Uploaded by Ian Craig Matandac

GE 107 Lab Exercise 2 Answer Sheet

Name: Ian Craig C. Matandac
ID Number: 221-02436
GE 107 Laboratory Exercise 2 – Answer Sheet
Section: FGLM1
Instructions: Submit your output in pdf form with a file name “LabEx2_GE107_Section_LastName_FirstName”.
Part I. Upload the excel file of your output in google drive and paste its link below. Also, attach a screenshot/snip
of your output similar to the figure shown in the Procedures, Part I, item 2 (but with values!).
Google drive link: _________________________________________________________________________
Screenshot/snip of your output:
Part II. Paste the photo of each of your answers below. Include a photo of your matrix A and matrix B.
Matrix A
Matrix A
Matrix B
Matrix B