. Against this background of ignorance and savagely Peeran
highlights the Prophet’s teachings:
To not wage or create a strife.
To compound and compromise.
To be charitable and compassionate.
To be always just and truthful. (CFU, 32).
This focus on universal peace and justice is especially significant in the
climate of Islamophobia in the post 9/11 world.
Peeran is a poet of direct statement. He depends little on conventional
tropes and embellishments. Still in several poems he introduces pregnant
allusions that reinforce the central idea of the poem, and expand the
scope of its interpretation. Initially, they are spiritual in context like the
instructive references to Arjuna’s mental conflict, Krishna’s advice,
crucifixion,/Mohammed’s celestial journey and Mansur Hallaj’s ecstasies.
Ocassionally, a parable comes handy to convey the message (‘Raining Fire
and Brimstone’ in Frontiers of Hope, p.8). Peeran, however, is remarkably
fond of anaphora (successive lines beginning with the same word) which
adds to the flow and musical quality of the verse.
Haiku and Tanka are the two notable Japanese genres currently quite
popular in the world of poetry. They are characterized by short
epigrammatic structure with a very limited number of syllables in three
lines (Haiku) and five lines (Tanka) each. Peeran introduces divers
themes amorous social political. For example, the following piece
represents the love-haiku:
I am mad in love,
every vein has turned sacred,
Honey, divine love. (RM, 72)
This one suggests a pacific mood:
Stillness of the lake,
throw stones, see ripples around.
Bomb destroys mankind. (RM, 70)
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Or, mark this lament on man’s inordinate but barren ambition:
Excessive talent
More and more money in hand,
desires ruin the man (RM, 72)
Al least seven haikus refer to terrorism with reference to the crash of
world towers, example:
Brotherhood of world
crushed, burnt in America
In the name of Islam. (NE, 98)
Editing emerges rather unhandsomely in the anthologies. Printing errors
apart, quite a few lapses of grammar and syntax remain unnoticed,
which in spite of laxity of the usages in the unprogrammed “English’s”
appear unacceptable in verses of fairly high order for example, “In
Sacred Moments’ on page 12, 13, 18, and 20 in several stanzas verbs
mismatch the subjects in number. In the Fountain of Hopes, page 20
bear’s similar lapses and lines on page 4 and 28 bear each an
inappropriate indefinite article and a quaint verb respectively.
These are only random examples, but they do not materially affect the
otherwise laudable quality and message of the poems. However, Peeran’s
titles especially of the anthologies are unusually significant and thought
provoking ‘Times’ and ‘Moments figure’ in half the number of anthologies.
Sufis have always been deeply concerned with time and eternity. In fact,
Ibn Arabic, the great Andalusian mystic, reportedly referred to the Sufi as
“Ibn-ul-Waqt – man of the time – that is the soul lost in present
contemplation and Zikr of God with little care for the future or the sops
of reward and punishment. The words ‘within’ and “frontiers’ occurring
in three other titles of anthologies replace with time and space – as does
the ‘unknown’ in the title ‘A call from the unknown.’ Both these
subliminal references to time and space highlight the mystical
antecedents of the poet his works. Three titles involve images of light,
which suggestive of Sufic illumination. The title of an individual poem
“Jamal-Beautiful” (In Sacred Moments, p.5), however, involves a lexical
error. “Jamal” is non (beauty), and the derived adjective is Jameel’, which
is also one of the Holy names of Allah.
Peeran has done two informative books in English prose as well to dispel
some objections against Sufism by the orthodox and to elucidate the true
spirit of Sufism in Sufism and Islam. Traditionally, the orthodox
disagreed with the liberal tenets of Sufis, and held them as violative of
the true belief. On the other hand in modern times, a school of liberal
thinkers have come to deny its links with Islam altogether. Peeran firmly
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
refutes both these views, collating the basic teachings of Islam and
Sufism and quoting extensively from the Quran, the Hadith, and writings
of classical Sufi masters like Ali Hujwisi (D.1070/71) – the first exponent
of Sufism in India – al – Ghazzali (d.1111), Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (d.1161)
and Shihabuddin al-Suhwardy (d. 1234). One some controversial issue
among the Sufis themselves, he has quoted in full the English translation
of an almost magisterial monograph entitled “Faisla Haft Masala by
Maulvi Imdad Ali, a venerable Sufi scholar of the 19th century. Peeran’s
impressive familiarity with Sufi classics is also full reflected in the
bilingual quarterly Sufi-world.
Obviously, while his poetry represents his spiritual self-affirmation and
enjoyment, the prose works sever to introduce the Sufi message to the
uninitiated and the skeptics. In both these literary ventures, he has
undertaken a task of great humanistic value – providing the symphony
of peace and good – will to a spiritually unfed and tension – ridden
world. For the Saa’ch steeped in genuine Islamic tradition – Sufism was
nothing but a selfless service to mankind and sincere love of humanity at
Though insufficiently noticed because of belated debut and his rather
hasty prolificacy, possibly to compensate for the delay, Peeran enjoys the
distinction of being the only Indo-Anglian Poet consistently producing Sufic verse
of considerable merit. His work promises to retain its freshness and appeal for
many years to come.
Introduction to Glittering Love (2009) by Professor Masoodul Hasan
“Good wine”, says Shakespeare, needs no bushes”; so also a collection
of fine poems requires no frills of a superfluous ‘Foreword’ or
‘Introduction’ by some motivationally “acclaimed scholar” or literary
critic. To S.L. Pearan, however, custom seems to outweigh the immortal
bard’s sane suggestion. To be fair to him, though it is also true that
Shakespeare was obliged, in deference to convention, to admit gingerly
in the same breath, “Yet to good wine they use good bushes”.
Accordingly, in spite of his well-received ten previous collection of good
poetry, Peeran wishes me to play the customary encomium doling ‘brand
ambassador’ of his latest collection Glittering love. So, as a token of my
appreciation of his laudable labor of love, I have to function as the
‘herald’ of the new arrival. But I must hasten to add that this reluctant
role in no way implies any self-delusion of celebrity or connoisseurship.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
I cannot claim for Peeran, in Shakespeare idiom, the label “ the poet’s eye
in fine frenzy rolling” – frenzy, in fact, is alien to his talent and temper –
but I do feel in his verse the gentle glow of winter – sun bathing nature in
its luxuriant warmth. Neither is he a poet of “emotion recollected in
tranquility”; for tranquil moods are his second nature, and he records
serenely his impressions and sensation in their natural freshness – at
once of peculiar poetic asset and an intellectual deficit. For instant
utterance often precludes due maturing of thought and finer fashioning
of idiom. His natural poetic sensibility, however, generally outbalances
the debit. A typical feature of his earlier anthologies is the strong
undercurrent of a central theme in each collection. For example, one is
struck by the recurrence of the theme of Time atomized into moments
in (In Golden Times), or mystical spaces (In Call from the Unknown, or in
New Frontiers), or the exploration of the inner self in In Golden Moments,
In Silent Moment, The Sacred Moment) or light (in The Fountain of Hopes).
Of course, occasionally, some of the themes secure and criss cross in
various collections, but the dominant theme remains undiluted.
The present volume focuses on the twin and mutually complementary themes
of Love and Luminosity – the core of Islamic mysticism too. Naturally, notes of
tolerance and Suleh-e-kul (equal respect and peace for all creeds) predominate for
example, the poem ‘Free From All’ opens on this note:
He has kept his doors open
All the time, everywhere
In many forms and shapes.
Big vacant halls, cathedrals,
Temples with deities, idols.
In the complex, pluralistic Indian ethos the relevance and value of this
spiritual dimension can hardly be overstated. But Peeran’s debt to the
great Sufis’ endearing. Openness of mind spiritual legacy is evident and
in accord with his own spiritual lineage and leanings. The above –
quoted lines remind us of a few verses of the great Andalusian Sufi, IbneArabi (d.1240 A.D) “My heart is capable of every form/A cloister of the monk/I
a temple for idols,/A pasture for gazelles, the votary’s kaabah/”. True, gnosis
illumines Peeran’s poem ‘Shining Truth”, and love for mankind at large
figures prominently in ‘Balance and Harmony.’ The same universal love
runs through the piece ‘Safe Shores”, announcing the protagonists resolve
“to open widely the closed doors of my heart, eyes and ears”. The shared
spiritual virtues of “Saints, Rishies, Yogis and Prophets” are acknowledged
liberally in the poem ‘O Solitude’ and several other pieces – a much
needed balm for the creed – corroded modern man. Spiritual love also
forms the core of the poems like “Refresh Your Soul,’ into ‘Immersion”.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Similarly the title piece ‘GLITTERING LOVE’ throbs with devotion for
the Divine Beloved:
My every cell in my body
Feels the heat, feels for him
The Merciful and the Bountiful,
Plays His tunes in my veins
These lines recall the flute’s fancy in Rumi’s (d.1275) Mathnavi that may
be rendered into English as “Dry my veins, dry my body and dry the skin, So
wherefrom comes the Friend’s call?”
Humanism is the secular version of Sufism, and the two are inseparably
intertwined. Peeran flinches at the sight of human suffering. His
compassion for a former acquaintance now in rags spurs his hospitality
in spite of their present social disparity (‘compassion’).This feeling of
human kindness extends to unknown beggars too (‘Lost Thoughts’) and
famished, landless laborers (‘Birth of Violence’) the concern for social
justice soon matures into the desire for political amelioration and
patriotism, and the poet recalls with sorrow the outrages of Ghories,
Ghaznavies, Lodies, the British, the French and the Portuguese on the Indian
Peeran’s treatment of love is many sided. On occasions he celebrates the
natural love between man and woman, sometimes even exposing the
abuse and deprivation of women by their unscrupulous’ ‘butter-fly
lovers’. Not infrequently this produces self-deprecating, bruised female
psyche pathetically whining:
Frailty is my name, I am brittle,
I can only break into pieces like glass (‘Broken Pieces’)
Possibly, moved by some actual incident, Peeran packs into these lines
the irony and despair bottled up for centuries in the female mind.
Likewise, the ‘Betrayal” aptly exposes the lurking fear of conjugal
insecurity of wives apprehensive of whimsical vulnerability of their
husbands to the charms of some younger seductress. In the true Bhakti
tradition Peeran’s maiden lovers invariably open the love colloquy, and
sometimes this ‘mundane love”, ever conjures a blessed mood (as in the
‘Blessed Love’ OR ‘Refresh Your Soul’) Glimpses of touching familial or
friendly love also intersperse some poems in this anthology. A loving
father’s anxiety and welling childhood memories of his bright son on the
eve of his voyage for higher studies abroad ripple through the piece ‘For
A New Life’ as do the tender remembrances of a fond and loving elder
sister (in ‘Ever Cheer for Us’) the dirge on the sudden death of an uncle in
the midst of festive celebrations on his elevation to the High Court
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Bench apparently bewails a personal loss, but at a deeper level its
underlines the evanescence and tragedy of life in general. Apart from
recalling some significant episodes from his personal life – e.g. the
Chinese aggression in ‘Fall in line” – Peeran offers an overview of his
career in a couple of poems. The calendar of his life (‘My Life’) – each
pair of two months symbolizing an important biographical phase – is
innovative in character faintly reminiscent of Edmund Spenser’s (d.1599)
pioneering work Shepherd’s Calendar. But Peeran’s poem closes on an
optimistic belief in the continuity of life:
Roses in Nov-December will bear seeds
For the next generation to sprout and grows
Peeran responds sensitively to the surrounding social reality. The irony
of scarcity in the midst of plenty stings his conscience, and the
deteriorating Indian ethos and economy strikes him piquantly.
Ameliorative political steps have failed, and farmers’ suicides are
mounting up. Consumerism has contaminated our traditional values.
Today market rules the roost;
new fashions, High taxes,
shooting prices booming economy(‘Booming Economy’)
Dwindling agriculture and vanishing old values necessitate large scale
demography dislocation. It forebodes an impending doom. This reversal
of traditional order breeds corruption and crime (‘Birth of Violence”).
