CHAPTER O1 New Centers of Power In this Chapter.. Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) European Union (EU) South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) BRICS Nations: Russia, India, Israel and China Economic Under the Marshall Plan', the Organisation for European With the end of bipolarity in the world politics, it became evident that new centres of economic and political power acts like a mechanism to aid the West European states. the step in the direction of political cooperation was 1993. Another of the European Union (EU) in 1992. The European Union was Parliament. The collapse of Soviet Bloc led to the establishment European Economic Community in 1957. This process acquired a political dimension with the foundation of the European capitalist Gradually, the process of economic integration of European countries proceeded leading to the formation of establishment of the Council of Europe in 1949. Cooperation (OEEC) was established in 1948. It could limit the powers of US dominance. The New Centres of Power emerged in the form of European Union (Europe), the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Asia, SAARC, BRICS in different parts of the world. These organisations tried to transform the countries in the region into prosperous economies. On the other hand, rise of China's economy has also made a great impact on the world politics. single currency. cooperation on justice and home affairs, and the creation of a EU was founded for a common foreign and security policy. formally established on Ist November, After the end of the Second World War in 1945, there was a Although it doesn't have its owm constitution but it comprises of European Union (EU) Europe. The Second World War destroyed many of the dilemma among many European leaders over the status of some form of common foreign and security policy in dealing its own flag, anthem, founding date and currency. It also has with other nations. EU's area of cooperation was expanded assumptions and struetures on which European states had Europe after 1945. The European. economy was revived by based their relations. The Cold War aided the integration ot Plan'. A new collective security structure under NATO Was military influence. Soviet bloc. The EU has economic, political and diplomatic and financial support provided by USA underthe Marshallwhile acquiring new members especially from the erstwhile created by the US. 1. Marshall Plan A plan introduced by USA to provide financial help for the revival of European econony. CBSE Term l|Political Sclence Class 4 Economic Influence of EU Association of South-East The economic inlluence of Furopean Union iw discussed below Asian Nations (ASEAN) EU is the world's secondbiggest economy withaGDP of more than $17 trillion in 2016, next to the United States of America, Aseociation of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) was stablisheod in 1967 with the signing of the ASEAN decl (Bangkok Declaration) by its lounding countries. The foldi members of ASEAN are Indonesia, Malaysla, Philippine Its currency Euro can pose a threat to the dominance of Singapore and Thailand. US dollar. EU's share of world trade is much larger than Over the years, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Lao PDR, that of US Myanmar (Burma) and Cambolin also joined ASEAN takingi has an cconomic influcnce as well as in Asía and Africa. It over its closest neighbours Cstablishcd to promote political and social stability amid rici. I t also functions as an important bloc in international cconomic organísations such as WTO tensions among the Asiu-Pacific's post colonial states. The mo ofASEAN is One Vision, One Identity, One Community, Political and Diplomatic Influence of EU The political and diplonatic influence of EU is discussed below One member of EU France, holds permanent seat in the UN Security Council with several non-permanent members. .The EU is enabled to influence somc US policies strength to ten members. Thercfor, ASEAN is a regional organisation which was such as the current US position on Iran's Nuclear Programme. I t s diplomacy, cconomic investments and negotiations have been cffective with China particularly on issues of human rights and environmental degradation. Military Influence of EU Background of ASEAN This Asian region faced the cconomic and political consequcnces of numerous colonialisns, both European and Japancse, before and during Second World War. It faced isu of nation-building, poverty and cconomic backwardness, and the pressure to align with one of the great powers during the Cold War at thc end of the war. Efforts to unite Asia and the 'Third World, such as the Bandu Conference and the Non-Aligned Movement, were unsuccessfiul in establishing informal cooperation and interaction conventions. As a result, the Southeast Asian alternative by establishing the Association of South East Asian The military influence of EU is diseussed below Nations (ASEAN). EU's combincd armed forces are the second largest in In the year 1995, the members of ASEAN signed a deal to create a nuclear frec zone in South-East Asia. The ASEAN the world and comes second after US in decfence cxpenditure, Britain and France as EU members also possess nuclear arsenal of 550 nuclear warheads. It is also the world's second most important source of space and communication technology. EU is able to intervene in economic, political and social arcas. But in many areas member states have their own foreign and defence policies that are often at odds with cach other. For instance, Britain was by the side of US during the Iraq invasion whercas Germany and France oppose the American policy. Euro- skepticism evident in some parts of Europe integrationist agenda. For instance, is about the Europe's UK's former PM Margaret Thatcher kept UK out of the European market. Denmark and Sweden resisted Maastricht Treaty and the adoption of Euro. Thus, it limits the ability of EU to act in matters of foreign relations and defence. 