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Indonesian Beginners Listening Exercises & Materials

Indonesian Beginners
Listening Exercises & Materials
Gerry Yuwono
Helping you listen better
Indonesian Language Consultancy
Sydney, Australia
World Wide Web: www.ilc-sydney.com
Email: customer-support@ilc-sydney.com
1st edition © 2014 by Gerry Yuwono
All rights reserved. No part of this e-book (including
the audio files) may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
written permission from Indonesian Language
Consultancy. This e-book is sold subject to the
conditions that it shall not, by way of trade or
otherwise, re-sold, or otherwise circulated without
Indonesian Language Consultancy’s prior consent in
form or cover other than that in which it is published
and without a similar condition including this
condition being imposed on the subsequent
purchaser. For full terms and conditions please refer
to the site terms provided on the website.
Indonesian Language Consultancy is an Indonesian
listening exercise and materials provider based in
Sydney, Australia. For more information about
Indonesian Language Consultancy, visit the ILC
website at <www.ilc-sydney.com>.
Design & Typesetting: Gerry Yuwono
Images: Dreamstime
Voice Actor/Actress:
Joko: Gerry Y
Budi: Daniel J
Nina: Stephanie J
Rita: Maria J S
Sinta: Jessica J
Diana: Nadia W
Elizabeth H
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A word from the Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Available for You:
Chapter 1
Introducing Myself
Chapter 12
My Favourite Food
Bukan/Tidak, Possesive pronoun, Orang & Bahasa, Di & Dari.
Group classifiers for fruit and vegetables, Group classifiers for food,
Bagaimana dengan..?
Also Available
Chapter 2
My Family (I)
Buy Now
Saya + punya, Banyak & Sedikit, Saudara, Satu/Se-, Ke- and numbers..
Chapter 3
My Family (II)
Buy Now
Group classifiers, Saya + suka, Suka, Sayang & Cinta, Noun + adjective.
Chapter 4
My Hobbies
Buy Now
Bermain, Sangat/Sekali, Paling + suka, Lebih + suka, Pacar.
Chapter 5
The Past
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Incorporating time in Indonesian sentences (Past), Yang lalu/Lalu,
Chapter 6
The Future
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Incorporating time in Indonesian sentences (Future), Mau & Ingin, Mungkin.
Chapter 7
The Present
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Chapter 8
Daily Routines
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Chapter 9
My House
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Preposition Di, Ruang/Kamar, Ada, Ada/Punya
Chapter 10
My Health
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Kata/Bilang, Yang, Sakit, The word heart in Indonesian.
Chapter 11
My Clothing
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Comparative & Superlative adjective, Tua/Lama, Further degrees of
Chapter 13
At Home
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-ku, -mu & -nya, Biasanya & Untungnya, -nya as the, Apa.
Chapter 14
At School
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Dengan, Waktu, Kepada, Question tag in Indonesian.
Chapter 15
At Work
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Kalau, Bahwa, Bagaimana.
Chapter 16
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Pernah, Preposition Ke, Di mana, Ke mana & Dari mana.
Chapter 17
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Lagi, Boleh, English expressions in tourism industry, Berapa.
Chapter 18
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Hanya/Saja, Tarif/Harga, Bisa tolong..?, Yang mana.
Chapter 19
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Minta/Pesan, Juga, Jangan, Kapan.
Chapter 20
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Expressing opinion in Indonesian, Kenapa.
Incorporating time in Indonesian sentences (Present), Sedang, Untuk, Jujur
Kemudian & Lalu, Jam + number or Number + jam, Talking about time in
Other Features
Answer Key
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Only available if you purchase the whole book
Answer key for the chapter that you have purchased is included
Transcript for the chapter that you have purchased is included
A Word from the Author
The production of these listening materials has been an excitement for me as much as it is for the users.
Throughout the years that I have had in teaching the language, I noticed that many people, although have spent
so much time learning Indonesian, seemed to be very proficient in writing and reading and speaking but highly
lacking in listening. I certainly can understand how frustrating it is as listening is an important part in
communication (not only in learning a language!).
It is quite common for me to receive comments such as, "the conversational language in Indonesian is very
different than the written one," or "I find myself able to write and read but I really struggle with listening," or "I am
frustrated with how much I am progressing." Truthfully, most committed students will eventually progress but
there is always a gap between their current level to the full conversational level and I do not believe that this is
their personal problem. It is a call for teachers to carefully identify the needs of the students and serve that
needs. I am thankful for the liberty that I have to serve such need.