Some of these poems are patently anti-urban in nature, deriving from the
poet’s concern for the modern man’s fatal indifference to ecology. This
also reminds Peeran of the deterioration of his own metropolitan town:
Now garden – city with salubrious weather,
Is a home for sloth’s, nitwits, drug peddlers.(“Jaunts of Pleasure”)
Though now out of vogue in Japan, the country of its organ, HAIKU
gained notable currency in the west during the inter – war years under
inspiration of Ezra Pound (d.1972). but Indo–Anglian poets do not seem
to have taken kindly to it. Peeran, however, stands apart in this regard,
and the present volume contains a century of haikus of rather uneven
quality. The genre specializes in the use of sharp, concrete images
derived usually from natural phenomena.
Some of these haikus fulfill this condition successfully, though this may
not be said about their syllabic structure. A couple of the more notable
pieces are sampled below:
Great wall of China
Fortified cities with stone
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Push the enemy back.
Moon, solar eclipses
A sign of floods, destruction
Or superstition.
Croaking of the frogs
Thunder, Lightning in dark clouds,
A welcome shower.
Streaming like sea-weeds
Labor pain to crusted earth
Earthquake destroys man.”
Without succumbing to nostalgia, Peeran makes no secret of his
partiality to the past, yet he does not romanticize his memories. He is a
humanist to the core, and he reacts equally sharply to inequities at home
and unjust wars abroad, especially the outrageous tragedy enacted by
Anglo-American allies in Iraq and Afghanistan. His range of concerns
may be rather limited, but his sincerity and universal love largely
compensate for the default. Apt use of allusions from the Hindu
pantheon and Quranic and Biblical sources enhance the effect and
appeal of his poetry. He has the natural gift of distilling poetry from
happenings and observations of everyday life, which reveals his human
approach to man and nature. Robert Frost (d.1963), the renowned
American poet, once remarked that a poem begins in delight and ends in
wisdom. Opinions may differ about Peeran’ verses opening the casement
of delight, but doubtlessly they sparkle with the Light of Love – the
ultimate reach of true Wisdom.
Prof Masoodul Hasan on In Rare Moments
Disclaiming “any sophisticated theory of poetry’ but professing “to reflect and
express” the commoner’s daily: experience; S.L. Peeran’s gift of
prolificacy marks his ninth collection of poems, for the present poetic
collection makes his ninth anthology in six years. Two prose works on
Sufism and a collection of short stories complete his latest literary menu.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
That he could provide such delectable fare in the midst of his demanding
professional responsibilities as a senior Member of the State’s
Customs/Excise Tribunal attests his singular artistic fertility and
remarkable physical energy – a lucky combination generally wanting in
reputed writers.
The present collection comprises 74 poems, and carries a fulsome
introduction by an appreciative academician, which tends to satiate
rather than appetise. Though uncloyed by traditional romanticism,
Peeran nurtures genuine love for nature, as is clear from his recurring
references to birds, cuckoos, summer blues, and the predominance of
Love is his central theme, and often he effortlessly translates mundane
love into spiritual, an obvious relic of his Sufi legacy. However, reversing
the convention of mundane love in the opening poem ‘Longings’, the poet
sarcastically turns himself into the beloved, longed for by a restless,
remorseful lover: “Whenever your thoughts possess me,/I turn to your book of
poems/Your love long troubles my heart.” So also the title Poem (‘Rare
Moments ‘) reads like an epithalamic celebration of mundane love. But
Peeran experiences moments of mild mystic ascents too: “Let’s dwell
deep in the ocean of self (p. 16) OR – “I stand nude before that Eternal
Being”, OR “Let the illuminating, dazzling lights,/Fill my dark and empty
shell.”/Deeper Sufic strains resonate in poems like ‘Man Arafa Nafsehu’,
‘Is Allah Everywhere? Or.. ‘Allah’s Bounty’ with a pointed reference to “our
Peeran O Peer” of Baghdad, and the poet’s belief in saint-intercession.
The Sufic notes come naturally to the poet as he himself is the scion of
an illustrious divine dynasty of the south. But it is also true that on
occasions theosophy is closely nudged by didactic, piety, extolling ‘law’
over illuminating spirituality. Yet in the true Sufic spirit Peeran decries
and disrelishes “debate and polemics” of theologian – pugilists (in the
‘White Jhubbas’), and he advocates the Sufi principle of ‘sulhkul’ (Peace to
all) – e.g. in ‘our Dogmatic Brothers’.
This humanistic note and voice of sanity, essential to our pluralistic
society, sounds loud and clear: “To shun the fashions and the
‘worldliness’/But holding on to the ‘Otherliness/Perfecting duality,
Ugliness./Creating a distance with brother of other faiths./Fantasizing heaven
by dubious means.”/(p.3).
Sectarian intolerance and bias is alien to this God – oriented moralist.
Piety often overshadows effulgence of divine love, and true summits of
spirituality are rare in the Rare Moments. But Peeran holds a fair claim
as a mystic of half-lights. His poetry offers a mildly refreshing contrast to
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
the trends of vanishing positive values and cultural chaos, generally
plaguing the contemporary literary scene.
In order to save repetition and space textual quotations and references
are incorporated in the main text of the article. The works have been
noted according to the following abbreviation. The figures following the
abbreviated title denote page numbers.
A Search from Within (2002)
A Ray of Light (2002)
In Silent Moments (2002)
A Call form the Unknown (2003) -
New Frontiers (2005)
Fountains of Hopes (2006)
In Sacred Moments (2007)
In Rare Moments (2007)
The Poetic World of S.L. Peeran by Patricia Prime
In his Foreword to In Rare Moments, S.L. Peeran’s ninth collection of
poetry, Krishna Srinivas states, “Peeran has gained many distinctions and he
is the right man to regain what we have all lost. He cries down the crimes and
injustices that prevail everywhere today”. Dr. C Anna Lata Devi writes in her
lengthy ‘Introduction’:
The themes of the poems In Rare Moments are varied, but they can be fitted into
two main categories, life and religion, the dual phases of Man’s existence. The
theme of life is subdivided into Man, his reminiscences and the part played by
nature. Similarly religion has its subaltern themes like God and Heaven”.
Therefore we approach the collection with the thought that it contains poems on
humanity, with all its faults and failings, spiritually and the need to be ever
vigilant to social, political and moral issues.
Peeran’s poems are utterly present in the world, in the sense that he
writes about the issues of society:
Love, grief and hope. There is in work a fidelity to language and the
musicality of language which is simultaneously a fidelity to critical
thinking, to bodily thinking, and, more problematically, to silence.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
If a poem makes itself mean as much in the spoken, syntax and form are
the poet’s means of composing in and with the silences. Peeran’s
characteristically, though not exclusively, one-page poems are an overt
sign of his kinship with the lyric poem that expresses itself in plain
Such a poem as the opening poem, “Longings’, exemplifies this power.
It’s as if the silences point to the inherent inadequacy of language and at
the same time to its potential for vitality and precision:
Whenever your thoughts possess me,/I turn to your book of poems/your love
songs trouble my heart./An ache, a sigh, tears of blood.
For a poet such as Peeran, with his social vision, one whose art is a form
of activism that is, active in the world as an agent of transformation –
there may be an even more fruitful ambivalence towards silence. The
tension, which I suspect attends Peeran’s imaginative, intellectual and
compositional processes, creates an urgency and refuses complacency in
the work and its consequences. Peeran’s poems are all the more alive in
such tension, as we see in “Nothing to Beat”, where the personae, being
“lonely, alone and desolate” question God:
Everyone wishes to melt away and/Reach God to question him/where were they
at fault?/Why did the lover desert her in midstream?/Why was he fired, when he
was at creative best?/Why incarcerated for other’s Wrong?/Why become beast of
burden forever?
The perspective informing “Take Away” is that “The Parameters of life keep
changing daily”. When everything is going well, there is always something
bad waiting to happen and, thus, ‘The taxman is on the prowl like a tiger./To
take away even the baked cookies”. When reading Peeran, we are reminded
that poems are “our poems” even when the poet in a vituperative mood,
can say. “You need to give a dose/of antibiotics, purgatives./to flush out the
disturbing/Elements in the body and soul”.
“Closing Chapter” seeks and creates a relationship to lyric that takes
shape and acknowledge the fact of ageing, “Fear of flame popping out to
plunge me/IN the growing darkness around/time clicking reminding me of
destiny”. “Scrap it All” makes something new of the urban poem with its
detailed description of poverty which is leavened by friendship:
In chawls and slums, people cluster together/with comradeship to fetch a pail of
water./To wail together when struck with gloom./Hunger, thirst, chill penury
binds them.
“Allah’s Bounty”, a short, perfect poem, begins.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
“Allah’s bounty is limitless. It is His/Mercy and Benevolence that such a Great
Being/should bestow His Grace on such/Insignificant creatures like us./
In some ways it confesses to a desire inherent in the lyric impulse a
desire for the world to be shut out. Yet, as part of the poem, the title
wants the speaker to live in the world, to be present here in his belief not
so much as the addresser, perhaps, but as the benefactor – itself an open
door, a turn and return. The poem ends.
Certainly of faith (Huqul Yaqeen), strong will/Power and concentration and
total submission/to our peers, our Holy Prophet and to Allah ta ala/
And I trust the ways by which Peeran troubles categories of identity,
social mores, politics which are understood to be crucial to poetry’s
vibrancy and dynamism and living intelligence. For example, “Duality”
reads as a work of incisive, provocative probing in the sense of any poet
thinking hard and well about the craft and about the conditions a poem
aspire to create for it. Peeran asks, Is it because/Man is always at daggers
drawn? Bitter, Cold, sarcastic, angry./His various traits/challenge each other,
each trait/trying to claim ascendancy.
“Reflection” concludes with the poet’s voice in all its perfect pitch for
both the colloquial and the radiant:
“There is no loss, no gain, no joy, no pain/Unburden your baggage, hold fast that
Peeran is a thinking pot, a generous thinker, and a generative force for
poetry and his poetry will remain so.
In Sacred Moments, where the poet faces his Creator much as a child faces
its mother, asking forgiveness of petty jealousies and arrogance:
I, lost my thoughts, turn to my Creator
Oblivious of the umpteen sins committed by me,
I had broken the “Lakshman Rekha”; like Adam,
Shown jealously and arrogance like Satan.
Like a child in its mother’s arms, the poet asks forgiveness and begs that
‘my sacred moments be dear to me”.
Peeran’s gift for language, the immediacy of his wit and work-play
combined with a command of imagery and his powerful feelings can at
once capture his readers. With each new collection, Peeran’s admirers
look for the poetry which reaches beyond the words on the page and
happily In Sacred Moments he encourages us to believe that he is close
to his goal.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Although each poem stands firmly on its own, as per pervious
collections the reader does best to read the poems as they are ordered in
the book. In Sacred Moments is based on Peeran’s sympathetic approach
to humanity as one whose heart is firmly centered on the environment
and the sacredness of life. This can be clearly seen in “Heavenly Abode”
where the poet expresses the difference between our earthly and heavenly
The presence of rivers of honey,
Milk, cooked fowls, wine and hoories
Appear to be an allegorical reference.
If they exist then earthly environment
And earthly existence should also exist,
which is not possible.
To exist in heaven
there are to be different astral conditions
with different living conditions,
what is explained in Holy Scripture.
The poet goes on to say that divine retribution and awards can also
happen in our earthly existence, too.
Many of the poems mark not only a familiar environment, but a
transition from old philosophies and concentrate on the need for
humility. In “Humility and Submission” Peeran delineates the ideal of the
humble man. What, he asks, are the characteristics of humble man? And
he goes on to list twelve of his ideals. Here are four of them:
He is truthful, simple in manners, talks and dress.
He is gentle to the core in his speech and gait.
He is never harsh to the less fortunate ones.
He is courteous to his parents, relatives, and friends...
Man may be seduced by romance, tradition and wealth, many finding it
impossible to hold onto their faith in the modern world. Peeran projects
a new kind of man; the righteous man that, in “One Humanity” is a man
of peace and love willing to share “the sorrows and those of less fortunate”.
