Uploaded by Wenceslaus German


WEBSITE: https://preyotz.org
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/preyotz
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/preyotz/
LINKEDIN: https://tz.linkedin.com/in/preyo-tz024881206
FACEBOOK: https://web.facebook.com/preyo.tz.5/
(Vision for the company/business and how you wish to scale it in the next 3
years (to make it bigger and better, more responsive to
customers/consumers/clients and beat competition/occupy a bigger market
I see the African giant with bold innovation in waste management that develops
trash to valuable, durable and affordable quality products and services that
reaches and considers to involve all people, from cleaning cities, building
materials to energy generation. All these are considered to involve youth and
empowering them as we stand bold to new best ways of achieving our goals.
In the next 3 years, PREYO will have plastic collection bases in 4 major cities
that produce a high amount of plastic wastes, Dar es Salaam, Dodoma, Mwanza,
Moshi Urban and Mbeya Urban in Tanzania; with bold partnership we will scale it
to other nations in East Africa. For our products, bushings will see more borders
further from Rwanda and DR Congo to Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia and South
Africa. Partnership with Recycling, Automobile and Construction companies will
foster our products to reach even many business and consumers.
Our key goal is ensuring a health environment for the local communities, our
cities, coastal and lake zone, proper health for workers and consumers with best
quality as first priority to everything making everyone enjoys and benefits from
the process. Basing on the 3P strategy, where Planet, People and Profit are
associated and innovations stand as the fuel to our work.
Our uniqueness on technological machinery build and efficiency and market
strategies has managed PREYO to dive in these bigger markets of over $159.3
billion, thus gives a wide range of opportunities to involve different services and
products along the way that are studied and ensured to benefit everyone along
the process.
With PREYO, I see a better world, for now and for future generation only through
innovation in the plastic waste management.
PREYO GROUP CO. LTD is a plastic waste management and recycling
company committed to tackling the global plastic problem starting from local
communities by utilising systematic, scalable steps to reduce PET, PE and PP
plastic pollutions into
At PREYO, we help over 56 wards of our local communities in 2 districts now,
Ilala and Kinondoni of Dar es salaam city with free proper Plastic waste disposal
(up to now over 6000 tons) and we recycle these plastics to manufacture safe,
durable quality and affordable products (half price in the market) that are building
bricks (11 houses made), Automobile rubber bushings (up to now over 52140
cars serviced from our parts) and plastic flakes (2659 tons done) which we sell to
other recycling companies using it as raw material for manufacturing of Polyester
products such as clothing. Up to now we have employed over 200 youth in waste
collection, sorting and operations.
We aim to cover the whole city with other districts involved to overcome the
21,100 tons of plastic wastes littered in Dar es salaam only and later 315,000
tons in Tanzania to reduce climatic effects with over 2.5 million metric tons of
carbon emission reduced per each ton of plastic littered, and also to produce
over building materials that will fill the housing need of over 30 million houses in
Tanzania at cheap price and 3.8 mil cars need our rubber bushings, the need for
plastic flakes is overwhelming.
What does your business do? *
Please expound in detail on your business model
PREYO is dealing with plastic waste management, collecting them and recycling
into building materials (paving blocks) and automobile spare parts (rubber
bushings). We solve the problems of Poor plastic waste disposal and
management and reduction of plastic waste leakage into the Indian Ocean, over
29,000 tons of plastic wastes leaks into the ocean via Tanzania urban coastal
regions, which affects fishes and fishers plus local community (customers) of fish
who are affected by the mini plastics ingested.
Our customers are Construction companies
, Automotive spare part dealers, Other recycling companies
And Local communities. We are a B2B2C business that use Market Penetration
method to reach our customers with a lowpricehighvolume strategy.
PREYO work in terms of running costs and buying materials for making our own
machines. Moreover, networking with other recyclers, staying open to new ideas
and partnerships have boosted PREYO innovation capacities and visibility and
this has allowed to produce good quality products.
PREYO revenue streams are ;
1. Income from plastic recycling projects, these lead to attracting a lot of people
to buy innovative products made from plastic waste through awareness
2. Profit from recyclables waste by selling it to recycling units.
3. Income from selling car bushings to auto part dealers, garages and automobile
4. Monthly waste collection fee from hotels, government's and private sectors'
5. Ocean clean up project and campaigns due to the mostly companies such as
Coca-Cola contribute to the pollution of environment.
We aim to;
Have a complete automated PET, HDPE and PP recycling plant with a 150 ton
recycling capacity per month in 2021
Reduce over 20,000 tons of plastic waste leakage in the indian ocean in 2021
Produce building materials for over 4222 houses per year from 2021 to 2022
Serve over 6 mil cars with an affordable and durable rubber bushings each year
Our sales and marketing strategy are based of reaching a huge population at an
affordable and durable quality service or product, thus we employ the "Low
Income-High Volume" strategy and partnerships to induce professionalism and
massive involvements in action. Our user growth rate stands at an average of
19% every month.
We have bold strategic partnerships in the making as for building materials and
auto parts from 7 companies.
What is your business idea and what is the
inspiration behind it?This question is required.
Description of Business Idea and source of your
inspiration (word limit: 150)
Our business idea is based on plastic wastes, environmental cleaning and Recycling
them into variety of clean and affordable products such as Automobile bushes and
construction materials like paving blocks.
The inspiration behind was after meeting three women in conflict due to improper
plastic wastes disposal into the another's home, we researched on the values from
plastic wastes just to avoid further conflict as such and hence we found a great
QN. Tell us what you do and why your business has potential.
Please enter a value
PREYO TZ is a registered community based organization dealing with plastic waste
management, collecting them and recycling into building materials (paving blocks)
and automobile spare parts (rubber bushings).
We are a team of experienced personnel, with innovative visions. We manufacture
our own safe and automatic plastic recycling machineries, from scratch.
We believe in equality and work under moral ethics with open minded mindsets
into improving our environments for the greener future ahead.
Our products are well studied and chosen for sustainability, just think, in centuries
to come, we will still build homes and even in any energy source, our vehicles will
still use rubber bushings, and hence recycling plastic which last for centuries before
degrading is the first choice along the many we have ahead.
QN. Tell us what makes your solution unique? Tell us how your idea will
meet an unmet need more effectively, how your solution is different
from existing alternatives, and about any new or unique approaches
you will take to solving the problem.
(value proposition)
We innovate and manufacture our own made automatic plastic recycling
machineries (shredding, pressing and injection molding machineries), Provision of
free plastic waste bins into the ocean beach lines, free collection transport systems
to wastes pickers, bonus to local waste pickers as to their health care (health
insurance), provision of safety tools to wastes pickers and plastic sorters during
work, all which no other Organisations do and we see the valid transformation as
the increase in collection and working ethics of over 6000 tons by 240 wastes
pickers and sorters through education to waste pickers on safety during work and
financial awareness, awareness to the local community about plastic, wastes and
opportunities, plastic wastes recycling into green and affordably sustainable
products which are plastic flakes, building materials (paving blocks) and
Automobile rubber bushings and oils seals. We provide transparency in quality
check and we provide customization of products from customer needs.
All these have fostered the plastic collection, decreased leakage into the ocean by 5
%. We have increased production of products due to sustainable availability of
plenty plastics wastes we use as raw materials, thus we feed the demand to its
quantity and quality.
QN. What customer problem are you solving?
 Improper plastic waste management (plastic pollution)
Insufficiency of processed raw materials (plastic flakes) in recycling
Poor Sustainable quality and expensive price of building materials, in our
case its Paving blocks.
Importing issues, expensive price, poor quality and unavailability of
Automobile rubber bushings.
At PREYO, we solve the issue of Improper plastic waste management and low
rate of recycling which leads to marine pollutions, land pollution and air pollution
by CO2 emission at 787.5 mill metrics tons in Tanzania and Health issues like
Cancer causing death of people, acquatic livings and birds, in Tanzania over
315000 tons of plastics wastes are produced each year due to increase of
urbanisation to 35.3%, 29000tons leak into water bodies including the Indian
Ocean but only 40% is collected and of 4% of this is recycled rather the 400
million metric tons of wastes produced worldwide with only 9% being recycled.
This problem affects the life quality of people, degrade the earth’s climate and
affected Acquatic lives. PREYO is focussed on SDGs 1, 9, 13 and 14.
QN. What specific social or environmental issue will your project help to
solve? Tell us about the problem, who is affected by it, how widespread
it is, and why it is important to solve.
 Insufficiency of Environmental awareness on plastic and plastic
wastes in the coastal regions of Tanzania
 Over 600 Waste pickers and 20 local communities health problems as
in Cancer and respiratory diseases.
 Lack of local community collaboration approaches in environmental
conservation and policymaking.
Improper plastic waste disposal and recycling methods
Plastic wastes leakage into rivers and the Indian Ocean by 35050 tons of PET,
HDPE and PP inclusively per year that leads to fish ingestions.
Breeding environment for mosquitos caused by settled waster in plastic
waste bottles and cans.
Increase of greenhouse gases
Soil erosion that leads to land infertility.
We solve the problems of Poor plastic waste disposal and management and
reduction of plastic waste leakage into the Indian Ocean, over 29,000 tons of plastic
wastes leaks into the ocean via Tanzania urban coastal regions, which affects fishes
and fishers plus local community (customers) of fish who are affected by the mini
plastics ingested.
Waste pickers health issues and proper management. Sustainable quality and
expensive price of paving blocks for construction companies, current traditional
price for a paving block is $ 0.13 but ours will be sold at $ 0.09, this is to ensure
affordable building for both high and low income local communities. Importing,
expensive price, poor quality and availability of Automobile rubber bushings for
Automobile companies and spare part dealers. The problem of lack of creative and
manufacturing of plastic waste recycling machineries for our country. And lastly the
lack of innovation in plastic waste management.
Avoid health issues such as Cancer and respiratory diseases that leads to death,
extinction of life below water. Improve and increase life standard of the local
community through fostering of local economy by job creation and clean
environment. We promote green circular economy through our recycled plastic
wastes made products. Improve proper and safe waste management ways and
discard unsafe plastic wastes disposal methods such as Incinerations that pollute
the air with plastic wastes toxins.
- Improper management of plastic wastes in local communities
- Leakage of plastic wastes in the Indian Ocean
- Lack of employment
- Lack of bold innovations in plastic wastes recycling.
Poor plastic waste disposal and management and reduction of plastic waste leakage
into the Indian Ocean.
Waste pickers health issues and proper management.
Sustainable quality and expensive price of paving blocks.
Importing, expensive price, poor quality and availability of Automobile rubber
Lack of creative and manufacturing of plastic waste recycling machineries.
Lack of innovation in plastic waste management.
- Proper management and disposal of plastic wastes through provision of
education (to local communities, public and private offices and wastes
pickers), best collection systems and proper disposing areas in clean
We have reduced over 8410 tons of plastic waste leakage into the Indian
We innovate in best ways by designing and fabricating our own machinery
systems that are used to accomplish the recycling of plastic wastes from
shredding to products such as FLAKES, PAVING BLOCKS and RUBBER
We have employed over 240 people, both temporary and permanent
workers, not including over 153 average waste pickers who get a dime from
the presence of our programs
QN. Please describe your business solution to this social or
environmental issue. Tell us about the product or service you will
provide, how it will help address the issue you’ve identified, and why
you think there is a market for it.
