Fetal Milestones Milestones 4 wks.: fetal heart begins to beat 8 wks.: all body organs formed 8-12 wks.: FHT can be heard by Doppler device 16 wks.: Baby's sex can be seen 18-20 wks.: Heartbeat can be heard w/ fetoscope. Mother feels movement (*quickening) 24 wks.: Respirations begin. Viability! 28 wks.: Baby can breathe at this time. Surfactant needed 36 wks.: Lungs mature. Has surfactant! Fetal Development Preembryonic stage 1st 2 weeks Embryonic Stage 3-8 weeks Fetal Stage End of 8 weeks (stage of the ovum) Malformations that occur during this stage seldom result in a viable fetus Every organ system and external structure is present, and the remainder of gestation is devoted to refining the f(x) of the organ Twins Dyzygotic: double ovulation (2 eggs) Monozygotic: 1 egg divides after fertilization into 2 sep. zygotes - Develop from single ovum -Same sex and genotype 2 placentas (sometimes fused) 2 chorions 2 amnions Twins increase w/ parity (more kids you have the higher the chance) a. How does the fetus grow? Fertilization They are also at greater risk for the other complications; congenital abnormalities including conjoining and twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS: unequal sharing of nutrients, blood moves from on twin to the other leaving one w/ too little and the other w/ too much blood) Where does the egg implant? How long is the egg viable? Sperm? When do females get eggs? Males get sperm? Who determines the sex of the child? How long does it take for the sperm to travel to implant? Fertilization occurs in the ampulla (outer third) section of the fallopian tube Egg is passed through tube by cilia and takes three days for zygote to move through F. tube towards uterus Risk factors: smoking, DM, HTN, STIs, lung damage, PID makes cilia not work well, and Fallopian scarring Implantation occurs in the endometrium (the upper 1/3 of the uterus) Ectopic preg. Can happen when the egg doesn't move to the uterus (implants in the tube) it puts the mom at risk for a hysterectomy if baby continues to form DNC abortion Ova are viable for 24 hrs and sperm are viable for 24-72 hrs Females are born with all their eggs they’ll ever have (made in utero) Males produce sperm the entirety of their life The Y chromosome determines gender and is passed by the father XX -> girl XY -> boy Reproductive Cycle a. When does it start? Day 1 – start of period b. When does ovulation start? Occurs 14 days before next menstrual period c. When is a woman most fertile? d. What are the 3 signs of ovulation? Signs -Increase in Basil body temperature -Spinnbarkeit: mucus becomes thin and stretchy -Cervix opens slightly to allow sperm to pass -Decrease estrogen -Increase in FSH -Mittelschmerz: unilateral pain from ovary releasing - Phases of the menstrual cycle 28-day cycle Begins w/ menstrual phase: day 1-5 Shedding of endometrium -> bleeding - Proliferative phase: day 6-ovulation (~day 14) LH converts follicle to corpus luteum--> produces progesterone (pro-pregnancy) Corpus luteum continues to make progesterone until placenta takes over function - Secretory (luteal) phase: Ovulation - ~3 days before menstrual cycle Estrogen lvls fall Progesterone lvl increase to support possible preg. - Ischemic Phase: ~3 days before menstruation to onset of mense If fertilizations don’t occur progesterone and estrogen levels drop and corpus luteum degenerates Hormones 3 protein hormones HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) pregnancy test hormone HCS (human chorionic somatomammotropin) aka HPL (human placenta lactogen) Insulin agonist Promotes growth for maternal tissue; increases protein and glucose available for the fetus Relaxin: Promote relaxation of pelvic ligaments and connective tissue, softens cartilage in pelvic joints and symphysis pubis Pregnancy waddle: curvature of spine - Relaxes all smooth muscle (uterus, bladder, ureters, and GI tract) Causes constipation and promotes vasodilation 2 steroid hormones Estrogen Progesterone Hormone Estrogen Function has proliferative function of uterus, breast, and breast tissue Increases vascularity --> increased nutrients --> increases size of uterus -End of preg.: 30 times the daily production in middle of normal monthly menstrual cycle Encourages the storage of nutrients and glucose (food reserve for coming fetus (love handles)) Pharmacological Use Estrogen is used in birth control pills Progesterone Creates a safe environment for sperm and ovum (keeps you pregnant) Decreases contractility of the uterus --> keeps baby safely in uterus Helps prepare breasts for lactation Secreted by the corpus luteum, and peaks 8 days after ovulation (same time implantation occurs) After the 10th wk. the placenta takes over production Can be used to prevent early-stage fetal death HcG HcG causes the corpus luteum to secrete estrogen and progesterone until week 11; after that the placenta takes over Pregnancy test hormone Increased hCG might have multiple babies Prostaglandins Present in blood serum 8-10 days after fertilization and keeps increasing during preg. HCG double ever 48-72 hrs., peak at 60-80 days, and then decrease b/w 100 and 130 days post conception Present in urine and signals pregnancy Most responsible for nausea and vomiting opposite of progesterone also works on GI system (cramps and loose stools) Make the smooth muscle/uterus contract If HCG levels start to fall early on -> nothing stimulates estrogen and progesterone -> miscarriage or spontaneous abortion (SAB) Induces labor Given to women for clinical abortions The bowel contracts a lot because all smooth muscle contracts --> causes diarrhea Placenta Anatomy Anatomy of Placenta Chorionic: fetal side Outer membrane enclosing the amniotic cavity Forms fetal part of the placenta Site of testing Composed of 2 portions -Maternal portion: decidua basalis (dirty Duncan) -Fetal portion: chorionic villi- fetal surface covered by adherent amnion (Shiny Schultz) Function of placenta: Exchange nutrient and waste products Produce human placenta lactogen, estrogen, and progesterone -Fetal respiration 3rd trimester transfers immunoglobulin providing the fetus w/ passive immunity -Large particles (bacteria) cannot pass, but smaller ones can (viruses) Fetal Circulation -Umbilical cord 2 arteries and 1 vein Arteries carry deoxygenated blood and waste products Veins carry oxygenated blood and nutrients Fetal Heart Rate 160-170 bpm (1st trimester) Slower as the fetal growth 110-160 bpm Twice maternal heart rate Lungs do not function - placenta assumes this function Umbilical vein -> ductus venosus (bypass liver) -> Rt. atrium -> foramen ovale (bypass ventricle) -> Lt. Atrium -> Lt. ventricle -> Aorta -> ductus arteriosus (bypass lungs b/w pulmonary arteries and aorta) -> descending aorta -> umbilical artery -> branches to of the body Rt. lower rest After birth: Placenta removed and lungs take in air (air pushes fluids out into arterioles) Pressures on the Rt. side of heart lowers and Lt. side pressure increases forcing the foramen ovale closed. 1st few hours of life smooth muscles in the ductus arteriosus constrict signaled by decrease of prostaglandin levels from disconnection from placenta and increase in pO2 Placenta Amniotic Sac (Amniotic Fluid) Inner membrane; fluid filled sac Amniotic fluid f(x) -Cushions to protect against mechanical injury -Helps control embryo body temp -Prevents adherence of amnion (fingers don't web together & doesn't get stuck to the uterus walls; w/o enough fluid fingers band together) -Allows freedom of movement for baby -Permits symmetric growth of embryo -Contain fetal urine and measures kidney functions Early AF is made by amnion Later (8-10 wks.) AF is made by fetal urine --> kidney f(X) indicator Low AF: Potters syndrome-> unable to fix; decreased O^2 to kidneys High AF: swallowing issues and other defects Complications Early problems: poor muscle development and webbing (neck, finger, toes) Late problems: movement trouble and chord compression Genetics Autosomal Recessive Genes: expressed only if the homozygous (inherited gene). When paired w/ a dominant ("normal") gene it will not be expressed, except in genotype (gene) but not phenotype (appearance) PKU Tay-Sachs (Mediterranean Jews) Cystic Fibrosis X-linked recessive gene: females do not exhibit disease if she has an X-chromosome without the trait (women carry XX) but will carry the gene Male will exhibit trait because they carry XY (they only have one X) Hemophilia Color blindness Muscular dystrophy Haploid: 23 chromosomes Diploid: 46 chromosomes Trisomy 21: extra chromosome: 47 rather than 46 (Down Syndrome) Amniocentesis is confirmation (performed 15-21 wks.) Age is strongly related to the incidence of down syndrome Phenotype: physical traits Genotype: pattern of genes Autosomal dominant Huntington’s Disease Teaching 1st Trimester: wk. 0-12 2nd Trimester: wk. 13-24 3rd Trimester: wk. 25-40 Physical and psychological changes Self-care Choosing a provider Prenatal experience Relief of common early pregnancy discomforts Planning for breastfeeding Dietary lessons Sexuality in pregnancy Encourage communication w/ partner regarding adjustments Relief of pregnancy discomforts Prep for childbirth Development of birth plan Relaxation techniques Postpartum self-care Infant stimulation Infant care and safety Safety related to balance Teach risks and symptoms of preterm labor Risk Factors for PTL YMA (young maternal age: < 18) Smoking Overweight/underweight Not getting good prenatal care Drinking alcohol or using drugs STIs and UTIs Pregnant w/ a baby w/ birth defects Pregnant w/ a baby in vitro fertilization Pregnant w/ twins Family/personal h(x) of preterm labor Getting pregnant too soon after having a baby Health conditions: HTN, preeclampsia, infections Symptoms of PTL (know difference b/w true and false labor) o Backache; usually lower back pain. This will be constant or intermittent, but won't ease even if you change positions or do something else for comfort o Contractions every 10 minutes or more often o AF leaking from vagina o Flu-like symptoms; nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea Call Dr. even for mild cases. If you can't tolerate liquids for more than 8 hrs. you must see Dr. (dehydration) o o o Increased pressure in your pelvis or vagina Increased vaginal discharge Vaginal bleeding; including light bleeding Nutrition a. Sources of Iron b. Sources of folic acid c. What benefit does folic acid have? d. Sources of calcium e. Sources of protein f. Foods to help with morning sickness/hyperemesis gravidarum g. Uterine stimulants h. Foods to avoid i. Foods high in mercury Prenatal Labs When is it done? CBC H&H Normal values in preg.: Hct: 30-47% Hgb: 12-16 Blood Type & Rh RhoGAM: given at 28 wks and w/in 72 hr after delivery, invasive procedures, or trauma because of maternal exposure to fetal Rh antigen Antibody (indirect Coombs) UA Every prenatal visit Glucose Screen/GTT 24-28 wks Earlier if pt. at risk RPR/VDRL 36 wks What does this test measure? Gain knowledge of platelets An epidural anesthetic will be withheld if the platelet count is <100,000 mm^3 Hct: important to monitor for eclampsia (HTN) Hgb: decreased Hgb is important to monitor because the EBL during a… C-section delivery is 1000 mL Vaginal delivery is < 500 mL 25% increase in erythrocytes and 50% increase in plasma volume Eclampsia: High BP and protein in the urine and usually previously diagnosed w/ preeclampsia to develop seizures or coma Rh Sensitization & Rh Factor Occurs when you have a Rh - mom and Rh+ fetus 1st offspring is not affected by the antibodies 2nd pregnancy: hemolysis occurs because the mother's antibodies enter baby through placenta and causes erythroblastosis fetalis: increase of immature RBC's in fetal circulation that will result in; hyperbilirubinemia, anemia, hypoxia, CHF, neuro damage, hydrops fetalis (extreme swelling) Continued RBC destruction results in jaundice and leads to Kernicterus (sever jaundice and neuro damage) Indirect Coombs' Test: determines if Rh- mom has developed anti-bodies Direct Coombs' Test: performed on infant's blood after birth to identify maternal antibodies to RBCs Spilling glucose is OK because glucose reabsorption impaired in pregnancy Protein: Trace to +1 is ok. Increased protein may indicate preeclampsia WBC: UTI -- if UTI goes untreated --> kidney infection --> lead to early labor and low birth wgt Ketones: indicate diabetes Preeclampsia - HTN Glucose Tolerance Test Screens for GDM (gestational DM) Administer 50 g oral glucose, assess after 1 hr. BS > 140 mg/dl is abnormal. Further testing needed (OGTT) Insulin during 1st trimester: therapy remains the same 2nd and 3rd Trimester: Insulin needs may need to be increased Test screens for Syphilis Syphilis: A fetus can end up aborted or more commonly an intrauterine death (IUD) can occur. Early neonatal death can also occur, and the survivors may develop features of congenital syphilis such as bone