Uploaded by Gerardo Zavarce

Continuity of Drifting: Venezuela's Post-Chávez Era

By Nina Fuentes & Gerardo Zavarce
Sickness, medical treatment in the island of Cuba and the death of President Hugo Chávez
on March 5th, 2013, formally represents the beginning of a process that could be
described as the «Post- Chávez era». Nevertheless, this chronological neologism does not
mean to describe the radical transformation on what we have known as the «Bolivarian
process», but, on the other hand point out its increasing, under the impulse of political
choices that made democratic institutions fail in purpose. And in parallel, all Venezuelan
The death of President Chavez was just the announcement of the tragical continuity of
the political model known as «Socialism of the 21st Century». The unconstitutional turn
towards a fake socialist model represented Participative Democracy as a wreck of 1999’s
National Constitution. The positioning of Nicolas Maduro’s to presidency is a testimony
of this adrift democracy.
Venezuela’s current regime could be considered an imperfect dictatorship. An autocracy
consolidated in the absence of Power distribution which impostures a political façade,
forced to celebrate elections far from fair, and depart from democracy. The Venezuelan
democratic crisis manifests where values have bottomed out and Human rights are being
Under this concept, cultural processes play an important role as they become a way of
social mobilization and (re)construction of the democratic net. Artistic practices become
a territory for participation, involvement and resistance. This catalyzes new ways of
allowing democratic expectations that have only been threatened by totalitarianism,
reductionism, and monochromatic way of thinking.
Currently there aren’t any sources to evaluate the cultural politics with an official profile
in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Furthermore, a series of investigations have
systematized and documented the shades of cultural action throughout the years in which
the The Bolivarian process has being taken place. The titles are somehow eloquent: The
culture under harassment (La cultura bajo acoso) by María Elena Ramos, The Barren
Republic (La República baldía) by Luis Perez Oramas, The docile body (El cuerpo dócil)
by Manuel Silva Ferrer, Venezuela, the country that is always being born (Venezuela, el
país que siempre nace) by Gisela Kozak Rovero, amongst others.
We can suggest that by interpreting the perspective of official cultural action we have in
our hands a cultural politic that is stablished by the narrowness of an ideological group,
handled by the same people in power who also are in charge of Public Institutions. There’s
no sign of cultural politics based on the State, where complex dynamics can be expressed,
room for Venezuelan culture itself or social diversity.
It is no longer a matter of whether there is or isn’t a cultural politic of the State. We can
conceive it as an action coming from ideological narrowness stablished by the group that
maintains itself in political power, even when a frame of reference has been
institutionalized for democratic ways of government gathered in 1999’s Constitution.
Specially democracy conceived as participative & protagonists. The model for “Socialism
of the 21st century” has been characterized for instrumentalizing public politics based on
political cooptation through a picky management of the country’s oil money, without any
planning or financial control.
This has suppressed (and repressed with strength, violating fundamental rights) citizen’s
participation, and has led it to be a dictatorship, an only way of thought. The aspirations
towards a participative model that could be a reference for a bigger scope in democracy,
have been betrayed. The same way as the Republic’s Constitution.
Venezuela’s paradox is in fact, that these before mentioned Constitution (CRBV1999),
proposed a gathering of laws that work as a starting point for improving a possible cultural
action project focused on human development. In its foreword it declares creation and
cultural enjoyment in full liberty framed by a multicultural society whose essential
diversity must be respected and also its concerns regarding culture in chapter 6,
dedicated to “Educational and Cultural Rights”. But in praxis makes no sense.
Fifteen years later after de promulgation of the Constitution, through a Consulting
Referendum, the Organic Law on Culture was approved without social consultation. By a
decree of habilitating law, awarded to President Nicolas Maduro. Bolivarian revolution
affirms that an organic law on culture was approved by betraying democracy proclaimed
in the Constitution itself.
As an alternative to context of official politics that are promoted by the so called
“Bolivarian Process” we find many creators, both national and international that have
been developing literary, visual, theatrical, musical, audiovisual artistic and cultural
expressions, even towards human rights that are at the margin and openly against this
official regime.
The true cultural politic has been independent action. That which has emerged as an
alternative to crisis and in opposition to totalitarian vision of what is considered official
culture. This cultural politic conceived from emergency is the example that makes
boundaries noticeable for the limits of official cultural action to show and its false
pretensions of inclusion promoted by its propaganda.