 Provide service on environmental awareness on plastic and plastic
wastes in the coastal regions of Tanzania
 Ensure Over 600 Waste pickers and 20 local communities health care
by provision of Health insurances and provision of safety tools.
 Create inclusive and sustainable local community through
collaboration approaches such as environmental conservation and
Reduce plastic wastes leakage into rivers and the Indian Ocean by 35050
tons of PET, HDPE and PP inclusively per year and reduce fish plastic
ingestions. By provision of 500 Free plastic wastes bins (My bottle Cages,
MBC) across coastal beaches, public and private areas as there is an
insufficiency to it, by doing so it will foster proper disposal from plastic
package product consumers and proper managed collection from the points
selected by our official waste pickers.
Reduce breeding environment for mosquitos due to settled waster in plastic
waste bottles and cans, through plastic waste collection systems by provision
of transport systems (tricycle or Guta) to the waste pickers, this is to ensure
massive waste collections
All this will lead to reduction of greenhouse gases by 21030 tons of C02 and
also reduce soil erosion that leads to poor land agricultural production
Safe and clean Recycling of plastic wastes into affordable (cheaper than any
other) and sustainable products, plastic flakes, Building materials (Paving
blocks) and Automobile rubber bushings, we are the first pioneers in
manufacturing of these products and there a market demand as people are
already reaching us for orders of our products, this strategy will help reduce
and discard improper ways of recycling such Incineration which leads into
toxic gas releases that affects the workers and local communities around.
Plastic flakes, Market requirements are over whelming and highly continuous, over 40%
of 350,000 tons of plastic wastes are collected but only 4 % are recycled in Tanzania, we
collect over 35050 tons of PET, HDPE and PP and our Target flakes production per year
is 20000 tons to which we already insured a sell contract with fellow Recycling
companies like CHING XING INV. CO. LTD, SHUN ZAO INV. CO. LTD, Mbagala
Recyclers who are buying our plastic flakes at $ 0.22 - $ 0.52
Building materials for Construction companies, market requirements are over 50 mil
houses in Africa are needed, Tanzania is 3 mil houses and our Target houses per year is
4222 houses giving with several companies requesting orders at a price of $ 0.09 in a
Total market share in Tanzania at $ 45.1 bill.
For Automobile rubber bushings, market demands servicing over 6.5 mil vehicles
registered only in Dar es salaam, Tanzania which bushing services and our target per year
is 5 mil cars services by our products, Automobile companies like TOYOTA
TANZANIA and auto mobile spare part dealers are in business under a price of $ 0.65
per bushing in a Total market share in Tanzania of $ 480 mil.
QN. What is the solution you have developed? Describe your
core product/service.
•Provision of 500 Free plastic wastes bins (My bottle Cages, MBC) across the coastal
beaches and public and private areas to educe plastic wastes leakage into rivers and the
Indian Ocean by 35050 tons of PET, HDPE and PP
•Plastic waste collection systems by provision of transport systems (tricycle or Guta) to
the waste pickers, this is to ensure massive waste collections.
•Environmental awareness on plastic and plastic wastes in the coastal regions of
•Provision of Health insurances and safety tools to Waste pickers and 20 local
•Safe and clean Recycling of plastic wastes into affordable and sustainable products,
plastic flakes, construction materials (Paving blocks) and rubber bushings
For plastic flakes, Market are over whelming, we collect over 35050 tons of PET, HDPE
and PP and our Target flakes production per year is 20000 tons to which we already in
business with Recycling companies like CHING XING INV. CO. LTD, SHUN ZAO INV.
CO. LTD, Mbagala Recyclers at $ 0.22 - $ 0.52, the total market size is $30.4 billion
For construction materials in Construction companies, market requirements are over 50
mil houses in Africa are needed, Tanzania is 3 mil houses and our Target houses per
year is 4222 houses giving with several companies requesting orders at a price of $ 0.09,
the total market size is $ 45.5 billion
For Automobile rubber bushings, market requirements are servicing over 6.5 mil
vehicles registered only in Dar es salaam, Tanzania, Automobile companies like
TOYOTA TANZANIA and auto mobile spare part dealers are in business under a price of
$ 0.65 per bushing in a Total market share in Tanzania of $ 480 mil
Goal 1: By 2021-2023 Improve plastic waste collection and reduce Ocean leakage by
5% by developing and distributing modern bins, which will simplify plastic bottle
collection thrown randomly (because 80% of single bottle user throw it randomly to
the environment which cause plastic increase fast and cause pollution)
Objective 1.1: to develop consistent opportunities to conserve, learn and
contribute in plastic waste reduction across coastal areas.
Activity 1.1.1: Hold weekly training to members each Friday from
11:00 am to 14:00 pm and monthly education workshops to the
society about environment.
Activity 1.1.2: to develop plastic waste collection attendance-tracking
Activity 3: creation of modern plastic collection bins used in different
areas, residential, public and in transportation.
Objective 1.2: maintaining steady collection of plastic wastes.
Activity 1.2.1: hold daily center visitation for recording and knowing
rate of collection
Activity 1.2.2: mobilize awareness about how to used the new modern
Goal 2: By 2021-2022, Maximize to 50% sustainability profit of the Organisation
while maintaining cooperate social responsibilities in 100% through job creation
and awareness.
Objective 2.1: maintain cooperate social responsibility within the community
with other stakeholders to 50%
Activity 2.1.1: cleaning ocean beach twice every month (after every
2weeks one campaign)
Activity 2.1.2: taking collected plastic wastes to the industry for
processing and 3 people will be responsible.