However, in “Ever Submissive” he finds that the “man of love, unspoken,
unheard” is “Ever Submissive” to the Lord’s call”. In “A Grim Picture” the
poet is under the constant threat of ill-health The doctor tells him, “You
may go in coma, lose your/Eyesight, kidneys, may have a heart
attack./ultimately you may have death horrible”. This forewarning persuades
the poet to try numerous remedies on the advice of his friends, but
nothing can prevent the “Call from the unknown”:
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
None can stop it, when it stoops down,
to collect me in both its arms, to take me to oblivion forever.
Similarly, in “Golden Hearts” the poet doesn’t spend time worrying over
imaginary goals, but in seeking God in a sublime, purified golden heart.
An uncharacteristic turn into a public, more outward going world takes
him to a “Republic-day celebration” where
The trumpets have gained strength day-by-day,
blowing full-throat,
elephants also joining,
the cheering crowd adding to the gaiety,
an occasion to celebrate the festivities.
These moments of socialization are few in poems which reverberate with
images of God, faith, spirituality. Peeran’s touch is always light, skillful
enough for his work to escape the heavily judgmental; yet he challenges
the reader to agree with his philosophy, coming as it does from a
background of Sufism. Another social poem is “Fall of Curtain” in which
the poet relaxes with old friends, talking about times they’d spent
Our buddies bring back good old memories,
invigorating like tea and coffee,
accompanied by tasty biscuits, chips,
talking about by-gone times.
Peeran has earned the right to establish a distinctive style and it is good
to see him writing about personal life. It is also good to see flashes of
humour emerge, despite the seriousness of the poem. The powerful
language in Great Upheaval”, a poem which deals with “Old civilization
broken-up to smithereens,” can bombs, the ravishing of Baghdad, innocents
killed, comes as complete shock after the gentleness of previous poems
in the collection:
O Baghdad! Your ancient beauty,
Now ravished and plundered,
Innocents killed and buried unsung,
whither place? The arrow has pierced the dove,
when Chengis Khan pillaged you, ages ago,
you stood firm and conquered him,
the Mongols were subdued and converted,
now are Yankees going to wear white caps?
In “unlimited Joy and Happiness for 2007” the poet requests the Master “Let
the New Year 2007/bring unlimited Joy and Happiness”.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
In Glittering Love the poems are immediate in impact and the more selfexposed, even ostentatiously so. “I wish I could give him a Mohd. Ali’s
knockout punch”. (“Knock Out”). The poems are sustained with no sense of
contrivance and never run out of stream. They frequently draw parallels
between the poet’s domestic situation (“Soliloquy”) and the contemplative
immediacy of mourning a loved Uncle:
Mourning was indeed deep,
for my uncle, a judge in the high court
suddenly died, without any sign of illness.
We are playing partying,
enjoying with his wife and children
on his elevation and becoming a “Justice”
When cruel hand of fate snatched him from us.
(Token of love and affection)
As against the intense physical observation of everyday events there
comes at intervals a bitter yet comical reflection of the sacrifices his
parents made bringing up “seven daughters, three sons and umpteen
grandchildren” (“Umpteen Sacrifices”):
Year after year, my mother bore five daughters
Hoping for a son.
Then me, then my younger brother,
they did not stop till two more daughters followed.
The contrast of such dogmatism with the gory sense of irony and
dislocation in the poet’s own aging consciousness is arresting – in both
senses of the word. Peeran directs one to the inexhaustible potential of
human experience as a source of imaginative enlargement, even when
that experience is exclusively the author’s own, as we see in “In Undying
Bliss” where he writes about his mind and what it imagines:
“The mind, when it imagines
When it dreams very often,
It is like watching
A television serial.”
“A woeful Prediction” alerts one of the Poet’s preoccupation not only with
astrology, but with the “giver of life – The Sanjeevani” and his enemy, “the
Lord of “Vidya” and “knowledge” – both of whom communicate in
But the lord of poetry is also Twelfth Lord,
and also the Lord of the Seventh,
She is in the company of a “neecha”
There are no redeeming features!
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
But such inward struggle only rarely appears in a collection rich in
portraits, landscape and experiences of life in India. Peeran is especially
good in charting small human activities, witness a delightful depiction of
a sister caring for her siblings in “Ever cheer for us”:
Forgoing your young joys and cheers
changing nappy of the youngest,
washing clothes of all the ones,
keeping the hearth warm and clean.
In the context of the poet’s memories it is not only the thing seen that
matters but its effect on other people; while at the same time Peeran can
lament the dulling of physical and nervous response:
When you rub two dry sticks
You get fire for the hearth, to cook
The dead poultry, fish endless menu
You are what you eat and drink.
Catastrophes exist primarily in relation to the poet’s own responses and
his relationship with his society. For instance, in “Mock Drills” he draws
out the fact that modern society must undergo mock drills in order to
wake it from its lethargy:
The frequent news of bomb blasts
In several cities of Iraq and Afghan.
News of death of men of all ages
Has suddenly woken up our police.
The book amounts to a series of vignettes, often drawn with a precision
in the handling of words, seen as its best in a poem like “Lord’s love”:
Isn’t it a wonder to find birds
building intricate nests
to lay eggs migrating
from one place to another,
so also fishes from one sea to other?
The unease inherent in most of our lives is seen even in the “Gardens of
Modern times robbing leisure.
Adding demands, stress to living.
Breaking the harmony of society.
Ushering in sickness and madness.
At his best Peeran can achieve such delicate effects with a quietly
satisfying ease. He can also describe more forceful experience as in
“Final Break”:
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
We keep marching, keep enacting,
for others to watch, to draw lessons,
now and then, scenes after scenes keep changing
with actors moving up and down in exhilaration.
We the men of clay, mud and soil,
Like puppets will break away one day after the toil.
Peeran can be mischievously perceptive of the danger lurking behind
appearances, as in “Low Status,” a memorable depiction of boys and girls
in school, where they “were fish out of water,/only to be teased and pushed to
back bench.” He is also humorous, as in “For a New Life” and tenderly
elegiac in “Adjust,” with its portrayal of when, for the writer, he must
adjust to life and its vicissitudes: “Life is a mixture of adjustment and
compromises/ Fight failures to overcome hurdles and pains.” Poems of sadness
include the perfectly crafted “Grief s and sorrows” with its vision of the
transparency of human life through its grief ’s and sorrows: “Oh! Sorrows
are the sap of the trees./In it dwells the spirits of the lovely.” And he can be
painful as in the bitter precision of “Evil Fate” where “wars, terrorism,
killings –/Manifest our greed and self-love.” Pathos is the theme of several
poems, including “Pining for Thee,” “Glory for Thee” and “Immersion”.
While tender love succors all, despite its many temptations:
O My Lord! Save me from
The temptations of this world.
From its glit and glamour.
From its slippery path. (“Love forever and ever”)
The visionary quality in these poems can seem astonishing in its range,
its depth, and its complexities. The rootedness in the local Indian
landscape is no limitation at all, its connectedness to the world through
war, terrorism, greed and suffering runs through these poems.
Sometimes the emotion becomes simpler and calmer; the poet’s feelings
break clear of disintegration and are articulated as love, as in the title
poem “Glittering Love”:
My every cell in my body,
feels the heat, feels for him,
the merciful and the bountiful,
plays his tunes in my veins.
But the pain is there in the love, in the overwhelming sense of sorrow
that pervades this whole book.
The final eleven page poem, “Advent of Islam” is divided into two sections
containing four-line stanzas. In Part I we learn about the beginnings of
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
The four squared walled house
Known from ages as “Kabba” “God’s House”,
Built in honor of One Supreme God, Allah,
By Father Ibrahim and son Ismaeel, in Bakka
Later came to be known as Mecca.
For centuries adored, loved, worshipped.
In this part we learn how the Archangel Gabriel brought a message to
Muhammad from Allah:
In peaceful ways Muhammad
Spread Allah’s message of monotheism
to shun the practice of idol worship,
to unite and live in brother hood.
In Part II we learn that millions of people pray to Allah for forgiveness:
Millions and millions
assemble at Mount Arfat,
The mountain of Mercy
to pray for forgiveness
for eternal blessings from Allah.
Among Muhammad’s teachings, we learn to treat our neighbours as
ourselves, and
To protect to environment,
the animal and the fauna.
The plants, trees and plantations,
Make the habitation beautiful.
A final admonition warns humanity to:
Think of your relatives and friends.
At all times, unite them in love.
Let love be the guiding force for all.
At all times love one and love all.
Finally there is an eighteen page section of haiku. Among my favorites
are these:
Gushing of water
inundation of small lakes
Houses in turmoil.
Croaking of the frogs
Thunder, lightning in dark clouds,
A welcome shower.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Bird plumes are now clipped
Spirit of freedom in the cage
Love destroyed for now.
Colorful buntings,
In the midst of joys and mirth
Onset of monsoon.
Peeran is a hugely skillful wordsmith, and his careful technique always
creates meaning. It is exciting to see a poet exhibiting as he does a vigor
and freshness of imagination that delights the heart and lifts the spirit.
In fact, S.L. Peeran has been celebrated for his poetic imagery; his social,
political and moral alertness; his uncanny ability to make the ordinary
extraordinary; and, not least, a humor all his own. Gathering much of
his material from the minutiae of Indian philosophy, religion and
culture, Peeran matches meditations on spiritual concerns and the weight
of history with a nimble wit, shifting to moments of clear vision and
intense poetic revelation.
The poems In Garden of Bliss are mainly presented one or two per page,
interspersed with several longer poems, which adds positively to the
experience of the reader and encourages perusal at a thoughtful pace.
The first poem “In Garden of Bliss”: “Greetings for dawn of twenty eleven”,
addresses aspects of the coming Year:
A year with endless dreams in our eyes to gleam,
Every day when blessings shine and beam,
Every second when joys are born,
Every moment when happiness dawns.
The lengthy title poem, “Garden of Bliss”, contains a strong sense of
preservation, the desire to care for lovely things, and ends with the
All the gathered souls will sing praise,
will witness the effulgence of the Lord,
all will think, see alike in Oneness.
All will become manifest and clear.
While the lengthy poem, “The Blessed Prophet Mercy to the Humanity”,
concentrates on the creation of the world and the sayings of the Holy
Lord is hidden in the self of Man,
While the light of Mohammed
Is enshrined in the glorious hearts
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Of the believers,
Lord and His angels
Send their blessings on Mohammed.
Peeran fights with words against the implications of kinship in “I in Him,
He in me” and the “daily solemn prayers” in “Namaz” invite us to a
relationship with the Supreme Being through prayer and good works:
“Namaz” the daily solemn prayers/recited day in and day out,/is to break the
violence of the mind,/to seek peace, solace for the soul.
Other poems, such as “Light or Mercy” and “Open Foe”, delight us with
their observation of the human condition.
In “The Endless Journey” Peeran expresses mankind’s torment in being
caught up in the vortex of changing times. He sees mankind being
“tested” amidst the background of “endless space”, “The moving Moon”,
“The pathology of various diseases” and “the arrival of the computer age”. The
poem ends with these words:
Man is devil to himself,/enemy of own self,/of his neighbor,/man a friend,/a
father, a guide,/a saint, man an ever enigma,/a paradox.
Describing a surprisingly modernistic landscape, where the old order
fades, he writes in “Our Paradise”:
This is the ancient land/where hides of goddess cow once holy,/is now turned to
leather,/the fine shinny shoes for convent schools,/the bones are crushed for
gelatin,/to be mixed as an elixir/in chocolate Vitaminised drinks for strength.
In “Look Beyond”, he expresses his sorrow at “forlorn memories” and the
way in which we cling to them. In the closing couplet, he says:
Enjoy changing seasons and lovely streams,/enthuse yourselves with
charming dreams.
Later in “Long Tiring Journey”, he writes, with acceptance, irony and
remembrance of a train journey, which also works as a metaphor for the
poet’s way of expressing his feelings about the journey through life:
The out of breath steam engine/with several long bogies/has at last reached
puffing and jetting/the end of the wry station./the initial journey was a
joy,/then exiting, then exhilarating,/then tiring, hoping after hope,/that the
rusting train comes to a stop.
