Uploaded by Jai Ruiz

Political Qualifications & Education

1. Our country's job qualifications are better than the presidential qualifications.
-Comelec must require a degree related to politics.
-Job requires a lot while in politics, if you're popular, you're good to go.
-Filipinos find this qualification for aspiring politicians unfair.
-Other nations think that the Philippine standard is too low when it comes to government.
-Qualification must be changed. Only those deserving will have the chance.
2. Politicians with good educational attainment will lead to better government.
- Trusting their program will be easy due to their license and degree.
- Managing a crisis will be trouble-free since they have already studied it.
-Elected politicians can easily transact with other countries.
- The laws and regulation they will make is based on how people would benefit.
- Their character and integrity will not be questioned.