Objective 2.2: to develop market strategy and hire more wastes collectors in
a formal way.
Activity 2.2.1: to reserve a letter from village executive officer and talk
in details about business in general
Activity 2.2.2: preparation of official and business documents
Objective 2.3: to create awareness to the local community through different
Activity 2.3.1: visit media stations and talk about strength,
opportunities and plastic effects.
Activity 2.3.2: run events every monthly to educate people about
plastic wastes.
Goal 3: By 2021-2023 Emphasize innovation and creativity in the recycling industry
to fellow youth between 18-35 years.
Objective 3.1: to develop new innovation system which will encourage more
local community to participate in the recycling industry.
Activity 3.3.1: creation of workshops for providing technical skills.
Activity 3.3.2: Supporting creativity on machinery for plastic
processing and value creation.
Goal 4: By 2021- 2025, Develop new products by recycling plastic wastes at an
affordable price possible.
Objective 4.1: add value to plastic wastes relevant for industrial use.
Activity 4.4.1: sorting and shredding of plastic wastes into flakes.
Activity 4.4.2: washing and pelletizing of flakes into pellets.
Activity 4.4.3: packing and selling for industrial uses.
Objective 4.2: recycling of plastic wastes into building materials and
automobile products
Activity 4.2.1: production of paving blocks
Activity 2: production of automobile rubber bushings
Activity 3: branding and marketing of our products
Activity 4: receive feedbacks and keep record of products to customer
use experience.
QN. Tell us about the actions you have already taken to develop the
idea? Tell us about the origin of the idea, what actions (if any) you have
taken to develop or test the concept, and who you have involved. Don’t
worry if you haven’t got started yet! *
The Plastic Recycling and Youth Empowerment Organisation (PREYO TZ), is a
registered Tanzania’s youth startup aiming to reduce the plastic pollution problem
in Tanzania and Africa at large. We are driven by the urge to end the waste
pollution problems in coastal cities by turning waste into valuable commodities.
We have managed to reap the benefit out of waste by turning them into plastic
flakes, refillable block pavement (building materials) and Automobile rubber
bushings. PREYO's mission is to restore, protect and enhance the environment,
to ensure public health, environmental quality, and economic vitality. We plan to
turn every trace and remains of plastics into precious reusable
items. Economically, PREYO will harness the benefit of waste and plastic trash
where after the installation of the plastic recycling industry more than 2,000
individuals will get direct and indirect employment.
PREYO is tackling the issue of plastic pollution in rivers and beaches. These
wastes cause flooding and have a large impact on human health and the aquatic
ecosystem. PREYO is picking up the plastic waste and turning it into usable
commodities such as flakes, car bushes and refillable block pavement (building
materials), which leave the environment and atmosphere free of pollution.
We have managed to collect about 6,000 tons of plastic including both PET
bottles and PP and 3000 tons of HDPE. We have successfully raised awareness
about plastic waste in the local communities, and at the bus stands because
these are the main sources of plastic littering. Have provided 25 out of 500
plastic collecting Tricycles (GUTA) we aim in 2021. We have partnered with
NipeFagio and Zaidi recycling at various events of beach cleanup where we have
collected a significant amount of plastics thereby preventing leakage into the
Ocean and general environment. We have received global attention and have
received a Green African Global climatic African ambassador award and the
Mohamed Dewji Foundation support. We are supporting about 200 people who
are waste pickers through the purchase of plastic waste at a price of TZS 200 per
QN. Our initiatives implementation (include specific actions and results)
(Milestones and successes)
The Plastic Recycling and Youth Empowerment Organisation (PREYO TZ), is a
registered Tanzania’s youth startup aiming to reduce the plastic pollution problem
in Tanzania and Africa at large. We are driven by the urge to end the waste
pollution problems in coastal cities by turning waste into valuable commodities.
We have managed to reap the benefit out of waste by turning them into plastic
flakes, refillable block pavement (building materials) and Automobile rubber
bushings. PREYO's mission is to restore, protect and enhance the environment,
to ensure public health, environmental quality, and economic vitality. We plan to
turn every trace and remains of plastics into precious reusable
items. Economically, PREYO will harness the benefit of waste and plastic trash
where after the installation of the plastic recycling industry more than 2,000
individuals will get direct and indirect employment.
PREYO is tackling the issue of plastic pollution in rivers and beaches. These
wastes cause flooding and have a large impact on human health and the aquatic
ecosystem. PREYO is picking up the plastic waste and turning it into usable
commodities such as flakes, car bushes and refillable block pavement (building
materials), which leave the environment and atmosphere free of pollution.
We have managed to collect about 6,000 tons of plastic including both PET
bottles and PP and 3000 tons of HDPE. We have successfully raised awareness
about plastic waste in the local communities, and at the bus stands because
these are the main sources of plastic littering. We have partnered with NipeFagio
and Zaidi recycling at various events of beach cleanup where we have collected
a significant amount of plastics thereby preventing leakage into the Ocean and
general environment. We have received global attention and have received a
Green African Global climatic African ambassador award and the Mohamed
Dewji Foundation support. We are supporting about 200 people who are waste
pickers through the purchase of plastic waste at a price of TZS 200 per kg.
1.Nov-Dec 2020, succeeded to make an Automatic Injection-Moulding Machine
for melting plastic flakes and producing car bushings for automobile industries.
2.January-February 2021, started marketing of car bushings and hiring operators
for controlling and monitoring machines like shredding and extrusion.
3.March –May 2021, testing products to the market and improving qualities of car
bushings and plastic flakes materials.