Many teachers, including myself, suggest their students to come to Indonesia and stay there for a while in order
to absorb the language. But who has the time and money? Unfortunately, even if someone has so much passion
in learning Indonesian, not all are ready to sacrifice their life for it and they do not need to. I remember the time
when I just started learning English and even though mine excelled so much after living in Australia, I have had
the foundations right in Indonesia thanks to all of the available resources. If learning a language implies sacrificing
their life I guess all learners will give up not long after they realise this.
So, with this in mind, I decided to start a long-term project of creating Indonesian listening materials from
beginners to advanced and then conversational level. At the beginners Level, you will find many conversations are
carefully crafted. But in the conversational level, it will be very natural and real-life like and in order to get there,
you will also need to have a good teacher or course. I see my project as being a mere support for any students
who are learning Indonesian, or even teachers who are looking for ways to boost their student's listening skills.
These materials should not be taken as primary learning resource, as it is not designed for such purpose from the
first place.
I am indeed thankful for all the experiences that I have had teaching all my students from different backgrounds
and levels since without them I will not understand this unserved needs. I do personally wish that these materials
will benefit them as much as all Indonesian learners around the world.
Best of luck with the materials, I hope you enjoy it and find it useful for your own learning and do not give up yet.
Gerry Yuwono
April 2014
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+ Glossary, Answer Key and Transcript
Please check the next page for more information about the features…
Copyright © 2014 by Gerry Yuwono
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Features Explained
Assumed Knowledge
Users of the Indonesian Beginners Listening Exercises and Materials are assumed to have knowledge on the
aspects listed at the beginning of each chapter.
Grammar in Focus
The chapter will cover aspects of grammar that are listed under this section.
Quizlet™ (Clickable)
Quizlet™ is a study tool developed by Quizlet LLC that can be used to build users’ vocabulary. It features online
flash card and other word memorisation exercises that can be of benefit of the users. When the word ‘Chapter’
is clicked, it will automatically bring the users to the relevant chapter’s vocabulary exercises. Users who have
purchased this e-book should have received the password required to access each chapter’s Quizlet™ at the
time of their purchase. If you have not received yours, please email customer-support@ilc-sydney.com.
Note: This feature requires internet connection.
This section indicates the speed of speech of the speaker(s) in the section’s recording compared to their normal
speed of speech. Speakers in the recording of the Beginners level will speak at the rate of 60-80% of their
normal speed.
Recording (Clickable Button)
The number in this button indicates the recording’s track number. This number can be used to find the MP3 file
of the recording as well as the transcript of the monologue/dialogue. After it is clicked, the button will change
into an adjustable media player with play, backward, forward and volume button that will help the users to
repeat the recording as many times as desired. Please follow the instructions below for more details.
Step 1
Click this button
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Use the media player
(Size adjustable)
When you are finished,
right click on the media
player and click
“disable content”
Copyright © 2014 by Gerry Yuwono
Repeat the same
process for any other
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Features Continued…
Grammar Support
In this part, users will be presented with some notes regarding the aspects of grammar that were used in the
particular section. Users are recommended to read the content of the box after listening to the recording for the
first time.
Glossary (Full Version Only)
Glossary is available at the end of the e-book. The glossary contains most of the essential words used in the ebook in their final form. Users may use their own dictionary or this glossary for word meaning exercises.
However, please note that the glossary is organised in alphabetical order regardless of the root words. Standard
Indonesian dictionary usually organise their words according to the root words first followed by the alphabetical
order of the root words.
Standard Indonesian
English word
To wash (active verb)
Indonesian word
Root word
Belongs to which
alphabetical group?
Answer Key
Answer key for each chapter is available at the end of the e-book. Users are recommended to look at the
answer key only after they have finished the whole chapter. The answers are organised according to the part no.
and the subpart no. of the chapter.
Transcript of each track is available at the end of the e-book. Users are recommended to look at the transcript if
they have difficulties in visualising the words used in the recording. The track number is the same as the
number shown in the recording button that is available in each section.
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Copyright © 2014 by Gerry Yuwono
Recommendation from the Author
Who is this book for?