2. Euro-skepticism It refers to a Europcan adopted Vision 2020 in 1997 and by 2015 it launched ASEAN Community which comprised of these pillars. ASEAN Political -Security Community ASEAN Economy Community ASEAN Socio-cultural Community Objectives of ASEAN The objectives of ASEAN are as follows accelerate cconomic growth, social progress and cultura development for properous and peaccful community of South-East Asian Nations. .To To promote regional peace and stability respect for justice and the rule of law. To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance on matters of common interests in the economic, social, cultur through abiding technical scientific and administrative fields. To create a common market and production base within th ASEAN states and aid social and cconomic political doctrine that advocates disengagement from the European Union development. (EU) CBSE Term lI| Political Science 5 Class 12th ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community realising Socio-Cultural Community is all about ot AsEAN citizens. It is working towards the the full potential The ASEAN following aims and other and socially responsible A committed, participative for the benetit of ASEAN people. community . A sustainable . . South Asian Association for community that promotes social equitable access human environmental to opportunities tor all and promotes and rights, etc. was The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation on Dhaka in charter SAARC established with the signing the the initiative by 8th December, 1985. It was a major regional through multilateral means. was based on the notion The ASEAN Security Community so that it would not develop into to avoid territorial disputes, to and uphold peace, neutrality, cooperation, non-interference respect for national differences and sovereign rights. ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) was established in 1994 carry out coordination of security and foreign policy. Regional Cooperation (SAARC) South Asian States to evolve cooperation ASEAN Security Community armed confrontation. For this, ASEAN had several agreements into force by which member states promised major powers concerns. protection. development and that promotes high quality of life, An inclusive community protects interaction lies in its policies of However, ASEAN's strength with discussion partners and consultation with member states, is the organisation. Further, it and with other non-regional political forum for Asia to only regional association provide to discuss political and security to ASEAN EConomic Community ASEAN is principally an economic association, while the ASEAN region is much smaller economy than US, the EU and Japan's economy is growing much faster. The objectives in The idea of regional cooperation in South Asia was raised of November 1980. After consultations, the foreign secretaries the seven founding countries Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka met for the first in Colombo in April 1981. headquarters and secretariat of the association are at Kathmandu, Nepal. Afghanistan became the newest member The of SAARC at the 13th annual summit in 2005. There are currently nine observers to SAARC namely China Australia Iran .The European Union of ASEAN Economic Community are Japan The Republic of Korea To create a common market and production base within Mauritius .Myanmar ASEAN states to aid social and economic development in the region. To improve the existing ASEAN Dispute Settlement Mechanism for resolving economic dispute To create a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) for investment, labour and services. ASEAN Vision 2020 ASEAN is rapidly growing into an important regional organisation with its Vision 2020, to define an outward- time The United States of America Objectives of SAARC The objectives of SAARC are as follows To promote the welfare of the people of South Asia and to improve their quality of life. To accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region and to provide all individuals the opportunity to live in dignity and to realise their full potential. looking role for ASEAN in international community. It is build upon its existing policy to encourage negotiations To promote and strengthen collective self-reliance among the countries of South Asia. end of the Cambodian conflict, East Timor crisis and meets To contribute to mutual trust, understanding and over conflicts in the region. Thus, ASEAN had mediated the annually to discuss East Asian cooperation. appreciation of one another's problem. The current economic strength of ASEAN is especially its To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance in the economic relevance as a trading and investment partner to the growing Asian economies such as India and China, To a makes this an attractive proposition. India's foreign policy did not gave much attention to ASEAN during Cold War years, but in recent times, it has tried to amend it and have signed FTA's with three ASEAN members, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. economic, social, cultural, technical and scientific fields. strengthen cooperation with other developing countries. To strengthen cooperation among themselves in international forums on matters of common interests. To cooperate with international and with similar aims and purposes. regional organisations CBSE Termm ll Political 6 sdeceoa SAARC and its primarily to The key objectives distribute mutual economic benefits besides non-interterence in the the intermal3 intenal polic of BRICS Importance SAARC omprises Tof the world's area. 21% of the world s are Nbtiom ad AS of the gobal economy. nation and mutual equality. The 12th COm Oating Synergies It is theworld's mast densely populated concluded in Russia in 2020. President Vladimir Putin. The 13th Confer was held in India in June 2021 under the o and one of the most fertile areas. SAARC countries hae nnmon tradition. dress, fiod and culture and political symengisng their actions. SAARC has ss SAFTA o fee trade zones for whole South Asia for m Structure of BRICS The structure of BRIcS comprises of Comon Sohutions All SAARC countries have common obems and issues like poverty. illiteracy, malnutrition, natual disasters internal conflicts îndustrial and BRICS does not exist in the form of organie an annual summit between the supreme leai tehnoogical backwardness low GDP and poor . Thee countries uplift their living standards thereby creatins mnon arras of development and progress having common region. Gobal Leadership Role It offers India a platform to showease its leadership in the region by taking up extra esponsibihties Limitations of SAARC The imitations of SAARC are disscussed below SAARC is growing at a slow pace due to the political chfereces among its member states. bebveen Inda