The poem “Aam Aadmi” focuses ironically on the ‘leisure and
comfort/And cozy life”, which have been replaced by mankind’s greed
and sloth: “Our peaceful, surroundings now replace/by motorised, mechanised
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
“The best half” is a poem about the poet’s relationship with his wife: “One
thing I found after three decades/of marriage is that is impossible/to befriend and
console your best half ”.
After three decades of companionship, the poet finds himself in the
unhappy position of being in a loveless relationship. While “Prayer for
compassion and Mercy” is a plea to the Lord for “that patience/that
fortitude and calmness, steadfastness/practiced by Prophet and his
Following the poems are eleven quatrains, of which I quote my favorite:
You have to journey the whole world,
to know its vagaries and its mirth,
to know its slipperiness and its pitfall,
only to realize, treasure lies below your own feet.
A section of sixteen haiku ends the volume: my favorite being:
Songs are in my heart,
Let fingers move on the flute
Music makes me sing
In these heartfelt poems, Peeran’s deep meditations and self-knowledge
are evidence of his ongoing spirituality and longing for peace and
tranquility in the world. It is a sobering collection as we see the poet
examining the contemporary scene, comparing it with what has passed
and seeking change in an imperfect world. While the poems in Garden
of Bliss are moving and compassionate, they do seek answers to
problems that beset us all in this ever-changing, disturbing world.
S.L. Peeran’s collection, Eternal Quest, exhibits a mature, thoughtful
voice. The poems are skilled and well-crafted. There is a deep love of the
worlds of nature and the imagination, which is not sentimental but
knowledgeable and perceptive. The more I read, the more I felt that most
of the poems actually create a kind of halfway house, halfway between
the security of the imagination and the presence of the real world.
Peeran writes lyrics about people, places and ideas that no matter how
lucid they are – and they always are – rarely do they lose that element of
mystery, that sense of the numinous, which is inseparable from the best
poetry: the sense of something beyond the sense of what is there. In his
poems he is able to detach himself from the stress and conflict of the
everyday world to connect with his innermost self. In his poems he is
able to bear witness to the uninterrupted flow of events of the external
world. His poems chronicle his observations and communications
between this world and his thoughts and ideas.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
In Peeran’s writing he also engages with serious political concerns
underscored with deeply personal experiences. The world ‘out there’ of
unrest, injustice and conflict is not something to be compartmentalized
but co-exists with the domestic on equal terms. A flower or a childhood
memory blossoms next to the horrors of conflict. He is not a poet to shy
away from life but pushes language into its face until it screams.
Poetry happens along the divide between thinking and dreaming, so
what better medium with which to address the equally pervasive duality
of things as they are versus things as we wish to see them: the It and the
I which humanism has tried to equate with objectivity and subjectivity;
science has no more codified the universal It than religion has the
universal I. So here we are, in the poetry of S.L. Peeran, a master poet,
master of the interstice: the paradox that is our own cause and effect.
Here is where we leave the innocent world for the world of moral
Certainly, Eternal Quest, is a strong collection. Characteristically, serious
in mood, formally assured, wide-ranging in references and exploratory,
the poems may indeed be read as variations upon frames, stopping
places, ideas and meanings in a continuing journey. This is the travel or
re-tracing, and the possibilities of discovery remain open.
1. In Rare Moment, Bizz Buzz, Bangalore, 2007.
2. In Sacred moments, Bizz Buzz, Bangalore, 2008.
3. Glittering Love, Bizz Buzz, Bangalore, 2009.
4. Garden of Bliss, Bizz Buzz, Bangalore, 2011.
5. Eternal Quest, Bizz Buzz, Bangalore, 2014.
The Poetry of S.L. Peeran: A Hope for a Better World by Kalpna
Rajput, M.A., L.LB., (Advocate), Civil Line, Budaun, Uttar Pradesh
Immersed in philosophy of the Suffists theological precepts, S.L. Peeran
has emerged, from the dying ember of 20th century Indian English
Poetry, like a veritable phoenix. Here, indeed is a poet with a sense of
mission1 Says B.M. Jackson, a Judicial Member of Customs Excise and
Gold Control, Appellate, Chennai is a bilingual poet composing poem in
English and Urdu. He has seven collection of poems to his credit. The
poetry of S.L. Peeran is an outcome of his confrontation with the stark
realities of contemporary society. He is uncommonly sympathetic and
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
knowledgeable about man’s faults. He is dolorous at the rid growing
capitalism, individualism, communalism, tyranny, agony, dissatisfaction,
poverty, avarice, corruption, exploitation, violence, moral, degeneration,
selfishness, and unspiriuality. He is well conscious to the lethal and
unhealthy situation around him. His poems are a call to invoke in dead
veins of man – spiritual light, wisdom, peace, truth, happiness, glory,
universal, brotherhood, beauty and goodness and to revolt against
darkness, war, inhumanity, egoism, selfishness, superficiality, ugliness,
indifference and jealousy, Dr. Shujaat Husain observe:
When he finds against human being and what is dangerous for the country, he
sits not idle, on the contrary he becomes ferocious and fearlessly expresses his views
through his poetry. His heart bleeds seeing the deterioration that is taking place in
the country. 2
The threads of love and kindness are torn and dissolved by misfortunes,
hunger and dis eases. Miseries sufferings and humiliation are unable to
have an effect on the affluent. These surroundings make him dejected
and he cries:
Shattered are the lovely dreams and uprooted
Oceans are now on fire, who will quench the thirst?
To whom shall they render their tragic tunes?
How to revive the dead spirits?
How to redeem them (N.E.8)
He feels that the time is completely changed and mishaps occur each day
and dangers lurk everywhere;
Life in city fraught with dangers many,
At every corner some devils asking money
Time clicks its seconds beckoning
To a hazardous fearful journey! (I.G.M.24)
The poem ‘Ah Relatives’ is a satire on blood relations that boast of being
his well-wishers but at last ‘make us bleed and wounds all over’ whenever he
tries to find solace and comfort, he be true. His heart becomes heavy and
mind feels dullness on the callousness of man for each one where literate
– illiterate, young – old and man – woman all are in lack of sense and
shame and chaos is rampant everywhere sans the last touch of peace;
Overflowing patients in hospital callous doctor
Government officials working with indifference, unconcern
Police turning their face away picketing ‘mamool’ (A.R.L. 11)
Bes ides this, his poetry is par excellence in healing the wounds given by
the extra modern modes of the man of present millennium. He has very
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
searched out the loop holes in civilization, culture, spirituality, love,
peace and salvation. Manas Bakshi comments;
Peeran’s probing mind explores several areas of human concerns and
consternation and writes with such dexterity, sincerity and devotion that his
poetry becomes vibrant, his expressions becomes candid so, because Peeran is not
afraid of calling a spade a spade despite being a govt. official. 3
He like an aesthetic being feels the presence of an ephemeral desires the
root cause of all ills and tornados. They mar the charms of this world
and the next. There is the gulf between the man and civilization that
cannot be bridged without realizing God and his omnipotence beyond
the literal meaning of existence. The mystic current in life. Now and then
Sufism can be glanced in his poems as he appears very close to every
religion and wants to be one with higher spirit. C.L. Khatri say about his
For the poet, the goal of life is to be one in solitude and to free forever of
shackles of every kind and he partakes into the glory of a teacher, saints
and prophets.4 He invokes the man to be merged in God. In “Light upon
Light – Noor” he say;
Utter His name, enlighten thy soul,
Mind eyes, sparkle, lo behold
Light upon light, for final merger (A.C.F.U.34)
Spirituality can vitalize the wretched one because God does not
differentiate between rich and poor. The presence of divine light is the
panacea of all ills that makes indifferent to all the hurdles and obstacles
of life. In Bliss Amidst Poverty, S.L.Peeran shows the satiety and
satisfaction of the poor:
In our hearts
A divine light dwells
To be at peace and in bliss (A.C.F.U.34)
He finds that man should not spend his life in trifles of worldly desire
and grieve in pain on not finding the cherished dreams, but he must
surrender himself before the Almighty;
With deep devotion, I burn the candle
Of my life at His feet in total surrender.
I am now left with no will of my own.
My master’s service is my main motto
I wish I were a dog to befriend HIM (I.G.T.63)
According to him, if man surrender himself whole heartedly before
God, the eternal light certainly help him in reducing the self. He
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
consider the religion of humanity as the supreme religion of the cosmos
and demolishes the barriers of religious orthodoxy by bringing out the
message of God from all religions, i.e Christianity, Hinduism, Muslim,
Sikhism and Buddhism for the betterment of humanity, Srinivas
Rangaswami comments;
When we approach Peeran’s poetry, we are on holy ground. He believes in simple
wisdom and meditation to feel with a pilgrim of deep piety, utter humility and
sincerity, infused with pure love and compassion poor all of mankind joyous in
the certainty of faith that goodness and truth will ultimately prevail over darkness
and evil, and ever blissful with a heart brimming over with yearning for with the
universal soul.5
Dejection and disappointment can be marked out in the poetry of S.L.
Peeran but in spite of notice so many pitfalls he is still optimistic to
mend the torn cloth of humanity and civilization. He is hopeful for the
glorious future;
To be up and sing in chorus and harmony
Rejoice in light of wisdom
In the learning in the elevation of mind and soul
The dark one, accursed devil vanishes in thin air* (A.S.F.W. 34)
In the poem, “A Cry of a Victim for Peace”, lamenting at the inhuman
treatment of man, destruction of nation and growing crop of double
talk, hypocrisy and falsehood, he gives the massage of Ahimsa and
“Shun thy enmity and illumine thy heart
With lofty ideals of Ahimsa and Dharma
To recreate a paradise on earth, here” (I.S.M.)
His is not a class poetry but a poetry in which he celebrates and gives the
world and en masse. He burns with great sympathy and brotherhood for
all, high and low, rich and poor, noble and vile etc. The human soul has
immense possibilities of good in it which are brought out full by the
poet. His strong faith in the regeneration of humanity runs through his
whole poetic work. Dr. R.K. Singh remark:
He is a firm believer in God, family, humanity, humanity. He stands for values
like humanity, tolerance, love, faith, charity, respect, justice, freedom, peace,
harmony, unity, of God and mankind, promotion of education and culture and
love of nature.6
His haiku and tanka bear the same appeal to humanity and his insistence
on moral values in life. His haiku cover the whole spectrum of human
experience and emotion. Dr.K.Srinivas say:
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
He writes haiku and tanka with illumine vision. There is inner vibrancy, the
matchless verbal incantations in his lyrics! They glean as flames, intense and fine.
They have visible brilliancy. They have deep poignancy. And there is passionate
naturalness in all he writes.7
His versification is as unconventional as his language and there is a rare
compatibility between his form and his themes. Sometimes the long
unrestrained lines in its free flow capture in its very form his spirit of
humanity and harmony that Peeran breaths into his verses. Both his
verse and his diction are suited to create the effect he aimed at, and to
convey his massage. Through his reflective, idealistic and spiritual poetry
he is hoped to transform the very character of man, his follies, vices and
unspirituality, and change greater than those caused by the longest and
the bloody wars.
Reference and Abbreviation
Review of C.F.T.U. Poet, Ed, Krishna Srinivas April 2004, p. 50.
Review of New Frontiers, is a Store of Peeran’s Wisdom, p.4.
Review of A.R.L. and I.S.M., Bridge in Making, Ed. P.K.Majumdar, p.50.
Foreword of A.R.L.
Review of A.S.F.W., poet Ed. K. Srinivas, June 2002 p. 60.
Review of I. G.T., poet, Ed. K. Srinivas, June 2002 p. 59.
Foreword of I.G.T.
In Silent Moments, Bhubaneshwar; HOLI, 2001 abbreviated as I.S.M. in the
“A Ray of Light”, Bangalore; Biz Buzz Pub 2002 abbreviated as A.R.L. in the
body of the text
10. “A Search from Within”, Bhubaneshwar: HOLI, 2002 abbreviated as A.S.F.W. in
the body of the text”
11. “A call from the unknown”, Bangalore: Bizz Buzz Pub 2003 abbreviated as
A.C. F.W. in the text.
