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Frequency Response Analysis: Gain & Phase Margins

Frequency response analysis
• Frequency response is the steady state output of a linear
system to sinusoidal input
• Even though these responses are of same frequency as that of
input, they differ in amplitude and phase angle from the input
• These differences are functions of frequency
• Since input is sinusoidal substitute s=jω in the transfer
• Magnitude frequency response
• Phase frequency response
• Combination of the magnitude and phase
response is called the frequency response
Phase plot
Frequency domain specifications
Gain margin
Phase margin
Resonant frequency
Resonant peak
Gain margin
It is the gain that can be varied before the system becomes just stable
The amount of additional open-loop gain, expressed in dB and measured at 180 degree of phase
shift, required to make a closed-loop system unstable.
Phase margin
• The phase margin is the amount of additional open-loop phase shift
required at unity gain to make the closed-loop system unstable.
Standard second order system
• Resonant Peak
• Resonant frequency
Gain margin and Phase margin from bode plot
Minimum phase system
• It is a system in which poles and zeros will not
lie on the right side of s plane
• The transfer function of the minimum phase
system can be determined from the bode plot
Polar plot