and Pakistan led to bilateral issues Coaticts Eke Kashmir issue. India's neighbours feared that India intends to dominate them by infiuencing at the political and societal level. members in majority beong to least SAARC deveoping countries which creates insufticiency of funds developing or BRICS BRICS s an acronym for five emerging economies of the world - Brazil Russia India China. South Africa The term BRIC was coined b» Jim O' Nei. the then Chairman of Coldman Sachs in 2001 BRIC was founded in 2006 in Russia BRIC turned into BRICS after the inchusion of South Africa in its first eeting in the vear 2009 has epadu 0 sectord meetings. The sigmifcance of SAARC for India is disscussed below trast and peace within the the aTn BRICS cooperation in the past decade has include an annual programme of over 100s Significance of SAARC for India engaing Nepal, Bhutan. the Maldives and Sri Lanka in The Chairmanship of the forum is rotated ar among the members in accordance with the B-R-I-C-S. sohutions deveopent process and economic cooperation. Regional Stability SAARC can help in creation of mutual leaders dio nations. cinwnomic condition. Geastrategic Significance It can counter China through a India's Prime Minister Shri Narendra Mod therby nitiatd ollkrtie aomomic activit. Economic Integration India's Look East Policy links South Asian conomies with South-East Asia will bring further intergration and prosperity to India mainly in the xanomic Senice sector. ferene d .It was chairei was Objectives of BRICS The objective of the BRICS can be summarised bes The BRICS seeks to deepen, broaden and cooperation within the grouping and among the inds countries for more sustainable, equitable and . beneficial development BRICS takes into consideration each members g development and poverty objectives to ensure thet relations are built on the respective country's ecmu strength and to avoid competition where posslble T o enhance and diversify trade and investnent cooperation that support value addition among the BRICS countries. p To access opportunities and market interlinkages. T o seek funther interaction and cooperation with non-BRICS countries and international organisati forums. BRICS is emerging as a new and promising enhance market facit political-diplomatic entity with diverse objectives , beyond the original objective of reforming globa financial institutions. Importance of BRICS for India India can benefit from collective strength of BRICSh way of consultation and cooperation as well as top1 global issues, such as international terrorism, climat change. food and energ security, reforms ofgloba governance institutions etc. engaged with the other BRICS COU India remains on its NSC membership. ouni olitical Science Class erm ll CBSE to cooperate BRICS are primarily benefits among its mem Den onomic polices of nce in the internal ality. The 12th conference of BRI sia in 2020. It was chaired by Rusg. tfin, The 13th Conference of BRI 2021 under the Chairmanship une ShriNarendra Modi. Term 7 l| Political Science Class 12th rte New Development (NDB) will help India to Development Bank (NI for their resources infrastructure and and avail raise actainable development projects. The NDB has oarOved its first set of loans, which included a loan of US S 950 million in respect of India for Multitranche The New Financing Facility.for Renewable Energy Financing Scheme. Union, or of the nations doviet +in the form of organisation, but it After the asdisintegranon power in 21st century. For example leaders of five emerged loDal the supreme tween successor of USSR, India and as a fthe forum is rotated annually the past decade has expanded Economic power since 1978. world's second-largest number of start-up enterprises. Its top Even before the disintegration of Soviet Union, Russia has Russia emerged as the strong successor been its largest part. dissolution of the Soviet Union in late 1980's and the early Russia has emerged as one of the powerful country ICS be summarised below 1990's. in the global world as it has vast reserves of nature deepen, broaden and inten can to minerals and gases. addition, grouping and among the individu resources, state with a huge stock of sophisticated weapons. It In Russia is a ustainable, equitable and mutual isnuclear also a permament member of the UN Security Council, nt. sideration each members growth erty objectives to ensure that the respective country's economi competition where possible. sify trade and investment ort value addition among the aled F-s. Economic Model of Russia Russia's economy is a mixed and transitional economy of upper-middle income, with vast natural resources, particularly oil and natural gas. Russia's GDP is currently at eleventh position in the world. India cess opportunities and facilitate India has emerged as an important global power in the 21st ction and cooperation with century. The world is experiencing the power and rise of India in a multidimensional way. With the population of 135 crores the economic, cultural, strategic position of the and international organisations a a new and promising tity with diverse objectives, far jective of reforming global country is very strong. Economic Model of India From an economic perspective, targeting the goal of a 5 trillion economy 2024-25, a competitive huge market, an ancient inclusive culture with 200 million peopBle of Indian Diaspora spreading across the globe impart distinct for India meaning and salience to India as a new centre of power in collective strength of BRICS DY 21st century. dcooperation as well as topica The military of India is self sufficient with indigenous nternational terrorism, climate nuclear technology making it another nuclear power from a y security, reforms of global strategic perspective. Projects like Make in India sets etc. with the other BRICS countrie . Arab-dominated West Asian politics in particular. Economic Model of Israel of USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republic), after the e agricultural development. Isracl being a small Jewish-Zionist nation is placed in the contemporary global politics in general and the Israel's economy is a well-developed free-market economy that is technologically advanced. After the United States, it has the tRussia ogramme of over 100 sectoral technological innovations, industrilisation and Israel emerged as powertul and important nations in 21st century and China can be