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Nursing Philosophy Essay: Patient-Centered Care

Nursing Philosophy
Nursing Philosophy
Nursing Philosophy
My philosophy of nursing comes from many of the aspects of my life. I have performed
many different roles in my life so far. I am a wife, mother, daughter, former school teacher, and
student. I am also a future nurse. Nursing actually came as a second profession after I realized it
would be hard to find a job as a teacher close to my family. I also was very disappointed at the
way the public school system has become a series of high stakes tests. I thought about how I
enjoyed helping others, teaching others, as well as the science of the human body. When I
thought of a profession that allowed me to use those traits, nursing seemed like a perfect fit for
As a nurse I hope to experience many different things before deciding on what area I
would like to practice in long term. The surgical nurse is one of my interests. The science geek in
me wants to be able to witness that many surgeries, both normal and abnormal, that occur in a
hospital. One of the other areas I am interested in is an oncology nurse. I lost my grandmother
to breast cancer and I want to help and support the many patients that are going through
cancer treatments. I do have a desire to further my nursing career to become a nurse
practitioner. Nurse practitioners are some of the best healthcare providers in my opinion and I
hope to become one also. As a nurse practitioner, I would like to specialize in family medicine,
woman’s health, or geriatrics. My close bond with my grandmother makes me want to provide
the best life possible for the older adult. The desire to specialize in family medicine or woman’s
health is due to the wonderful nurse practitioners I have encountered in those fields.
The primary focus of the nurse should be to make every patients life the very best and
healthful that it can be. A nurse can do this in many ways such as being a listener, providing
support, or advocating for the patient. A nurse’s job is much more that administering
Nursing Philosophy
medication, taking vitals, or giving a bath. I envision myself as a nurse who goes above and
beyond the call of duty without overstepping the boundaries of my field. I will treat every
patient with respect, respond to his/her needs as quickly as possible, and listen to the patient in
times of need. Also, I will support the patient, advocate for them as well as performing the
other duties of a nurse such as administering medication, assessing vitals, or giving the patient
a bath.
So what is a patient? A patient is any person who is sick, injured, or needing nursing care
that is entrusted to my care in whatever setting I work in as a nurse. A patient can be a man or
woman, young or old, and can be of many different backgrounds. If that person is in my care
whether it is for an entire shift or for a few minutes to help another nurse, the person is still a
patient in my eyes.
Health has many different views based on the person and in what part of life the person
is in. Health is an ongoing state, and can be either physical or mental. To be healthy I believe
means that someone is able to perform the activities of daily life with little hindrance due to an
illness whether it is physical or mental. If being healthy enough to complete a person’s daily
activities requires the additional help of a medication for a chronic illness or an assistive device
then so be it. Due to some acute illnesses a person can become unhealthy for some time and
return to healthy. Even though a person is more at risk for illness as he/she ages I believe that if
they are happy with what activities they can perform with minimal help then they can be
considered healthy.
Nursing takes on a more holistic role because the patient is the center of care. The
doctor is in charge of treating the illness or injury, the nurse is in charge of treating the other
Nursing Philosophy
aspects of the patient. The two roles may overlap some when a nurse is entrusted to maintain a
regime of medications or other treatments. Mainly though a nurse looks at a patient’s body,
mind, and spirit. The body aspect includes but is not limited to the assessment of vitals,
administering medications, bathing, or changing dressing. The mind aspect is when the nurse is
listening to the patient, understanding the patient’s concerns and fears, helping a patient
understand why a medical intervention must occur or supporting the patient. The spirit aspect
is when the nurse helps a patient with any spiritual or religious needs when it relates to the
patient’s medical treatment. Environment includes anything within a patient’s culture, social
setting, physiological health, and psychological health that affect the health and well-being of
that person.
A nurse is caring in many ways. Caring can be verbal such as when you talk to your
patient about why they are fearful or teaching them how to properly take a medication. Caring
can also be nonverbal such as responding to a patient’s need quickly, helping him/her complete
a task, or administering the correct medication to the correct patient. Caring can also be shown
when you help a patient’s faith by showing that you care and support them. Also by treating
your patient with respect as God intended helps to share your faith with your patients and with
your fellow peers and shows that you care for your patients.
My philosophy of nursing comes from many aspects of my life and involves the treating
the medical needs of the patient, caring for the patient psychologically, and helping the patient
with any spiritual or faith needs. I learned caring from being a mother and wife. I learned
through many experiences how to incorporate spiritual help and share it with others. The
science I have learned allows me to help care and treat my patients medically. The wife, mother
Nursing Philosophy
and teacher aspect has helped me to learn how to become a great supporter, listener, and