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Interest Rate Swaps: Market Analysis & Pricing

Interest Rates Research
Cagdas Aksu
+44 (0)20 7773 5788
September 2014
Source for all charts: Barclays Research unless otherwise stated
Agenda: Swaps
• The swap market: its uses, users and pricing
• How do we analyse the yield curve: a fundamental framework
• Swap spreads
A swap is an agreement to a periodic exchange of cash flows
• An interest rate swap is typically structured as fixed vs floating
• Floating vs floating is known as a basis swap
• The floating leg is often indexed to Libor or Euribor
• They are traded on a notional principal amount
• Each swap market has its own standard payment conventions on the fixed
and floating legs
• However, requests for non-standard conventions are frequent
• An example of a typical cash flow calculation formula is as follows:
Notional x Rate x Actual days/360
• Day-basis adjustment may differ between the fixed and floating payments
• Eg, 30/360 on fixed side, Act/360 on floating
Documentation – ISDA
What is it?
• ISDA (International Swaps and Derivatives Association)
• Trade body set up to oversee the market and standardise terms and conditions
• A “Master Agreement” is usually signed between two institutions, setting out the standard terms and
conditions for all OTC derivatives trades between them.
• The Agreement provides efficiency since counterparties do not need to negotiate a series of issues for
every new transaction, only the economic ones.
• Individual trades only require simple and short confirmation.
• Most major legal jurisdictions accept that unrealised gains and losses can be netted in the event of
either counterpart defaulting.
• Netting reduces substantially the amount of risk capital required to support the business. This helps to
maintain profitability in derivatives trading.
• It is technically possible to execute a swap without an ISDA, using Long Form Confirmation, although
this is extremely rare.
Documentation – CSA
• Many counterparties also have a Credit Support Annex (CSA) in place.
• A CSA is a legal document that determines arrangements between two counterparties for exchanging
collateral against valuation changes on a portfolio of derivatives.
Central Clearing
• We can also settle swaps via a central counterparty (CCP).
• Central clearing was designed to reduce systemic risk and will become mandatory for many market
participants trading in many swap products in the coming years.
Illustrative cash flows
Swap, Fixed vs Floating
• If a swap is “at market” or “par”, then the net present value (“NPV”) of all future
cash flows is zero.
• Market expectations of forward interest rates are always evolving; hence, par
swap rates are always moving.
Swap curves
A swap yield curve is a continuous plot of par swap rates of all maturities at a given
moment in time.
Payer of fixed gains,
Receiver of fixed loses
Yield curve later
Yield curve now
Yield curve later
Payer of fixed loses,
Receiver of fixed gains
Maturity (years)
Swap rates vary according to the floating index
Different floating leg indices lead to a different fixed rate in order to achieve zero NPV.
Fixed vs12m Euribor
Fixed vs 6m Euribor
Fixed vs 3m Euribor
Fixed vs1m Euribor
Fixed vs Eonia
Maturity (years)
Swap types have proliferated
Standard IR Swap
Fixed vs 6m Floating
1m IRS
Fixed vs 1m
12m IRS
Asset Swaps
Basis Swaps
Zero Coupons
Fixed vs 12m
3m IRS
Fixed vs 3m
Users of and uses for swaps
Uses of swaps
Users of swaps
• Duration management
• overlaying portfolios to take advantage of changes
in interest rate expectations
• Hedging
• eg, swap floating-rate borrowings into fixed rate
• Liability-linked swaps
• the combination of a liability plus a swap
• eg, swapping fixed coupons on new debt issues to
• Asset-linked swaps
• the combination of an asset plus a swap
• eg, capturing the yield pick-up of an asset while
minimising exposure to outright yield movements
• Relative value
• eg, to exploit yield differentials between different
maturities, curves or markets
• Rate locking
• corps using swaps to lock in attractive yield levels
ahead of there being a need to issue debt
• Banks
• Institutional investors
• Insurance companies
• Government entities
• Corporations
• Hedge funds
Swap users
EUR swaps by client type (2010)
EUR swaps by client type (2011)
Source: Barclays Research internal data, European Distribution Teams’ Client Revenues in Swaps by Client Sector
Swap pricing is easy
Any swap is simply a set of cash flows
• Build cash flows
• Discount back to today
• Solve for one variable: usually fixed rate, spread on floating leg, or upfront payment
• We use our yield curve for forecast rates and discount factors
• Example: 100mn 3y @ 1.25603%, annual 30/360 vs 6m Euribor
• The present value for each leg is ∑i Ni * ri * DCFi * Dfi where Ni = Notional, ri = rate,
DCFi = Day Count Fraction, Dfi = Discount Factor for each cash flow i.