seen as strong emerging in accordance with the acronym n some strong Russia emerged Israel nations in Israel has also emerged as one of the most powerful defence and science of technology, terms in 21st the century new the to heights of Israel has reached prowess, Isreal and China S comprises of changes are making India an world. and intelligence. global political standing by virtue of its strong defence Nations: Russia, India, cs Therefore, all these important power in the present another milestone in India economy. exports include cut diamonds, high-tech equipment, and pharmaceuticals. Crude oil, foodstufts, raw materials, and military equipment are among the country's main imports. China China has been growing as an economic power since 1978. It is estimated to overtake US as the world's largest economy by 2040. It has enormous regional influence due to its economic integration into the region. Factors like population, landmass, resources, regional location and political influence adds to its power along with a strong economy. Economic Model of China .Under the leadership of Mao in 1949, the economy of the Communist China was based on the Soviet model. At that time China was economically backward and it put an end to its link with the capitalist world. It now relied on its owm resources. The model was to generate a state-owned heavy industries sector from the capital accumulated from agriculture. Due to the shortage of foreign exchange to buy technology and goods from the world market, China substitute imports by domestic goods. This model empowers China to utilise its resources and helped to establish the foundations of an industrial economy. Employment and social welfare was assured to all the citizens. China moved ahead of most developing countries in providing better education and health facilities. The economic growth was at a respectable rate but though it was not suficient to meet the needs of the people. Agriculture sector was unable to generate economic surplus. China was going through similar crises like the USSR i.e. slow pace industrial production and low per capita income. 12 CBSE Term II | Political Science Cla PART2 3. How did the Marshall Plan paved the way for th formation of OEEC (Organisation of European Subjective Questions Economic Cooperation)? of state June 1947, the American Secretary the announced European ReGeorge C Marshall Ans. In Short Answer Type Questions 1. Mention any four common Union. Programme that offered financial assistance to 16 couns features of European Delhi 2008, All India 2008] Ans. The features of EU are as follows ) EU's share of world trade is much larger than that of US allowing it to be more assertive in trade disputes with US and China. i) It has evolved from economic union to political one. It has its own flag, anthem, founding date and currency. neighbours and on Asia and Africa. It also functions as an important bloc in international economic organisation such as WTO. military influence. GDP of EU is slightly larger than that of US. 2. The European Union has evolved over time from an economic union to more than nation state. Explain any four factors that make European Union an influential organisation. "European Union is a highly influential regional organisation. Justify the statement with any four suitable arguments. [CBSE 2020] Ans. The European Union has evolved over time from an economic union to an increasingly political one and has started to act more as a nation state. Factors that make European Union an influential are given below ) The EU has economic, political, diplomatic and military influence all over the world. (ii) The EU is the world's second biggest economy next to that of the US. i) It also functions as an important bloc in international economic organisations such as the world trade organisation. Two members of the EU, Britain and France, hold permanent seats on the UN security council. (iv) Militarily, the EU's combined armed forces are the second largest in the world. () In many areas, its member states have their own foreign relations and defence policies. (vi) EU has its own flag, anthem, founding date and common currency. The EU has tried to expand areas of cooperation while acquiring new members, especially from soviet block. Thus, statement that European Union is highly inifluential regional organisation is correct. thegiven Economic Cooperation (OEEC) was established in 19 channel aid to the West European States. It became a forum where the Western European States began to cooperate on trade and economic issues. Though Ceor Marshall offered his plan to the East European Count themselves. The Soviet Union denouned the Marshall as dollar imperialism and prevented the fund from flo towards East Europe. 4. How can the Euro pose a danger to the US Dolla iv) EU has political, economic, diplomatic and or The way for the formation of OEEC Under the Marshall plan, the Organisation for Europe their regions were incapable of taking any decision by ii) lts economic power gives it influence over its closest or It was done to revi Europe to rebuild their economics. economics Europe with a view to opn up prime mar- Ans. European Union has a great economic influence in the world market including the market of United States. E is the currency of EU, which pose a threat to the dominance of US Dollar because of the following reaso Share of EU in world trade is much larger than that US and this is the reason why EU can be more asser in trade disputes with US and China. Economic pow EU provides great influence over Asia, Africa and its close neighbours. Many countries have joined EU who are directlylini with US and carry Dollar as their currency These countries can take economic programmes which are against interest of US. As the European Union functions as an economic organisation, such as World Trade important bl Organisation (WTO). 