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Nation, State, and Nationalism: Key Concepts

Previous topics – Timeline of the passing of Rizal Law, World of Rizal’s Time
cultural entity
a group of people that shares common culture, tradition, history, language and other practices
like religion, affinity to a place, etc.
Community of people that are believed to share a link with one another based on cultural
practices; language, religion or belief system and historical experience
It allows one to feel a connection with a community of people even if one will never meet all of
them in one’s lifetime
a political entity that has sovereignty over a defined territory
refers to a country and its government
It has laws, taxation, government, and bureaucracy
4 Attributes
Authority over a specific population
Governs a specific territory
Has a structure of government that craps various rules that people follow
Has sovereignty over its territory
Refers to internal and external authority
Fusion of the elements of nation (people) and state(territory)
State governing a nation
2 Non-interchangeable terms
Not all states are nations
Not all nations are states
Ex. The Bangsamoro is a separate nation existing with within the Philippines but recognizes the
authority of the Philippines State.
3 Theories about the roots of the Nation
National identity has always existed
Nations have ethnic cores
Nation, national identity and nationalism are products of modern condition and are shaped by
nationalism and national identity are necessary products of the social structure and culture
brought about the emergence of capitalism, industrialization, secularization, urbanization and
Nationalism is a political project
Constructivist Approach
Nationalism is socially constructed
It’s the people that gives meaning to nationalism
Nations are imagined communities
It’s the feeling of oneness by a group of people who believed that they possess a common
traditions, culture and common ideals or goals.
Ibang tao at Di ibang tao
It’s a Concept supports the notion of unity and harmony in a community
Human solidarity
Dedication of one’s own nation so as to enable one to participate on free and equal terms in the
total development of mankind
Personalism as a Threat to Nationalism
Rooted in our basic and moral commitment to family and friends
Primacy of in-group over the general society or good
It has affected Philippine politics