PLEURAL EFFUSION INTRODUCTION There is normally a very thin layer of fluid (from 2 to 10 µm thick) between the two pleural surfaces, the parietal pleura and visceral pleura. The pleural space and the fluid within it are not under static conditions. During each respiratory cycle the pleural pressures and the geometry of the pleural space fluctuate widely. Fluid enters and leaves the pleural space constantly. The serous membrane covering the lung parenchyma is called the visceral pleura. The remainder of the lining of the pleural cavity is the parietal pleura. The parietal pleura receives its blood supply from the systemic capillaries. The visceral pleura is supplied predominantly by branches of the bronchial artery in humans The lymphatic vessels in the parietal pleura are in direct communication with the pleural space by means of stomas. These stomas are the only route through which cells and large particles can leave the pleural space. Although there are abundant lymphatics in the visceral pleura, these lymphatics do not appear to participate in the removal of particulate matter from the pleural space. MECHANISM OF PLEURAL FLUID TURNOVER Dependent on the hydrostatic and oncotic pressures across membranes. When the capillaries in the parietal pleura are considered, it can be seen that the net hydrostatic pressure favoring the movement of fluid from these capillaries to the pleural space is the systemic capillary pressure (30cm H2O) minus the negative pleural pressure (-5cm H2O) or 35cm H2O. Opposing this is the oncotic pressure in the blood (34cm H2O) minus the oncotic pressure in the pleural fluid (5 cm H2O), or 29cm H2O. The resulting net pressure differences of 6 cm H2O (35-29) favors movement of fluid from the parietal pleura into the pleural space. Parietal Pleura Pleura Space Visceral Pleura Hydrostatic Pressure +30 -5 + 24 35 6 29 0 29 29 Net + 34 +5 Oncotic Pressure +34 NORMAL COMPOSITION PLEURAL FLUID Volume Cells/ mm3 Mesothelial cells Monocytes Lymphocytes PMN’s Protein LDH Glucose pH 0.2 mL/kg 1000 – 5000 60% 30% 5% 5% 1-2 g/dL <50% plasma level plasma level ≥ plasma level PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Pleural fluid will accumulate when the rate of pleural fluid formation is greater than the rate of pleural fluid removal by the lymphatics. Pleural effusions have classically been divided into Transudative Exudative A transudative pleural effusion occurs when alterations in the systemic factors that influence pleural fluid movement result in a pleural effusion. Ex. Heart failure, nephrotic syndrome, hepatic cirhosis. Exudative pleural effusions occur when the pleural surfaces are altered. Ex. Pleurisy. ETIOLOGY Elevated pleural capillary pressure : Congestive heart failure, pericardial disease. Elevated pleural permeability : Pleural inflammation, neoplastic pleural disease (metastatic disease or mesotheliomas), pulmonary emboli, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Decreased serum oncotic pressure : Cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, myxedema. Dysfunction of parietal pleura lymphatics drainage. Trauma, such as esophageal perforation, post-cardiac injury syndrome. CLINICAL FEATURES Many patients have no symptoms due to the effusion when effusion is small. Pleuritic chest pain is the usual symptom of pleural inflammation. Irritation of the pleural surfaces may also result in a dry, nonproductive cough. With larger effusions, dyspnea results from lung compression. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Signs are proportional to amount of effusion. Fullness of intercostal spaces. Decreased or absent tactile fremitus. Dullness to percussion. Diminished breath sounds over the site of the effusion. Change in findings with change in position. Signs of pneumonia like bronchial breathing,crackles etc. CHEST XRAY The first fluid accumulates in the lowest portion of the thoracic cavity, which is the posterior costophrenic angle. The earliest radiologic sign of a pleural effusion is blunting of the posterior costophrenic angle on the lateral chest radiograph. If a posteroanterior radiograph is obtained with the patient lying on the affected side, free pleural fluid will gravitate inferiorly and a pleural fluid line will be visible. Pleural fluid is loculated when it does not shift freely in the pleural space as the patient’s position is changed. Loculated pleural effusions occur when there are adhesions between the visceral and parietal pleurae. Both ultrasound and computed tomography (CT) have useful in making this differentiation. USG THORAX CT CHEST Should thoracentesis be performed? If thoracentesis is done Is the fluid a transudate or exudate? If the fluid is an exudate What is the etiology? SHOULD THORACENTESIS BE PERFORMED? Most patients should be tapped Newly recognized effusion. Two exceptions Small Effusions ( < 1 cm on decubitus) Congestive Heart Failure Thoracentesis only if bilateral effusions not equal. Fever. Pleuritic chest pain. Impending respiratory faillure. Is The Fluid A Transudate Or Exudate? Transudative Effusions Mechanical No capillary leak or cytokine activation Excessive formation or impaired absorption Limits the differential with no additional workup CHF, Cirrhosis, or Nephrotic Syndrome If Exudative, more investigation required Method: LIGHT’s Criteria LIGHT’S CRITERIA (EXUDATE) Pleural Pleural total protein > 3g/dl. Pleural fluid total protein/ serum protein >0.5 fluid LDH/serum LDH > 0.6 Pleural fluid LDH > 200 IU/l. Pleural fluid LDH level > 2/3 of upper normal level of serum LDH. EFFUSIONS Transudate Exudate Congestive Heart Failure Nephrotic syndrome Cirrhosis Meig’s Syndrome Hydronephrosis Peritoneal Dialysis Parapneumonic Malignancy Pulmonary Embolism Tuberculosis Traumatic Collagen Vascular (SLE, RA) Drug induced, Uremia, Dressler’s syndrome OTHER USEFUL TESTS Brain Natriuretric Peptide (N<1000 pg/mL) > 1000 in CHF Glucose < 60 mg/dL Empyema or Rheumatoid Arthritis pH < 7.2 Empyema Triglycerides > 110 mg/dL Chylothorax Amylase Malignancy, Pancreatic disease. OTHER USEFUL TESTS Pleural to blood Hct > 0.5 Hemothorax Cell Count PMN predominate in parapneumonic pneumonia. Lymphocyte predominate in malignancy, Tb, CABG. The pleural fluid ADA level above 45 IU/L - tuberculous pleuritis. Fluid Culture Grams stain, bacterial culture, acid fast bacilli smear and culture, and fungal culture. Cytology for malignancy. PLEURAL FLUID MANAGEMENT Observation Defervesce quickly Uncomplicated pleural effusion Therapeutic drainage (thoracentesis) Early exudative phase Tube thoracostomy Complex pleural fluid spaces VATS (Video assisted thoracoscopic surgery) Poor clinical response to above interventions Decortication: removal of pleural peel Parapneumonic Any pleural effusion associated with bacterial or viral pneumonia Loculated parapneumonic effusion Not free flowing Multiloculated effusion parapneumonic effusion Noncommunicating compartments Empyema (fibrosuppurative exudate) Pus in the pleural space. pH < 7.2, Glucose < 60 mg/dL, High LDH.