Uploaded by John Francis Fernandez


Which of the following blood cells are capable of producing antibodies?
Response: B-lymphocytes
Which of the following is the largest single mass of lymphatic tissue?
Response: spleen
Lymph nodes
Response: All of the choices.
Lymph is initially collected by the
Response: lymphatic capillaries.
The thoracic duct
Response: receives lymph from the left side of the head.
Which of the following statements describe benefits of inflammation at an injury site?
Response: All of the choices are benefits of inflammation.
Macrophages develop from
Response: monocytes.
Lymph nodes are important because they:
Response: filter lymph and store lymphocytes.
Lymphatic tissue is a specialized form of what kind of tissue?
Response: reticular connective tissue.
Hemopoiesis during fetal life occurs in the
Response: thymus gland
Which of the following can act as an antigen?
Response: All of the choices.
Which of the following is an example of passive, naturally acquired immunity?
Response: Mom passes her antibodies on to her baby through her breast milk.
All of the following are components of the lymphatic system EXCEPT
Response: yellow bone marrow.
All of the following are symptoms of inflammation EXCEPT
Response: numbness
Large lymphatic vessels
Response: closely resemble veins.
The lymphatic system
Response: All of the choices are correct.
Vaccination is an example of
Response: artificially acquired active immunity.
Worn-out and damaged red blood cells are destroyed in the
Response: spleen
The first line of innate defenses against pathogens is
Response: intact skin and mucous membranes.
The major work of urine formation is performed by the nephrons.
Response: True
After the filtrate reaches the renal pelvis, its composition will not significantly change and it will
be excreted as urine.
Response: True
The renal columns are part of the renal pyramids.
Response: False
The glomerular filtration rate is exclusively regulated by the sympathetic division of the
autonomic nervous system.
Response: False
Urine volume is influenced by blood pressure.
Response: True
Constriction of the efferent arteriole increases blood pressure in the glomerulus, which
increases GFR.
Response: True
The renal corpuscle filters components of blood plasma into the glomerular capsule.
Response: True
The glomerular filtration rate fluctuates directly with changes in blood pressure, so if blood
pressure increases then GFR increases and if blood pressure decreases then GFR decreases.
Response: False
The blood pressure in the glomerulus can be increased by vasoconstriction of the afferent
Response: False
The opening and closing of the internal urethral sphincter is involuntary.
Response: True
The kidneys produce erythropoietin.
Response: True
The urethra is the tube connecting a kidney with the urinary bladder.
Response: False
The route of blood flow through the kidneys is as follows: renal artery - several smaller arteries afferent arteriole - glomerulus - efferent arteriole - peritubular capillaries - several veins - renal
Response: True
The number of functional nephrons continually decreases throughout life because damaged or
diseased nephrons are not replaced by new ones.
Response: True
The proximal convoluted tubules are continuous with the ascending limb of the loop of Henle.
Response: False
Urine is filtered out of the blood by the urinary bladder.
Response: False
Obstructions, such as a kidney stone blocking a ureter, decrease net filtration pressure leading
to decreased urine output.
Response: True
Tubular secretion involves secretion of solutes from the tubular fluid into the peritubular
Response: False
The filtrate formed in the glomerular capsule moves into the proximal convoluted tubule and
then the loop of Henle. From there, it travels through the distal convoluted tubule to the
collecting tubules which empty into the calyces and finally the renal pelvis. From there, urine
goes through the ureters to the urinary bladder and out the urethra.
Response: True
The kidneys help regulate blood pressure by adjusting blood volume.
Response: True