Berryville Avenue Veterinary Clinic SURGERY CONSENT FORM Patient’s Name:___________________Owner’s Name:__________________Date:___________ SURGICAL PROCEDURE Describe: ______________________________________________________________________________ MEDICAL HISTORY NOTE: If your pet is pregnant, obese, in heat or a giant breed, an extra fee will be charged. Please note any medical conditions: ________________________________________________________________ Current medications: ____________________________________________________________________________ Recent pregnancy/heat:________________Other______________________________________________________ Dogs- Current on heartworm preventive and immunizations (rabies, distemper, parvo, kennel cough) ? yes no If your dog does not take a heartworm preventative, or has not been tested in the last 30 days, he/she will need to be tested for heartworms prior to anesthesia. Cats- Current on immunizations (distemper, rabies)? yes no IF ANY FLEAS OR TICKS ARE FOUND ON ANIMAL(S) WE WILL DISPENSE AND APPLY PREVENTITIVES. SURGICAL OPTIONS As with any surgery requiring general anesthesia, certain risks may result in serious complications or even death. Every animal having surgery will have a CBC which checks for anemia, infection and platelets. An additional blood screen will be performed to rule out pre-existing internal problems with the liver and kidney that may not be evident upon physical examination, but could lead to serious complications with the anesthesia - this is included in the price of surgery. IV Catheter set-up Microchip Cost $40.00 $45.00 Accept Decline All surgeries will require a pre-operative blood panel. ANY ANIMAL THAT IS 5 YEARS OR OLDER OR NOT IN GOOD HEALTH WILL REQUIRE HAVING A COMPREHENSIVE BLOOD SCREEN DONE, AND AN I.V.CATHETER PLACEMENT TO HELP ENSURE THE SAFETY OF YOUR PET. I am aware of the risk and understand the information presented in this surgery form and give Berryville Avenue Veterinary Clinic and its staff members permission to proceed with the surgery and if the need arises, to perform life-saving procedures and that I am liable for the extra cost involved, should my pet require this. Client signature:_________________________________ Staff member signature:__________________________ Phone # I can be reached at today : _________________________________________________________