12. In Golden Times Bangalore: Bizz Buzz Pub, abbreviated as I.G.T. in the text.
13. New Frontiers, Bhubaneshwar: HOLI, 2003, abbreviated as N.F. in the text
Poetry of S.L. Peeran: Parnassus of Sufism by Manas Bakshi
The contemporary world of Indo-English Literature is agog with several
scribes and bards looking for a foothold. Many of them are promising
indeed, and to tell the truth, one of them is S.L. Peeran who is Judicial
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
member of Customs Excise and Gold (Control) Appellate Tribunal,
Bangalore. As an Indo-English Poet, S.L. Peeran made a mark with his
maiden venture In Golden Times in 2001. Since then, several books have
seen the light – In Golden Moments, A Search from within, A Ray of Light, In
Silent Moment and the latest one A Call from the Unknown.
All these are proof enough of Peeran’s talent and tenacity budding
everyday in myriads dimensions of his poetic search. And this search is
not without an insight into the world of nature, the realm of man for
realization of the aura of Sufism. Bernard M. Jackson while reviewing In
Golden Moments for Cyber Literature writes “The Poet is not merely speaking
of the beauties of nature: the imagery clearly reflects God’s greater design for
Humanity itself. Furthermore, there are many examples in the included poems to
demonstrate both the positive and negative aspects of Man’s nature and general
This observation of Jackson in the Cyber Literature, June 2001 is further
strengthened by his appraisal of Peeran’s reflective haiku included in the
book In Golden Times – “These poems show the many facets of the poet’s
general philosophy and Sufistic inspired thinking. Many of these poems, however,
the purist would prefer to categorize as Senru but nevertheless, there is an
interesting and varied selection for the reader of this particular genre” writes
Jackson in Poet, June’02. Quite in conformity with this Srinivasa
Rangaswami in his review of the same book in Poet November 2001
asserts that “Poet Peeran is a fascinating combination of the pious, mature,
compassionate soul and a sensitive aesthetic being who sets great store by the
abiding values of life. In all of the poems the adhara sruthi (the reverberating
undertone) is good consciousness and a total belief in the virtues of universal love,
the true humility and a spirit of servitude and complete surrender to the Supreme
That Peeran exposes his genuine feeling with ‘an inner vibrancy’ is
evident from the following lines:
“Voices of the meek ones are suppressed:/they are hardly allowed to take a fresh
breath./those that dare are cruelly oppressed/and ruthlessly dealt a painful
death”. Or, Deceptive are their faces to spot prey, like eagles/they wear whites to
cover black souls within”.
Since Peeran believes in “Buddha’s tranquility, Ashoka’s peace and
Mahavira’s ahimsa”, his way of thinking is also different. He often seeks
solace from within even being struck by the strife’s and strides around. “I
look and looked around,/search and searched all places,/At last I found it
just/within my own heart,/It is my lasting Love”. What could be more
appealing than this?
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
J. Gordon Hindley in his review of the book A search From Within in
Poetcrit July 2002 clearly conveys “I find that the 107 pages of short verses
that make up the first part of A Search From Within encompass almost every
well-meaning feeling and sentiment we have and, as such, are as wide-ranging as
a Book of Psalms; and are equally comforting”. Yes, it is both, appealing and
comforting and, at the same time, demanding a positive response from
the reader, who is concerned, as much as the poet, with the impact of
present day reality on human society and nature.
But what strikes one most as revealing in Peeran’s poetry is his distinct
approach to the complexities of modern life trapped in present-day
society, to the artificial still fascinating traits of living, to ‘humanity and
servitude/In patience and contentment’ and, all this, dealt with a Sufistic
philosophical outlook. Which is why, in his book “In Silent Moments’
Peeran can articulate – “The seed bears within, the plant of a rose/or a plant
bearing a fruit soar/so also a person born is heavenly/Or carries traits to lead
him to hell./What is inherent gets explicit? You express what you absorb?” (p.54)
We find its resonance in another poem – “When prayer and repentance do not
appeal to him/When he refuses to bow before the Almighty/he is lost in a
purgatory blinds”. (p.23)
In fact, reality casts its impact on Peeran as much as ideological
ingredients. But Peeran knows the art to strike a balance between the
two. This is so because thought ramification is a quality that he has
largely advanced so that ideas that pervaded his earlier works do not fade
away into limbo in his new poetical works but develop new vistas.
As a sequel, subtle concepts pertinent to today’s socio-economic
undercurrent become more. Dominant in his recent poetry, particularly
in the book “A Ray of Light”. For instance, “Cry baby cry, wail and
weep/For pangs of hunger are very deep/The merciless sky doesn’t look at
you/Nor the rich like to share tier food with you? They drive you away from their
doors/they keep ferocious dogs, to frighten you/Cry baby Cry, wail and
weep/there is none to put you to asleep”. This sensibility is more palpable in
such lines as “Chill penury and justice burdened/Soaring sky rocketing
prices/Of consumer items. Now blood is cheaper/hungry child searches for food
in dust bins/where the birth of golden times is. Promise of enlightened soul,
illumined mind/of pen in hand instead of fireworks in tiny fingers/to hang on
pillar the pest and the swine?” (p.55)
Not only as a poet but also a human being, Peeran never deviates from
his standpoint of commitment to society. He is vocal, in the book A Ray
of Light, about the odds an devils of our social system that produces
“Sultans of Present Day’ and “For them living in a large palatial
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
house/In aristocracy in style with wealth/Is the only known way of
living a life/to keep their thoughts secretive, tightlipped.” (p.100)
And who are they? In Another touchy poem, he pinpoints “Veerappan” and
says “I have out beaten Chambal Raja Gabbar Singh/Rani Phoolan Devi.
Robinhoods of any ghats/I fool the police and the armed forces/Modern gadgets
can’t trace even my hair/Men in pelf and power beg mercy from me/Men in chill
Penury seek succor from me/My reign is supreme like a Sultan’s/I am named
“Master of Victory” in Hindustan. (p.47)
Undoubtedly, Peeran has used the supple responsiveness of the language
to catch various moods and moments varying with situation – both
fruitful and inane. Sometimes stilted with ponderous outpourings,
sometimes swamped by identical thoughts and images, nevertheless,
many of his poems in the collection In Silent Moments are inspiring if not
stimulating – “Somewhere, someone, someday/will create new chimes and
rhythm/To thrill the sullen heart/To enliven the dull spirits/Somewhere,
someone, someday will sow the seeds of affection/To bloom as fragrant
flowers/To fill the gardens of Love/O heart don’t be dismayed/About ill-well, or
tampers frayed”. (p.12)
“A rose spreads its fragrance in the air/Even when crushed, dissolved in
water/Rubbed on a stick or in perfumes/It smells as sweet as ever” (p.19)
Peeran loves nature and beauty. “The wintry chill freezes my bones and
marrow/I Shudder to think of it in summer/When the boils and my sweat
flows? I think of cool spring with scented flowers/All colors merge to form a
white curtain/To reappear on it as a rainbow/To delight the hearts for
certain/To honor sun and rain with a bow?. (p.39)
And this love is not bereft of his faith in humanism – “Give, while the joys
of life are bubbling/Share, while the sun’s rays are shining/Love, while the
fragrance of flowers fills the air” (p.59).
Peeran can say all this because he believes in the Supreme power which
one can feel if he looks for peace from within – “Look to the inner voice/Its
light is eternal/Its joys are multiple/Its grace is divine/It is soothing and
pleasing” (p.38)
But man today, more material minded than ever before, hardly bothers
about the fact ‘that he has to purify the mind with crystal thoughts/Honey
tongued glorify the Lord/With His guidance tread your path/Melodious songs
thrill your heart” (p.17)
Peeran’s cult of Sufism which literally means pantheistic mysticism, in
the worship of all gods, does encompass his love for nature, craving for
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
beauty his feelings and sympathy for the suffering human; being and,
above all, absolute faith in his own religion – a quality that makes The
Unknown’ he boldly says, in the poem “My Religion” that “Yes I have a
religion/I do practice it/Say my Namaz/turn toward Kaaba/Recite Kalima/Do
zikr/observe fasting///but my rites, my symbols/are acts of love/to foster
oneness/to increase my yearnings/to look upon mankind/As children of adam
and eve/Not for creating apathy/Discernment and Distraction/for cataclysmic
schism/For disharmony and strife. (p.5)
Poets international Sept.03 opines about the book ‘this volume is devoted
to a mixer of his expressions on various themes his outpourings in
religious poetry. The themes of his poems go like this:
My Religion, Birth of Moses; Birth of Jesus, Birth of Prophet Mohammad, the
Holy book, The day of Judgment, Meraj, Black Stone, Lady Fathima and the
like excels in free verse form. Being a devout Muslim and scholar in Islamic
Peeran takes an opportunity not only to express his insights through
these poems, but also make confession in ‘my religion’. In Poet October
2003, R.K. Singh writes “Peeran, as a seeker of Truth, understands that the
divine Avatars on earth have been the true educators of humankind. Without
their guidance the human race could not have realized itself above the level of the
animal. And if we forgot the teachings of Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Moses,
Christ or Mohammad, we will simply descend to the laws of the jungle”.
No doubt, Peeran’s inner world of spiritual belief has the aroma of
divine love, and that is why, being an ardent advocate of Islam with due
obeisance to its rituals and rites, laments “Millions of species of
animals/Birds, and a wonder/But this man, living in varied/Societies, with class
and caste/Distinction, with social strata/Structures, varied faiths and beliefs
Cannot marvel at the beauty/Cannot learn to live in harmony/Cannot live with
love and grace/cannot take care of lowly destitutes” (p.113)
Perhaps now is the juncture when human values decline, faith fades out
and love is no more “a thinking in me”, a twinkling in eyes”. Peeran
cautions us against a situation “Sinners of the world/Shake your greasy
hands in joy/Sun is coming down”.
In short, Peeran’s Probing mind explores several areas of human concern
and consternation. And he writes with such dexterity, Sincerity and
devotion that his poetry becomes vibrant, his expression becomes
candid. More so because Peeran is not afraid of calling a spade a spade
despite being a high government official.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
Poetry of S.L. Peeran by Dr. T.V. Reddy
S.L. Peeran is a bilingual poet from Bangalore writing in Urdu and
English and a Judicial member of Customs, Excise and Service Tax
Appellate Tribunal, Bangalore. Peeran started his career as a poet in
Urdu and on the advice of a learned friend he started writing in English.
Though he is fairly a late bloomer in the field of writing English poetry,
he has progressed fast and published so far eleven collections of poetry
in English which is indeed no small achievement. He comes from a wellknown spiritual dynasty, descended from one of Islam’s much revered
mystics, Abdul Qadir Jilani (d.1161); being an advocate of Sufism he wrote
two scholarly books on Sufism and Islam and edits two journals in Urdu
and English to familiarize the elite with Sufi message. So far he has
published nine books of poems: 1. In Golden Times, 2. In Golden Moments,
3. A Search from Within, 4. A Ray of Light, 5. In Silent Moments, 6. A Call
from the Unknown, 7. New Frontiers, 8. Fountains of Hopes, 9. In Rare
Moments, 10. In Sacred Moments and 11. Glittering Love. His poems have
appeared in various journals and anthologies and his reputation as a poet
in English is now well established. His first two collections gave him a
promising start as a poet in English. The next collection A Ray of Light
dedicated to his grandfather and great-grandfather who were known for
their great service and generosity to the poor and the needy. It is quite
appropriate that he wrote on his late grandfather a long poem in which
he paid him a rich tribute and it is included in this volume. C.L. Khatri,
the poet and editor of the journal Cyber Literature, in his Foreword to the
book, writes “Peeran is essentially a poet of faith, love, compassion and inner
wisdom. The present anthology is an exploration of light with a Sufic mission to
spread the light of the fine sensibilities imbued in our religions. In this way poetry
serves as his vehicle. In his Introduction to the book Peeran apologizes for any
shortcomings in English syntax which shows his modesty as he has good
command over the language”. Poems of this collection present his views on
life’s situations from all angles. For instance in the poem ‘Life is War’ he
expresses his cherished opinion in clear and emphatic words:
Life is like going to war.