abnormalities, hepatitis, anemia, and active neuro-syphilis HIV test/ screening requires informed consent HIV/HPV Herpes If lesions are present C-section will be performed If there is no outbreak, vaginal birth is OK Toxoplasmosis: transmitted by uncooked meats or handling cat litter. HSV TORCH infections Other infection Rubella CMV (cytomegalovirus) Teach mom to stay away from ppl. w/ CMV. Transmitted through urine, semen, cervical vagina secretions, feces, breast milk. There are no licensed treatments for pregnant women who become infected w/ CMV during preg. Hep B HbSAg W/in 24 hrs. of birth Rubella titer Tests for Hep. B Infants born w/ HBsAG-positive mothers should be treated w/in 12 hrs. of birth Hep B. vaccine is not contraindicated in pregnancy IgG antibodies are measured. A titer of 1:10 or greater indicates immunity Don’t give while mom is pregnant because it is a live vaccine Also do not get pregnant for 1-3 months after you receive the vaccine Pts. Who do not have immunity to Rubella should receive a rubella vaccine during postpartum period to protect future pregnancies while not affecting current pregnancy AFP Screening 15-18 wks typically ↑ lvls: NTD ↓ lvls: Trisomy 18/21 It is administered postpartum before discharge, SQ, if titer < 1:8 Sample of mother’s blood Alpha Fetal Protein, elevated level may indicate neural tube or body wall defects or multiple gestation Decreased levels indicate risk of trisomy 18 (Edward’s) or 21 (Down Syn.) Triple/Quad screen (MSAFP) Screening Optional screen for pt. at 14-18 wks Triple: includes AFP, estriol, and beta-hCG Quad: includes AFP, estriol, Beta-hCG, and inhibin A Identifies risk for Down syndrome, NTD, and other chromosomal disorders Elevated hCG w/ low estriol & MSAFP levels indicates risk for trisomy Cell free DNA ~10 wks CVS Diagnostic 10-12 wks Results available < 1 wk Amniocentesis Diagnostic 15-20 wks 30-39 wks: lung mat. Tests maternal serum for fetal DNA Determine fetal sex in pregnancies at risk for sex-linked conditions. 98% detection rate for trisomy 13, 18, and 21 (Patau, Edward’s, Down syn.) If abnormal results, invasive diagnostic tests will be needed such as chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis Chorionic villus sampling: removal of portion of chorionic reflects fetal genetic make-up Detects fetal karyotype, sickle cell, trisomy 21, muscular dystrophy, and cystic fibrosis Cannot detect neural tube defects (NTD) Earlier diagnosis than amniocentesis AF aspirated Perform chromosome analysis, AFP markers, karyotyping, and identify sickle cell or cystic fibrosis. Lung maturity: Lecithin to sphingomyelin ratio (L:S) and phosphatidylglycerol (PE) L/S ratio 2:1 or greater indicates lung maturity and PE is present in surfactant Pap smear Gonorrhea/ Chlamydia GBS Gonorrhea / Chlamydia Can lead to miscarriage or infect baby before or during delivery 35-37 wks TX: penicillin Discomforts of Pregnancy Discomfort N/V Group B Strep: caused by normal vaginal flora - Can be transmitted from birth canal of mother - Culture anorectal and vaginal area (not cervix) - If mom positive, IV antibiotic are given to reduce risk of transmission to baby - recommended once labor begins and Q4hr during active labor until baby is delivered For mom - can cause bladder and uterine infections For baby - meningitis, sepsis, pneumonia, stillborn Factors – Causes, Trimester Self-Care ↑ hCG, fatigue, and ↑ relaxation of stomach smooth muscles Small, frequent meals, avoiding Relieve stress by letting them know it won't last forever! It will odors/triggers, ginger, peppermint, subside by week 13 carbonated beverages Urinary Frequency Pressure on bladder urinate more frequently, decrease evening fluid intake, and if you must pee GO! Increase daytime fluid intake Leukorrhea (↑ vag. discharge) ↑ mucus production Cotton underwear, no douching GERD/Heartburn Displacement of stomach by enlarging uterus, ↑ progesterone, ↓ Avoid big meals, fatty/fried foods, gastric motility timing of last meal Edema ↓ venous return Avoid standing for long periods, elevate legs Constipation Bowel sluggishness Caused by progesterone ↑ fluids, fiber, exercise, stool softeners Back Pain Relaxin, ↑ curvature Pelvic tilt exercises, body mechanics Leg Cramps Electrolyte imbalances Dorsiflex foot, apply heat to muscle Dizziness/Syncope Blood volume