5. Name the pillars and the objectives of the ASEAN Community. [NCE Ans. The three pillars of ASEAN Community are ASEAN Security Community ASEAN Economic Community ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community of Association South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) was created in 1967 with the following objectives (i) Primary Objective It was to increase economice gro which will result in social progress and cult development of the ASEAN. Thus, this objective related to economic, cultural and social perspective i) Secondary Objective Under United Nation Chate a principles and rules of law have been stated. So, th secondary objective of ASEAN nations was to pror stability and regional peace based upon those rules and principles. CBSE Term 13 l1| olitical Science Class 12th &What do you mean by SAARC? Mention any ofits objectives Ans The South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was created in 1985 as an expression of the Tegion's collective decision to evolve a regional Russia has an abundance of oil, natural gas and precious metals, which make up a major share of Russias exports. I n terms of Military power, it is one of the world's largest military forces, making it the most powerful Russia was the sixth-largest nation in in military Europe. terms of military spends, at $61.4 billion. cooperative framework. The objective of SAARC are as follows I n terms To promote the welfare ofthe people of South Asia and to improve their quality of life. Gi) To promote and strengthen colective self relianee among the countries of South Asia. i) To accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region and to provide all individuals the opportunity to live in dignity and to realise their füull potential. of political and diplomatic powers, Russia is also a permanent member of the UN Security Council, called P-5. Russia is a part of many supranational organisations including the Group of Eight (G8), The Council of Europe, the Organisation for Security and in Europe (OSCE), the Commonwealth of Co-operation Independent States (CIS), and BRICS. Being the largest nation in terms of territory it automatically becomes a largest producer of some crucial resources and has a say on its neighbouring nations. (iv) To strengthen cooperation with other developing countries. 7. Write a short note on BRICS highlighting its formation and objectives. Ans. BRIC was founded in 2006 in Russia. BRIC turned into BRICS after the inclusion of South Africa in its first meeting in the year 2009. The key objectives of BRICs are primarily to cooperate and distribute mutual economic benetits among its members besides non-interference in the internal policies of each nation and mutual equality. The twelfth conference of BRICs 9. How Israel has emerged as a powerful nation in the 21st century? Diseuss. Ans. Israel has emerged as one of the most powerful nations in the 21st century in terms of science and technology, defence and intelligence. t has reached to the new heights of global political standing by virtue of its strong defence and powers, technological innovations, industrialisation agricultural development. It is a small Jewish- Zionist nation which is placed in the contemporary global politics in general and the Arab-dominated West Asian Politics in was concluded in Russia in 2020. It was chaired by particular. In terms of economy, Israel is well- developed free market economy that is technologically advanced. Russian President Vladimir Putin. After the United States, it has the world's second-largest The objectives of BRICS are summarised as follows The BRICS seeks to deepen, broaden and intensify number of startup enterprises. Its exports include cooperation within the grouping and among the individual countries for more sustainable, equitable and mutually beneficial development. BRICS takes into considerationfor each member's growth, development and poverty objectives to diamonds, high-tech equipments and pharmaceuticals. In terms of political and diplomatic power, Israel maintains full diplomatic relations and open borders with two of its Arab neighbours, Egypt and Jordan, after signing peace treaties in 1979 and 1994 respectively. Israel has been a ensure that relations are built on respective countrys member of the United Nations since 11th May, 1949. Israel also participates in other international organisations such economic strength as well as to avoid competition as the Intenational Atomic Energy Ageney (LAEA) and the where possible. World Health Organisation (WHO). To enhance and diversify trade and investment cooperation that support value addition among the BRICS countries. To enhance market access opportunities and facilitate market interlinkages. alternate centre of power? Ans. The Russian Federation has been suggested as a potential candidate for resuming superpower status in the 21st of USSR. Russia emerged as the strong successor century. Some of the following aspects make Russia a new centre of power Russia is considered super-rational organisation? Examine. Ans. The Republic of India is considered one of the emerging superpowers of the world. In 2015, India became the world's fastest growing economy with a 7.5% estimated CDP rate. The country must overcome many economic, 8. What makes Russia a new centre of power or In terms of economic power, 10. How can we say that India is emerging as an energy superpower. It has the world's largest proven natural gas reserves and is the largest exporter of natural gas and second largest producer of petroleum social and political problems before it can be considered a superpower. Some of the following aspects can be considered that makes India a super-rational organisation In terms of economic power, it is the world's fifth-largest econqmy by nominal GDP and the third-largest by purchasing power parity. In 2019, India's ten largest trading partners were USA, China, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Iraq, Singapore, Gemany, South Korea and Switzerland. In 2018-19, the Foreign Direct Investment (FD) in India was $64.4 billion. CeSE Tni Painaieo C 14 md r Cas t md a u i n i e v r i i I s aso the nui-rg a idmimirpnvr mn str amiiia ai m t miin nm DT rm i i s Poita Scence e R nën Det vmaas aged siir pibs aWODgea Chine mmned Upn DaT Pair Long Answer Type Questions 1. What k s Erpen lziealid Cmns A mmir surs hs tem mied sisa ninbe n i m i r e n=w hemair paics erisims egrme E p ammmrmirealm wae b iNiChe bem CAmE t o e iaiangSES E t sàe warid Fmd P and bigget aanc s i nd icutre n d nins hebei it bs nanic D e n p m e deriared he Dpen Dor Rairy md neassd Political and Dipiastic Infoeace of EU 14 Ho dres geogglidproinit ae e The Et s s p i d a i è a i e sonenbes dEl ie Froe bold permst s a n t e t l Sevrinr Counil ith e l rgisEÖND d anr iioADI TES The EUsabeitoinduencesme 12. n sgie cfgrovenetnhe Cese e m o here have been nege conseqpencessach a g he pespe of C a Mestiona cocseguEnces r H i i t z y