CAUSE AND EFFECT IRISH NICOLE B. GARCIA DEFINITION CAUSE • a reason for an action or condition : motive. something that brings about an effect or a result trying to find the cause of the accident. A person or thing that is the occasion of an action or state a cause for celebration. • Cause is the producer of an effect. It can be a person, thing, situation, fact, or any other event that exists or acts in a way that can result to the happening of some specific thing. EFFECT • Effect is something that is produced by a cause. It is the consequence or result of an event that has happened. When you do something, it is expected to result in something and the outcome or result is the effect. WORDS USE TO SHOW CAUSE AND EFFECT Therefore Thus (as a) consequence Consequently Due to so (as a) result results in leads to since owing to effect cause if… then affect because (of) reason explanation accordingly EXAMPLE Sentence: • Because the alarm was not set, we were late for work. • Since school was canceled, we went to the mall. • Betty completed each task perfectly, therefore she was promoted. Paragraph: • The proper hygiene practices were being taught during the primary school years. However, some forget it when they enter secondary school years, Which become the reason why there are pre-teens and teens that having a problem with their hygiene like for example, body odor. Proper hygiene practices may seem basic but there are a large number of people that lack information on hygiene. Such lack of information on hygiene leads to poor hygiene practices that result in disease outbreaks within a society.