Uploaded by parnian bm

Assignment 1 Instructions

Assignment 1
No unapproved extension of the deadline is allowed. Late submission will lead to 0 credit.
Discussion is encouraged, but each student must write his own answers and explicitly mention
any collaborators.
Both the code and output of your code should be clearly shown to get the marks of the
question. You can use the print function to print the result you want to show. You can use
comments to show your text answers in a code cell.
If you have iterations or loops in your code, try not to print all the intermediate results because
your output will be too long!
The final file you should submit is a single pdf file with at most 10 pages including
your code and answers to the questions.
Both Jupyter notebook and pdf files of the assignment will be provided. You don't have to use
jupyter notebook if you are not comfortable with using it, but I strongly encourage students
who are not very familiar with Python to use it.
If you do use jupyter notebook for this assignment, please convert the jupyter notebook file
to pdf before you submit. You can use File->Download as->PDF to convert this file to pdf. If
you encounter an error message saying xelatex is not found on PATH, please refer to this video
to solve the problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RygYGchOmcY
Be sure to finish the "TODO: To be answered by students" section to get your credit (either in
jupyter notebook or writing answers in your own report).
If you have ANY questions regarding this assignment, feel free to ask on Discord or send the
instructor or TA an email.