Uploaded by Yaser Zaher

Student Representative Nomination Form - GTNI

Student Representative Nomination Form
Contact Information
Matriculation #
Personal Phone #
GTNI E-mail
Yaser Mohammed Zaher
Involvement with Student’s Union
Are you a member of any of Student’s Union organization/s?
Please state the name of the student organization/s you are member of and details about
your contribution and / or role:
Please state any activity you volunteered in:
Special Skills or Attributes
Summarize special skills and attributes that makes you suitable to be a student
representative (100-150 words)
I ‘ve a good communication with all of my colleagues and also I cooperate with my
colleagues all time to solve in any problem and in any commitment. I am an active
listener as I can give a time for any person to tell me about his problems and I share
with him my point of view to get a solution for his problem. I am Motivated to
cooperate with my colleagues to find a solution for any problems.
Agreement and Signature
By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in this document are true and
complete. I understand that if I am accepted as a Student Representative, I am on charge
to r
epresent the students of my cohort. Furthermore, I am committed to effectively fulfill the
role and responsibilities of the position, which include expectations related to,
accountability, engagement, consultation, communication and sustainability, to the best
of my ability. Moreover, I am committed to strive to continue to meet the requirements of
the desired eligibility criterion of the role for the time served. I understand that if I fail to
effectively fulfill my role and responsibilities and/or fail to maintain the eligibility criterion
of the position, I shall be removed from the post.
Finally, I am fully aware that any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations
made by me on this application or during the period I represent my student cohort in may
result in my immediate dismissal.
Name (Printed)
Yaser Mohammed Zaher
Yaser Zaher
Academic Standing
This section is for official use only:
___ Academic warning
___ Attendance score
___ Clinical warning
___ English level
___ Disciplinary
___ GPA
Student Affairs & Progression Committee Members Names and Signatures:
Revised Date:
Student Affairs & Progression Decision:
Not Eligible
Student & Progression Committee Comments: