Hypospadias - An abnormal opening of the urethra On the underside of the penis Epispadias is on top of the penis Called a urethral defect Can interfere with sexual function Surgery: - - Not done on a newborn Boys with this abnormality would not be circumcised Defects are usually corrected around a year old o they want to make sure the child is growing well first o sometimes they don’t have a testicle they circumcise when they are doing the surgery to correct the anatomy and use the skin to cover the old opening they reroute the urethra to the end they may end up with a stent or a drainage tube to allow urine to flow out to prevent any stress on the new incision compression dressing applied double diaper they will go home with a catheter and come back to have it removed the parents may need to be taught on how to irrigate the catheter NO BATHS FOR 2-3 WEEKS AFTER SURGERY!!!! Kids should not straddle anything Outpatient Teach them to pull the foreskin back and clean very well