iedzstacks n the chnged DabiC) 2 Cnese eceoic systen Ars Esen t o n te Cnese emcy has imgroved &amuizl iere hse been negtive cuepences Sctag te pespie cí Cia The f a Degutve canseqnences a x t r k s the changed Cinese ecnomi sysen rE The beneis d he reárms bave nct beem equ reeied Aggruimatey 100i n peuple e s egoed Female empioyment zd ondtins work ze bed s iEope aí the 1sh ad 19hetis Camgtin adeviemectd degadutin bave resedi leads to he imico of trestis between he em Eehe i m n d ASEAX mergerd The ecoeomi issaes lso Scts thbe cxiies so tht they cen bade tbe eommc prubies the respecthe reies y auiid terests thrond aorgmisztion i e he E g 15. The emerging economies of China and India reat potential to challenge the unipolar word yo 2gree with the statement? Substantiste yot rguments Ans. Yes we 2gree with the statement that both India China bave grest potentia to challenge the unip worid on the folonimg grounds Tbe New Economic policies ofIndia and Chinsa broken their economies from stagmation. poicies sach s he ceat tS psiti Irns Xadear Progme I t s diplomacy eonamic invesmeat : Degotiations bave bent i v e s? s disoae nih China on humn i eavinamental degradation Military Influence of Et ET's combined armed forves aet langest in the word and ao oome the total spending's of US n deies Britain and France sEU memabe nadear asenal of 550 auclear wa also the world s second mast imp space and oommumication tachnd E is able to intervene in econo and social areaa But in many ar states have their o n foreigm an= that are often at odds with each CBSE TemlI | Political Scien (iv) There has ural and zest been rise in urban Term CBSE equal ity betm and econon and coastal reside Casg China, the to a Zones led inland p r o v n c e s . In Chin.a to over 13. the world's largest economy by 2040. as the US basis ofprojection of Analyse the res dominate US is viewed to Ans. China are by the elhi 2040. The va. projection basis ofthe as the driver is considered .China because of the economic of East egration into Asian grov gions. actors esources, 0nal influence adds to itsregiona location and political such as population, landmass, China announced Open Door Policy'in 1978 aimed at generation of high productivity by and in technology from investnents capital were Fund. Privatisation of agriculture and industry helped in growing economy rapidiy Foreign trade grew with the creation ofSEZs and ne trading laws. This resulted in high toreign exchange this way, China became most significant for FDI. The above points show China's ability to overtake US as world's largest economy by 2040. How does geographical proximity influence the formation of regional organisations? strategic perspective as a indigenous nuclear technology destination for Both the countries are important Foreign Direct Investments. has the global level also both India and China with the world economy integration challenge to a as Union a Union is Ans. European Economic pose a erests through an organisation like the European aion. emerging economies of China and India have potential to challenge the unipolar world. Do ree with the statement? Substantiate your ents. agree with the statement that both ave great to potential the following grounds:challenge ew Economic policies of India their economies from the [NCERI India and unipolar Political and Diplomatic Influence of EU The EU also has political and diplomatic influence as two members of EU i.e. Britain and and China have stagnation. 3. France, hold permanent seats in the UN of Europe was established in 1949 for are as political Community in 1957. on a fast track and The collapse of Soviet Union put Europe in 1992. Union of formation European resulted in the to act in EU the List the factors that limit the ability of What role has matters of foreign relations and defence. been played by European Union in solving the problems of the European countries? Ans. European case of its dialogue with China on human rights and environmental degradation. Military Influence of EU EU's combined armed forces are the second largest in the world and also come second after the total spending's of US in defence. Britain and France as EU members also possess nuclear arsenal of 550 nuclear warheads. It is also the world's second most important source of space and communication technology EU is able to intervene in economic, political and social areas. But in many areas member states have their own foreign and defence policy Union is a super national organisation but in many foreign relations and defence policies that are often at odds with each other. Factors that limit the ability of the EU to act in matters of foreign relations and defence are discussed below British Prime Minister Tony Blair supported the US led Iraq invasion and many new members made US led 'coalition of areas The EU is enabled to influence some US policies such as the current US position on that are often at odds with each other. on Capitalist The process of economic integration of European Economic countries led to the formation of European economic influence over its closest neighbours as well as in Asia and Africa. Iran's Nuclear Programme. Its diplomacy, economic investment and negotiations have been effective as in the 1948 to extend was established in the Western trade and economic issues among cooperation. an members. socío-cultural problems that leads to the formation of treaties between the countre ike the formation of ASEAN. "he economic issues also affects the merger of untries so that they can handle the economic oblems of the respective regions by coalition of The Council dominance of US dollar. EU's share of world egional organisations in the following ways It affects the parameters of security of all countries n particular regions by similar forces. Thus, the same under Plan, the organisation for European follows threat to the Security Council with several non-permanent organisations are created mainly for security reasons. structure creation of a single currency. Union The attempts led to the formation of European trade is much larger than that of US. I t has security in 1993 for a c o m m o n foreign European Union was founded affairs and on justice and home security policy, cooperation [NCERT] reasons can collective European states. due to the following Economic Influence of EU EU is the world's second biggest economy with than $17 trillion in 2016, next to a CDP of more of