Indonesian Beginners Listening Exercises and Materials is suitable for:
People who have had from 2 to 10 hours worth of training in beginners level,
People who are using any self-study method available for the Indonesian language,
Upper beginner to intermediate learners who would like to further improve their listening skills,
Anyone who are passionate about Indonesia and their language.
Note: The author does not recommend any user to use this e-book as their primary learning material for Indonesian. This e-book
should only be taken as a support material.
Approaching the exercises
There are a number of ways to approach the exercises in this e-book. Find some of them below:
Practise with Quizlet™ before you start working on the exercises. This will help you in knowing the
words and their meaning in advance. Do not worry about losing the excitement from knowing the words
beforehand. Having the word visualised and spoken are two different things and if you have the words
available in your mind, it will become easier to visualise the spoken version of it.
Find the listening method that works for you
Students approach listening exercises in different ways. There are three (3) common methods that you
can consider:
Listen to the whole recording once then repeat as needed,
• Listen & recite to create mental image in your mind,
• Listen & rewrite to help you visualise the words used in the recording.
Note: If you choose to use this approach, please try not to rely on it too much. This is because in reality, you would
not always have the chance to write what the other person is speaking during your conversation with an Indonesian
Using the recording
Users who have purchased this e-book will be provided with a PDF file that has already been embedded with all
of the audio files as well as the MP3 files of the recording. You can choose to use the media player available in
the PDF or copy the MP3 files to your personal media player (Iphone, Ipad or any other tablets) for personal
use only. Please contact customer-support@ilc-sydney.com for more information regarding licensing of the
Copyright © 2014 by Gerry Yuwono
Page | viii
1 Introducing Myself
Assumed Knowledge:
• Basic Greetings
• Pronoun
Grammar in Focus:
• Subject + Verb + Object (SVO)
• Bukan/Tidak
• Noun + Pronoun
Completed Quizlet (Chapter 1)
□ Yes □ No
Part 1 - Speed:
In this recording, Budi will introduce himself to the audience.
Listen and choose the correct answer.
What was Budi’s first greeting?
Good afternoon
Three times
Five times
Which word wasn’t mentioned in the recording?
Meaning: ___________
Good night
How many times was the word ‘bukan’ mentioned in the recording?
Which country wasn’t mentioned in the recording?
Good morning
Meaning: ___________
Meaning: ___________
How many times was the word ‘tidak’ mentioned in the recording?
Four times
Words in focus: ‘bukan’ or ‘tidak’
Both ‘Bukan’ and ‘tidak’ can negate a word. However, they should be used differently. Most of the times,
‘bukan’ negates nouns and adverbs whilst ‘tidak’ negates verbs and adjectives.
Ini bukan Bahasa Indonesia (This is not Indonesian language)
Ini tidak baik (This is not good)
Dia tidak tinggal di Venice (He/she doesn’t live in Venice)
Listen again and choose whether the statement is true or false by circling one of the options.
Budi is an American
Budi is originally from Bali
Budi cannot speak Javanese
The word ‘bahasa’ means Indonesian language
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Copyright © 2014 by Gerry Yuwono
CHAPTER 1 | Introducing Myself
Part 2 - Speed:
In this recording Joko will introduce four of his friends to the audience.
Listen to the recording. Complete the table with correct details of each person in English.
What is his/her
Where does he/she
Where does he/she
Does he/she speak
come from?
Friend 1
Friend 2
Friend 3 & 4
Grammar in focus: Possessive Pronoun
Indonesian pronouns stay the same when used to express possession. The rule in expressing possession is
simple: Noun + Pronoun/Name. For example (hint: read from right to left):
Bapak saya. (My father)
Anak guru saya. (My teacher’s child)
Teman baik saya. (My best friend)
Note: When the noun is further explained by an adjective, the possessive pronoun should come after the adjective
Listen again to the recording,
Complete the sentences below with the words/phrases in the box.
guru bahasa
Nama ___________ saya Rita. Dia tinggal di Jakarta ___________ di Bandung.
Dodi berasal dari ___________. Dia bisa ___________ bahasa Padang.
Nama ___________ saya Sinta dan Andi. ___________ orang Sulawesi. Mereka bisa berbicara
bahasa ___________.