changes -> vasodilation, postural hypotension Change position slowly, avoid prolonged standing in one position Braxton Hicks v. Round ligament pain BH: no pattern PTL: progressive pattern Rest/bath -> if they go away they’re BH Signs of Pregnancy – 3 P’s Presumptive -Nausea & vomiting; breast tenderness, -late period, fatigue Probable Positive -Hegar’s, Chadwick’s, Goodells -Abdominal changes -Abnormal pap smear -+ pregnancy test -Fetal heart rate (FHR) – heard by examiner -Ultrasound – visualize the baby -Fetal movement palpated by examiner Presumptive (subjective): S/S of what woman say. May or not be associated w/ pregnancy Probable (Objective – but could have another explanation so not 100%): noted by examiner, may or may not be associated w/ pregnancy Ballottement: technique of using finger to tap against the uterus, through the vagina, to cause the fetus to bounce w/in AF and feeling it rebound quickly Braxton Hicks contractions: practice contractions; irregular and usually painless contraction that comes and go throughout pregnancy Positive signs (diagnostic): noted by examiner and can ONLY be cause by pregnancy Uterine Changes THINK HCG Hegar's sign: softening of uterus Chadwick's sign: bluish color of cervix Goodell's sign: softening of the cervix (soft cervix = good sign) Physiological Changes of Pregnancy Uterus Increases in size (hypertrophy) and shape (ovoid shape) Moves up in abdomen More vascular Mucous plug (serves as a barrier to foreign antigens) Respiratory -> Breathing for 2! Increased tidal volume Nasal congestion/stiffness/nosebleed due to vascular congestion of nasal mucosa, capillaries are more fragile in the face, causing nosebleeds High levels of estrogen and progesterone increase blood flow to all your body's mucous membranes Respiratory rate increases to 21 Nasal interventions: use cool air vaporizer and normal saline spray Cardiovascular Pulse increases 10-15 bpm CO^2 increased by 50% BP shouldn't rise but is a possibility If mom is laying on her back her blood vessels (vena cava and aorta) will be compressed and result w/ not enough blood circulation = Hypotension Teach mom that a left side-lying position relieves supine Hypotension and increases perfusion to uterus, placenta, and fetus Trauma w/ suspected spinal cord injury -> decrease BP-> tilt the whole backboard CPR: displace the uterus 1st!!! Hematologic Blood volume increases by 40-50% Physiologic Anemia of Pregnancy Due to plasma increase, H&H go down. Hct drop is 5-7 % (normal value 38-47 %) Pregnant women Hct: 30-46 % Skin Increase in estrogen causes: Pregnancy mask (chloasma) Linea nigra (line down center of stomach) Stretch marks (stridea) Use sunscreen for chloasma Stridea will fade from red to silver Linea nigra will disappear eventually after the birth of the baby Breasts Estrogen and progesterone cause breasts to enlarge, colostrum (secreted during last trimester) Colostrum has antibodies, minerals, and proteins and low levels of sugars and fat. Very important for baby's first couple of feedings! GI N/V, heartburn, decreased tone and motility of smooth muscles, constipation Musculoskeletal Pelvic joints relax causing a waddling gait Relaxin is the hormone responsible for joint relaxing Lordosis (inward curvature) of the spine Renal urinary frequency 3rd trimester: baby's head is bigger and compressed on mom's bladder Increased risk for UTI, but may not show s/s (many symptoms of pregnancy can overshadow UTI symptoms so it can go unnoticed) UTIs can cause PTL (preterm labor) Undiagnosed UTIs can travel to kidneys and cause pyelonephritis Hormonal (Endocrine) 3-5 lbs wgt gain in 1st trimester 10 -12 lbs wgt gain in 2nd and 3rd trimester (one lb. per week) HcG: support pregnancy, high fluctuation causes n/v HpL: Insulin agonist. Inhibits insulin so mom can release more glucose for fetal growth Estrogen: uterine development for fetal growth, stimulates breasts for lactation Progesterone: maintain endometrium, decreases uterine contractility, causes relaxation of smooth muscles. Promotes retention of fetus Prostaglandins: contribute to onset of labor (GI smooth muscles -> diarrhea) Psychological Responses to pregnancy 1st trimester (0-12 wks) Ambivalence (mixed emotions/maternal response): whether pregnancy is planned or unplanned, ambivalence is normal Ambivalence: financial worries about increased responsibility and career concerns 2nd trimester (13-25 wks) {GOLDEN TIME} Quickening occurs and pregnancy becomes real Pregnant women accepts pregnancy Ambivalence wanes 3rd trimester (26-40 wks) {GET THIS THING OUTTA ME OR LEAVE ME ALONE} Mom becomes introverted and self-absorbed Mom begins to ignore partner (may strain relationship) Nagele’s Rule – how to calculate EDC: estimated date of confinement Nagele's Rule: 1st day of LMP minus 3 months plus 7 days Assumptions: 28-day cycle, Accurate LMP, & no oral contraceptives/breastfeeding McDonald's Method (not as reliable as Nagele's rule; used when mom doesn't remember LMP) Measure fundal height: Measure from symphysis pubis to top of fundus in cm GTPAL – know each one and how to interpret Gravida: # of any pregnancy including present Primigravida: 1st pregnancy Multigravida: more than 1 pregnancy Para: births after 20 wks gestation regardless of whether the infant is born alive or dead Nullipara: a woman who has not given birth to a viable fetus Primipara: woman who has had one birth past the point of viability, regardless of dead or alive Multipara: woman who has had 2 or more births to a viable fetus GTPAL (OB history) Gravidity: # of pregnancy including present Term: # of term infants born after 37 completed wks Preterm/Para: # of premature infants born b/w 20 and 37 wks Abortions: # of pregnancies that end in spontaneous or therapeutic abortion prior to 20 weeks Living: # of living children Prenatal Visits Every 4 wks for the 1st 28 wks Every 2 wks until 36 wks After 36 wks - every wk until birth o Unless there is a reason for more frequent visits (Hx of DM, HTN, PTL) Use of Ultrasound by Trimester 1st: 0-12wks: heartbeat, dating; primary dating 2nd: 13-24wks: heartbeat; structures; 16-18wks can see basic structures, sex of baby (at 12wks can see external genitalia); placenta, AF; sex and confirm LMP 3rd: 25-40: heartbeat; fetal echo at 28wks – chamber, AF; placenta – previa, low lying; cord and flow; more structures; placental functioning/health of baby VEAL CHOP Draw an example Variable deceleration Early deceleration Late deceleration Acceleration Reassuring/ nonreassuring/benign? Physiology Cord compression Description Pregnancy Parameters Pregnancy duration: Early term: 37 0/7 wks through 38 6/7 wks Full term: 39 0/7 wks through 40 6/7 wks (39-40 wks and 6 days) Late term: 41 0/7 wks through 41 6/7 wks Post-term: after 42 wks Preterm (PTL): 20-37 wks Abortion: birth that occurs prior to the end of 20 wks gestation; miscarriage Miscarriage: abortion that occurs naturally; spontaneous abortion (SAB) Stillbirth: a fetus born dead after 20 completed wks of gestation Analgesia Local: Epidural: Spinal: Puodenal: General Anesthesia: Fetal Adaptations Adaptation How does it work before birth? What happens after birth? Intrapartum Complications Complication Placenta Previa Placental Abruption Uterine Rupture Prolapsed Cord Shoulder Dystocia Physiology Causes Risk Factors S/S Tx/Interventions Placenta Acreta Placenta Increta Placenta Percreta Oligohydramnios Polyhydramnios Amniotic Fluid Embolus Vasa Previa Succenturiate Lobe Preterm Labor Preeclampsia Stages and Phases of Labor – look @ Exam 2 Prep Assignment Stage Stage 1 Early/Latent Phase Definition Characteristics Active Transition Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Method Continuous Abstinence Family Planning Type Natural How it Works? Pros Cons Special Considerations Natural Family Planning Method Natural Contraceptive Sponge Barrier Diaphragm Cervical Cap Cervical Shield Barrier Female Condom Barrier Male Condom Barrier Combined Pill Hormonal The Patch (Ortho Evra) Hormonal Shot/Injection (Depo Provera) Hormonal Vaginal Ring Hormonal Rod (Implanon) Implantation Paraguard Implantation – Copper IUD Mirena Implantation – Hormonal IUD Essure Permanent Sterilization Implant Surgical Sterilization Permanent Morning After Pill Permanent – Emergency Contraception Rhogam – how is it given? When? What is the purpose? Study Materials to Review - Exam 2 Prep Assignment - Exam 3 Prep Assignment - Mini Med #1 and #2 - Procedure Chart (Exam #2 prep assignment) - Fetal Well Being test chart (exam 2 prep assignment) - Final Exam Study Outline (from BB) - HESI Exam Feedback (from BB) - HESI Review (by Professor Harrell)