You need to choose strong sturdy soldiers;
Give them the best of physical training
To combat with strategic support
As a person espousing the cause of moral principles, he wants to spread
the light of human values and urges that we should be free from
corruption and sinful activities. The poem ‘Spread Light’ gives a clarion
call to spread the light of moral values:
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Say what you want to say
In a loud clear way.
Let it be audible to one and all,
Let it be a clarion call
He continues this theme in another poem ‘Lead Me to the Light’, which is
indeed a remarkable poem composed almost in the form of a prayer
resembling the Biblical Psalms in tone and tenor. The poem is full of
universal message transcending the barriers of religion, caste, color and
creed. He includes the element of love also in his poetry and his
treatment of the aspect of love is at once appealing as it expresses his
sincerity with simplicity; look at the treatment of love in his poem ‘How
to Meet You’:
The sweetness in you
Has turned into a lovely spring,
With fragrant flowers all around
To remind me of your deep love
The next collection In Silent Moments gives us a sketch of his wide and
varied thoughts and his changing moods; Peeran writes, “In Silent
Moments is an early offshoot of inner turmoil, joys and ecstasies experienced
in the calm and silent moments of night” and continues “I have not put any
extra effort or strain. They have come to me spontaneously in a flash of
moment and it has assumed the form of my personal poetry”. To a
certain degree poetry becomes a vehicle for him to project his Sufi
thought and Islamic spiritualism. He advises the youth not to yield to
materialistic gains and temptations (p.14) and though the realization of
God is a challenging task, one has to seek God’s grace:
For total merger
With the supreme being
In total bliss and ecstasy (SM, p.58)
Next collection A Call from the Unknown is steeped in Sufi philosophy,
which he tries to articulate with missionary zeal, and the modern man
can draw real sustenance to his existence from the spiritual stream. Prof.
R.K. Singh in his Foreword to this book writes, “Peeran, as a seeker of
Truth, understands that the divine Avatars on Earth have been the true educators
of humankind.
Without their guidance, the human race could not have raised itself above the
level of the animal”. The book moves on the same lines as the previous
one and the poet says God is the only hope and guide for him at all
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
When I lost hopes from all
A divine voice gave strength and guided me (p.63)
The poem ‘Bliss Amidst Poverty’ presents the principle of Sufism which
says that one should be away from material wealth and avarice. The
Prophet, who is the role model of excellence for the Sufis, is said to have
repeatedly expressed ‘Al-faqr-o-fakhri’ i.e. penury is my pride. A true Sufi is
always in search of the Divine, which is expressed in the poem ‘Ever in
Hidden away from every eye
O! My eyes ever in search (p.95)
In the poem “My Religion” he lays emphasis on the essential global view
of humanity that the entire humanity is one family.
As such he says his rites and symbols are:
Acts of love to foster oneness’:
Not for creating apathy
discernment and distraction;
for cataclysmic schism;
For disharmony and strife.
He says wherever there is light there is bound to be shadow and he
cleverly tries to make an appraisal of worldly things in degrees of light
and shade and the poem ‘Light and Shade’ makes it very clear:
Where there is creation there is destruction
Where there is life there is death
Where is there is system there is chaos
Where there is light there is shadow
Where there is desire there is hatred
Where there is blessing there is curse
His next collection New Frontiers is a continuation of the universal theme
of exploring the growing awareness of the much needed love of
humanity which is cogently described in his poem
‘Freedom from Turmoils’:
But a heart yearning for love,
pure and sublime, reaches peace.
Love breaks the shackles of slavery
And releases one from drudgery.
His longer poem “Lament of a Shady Tree” is a general plea to humanity
to save trees and treat them with due respect. Peeran spends much of his
poetic talent in making this poem a memorable one. The next volume
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Fountains of Hope is replete with lines of humanistic appeal and many
poems describe the sacrifices of great men for the good of the world:
‘Let us wipe the tears of sorrows from every eye,/Let none go to bed hungry, live
bare sans clothes’ (p.42).
A popular Sufi maxim is – ‘dar duniya bash, barae-duniya mabash’ i.e. live
in the world, but not for the world.
Peeran gives priority to social obligations and responsibilities and
condemns corrupt and unsocial ways. The poem ‘Mera Bharat Mahan’ is a
satire at the empty claims regarding our national progress. He is very
much shocked by the barbarous and inhuman acts of the Talibans and in
the poem ‘O Taliban’ he makes an appeal to them to give up violence and
develop tolerance and compassion:
You cut hands, stone a sinner to death.
Whither love for humanity on this earth.
Soul rending music does not stir you.
O ‘Taliban’ shun violence, acquire world view. (p.32)
Peeran’s social consciousness finds a dominant expression in his next
volume In Sacred Moments which reveals his anti-terror views and his
condemnation of state-terrorism. His awareness of the political turmoil in
Iraq finds an expression in this book (pp.49-50). He is very much distressed
by the communal violence in Gujarat and his poem “Ah Gujarat”
condemns communal riots and the killing of the innocent people:
What wrong had they done?
For their parents and homes
To be burnt in the carnage.
Godra and the whole of Gujarat in turmoil! (p.72)
His next volume of poems In Rare Moments reveals a voice full of
authority and his swift poetic development. The detailed Introduction to
this book by Dr. (Mrs.) C. Anna Latha Devi, the Vice Principal of a College
at Nagercoil, runs to nineteen pages. His verse proclaims his abiding love
for humanity and his yearning for spiritual blossoms which is made clear
in his poem “How to Reach the Truth”:
Truth is always simple
and most humble.
It fulfills all its promises
and oaths. It is never deceptive,
neither itcamouflages,
It is open-minded and open-hearted,
never secretive or suspicious.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
His challenging poem “Where does Allah Reside?” like many others
expresses his strong devotion to the Supreme Lord and it explains that it
is not at Mosque or Temple or Church the True God is found, but deep
within one’s inner self. This volume also consists of a few haiku, twentyfive in all, and here is one to illustrate:
Fragrance to a rose
the songs of the nightingale
to cheer the sad heart.
The poems in his latest book Glittering Love are mostly expressions of his
deeply felt emotions and as such they have immediacy of impact. For
instance, in the piece “Knock Out” he expresses his idea with so much of
force that it finds an energetic outlet:
‘I wish I could give him a Mohd. Ali’s knock-out punch’. Often in his
presentation of general situations we find some humorous or ironical
parallels in his personal life. One such comical reflection can be seen in
the verse ‘Umpteen Sacrifices’ where he refers to his parents who waited
after giving birth to five daughters for a male child with inexhaustible
patience when at last the poet was born who was later followed by a
male and two female children:
Year after year, my mother
Bore five daughters, hoping for a son.
Then me, then my younger brother.
They didn’t stop till two more daughters were followed.
His satire has his personal stamp which is quite conspicuous when he
comes to describe the modern situation of confusion and bloodshed and
the slow reaction of our intelligence and police force which is quite clear
from verses such as “Mock Drills”:
The frequent news of bomb blasts
in several cities of Iraq and Afghan.
News of death of men of all ages,
Has suddenly woken up our police.
Finally there is the last poem “Advent of Islam” a lengthy one that runs
into eleven pages divided into two sections filled with four `line stanzas,
the first part describing the beginnings of Islam and the second part
showing millions of people praying to Allah for forgiveness. The book
ends with an eighteen page section of haiku of which some of them are
interesting: ‘Bird plumes are now clipped/Spirit of freedom in the cage/Love
destroyed for now’.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Thus Peeran’s poetry reveals his Sufi thought and ideals and his staunch
secular mind. Poetry becomes a medium for him to propagate human
values such as peace and compassion and carry his good-will mission.
Indeed he is a poet with a noble mission and his poems are a constant
expression of his love of humanity. His lines have strength and sincerity.
S.L. Peeran’s Poetry – A Body of Aspiration and Inspiration by Dr.
Suresh Chandra Pande, Professor of English at Government, College
Phool-Chaur, Nainital District, Uttarakhand
Although S. L. Peeran bloomed belatedly in the field of Indian English
Poetry, yet he has given away a gradual and prolific growth.1 His
appearance with 13 poetry Collections is of no meager importance.
Ensconced in a high comfortable and commendable bureaucratic
discipline with illustrious family lineage going back to the column of the
Maharaja of Mysore, S.L. Peeran like Raja Rao endeavors to convey in a
language not his own the spirit that is his own. What is more like
Kamala Das the distortions, the queerness and the Indianness of English
is to him as human as humanity itself. That is why the bulk of Peeran’s
poetry shows him a human speaking to humanity on humanism. Truly
speaking, English essentially being the language of intellectual make up
cannot effortlessly convey with much precision the spiritual plane.
Compared to the poets who form a close identical literary peer group,
Peeran stands apart and is different in approach and outlook. The charm
of his poetry lies in an extended outcrop of spiritual consciousness.
Peeran is basically a Sufi poet. Sufism simply is a science – a process of
discovering the divine perfection which already is in man. Sufis so lays
maximum stress on spiritual environment: On Wahdatulwujood – oneness
of being. Likewise they prefer to travel in the company of spiritual
masters called Mursid or Guru. This Sufi lore brings him closer to
philosophers and mystics of times of yore. Besides, to keep man at par
with his maker by indoctrinating virtues such as-truth, love, faith,
charity, harmony, peace and freedom etc., forms the moral fiber of his
poetry. Being didactic he at once preaches to provide profound truths.
The subjective aspect of the poet acknowledges full nonconformity with
contemporary mode of living and social set of connections. That is why
Peeran seems to give vent to ire and displays extraordinary sense of
discontentment and disapproval. Every now and then he becomes visible
to advocate spiritually upright and practically viable moral truths. Above
all to enlighten his readers and to generate the much needed buzz for
displaying variety, multiplicity and heterogeneity.
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
S.L. Peeran’s poetry displays an earnest eagerness and concern for the
welfare of human beings as it takes the readers straightway into the web
of spiritual awareness. Indeed his is a self-confessional mode which
provides a significant constituent to bring him closer to Allah. That is
why he seems to have emerged with a mission. The mission being
change – Change in an already decaying, rotting and worsening
civilisation. In such an attempt the poet nowhere appears heuristic. The
cavalcade of his poems further keeps the readers agile and reflective. As
a matter of fact the bulk of his poems not only assuage the ailing society
but also offers sweet and soar concoctions of love. Love human as well
as divine. In this attempt the ageing conscience of the poet apprehends
sardonic sense of irony. It is to liberate the infirm and the destitute. A
unique mode of looking into dissent, feud, persecution, maltreatment
and torment. In portraying such negative traits the poet uses a new
vocabulary which indeed is an innovative contribution to English
speaking world. The tone is often gentle, supple, benign or melancholic.
Though at times the irony becomes sharp and pungent yet the balance
amicably maintained salvages him from endangering the existence of
man. To spiritually unfed and uninitiated masses his poetry imparts like
first rate successful maestro a symphony of peace and goodwill. As a
whole his probing mind explores multiple vistas of human concern and
consternation. His poems being an outcome of confrontation with stark
realities of life in society conspicuously exemplify deadly, fatal, toxic,
lethal and unhealthy situations insecure and insular around him. That is
why his voice fabulously yet ferociously disintegrates and explodes at the
gradual deterioration of sanctimonious and self-righteous values. Herein
his holier than thou attitude brings him closer to the philosophy and
theology of Sufism.
The existing panorama of Contemporary Indian English Poetry is under
the shadow of doom and gloom. On behalf of scholars, critics, media
and publication houses there is insufficient acknowledgement of new
and emerging poets. Researchers also appear more inclined to work on
well-established poets. So we get less or scanty recognition of new poets
by Indian or international readers. As far as S.L. Peeran is concerned his
roots are well established. All 13 poetry collections have been reviewed
by critics of extraordinary competence both at home and abroad.
