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Lesson Plan Planets

High School 10th ,11th and 12th grade (B1
and above)
8 hours
Students will be able to do research to enrich
their persuasive skills.
Students will be able to solve the problems
with the four steps of critical thinking :
imagining ,inquiring ,doing, reflecting.
Students will be able to find different and
unique ways to support their idea.
Students will learn how to create a good
scientific argument in the context of space.
They will continuously encounter questions
that ask them to make a claim, explain their
answer, rate their certainty with their answer,
and explain that rating.
This unit has a critical thinking and creativity
check accuracy
strengths and weaknesses of evidence
uncertainty and reflect on own
produce meaningful and novel outputs
Socratic discussion
Role – play
Communicative approach methods
Group work ,Peer assessment
KWL chart
LESSON PERIOD 1 (40 minutes)
Warm- up (Duration 5-10 minutes)
The teacher hands in the KWL chart to each student.
The teacher writes/showes the big quesiton or idea of the lesson and starts a discussion.
Is there life in space?
Teacher and Student Role (Duration 10-15 minutes)
The teacher presents a video about some criterias to tell whether or not there is life on a planet.This
video draw stundents’attention to the topic and they will have a deeper understanding about the life on
other planets.
Students will watch
video and take notes, then the teacher writes the question below as a follow-up brain -storming activity
on board and encourages students to answer it.
Creativity and Critical thinking
The students will combine the information from the video with their own ideas and find a solution.
Is it possible that life forms can be found on planets with very different atmospheric compositions than
that of Earth? Explain.
Teacher and Student Role (15-20 minutes)
Students read the text about NASA’s Kepler mission and discuss the quesitons with the group of four.
The teacher hands in two questions about the text to each group and give them some time to think and
Creativity and Critical thinking
Students are expected to address the reasons of their answers clearly and support their answers with their
group members.
Do you think the Kepler mission will find life on other planets?
Why do you think NASA wants to find habitable planets?
Reading Comprehension
How many planets are there in our galaxy? That’s a tricky question to answer. Are there other planets
that support life? That’s exactly what the Kepler mission hopes to discover.
NASA launched the Kepler space telescope, designed to find habitable planets, in 2009. So far it has
discovered five new Earth-sized planets beyond our solar system. These planets are hotter than the Earth
– much too hot for life as we know it. The Kepler team predict that they will need at least three years
(and possibly longer) to find an Earth-like planet.
The simplest requirement for a planet to have life (carbon-based life like on Earth) is for there to be
liquid water (not frozen or gas) so the distance from the planet’s sun and therefore temperature are
important. There also needs to be the correct amount of air. If a planet is as small as Mars (half the size
of Earth) its weak gravity means that it can’t hold on to air molecules. If a planet is Neptune sized (four
times bigger than Earth) it has very strong gravity and too much air. So size matters too.
The cost of the mission is approximately six hundred million dollars. It is scheduled to observe until
2013 but this could be extended. Will we be sad if we discover we are alone in our galaxy or happy if we
find that we share it with other life forms?
tricky – difficult
at least three - three or more
weak – the opposite of strong
size – dimension, if a thing is big or small
alone – with no other people
LESSON PERIOD 2 (80 mins.)
Teacher and student roles
The teacher ask students why they think that NASA (an imaginary NASA!) has chosen the items in
Worksheet 1 to represent Earth for the new planet. In pairs thave students add more items to the list. Put
pairs in groups of 4 and ask them to justify their choices. Monitor and give feedback to foster their critical
Creativity and Critical thinking
The students will imagine that the Kepler mission finds life on a distant planet. NASA wants to send some
objects representing Earth to the new planet. They are expected to add more items to NASA’s list of
objects on Worksheet 1 and share their answers.
The lists will be shared with all classroom members and students will try to persuade their friends about
the underlying reasons for chosing the items.
Worksheet 1
Imagine that the Kepler mission finds life on a distant planet. NASA wants to send some objects
representing Earth to the new planet. Add more items to NASA’s list of objects:
an encyclopaedia
a computer
photographs of world leaders
a bottle of sea water
Teacher and Student Roles
The teacher hands in a preparation worksheet for listening. Then, makes students listen to a discussion
about life on Mars. They are welcome to take notes while listening.
-Preparation: Students are expected to put the vocabulary into correct place.
-Student Task 1 : Students are expected to identify/group the differences between the Earh and Mars
into correct places.
-Student Task 2 – Critical Writing Task: Students are expected to share their ideas about pros and cons of
living on Mars.
-Creative Writing Task: Students are expected to write a composition about their ideas on ‘Humans will
live on Mars within 20 years. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Listening and Writing Integrated Task
Put the words into correct place.
