Ionic Bonding with Partners (Cation Person) Partner #1 Name: _______________________________ (Anion Person) Partner #2 Name: _______________________________ Directions: 1. Partner #1 - Go to this random number generator. Set the minimum at 1 and the maximum at 20. Click generate. Both partners should write this number into column A. 2. Partner #1 - Go to this document and locate the name of the cation that corresponds to your random number. Both partners should write the name of the cation in column B. 3. Partner #2 - Go to this random number generator. Set the minimum at 1 and the maximum at 20. Click generate. Both partners should write this number into column C. 4. Partner #2 - Go to this document and locate the name of the anion that corresponds to your random number. Both partners should write the name of the anion in column D. 5. Both partners - work together to figure out the formula for the compound (column E) and the name of the compound (column F). 6. Repeat this for a total of twenty times. Do not use the same combination twice. If you happen to get the same combination twice, choose two more random numbers. Match # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A Random Number for Cation (1-20) B Name of Cation C Random Number for Anion (1-20) D Name of Anion E Formula for Compound F Name of Compound 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20