4.May - to present, we continue on collecting plastic wastes after stopping august
2020 due to the transition of our recycling industry, also continue production of
paving blocks and car bushings production using the Automatic Injection Molding
Machines we have built.
The leadership at RECOUP has taken the organisation to new levels of ambition;
bringing recyclability by design to the core of any sustainability programme,
driving collaboration across the value chain, championing the need for citizen
education, alongside industry best practice and knowledge transference.
QN. How does your initiative contribute to reducing plastic pollution
and to a healthier environment in general?
(include here how you measure your impact(s))
PREYO is tackling the issue of plastic pollution in rivers and beaches. These
wastes cause flooding and have a large impact on human health and the aquatic
ecosystem. PREYO is picking up the plastic waste and turning it into usable
commodities such as flakes, car bushes and refillable block pavement (building
materials), which leave the environment and atmosphere free of pollution.
We have managed to collect about 6,000 tons of plastic including both PET
bottles and PP and 3000 tons of HDPE, which is equivalent to 3.6 bill grams of
Carbon dioxide emissions being prevented into the oceanic environment for the
last 3 years of work as we less plastic collection amounts from the ocean
beaches showing we have penetrated the community into percentage of
We have successfully raised awareness about plastic waste in the restaurant
community, and at the bus stands because these are the main sources of plastic
littering, now people dispose the wastes into proper allocated areas where our
pickers go and retrieve them for recycling.
We have fabricated safe working Automatic Plastic recycling Machineries that do
nor diffuse toxic emissions to the workers and the environment surrounding, we
see workers in healthier working environments not coughing nor getting
respiratory sickness as to local ways before.
We have partnered with NipeFagio and Zaidi recycling at various events of beach
cleanup where we have collected a significant amount of plastics thereby
preventing leakage into the environment.
QN. How
does your initiative contribute to a circular
Our initiative is aimed at eliminating plastic waste and the continual use of
resources. Our circular system employ reuse, repair, manufacturing of new
products and recycling to create a closed loop system, minimizing the use of
resource inputs and the creation of waste, pollution and carbon emissions.
Our initiative aim to keep our products in use for longer, this is to improve the
productivity of these resources.
Waste materials and energy will become the inputs for other processes through
waste valorization. This regenerative approach is in contrast to the traditional
linear economy which has a "take, make, dispose" model of production.
QN. How does your initiative include or reach out to other
e.g. government, private sector, civil society, etc
Event participation and networking, Proposal and business partnerships by
aligning them with their values, Awareness building campaigns, Entrepreneurship
boot camps and Direct contacts and visitation into industries during workers’
learning programs. All these are done through Trivial Process, Influencing
strategy, Soft power and engaging to the core
QN Are you generating revenue? What is your revenue
The strength of PREYO team is the diversity and complementarity of skills
available in terms of Vocational Trainings. Some members have the skills to
fabricate machines suitable for crushing plastics. Also, the team comprises social
innovators capable of attracting strong partnerships in the recycling business.
That is attracting people who are in a position to support
PREYO work in terms of running costs and buying materials for making our own
machines. Moreover, networking with other recyclers, staying open to new ideas
and partnerships have boosted PREYO innovation capacities and visibility and
this has allowed to produce good quality products.
PREYO revenue streams are ;
1. Income from recycling projects, these lead to attracts a lot of people to buy
innovate products made from plastic waste through awareness creations.
2. Profit from recyclables waste by selling it to recycling units.
3. Income from selling car bushings to a car owners, garages and automobile
4. Monthly waste collection fee from hotels, government's and private sectors
5. Ocean clean up project and campaigns due to the mostly companies such as
Coca-Cola contribute to the pollution of environment.
QN. What is your revenue model?
Please describe your revenue streams, pricing strategy, etc.
PREYO work in terms of running costs and buying materials for making our own
machines. Moreover, networking with other recyclers, staying open to new ideas
and partnerships have boosted PREYO innovation capacities and visibility and
this has allowed to produce good quality products.
PREYO revenue streams are ;
1. Income from recycling projects, these lead to attracts a lot of people to buy
innovate products made from plastic waste through awareness creations.
2. Profit from recyclables waste by selling it to recycling units.
3. Income from selling car bushings to a car owners, garages and automobile
4. Monthly waste collection fee from hotels, government's and private sectors
5. Ocean clean up project and campaigns due to the mostly companies such as
Coca-Cola contribute to the pollution of environment
Pricing strategies we employ are the Penetration and Economy
pricing which all lies under low-income high-volume strategy
QN How are you funded today?
Please list any grant sources, amounts, years and purpose, as well as business
ownership distribution
Up to this moment we have got several key funding as follows:
November 2019, from TONY ELUMELU FOUNDATION, we got 5000 USD for
Plastic Collection and making of Extrusion Palletizing machine.
August 2020, from the Ilala municipal provide us with 2100 USD for fabricating
an Injection Moulding machine.
November 2020, we got 540 USD from the MO FOUNDATION; we gave to
charity at CHAKUWAMA children care.
December 2020 to April 2021, from our partnership with PMPILI CO. we raised
7050 USD for completion of fabricating an Injection Moulding Machine
Conclusively up to today we have raised 14,590 USD for plastic recycling
machinery fabrications
QN. How do you plan to finance your future growth?
QN. Is your initiative willing or able to provide at least 30% cofinancing?
e.g. resource time, infrastructure, material, etc, and detail type
and amount
YES, we have our working office area at Tegeta, Dar es Salaam a skilled team
with experience in plastic wastes innovation read to give resource time in a
strategic manner, proper and safe plastic recycling machineries costing 14100
USD, working capital of 2000 USD for 3 months, we have access and own plastic
collected and palletized materials.