Have in common , similar, whereas , but, while ,both , to share
Words and phrases to for talking about difference
Words and phrases for talking about the things that are the same
Task 1
 is closer to the Sun * has a longer day * is colder * has more air
 is 50 per cent smaller * has more oxygen and nitrogen than carbon dioxide * has stronger
gravity * used to have water
Task 2
A) What are the pros and cons on living on Mars and WHY? Please share your ideas.
Life on MARS
Writing Task
Stephen Petranek indicates that humans will build a colony on Mars within 20 years on his TED
talk speech. Do you agree or disagree with him ? Please write a persuasive composition to support
your ideas. Try to use your imagination.
LESSON PERIOD 3 (40 mins.)
Teacher and Student Role
The teacher can give some sample questions to maket hem understand the task. Try not to lead them with
your sample questions and maket hem think and find unique questions. Monitor the students during the
Students will write three questions about extraterrestrial life in pairs and walk around the classroom and
do an interview with their friends and note their answer to the extraterrestrial life survey.
In the end , the students will give feedback to each other the most unique answers will be chosen.
Write three questions about extraterrestrial life in the table.Please do not write Yes/ No questions and
make your friends think. Do this in pairs. Each student must write the questions on his / her own paper.
When you have finished, interview other students. Write down their answers.
Now return to your original partner and share and talk about what you found out. Change partners often. •
Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findings. Circle the most unique answer and share it
with your instructor.
Teacher and Student Role
The teacher divides the classroom into four groups according to their interests or students complete the
task individually. There are four role play categories : Aliens ,Black Holes, Zero Gravitiy, Colonizing
Mars. The tasks should be given before the class so students can collect some data and do some rehearsal
for their role.
Role A – Aliens You think aliens are the best thing about space. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell
them what is wrong with their things. Also, tell the others which are the least interesting of these (and
why): black holes, zero gravity or colonizing Mars.
Role B – Black Holes You think black holes are the best thing about space. Tell the others three reasons
why. Tell them what is wrong with their things. Also, tell the others which are the least interesting of
these (and why): aliens, zero gravity or colonizing Mars.
Role C – Zero Gravity You think zero gravity is the best thing about space. Tell the others three reasons
why. Tell them what is wrong with their things. Also, tell the others which are the least interesting of
these (and why): black holes, aliens or colonizing Mars.
Role D – Colonizing Mars You think colonizing Mars is the best thing about space. Tell the others three
reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their things. Also, tell the others which are the least interesting
of these (and why): black holes, zero gravity or aliens.
LESSON PERIOD 4 (40 minutes)
Teacher and student role
The tasks should be given before the class so students can collect some data to support their idea. The
teacher can divide the classroom into two or make some different groups to discuss the topic. The
classroom setting shoul be organized like a discussion programme on TV.
Classroom discussion
Group A strongly believe we should spend more money to find aliens;
Group B strongly believe we should wait for aliens to find us.
Students will complete the third part of the KWL chart after the lesson period 4.
Name/Surname : ____________________
Topic :_______________________________
What I already know about my
What I want to know about my
What I have learned about my
LESSON PERIOD 5 ( 80 -120 minutes- student presentations)
Students will present their performance task and teacher/classmates will give feedback to them.
OECD(2019) critical thinking and creativity rublic will be used for assessment. Students may also assess
themselves and their friends.
The Performance task is presented in a detailed way below.
Performance Task
Goal : You are informed that the Earth won’t be a habitable planet within 10 years.
Role: You need to find a habitable planet and find ways to take people there.
Audience: You are a scientist. Try to use an accurate language and act like a one.
Your instructor and your classmates are imaginary members from NASA.
Scenerio / Situation: Your mission is to find a habitable planet. Because of Global Warming, the next
generations won’t be able to survive on Earth.
Product : You should create a poster of an imaginary planet and present it to your classmates. You can use
some information from planets that have already been discovered. You can either create a poster or
Create a Powerpoint presentation
Record video clip that informs students about your planet.
Prepare a radio programme that discuss about your planet. (Please bring a visual of your planet, too.)
Standards- expectations:
You should clearly show how your planet looks like.
You should share your plan step by step to accomplish your mission within ten years.
You should share the budget you need to use when you travel and build a new colony there.
You should talk about the risks of the mission.
You should clearly address the reasons of your planets’ being habitable and why it is superior to
other planets.
You should find something unique to about your planet.
You should persuade your friends to live on your planet.
Creativity and Crtical Thinking Rubric OECD 2019
Make connections
to other concepts
and knowledge
from the same or
from other
Generate and
play with unusual
and radical ideas
Produce, perform
or envision a
output that is
personally novel
Reflect on the
novelty of
solution and of its
Identify and
assumptions and
accepted ideas or
Consider several
perspectives on a
problem based on
Explain both
strengths and
limitations of a
product, a
solution or a
theory justified
on logical, ethical
or aesthetic
Reflect on the
relative to