Money attitude questionnaire 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Money is important for me. I budget my money very well. I use my money very carefully. For me, money is a symbol of success. I value money very highly. Money attitude RRL (MAIN RRL) According to Akben - Selcuk (2015), students' attitudes toward money are a potential factor influencing financial behavior. Tang (1995) developed a 12-item "Money Ethic Scale" to operationalize that construct. Students were asked to rate their level of agreement with the 12 statements on a scale of 1 to 5. (1: completely disagree, 5: completely agree). The scale had three major components: affective (for example, "Money is the root of all evil"), cognitive (for example, "Money is a symbol of success"), and behavioral (for example, "I budget my money very well"). The average of the students' responses to the 12 statements was used to calculate their money attitude scores. Two of the negative attitudes items were reverse coded, so higher scores represent more positive attitudes toward money. NOTE: AALISIN NA PO YUNG LOCAL NA RRL, GANON PARIN SA DATI YUNG MAIN RRL