Essential words: ‘orang’ and ‘bahasa’
Knowing these two words is essential in starting your Indonesian language learning. ‘Orang’ means person and
can also be used to express someone’s nationality. ‘Bahasa’ on the other hand means language. Both of these
words can be used in the same way. Example:
Bahasa Jawa (Javanese – Language)
Orang Jawa (Javanese – People)
Copyright © 2014 by Gerry Yuwono
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CHAPTER 1 | Introducing Myself
Using prepositions: ‘di’ and ‘dari’
In this chapter you have been introduced to 2 prepositions. ‘Di’ can be used as in/on/at (this will be discussed
further in a later chapter) and ‘dari’ means from.
Saya tinggal di Indonesia (I live in Indonesia)
Dia berasal dari Sumatera (He originates from Sumatera)
Part 3 - Speed:
In this recording Budi will tell a short story about his friend.
Listen to the recording. Number the phrases in the order you hear them.
Ibu Rudi
Mereka tinggal di Medan
Mangga Besar
berasal dari Jakarta
Mereka tidak tinggal
Bapak Rudi
berasal dari Medan
Tip for learning Indonesian: Build the basics first
Most of you might have noticed that Indonesian speeches tend to be fast and hard to catch. Do not
expect to be able to listen perfectly as a beginner. Start small, familiarise yourself with the words
and try to identify words you know when you are hearing Indonesian speech. You won’t be able to
get full understanding if you do not have good foundation first and rush to difficult stuff before you
are ready.
Listen again to the recording, fill in the table with a tick ( ) to show which information about Budi’s
friend is correct.
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Rudi lives in Denpasar
Rudi’s mother is from Medan
Rudi’s father is from Medan
Rudi’s parents live in Jakarta
Rudi’s parents don’t like Bali
Rudi is from Jakarta
Copyright © 2014 by Gerry Yuwono
CHAPTER 1 | Introducing Myself
Part 4 - Speed:
In this recording Joko will have a short conversation with Budi.
Listen and choose the correct answer.
When did they have the conversation?
Morning time
Night time
Afternoon time
Joko’s friend
Joko’s teacher
Not sure
She has lots of friends in
She’s having a holiday and her father
Who is Sinta?
Rudi’s friend
Can Sinta speak Indonesian?
Where does Sinta come from?
Why did Sinta come to Indonesia?
She likes Indonesia
lives in Indonesia
Grammar in focus: Questions in Indonesian
In many cases, the structure of question in Indonesian conversation is similar to the structure of the response
sentence. For instance:
Question: Dia tinggal di mana? (Where does he live? or He lives at where?)
Answer: Dia tinggal di Kuningan (He lives in Kuningan)
Therefore, if you listen to Indonesian questions carefully, you might be able to respond quite intuitively
Note: Indonesian can also use inflection in their tone to change a sentence into a question
Listen again to the recording. The words below were used in the conversation. Make sure that you can
identify them in the recording and find the meaning of these words.
a kabar
b malam
h berlibur
Important Note
The transcript of this chapter and the answers of can be found in the Appendix. However, for your own benefit,
try not to look at the answers until you finish the exercises or before you listen to the recording. You can also
find a glossary in the Appendix. Congratulations for completing Chapter 1 !
Copyright © 2014 by Gerry Yuwono
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Part 1 - 1
Part 2 - 1
1. A
What is
Where does
Where does he/she
Does he/she
2. C
his/her name?
he/she live?
come from?
speak English?
Friend 1
A: to live
Friend 2
B: to be able (to)/can
Friend 3 & 4
Sinta & Andi
Next to Joko
3. A
4. C
C: already
Part 2 -2
5. C
1, Guru bahasa; bukan 2. Sumatera; berbicara 3. tetangga; Mereka; Inggris
Part 1 - 2
Part 3 - 1
Ibu Rudi
Mereka tinggal di Medan
Mangga Besar
berasal dari Jakarta
Mereka tidak tinggal
Bapak Rudi
Part 4 - 1
berasal dari Medan
1. B 3. B 5. C
Part 3 - 2
2. A 4. C
Part 4 - 2
a. news
e. let (me)
b. night
f. sorry
c. only/just
g. now
d. also
h. to have
Rudi lives in Denpasar
Rudi’s mother is from Medan
Rudi’s father is from Medan
Rudi’s parents live in Jakarta
Rudi’s parents don’t like Bali
Rudi is from Jakarta
a holiday
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Copyright © 2014 by Gerry Yuwono
Track 1 - Budi
Selamat pagi. Kenalkan, nama saya Budi. Saya bukan orang Amerika. Saya bukan orang Australia. Saya orang Indonesia. Saya berasal dari
Jawa tapi saya tidak tinggal di Jawa. Saya tinggal di Bali. Saya tidak bisa berbicara Bahasa Jawa.