America. States United the Its currency Euro new Cooperation cooperation highly highly influential organisation a a NATO. Under the Marshall The geographical proximity influences the formation of It promotes rise in The US also created unipolar world. European resolve their post-Second revive European economy. their adopted similar policies in WTO to deepen a influential regional organisationP Monetar 3 reserves. In century from self-suficient with 1. What makes encoun modernisation of industry, science and technology agriculture and military In 1980, China becam t member of World Bank and Internati On the other hand, India is being seen as in the 21st important emerging global power it is which .LongAnswer Type Questions taken toabroad steps economic sector, investment by Westerm entrepreneurs for variouS countries 2. Howdid the European that led to outline the attempts World Warproblem? Briefly [NCERT Union. the formation of the European the states confronted European the Ans. After the Second World War, destruction of the with ruin of their economies along had been founded. structure on which Europe assumptions and World War Second their Post European countries resolved manner the following in problems to the USA provided financial help Under the Marshall Plan, of Special Economic phenomenal rise in the Foreign creation Trade. an At China is considered to be very powerful and f 15 olitical Science Class 12th ll| its member states have their own willing' whereas while Germany and France opposed American policy. There is also a 'Euro-Skepticism in some parts of Europe about the EU's integrationist agenda. Thus for example, Britain's former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher kept the UK out of European Market. Denmark and Sweden have resisted in Maastricht Treaty and the adoption of Euro, the common European currency. Role played by European Union in solving the problems of European Countries are discussed below The EU functions as an importantbloc in international organisation as World Trade Organisation to intervene in economic areas. 16 CBSE Term ll | Political Science The EU has expanded areas of cooperation while acquiring new members especially from Soviet bloc. The EU has an influential role in the UN policies because its thwo members Britain and France hold permanent seats in the UN Security Council. The EU is influential in the areas of diplomacy, economic investments and 5. What makes world. In 2015, India became the world's fade fastest growi economy with a 7.5% estimated GDP rate.7 must overcome many economic, social and nolth a problems before it can be has become the third largest economy in Asia to The considere superpowe What are the major difference between the SAARC and the Union as alternative European centres of power? Some a coopération through multi-lateral means. I t is the world's fifth-largest economy by nominal third-largest by purchasing power parif In 2019, India's ten largest trading partners were China, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Iraq, Sino- and the It was established by NATO to devise a plan in order to enable its 16 member nations in Europe to revive their economy Cermany, South Korea and Switzerland. India ranks second globally in food and Second World War. It was observed as communism/socialism. European Union is guided by million people. I t is the world's tenth-largest oil producer and thethird-largest oil consumer. The Indian automobile industry is the world's fourth largest by productio India as Military Power Common institutions such as European Commission, European Parliament, European Court to Justice, etc. attitude sovereignty. SAARC nations prefer technology adoption rather than innovation. It shows attitude of sacrificing national sovereignty for and united Europe. Indian army is the third largest army greater I t has also the world. European Union nations are India driving for invention and technology to these nations. The nature of economy in. The nature of economy in SAARC is agriculture and European Union is knowledge (e.g. Pakistan), due to their self-centred based service sector. Its member countries have their own foreign relations and defence policies that are often adds with each other, e.g. Britain's Prime Minister was favourable to India as it America's partner in Iraq may invade their markets invasion, whereas Germany and approach understand SAARC's efforts only and influence their societies France opposed American policy. also well equipped world with nuclear arsena India as Political and Diplomatic Power India shares extremely positive relations through economic and political agreements with several V European, Asian and South -East Asian countrieIndia has also played an important and influenti other international organisations like East Asia S India could almost sixth permanent mem become UNSC but the decision was vetoed by China. India is part of some very ce important power like BRICS, C20, SAARC etc.emerging as they provide A few member countries is fourth-largest in the defence budget in th recenty purchased modern weapons and arms fro innovation. This resists USA and China havee interference of technological undue interference in advanced nations such as USA internal affairs of SAARC, and China manufacturing sector agricultur production. The Indian IT industry is a major exporter of IT s= with $180 billion in revenue and employs over fou support to capitalism against It shows reluctant to sacrifice nation cusse below India as an Economic Power which shattered in There is no common institution to guide SAARC. of the essential aspects based on which Indis, considered as the major emerging powers are dise European European Union It was established with view to evolve eep high rate of growth. All India 2011 SAARC new Ans. India is considered one of the emerging sune negotiation. Ans. The difference between the SAARC and the Union are as follows India an emerging power or a centre of power? Discuss in detail. Ca 6. Explain the factors Chinese economy. responsible for the rise of [D- Ans. China is the third major alternative centre of powefastest growing economy. China at one time was Soviet model and at that time, it broke all the 1= capitalist world. Following are the factors responsibof Chinese economy Political CBSE Tem ll| science Class Science CBSE an India emerging power or onomy overcome Use of Soviet Model China accepted the Soviet model