Uploaded by Edmond Chow

Gaertner Ellipsometer Operation Procedure

Gaertner Ellipsometer Operation Procedure
Initial Settings
1.1. Turn the system key counter-clockwise to horizontal position and the yellow
LED will lit. (laser will take about 5 minutes to warmup for more stable result)
Turn on the computer, the red alignment laser will be on.
Login to the computer with AD password
GEMP (Gaertner EllipsoMeter Program) will automatically launch.
After GEMP finish loading, click the ellipsometer icon in the top menu.
1.6. After Measurement and Calculation Window launch, press F9 or click on
“Adjust Sample Table” button to launch the alignment window.
Prepared by Edmond Chow 217-244-9556
Checked by Paul DiPippo
Version 3.0
Version 3.1
March 27, 2020
April 1, 2020
Gaertner Ellipsometer Operation Procedure
Sample Loading
2.1. Place your sample on the sample table and center the target area near the red
alignment laser spot.
2.2. Adjust the knob at the sample table to center the cross. (front knob for Y-plane
and right knob for X-plane adjustment).
2.3. After centering the cross, adjust the vertical adjustment wheel at the back to peak
up the signal bar, until it turn green. Click OK to after alignment.
2.4. If you don’t see any signal, check if the laser key is on, and if your sample is
flat, contact staff if you need help, do NOT turn the knob more than 2 full
Film Model Selection and Measurement (single layer film on Si or GaAs)
3.1. Load model file from the software base on the material of you film, if the
material is not available, contact Edmond to create the material for you.
3.2. Enter the approximate thickness of film in A.
3.3. Click “Print Measured Data” and then click “Measure & Calculate”
Prepared by Edmond Chow 217-244-9556
Checked by Paul DiPippo
Version 3.0
Version 3.1
March 27, 2020
April 1, 2020
Gaertner Ellipsometer Operation Procedure
3.4. The result will show the thickness of the film measured from three wavelength:
405nm, 632.nm and 830nm. The thickness measured from three wavelength
should be within 20A, otherwise, the initial approximate thickness you enter is
likely to be incorrect.
3.5. If you need to move the same sample to different location or measure different
samples, you will need to repeat alignment procedure 2.2-2.4 with some fine
Sample Unloading and shutdown
4.1. Remove your sample.
4.2. Close the program
4.3. Shutdown computer (NOT logout)
4.4. Turn the key clockwise to vertical direction.
Application note:
5.1. Our ellipsometer can only measure single layer film on semiconductor, if you
have multiple layer film on some other material substrate, please put a dummy Si
sample during you film deposition, so that you can use that for the ellipsometer
5.2. The best refractive index measurement thickness on Si substrate for 633nm
SiO2, PMMA, ~140nm, Si3N4, HfO2 TiO2 ~90nm
Prepared by Edmond Chow 217-244-9556
Checked by Paul DiPippo
Version 3.0
Version 3.1
March 27, 2020
April 1, 2020