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Body Image & Adolescent Development: Annotated Bibliography

Body Image Issues in Adolescent Females and its Effects on Self Esteem and
Adolescent Development
Akunna Imoh
Brandon University
Adolescent Psychology
October 25, 2021
Body Image Issues in Adolescent Females and its Effects on Self no Esteem and
Adolescent Development
Introduction and Thesis
Early adulthood is the stage in which many adolescents establish identity and roles in
society. According to Erikson's theory of development, a successful transition into the stage sees
the adolescents establishing constructive identity and a sense of purpose. Self-esteem is often the
outcome of the successful establishment of self-identity. However, suppose there is a successful
transition. In that case, adolescents tend to struggle with developing identity and thus are inclined
towards role confusion. Body image issues are a centermost factor that facilitates the lost sense
of identity, especially among female adolescents. The aim of this annotated bibliography is to
summarize the study related to body image issues in adolescent females and its effects on selfesteem and adolescent development and conduct and evaluation of its findings.
Chen, Ximei, Yi-jun Luo, and Hong Chen. "Body image victimization experiences and
disordered eating behaviors among Chinese female adolescents: the role of body dissatisfaction
and depression." Sex Roles (2020): 1-11.
Annotation: Body victimization encounters that comprise appearance-related teasing like
fat discourse and destructive remarks by parents as well as peers are connected with female
adolescent disordered eating characters. The study examined the impact of body image
discrimination encounters on disorderly eating characters amongst Chinese adolescent girls using
the point of view of the triple impact ideal and the two trail ideal. The findings of the study
demonstrate that plans targeting to mitigate and lessen verbal abuse ought to further concern
body image harassment as a fundamental aim also that program measures for messy eating traits
could assist an enhanced body image amongst young girls and also guide them to release
destructive impact over emotion control approaches. The article is necessary for further research
regarding the topic because it demonstrates that victimization encounters impacted cognitive
limit eating over mediating result of body displeasure besides impacted sensitive eating among
young girls.
del Mar Bibiloni, Maria, Jordi Pich, Antoni Pons, and Josep A. Tur. "Body image and
eating patterns among adolescents." BMC public health 13, no. 1 (2013): 1-10.
Annotation: The article examined the relationship concerning body image also eating
designs amid usual weight, obese, and overweight adolescents. The study method used for this
research is a cross-sectional survey. The study results show that 51% of males and 60% of young
girls that desired to be slimmer had fewer than or similar to three intake instances each day.
Overfat females that want to be slimmer missed breakfast more regularly compared to ordinary
fat girls. Overfat males and females who liked a slimmer body accounted for a lower intake of
numerous food groups than usual, overweight adolescents, as well as overfat boys satisfied with
their body image. A limitation to Western diet foods and the energy consumption is related to a
desire to be slimmer amongst overfat adolescents. The research piece is vital for future research
regarding the topic since it concludes that meal designs and food intake are related to body
dissatisfaction and overfat condition among adolescents.
Howells, Karen, and Sarah Grogan. "Body image and the female swimmer: Muscularity
but in moderation." Qualitative research in sport, exercise and health 4, no. 1 (2012): 98-116.
Annotation: The study aims to examine personification in a group of female swimmers.
The study was conducted by reviewing nineteen Scottish female swimmers who participated in
the focused groups also interviews, all adolescents. The researchers examined targeted groups
and consultations using inductive strategic exploration. The investigation recognized three body
appearance subjects related to whirling: the effect of whirling on the physique –sturdiness
although in control body assurance as temporary: age matter also the impact of the peers.
Swimmers advanced powerful bodies that were regarded opposing to the thin cultural model.
Around were evident variations among the diverse age sets regarding the changes of physique
fulfilment whereby adult swimmers shifted their whirling courage into their shared spheres,
although this was not the situation for the teenage swimmers.
Longobardi, C., M. A. Fabris, L. E. Prino, and M. Settanni. "The role of body image
concerns in online sexual victimization among female adolescents: the mediating effect of risky
online behaviors." Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma 14, no. 1 (2021): 51-60.
Annotation: Adolescents girls are mostly in danger of body image distresses. Girls
incline to make effective usage of social media channels, which could tip adolescents into
actions that upsurge the risk of online sexual discrimination. Through a cross-sectional analysis,
the researchers examine the link among body image issues also online sexual victimization in a
portion of the female adolescent population and also intervening role of three kinds of
threatening online actions in this linkage. According to the study, findings show that 2 out 3
threatening online activities demonstrated to be intermediaries of the unintended connection
known as undiscriminating growth of online relationship of contacts as well as readiness to have
links with unfamiliar person met online. The study is necessary for future research since it
demonstrates that teenage girls with a destructive body view have a higher danger of online
sexual discrimination.
Miranda, Valter PN, Paulo Roberto S. Amorim, Ronaldo R. Bastos, Vitor GB Souza,
Eliane R. Faria, Sylvia CC Franceschini, Paula C. Teixeira, Núbia de S. de Morais, and Silvia E.
Priore. "Body image disorders associated with lifestyle and body composition of female
adolescents." Public health nutrition 24, no. 1 (2021): 95-105.
Annotation: The study's objective is to study the association between body image as well
as the way of life also body conformation of adolescent girls. The researchers gathered findings
through the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) and the Silhouette Scale and Sociocultural
Attitudes Towards Look Questionnaire -3 were utilized to investigate the partakers' body image.