Reviews appear often regularly. Full-fledged articles have forced readers
to go through his poetry collections at least for one more time. One M.
PHIL dissertation has been published (one PhD). Much more is in
offing-yet to come out. Coming to wind up Peeran truly takes us beyond
the personal towards the immediate yet more greater awareness. The
awareness of life and times imparting us a feel, a touch and a vibration at
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
once impulsively reflective and interpretative of his milieu and roots. His
fortitude and gratitude further push forth a sensitive, sane and sensible
artistic critique unique in impeccability and crispness verily fresh, frosty
and nippy displaying uncommon with and tempting imagery. Above all
his tender gestures and meditative curves lend an ornate and flowery
touch to his poems. A treat and a feast to all thoughtful readers. However
the outstanding and pragmatic aspect of Peeran’s poetry is the frequent
use of syntactic variety in verse forms. The presence of syntactic features
such as – dislocation, elaboration, fragmentation and regularity etc.,
provide assistance in deciphering the diction and technique of his poetry.
This quality is also noticeable amply in English and American poetry.
Besides most of his poems are narrations in third person pronoun. The
poet appears more nominal than verbal. The nominalization of finite
verbs not only lends charm to his impersonality but also imparts esoteric,
static and technical touch to his poems. As the poet talks more in notions
and less in facts the employment of archaic and uncommon words acts
like nut and bolt in the edifice of his poems. Abstract qualities are either
personified as human individuals or anthropomorphized. The lexical
device of reiteration and colloquial cohesions further enhance the
grandeur and ardor of his poetry. Deviations occur when semantically
incompatible words are brought together. Consonantal and multi
segmental bands appear to reflect the split and disjointed sensibility and
psyche of the poet. Traces of vowel phonemes and alliterations further
embellish Peeran’s art of poetry and poetics. The punctuation and other
English language lexicons are up to the mark. Even so discerning readers
and critics cannot find slightest traces of fault and flaw in his poetic
In defining the black soul found playing humbug in sociopolitical circles
S.L. Peeran creates a complete contrast with his literary counterparts like
D.C. Chambial and O.P. Bhatnagar because of inner wisdom. In Satanic or
chaotic world Man predisposed to create illusion and false paradise, his
crookedness and gullibility forms the theme or thesis of his major
poems. The poet good humouredly makes use of biting wit penchant and
trenchant at least to offer meaning to a meaningless world. Besides his
innate relation to the sacred and the consecrated carries familiar readers
beyond all point of views. This change known as spiritual makeover has
no further scope for emotional, intellectual, psychological or religious
bondage. It is a fair play of liberty and autonomy beyond all logical
arguments directly leading to total submission at the feet of God. Herein
the poet seems to rejoice and celebrate at the divine play like Kabira and
Amir Khusroe. If truth be told Peeran is a poet on holy ground – a pilgrim
whose peregrinations dive deep into Taqwa – piety, love, compassion,
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
humanity and faith in goodness. Many of his verse lines will indubitably
pass on to posterity as adages and epigrams like aphorisms of Bacon or
sayings of Solomon. Instead of romanticizing he aims at humanizing his
archetypes. Here indeed is God’s plenty. An avid reader of his poems
without doubt claims for a readaholic attitude while the wise counsels of
the poet are witness to his workaholic proclivity. Almost everywhere
from first to last the reverberating undertone seems cognizing Spiritual
consciousness. His talent and tenacity further reveal extraordinary logic,
insight and precision notwithstanding his cynical and whimsical
propensity, viz –
O Let us not now worry of the other world
The unseen hereafter of the purgatory blinds
Of rivers of honey, milk and “Hoories”
Of that one day being to our thousand days.
Undoubtedly Peeran very succinctly awakens us to the meaning and
purpose of human existence and its ultimate destination. His poems are
true responses to various situations of life such as – falling ethical values,
ethnic commotion, cultural confusion, hybridity and decaying,
putrefying civilization etc. Besides like a true but sensitive observer the
poet observes various manifestations of omnipresent being to redeem
mankind in a mystifying paradox. Why a person of Peeran’s caliber is
inclined to
write or why he writes? The poet himself conveys the reply –
How can I keep silence
When my mind is tortured
With bitterness on watching
Throttling of good sense
And man slipping into utter darkness
It is this quality which makes Peeran a significant and promising poet of
our times. In ontological order of Indian philosophy Peeran comes in
evenly balanced terminology with theological systems of belief in Karma
Yoga, Visisthadvaita and Prapatti. One and the same maxim criss-cross the
framework in various poetry collections. However, the predominant
theme is Sufism and Suleh-e-Kul. The dust of darkness that has
accumulated over the years needs to be brushed away by the gentle,
soothing, fresh and enlivening breeze of divine love. This notion of
paramount consequence and significance amply illustrates often
highlights the spiritual practices which enable the applicant to attain a
state of oneness with the divine. Being prolific Peeran’s poetry in its
consolidated and substantial form further puts on pedestal his craft as
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
though a substitute for religion. The Haikus both in The Garden of Bliss
and Eternal Quests at places glow with like Will-O-The- Wisp. To sum up
one can say that Peeran’s poetry is not a prayer but a comportment of it.
1. Hasan Masoodul, “The Sanctified Muse of S.L.Peeran,” Poetcrit, Maranda,
Vol.xxiv, January 2011, p.11-17.
2. Jahan Mashirque, Spiritual Consciousness in the Poetry of S.L. Peeran, Bizz-Buzz,
Bangalore, September 2009, Print.
3. Peeran S.L., Garden of Bliss, Bizz-Buzz, Bangalore, March 2011 Print, p.91.
4. Peeran S.L. In Golden Time, Home of Letters, Bhubaneshwar, 2001, Print p. 24.
5. Peeran S.L. Eternal Quest, Bizz-Buzz, Bangalore, 2014, Print.
Spirituality in the poetry of S.L. Peeran by Dr. Lilly Fernandes,
Associate Professor, Department of English, Al Jouf University,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The works of many contemporary Indian English poets remain
unexposed even today. The growth of Indian poetry has been abrogated,
as it has not been given the appreciation and recognition it deserves by
local readers, media and academicians (Roy, 2012). Studies are still being
carried out on the works of eminent poets like Nissim Ezekiel, Kamala
Das, Jayant Mahapatra and A.K. Ramanujan (Dodiya, 2000). In addition, no
initiatives have been taken to acknowledge and encourage some less
known poets who despite their creative ability and poetic sense have been
subjected to politics and elimination. Hence, the present study is an
earnest effort to recognize one such contemporary poet who has not
been popularized by well-known critics. S.L. Peeran is one such poet and
the focus of our discussion will be on his works. Peeran is well
acknowledged for his work as a Sufi and Spiritual poet. He had
emphasized the need for religious pursuit of mankind, but also indicates
that mere following of religious principles without application will not
lead to salvation (Prasad, 2011). Peeran has been celebrated to be a poet
whose focus is on the cradle of spiritualism. His works are centered
around the faith of religious tolerance. Through his poems he promotes
the need for the growth of spirituality among men. His works add new
dimensions to Indian Spiritual writing by promoting Sufi style of
writing. R.K. Singh calls him the ultimate spiritual poet,
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
He is a firm believer in God, family and humanity. He stands for values like
humanity, tolerance, love, truth, faith charity, respect, justice, freedom, peace,
harmony, unity of God and mankind, promotion of education and culture and
love of nature.24
Life and Works of S.L. Peeran
S.L. Peeran being a Sufi, brings out spirituality and religion in his poetry,
at the same time he is careful in emphasizing that religion is a tool that
propagates humanity. His readers looked up to him for idealistic and
spiritual reflections in his poems which have the potential to make a man
devoid of his follies, vices and mundane attachments. S.L. Peeran is a
bilingual poet who has written in both English and Urdu (Prasad, 2011).
S.L. Peeran hails from a renowned lineage of Persian, Arabic and Urdu
scholars and poets belonging to the erstwhile Mysore State. His great
grandfather was a well-known owner of the title ‘Siraj-ul Ulma’ (Sun
among Scholars) and for his notable services to the state. His grandfather
was given the title “Moin-ul-vizarath” (Pillar of Ministry) which he received
from the late Mysore Maharaja. S.L. Peeran’s father who was an engineer
was also Sajjada-Nishin of the Darga Saint Hz-Qader Awaliya in
S.L Peeran had an extensive college education, starting from a Bachelor’s
degree in Natural Sciences from St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore in 1969,
Bachelors in law from Govt. law college, Bangalore and finally went to
National Institute of Social Science for a Post Graduate Diploma in
Social Service Administration (Khatri and Sudhir, 2007). His first
occupation was, Labour Welfare and Personnel Officer at an industry,
after which he switched to providing consultation for industrial law and
personal management. In 1976, he started practicing law under the
auspices of Justice Sri. P. Viswanatha Shetty, (retired Judge of High Court of
Karnataka). His experience as a lawyer was instrumental in rendering
him a competent teacher in Havanur Law College, Bangalore. In the year
1989, S.L. Peeran was chosen the Member-Judicial of Customs, Excise
and Gold (Control) Appellate Tribunal, New Delhi in 1989 as a reward
for his successful career as a lawyer. Ten years later, in March 1998, S.L.
Peeran was transferred to the Chennai Bench. Later on, he was
transferred to Bangalore again in 2004 and in 2009 July, he requested
and was granted a voluntary retirement.
S.L. Peeran’s involvement in Sufism was immense, including human
growth and development as well as poetry writing in English and Urdu.
He was also a writer by choice and his first book was “The Essence of
Islam and Sufism and its Impact on India” published in New Delhi in
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
1998. The poet’s initial poems were in Urdu in the beginning of 1997
and at the end of that year, he started writing English poems as well
(Prasad, 2011). It is noteworthy that, S.L. Peeran despite starting his
writing career late at the age of 48. He has produced eleven volumes of
poetry which has been much appreciated in the literary world. In Golden
Times (2000), In Golden Moments (2002), A Search from Within (2002), A
Ray of Light (2002), In Silent Moment (2002), A Call from Unknown (2003),
New Frontiers (2005), Fountains of Hope (2006), In Rare Moments (2007), In
Sacred Moments (2008) and Glittering Love (2009) are the poetry
compositions published by Peeran.
Fountains of Hope is one of his remarkable works in which his emotions
and ideas of philosophy of life have been portrayed with much
significance. It is apparent that his views and thoughts expressed in this
poem are based on his inferences of life from his experiences. His indepth idea of life and the subtle variations depicted in his words are
capable of capturing the reader’s attention completely. His words have
the unique ability to drift a reader to a world that he saw through his eyes
as a writer. The poet has a special gift of delving deep into unexplored
faces of life and bringing out meaningful analogies entwined with
creativity. In addition his poems use simple but charming words that are
perceivable for any reader who understands the language.
Mr. S.V. Ramachandra Rao has revealed a crucial aspect of S.L. Peeran’s
poetry saying.
“…struggle between hopes and despairs is not the only mainstream of the
exceptional collection of poems. The various hues, moods, anguishes, hopes,
disappointments, joys of union sorrow of parting and separation and other
aspects of romantic and other types of love occur on an off the book, proving the
poet to be an ardent devotee and genuine votary of love. This is one of his
important poetic strengths and the poignant lines sometimes cause much
contemplation and often bring tears to the reader’s eye.
S.L. Peeran’s Views on Importance of Spirituality in Poetry
S.L. Peeran uses some simple yet significant words to describe the mystic
law of the entire universe. Some of these words are ‘eternity, horizon of
time without beginning, wonder of life, and aspect of the eternal’. Poets have a
profound sense of everything they see, hear and feel and try to relate
them to the truth and law of life which subsequently they pour out in the
form of creative words (Hasan, 2007 pg. 17).
This is why the poet has the ability to help readers who have a closed
mind and experiencing a psychological imbalance to open up to the
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
world and observe obstacles as minute entities in the long scheme of life.
The theory of the expanding universe conveys the idea of positivity,
courage, joy, compassion and willpower rather than ego and selfishness.