QN. Who are your customers?
- Construction companies
- Automotive spare part dealers
- Other recycling companies
- Local communities
QN. Please describe your target customers and target market size.
Who are your target customers? How much are they willing to pay for
your product/service? How big is your addressable target market?
Our customers are Construction companies , Automotive spare part dealers and
Recycling companies .
For plastic flakes, Market requirements are over whelming and highly continuous, over
40% of 350,000 tons of plastic wastes are collected but only 4 % are recycled in
Tanzania, we collect over 35050 tons of PET, HDPE and PP and our Target flakes
production per year is 20000 tons to which we already insured a sell contract with fellow
Recycling companies like CHING XING INV. CO. LTD, SHUN ZAO INV. CO. LTD,
Mbagala Recyclers and ECOACTS who are buying our plastic flakes at $ 0.22 - $ 0.52
For construction materials in Construction companies, market requirements are over
50 mil houses in Africa are needed, Tanzania is 3 mil houses and our Target houses per
year is 4222 houses giving with several companies requesting orders at a price of $ 0.09
in a Total market share in Tanzania at $ 45.1 bill.
For Automobile rubber bushings, market requirements are servicing over 6.5 mil
vehicles registered only in Dar es salaam, Tanzania which bushing services and our target
per year is 5 mil cars services by our products, Automobile companies like TOYOTA
TANZANIA and auto mobile spare part dealers are in business under a price of $ 0.65
per bushing in a Total market share in Tanzania of $ 480 mil.
QN. List your competitors and describe your competitive advantage
Who are your competitors? How is your product different from what they offer?
Recycling Companies
Construction Companies Using Soil And Cement
Automobile Companies
Importing Auto Mobile Spare Part Dealers
 Clean Plastic Flakes
 High Strength, Quality And Long Lasting Paving Blocks
 High Quality And Long Lasting Rubber Bushings
 Affordable Price
 Customization Service
QN. What is your growth strategy? Please describe your company
plans to increase your turnover and your market share.
Please include specific milestones you are trying to reach. What is your sales and marketing
strategy? What is your subscriber/user growth rate now? Do you have any key customer
contracts or strategic partnerships in the making?
Collection of 35050 tons of plastic wastes in a year from May to December 2021.
Improving collection centers and survey
Sell of 25000 tons of Plastic Flakes, PET, HDPE and PP in a year from May to
December 2021.
QN. Please describe the traction your company has reached.
Please be specific regarding your existing customers and contracts signed, numbers of
subscribers, value of transactions in dollars (US), partnerships you have concluded.
We have managed to do a trust and standard business as we supply Plastic Flakes to big
Chinese and local recycling companies such as CHING XING INV. CO. LTD, Mbagala
Recyclers and ECOACT CO. LTD since 2018 with over $ 16,060 transactions value and
having more in line as SHUN ZAO INV. CO. LTD and SB Recyclers who wants our flakes,
we have secured a partnership with CYIFT organisation from Dodoma on proper plastic
waste management, still in discussion with ZAIDI RECYCLERS on partnership.
We secured partnership this year on january 28, with PMPILI Engineerings on
fabrication of our own machinery systems we use in our works, at $ 3,400.
We have over 5 construction companies looking into our building materials, bricks.
We are in business auto companies and with 25 auto part business dealers in Tanzania
and across East Africa
Our financials are projecting to value up to over $50,000 from sales of our products by
the end of 2021.
QN. How would you take forward your idea over the next 12
months? Tell us about the steps you could take over the next 12 months
to progress your idea, how you would use $10,000 prize money, and
what other support you might need to make it happen. *
Our goal stands from October 2021 to September 2021. On the first thing we
will secure a working area at $1200, for 3 months we will fabricate and
distribute 50 wastes bins along 25 beaches sites, 2 each of Dar es salaam at
In continuation, increase the Plastic collection rate to 200 tons/month from
140 tons using $2500; we plan to reach this in the next 3 months to reduce
even more the plastic leakage in the Msimbazi River towards the Indian
Ocean and buying one waste collection Tri-motorcycle for carriage at $980
that will help ease and fasten the collection process.
In due time we will fabricate a Shredding machine that will shred 200kg/hr
of plastic wastes at $3000, this will help us in shredding plastic wastes into
plastic Flakes that we will use for paving blocks and car bush making and
others sell to recycling companies for further processing. This helps to give
sustainability to our social and environmental activities.
We will run an awareness campaign to local communities for 4 months by
adding $600 as for transport in allocated areas.
Other supports needed are Partnerships and Mentorship in social and
environmental activities, project management and accessing more
knowledge on prevention of plastic wastes pollution in waster bodies.
QN. How would you use the support?
be as specific as possible
5000 USD will be used in purchasing of materials for fabrication of Pressing
Machine that will help in organizing the brought plastic wastes in a proper
3000 USD – purchasing of material that we will use in creation and placement of
76 BOTTLE CAGE (BINS) across the coastal beach Lines of Dar es salaam, 15
at Mikocheni B, 10 at Masaki line, 11 at Posta line and 10 at 5 hospitals in
Temeke and Ilala districts 30 within 16 bus stands and bus stops and 14 into 7
public schools in Dar es salaam near the ocean.
1000 USD – For fostering Plastic collection within the city’s Msimbazi River and
reduce plastic pollution and leakage into the Indian Ocean
1000 USD – provision of awareness on plastic, plastic wastes and the
opportunities associated.
QN. What are you expecting from the program?
Financial support
• Financial support
• Mentorship
• Partnership
• More plastic expertise
QN. Who will be involved in taking your idea forward? Tell us about the
people and skills you will draw on to deliver your idea (from within your
team and outside advisors), and why we should have confidence in your
ability and dedication to succeed.