Which discount curve should be used?
The appropriate discount curve depends on the collateralisation of the trade:
• Non-collateralised trades
 Cash balances need to be funded. Therefore, the correct discount curve is our funding curve adjusted for the
counterparty’s creditworthiness.
• Collateralised trades
 Collateral provides the funding for the trade. For trades collateralised with a single product (eg, EUR cash,
remunerated at EONIA), the correct discount curve is the rate of return of the collateral (eg, EONIA).
• Imagine a single cash flow of €10m, one year from now. How much would you pay for that cash flow today?
 If non-collateralised, we would need to raise the funds to pay for it.
 If collateralised with EUR at EONIA, we would be provided with the funds through the collateralisation and we
would need to pay EONIA for those funds each day. The theoretical arbitrage-free discount curve would be the
EONIA curve.
• Example (1)
 We rec €100mn 10y EUR IRS @ 2% vs a counterparty with cash EUR CSA (EONIA)
 We pay €100mn 10y EUR IRS @ 2% vs a counterparty with no CSA
10y yields move to 3%
We post collateral on the CSA and receive EONIA back. We need to fund this, which is costly.
This portfolio is a cost and we would pay to unwind it. To value the expected cost, we need to discount the
non-CSA cash flows with our funding curve (credit-adjusted) and the collateralised swap with EONIA.
• Example (2)
 We rec €100mn 10y EUR IRS vs a counterparty with cash EUR CSA (EONIA)
 We pay €100mn 10y EUR IRS vs a counterparty with cash USD CSA (Fed Funds)
To hedge this perfectly, we need to execute EONIA-Fed Funds cross-currency swaps on the expected cash
balance, in order to raise the offsetting collateral.
To value the USD CSA swap, we need to discount using Fed Funds, basis-swapped back to EONIA.
Discounting under multi-currency/product CSAs
• Most collateral agreements allow for different types of collateral to be posted, such as cash in different
currencies, or different securities.
• Of these collateral choices, there will likely be an asset which is “Cheapest to Deliver” for the poster of
collateral. This will be the collateral with the highest relative rate of return via cross-currency basis.
• The choice of CTD collateral resides with the poster of the collateral.
• CTD Valuation can be split into two components:
• Intrinsic: Driven by current forwards
• Option value: Additional adjustment for the time value on the option that another instrument could
become CTD for each point in the future
• The Intrinsic Curve comes from comparing the instantaneous overnight forward forward rates for all
assets, and choosing the highest rate at every point in time.
• Time value depends the relative volatilities of and correlations between various spreads such as crosscurrency basis and Libor-OIS basis.
• Bonds can also be accounted for after adjustment for factors such as haircuts.
• Additional choices will only ever increase the effective discount rates. Choice collateral pushes
discounting away from OIS, towards Libor.
• The impact of CTD is always greatest at the long end, for both Intrinsic and Time Value.
• BUT … collateral substitution rights are not enforceable under current ISDA documentation
• AND … the option value is market sensitive and very difficult to hedge through OIS cross currency
Pricing swaps with one-way CSAs
• A “One-Way CSA” is an agreement in which only one of the two counterparties is required to post
collateral. These agreements are common between banks and sovereign or supra-national entities (the
bank pays but never receives collateral). At the time the agreements were made, sovereign credit risk
was deemed to be very low, and the cost to banks of funding the collateral payments was not
considered material.
• The counterparty posting collateral in a unilateral CSA is short an option on the NPV of the portfolio it
has with the counterparty. Trading under this type of CSA is very expensive due to the lack of upside
potential in the funding risk.
• Pricing: The simplest of trades becomes a non-linear problem and depends heavily on the composition
of the entire current portfolio of derivatives with this counterparty.
• Bank’s MtM very large and negative: The 1-Way CSA approximates a standard bilateral agreement
• Bank’s MtM very large and positive: The 1-Way CSA approximates the uncollateralised environment
• Between these extremes, the option-value is considerable and depends on volatility and correlations
within the (potentially multi-asset) portfolio.
• For the counterparty posting collateral, the portfolio is always a cost. The counterparty is incentivised to
enter trades or unwinds, which either wind down the portfolio entirely or bring the portfolio to a large
negative MtM with low market risk.
• When pricing, the problem is non-linear and portfolio dependent. Monte-Carlo type pricing tools are
required, not just a different discount curve.
• Other non-standard CSAs such as those with high thresholds and rating-dependencies also require
tailored pricing.
