lOMoARcPSD|11798610 Lesson 2 - ETHICS Ethics (Bicol University) StuDocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Quency TAN (janelm027@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|11798610 THREE LEVELS OF MORAL DILEMMA The ethical standards of an organization have a major influence on how it conducts its functions. A positive approach to maintaining ethical standards can lead to positive outcomes in an organization. However, moral and ethical shortcomings also exist even in the most successful organizations. These can be classified at three levels: Individual dilemma – Organizations and businesses are run by people. Therefore, the ethical standards of these individuals are an important consideration. - Because individuals can have different set of ethical standards, this can lead to tensions putting them in a situation called moral dilemma. - Factors such as peer pressure, personal financial position and socio-economic status may influence an individual’s ethical standards. Organizational dilemma – At a company, corporate or organizational level, ethical standards are embedded in the policies and procedures of the organization, and form an important foundation on which the organization is built. - There can be a gap between the company/organization policy on ethical standards and the conduct of those leaders in-charge of running the organization, which can present an ethical challenge for some employees. Structural dilemma – Factors such as political pressures, economic conditions, societal attitudes to certain businesses, and even business regulation can influence a system’s operating standards and policies. Leaders must be aware of how these pressure affect operations, relationships, and how they may impact people locally, nationally or internationally. MORAL VS. NON-MORAL STANDARDS Morality – standards that a person or a group has about what is right and wrong, or good and evil. Moral Standards - those concerned with or relating to human behavior, especially the distinction between good and bad (or right and wrong) behavior. - - involve the rules people have about the kinds of actions they believe are morally right and wrong, as well as the values they place on the kinds of objects they believe are morally good and morally bad. Some ethicists equate moral standards with moral values and moral principles. Non-moral Standards - refer to rules that are unrelated to moral or ethical considerations. - - - Either these standards are not necessarily linked to morality or by nature lack ethical sense. Basic examples of non-moral standards include rules of etiquette, fashion standards, rules in games, and various house rules. Technically, religious rules, some traditions, and legal statutes (i.e. laws and ordinances) are non-moral principles, though they can be ethically relevant depending on some factors and contexts. The following six (6) characteristics of moral standards further differentiate them from non-moral standards: a. Moral standards involve serious wrongs or significant benefits. - Moral standards deal with matters which can seriously impact, that is, injure or benefit human beings. - For instance, following or violating some basketball rules may matter in basketball games but does not necessarily affect one’s life or wellbeing. b. Moral standards ought to be preferred to other values. - Moral standards have overriding character or hegemonic authority. - If a moral standard states that a person has the moral obligation to do something, then he/she is supposed to do that even if it conflicts with other non-moral standards, and even with self-interest. c. Moral standards are not established by authority figures. Dianna Rose O. Belen, RN, LPT 2018-2019 GE 8 ETHICS Downloaded by Quency TAN (janelm027@gmail.com) 2nd Sem lOMoARcPSD|11798610 - - Moral standards are not invented, formed, or generated by authoritative bodies or persons such as nations’ legislative bodies. Ideally instead, these values ought to be considered in the process of making laws. FREEDOM: FOUNDATION OF MORALITY By: Alex Salter What is the role of human freedom in morality? - d. Moral standards have the trait of universalizability. - Simply put, it means that everyone should live up to moral standards. - To be more accurate, however, it entails that moral principles must apply to all who are in the relevantly similar situation. - If one judges that act A is morally right for a certain person P, then it is morally right for anybody relevantly similar to P. e. Moral standards are based on impartial considerations. - Moral standard does not evaluate standards on the basis of the interests of a certain person or group, but one that goes beyond personal interests to a universal standpoint in which each person’s interests are impartially counted as equal. - Personal Morality - The personal aspect of morality— which might more properly be called ethics—is about the cultivation of virtue: the development of character traits so that choosing the good becomes a matter of habit. - An efficient and well-run ship is like a virtuous person: both have regularized the internal practices necessary to be a good example of what it is. There is one crucial difference, however: a ship’s crew is run hierarchically, under the command of a captain. But a person, in order to be truly virtuous, must be free to cultivate the virtues, or not. - There is no virtue in being temperate when you are being forced not to indulge. There is no virtue in being charitable when someone is forcing you to give up what is yours. Virtue can be guided by cultural traditions and social institutions, but it cannot be coerced. A virtuous man must also be a free man. - Thus, freedom is essential to a genuinely good human life at all the levels of morality. Impartiality is usually depicted as being free of bias or prejudice. Impartiality in morality requires that we give equal and/or adequate consideration to the interests of all concerned parties. f. Moral standards are associated with special emotions and vocabulary. - Prescriptivity indicates the practical or action-guiding nature of moral standards. - These moral standards are generally put forth as injunction or imperatives (such as, ‘Do not kill,’ ‘Do no unnecessary harm,’ and ‘Love your neighbor’). - These principles are proposed for use, to advise, and to influence to action. - Retroactively, this feature is used to evaluate behavior, to assign praise and blame, and to produce feelings of satisfaction or of guilt. Every ship must be well run on its own, but each must also coordinate with all the others so that they avoid collisions and stay in formation. Finally, the fleet must be set on a destination, which constitutes the purpose of their journey. This is a helpful way to think about morality regarding self, others, and our ultimate end. If a person violates a moral standard by telling a lie even to fulfill a special purpose, it is not surprising if he/she starts feeling guilty or being ashamed of his behavior afterwards. On the contrary, no much guilt is felt if one goes against the current fashion trend (e.g. refusing to wear tattered jeans). Dianna Rose O. Belen, RN, LPT 2018-2019 GE 8 ETHICS Downloaded by Quency TAN (janelm027@gmail.com) 2nd Sem