Most poets venture the avenue of poetry that transcends this truth to the
weak and lead them to a path of rejuvenation.
When the mind becomes clear and his pathways leading to positivity are
reconnected to the realization of universal truth of life, the closed part of
heart should ideally take efforts to instill thoughts of good will, promote
it and root it to eternity (Peeran, 1998). As a result, empathy,
compassion, ability to restrain from negative deeds will return and
become inevitable characteristics of humans. In accordance as the, ego
shrinks, he broadens his horizon and shares good will, starting from
immediate associates, family, community, groups, ethnicity and finally
humanity and nature in general (Peeran, 2007).
Peeran was of the view that spreading good will is evidently the best and
most constructive way to regain the lost bonding between families,
society and nature. A poetic and creative heart constantly works to
oppose negative forces that break bonds between humans, nature and the
greater universe. Further, it fights the Satan of the mind that provokes
violence, prejudice and greed (Yaravintelimath et al., 1995). Good will
abolishes negative energies of the society and focuses on depriving fellow
humans of these negative forces. Nonviolence, compassion and trust as
demonstrated by Mahatma Gandhi are the best evidence of effect of
spreading good will. It is also necessary to promote mutual
understanding and empathy towards others to expand the path of
goodness and demolish the evils of the society (Gokak, 1975). S.L. Peeran
further attributes that a poetic heart naturally harbors these qualities and
that is why they have the ability to express the greatness of the allpervasive universe, write words that relates with common man and help
him see the world as an extensive platform of scope.
Paper read by Mr. Gordon Hindley, British Poet on 10.3.01 Saturday
at the All India Poetry festival – 2001 at Bangalore conducted by
“Poets International Bangalore”
I have been given 20 minutes to talk on poetry in English written by
Indians. Our Editor & Creator of this festival, our Dr. Mohammed
Fakhruddin, has also given the same subject to my dear friend, Dr.
Sitaramayya, a teacher of English at post graduate level, and a fine
scholar and knower of other disciplines and many ancient languages not
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
excluding our Sanskrit. So, when we look the subject as I see it, and
understand it, I can only take refuge in my lack of scholarship and my
scientific and engineering skills.
The subject requires that we define poetry, and the nature and use of
language. It, therefore, requires that we understand the process of
thought, and communication, and our need for both.
I define poetry as that utterance which, apparently presenting a particular - and
individual - thing or event, in fact emphasizes the universal experience within
which each particular thing or event occurs. True poetry thus leads us beyond the
personal towards an even more immediate yet greater awareness: it gives us a
glimpse of the whole, and may even tell us just how we can make that greater
experience our own. It brings about an awakening; an enrichening of our nature.
For me, if it does not do that, it is not poetry.
Our personal awareness is inherent within ourselves. We do not get it from
anywhere. It establishes our identity. If I am not aware, I can establish nothing.
Awareness also animates, and it allows of judgment. Our best attention to our
awareness were therefore prudent.
Next, let us look at communication. We communicate in order to stay alive;
therefore what and how we communicate are important. Communication is the
purpose of speech. What we communicate, and our ability to communicate (the
art whereby an experience or notion is transferred from one to another) are both
important if transference is to be made exactly, with no misapprehension, which
is to say: “No error!”
To do this, we must have something to communicate, have someone who
wants to know, and a suitable medium. Our medium is speech, made of
words... words which are common to, and so more or less understood by,
both the giver and receiver.
It is obvious that, if the giver has nothing or little to say, then language
cannot operate at its best (at its most efficient) even if both giver and
receiver have a grasp of the meaning of words that is mutually
acceptable. We must know what to say and how to say it. Only then and
not before can we focus the attention of the receiver precisely, or as near
to precision as she or he can get. This is not magic: We have all had good
and bad teachers, and so can intuitively distinguish between the true
knower (the experienced person) and one who, for one or another
reason, is inexact.
This brings us to our experience of ourselves. Our experience of
ourselves has two parts. One: - the experience of our own persons, of our
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
being; and two: - our experience of our life as we have lived it... how we
have reacted to, and understood, the world about us. This total
experience always expresses itself as what we are and do.... language is
one of its servants.
So: - If our poetry can say more than prose, it does so because, without fail, it is a
post sign set in the particular that points us to the all-encompassing, the universal:
it is so-to-say a crystalline and therefore pure and diligently perfected expression of
a compacted notion experienced in full.
It follows that whoever and wherever we are, the expression we make - the
impression we make on our environment, including others at any given moment
of our developing lives cannot exceed the effect of the sum total of our being, as
we have experienced it, as we have understood it, and as we have savored (namely
suffered or enjoyed) it.
We can therefore say with the authority of truth that our feelings, our
thought, and our experience of our being, are common to us all - we all
think and feel and live - and language, one of the means by which we
formulate these expressions of our being, is simply their willing or
disobedient slave.
When there is something to express, the thought (which has no language
of its own), the feeling (which is common to every living creature) and
the sense of being (which is most evident in the wise) will find its words,
will find its language, and shape it in order to communicate as best it
may. The stronger the pressure, the higher the fountain. The greater the
flood, the greater the outpouring.
I see no barrier.
For better or worse, this essence - our understood experience - must find the words
that its hearers or readers can grasp, and not merely grasp but relish... If this is
done, then their mind-set, if only for a moment, will shift: and their conscious
centre will be transported from their usual work-a-day preoccupations to a deeper,
wider awareness or understanding....’ We then say: ‘We are uplifted’ or ‘I have
been moved’…
So: - Can Indians achieve this awakening within themselves?
Thus awakened, can they awaken others? Can they do this in English?
I say “Yes!”
I give you some examples. You decide.
Remember: - We are concerned with English, and with poetry. The first
pre-requisite is Poets.
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
I quote from 4 as example.
THE SORROWS of the blind world afflict me,
Drowning me in an ocean of deep pathos.
Blood of humans flows like a stream of water.
Cries of pain and anguish rend the still air.
Like dust of storm, sins of man rise upwards.
The wondrous sky is darkened with my grief.
Mans’ holiness and aura are now damned:And stars no longer shine to charm one’s eye.
Oh, God’s Creation spoiled by selfish man~Both sun and moon, eclipsed, now mourn this loss.
(We will have noted that in every case, each line of springing rhythm is a
ENTICED by marble’s beauty, men employ
This stone for monuments and these they make
Carving from nature’s gift a lasting joy:
And, heavenward, our souls, uplifted, wake.
The moon, reflected in this marble mirror,
With what effulgent beauty shows its face…
Glory of Allah, too, mitigating terror.
Grandeur of God, in stone, here we can trace.
See how the precious stones, inlaid, serene
(The rubies and the diamonds of dreams),
Dazzle the cool white marble, and the green,
And there are pearls, the gifts of crystal streams.
High, at the crest, the gold domes, silvered, shinning...
Here, chandeliers that glittering dispel
All shadow:--each wall’s countless mirrored lining
Reflecting splendours of which none can tell ~
WITH NERVOUS LAUGHS, and occasional flirting,
Their friendship grew into infatuation
Adding a sparkle to their eyes
And filling their lives with new elation.
Soon Shorn of all this glittering sheen,
Dazzling infatuation’s crown of gold
Then changed into a flowery garland.
To have, and hold.
(We see, in all this writing, a careful, deep awareness of the human
condition, and recognize the signs of a keen if clinical compassion, and
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
S. L. Peeran
a relating of all these to an overall and apparently benevolent presence.
by a person who, it is clear, is one of responsibility perhaps in a position
of great authority. Verses by this writer are understood and well received
in Britain. I have read them there).
(My second choice of writer, immediately understood in Britain, writes
shorter verse. In my opinion the silences between the thoughts are as
important as the thoughts themselves):
A FAIRY WORLD is this landscape now.
The sun, an hour high, is yet a moon.
Dream-drenched appear the distant trees.
Most unearthly seems the very dross.
The Mysterious wears the robe of mist.
In the supreme tranquility,
How gently crumble the inner walls...
Is it not the Lord? Listen. Oh listen!
No longer my tears taste salty.
They are sweet.
No longer fears swarm round me.
I am strong.
No longer darkness blinds me with her veil:
A pure light shines.
No longer life’s rose pricks.
Its thorns have died.
No longer darkness blinds me with her veil.
(In both these writers, we recognise a maturity of spirit - a thinking
feeling deep and communicable awareness... In both cases, we, perhaps,
can see that this enveloping awareness has been worked for, has been
earned: - and can now be expressed freely with both compassion and
How different is my next writer, who, all life long, has studied the
Christian scripture, has fallen in love with it; and so gives out a bountiful
harvest:the result of scholarship created by this love:)
OH, SOLITUDE, Oh perfect solitude
Of innermost awareness, you prevail--!
Attention rapt in our Lord’s fortitude,
My body, mind, and spirit none assail,
So pure the love from His great heart to mine...
Solitary Jacob, once benighted,
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Woke from deep sleep to see, at one:-divine,
Heaven and earth: a ladder then united:
Angels were on it, climbing up and down.
Then heaven, opening, shone where he lay
On racks he then collected: - for renown
Building an altar where he came to pray.
Bethel, he named this awesome holy place:
The Gate of Heaven: Entry into Grace.
(Or, again):MY LORD, my loving shepherd, gently leads
To lush green pastures where I lay me down,
As may all do who follow Him.-Who heeds
His word beside still waters wears a crown
Of honour as an earned and righteous gift
Hard won by all who face death fearlessly.
The Lord thus blesses; and the blessed may lift
Eyes, heart, and soul, to heaven there to be.
He sets the table; and anoints the head:
His cup of love flows over... Blessed are they,
For goodness follows them, by mercy led,
Undeviating, on the Holy way...
Surely this goodness and this mercy His
Within whose house alone salvation is.
(There can be no doubt that, if we are alert from tip to toe, and from our
innermost to the tickling of a hair, where there is work in India, and the
language understood-work unremitting, consistent, and guided-we have
writers enough; and their English will suffice... And so I close with a few
short verses written by a poet -in my opinion perhaps the greatest lyric
poet since Sarojini - whose bedtime reading was just one book: the
Oxford dictionary):MOONSCENE:
Smooth, the calm winds blow;
The moon’s white sheen
Is overcoming...
--?-Stillness grows.
Opening buds testlessly shake.
Bees are sleeping;
Passions are maddening--!....
Time washes them
Hopes never wither:
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains /Short Poems
The foam and the waves
Bubbles and goes.
Kept, and surrounded by mountains
Ever growing into valleys
Of slim dotted trees; growing...
All around me the morning light:
The old spider in the rosebush –
Busy to drink the dew from his web –
This way and that way
Like a hungry dog eating old flesh...
Happiness --!...
Always growing,
Never stopping:
The morning mists are rising:Hide your head in shame.
LIFE:I started:I saw an old man,
In rags, dying.
I continued:I saw a sick child,
I saw a dead dog,
I looked away;
I saw pure sunlight:Life is so wary
Awake to the glorious morning:
To this washed Sunday;
To the washed gardens;
To the leaves opening
...like a hundred waterways:
To the rain:-
S. L. Peeran
S. L. Peeran
Divine/Sufi Poems/Haiku, Tanka, Quatrains/Short Poems
Rain, falling like diamond
And gems,
Onto the well-wet carpet,
The beach:
Hard carpet hard with differing shells,
Like watered desert.
To me,
Birds ring like churchbells,
Like Christians going to church
In golden sunlight.
THESE FOUR very different writers have three characteristics in
common: Work (unremitting and care filled, each in their different way),
the capacity to observe and to convert information into knowledge, and
knowledge into experience (or wisdom-to see things in the ‘right’
perspective), or love (for the art, for their subject matter): love they
express as thanksgiving... so their lives are a sacrifice: a welcomed
It is a way of life I wholeheartedly recommend.
These writers, respectively, are - S. L. Peeran, Member of the Appellate
Tribunal for Customs, Excise & Gold) – Professor B. K. Sitaramayya, Mrs.
Nancy Rajan (2 years my senior), and Rahool Contractor, when he was 11 and
12. Unhappily Rahool died when 20.