Our team PREYO TZ will be involved at 100% in taking this forward to proper
and successful execution. We are skilled on Project managing, Financial
managing, Marketing and sales, Risk management and environmental activities
experience for 5 to 7 years on organisations we have been volunteering on
during our secondary and university studies and boot camps we have stayed on
learning from, programs from YALI NETWORKS, UNESCO youth Forums, JVE
have helped and shaped us grow towards understanding and being able to
achieve this global issue in smart ways.
We have bold and experienced advisors who help us plan and execute in
awesome way, we have Dr. Lydia an Ocean Expert (Aquatic life Science), Dr.
Deogratias a medical doctor teaching us the effects in details of plastic wastes in
human health, they gives us great knowledge to proclaim to youth and local
community on effects of plastic and its wastes. Also we have Eng. Malima a
Mechanical Engineering, mentoring our team on fabrication of automatic and
carbon emission safe machines we opt to use in the recycling of plastic wastes.
We are full time concentrated to our work, PREYO has no part time member we
are dedicated in reduction of plastic wastes leakage into the Indian Ocean,
Msimbazi River and other water bodies. We have managed to sustain the
average collection of 140 tons/month of plastic wastes for six months now, which
is PET, HPDE and PP, which are of high leakage in our country and many others
in the world statistics. Our core vales drag us into this enthusiasm to help the
land and mostly ocean life from plastic waste pollution.
We believe in smart hardworking and empathy towards the environment, with the
positive steps we have made up to now, we see more success into achieving our
QN. How do you expect to benefit from the program? Why
are you an ideal candidate?
We have a team of visionaries , innovators & designers, who are highly experienced
and talented to work in diverse professionals.
All the team members are extremely trained and experienced with past exposure in
the corporate world as distinguished professionals.
Our teams have confidence with handling any background irrespective of the
complexity linked to such a task. We have a balanced team of professionals
simplifying all projects that we handle.
Our Team is divided into each group, which leads by a highly qualified and seasoned
Senior project leader to ensure ample research, drafting, designing and proofreading all the innovations and productions before submission to our clients.
Our team maintains a subtle accessibility and working relationship.
We grew our team in a huge way. We got crystal clear on our mission, vision and
values, defining who we are and whom we serve. We also took on larger-scale
projects for our clients than ever before, accepting additional responsibilities and
always pushing ourselves to think bigger.
This rapid growth also brought some new challenges, late nights, and growing pains.
QN. Who are the founders and key management team members?
List all founder and higher management team with their titles, education level,
qualifications, startup experience and roles in the company.
QN. Tell us about your team and your
experience/expertise in the sector? *
We have a team of visionaries , innovators & designers, who are highly experienced
and talented to work in diverse professionals.
All the team members are extremely trained and experienced with past exposure in
the corporate world as distinguished professionals.
Our teams have confidence with handling any background irrespective of the
complexity linked to such a task. We have a balanced team of professionals
simplifying all projects that we handle.
Our Team is divided into each group, which leads by a highly qualified and seasoned
Senior project leader to ensure ample research, drafting, designing and proofreading all the innovations and productions before submission to our clients.
Our team maintains a subtle accessibility and working relationship.
We grew our team in a huge way. We got crystal clear on our mission, vision and
values, defining who we are and whom we serve. We also took on larger-scale
projects for our clients than ever before, accepting additional responsibilities and
always pushing ourselves to think bigger.
This rapid growth also brought some new challenges, late nights, and growing pains.
We are skilled on Project managing, Financial managing, Marketing and sales, Risk
management and environmental activities experience for 5 to 7 years on
organisations we have been volunteering on during our secondary and university
studies and boot camps we have stayed on learning from, programs from YALI
FOUNDATION and NAMA FOUNDATION have helped and shaped us grow towards
understanding and being able to achieve this global issue in smart ways.
We have bold and experienced advisors who help us plan and execute in awesome
way, we have Dr. Lydia an Ocean Expert (Aquatic life Science), Dr. Deogratias a
medical doctor teaching us the effects in details of plastic wastes in human health,
they gives us great knowledge to proclaim to youth and local community on effects
of plastic and its wastes. Also we have Eng. Malima a Mechanical Engineering,
mentoring our team on fabrication of automatic and carbon emission safe machines
we opt to use in the recycling of plastic wastes.
We are full time concentrated to our work, PREYO has no part time member we are
dedicated in reduction of plastic wastes leakage into the Indian Ocean, Msimbazi
River and other water bodies. We have managed to sustain the average collection of
140 tons/month of plastic wastes for six months now, which is PET, HPDE and PP,
which are of high leakage in our country and many others in the world statistics.
Our core vales drag us into this enthusiasm to help the land and mostly ocean life
from plastic waste pollution.
We believe in smart hardworking and empathy towards the environment, with the
positive steps we have made up to now, we see more success into achieving our
QN. What impact could your proposed solution have? Tell us what
difference you believe the idea could go on to make and why you
believe it could be expanded over time to have a large-scale impact. *
 Change in mindset on plastic waste management
 Foster policy implementation on plastic waste management
 Induce innovation on plastic recycling tech
 Increase community association on environmental conservation especially
from plastic pollution
 Improve health conditions within the community
Improve working conditions and formalizes employment through training
and provision of protective clothes
 Decrease greenhouse gas emission
 Sustainable clean oceans
 Reduce environmental impacts such as contaminated water and soil through
improved waste collection
 Reduce occurrence of flood due to less wastes being in the environment
being wasted into the gutters
 Saves municipal costs on plastic waste management
 Provide wide range of employment for the local population
 Foster green circular economy
 Affordable housing
 Increase household income to the disadvantaged people
Our concept of work is based on simplifying the plastic waste management
paradigm, we believe a sustainable work stands by ongoing innovations during
implementation of the work plan; we employ a wide diverse of technology
innovation. The problems we are solving are global and it’s affecting all of us on
earth no matter where, the upscale and activeness we get from training and
implementing we associate with the 10 communities we have reached are so
positive everywhere showing that this can be achieved in any society as they need
our solutions. The durable and affordable products we produce adhere with the life
standard and need of the market population and needs. Our vision has touched and
concerns everyone being ready to act with us to achieve this global goal.