Agenda: Swaps
• The swap market: its uses, users and pricing
• How do we analyse the yield curve: a fundamental framework
• Swap spreads
Why do we use the swap curve in our analyses?
• Use swap curve first, then move to bond
Which curve?
• EONIA and Libor swaps
• Use forward swaps rather than spot
• Swap spreads driven by budget deficit
• Government spreads driven by a
combination of factors
• Why swaps?
• Constant maturity data points available
without the spike of bond benchmark
• Forward curve analysis is much easier
Our approach to analysing the yield curve
• Recognise that curve segments are
driven by different factors
Curve split into forward components
• Up to 1y: ECB + liquidity conditions
EUR Swap Curve
• Up to 3y: ECB + international rate
expectations and term premium
• 5y5y fwd: driven by medium-term
• Post-10y: structural supply and
demand factors
Understanding money markets and its relationships is very important
Euro strip
Let’s focus on post-5y rates
… and more recently
5y5y fwd swap rates over the long run…
EUR 5yr 5yr fwd
US 5yr 5yr fwd (RHS)
Jul 98
EUR 5yr 5yr fwd
US 5yr 5yr fwd (RHS)
Apr 01
Jan 04
Oct 06
Jul 09
Apr 12
Nov 07
Dec 14
Mar 09
Aug 10
Dec 11
May 13
Neutral short rates likely to have fallen globally
There seems to be less hope for a pick-up in euro
area growth prospects in the coming years
Trend growth and neutral rates have likely been
falling over the crisis years since 2007
10y moving average
20y moving average
Source for both charts: World Bank, IMF
Secular drop in yields has largely been driven by term premium
Nominal growth expectations have driven drop in yields,
only partly with term premium playing a larger role
Source for both charts: SPF, Barclays Research
Expectation component can still fall more in the euro
area in the coming years
Evolution of the term premium will be key
Fed’s balance sheet and an FTQ factor help largely
explain term premium
Long-term inflation volatility is also important
Source for all charts: SPF, Bloomberg, Barclays Research
Fed’s balance sheet will only go down gradually
Principal runoff begins in earnest in 2016…
… and would normalise the balance sheet in 2021
Source: FRBNY, Barclays Research
Source: CBO, FRBNY, Barclays Research
Federal Reserve securities held outright
Share of securities in SOMA portfolio
Source: Federal Reserve
Source: Federal Reserve
1) Putting it all together: A fundamental approach
… while 5y5y fwd rates are more driven by longterm growth and inflation expectations, as well as
long-term uncertainty factors
5y rates are largely driven by near-term growth,
inflation and uncertainty factors…
Source for both charts: SPF, Bloomberg, Barclays Research
2) Putting it all together: A fundamental approach
5y5y fwd rates are more driven by long-term
growth and inflation expectations, as well as
long-term uncertainty factors
The same also applies to very long-term rates
measured by 15y15y fwd
Source for both charts: SPF, Bloomberg, Barclays Research
Agenda: Swaps
• The swap market: its uses, users and pricing
• How do we analyse the yield curve: a fundamental framework
• Swap spreads
EUR swap spreads before and after the crisis
Bund ASW
• Before the crisis, market participants tended to monitor/trade swap spreads versus Libor swaps.
• The recent crisis has required a more detailed analysis and decomposition of swap spreads into
Libor–EONIA and EONIA–Germany components.
1) Taking a view on the Libor–EONIA component
3m Libor - EONIA
Credit Premium
Liquidity Premium
• Under certain assumptions, one can decompose Libor–EONIA spread into credit and liquidity
premium components and try to take a view on these conditions in general.
• The expected long-term view on 3m Libor–EONIA can be used to construct a view on long-term
maturity Libor–EONIA spread.
2) Taking a view on the EONIA–Germany component
• Bund ASWs EONIA–Germany component is affected by deficit and growth prospects, risk
aversion, swapped issuance, repo and liquidity related issues on the government bond leg of the
swap spread.
• The most important of these factors in terms of setting the medium- to long-term trend on the
EONIA–Germany component is the deficit expectations.
Example: What happens to EONIA–Germany component in a
rate hiking cycle?
Bund EONIA - Ger
Model Forecast with 3m GC
Jan 00
Jul 01
Jan 03
Jul 04
Jan 06
Jul 07
Jan 09
• In a rate hiking cycle, swap spreads tend to widen, and vice versa.
• The intuitive link is similar to deficit expectations: when the ECB is hiking rates, one would expect
a strong growth environment that leads to higher tax receipts and improving deficits.
• Moreover, in a rate hiking cycle, anecdotally there is more paying activity from swapped issuers
and bank treasuries.
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