blems economic, social and before it can be considered. become the third largest economy in hrate of growth. (i) imports by domestic goods and create state owned heavy industries from capital produced by agriculture. estimated many 17 Science Class 12th and relied on its resources. China decided to substitute considered o n e ist Politica . What makes Discuss in detail,. entre ofpower? ofth emerging super ndia is 2015, India became the worl orld's fastes owers of Ow orld. In GDP rate. T a 7.5% with ll Tem pol:unt Development of Industrial Economy China used all its esources to develop an industrial economy. All citizens power. Indi Asia tok keep its Nwere provided education and health programmes. Relationship With USA China established relation with USA in 1972. The integration of China's economy and the inter-dependencies that it has created has enabled China based on which India of the essential aspects eidered as the major emerging owers are discuss canb to have considerable influence with its trade partners like asan many, South Korea and Switzerland uction. [ndian IT industry is a major exporter of IT servi S180 billion in revenue and employs over four n people. e world's tenth-largest oil producer and the argest oil consumer. The Indian automobile y is the world's fourth largest by production. Major Policies Announced Open Door Policy was announced by Deng Xiaoping in 1978, which aimed at generation of high productivity by investments in capital a ranks second globally in food and agricultural and technology from abroad. Era of Privatisation Privatisation of agriculture in 1982 and privatisation of industry in 1998 was done. Privatisation led to remarkable rise in agricultural production and rural incomes. High personal saving in the rural economy lead to an exponential growth in rural industry. Both industry and agriculture grew at a faster ilitary Power rate. army is the third largest army in the world. so the fourth-largest defence budget in the Establishment of SEZ's Special Economic Zones were also well equipped with nuclear arsenal. It h urchased modern weapons and arms from USA set up. State had a centralised role in setting up of China's economy. China become the most important destination for Foreign Direct Investment (FD) any whwere in the world. It led to large forign reserves that now allow it to make big investment in other countries. tical and Diplomatic Power Case Based Questions res extremely positive relations through and political agreements with several Westen 1. Read the following passage carefully and answer Asian and South -East Asian countries. Iso played an important and influential rolei national organisations like East Asia Summit almost become sixth permanent member of he decision was vetoed by China. ofsome very important emerging centresa RICS, G20, SAARC etc. ctors responsible for the rise of the my. [Delhi 200 d major alternative centre of power. It is t economy. China at one time was based d ollowing are the factors responsible for at ny create that time, it broke all the links w the questions that follow ASEAN was and still remains principally an economic association. While the ASEAN region as a whole is a much smaller economy compared to theUS, the EU, and Japan, its economy is growing much faster than all these. This accounts for the growth in its influence both inthe region and beyond. The objectives of the ASEAN Economic Community are to create a common market and production base within ASEAN states and to aid social and economic development in the region. The Economic Community would also like to improve the existing ASEAN Dispute Settlement Mechanism to resolve economic disputes. ASEAN has focused on creating a Free Trade Area (FTA) for investment, labour and services. The US and China have already moved fast to negotíate FTAs with ASEAN. common market and production based within ASEAN state itself and to aid social and economic development. activities (it) ASEAN established FTAs for investment purposes and for labour services. FTA is an agreement between two or more countries where countries agree on certain obligations that affect trade in goods industry, military, science and technology were proposed. This policy helped the Chinese Economy to break stagnation. Trade Agreements? resolve ii) How would ASEAN Economic Community economic dispute? is to Ans. () The objective of ASEAN Economic Community Modernisation Modernisation in field of agriculture, is the world's fifth-largest economy by nominal C ! the third-largest by purchasing power parity 2019, India's ten largest trading partners were Us na, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Iraq, Singan Economic (i) Why did ASEAN established Free USA. Economic Power What is the objective of ASEAN Community? and services. (ii) ASEAN Economic Community would resolve economic dispute by improving the existing ASEAN dispute settlement mechanism. 2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. America extended massive financial help for reviving Europe's economy under what was called the 'Marshall Plan'. The US also created a new collective security structure under NATO. Under the Marshall Plan, the organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) was established in 1948 to channel aid to the West European States. It became a forum where the Western European States began to cooperate on trade and economic issues. The Council of Europe, established in 1949, was another step forward in political cooperation. The process of economic integration of European capitalist countries proceeded step by step leading to the formation of the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1957. G) What was Marshall Plan? (i) The US created a new collective security structure under which organisation? (iii) Which organisation became a forum where the Western European states began to cooperate on trade and economic issues? Ans. ) A plan introduced by USA to provide financial help for the revival of European Economy. It was enacted in 1948 and provided more than $ 1.5 billion to help finance rebuilding efforts on the continent. i) The US created a new collective security structure under NAT. NATO was created in 1949 that put the Westerm European nations under the nuclear umbrella of the US. i) Organisation for European Military Cooperation became a forum where the Western European states began to cooperate on trade and economic issues.