Track 2 - Joko
Nama guru saya Rita. Dia tinggal di Jakarta bukan di Bandung. Dia berasal dari Bali. Dia bisa berbicara Bahasa Inggris. Nama teman saya
Dodi. Dodi berasal dari Sumatera. Dia bisa berbicara Bahasa Padang bukan Bahasa Inggris. Dia tinggal di Bogor. Nama tetangga saya Sinta
dan Andi. Mereka orang Sulawesi. Mereka tidak bisa berbicara Bahasa Inggris.
Track 3 - Budi
Teman saya, Rudi, berasal dari Jakarta. Dia tinggal di Mangga Besar. Ibu Rudi berasal dari Medan dan Bapak Rudi berasal dari Padang.
Mereka tidak tinggal di Jakarta. Mereka tinggal di Medan.
Track 4 – Budi & Joko
Budi: Hai Joko, selamat malam! Apa kabar?
Joko: Hai Budi, selamat malam! Saya baik-baik saja. Kamu?
Budi: Ya, saya juga baik-baik saja. Oh, kenalkan, ini teman saya, Sinta.
Joko: Hai Sinta, apa kabar?
Budi: Oh, maaf Joko. Sinta tidak bisa berbicara Bahasa Indonesia.
Joko: Oh, dia bukan orang Indonesia?
Budi: Bukan, Sinta orang Inggris. Dia berasal dari London.
Joko: Oh, sekarang dia tinggal di mana?
Budi: Dia tinggal di Kuningan. Dia sedang berlibur. Bapak dia tinggal di Indonesia.
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Copyright © 2014 by Gerry Yuwono
Testimonials for Indonesian Beginners Listening Exercises and Materials
“I strongly recommend these Indonesian language materials for all students beginning their journey to master
Bahasa Indonesia. The audio materials are clear and easy to understand. The written materials, prepared by
experienced Indonesian language teacher, Bapak Gerry Yuwono, establish important and easy to follow,
building blocks, for developing skills in mastering Indonesian. I highly recommend these materials.”
Liz – Lawyer
“I’ve always found that listening and understanding (oral comprehension) is the most difficult part of learning a
new language. Pak Gerry and his team want to make it easy. Their graded series of resources are the prefect
way for beginners and intermediate speakers to improve their listening and comprehension skills. Thank you –
these exercises will be really useful for me!”
Roger - University Professor
“I must say, you have done a great job putting a simple and easy to understand beginners listening materials
together. I think this materials is perfect for first time students who wish to learn Bahasa Indonesia. So far I
have found the materials very well presented for a beginner and it is easy to understand which I believe will be
a big hit in the classroom or training environment. Even at home studying by yourself it is easy to follow so well
done to you and your team. “
Jamie - Indonesian Language Enthusiast
“The teaching materials that accompany the ILC course are useful, effective and fun. The listening exercises are
great for comprehension and working out the meanings of new words. The quizlet app is very effective for
memorisation of vocabulary. The format of the chapters makes it very easy to concentrate and apply new
Helen - Researcher
“The listening exercises and materials by Indonesian Language Consultancy were very helpful to brush up on
my basic Indonesian. The format is easy to understand and runs through language lessons in a logical way,
getting progressively more challenging as the book goes on. The speech is slower then normal but a good pace
for beginners and is still authentic sounding. Small language lessons and facts throughout the book
compliment the exercises well as the explain rules and inconsistencies.”
Imogen - University Student
Thank you for trying our
Indonesian Beginners Listening
Exercises and Materials
Visit http://www.ilc-sydney.com/listening-exercises/buy-now/
to purchase other chapters (for less than AU $3 each)
the full version of Indonesian Beginners Listening Exercises and Materials
(e-book) for AU $28 only.
SPECIAL OFFER: If you have purchased some of the chapters before and later decide to purchase the whole
book within 50 days of your first purchase, your payment for the chapters that you have purchased separately
will be refunded and you will only be paying maximum $28.
Features of the full version:
Full access to the MP3 files (80 tracks – 2 hours & 34 minutes)
Full access to the remaining chapters (20 in total – 80 pages)
Full access to Quizlet™
Answer Key
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