Uploaded by Ronna Mae Colminas

SAP Exercise Sheet: Sales Order & Delivery Process

University of Cebu
College of Business --- SAP
Name:____________________________ Time:__________ Date:________ Score:________
Instruction: Execute the following activity using your own account. Screenshot only what is required.
Submit the requirement before the time expires.
1. Create SO.
Customer: use the customer you have created in exercise 2.1 from your workbook.
Item: use the first and the fourth item you have created in exercise 2.3 from your workbook.
Quantity: 10 each
Add SO. Screenshot the SO you have created and paste it in a Word or Document format.
2. Create a Delivery out of your SO in number 1.
We deliver the complete quantity each of the item ordered by the customer.
Add Delivery. After adding, go back to SO. Find the SO and screenshot the SO again. This time the status
of your SO is closed. Paste it in a Word or Document format.
3. The customer returned 3 each of the items delivered.
Create Return. Add Return.
4. Create AR Invoice out of your Delivery.
Use the current date. Add AR Invoice.
5. Create an Incoming Payment out of your AR Invoice created in number 4.
Add the Incoming Payment
6. Show the complete Relationship Map.
Screenshot the complete Relationship Map and paste it.