Even the cultural politics is drive by the government desires and the state cultural
infrastructure lack of basic services as water , electricity or even capacity to make payroll
payments It is an imperative task to recognize some of these initiatives.
Noticeable capacity of free speech and social mobilization in public spaces, the patrimony,
cultural diversity, knowledge for democracy, the city as a right, memory, the
strengthening of the social net, solidarity...all of this as examples of democracy.
Gericault’s painting of Medusa’s raft is one of the referents for representing what is in
fact happening in Venezuela: emergency and society a drift. In this context, independent
cultural practices, or of hybrid nature in alliance with local manifestations as NGO’s, Major
offices and Universities, allow us to sketch what could be considered as an alternative
cultural practice. It is about building new ways to cultural practice and avoiding the
harassment of anything that stands for the opposite of democracy.
MACZUL Museum of Contemporary Art of Zulia as many museums was almost going to
close. Totally broke and without any possibility to be finance by the national government.
It doesn’t belong to the National Museum System with brought the possibility of private
In 2015 the museum of contemporary art of Zulia (MACZUL) gets immerse in a radical
transformation process based on the opening of its spaces to the community of national and
international artists.The key to understanding this new model of group leadership is the
presence of a group of artists in its directive board who's organization practices comes from
a different background such as artistic creation. This has allowed to add imagination within
the working programs to generate alternatives in a context characterized by crisis. For
example, instead of closing the spaces for exhibits because of the lack of budget and official
help, they had decided to keep them open by managing it themselves. They have knitted
an ecological creation mesh that conforms a space for performing, learning and action,
focusing on responding to the uncertainty. The result has been surprising; a larger number
of exhibits, visitors, alliances and support. This institutional transformation was consider
the new MACZUL era.
This process’ main key has been incorporating imagination and flexibility as action
politics, and cultural managing focused in the idea of transformation. MACZUL has
accomplished this wish and made it visible, showing its individual and collective goal for
renewal and transformation. This has meaning in a context where change is impossible. It
is a paradox that in a country going through revolution, nothing is in fact changing. The
museum left behind its traditional structure and program, to make room for an unorthodox
and flexible program within its space.
This platform is oriented towards working the cultural patrimony, tangible & intangible
through the perspective of registration, documentation, investigation and the asset of
patrimony for citizenship. It began as an initiative for Institutional Assets and Monuments
(IAM), an organization of Arts Connection foundation, meant to urgently protect
patrimony in Venezuela’s context of emergency.
The projects main goal is to connect people with memory and history through its
relationship with patrimony. Different initiatives derive from its proposing’s which are
oriented to generate and conform a community that performs all sorts of practices around
the Patrimonial facts. This strategy, where different speeches, practices and visions
strengthen cultural inheritance together with a state of the art technology promoted by ARC
as photogrammetry , are conformed by students, public institutions, cultural promoters,
museologists, communities and general audience. All the actions and creative spaces are
documented, systematized, and spread through the website of the project and social media.
Proposals for entrepreneurship and innovation are connected though sustainable strategies
which gather the patrimony with experiences of value towards memory, and urban
acupuncture. Empathy towards the citizens and their historic memory are identity
references that prevent patrimony from being victim of ideological vandalism or
governmental lack of care, as preservation is not contemplated in it politics’ priority.
El Calvario’s Open House
It is conceived as a project that seeks to experiment, explore and intervene on popular urban
territory, focused on the idea of “Barrios Son Ciudad”. Its name comes from the experience
derived from Barrio El Calvario (El Hatillo, Caracas, Venezuela). Three editions have been
made so far: 2015, 2016, 2017. It invites community members to participate as main actors
of the experience that unfolds side to side with Local power figures (from Majors office),
urbanists, architects, reading promotors, artists, cultural organizations such as the
Venezuelan Endowment for the arts (VAEA), Arts Connection Foundation, artists and
urban intervention collectives, amongst others.
Essentially, the project seeks to close the gap that divides the historic side with the sector
known as El Calvario. An urban division that is also a “Barrio”. El Calvario’s Open House
is an exercise of integration where the community opens its doors for a tour with different
activities in a meeting that allows to know the neighborhood and make possible the
confluence of touristic dynamics that are made locally. The activity is developed in the
creation of micro-utopias for the senses that involve the city’s intervention, as an
alternative to make the community the stage for the building of a collective choreography
that makes visible and possible our relation with the city and its instances.
Making the neighborhood a stage is just the beginning for ephemeral intervention as a
cultural display for city touring, cultural action, experience propitiation, cultural
democracy and people’s participation.
Sensible Learnings is a project that derives from “Todo Terreno” (2012-2017) of artistic
intervention in non-conventional spaces, initially conceived for the Feria Iberoamericana
de Arte Caracas. It explores urban spaces with an emphasis in places meant for education,
health, and public places for individual and collective recreation like parks, and other areas,
with the purpose of making artistic practices and interventions.
This proposal is of an experimental nature that looks forwards to the dialogue, and creation
amongst artists, architects, designers and community members to make creative
interventions in public spaces and generate learning possibilities. Its methodology is
centered on the idea of ideological confluence centered on the creation that generates
transformation processes where the purpose must be different from the initial situation and
make room for dialogues about learning through experience. Revisar coherencia
Sensible Learnings is the complement for creating processes where an artist dialogues with
a community to transform a school, street, plaza, hospital, only to mention a few examples.
Conceiving and propitiating artistic practices articulated from the notion of sensible
learning. This generates different results as the rehabilitation of diverse public spaces but
also the rehearsing of new ways of organization and ways of experiencing the place we
inhabit from our individual and collective perspective.
A flexible and diverse structure made for promoting the performance practice in the
Venezuelan context, who’s sustainability is possible by self-management strategies. The
project was born in 2015, motivated by a void in the cultural field relating the action and
performance arts. It propones to generate audiences for cultural art practices, working on
learning processes, exchange a cultural cooperation. Creating a quality performance event
is one of its main goals, as having national and international participation. Its structure is
based in the net of action where you knit or unknit depending on the context. It also makes
alliances with the structures of the Art Market to make possible the alliances with collectors
that have interests in adding action pieces t heir archives.
Carlos Salazar Lermont, one of the project’s founders, establishes: “One of the special
characteristics of this platform is its conscience of working towards a net nationally and
internationally. Likewise, a dialogue with the curators that allowed making specialized
content and an appreciation for performance in such a complex context as the Venezuelan
It’s clear that the proposal emerges to fill an enormous void in the promotion of the arts in
Venezuela. Working towards the conformation of new audiences and dialogues amongst
its own makers from different generations. Beyond organizing the events, the focus is
organizing and infrastructure for performance practice I Venezuela that allows to balance
the deficient official cultural field. Three programs are made: Bang, Creative encounter for
thought for Body artists from Venezuela, Bridges, for both national and international
artists, and the Bienal internacional de performances Caracas which has a global impact.
Civilian demands for democratic demands that occurred in 2017, generated a script of
violence amongst citizens that demanded opening for democracy and public order to be
heard. As consequence, Active Citizenship Lab for Non-Violence is born as an exploration
space to break the wearing out dynamics in massive protect that where repressed through
the excessive use of force by the military institution, at the governments service.
Breaking this script’s structure is what makes urgent the Active Citizenship Lab for NonViolence. Going through inertia of confronting people’s action and finding a flexible area
for organizing action nets bound together by the purpose of conceiving never explored
strategies and new ways of protest for economic, political, social and cultural rights.
This proposal allows a collective manner that allows to openly question the bases on which
president Nicolas Maduro is sustaining its antidemocratic practices. Furthermore, it
evaluates the ongoing experiences that have been able to advance as a protest initiative.
This surrounds metaphorically the dynamics of a lab as a space for dialogue, analysis, and
protest practice instrumentalization. It has also made room for articulating parallel
practices for reinforcing the self in its society, collective initiatives for diverse democracy
that are focused on rights for one and for all as equals.
We have begun describing how cultural action has a role in experience conformation that
allows to make new reference for resistance in political crisis context. Proposing diverse
cultural alternatives allow to explore and experience new democratic ways. We encourage
documenting and systematizing this initiatives to help visualize the realities to come and
comprehend the challenges we are facing in a present threatened by the emergency of
antidemocratic forces of a totalitarian way of thought of the so- called Bolivarian process
that continue showing its nature of the Post- Chavez era and XXI Century Socialism.