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English Learning Difficulties in Indonesia

English 3
: Azizah Dwi Aprilia
Student ID
: 021202100036
The Difficulties of Learning English in Indonesia
English is a foreign language that we learn since entering elementary school. Some have
even been taught to use English from an early age in their families. But mostly, Indonesian people
only learn English at school. There are still many parents who don’t understand that learning
English is important for their children. Learning English from an early age, especially starting from
the family environment, can make it easier for children for further develop themselves in the future.
Although it is common nowadays, English is still difficult language to learn for some Indonesians.
Because English has different pronunciation system with Indonesian language. Awareness to learn
English is also still lacking because they think English does not affect their daily life. On the other
hand, there are many benefits if we can master English. For example, we can more easily
communicate with foreigners and exchange information with each other in English which is an
international language.