QN. How is your company generating positive social and/or
environmental impact?
Recycling plastics helps the environment by diverting ocean-bound plastics,
reducing greenhouse gases and limiting energy consumption.
In 2016 the World Economic Forum made a dire prediction: that by 2050 our
oceans could have more plastic than fish! That’s alarming. We cannot let this happen
— we must get behind projects that divert those ocean-bound plastics.
Plastic recycling also helps reduce our carbon footprint. We base on the following
types of plastics
Polypropylene (PP)
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and
High-density polyethylene (HDPE)
The recycling of plastics can drive significant reductions in greenhouse gas
emissions and energy consumption.
In 2017, the Global Recycling Foundation reported that we use a year’s worth of
natural resources in just 7 months. New products are made by extracting raw
materials through mining and cutting trees. Recycling helps conserve important raw
materials for the future.
1 ton of recycled plastic saves 16.3 barrels of oil.
1 ton of recycled plastic saves 600 kg of green house gas emissions
Plastic recycling Avoids landfills, instead of filling dumpsite, plastic is recycled into
useful products such building materials and rubber bushings and go back to the
users, the circle continue
In the developing country where a job is gold medal, plastic recycling provides it in a
mountain full, just looking at a typical recycling supply chain, you will see:
Drivers collecting and transporting the plastics
Sorters placing the plastics in the right spot, and
Technicians, machine operators and plant managers operating the facilities
Engineers and scientists planning the compounding process and resins
Here’s an exciting part — when people see how recycling helps everything from
protecting the environment to creating sustainable new products, it transforms the
way they think. We recently wrote about the “circular economy” where products
reaching their end of life are renewed rather than discarded.
It’s a transformative idea. We start seeing people as “users” rather than
“consumers,” and customers start expecting manufacturers to make innovative
products with recycled materials.
We are at the forefront of creating circular ecosystems for plastics. We believe the
benefits are significant, and like the circular production chain — infinite. They will
transform people’s lives and the world we live in. It’s our shared future.
Saves Money, Recycling and using plastic recycled products will help you save
money. Plastic Recycled products are usually of lowest price, our paving blocks are
cheaper than the soil and cement traditional ones.
QN: List your competitors and describe your
competitive advantage
Generally we differ from all others as we innovate and manufacture our
own made automatic plastic recycling machineries (shredding, pressing
and injection molding machineries), Provision of free plastic waste bins
into the ocean beach lines and free collection transport systems to
wastes pickers.
Our competitors in services and flakes product are other small waste
management companies such as Zaidi recycler, Mbagala recyclers and
SB recyclers, but we are in Serving the Local community in a clean and
safe way with standards.
In Construction materials, bricks, its the traditional cement bricks, our
bricks are more affordable, durable, easy to install and reduce 90% of
carbon emission as regards to cement bricks.
Lastly, auto rubber bushings and oils, our competitors are imported auto
parts from other countries like China, but our price is genuine
considering the life of native and the durability regarding the
infrastructures we drive in, affordable price.
What is your growth strategy? Please describe your
company plans to increase your turnover and your
market share.
We aim to
Have a complete automated PET, HDPE and PP recycling plant with a 150 ton
recycling capacity per month in 2021
Reduce over 20,000 tons of plastic waste leakage in the indian ocean in 2021
Produce building materials for over 4222 houses per year from 2021 to 2022
Serve over 6 mil cars with an affordable and durable rubber bushings each year
our sales and marketing strategy are based of reaching a huge population at an
affordable and durable quality service or product, thus we employ the "Low
Income-High Volume" strategy and partnerships to induce professionalism and
massive involvements in action. Our user growth rate stands at an average of
19% every month.
We have bold strategic partnerships in the making as for building materials and
auto parts from 7 companies.
QN: What is your revenue model?
Our revenue model is a based on the B2B form, where we gain income from the
waste management services we provide and product sales. our pricing are under
Market Penetration and Economy Pricing Strategy giving us a wide range of
customers and branding of the products, services and the company.
Socially we will create Change in mindset on plastic waste management, Foster
policy implementation on plastic waste management, Induce innovation on plastic
recycling tech, Increase community association on environmental conservation
especially from plastic pollution, Improve health conditions within the community,
Improve working conditions and formalizes employment through training and
provision of protective clothes. Environmentally we will Decrease greenhouse gas
emission, Sustainable clean oceans, Reduce environmental impacts such as
contaminated water and soil through improved waste collection, Reduce occurrence
of flood due to less wastes being in the environment being wasted into the gutters.
Economically it Saves municipal costs on plastic waste management, Provide wide
range of employment for the local population, Foster green circular economy,
Affordable housing, Increase household income to the disadvantaged people
Its a global issue affecting the earth and us, we associate with 10 communities and
seen positive work showing that this can be achieved in any society as they need our
solutions. Our team has skills on Project managing, financial, Marketing and sales,
Risk management and environmental activities experience. Our mentors are Dr.
Lydia an Ocean Expert, Dr. Deogratias a Medical doctor and Eng. Malima a
Mechanical Engineering