Uploaded by Maya AlKhouri

Venezuela: Culture, Food, and Tourist Attractions

• Location:
• The climate:
• Language:
Spanish is the most popularly spoken language in
Venezuela, although approximately 40 different
languages are spoken throughout the country.
• Religions:
In reference to religion, Venezuelans are mainly
Catholic, some Jewish and some Anglican.
• Currency
Venezuela is a
country where you
can easily get by on
just fifty bucks a week,
with a budget of $100
a week
The Venezuelan bolívar is the
official currency of Venezuela.
Traditional food
1 – Pabellón criollo.
2 – Hallacas – Meat
3 – Patacón
zuliano –
Plantain filled
with beef
Traditional clothes
For Man:
For woman:
• Touristic sites:
1. Angel Falls
2. Isla Margarita
3. Merida
4. Medanos de Coro
5. The cable car in Mérida
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