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Econometrics Assignment: Female Labor Force Participation

Ron Miller
Assignment 1: Due Feb. 3
1) This problem uses female lfp.dta, which contains data from a sample of married
white women in the US, in 1975. We are interested in determinants of female labor
force participation. Take a look at the variables in the data set and their means
before getting started.
a) Estimate a linear probability model for lfp, as a function of all the other variables
in the model. Be sure to allow for heteroskedasticity with the robust option. All else
equal: are older or younger women more likely to be in the workforce? College
educated woman or non-college educated women? Look at the results for inc and
discuss including economic intuition. For each observation, predict the probability
of having labor force participation. Are there any problems with these predictions?
b) Re-estimate the model from part a) using a probit and then with a logit, focusing
on the marginal effects. Are there meaningful differences in the implications among
the three different models? If so, discuss these differences. For each observation,
for the probit, predict the probability of labor force participation. How do these
predictions differ from those of part a)?
c) For the probit model, compare the marginal effect of inc for women who have
attended college as compared to women who have not attended college. Interpret
your results.
d) For the probit model, test the joint hypothesis that both college attendance
variables have no effect. Do it using each of the three ML tests and compare the
2) Assume that the distribution of x is f(x) = 1/θ, 0≤x≤θ. If you have a random
sample from this distribution, show that the sample maximum is a consistent
estimator of θ. It is possible to show that this is also the MLE, but the usual
properties do not apply here. Please explain why they do not. (Consider the
expectation of the score.)
3) Suppose that x is distributed Weibull:
f (x |α , β ) = αβ (−α ) x (α −1)e −( x/β )
a) Find the log-likelihood function for a random sample of N observations.
b) Find the likelihood equations (that is first order conditions) with respect to α and
β. The first should offer an explicit solution. But after substituting that into the
equation for β, the solution is only implicit. How would you find the MLE?
c) Find the second derivative matrix of the log-likelihood with respect to α and β.
The expectations of this matrix are difficult to derive analytically. But your results
Ron Miller
should suggest an empirical estimator of it. How would you estimate the asymptotic
covariance matrix for your estimators in (b)?