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Turbine Performance: Discussion Questions & Answers

Harjinder Singh
Discussion Questions
1. In Experiment 2, how does the spear valve setting affect the performance of the
By decreasing the spear value, the turbine efficiency goes up as we see in experiment
2. When the spear value is at fully open, we get an efficiency of 0.6% but when the
spear value is at 0, we get an efficiency of 99.9%
2. In Experiment 2, as you increase the load on the turbine, what do you notice about
the inlet pressure and flow (and therefore hydraulic power)?
Since the flow rates are constant, the inlet pressure stays the same. So, in this case,
flow rate does not depend on load and thus nothing happens to hydraulic power.
3. In Experiment 4, how does the guide vane setting and the inlet pressure affect the
performance of the turbine and why?
When the guide vane is at 100%, we get higher efficiency values. Inlet pressure
however does not affect the efficiency by a lot.
4. How do you think it is possible to use a turbine in its maximum efficiency?
The most efficient system we see is the speer value at 0% and inlet pressure of 72000 Pascals.