The researcher used a cross-sectional study during this investigation. The research partakers’
comprised four hundred and five female adolescents aged between fourteen to nineteen ages old
living in the metropolitan of Vicosa-MG, Brazil. The findings from the analysis demonstrated
that nearly half of the partakers were not satisfied with their present physical look. A significant
percentage also showed perception distortions, and numerous adolescents were displeased with
their bodies following the BSQ. The article is essential for future research regarding the topic
since it presents particular lifestyles and body composition patterns that appear to be related to
female adolescents and extreme concern regarding appearance.
Morais, Núbia de Souza de, Valter Paulo Neves Miranda, and Silvia Eloiza Priore. "Body
image of female adolescents and their association with body composition and sedentary
behavior." Science & Public Health 23 (2018): 2693-2703.
Annotation: The objective of this report is examining the body image as well as its
relationship with body conformation, besides the passive action of female adolescents. The
report derived its findings from the cross-sectional study, which involved female adolescents as
the targeted participants. The results demonstrate that all body composition measurements are
substantially related to body dissatisfaction, and the waist circumference and weight to height
ratio tare. The article is critical for future research since its findings show that sedentary
behavior was elevated during the study although it was not associated to the destructive
examination of body image.
Nesbitt, Amy, Catherine M. Sabiston, Melissa deJonge, Shauna Solomon-Krakus, and
Timothy N. Welsh. "Barbie's new look: Exploring cognitive body representation among female
children and adolescents." PloS one 14, no. 6 (2019): e0218315.
Annotation: The actual Barbie doll's impractical body figure can destructively impact
undeveloped females' body image. This study aimed to examine if adolescent girls are involved
in a reflex self-other equivalent procedure when seeing the diverse Barbie doll symbols. The
limitation of this study is that it does not present the participant-level data because of
consideration of data privacy and lack of consent. The results from the article demonstrate that
girls are involved in a self-other body identical procedure when seeing Barbie, although the doll's
body type impacts the strength of this matching. The research is essential for future research
because its results offer new facts on the essential mental instruments that happen when girls are
open to physique silent toys as well as might have consequences for adolescent girls' body image
growth and the use of look grounded social evaluations.
Olenik-Shemesh, D. and Heiman, T., 2017. Cyberbullying victimization in adolescents as
related to body esteem, social support, and social self-efficacy. The Journal of genetic
psychology, 178(1), pp.28-43.
Annotation: The study explored cyberbullying harassment in the setting of concerns of
fundamental significance to youth: body appreciation, social self-efficacy, also social support.
The findings from the research study indicate that classical peer cyberbullying victimization is
substantially associated with low body approval, particularly in western cultures, explicitly
relating to weight. The study findings are essential for future research concerning the topic since
other findings indicated the connection between bullying harassment, look-based bullying, low
body approval, also psychological challenges midst youth. The results from the study can also be
utilized for future research regarding the topic since it extends knowledge concerning probable
individual as well as social risk aspects for cyber victimization, particularly during adolescence.
Pedro, Titilola M., Lisa K. Micklesfield, Kathleen Kahn, Stephen M. Tollman, John M.
Pettifor, and Shane A. Norris. "Body image satisfaction, eating attitudes and perceptions of
female body silhouettes in rural South African adolescents." PLoS One 11, no. 5 (2016):
Annotation: The article examines the relationship between BM1, disorderly
consumption attitude, body discontent in teenage girls, and expressive features dispensed to
silhouettes of diverse scopes in male as well as adolescent girls aged between eleven to fifteen in
rural South Africa. During the analysis, the researchers analyzed examining height as well as
weight to define BMI. Age as well as sex-precise cut-offs for skinny as well as
overweight/obesity by means of Feel-ideal Discrepancy (FID) scores. The researchers collected
Eating Attitude Test-26 as well as female Silhouettes through self-administered questionnaires,
which were issued to three hundred and eighty-five adolescents. The results reveal that the
occurrence of overweight also obesity was greater in girls compared to boys in both youthful
periods. There was no difference recorded in EAT-26 amid the teenage groups. The findings also
reveal that most of the males also girls in both teenage groups view the too thin silhouettes as
unhappy besides weak. On the other hand, most girls perceived typical shapes to be best. The
article is critical for future research since it suggests a necessity for a policy framework that will
discourse a vigorous body size amongst South African youths.
Schneider, S., Weiß, M., Thiel, A., Werner, A., Mayer, J., Hoffmann, H., & Diehl, K.
(2013). Body dissatisfaction in female adolescents: extent and correlates. European journal of
pediatrics, 172(3), 373-384.
Annotation: The article intended to examine the degree, designs, and foretellers of
feelings of body unhappiness encountered by female German teenagers. The researchers
obtained findings using 3D-avatar software whereby a model populace of one hundred and forty
adolescent girls who were asked to approximate their authentic body image , their wanted body
image (personal model) and the body image they supposed their parents as well as finest female
friends' regard as the model body image for them. The results show that socio-economic
conditions and the total of time spent viewing television are related to substantially advanced
body displeasure. The destructive body image correlated to remarks made by parents was also
substantially coupled with body dissatisfaction. The article is vital for further research since its
findings propose that future plans ought to target the risk sets of physically sedentary girls, those
teenagers that smoke, plus those with lesser social conditions and great proportions of TV