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Standard Model of Atom Extra Credit Assignment

The Standard Model of the Atom- Extra CreditIf this is well done, it will increase your term grade by up to 5 points. This is not just a 5 pt
assignment, but a grade increase. But to earn a 5 pt increase, it must be well done.
But even a 1 pt increase can change your grade from a 69 to a 70, a 79 to an 80 or a 89 to a 90.
In class, we completed a timeline about the development of our understanding of an atom. We
will continue to explore these fundamental aspects. But Scientists now also theorize the
subatomic ‘particles’ can be broken down further. These smaller aspects of atoms are called
quarks, as well as leptons, gluons and other names.
Research the Standard model of atoms, including quarks, watch videos about quarks, learn about
what has been and is being discovered. Also include lepton and gluons and others.
Then do one of the following:
● Write a two page paper (Times New Roman, font size 12, double spaced.)
● Complete an infographic- Click here for Infographic guidesheet
Minimally, in either the paper or infographic, make sure you address the following:
● What particles make up each subatomic particle; protons, neutrons, electrons.
● The difference between quarks, leptons and gluons and others.
● The year each was announced.
● What this current understanding doesn't explain.
No matter if you do a paper or an infographic, you must use proper citation.
● Make a Work cited page and cite your sources.
● NO PLAGIARISM- NO CUT AND PASTE except for images that you cite.
● Use MLA format. Just a URL is not acceptable. Here is a link for how to complete a
work cited page using EasyBib.
○ MLA Works Cited Page- See my sample below the image.
● This is to be turned in through google classroom ONLY.
Work cited:
Education, FuseSchool - Global. “Quarks ( Video ): Physics.” CK, CK-12 Foundation, 10 Aug. 2018,
See next page for Rubric
Grading Rubric.
I will not give lots of feedback on extra credit.
I will review your work,
I will highlight the appropriate aspect of the rubric and issue the grade.
Extra Credit for you, should never mean extra work for me!
Great Job
Good Job
Content included
and correct showing
You went beyond the
requirements and you
got it all right. Show
good understanding.
You met the
requirements and a
little bit byond. You
got most of it right.
Show understanding.
Yup, you completed
it, you did the
minimum and you
might understand it,
but evidence does not
support what you
really understand.
Format and
You met the
requirements for
either the paper or
infographic and
perhaps exceeded the
You met most of the
requirements for
either the paper or
You missed key
Work Cited
You properly cited all
work using MLA
You properly cited
most of your work
using MLA format
You didn’t cite your
work properly.
Three Greats- 5 pts
2 Greats and one Good- 4 pts
Three Goods- 3 pts.
One Great, One Good, and one but… 2 pts
Three buts…. Or My choice- 1 pt